(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

actually hor, A most of the time didnt ask for milk. but i always nurse him as i feel it's neccesary. hehe..
but during weekeday, MIL will feed him on demand.so, sometimes, he can drink milk after 4-5 hrs too..

Can i know why u giv Ted boil pork ribs juice? any purpose? cos i 1st time hear lel..is it like we drink soup?

can pigeon teast match with Avent bottle? now u mentioned, think i shld try pigeon teast cos all a long i'm using avent teast.

Hi hi...u r in KL now? did u sneak out to shop? now's malaysia mega sales lel..
hehe...we too miss caleb here. so long didnt see his recent pics liao. he grow so much. 2nd montage, left bottom corner pics, C do look like A. hehe...
update us more once u r free, okie?

Congrat on D finally out frm 'bo gey' group.
How's she now?

yes..bought play yard to keep A inside. i join a private BP organise by June mommy. $105 a set. i bought 1.5 set. she order frm Cheong Choon.
earlier on, i did called Winnie, she quota me $120 per set.
tell u hor, it's really worth to buy at this moment, ok (cross my finger...hehe). 1st time MIL praise me buy a correct thing. wahahhaha...

oo..ya. i didnt try A medicine. but i smell it. his running nose medic is lychee flavour, then paracetomal is strawbery flavour. hehe..nice smell.
A so happy when i take out his medic.
greedy boy..

i put Dyl maybe abt 3 times a day each time abt half hr or less.. Dun really like to put him too long on the walker, scared affect his legs. Heard in America, they dun really encourage walker, perhaps causing bow leggedness.

Mommies going for Gymboree

please update after you have tried. I am interested...
Hi Jasmine,

She is better liao, no more cough and running nose(touch wood).

But strange thing is her little 1 tooth is from the upper gum.

As mentioned by Gemini, she didnt see such case before.
hi delphine,

just went over my colleague table and checked with her. she say it's ok, nothing to worry about.every bbs varies. some bb will start teething from the upper gum 1st.

hi doreen,

forgotten ur Q. i also did not taste tricia medicine before. but from the smell, i tot they are sweet. it's only the Zytrec, i suspect that it 's quite bitter.
I believe the controversy surrounding the walker has been talked about alot n been clarify that it does not cause bow leg. They dun recommand becos it is dangerous. As I believe most of their houses have stairs n the hazard is bb walking n falling down the stairs in the walker.
But ofcos not healthy to put them in 1 activity for too long.

I smell the Zyrtec very smelly leh so I dun dare to try.....kekekeke
I ask my pd cos D had allergic reaction to pandan essence n she ask me to feed him Zyrtec again. My pd say it taste a bit bitter.....hahaa
Aiyah I very stupid leh I should have asked u earlier. Becos I ordered the playmat from CC n the guy JUS delievered it!!!!!!!
I should have ordered from CC too lah then dun need to carry it home by ourselves....sigh
Stupid me lah call her to ask for playmat never occur to me to ask if she sell play yard
Phew, finally finished with my work... Do my post before I go home haha...
Argh, I got a shock to hear the news that studio loft kena broke in on Mon nite!! What the hell the cuprits wanna steal from a studio???!!! Pics?? Camera??

Hee nice to see you here! Hey the rusk hor, I find it very messy and dirty wor... some more tat day stain my ergo carrier... ops... remind me, I haven't clean it yet!!! Must do tonite le.

wow you so long no post post, miss you leh.

Can't advise on blender cos I dun own one.

Not all bbs start meat on/after 8 mths. Some start early.

Not sure if FM cause phlegm, but I know cereal does.
Saw some real cases of my friends' babies... they take Similac, Enfa, Friso, will kena phelgm. But ok when they switch to NAN. Was told by my doc that NAN is more neutral.

Jaslyn dun want walker... Her walker very ke lian, kena throw at one corner...But see her mood lah, sometimes she's ok to be in it for a while. Most of the time, she's somewhere in the house... crawling away, putting herself to standing position and grab my mags to play

You so funny... say your MIL praise you hahaha...
I think aspialle is saying she use the "soup" or "juice" whatever it is called lah to cook her porridge to Ted. Cos hor, is nice mah. Shang Tang leh.

Ha, seldom see you here in the afternoon one leh keke

Avent Teats
Forgot who is asking on this, but I agreed Avent Teat is very HARD. Jolene used to use Avent bottles from birth till 3 mths old, then one fine day, she decided she had enough of Avent teat and went on milk strike. She only start drinking again when I gave her Mag Mag Cup with soft sprout.
Aiyooo...tat guy JUS delivered ur playmat huh?
u mean u bought the play yard & carry it home liao? if not, can call CC again cos the play yard cost more than $100, they still will deliver to u ma...
kareen, dun worry, my baby only start crawling when he turn 9 month. Every baby is different. Now at 10th month, only 2 teeth..... and only weigh 7.6 kg....
oo..then i misunderstood cos i saw aspialle posted <font color="0000ff">i only boil and give him the water (juice) after boiling the ribs for some time</font> then i tot she gave tat juice to Ted. hehe..
aiyo...she seldom praise me ma..some more hb always said i waste $$ buy this buy tat. now hor..the playmat we keep in store room liao. REASON: too hard..
ya lor..recently A oso reject bottle feed lel. dunno because of avent teast. tot try pigeon one.
Regarding the walker. I agreed with Doreen. Western countries banned walker due to high % of infant death from falling. Most houses there have staircase mah. When there's no precaution taken, eg. install safety gate, accidents sure happen.
As for the bow leg, reports have been clarified recently. There's also a show by dunno Channel U or Channel 8 where they invited a PD (can't remember who but quite famous) to clarify some mths back. How many of us here used walker when we are young? We all grow up healthy.
For me, I just feel that it is a business tactic to introduce new product (exersaucer) to the market and earn it at high profit.

Like what Julie said, dun worry. Each bb develops differently. Sekali your boy skips the crawling phrase.
Jaslyn is 8.5mths. I think she might walk early cos her daddy walked at 10 mths old, her mummy at 9 mths old, her jie jie at 10 mths old. I'm not looking forward for early walker

Crawling also very tiring leh. Nowsday I always got to look for her under the dining table/chair. She likes to hide there. Last Sun at my mum's place, I was busy unpacking stuff (just returned from outside, hb bathing Jolene, everyone busy), Jaslyn did it again lor, crawled and played under the dining chair, ended the chair turned upside down and knocked her down. She did twice, not once ("tu" hor? kena once le still went to try again). Both times cried like mad cos she fell with the chair "covered" her mah. My mum's place the chairs not those heavy heavy type, so can easily turn upset down.

Haha... you very funny leh. Ok lah, let you "haolian haolian" for a while kekeke...
I tot the playmat q useful mah?
Personally, I feel Avent teat very hard. Dun like it too.
Aiyo, poor Jaslyn. But sorry, I can't help but laugh out when I read that you have to look for her under the table/chair. Let her wear an anklet with bells! That way you know where she is :p

My boy is just starting to crawl "commando style". We were joking with my mum last night that she should tie those magic wipes on his forearms and tummy so that when he crawl around, he can help her clean the floor as well! LOL
Din noe tat cereal cause phlegm... Thx for the info. Jus brought her to see PD again today. Was given antibiotics. Will monitor for a few days. If still coughing may try out soy formula.

My girl is abt 8.5 and she also can't crawl yet. Oni know how to reverse like Gemini's girl
Ya i am interested keep me updated ya? Weekdays i can't make it but probably let me know and i will see how. i am so excited next mon took leave to bring kim go take the pneumococal jab hehehe.. Sms me cause i dun have time to come forum anymore. held up @ work and assignments.
i've seen babies who have their upper teeth first, so don't need to worry.

As to which month to introduce what type of food to babies, it's just a rough guide. Babies who start solids earlier, have no allergy problem and can take chunkier texture have no problem taking fish and meat even before 8 mths old.

Are you able to get peaches / nectarines in Japan? Can also feed them to babies.
According to my Super Baby Food book, can also feed honeydew melons when they are 8 mths old.
It's also ok to feed mango from 6 mths onwards.
But i've not tried them on Emma, she's not that adventurous when it comes to fruits. She doesn't like the strong tasting ones.

As for veg, other than the usual carrots, potato, pumpkin, sweet potato. I also used radish (known as daikon in Japanese) to cook porridge. What i do is to cook daikon, carrot and pork ribs soup for myself and joshua (no seasoning cos i use lots of ingredients) and use part of the stock to cook Emma's porridge. So you can save time, cook for yourself and Chloe using the same ingredients.
Jaslyn does wear one since she turns 1 mth old. Sometimes she just quickly stay still under the table/chair "digging" something or trying to figure out something lor, so no sound. Anyway I agar agar know where she is cos I will ask Jolene to check for me haha... I "train" Jolene to look after Jaslyn while I'm busy.
Hahaha... I told my mum the same thing too leh!

If you need the soy formula, I think I have abt 4 packs at home, isomil.
hi mummies,

forget to ask this, for those mummies that went to the motherhood fair @ Expo, did u get the form for the free eye check-up by Peodeptrix (not sure on the spelling), but it's the clinic that esther was mentioning tat time. A man was issuing outside the hall.

I have just send the form yesterday.
Jenny, agreed with ur point on walker. For me, no walker I jiak lud. my boys like to "lang gar" each other like bumper cars in their walkers. one go, the other follow. gd mood, they'll try to reach out for each other hand, bad mood they raise their voices at each other.. hmm.. ahh..then the "loser" will cry n come to me. very entertaining sometime.

Kareen, my boys are in walkers a few times a day but they wont be in there for longer than 20 mins each time. Any longer they will start crying. If nothing to keep them entertained, less than 10 mins, they wanna be out already.

babygrace, radish+carrot+pork ribs= my favourite soup, family has this at least once a week. Radish smells really gd. My mum adds soup (yet to add seasoning)to bbs' porridge sometimes. But she doesnt use soup cooked w radish, said too "cold".

Dor, the baby yoplait is those small tiny tubs (cant remember is it 6 or 8 tubs one pack)?

Anyone knws if can get bb's yoghurt (any other brands) at SK Cold Storage?
Yes the old folks say that radish is cooling. But i only give it to her once a week and she has been eating "heaty" stuff like baby bites and gerber puffs, i guess it's ok.

The baby yoplait comes in a pack of 4 tubs. The pack of 6 small tubs that u see is petit miam meant for older kids. And i've shared here before, that one is NOT yogurt. It's fromage frais which is basically cream cheese. And the petit miam is sweet compared to the baby yoplait which really sour just like yogurt.

SK Cold storage has no stock for the baby yoplait at the moment. Their range of yogurt is quite limited there.
Hi Jasmine,
Yes, if you still want to use the Avent bottle with Pigeon teat, then you've to buy the Pigeon Premium brand (there're 2types of teat, standard & big). So the big one can fit into Avent bottle. I've tried. Or cheaper version, standard white colour tranparent teat sell around $1.30 i think,,then u can use any stand bottle for your bb.

Anyone can give more info what's Gymboree? how long? where ? this coming Sun @4pm? how much 1st trial? what's BENEFIT? who to contact if interest?
Thks, my PD gave me 4 packets of soy formula yest. Also Isomil.

My girl also sits in walker a few times a day... but abt 30 mins max each time... she v active one. cant stay in one activity for too long. I hv 2 walkers somemore. One at my mum's place one at my place.
Ahhh that day have ? I didnt get the form! And that one esther mentioned that they will send one form over for us right when we sign up with NTUC?

But to date still nothing leh.
hi adeline,

i was @ the expo on sat. the guy was just like those passing out phamplets. i walk pass, he just pass one to me..
Mei you leh, I din get the form.

Haha the way you describe your boys on walker, I already laughing leh, can't imagine the real scene kekeke...
I got to agreed, sometimes, it is q entertaining to see them "fighting". I also enjoy doing it.

Gymboree thingy, check with Doreen.
hehe..back to work. on half day leave today. relief...
think hor SAHM more xiong / tired than FTWM.

not 'hao lian' lal...just happy lal.
A oso like to crawl under table. and all my chair leg is square one. quite dangerous. so, crawl inside play yard is the best for him.
aiyo..he always crawl out frm the playmat. and because we wanna place him sleep on mattress during day time. just we just surround mattress with play yard.
i will keep the playmat for future use lor.

good good...train Jolene to look after Jaslyn is a good idea. u can 'kiao kang' for a while.

Glad that D is fine now.
nvm...feed him more then she will get back her loss weight.

think hor i can buy those normal teast to try.

wat's radish?

oo..ya. some one said it's better don't add potatoes into porridge cos potatoes also carbo.so, i just add in carrot nia. today i try A's porridge, tasteless lel. no wonder he no interest.
i saw frm a bb cook book n learn frm nurse. the first boil, the oily stuff i will throw then boil for longer, then i collect the juice, sometimes mix into the porride or keep in cube tray.As i dun wan to start giving meat too soon so i introduce juice first, taking pork ribs juice will help to strengthen their body esp got calcium too. I will also collect the excess rice water to let him drink like plain water or use it to make milk. Its full of vitamins n minerals too

Actually potatoes got high carbo, carrot got high nitrate, both can only take in moderation...cos high nitrate is not gd for development of brain.....but MIL always cook for my BIL's child potatoes n carrot porridge EVERYDAY!!!

to add taste to porridge, tats part of reason i put the pork ribs juice, add some smashed vege and sometimes smash cod fish. If not i will add grinded red bean powder, he loves it. Red bean "bu xie" replenish blood, got other vitamins too
oo...can add grinded red bean powder arr?
thanks thanks..
actually hor i oredi bought a blender few mths ago & wanted to grind ikan powder, still haven do yet.
hmm...shall do it this weekend.
really thanks for those recipe..
btw, how long do we need to bol pork ribs juice?
wah so many recipe going round. must take note. will try it out when CY starts taking solids.

CY sama sama. does leopard crawl. the wipes idea is a good one. should really consider it (kekeke).

got question. since joshua has some allergies, when did you first try scallop with him? or emma? those mummies suggest putting them in the porridge. coz CY has got history of allergies too loh.

i tried your beefy idea. no use leh, he still puke. today tried the finger food again. he took a bit, not much. but encouraging enough for me to want to try other finger foods.

any suggestion for finger foods?

oh yah, me teacher too leh. me going part time though...you thinking of that? kekeke...
Hi ladies

I am back in singapore. Bali trip is a good getaway. tried water rafting, horse riding, parasailing and flying fish. guess can only do all these activities while i am young and w/o zac heehee

However, there is a price to pay for my trip. think my parents spolit zac zac, now come to feeding time he wanna to be carried and fed. i cant possibly do that since i am always alone feeding him. so need to "fight" with him, tried the cry out method but this boy really stubborn and smart. he will cry and see that i am nt around he will take a break, the moment i appear he will start again. really very angry with him!
need to "retrain" him again these few days hopefullly he will be a good boy again


i dont really like my parents to put zac in the walker cos i somehow feel that it discourages him to walk without support. so nw he is in walker at most 10 to 20 min a day. the rest of the time will be crawling all over the house

putting things into mouth

zac zac love to put things into his mouth, everything he sees goes straight into his mouth. any mummies can advice how to stop this habit. i already give him a lot of different kinds of teethers but think he prefer new things that has not gone into his mouth yet. hope this is just part of growing phase and not a habit


i understand when u say u have to go under the table to look for jaslyn. zac really love to crawl under the table and chair and he love to crawl in between gaps e.g gap between sofa and the wall and hide there. he has also torn and eat up a few of my mags liao. his favourite toy now his my luggage which act as his walker. he will walk behind the luggage and use it as support to walk. look as though he is going overseas soon haha.


sms me to arrange on the gymboree. tomorrow will be tough cos going for interview and thinking of bringing zac to the zoo. Sat may be a better day


u poor girl. i can identify the heart ache u r having in KL. did u use the web cam to see caleb? it did help me to get through during my overseas trip. hows ur planning for his party?


i gave zac cheese and biscuits once n a while mayb u can try that.


i agree the play yard is a very good buy esp i have two dogs in the house.i got it when he was around 2 months, it helps to keep them away from zac when he was younger. i think zac can crawl very early is becos i gave him a lot of tummy time since birth in the playyard
now zac does not like to stay inside cos too little space for him to crawl. now he crawl all around the house with my dog tagging along. he will give my dog an irritated expression if their tails tickle him. very funny


congrats on D's first pearlie! think the rest will come popping out soon
Hi Jasmine,

Hopefully lor since she dun like milk, will try more solid food for her.
Think radish is "bai cai tou"

Hi Shirley,

Thanks, think because of the pearlies that makes her so cranky nowadays
radish = bai2 luo2 bo4

As for putting potato into porridge, i do that for the taste and i will mash some for Emma to eat. If i didn't give her the potato, i would have given her more porridge, so it's both carbo, i dun see why i should not give it to her. It's good to have a variety of taste and texture. Other than potato, there's meat and another green veg eg spinach or broccoli, so there's a good mix of nutrients in the porridge.

i only gave him scallop in the 10th or 11th month and thankfully, nothing was wrong with him. Actually i think Joshua's allergy may not be triggered by food cos i don't see him break out into rashes or have his nose acting up when he tries a new food. His triggers are mainly dust and change in temperature. But to be safe, PD asked me to watch what he eats. We even put him on soy milk for a while to see if he's allergic to cow's milk.

Just like you, i will scald the pork ribs or pork with boiling water first before cooking to get rid of oil.
Hi mummies
I am such a zombie today. K decided to wake up at 12.20 last night and play until 2am before he decided to drift off to sleep. Instead of rocking a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed baby to sleep in his room, I brought him to our room and thought of letting him expend his energy by crawling or playing on our bed whilst we doze and "entertain" him at the same time. But hubby was asleep and K wanted to crawl all over daddy!

Hubby took over to rock K but K started to cry bloody murder
Ended up I still have to take over and slowly calm him down and rock him to sleep. Finally, I bunked in his room just in case he wakes up again. Hubby drives so I want to make sure he gets better sleep.

Don't know all these crankiness is due to teething, reaching new milestone or simply cos he has phlegm. Just hope it will pass VERY soon.
Zac zac sounds so cute when you describe his encounter with your luggage and your dogs!

When you mention red bean powder do you mean grinding down red bean? As in just buy the red bean, wash, dry them, grind them?
Welcome to the sleepless night club! Ever since kim teething and coughing also due to phelgm she hasnt been sleeping well!! every sat and sun i am like a zombie as well. hehehehehe.. Endure thru this period and it'll be fine!
Adeline & pups,
me join both of u into sleepless night. dunno what happen to Alvis. he woke up every hr this few day. so, in total he woke up 5-6 times frm 12am - 6am. both hb & me cant calm him down. as i mentioned b4, his eyes still close but keep crying. i have no choice (duon't want disturb hb as he will get up to work at 6am), so i just nurse him to calm him down.

Welcome back.sound tat Bali trip really a good break for u hor.
same here, i oso scare my PIL will spoil A. so, i set the rules early, must let A sit in high chair to have his meal. there was once he cry & refuse to sit inside, sil wanna carried him out, i said 'No'. now A can guai guai sit inside to finish his meal & even sit for a while till we carry him out.
yeah...actually i shld buy the play yard early like u. then i have no problem tat A like ppl to carry.

now he even try to climb out frm play yard. but i hope this play yard can keep him for few mths at least.
aiyo..same as A, he got few teether but he not interested at all. his favourite teether are books, mag, tissues..etc. think shld b growing phase ba..

can intro to her more variety of solid food ma...
thanks for the explanation on 'radish'.

yup. hb already show me frm internet on 'radish'.
today ask his caregiver to add in pork into his porridge. so, MIL will giv minced meet to let A try. Hope he will like it.
no wonder when i add in potato, A cant finish his porridge cos he is full. me really stupid lel. thanks for the explanation & suggestion.
me hor really need to learn more frm u all.

yes, i add in 2-3 dried scallop into A's porridge. it's really taste nice. but hor i only giv him the porridge w/o scallop. u might try..
yes,,regarding the scallop porridge.

Was thnking of adding it but not sure if i should since its seafood, and CY already acted up with wheat. was thinking why he was having bit rashes with bellamy's rice cereal...then read the ingredients and realised that it contains gluten.

I was feeding CY leftose (ok wrong spelling again), and he actually developed skin allergy whenever the syrup touch his skin. broke out in angry red rashes. doc was like "huh? very few pple have allergy to leftose one leh."

this boy huh, CMI lah. He's getting all daddy's and mummy's allergies. what to do...

wah zac zac can walk liao. impressed impressed!!!! and to use luggage as walker, way to go man!! he inded has the making of a frequent flyer!

your white radish, does it have taste on its own? was thinking of using it on its own as finger food.
I more "lor kee" (angry in hokkien) with Jolene ah. Sometimes she really puts me on fire.
Some days back, Jolene decides not to share her toys with Jaslyn, or rather when she is not playing, Jaslyn also can't play. Jaslyn can be playing very happy with the toys quietly when Jolene suddenly snatch all from her and keep back to the box. The poor mei mei then sits there, very pity. Even the toys I bought for Jaslyn, Jolene also dun allow her to play. Last week, she did tat once again at my mum place. My mum bo pian, washed and cleaned 5 yakults bottle and let Jaslyn played. She was so happily playing away when tat jie jie came and kept all away. The prob is Jolene didn't snatch over the toys to play herself, but instead, she kept them away in the toy box!! Selfish leh..

realised many bbs dun like teethers but other stuff, watever we can name. Jolene was like tat, so when it comes to Jaslyn time, I dun bother to buy anymore teether. She got only one which I got it for only 30 cents from pigeon sales. Yes, I bought it cos it is only 30 cents haha, me cheapo mummy. I think RPP is $6.90???
Ya lor, any "hole" they can find, they will squeeze in hor????!!!! Buay tahan ah...
So far Jaslyn only tries to push and walk with her walker and the ride on. Quite dangerous lor, cos the walker and ride on got wheels, will give way mah. She will also cruise everywhere (sofa, table, bed etc) as long as she manages to get support to let her stand up. But stationed stuff are better cos won't give way.
My boys are about the same, the 1st & 2nd can play together but when K want to play their toys, they will keep everything and give him those that belong to him. Funniest thing is K don't like to play "baby stuff" like teether or rattle toys, he like to play what the brothers are playing. Nowadays when K is in the walker, we don't dare to put anything on the table, he will see from far what is on the table then go there, tiptoe & try to reach for the thing, very scary.

Any mummies here cook the porride using double boiled method? We always use slow cooker to cook the porridge but that day my auntie told my mum that this will cause wind in the baby's stomach, is this true?

Any 1 know anything or has been to this JWT Kids Gym at Eastgate?
Dorricmien, jenny

thanks for clarification on walker. Jus heard what ppl say. I dun really bother about the reason la, ony that I make sure Dyl is not left to 1 activity all the time.

Know of some baby carers put bb in walkers the entire day so that can do their own things.


you bb sleeps in another room? By himself?
Yes. In his own bedroom, by himself. We have been doing this since his first day home from the hospital. But of course, we have a baby monitor on his room so we will still be alerted to check on him if he cries or makes noise. Definitely more shiong for us cos we have to trot over to his room to check on him when he fusses but we are willing to do that to train him to sleep on his own.
At least your 1st and 2nd boys gave K his toys leh... Mine kept away mei mei's toy as well **faint**
What's the logic ah???
Wah liew, when Jaslyn is at home, nothing on the coffeetable and under it. She just simply wiped out everything, tear lah watever you name...
Did you leave the porridge in the slow cooker from lunch till dinner (off the slow cooker)? If is, then no good, unless you on the cooker, meaning keep boiling but in low heat.

hi hi. back from kl yesterday. today really tired so decided to take urgent leave.

no time to shop while in kl. only had 45mins to shop before i check out n head towards airport. only went mango. grab some stuff, pay n leave.

<font color="0000ff">shirley</font> no never use the web cam so far so my schedule is packed back to back n ends my day at ard 11+pm so by then Caleb is aslp already. my best bet is 3G phone but never managed to get it working leh.

crawling baby
can sympathise with those having crawling babies. caleb also crawls everywhere but 1 good thing is when u call out his name, he will crawl out from where ever he is (most times so far) unless he is super engross then he wont respond.

walking baby
so far caleb can only walk a few steps with support but he very lazy to stand up too long so will always throw himself down to sit after a while. only on a couple of occasions where he managed to stand without support for a few seconds.
