(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Hello! So long no post liao hor! hehe.. i have only been viewing post but seldom post liao!

Kim cant crawl so i will skip this round till she can. if not quite waste money!

As I have mentioned to u on msn if u need ppl so that u can go for the trial on sat. I have checked with shirley n she dun mind going on Sat as well so that u gals can do the trial.
Since we have already decided to sign up n it would be our first class so we r okie with going on sat. N if u n wendy decide to signup then we can have our own class. Mini gathering...keke

The gal tell u 4-5 then can start the class aah. That time she say so long as 3 ppl she will start for me already n weekdays she allow 2 ppl.

But the Nov mummy also arranging for the same class right maybe we can all go together too.
<font color="0000ff">dor</font> actually she told me 3 bbs can start liao but i think 3 like very lil so i thought if can get 1-2 more the better mah. oh if u n shirley keen, then i can call them to confirm the class. if gd, then i might sign up immediately cos i wanna a class to stimulate caleb to move on to the next stage, i.e stand wifout support or even cruise with support. i believe stimulation is gd to exposure them to achieve.
Damien wearing L size for his Huggies, Fiti, Momy Poko, Sealer, Pampers.....hahaha
I buy alot of brands hor. huggies size smaller aah I didn't realise leh cos the momy poko pants looks smaller to me leh.
Die lah now I must spend more money buying those pant diapers liao cos D everytime scream till like I murdering him when I try to wear diaper after his bath leh. Then finally I manage to put on liao he will pull the tape off. Jialat man.

The cakes look very nice leh make me so tempted. But how much did she quote u aah?? But then again if they do celebration for D will be mostly guests above 40 leh. Like that super sian leh. Buy so nice a cake also wasted...hahaha

Happy 9mths ISSAC

bbgrace nedlands
The way u 2 gals talk about the resort until make me so giam to go there!!!
<font color="0000ff">vivian</font> wanna know what i buying? alot. includes things like toys as favours for friends' children, toys for games for the children attending his party. deco items n some costume items. toys for prizes too.
U saw the Nov mum posting??
Cos if u really interested to signup its better to sign earlier cos of their promotion. But too bad u not free to trial by this week aah cos its their June promo n they offer the Nov mum also until 1st july.

Basically u get 2 free classes n if u sign for the 12 sessions u get free membership which cost $50.
<font color="0000ff">Dor</font> i saw the post. this week not possible cos tmr going sentosa n sunday usually go church so dun wanna tire him out wif too many activities in a day. prefer sat for selfish reason - excuse not to go back IL's place but now timing is 1pm so... defeat my purpose... WAHAHAHAHA!!! thought if 5pm then best!!!!!

anyway, i wanna try first then see how.
So envy your zac zac can sleep thru the nite... Rhys still need nite feed and now even worse, coz think his upper teeth is coming out, so he recently keep waking up crying and fussing in the middle of the nite... sigh... when can i ever have a nice good sleep.... I want my banyan tree back!!!

Bintan hor, I only been to Banyan Trees and Bintan Lagoon Resort. After going to banyan for a few times, decided to go some other resort for a change and main reason also no money lah... but eee... machiam like hotel stay in Singapore lor... in fact worse than the hotels here... so no choice now, have to spend more money to go banyan liao.
The place there is fantastic... more for couples to relaz. Oh, not forgetting the jacuzzi in the villa... haa.. go in naked also no one see... oops...
For kids hor, i think it is pretti boring. Well, they can play at the beach, got very nice swimming pool and that's abt it for kids lor. But for 2D1N, should be ok. If you are want a lot of activities esp. for a family hor, think Club Med might be a better place to go...
Oh, another impt point hor, in Banyan Tree, all use USD... not cheap for having meals there. So we usually packed cup noodles there... otherwise hor, the meals there might cost you few hundreds. We very cheapo one... But i must mention that their food is VERY nice...
The trip i just went, we took our dinner alfresco style with a small live band singing for us, with the sea breeze and stars above, it is like paradize... all worth it...

Me dun have special rates lah. I booked thru travel agents lor. Just that Banyan side got our records so they will try to make it a bit special for us, such as free gifts and free upgrade of villa.
I think i stayed in all the villa types before except on-the-rock. All these while, I ONLY book the cheapest one, Valley Villa. But they upgrade for us. So super value for money lor. This time, they upgraded us from Valley Villa to Bayfront (2 villa jump). Actually the difference between seafront or bayfront hor, is the layout of the villa and view. But hor, some of the cheaper villa also might have a better view than the more ex one... so heng suay...
I got a valley villa that time and the view was prefect. I got pix of all the villas i think (nothing to do there so me took pix of EVERYTHING!! including the toilet). I even got a video abt the villa... haa... if you interested to see, let me know ok?? All my friends and colleagues already brand me as Banyan Tree promoter liao... haa...
I tot u need to work on sat?? Now dun need liao ahh??
For me sun hubby can join so okie but means we can't go swimming cos too siong for D if gym n swim. So I dun mind going sat also so sun can go swimming. But see shirley how lor.
N see if the nov mum manage to have the sat class open anot.
btw, dun know is it ok to post this...
The cashline promo hor, not exactly the cheapest leh... those perks such as free afternoon tea etc... are also available in other agency offers (no need cashline one). I had all those perks PLUS breakfast daily when I booked with another agency at a cheaper price leh. Mine is 3D2N lah but I did called the agency that is giving the cashline promo too and they charges a bit higher and without breakfast for 3D2N. Btw, the breakfast is S$30 per head.
So those who are considering the cashline promo, maybe can also call up other agency to check, just in case lah...
Tell me about skinny dipping in the jacuzzi..haha! That's why i say that place is best not to bring kids :p

Club Med is best to go when the kids are at least 4 yrs old so that they can take part in the activities and i feel safe to leave them on their own with the kids' club while i go do my own activities like trapeze? haha!

Banyan Tree is shiok but with D around, it'll be a different experience lah.
Hubby and i are seriously thinking of bringing both kids to a resort stay in a few months time. Maybe Phuket or Bali.
I fetched Emma on a bike today!
She was ok for a while but she later got tired and wanted to be carried so i had to cycle with a crying baby, damn stressed.
The next time better choose a good timing.
<font color="0000ff">My Super PR Damien</font>

Sometimes hor I really dunno how to say this D leh. Cos I was jus complaining to u gals that D dun like to wave bye bye n lazy to clap.
Then on thurs I brought him to the wet market n my mum was 'showing' him to her market friends n there he was. Keep smiling n talking to them. Dun even need to ask him to wave bye bye. He auto wave byebye to aunties he saw. N he was behaving like such a smart bb leh even me also BTH him. He feel hot want to go liao he jus bye bye the auntie. Then can keep clapping his hands also machiam so hao lian leh.
Means u can cycle with 1 hand lah so smart!! cos I can't hahaha

Oh yah Damien let go of his hand today while he was standing in the cot but it was a few sec thing only cos he jus let go both hands n then hold back the rail liao then I realised I was holding my breath!....hahaha


n see he bites his cot until so jialat!!
Means we can't dump him there when we eat dinner already
No lah, i can cycle with 1 hand on my own, but not with Emma. No choice, just cycle with her crying in her seat lor. Then stop a while to carry her and comfort her and then continue with the journey till i reached the bike kiosk.
hi doreen,

daimen has quite sharp teeth... during our dinner, we will put tricia on the ikea high chair and she will sit there, see us eat. hehee..
clever boy, next time will be an auntie's boy. know hw/when to be sweet to aunties..

hi bbgrace,

where did u go cycling? East Coast Park? envy u. me cant cycle, need to be on those double seats.
Yah lor his teeth damn sharp leh n now he teething again BTH. He likes to BITE me now. he knows he's not supposed to so he will suddenly jus bite the part nearest to him n pull. Pain sia n can see his teeth marks. N if I scold him he either laugh at me or hide his face from me....sigh
How I wish his teeth can come out quickly cos he's really cranky lor.
hi doreen,

same as u. tricia is teething again. and she is quite cranky starting last nite. last nite, dun know hw many times she wake up and we need to pat her back to sleep. though it's my hb who pat her to sleep, i will also wake up..
she also bite pple, esp on the shoulder. i kena a blue black from her biting.

just now, i lose my temper at her cos she was crying. tried to feed, carry, sit, lie down also dun want. in the end, my hb bring her go for walk dwnstair.. feel quite bad that i shouted at her.
Understand how u feel cos me also pek chek with D jus now crying murder when I was changing him then keep wanting to crawl away. So I piak his backside a few times but there he was still crawling away machiam no feeling 1. Aiyoh really bth him aah maybe too much fats....hahahahha
Good morning mummies,
I am a first time mom. My girl was born in January 2007. Hope you don't mind that I come in to seek advice. I am planning to get high chair for my girl as she is going to start solic soon. Hope mummies here could recommend high chair that is value for money.
hi saphira,

i bought the ikea high chair which is now commonly used in foodcourt & plus the tabletop. find it quite value for money, as it's quite stable. only 1 thing that i dun like, are the 4 protruding legs. need to watch out for it though.
hello ladies... been a long while since i had time to pop in... haven had time to catch up on postings yet. only managed to browse thru the postings in this pg. saw alot of cute baby photos and i saw Damien's thunder thighs!
not 4getting Rhys' cute expressions!

i bot the IKEA high chair and attached table. v useful for my boy and i hv a high chair toy to entertain him wif.
Share share the contact for the catering leh.

yep, you are right. I'm dying to go back koh samui keke... but the kids dunno how...

So far YLS is ok leh, my relatives and friends like. But I sian le, wanna a change.

gym class, I give it a miss cos sat early PM I can't. Moreover, no intention to start so early.

haha remember your ah boy got thunder thighs leh. MP looks small but is not. Overall Huggies cutting, no matter is tape diaper or pull up, are all small. Jaslyn also ah... so gotta distract her lor.

Over the weekend, I almost die man! Jaslyn just refused every1 except me. She's like a magnet, superglue to me, kept wanting me to carry and imagine Jolene was sick too. I decided to be hard hearted and handed her over to hb and let her cried for as long as she wanted. Guess wat? She cried till she vomitted. Dunno how, where she learnt the trick from. I really "pei fu" her leh, she can cry for an hr non-stop. She super notti lor and has very bad tempered. Even my super good temper hb also lost his cool.

If you are looking for long term use, get those something like Jane's high chair (which can convert to toddler table and chair). If not for IKEA high chair, once babies reach certain height, they can't use liao. I have a cantours (not sure spelling correct) one, almost the same as Jane's at home and an IKEA one at my mum place.
hi morning mummies...

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">VIVIAN!!!</font></font>
i juz went to book my banyan tree "retreat" on saturday, then today see ur post... alamak!!! *tui* leh.....

i paid $1114 (incl of all those +++) for 2 pax, 3D2N, doesnt incl any meals except for e afternoon tea... *haiz*.. feel like kena conned like tat...
hehehe... i tot im e only "weird" one tat takes photographs of all e hotels tat i stay in...
u got my sms abt e shaver on sat???

<font color="0000ff">gemini</font>
hehehe.. i cannot afford to "tu" anymore.. cos they say if reach 24 weeks i cannot travel on e ferry to bintan liaoz...

<font color="0000ff">selina</font>
when u wana place ur order huh?? cos i need to know when to start consolidating my items...

paiseh.. not joining e gym trial liaoz... i dont wana go Vivo anymore for personal reasons....
Hi Selina

may I have the link to the birthday spree? btw, how long do you let caleb drink water after his feeds? wat is his feeding schedule like?
Hi Selina,
Regarding about the birthdaydirect,what is the shipping charges and what exchange rate should I use, my order is around USD130.

I want to order the helium balloons but anyone can tell me where can I rent the helium gas??
Hello just went thru all the posting!

I will get the contact and pm you hehe..

thanks for the links!

Kim knows how to clap as well. When she is happy or we sing to her she will just carry on clapping non-stop.

when we wave to her she will wave back i think following our action but when we really say bye bye.. she bo hiew us.. haha..

Now hor she very naughty and sai nai leh.. Whenever someone wants to carry her she dont want, she will just lie on me. When i m carrying her and i scold her, she will sulk and then lie on me to act pitiful again.

If she in the cot noone with her she will keep yelling. Then once i carry her...!! she starts laughing loudly and making noises.

Dunno the above are good or bad.
Kim can clap liao so good. D clap also not much 1. Now I dunno his bye bye is what leh becos he used to bye bye very low slap his thigh 1. Then I ask him hand high high bye bye. Now hor I think I also blur liao. Dunno if he regard it as high high or bye bye.....kekekekke

I signed up the thingy on Sun liao ur things all with me now. I left in the car the Tshirt n lousy plastic bag..Kekeke
When we go for the class then I pass to u.

I bought the Brun 1 in the end cos its on offer n my mum has the phillips 1 too n i remember her complaining to me about her shaver but now she claims its the best(she said the same thing bout her previous shaver) Since offer n they come with the coth n bag I jus buy lah. kekeke
alamak..... nevermind lah... as long as can go for retreat can liao... hee...
Which villa you book in the end and when you going? Few weeks ago I went hor, the sea a bit rough due to monsoon leh. So try not to eat too much 1 to 2 hrs before you board the ferry. My hb vomitted once last time, now he super scared liao...
Hee... so me and you sama sama lah... likes to take photos of all the hotels we stayed. esp. Banyan coz very nice lor... everytime we step into the villa for the first time, i will tell hb not to touch anything until i take all the shots of the villa... hee...
and thanks for your sms on the shaver...

No need to envy me lah... you can also go for short retreat mah...
I booked thru holidaybagus travel agency. Paid $1076 for valley villa+ferry+all other perks+2 days breakfast.
They upgraded me to bayfront (2 level up).
hi all sorry too busy and tired to logon. those interested in the party supplies, plse pm me so i can send you the order format excel file. hopefully can place order by this weekend cos i will be travelling again soon.

gym trial. since i have wendy, myself & esther, will go ahead with just the 3 of us tis sat. but of course others who are interested n call me.

no fixed schedule on when he drinks water. as n when we feel like it will give him water n depending on weather if humid n hot then we let him drink more. yesterday he drank some 150ml water the entire day.

Caleb's feeding schedule:
8.30am - breakfast (cereal wif 120ml milk)
10am - morning nap + 120ml milk
12.30pm - lunch (porridge)
2.00pm - afternoon nap + 120ml milk
5.30pm - dinner (porridge)
8.30pm - bedtime routine + 210ml milk
Hi selina

thanks for sharing the schedule. Do you give any fruits in between the meals? If yes, what type of fruits and must it be taken after one hour meal?
The thread is moving quite slowly these days. Where's everyone? busy?

<font color="0000ff">Gemini</font>
We went to east coast park to cycle. Pasir Ris Park which is nearer also has bike rental with childseat but we prefer ECP cos we grew up there.
Luckily I can cycle so we each take 1 kid.

<font color="0000ff">Shirley</font>,
Thanks for the headsup for the trial. So free trial is this friday?
<font color="0000ff">Dor</font>, you wanna go? Anyone else free to go?
hi bbgrace
i was juz abt to comment tt as well. i had been v v busy wif work the last few wks. i think u noe why if u hv been reading the papers and watching news recently. its crazy!
finally i had time to come in and post but wun b reading the archives lah. missed too many things alrdy.
oh i bot the activity table but not the brand coz the design is different and its not as interesting to me. we bot a FP one ($49.95) last sat, and R aft playing wif it for less than 10 mins, grew bored and not interested in it anymore.

i juz went to bomb sept thread. hehee... forum-hunger aft abstaining for abt 2 wks! i din realised tt my poor R was so unfortunate as compared to the rest coz they all had varieties of food to eat while R eats the same old porridge day aft day, 2 meals a day. i need to buck up! haha

so whats in the papers and new recently. i have not been following? anything that i should know, dont wanna be mountain tortoise

ya the thread is really slow, everytime i refresh its only one or two posting. me too lazy to post at times cos still figuring out the photobook. so sad cant go for the free trial cos flying back on friday. think you should call to book quickly cos free thing sure very popular


can send me the excel file. will be able to order by this weekend. see you ladies and babies on sat gym
Yah, damn those mozzies. I was at one of the hotspot (East Coast Rd, Telok Kurau Lor N) last fri and all the time i was hoping that the mozzies don't come after me!
Your R is one of the youngest Sep babies mah. So long as he's getting nutrients and liking his porridge, don't need to worry too much.

ya lor, i was hoping to jio more pple along.
How's your photobook getting along? I've finally finished my 6R, now starting on the 21x21

sad to say. i am really lousy at editing the photos. only managed to finish zac birthday invites and started with the cover page of the 21x21. wow u r good! think i will go back singapore to ask the expert, see if they can teach me and maybe then my photobook will progress faster. think i need to do OT to beat the 15 july deadline! die and i have lined out so many programmes for zac over the weekend not sure have time to do. btw thinking of bringing zac to go to ur place for a swim sunday evening, possible?
hi mummies,

i'm been reading the postings but try not to post during office hrs. trying to be more discreet now as my office is those open concept layout. but then sometimes reach home, too tired to login.

hi bbgrace,

will give the free trial a miss. cos it's on a fri. i'm working. furthermore, tricia cant crawl yet.
what photobook u & shirley working on?

seems like tricia will give it a miss.she prefer to stand. recently she know how to get down from the bed, by pushing her legs down the side of the bed, dangle it for a while, then down come her buttocks to a standing posture.

Pulling of tops
this naughty ger recently learned to pull our shirts and peep inside. my mum said that she want to pull at the bra strap. really BTH her. if at home, still ok, if outside, so malu.
tell me about it. R not alone. Caleb also eat same thing day in day out except for wkends where he gets some variety

karen, littlekid, shirley
pm you ladies plse give me your email addy. send it to my office email. will send you the file for completion.
<font color="0000ff">Just a quick qns, anyone knows where to buy those "photo album" like what the studio used? The inside is black color and outside has a border something like that. Look like the album used for wedding pics. I need it for 5R pics.</font>

Jolene has spread her running nose to Jaslyn last Sat, lucky no fever for Jaslyn cos she already very cranky with her running nose and yucks, she uses her tongue to lick the "pi ti"!! Got well after seeing doc on Mon + after I separated them also. But this morning I saw Jaslyn, her running nose still din get well. She simply refuse the medicine and vomit all out + her milk. The gals have been going on food strike. My mum dun look look this morning. Die ah, I absent from work almost a week liao. Am going to bring Jaslyn to see her PD this afternoon. I scare wait Jaslyn spread her virus back to Jolene cos Jolene already ok. Sekali b4 they 2 fully recover, me and my mum collapse first.

babygrace, shirley
what photobook? Is it the one I'm looking high and low ah??

Your R is not the unfortunate one lah, Jaslyn is cos her lazy mum dun bother to cook her any more porridge.
Jenny and Gemini,
Photobook is where you get DIY to getyour photos printed in a coffee table book.
You can get it done here

There's a BP going on here
But deadline to submit your books is 15 Jul which is quite tight.

As for your album, dunno where to buy leh except that i know there's this shop (can't remember name) at Citylink mall that sells nice paper and albums.

i took a long time to complete my book cos i only do at night after the kids are asleep. Some nights too tired or no inspiration, then don't do. And the progress is very slow, each time i only complete at most 4 pages. Partly cos i got more photos to plough thru' and think of how to do the layout etc. Maybe it's easier for you cos you only need to plough through 8 mths of photos whereas i got 2.5 yrs of photos to do.

Now i'm doing to 21x21 which is i will follow exactly the same as the 6R one, minus a few pages cos this one got lesser pages.

I left your name and number with JWT already. They will call back to confirm if there are anymore slots.
Get back to you regarding the carpark after my SIL reccee for me. At worse, i will park at her place and walk over.
Hi Mummies,

Long time never come in liao... seems like the posting also slow down le... everyone also busy??

Just to share 1 recent pic of desiree.
She seems like a little gal in this pic. kind of miss her baby looks.

Try this shop called Prints. I believe it is the one that bbgrace mentioned that is at citylink mall (almost at the outlet to Marina Square). They have another outlet somewhere but I cannot recall where now... They sell the type of album you are looking for but not cheap. I think you can get the appropriate glue, photo-corner stickers and all other accessories at the same shop as well


D really looks like you! she looks like a xiao da ren in this photo so sweet!

bbgrace and Dor is trying to sign up for the free gym trial at JWT gym. check out the earlier thread i have posted


ya sometimes i will pop by to read the sep thread wow the things they intro to their babies do make me feel a bit paiseh. i told my hubby he said as long as zac is eating fine no need to kan cheong, he has a lifetime to try out different kind of food. hee think he has a point there. so slowly intro lah...


aiyo poor jas and jolene. think when they are sick you and ur mum are the most xin ku. take care ya! as for the photo album, think bbgrace and pup has answered you. but those album not cheap leh and i think not worth the price, somemore must paste the photos urself. u can check it out.
