(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

<font color="0000ff">littlekid</font> i use slow cooker to cook caleb's porridge for lunch n dinner. will scoop out what he needs for lunch then continue to heat (low) remaining for his dinner. no choice abt it cos i dun have the luxury of time to prepare individual meals for him n i also dun wanna insist mum does it cos not fair that she already helping me look after caleb n i expect so much from her. anyway i dun see any harm in it as long as it is kept heated. when we go out, i will put his lunch n dinner in tiger thermal flask (separate containers) n bring them out. so long as still warm i think ok. guess individual ba.

dunno lel..i always feel tat Jaslyn is those guai guai type while Jolene is the 'xiao jing ling'.
poor jaslyn, hav to play yakult bottles due to her jie jie kept all the toys. notty Jolene.
so fun to have 2 child in the hse hor...kekeke
okay...if in future we wanna intro 2 meal (lunch & dinner) to our little one, how to serve them porridge? or must on the slow cooker for the all day?

Welcome back...
Aiyo very poor thing leh you... end yr day at 11pm. Rest well hor.

after the porridge is cooked, dun turn to auto... cos hor I always switched to auto last time... then one day hor, I realised the porridge is boiling inside the slow cooker... that means by dinner time haha... porridge is super nua liao.
Turn to low heat. The auto function, when it "thinks" the slow cooker temp is low, it will turn to high on its own, then adjust to low when too hot. Thats why the porrige will be boiling inside.
Haiz... I also dunno wat Jolene is thinking in her mind leh.

Another point... you may like to note those stalls selling porridge. They on the fire at low to keep the porridge warm. When porridge is in hot mode, it won't caused wing. Unless you cook the porridge, serve for lunch. THen leave it there to cool down, then dinner time heat up again. This is no good.
thanks ya...luckily u told me. if not, i just 'sha sha' turn on auto after the poridge is cooked. now i understand hwat the 'auto' function mean. tat's mean we hav to on the on the power switch for the whole day hor.
we cant understand wat the kids thinking lal.
just like our parents dun understand wat we r thinking too..
simple as this...
when you cook the porridge, we turn to high mode. Once porridge cooked, turn to low heat if you want to save the remaining porridge for dinner.
If the porridge is cooked, and you are not serving immediately, maybe say 0.5 or 1 hr later, then you on to auto mode. It will heat up on its own. So when you wanna feed A, the porridge is still hot. Actually can also turn to low mode directly, up to you.
Just remember dun turn it to auto mode if you wanna save the remaining porridge till dinner time. If not by then, becomes watery liao.
Also, remember to let the slow cooker cools down before you wash it, to prolong its lifespan.

Last point, if you are cooking for lunch only, once porridge cooked, if you din take away the cover, the porridge will remain hot for a few hrs even you off it.

BTW, you cook directly into the slow cooker to cook ah? It takes very long leh, from early morning to noon for lunch to ready, waste electricity. Last time I did this way. My aunt "scold" me. She said I lazy wor. Ask me to cook from stove, faster. She taught me to use new rice to cook. Before cook, soak the rice into water for 30 mins, then cook as per normal from stove. After porridge is cooked, then transfer to slow cooker to keep warm.

BTW, I tested... normal rice also can, no need new rice haha
yeah...tat one i knew cos same theory go to claypot, right?
yes...i cook directly into the slow cooker cos no time lel. i hav to prepare everything within 1 hr included prepare myself to work, prepare A's breakfast aka cereal & prepare ingrediant for porridge.
i remember u teach us cook from stove to save electricity but bo pian lel. i tested liao, if i put everything into slow cooker & start cook at around 8am, then by 11am, his porridge is really.
tat's y i ask u if i cook for dinner tat mean the porridge is keep for so long in the slow cooker.
i only can do tat during weekend ba cos i plan to let A hav the brown rice w/ shi shen frm YRS during weekend. tat one need to cook over stove.
My mum always prepare K's meal seperately, each meal is freshly cooked. I have bought those small container from Tupperware, everytime my mum will prepare the ingredient, put them in the container just like you all have done for the puree and store them in the fridge, 1 container is for 1 meal. Haha.. actually this is easy for me because weekend I have no time to prepare, so she make it easy for me to cook for K's meal. If my mum cook porridge for my 2 big boys, she will use some of the porridge to cook for K's share then she will not use the slow cooker. After hearing what my auntie said, she suddenly asked me whether to buy that kind of "zhong" (is that what is called, the thing that use for double boiled)?

Is that true that those stalls that sell porridge put MSG in the porridge in order to make it taste better??

long time never hear form you. So happy to hear that Caleb has started to walk with support, K still crawling on the floor, teach him walk, he want to run.
I xi ke ma....hahahha
Cos very busy with duno what lah not sure can login at night anot so I log in afternoon lor miss u all so much aah...hahahhaa
Jaslyn crawl under the chair Damien like to walk under the dining table in his walker. Now he already too tall liao so can keep hearing him make noise lor. Very sian 1 have to keep pulling him out.

Yah lor the guy send liao then me n hubby at night went KP to buy n carry back lor. Cos I dun wanna wait also lah I impatient 1......hahaha
N hor the box says Biec hor inside sticker is Haenim leh. Wierd hor inside outside different name. The playmat hard meh? I like leh very comfy dun worry he knock on the floor much better then the stupic ABC mat so hard n my dog keep peeing on it.

I use the playyard to confine D on the playmat leh N throw a few toys in so he can play inside for awhile lor cos this kuku likes to play in his cot but I can't stay in the room whole day ma n the cot so small. But now he dun stay long in the playyard cos kanna block n he can't see me when he wants to lor so he will scream till I go n look at him. BTH.

Maybe me n Shirley going on Sun 4pm so I sms u once I call them tml see if they have space for us to join in.

My avocado finally ripen n I tried to feed D. I dun like the taste myself leh so I added a bit of the Fm I want D to drink. It still taste yucky to me lor n D took a few spoons only then see he got the yucky face so I threw all away......Hahahhaa

Actually dun need the form U can jus go to ur PD they might have the links too. Cos my pd is under TMC so they book for me to go TMC for D to check next month. Must book early leh cos the nurse tell me very hot 1 must book early.

bbgrace answer u already....hehe
I only saw the baby yogurt at PS carrefour so far the other I saw was Horizon at United Square Cold Storage. But saw once only n it was $10+ for 4 tubs. Baby Yoplait is only $4+ for 4 tubs. The packing is light blue n it will state there BABY YOPLAIT so can't go wrong.

U dun accept PM leh. Gymboree offers classes for bbs I forgot how long per class but def not more then 1 hr. The branch at HarbourFront(there's another branch at Camden medical) have a class every Sun at 4pm. A few of us might be joning this Sun. If u want can call them direct(62711545) to ask or U can PM me ur contact I let u know after I call. Cos I will call them tml to see if they have enough slots for us to join in.
1st trial is $34. As for benefit aah that's what we wanna know lor so we r going for trial before deciding.

This D hor sure give me heart attack 1 of these days. Today I went toilet put him in his cot that is right outside the toilet then he stand up n do stunt. The cot not low enough is at his waist there only so I gotta keep watching him. He can stand at 1 corner hold left side adjust adjust hold right side adjust n keep smiling at me. Then he back against the corner n put his both hands on his tummy then slowly let himself fall forward onto all 4s. Wah piang eeh I so hot n sweaty wanna bath also cannot bath in peace aah. Everytime see him do stunt I gotta stop n look at what he is doing n thinking if I should run to him or observe first. Now I always complain to hubby I very dirty liao cos bath only 2 min kind.....hahahhaha
I sign up Max at JWT gym when he was 5 mths plus. He just finish 1 term a month ago. I find the stuffs quite helpful and friendly but i stop cos it's far from my place. But like what some mummies advice to bring them to gym only when they can crawl or walk if not it'll be very tiring on us. I got to carry Max thru the songs and other stuffs. I think the person that's tired is me that's y i always bring xtra helper to take over if i'm tired (although it's 45 mins only)
I usually cook the porridge for lunch and dinner separately and in those few times that i cooked the 2 meals together, i also used low heat and avoid stirring too much when scooping out the portion for lunch cos my mum says it will introduce wind if stir too much.

Not sure if those hawker stalls add msg to their porridge but i'm not surprised if they do cos they may want to stinge on the ingredients.
That's why i don't encourage feeding babies with outside porridge when they are before 1 yr old.
But i fed Joshua outside porridge when he was 10-11 mths old on a few occasions where i didn't have time to cook his porridge before gg out. But i only feed him the one from crystal jade. Not sure if that has any msg or not but i feel safer than those hawker stalls that i'm not familiar with.

I mix the avocado into cereal cos Emma also hates to eat it on its own. And this girl doesn't like too strong tasting food. The other day i mixed the whole lot of avo into her cereal and she refused to eat even though she has eaten it so many times.
In the end i had to make a fresh bowl of cereal and mix a little bit of avo first and slowly add some more once she's used to the taste.

Time to lower the cot! Emma loves to hang at the cot railings, walk around it, do the stand up and sit down routine and recently, stamp her feet when she's excited.
Yah I made hubby help me with it before he left for work jus now...keke
Cos I did it myself the last round when D was sleeping on my bed n it was so troublesome trying to support the bed unscrew n having to do it soundless so as not to wake D.
I think I'm not gona give avo again cos it really looks eee to me leh.....haha
Anyway I wanted to give as D slim down the other time but now I think his te kar is back with vengence....Hahahahhaa
Keep forgetting to post this. I went Suntec on Fri n had a good buy. The vtech nursery rhymes book is selling at Mothercare for $8 only.
Hehehe so cheap hor I actually went to buy the CD but once I saw that jus grab n pay dun even need to think.

Paging for vivian!!! please Pm me with ur contact no!! heheh.. Dr's Brown teat! U still hv them with u? cause kim bite her teat.. i need to buy new ones liao..
hi doreen,

i see. i was actually waiting for the notice from the mummy & me website (esther recommended) for the eye check up. then that day, was @ the expo, the man give out, so just nice loh. u mean TMC also got do free eye check up for bbs?

hi adeline,

i do have vivan hp#. i PM u.
do let her know that the number was given by me.
Nestle rice porridge
i have bought them from the motherhood fair. have cooked for tricia but she does not like them. i still left with 1 pack of ikan bilis & 1 pack of vegetables. Who's interested? I can pass them to you.
For Sheen's porridge, I usu cook over stove cos the portion to cook is so little. She usu oni take 1/2 bowl max and oni for lunch. Cooking over stove also faster. oni 1 hr.

As Sheen doesn't like porridge so I found a way to trick her to finish her porridge yest. I used the gebber puff to trick her. I pretend to give her the gerber puff then when she open her mouth, I quickly stuff the porridge in...hahaha... after few spoonfuls, then I gave her 1 small bite. I now it's bad to trick her but at least she finish her porridge.. so happy yest. Mummies whose bbs doesnt like porridge can give it a try... hee... (In all I oni give her 2 gerber puffs cos every bite is v little so dun need to worry too much abt heatiness)

I never tot of gg part-time yet... cos feel tat the workload still heavy but pay is half right... anyway my mum is looking after my girl so I hv not much worries
i tried that exact same trick with CY. only managed to get in one spoonful before he clams up.

and yes, i agree with you about the part time thingy. not only that, there are a lot of problems with it. am trying to resolve it now loh.
Hi ladies,

Was in Bintan from last Wed to Fri. Came in to read the post but no time to post.
This week I got to go back school for course. Sianz... like that where got vacation... sigh...
Anywhere, just an update, Rhys knows how to crawl liao!! hee... his is using his arms to pull himself forward one... commando leopard crawl (but without using legs... lazy bum)... hee... oh, and he knows clap clap liao... yeah! All happen within 1 week... and I was away from him for half a week somemore.. alamak...
Anyway, will post more tomolo since i will be in school... nite ladies...

me still have the teats!!! sorry... forgot abt it... i got your mobile no. liao. Will sms you...
Yes, I think that one used for double boiled is called "zhong". But use "zhong" to cook porridge, got to cook until how long??
Not sure if outside got put MSG. But I believe all outside food sure got a bit one lah.

Hey hey, Jaslyn dun go under table with her walker. She usually crawls or walk with support in. Then hor, she tall mah, so when she stands and wanna walks out from the table, she can't cos her head kena bang to the table, then she will start crying for help. Super funny lor. She "tu" one lah. Jolene last time, she knew to lower her head first haha...
The Vtech nursery rhymes book has been selling for quite sometime for $8 liao leh. I bought it long ago.

Jaslyn had taken outside porridge b4 and in fact KFC mash potato w/o gravy, mee tai ba soup etc. BTW, Crystal Jade porridge a lot of MSG. Last time ok, but I find that recently their porridge taste not as good as last time and very salty. Jolene used to love it, now she dun even want a spoon. So I tasted it, yucks.

Dun cook nestle rice porridge to feed Tricia. I tasted b4, I suspect got MSG and has a lot... even though Nestle staff said "no MSG, no salt". You try it, after a while, you feel very thirsty.
hi vivian,

so u were in bintan w/o Rhys? i may be gg bintan with hb and tricia.
gd for rhys, he's not that lazy afterall, i think tricia is the most laziest among all. till now, she still do not want to hold her bottle and do not know how to clap yet. only loves to pull hair, necklaces, spectacles when we feeding her..

hi jenny,

i only cooked twice but did not try her porridge. i was telling my mum, since it's instant porridge and can be cooked within 3 mins, definitely got other preservatives, since the Nestle staff say no MSG. or else how the porridge can have a longer shelf life?
the reason why we stopped giving her to eat cos (not v sure), she may be allergic to the contents. it contain traces of wheat. cos the next day after she has taken it, her neck area is a bit red.. also she dun like the taste, got a bit of fishy smell...she dun like fish.

i tot of trying just in case i'm busy and have no time to cook her porridge.

oh, it must have been painful for jaslyn..
That time dunno who mention some PD also offer the free eye checkup ma so I ask my pd also lor. But bb must be below 1 n sinc eits popular must quickly make booking else by the time they book for u after bb 1 yr u need to pay liao. Then the receptionist who made booking for me tell me the eye check person will go to TMC n check there 1. I think they have their own eye check clinic at Toa Payoh if I not wrong.

Yah lor bbgrace tell me liao....hahaha
The suntec mothercare closing down so long still dun close n now even more things aah. But maybe I blind leh go so many times never see before....hahaha
That day I went crystal jade with my sis n D very noisy so I fed him abit of the porridge. But dunno is it my sis took too long to order he buay song liao or what he dun really want to eat keep fussing. Then i eat taste okie to me.
hi doreen,

beginning to "see" u more often in the afternoon, hehee...
ya, the form that i sent to is at Toa Payoh.

hi delphine,

the rice porridge is quite coarse. my mum open up the contents and blend it to finer texture. if did not blend, the peas & carrots (rice & vegetable porridge) are quite hard so need a longer time to cook.
hi Teddyhope,
Thanks for the contact. BTW, have you tried? let me know more if you've went thru ya. THanks.

hi gals,,
Want to check how to encourage my boy to crawl? i oni put him (tummy down the mattress) for 5min, then he'll start to make noise / dislike, like tat difficult la..i even put his favourite toy in front, when he try & can't reach tat, he'll start angry/make noise & put his head down. What a lazy boy. Think he prefers to sit rather than tummy on floor. thanks
Instant stuff usually no good one lah. Cook and eat yourself lor. My hb said nice wor (tried during Mother & Baby and Motherhood Fair this year but I dun like the taste).

If no time cook, then give other stuff lah, mash potato or bread, tear to very small bits. Jaslyn dun like porridge, so my mum feeds here these.

What??!! You mean Suntec Mothercare is still around??!! Wah liew, so long liao!
Last time the porridge dun taste like now lor, last time one better haha.
Fallen off the bed
as my header suggested, tricia has falled off the bed on sat morning. she was sleeping with my hb. we did surround the bed with pillows & bolster and i think she must have pushed the bolster off(it was quite light) and down she came. i heard a "bong" sound and get up to look at the bed. she was not there. the best part is, my hb did not even know that tricia has fallen off. i shouted to my hb and then he wake up and pick her up. lucky thing, i think it's not a heavy fall cos tricia was not crying and the whole day, we did monitor and she looks fine.
previously this type of arrangemnt is ok but now it seems we need to put more heavier stuff. need to put a mattress on the floor on both sides of the bed now.
Mummies, can help me with these questions?

Any babies using pigeon bottles? What is the size of teat that ur bb is using now?

How much water do u feed ur baby in a day? I recalled PD told me abt 4 oz plain water (excluding milk feeds) a day. A friend told me amt of fluid per day shld be bb wgt x 150ml i.e. 8kg x 150= 1200ml. I was calculating just now.. minus 3 milk feeds of 180 (540ml) + 150ml used in cereal, still have 510ml to go. My boys hardly finish a small bottle of plain water. Add the spoonfuls of water fed during porridge and cereal feeding plus fruits that they eat, dont think can hit 1200ml also. I got a shock when friend told me her boy drinks 4 bottles of plainwater a day.
hi jlyn,

cant tell u the exact amount of water that my girl drink. cos we do not keep track. my girl likes to drink plain water, at 1 shot, she can finish abt 100ml of water. normally 1 hr after her milk feed, we will give her some water, which may range from 60 - 90ml. so i think add up, maybe to 3 (size:125ml) bottles a day.
furthermore, the weather is v hot these few days, will let her drink more often.
Tks Gemini.. one shot 100ml hah.. think my boys really been drinking too little. Will change the teat to L size. Hopefully they will drink more water.
We went to the trail for Gymboree at HF on Sun. I felt it was quite okie although we felt the instructor at littlegym which we went before was more detailed in the explanations on what the exercises will help in. (But then again we went in late so dunno what we missed out at the start). I prefer the equipment here cos seems more then the other 1 n I was so happy when D tummy crawled through tunnel.....hehehe
At the end of the class we were given a sheet of paper on some of the things they did n the benefit n what things we can do with them at home.
Since ur boy still can't crawl hor maybe u should go trial or the music class then see how ur boy response to them.

btw my son also didn't want to crawl last time n if he can't reach the toy hor he jus dun bother n play with something else lor. N 1 day he jus decided he wants to crawl. N now everyday is getting faster n faster. So dun have to worry lah.

I probably will sign up for the class maybe the 8 sessions cos hubby says its okie n I think I can let them use the class to bond if he goes with us.

I miss the forum ma bo pian. Cos D very cranky these few days my mum say she saw white on his bottom gum again although I can't find anything so I also lack of slp lor. At night sometimes I fall aslp when D slp never log in so day time try to come in when I am free.....hehehe

I think drinking how much water depends on the bb. My son drinks very little water i think bout 20ml per day only. He doesn't like water n since I'm still bfing him n he is fine I jus leave him be lor. N water flows quite fast leh cos I tried L teat for my son n he choke so I jus stick to Y teats.
Or maybe u can try other methods like spout or straws. My son drinks alittle more using the straw so I jus stick to straw he hates the spout jus bite n bite.
i agree with doreen!! But anyway, when i brought kim to those trial classes i find it pretty redundant as she doesnt know how to crawl yet and i have to carry her here and there! she gets very frustrated when she wants something but couldnt crawl and get it. Lazy girl also.

Kim drinks alot water everyday but at intervals not one shot. everytime after she finish drinking milk i will let her drink some water to clear her mouth also. Now she is taking 'si sen brown powder' mix with milk so quite heaty therefore we let her drink more water lor. But if u ask me the amt of water she take in everyday i no idea!

Pneumococal jab
Today brought Kim to take the jab. They use te cream to numb her 1st but kim still yelled in pain! for a while only though same as normal jabs that she took. And Dr tan is very good at distracting her.
Dr Tan also mentioned that this jab is painful cause her kids feedback to her before. and it is better to take when baby cause when older right they will scream yell and shout then mking nuisance lor.
Hope this will be a good prevention for kim.

And this bad mommy pass the sinus to kim so it will cause abit phelgm when the mucus flow backwards. Initially we thought i is phelgm and keep letting he take running nose and phelgm med. So actually it is not! BUT she already finished 2 bottles of med (my aunty fed her cause she assume it is phelgm so i blur blur follow). Luckily Dr Tan gave me a very detail description.
<font color="ff6000">1st Birthday Celebration</font>
Hi ladies, as promised, I am seeing if I can organise a spree for all the theme 1st birthday parties for our babies.

I am ordering some (or should I say alot) of items from www.birthdaydirect.com. Anyone keen to join? In fact my own orders already qualify me for the free shipping & delivery within US. Let me know if anyone keen by tomorrow can cos otherwise I will join Phoebe's spree in Sep thread. Plse sms or email me your intention.

BTW, to share my theme for Caleb will be Pirates!!!! WAHAHAHA!!!
That formula is used when baby has not started on solids. My PD gave me that formula as a gauge on how much milk the baby should drink. Now that they have started on solids, their milk intake should drop accordingly.

Can't help you on how much water they should be drinking now. My Emma hates water and i will make her take sips every now and then and spoon feed her water during meal times. I estimate she probably takes at most 50ml of water. But since she's totally breastfed, i'm still not too worried. But still i wanna train her to drink more.

Looks like D enjoyed himself at the gym.
This mommy here got no time to bring Emma to the gym, so she has to make do with a makeshift one at home. haha!
ENVY!!! Emma crawls normally too....hahahha
I was actually worried D will be scared of the tunnel cos its so long n a little dark but he seems fine with it.

It really brighten up my day again to see so many cute babies pic, we have zac zac, emma, damien, kimberly...

Hi Jenny,

ya lor, so have to make do with those daily food that we adult take. and MIL more "heong", she feed D with rice and soup.
Aiya, actually my D very greedy, anyone makan, she will snatch. so cannot eat in front of her.

Hi Gemini,
oh so it's course, thought it should be smooth.
anyway, my MIL have not even open up to feed her. will let her know then to cook longer.
thanks for your info.
Jaslyn also hates water. Just feed her some. I dun keep record of how much she drinks.
Jolene also hates water last time. Now she drinks a lot.

We did feed Jaslyn rice (a few pcs like that) and soup. Aiya sama sama lah, Jaslyn will "chiong" to whoever who's eating or taking a cup/plate.
Hi Teddyhope & Medaleine,
Thanks for your info & sharing. Will see how it goes, everyday feel so tired & i'm also happy to read the threat here every day once i'm sitting infront of my office table

Everyone bringing your bb to swim at Aquaducks at Suntec?
morning mummies,

so many babies starting to crawl already... tricia is really a lazy girl. she can only reverse. and when she's on her tummy, she will just swing her legs. refusing to crawl. but agreed with doreen, when the time comes, when they decided want to crawl, they will do it.

that's 1 of the reason why i do not bring her to any of the gym trial yet, since she cant crawl yet.

regarding bb crawls...
think so bbs never go on fours. some just contend themselves with one crawl. Think CY is one. when he wants to heave himself over obstacles, he will go on fours, else it's always leopard style...

hey, im thinking of signing up for trial at Marsden Swim School. Anyone interested? im thinking of the one at toa payoh, at Avondale Grammar School.think maybe swimming will improve CY's is appetite.

Dor, yah both boys also hate the spout. Havnt try straw though.. should go and get one and test water. Most of the time, they are using Y teats. I do use L teats once a while to trick my younger one to drink more.. usually he will when he just woke up.. still gong gong plus super hungry, he will drink all at fast speed some more. heehee..

bbgrace, still bf-ing hah.. ur bb very fortunate. I lousy, gave up bf long long time ago. Too stressful to handle two.

Adeline, so what did Dr Tan say abt the phlegm? Are u suppose to stop giving kim the medicine?Cant do anything abt the sinus huh?

Jenny, after my younger boy recovered fr viral infection, he had those sticky stuffs (eye shit? ;p)on both his eyes. Was told it was due to "heatiness". Then 2 days later, my elder boy also had the sticky stuffs on both eyes. I worry both not drinking enough water. Sometime give them water 15mins after meals, they will threw up. Think must try give water 1 hr after meal.
