(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Hi Shirley,

Ya lor... miss her baby look leh...

delphine/ mango

does D and megan wanna join us in the gym this sat? u can sms doreen or selina to see if can slot u gals in
Hi shirley,
Tks for sharing shirley,I just call up to do the booking on Fri 2.30 pm slot.Dun know how is it like ..first time joining the bb gym hee..
i think delphine is referring to the Gymboree trial that selina is organising.
This friday one is the JWT trial at East Coast. We'll see you there

Dor & Jerene,
Did JWT call you back to confirm.
Anyway in case they didn't tell you. This one is a 1.5hrs global playroom trial so there could be activities eg painting so don't dress your babies in expensive clothes. haha!
Also, like most other gyms, adults have to wear socks. They are not particular about babies wearing socks for this trial.
They didn't tell me must wear sock leh. Lucky u posted here else I sure dun bring along 1. kekeke

Great see u on Fri.

U going on sat too aah can meet u there too. Wah really mini gathering liao. hehehhehe
shirley & bbgrace
finally am off for these 2 days. how i looked fwd man. but still need 2 get up early 2 express milk. am gg 4 a shopping trip later!!! hehe

btw wats the photobk u girls doing? i am keen but doubt i will hv time 2 do such things.

too bad cant join u girls this sat, and shirley, i really think our boys no fate!!!

now tt u girls mentioned socks, i rem i went 4 a trial a few mths back wif the sept thread mummies. wah v shiong man! if u csan, pls bring hb along so u both can rotate, else i swear ur arms r gonna break aft the session! many 'stunts'! ops! not scaring u ladies.... but alot of things 2 play there.
if ur baby is not cranky, they shld enjoy the session/

wat happened? both girls fell sick? oh dear... when young kids fall sick, they refuse food. same thing 4 my niece. even R, whom is well oso can go on food strike at times!
You mean, u don't need to wear socks at Gymboree?
I thought socks is a common thing at playgym, that was why i asked them.
The guy was telling me that they are not so strict cos it's a trial class. but for actual class, they want the kids to wear socks with non-slip soles and parents to be in socks also.

on leave ah? Go for the gym trial at JWT lah.
you'll probably say crazy, it's all the way at East Coast.
i got no ahmad leh... and to bring R all the way to East Coast alone on public transport? i dread to even think abt it! hahahahaahaha...
Hi Doreen,

Yippie, mini gathering at gym class.
Just received a confirm sms from selina.
See ya there, adults remember to wear socks(including hubby) as advised by Selina.
hi all
long time i haven been posting cos busy with work and family

my dad is recovering well, his cancer cells smaller than 1 cm after just 2 chemo and he may not need the full 6 times cycle

Bills funded 75% by govt, phew.........
im now busy looking for flats near my parents and i can say im having nightmare almost everyday just beocs of the hse tingy....so stressful.....haiz esp now the price is so so high......

then........my hubby suggested me to do away with my maid if we move to the east as my mum can cum to our hse during daytime to look after.............but tat means i have to take on all the nite feeding and hsework again even if im working.....and duno if im cooking too

feeling so stressed out.....
bz wif work lately. sneak in here to say hi..
but hor, our thread become so quiet lately lel...

D really like a xiao mei ren lel...
getting prettier..

aiyo...R oso dun like cut hit hair huh? my A oso same same...
scream like kanna murder like tat..till all the ppl passed by oso peep into saloon. some more wanna snatch scisor..at the end, the hair cut don't nice at all...

A same too..having same porridge for lunch & dinner. poor boy..
only on sunday (cos work on sat too), he will hav special meal..
yes...sept mommies very creative on their baby food. wanna try those recipe provided by Brenda.

Congrats! ur dad is recovering well.

u start work liao?
dun stress up...i m sure u managed to find a ideal home.

aiyo...xin ku ni lel.

with 2 sick babies, really not easy.
Hope both J recover fast fast...

Alvis at 1 month

on same chair at 8.5 month
Hi Jasmine,

Wow, big diff liao hor.... so grown up now and A seems so engrossed on something(izzit the toy?) in the 2nd pic.
charming little boy...
ya lor..he was looking at the flying birdie toy...
hi grandma called him naughty boy..
but i found he is too active lol..cant guai guai sit there ...
thanks mango and jasmine
yes started work and the moment i reach home, my boy in his walker will "fly" to me kekeke
he knows hw to clap his hands, kiss goodbye and call papa/mama...call "mum mum" when he wants to eat his porridge
hi bbgrace,

thks for explaining what's the photobook. really pei fu you. me only got abt 8.5 mths fotos, already think that i dont have the time for it, furthermore u got abt 2.5 yrs fotos to do..

hi jenny,

can imgaine how bad it's for u. even if only 1 kid is sick, it's taxing enough, now 2 kids sick, even more stressed for the caregiver & parents.

hi delphine,

keep those fotos of D coming in...

hi jasmine,

A indeed look v different now from his 1 mth...
aiya, nowadays, bbs wont stay long in 1 position .

hi aspialle,

glad to hear that ur dad is much better now.

as to doing away the maid, i think u have to explain to ur hb. whether he's willing to help u out in nite feeds/hsework since u have started working and not a SAHM anymore. also, if ur mum is coming over to cook & take care of ted, it will be going to be quite tiring for her as she has to clean up aftr cooking.
or else for the hsework, maybe u have to consider PT maid.

for me, i actually can do w/o a maid as my hb do help me out in taking care of tricia and in hsework. for meals, we will eat out. it's more for my mum as she's the main caregiver and furthermore she need to cook dinner. i need someone to do the hsework for my mum. rather than getting a PT maid who needs to do 2 hseholds & no cooking, i might as well get a FT maid.

pai seh, for the long posting, just my thoughts...
So far I only went 2 gyms n only gymboree asked parents to wear socks. The previous one 1 went to littlegym didn't they jus use wet wipe to wipe the bbs feet before they enter the room only.
So hor if u didn't say i would assume dun need 1. hehehehe
Hi ladies, need to check if you know where to get ikan bilis that are not so salty or better still, unsalted? Am thinking of getting some to grind into powder to be added into porridge. Thanks!
Aiyah I always forget what I was going to post leh. But anyway here's Damien doing yoga at my mum's place.



Okie I finally remember what I was gonna post.
Damien went for his 9mth assesment n he now weighs 9.8kg at 70cm. Weight is 75% n above while his height is a lousy 25%. Sigh.....hopefully he dun inherit the 'short' genes from daddy's side(cross fingers)
yes approved after 2 weeks frm appln

my hb often work late, will return home ard 9pm only so usually last time without maid i will be doing the hsework n cooking

when my mum comes over to take care of ted, i dun let her do hse work at all so i guess everyting will falls on me again

i have talked to him abt tis and we may keep the maid for some time first to see how

thanks for sharing with me
thanks for ur compliment on behalf of A.
frm today onwards, i won't let him sit on the bouncer chair. cos hor this morning he nearly fell down frm the chair when he try to turn to the side. luckily i managed to hold him. what a scare early morning.

Ted so clever, knows to do so much motion.
A hor, very fast in crawling, but still dunno wave bye bye or clap hand...

i dunno which type of ikan bilis unsalted lel. MIL said she taste few type of ikan bilis b4 bought them or checked with the seller.

aiyo...D sooooo cute!!

yoga baby...
btw, is it neccessary to go for 9 months assesment?
babygrace, pups, shirley,
ha... I was thinking if Prints has the album I want or not leh, and I went straight to check it out after my posting keke (yes I know I kiasu lah). Bingo! Yes, you gals are right, not cheap. The size I want cost me $69.90. Anyway I finished doing the one for Jolene already. Now waiting for Jaslyn pics to be ready then I can start on hers. Anyway, very happy to find the albums liao and I spent a bomb.

ya lor, both sick, I die first lor cos they only want me and nobody else
No choice, I left the gals at my mum place and return to work today cos absence for a week le.
Not only food strike alone... Jaslyn keeps vomitting cos she refuses to take her medicine. I clean up the mess till I fedup!! Luckily she din drop much in weight, she now weighing 9.2kg at 74cm. But Jolene lost 1kg. My mum very heartpain.

You are not alone w/o maid. I've friends w/o maid and they are having 2 kids. Just like wat Gemini suggested. If you think you can't handle housework, then get a PT Cleaner who drops by once a week. If not much housework, just do a bit each day after work. For meals, order Tingkat or eat at your parents place or tabao. Taking care of Ted, you and yr hb do your part, share the load. You can survive!

OK, need to rush for work le, 1 week outstanding work waiting for me to clear
<font color="0000ff">Mango</font>
Thank you so much for the ride, I hope Megan filled her tum-tum quickly thereafter. It is nice to finally meet you and sweet Megan. I will PM you some BJ must-see, must-do, must-eat, etc later.

<font color="0000ff">Evon & Dor</font>
As usual, great seeing you guys and emma and damien again. Do you think we had more fun in class than they did??
Oh babygrace can you show me your photobook pls? I was thinking of putting photo albums at alexis's one year old party for ppl to see but someone also suggested slideshow! Ma chiam wedding! Hehhee...

<font color="0000ff">Viv</font>
We miss you leh!
Hi hi, been a long time since I came in. Remember me? Now still no time to read the postings,I miss lots! But I must say I love my job so at times I really work till I forget about going home and hb gotta call and check on me.

A quick update on Char. She's still not crawling on all four only leopard crawl and reverse crawling only. But her fav past time is to reverse carwl and slide down the bed to a standing position. She loves to high-five and clap our hands or shake hand. And everyday she'll wave goodbye to me at the window by opening and clasping her right hand. Her size quite stable been abt 10kg and 75cm for few mths liao. Still 2 teeth below, upper gum 5 teeth. I've cut down her intake of porridge and fill her with more vege and fish, meat, beancurd, etc. She hates Gerber puffs so I eat them all. SHe prefers the biscuits from Pigeon. She loves fish so our latest outing has been the underwater world where she can go round and round and round looking at the fish.

Here's some pics of her. And guess what, one day I came home form work to see my Mum dress her in the jin san shun hair-do. My Mum's a huge Korean drama fan...Jenny, here's pic of Char's swim diaper.



jerene, dor and mango,
Great to see you all again today.
I had fun today though i think 1.5hrs is a tad too long for our little ones.

You know when the babies had their snack time, i can't help but feel that they've all grown up liao. machiam like recess time. Here's pic of Emma and Damien. Too bad i didn't manage to capture all 4 of them at the table.

My photobook is the small one. if you want to let pple browse during the party, best to do the hardcover big one with thick glossy pages.
i can still show you mine lah.

Char is still as cute as ever
So long u never post already miss u n Char leh.
btw jus now we NGM decided we want GATHERINGS so will have 1 coming up soon so all can meetup again Yay!!
So fun at the JWT playgroup today n Damien has his first artwork. Although I think he managed to have his first taste of paint as well. Hahaha
But the 1.5 hrs is really too long for our bbs now lah maybe when they can run around we can bring them there n jus let them go all over we jus need to carry them back into our cars n let them sleep. Hehehehe

Here's some pics I took mostly blur lah so make do okie hehehe.






<font color="0000ff">Photos taken in JWT</font>
Thanks for the pixs girls, they looked so asdorable indeed. I think <font color="0000ff">Mango</font> taken the most number of pixs right? Cant wait for her to post! I agreed that 1.5 hours seem to tired out alexis. Though my friend, Mei, disagreed, she signed up for daughter for the Monday and Wednesday classes. Oh and she said to say nice meeting you guys.

<font color="0000ff">bbgrace</font>
Are you going to the HF class today? If yes, can you pls bring along that photobook? Thanks! Though I seriously doubt I will do some hardcover photobook - unfortunately I have no time and no money! Oh Emma is indeed a chilli padi, which just goes to prove how feisty things comes in small packages...I bet she packs a punch too!

<font color="0000ff">Coral</font>
It is great that you enjoy your new work, makes time flies back, doesnt it? Nice picture of Char, she looked demure and sweet.
goodness!!! can all ur babies sit unassisted lke tt on a normal chair!!! hahhaha bb grace is rite! looks lke they hvg recess!!! so cute!!!!

gotta dash now... catch up later!!
hi mummies...

hehehe... <font color="ff6000">Happy Earth Day to all!</font>

eh, we all agree e thread getting kinda quiet hor.. where did everyone go??? my excuse is bz bz at work cos of FY closing, n new FY budget to prepare, plus GSS, n GST increase, lots to do at work, so by e time i come back, spend time with A, am already soooo tired out to login....

<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">ALL e OCT MUMMIES, come back n "report strength" leh..!!!</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">Ayden's development</font>
as i was sharing with e mummies in NGM, i think A is kinda slow (tis is not a complain, juz an observation), cos my mum is kinda toooo protective towards him.. she doesnt let him play on e playmat too often, as she says he doesnt like e one i bought (n i still waiting for e world map to b available, its been OOS for sooo long!).. she also doesnt let A get on e floor (cos she say my marble floor "too cold"..) so A got no chance to b crawling under e dining table n hiding behind sofa... *haiz*...

then e other thing is, i bought e nestle teething biscuit cos tats e only thing that A knows how to hold n feed himself rite.. (e rest of e food we give him, he will NOT put into his mouth...) but she dont give it to him cos its too messy e way he eats it... n i also bought e mag mag pigeon cup with soft spout to train him to use a cup (since 2 months ago), until now she only let him play with it as a toy, cos she say later water drip everywhere very messy.... *haiz* *haiz* *haiz*.....

<font color="0000ff">Teething</font>
A's teeth are ALL coming out with a vengence leh.. his 2 bottom teeth n 2 top teeth are coming out at e same time.. e bottom teeth started "poking thru" abt 2 weeks back.. n now e top teeth started to show... he's been super duper cranky these couple of weeks... in e afternoon, he'll be crying bloody murder n even my neighbour also knows he's teething liaoz... but when im at home, he doesnt cry as badly...

when will i ever strike TOTO, so tat i can stay at home.. n my poor A wouldnt be so cranky n notti leh????????

<font color="0000ff">maid</font>
can e mummies here share with me, wats e procedures i hv to go thru to get a maid huh??? wat kind of $$$ involve, eg wat kind of admin/procedure fees n how much... how much $$$ to pay e maid monthly, etc etc... n how long e whole process will take(i.e from e day i approach e agency, to e day e maid actually arrives to start work in my hse)... Thank u very much in advance for all e info u all can help provide.....

<font color="0000ff">aspialle</font>
i remember u mention b4 tat ur relative runs a maid agency issit?? n u recommended a couple of mummies here to get maid from there??? i hope its not my memory failing me, but i remember got good reviews of e maid... can share with me where is e maid agency??? if i want to get 1 in by ard October, when shd i start looking??? can still ask ur relative to help me select good ones, with experience in taking care of babies/ toddlers.. or experience in workng as a maid already, so dont hv to spend tooo much time training her... thank u very much in advance!!!
after ogling all e cute cute photos.. now i feel so bad... tis bz n lazy mummy very long time never take photo of A liaoz... can only share those i took last month, when we went to Marriott for high-tea... hehehe...


A: "yeah... *clap clap* daddy treating us to high-tea"...


A: "OOI! stop shooting n feed me some of those nice pastries leh!"
one last thing bah... for e benefit of those mummies who r interested...
i juz went for detailed scan yesterday.. everything is fine n well for baby #2.. im now 18 weeks liaoz, EDD almost confirmed 1st Dec.. tis sonographer not too friendly, so didnt get too much info from her... n i know e info u all most interested about... <font color="0000ff">gender</font>... hahahaha... gotto keep u all in suspense liaoz.. cos I also dont know.. n we r sticking to NOT KNOWING... so we'll all know when i finally *pop*...
all i need to do now is come up with a boy's name... (hey, im open to suggestions.. share ur fav boy's names leh!) cos already got a girl's name.. n all e baby's stuff! nothing else to prepare...
for me im lucky, cos tat time tis maid i get is a transfer maid so happen tat the employer has biz failure and he downgrade his bungalow to flat and not able to afford, so i only wait ard 2 weeks of admin then i get her already

you can call Mr Frankie Chua at 64380086, tell him ur a frd of Crystal, he remembers me. I recommend huijun previously but tink her sis found one already tat time.

Nw who is taking care of A? my maid ok la, i train her abt 1-2 weeks before i really started work and she learn quite fast, although she is indonesian but she can speak simple english, i guess it depends on ur luck too, so far i dun have much problems with her.i got to pay for her "loan" that she owes the agent, so that will be deducted frm pay each mth. I get additional insurance to cover for the $5000 banker's guarantee, meaning if anything happen that they forfeit the $5000, insurance will pay, not me.I get medical coverage too for maid so that she is hospitalised or sick, i dun have to pay for any expenses....all this you can ask Mr Frankie, we did the paper work one shot there, only went down twice, once to see the potential maid, once to collect the maid cum sign paper work
Forgot to ans u that qns. The 9mth assessment dun really need lah unless u have concern or u want to know how well A is growing lor. For Damien hor becos got the package at polyclinic ma n it includes means FOC so I go lor. Kekekeke
But if U bring A to pd u can also shun bian ask the pd to do for him 1. The assessment is in the health booklet for age 6-10mths.

Aiyah too bad Alexis was aslp today else we could all enjoy the class together. We went for drinks later after the class so tot u can join us but u already went back.

I like the 2nd pic of Ayden so cute the pose. Hehehehehe
Actually waiting for u to announce this leh cos u choose date 1 ma hahahha
But u never announce leh so I kpo announce lah n post first so those who need to take leave n block calendar please do so immediately okie.

<font color="0000ff">JULY GATHERING for Oct thread</font>
<font color="ff0000">Venue: Compass Point (same as last gathering)
Date: 21 July 2007 (Saturday)
I believe it should still be potluck like the other time. We need more NGMs before we can fine tune the other details. So NGM committee fall in aah. Wahahahahaa
<font color="0000ff">Dor</font>
Thanks for the pics.

Dunno why each time i see the pics of the babies sitting there eating their baby bites, my heart swell with pride thinking that my little girl is so grown up now

<font color="0000ff">Jerene</font>
On another one who thinks that Emma is a chilli padi. hehe.... i wonder where she got those aggressive genes from :p
It's really funny to watch the babies interact. I leave it to her to fend for herself (which she has proven that she can). Damn funny when Alexis took the toy from her and eventually she got it back from her.

Eh my photobook not printed out yet leh. Must wait till end of the month. Hey, money not a problem for you lah. I think the 30x30 hardcover book cost about $100. Time is what you don't have cos it's quite tedious.

<font color="0000ff">Gathering</font>
Let me go check the availability of the function room for 21 Jul and then we'll confirm the date.
Yah lor when I see Damien's newborn pic I keep telling hubby how small he was n now he's SOO BIG. Wahahahhaha

Taken today at Vivo. Looks so grown up hor.
Sob sob my bb has grown so much!!!

Regarding getting a maid, a few things to note

1) Cost
Firstly, there's a fee to be paid to the agent and this depends on the nationality of maid and how competitively priced the agency is. The fees for my myanmar maid is higher cos it cost more for the agent to bring them in. And i think those agencies that offer unlimited changes of maids (if found unsuitable) within the year will charge more also. Some agents will charge the employer lesser but in turn place the financial burden on the maid.
I paid my agent $488 for agency fees and like what aspialle mentioned, there's insurance on the $5K bond which is about $100.

A fresh maid would usually owe the agent money to come here, so we will have to pay up her loan to the agent and offset her monthly pay against the loan. Some agency offers instalment plans for payment of loan. I chose to pay up my maid's loan of $2400 at one shot cos they charge me lower agency fee if i can pay everything upfront.

The salary of Philipino maids are the highest. Myanmar maids used to come in 2nd and then indon maids. But i heard that recently the indon govt has raised the min wage of their maids and are trying to make the countries to agree with the new wage. i'm paying $320 per month to my maid without off days.

There's also a levy to be paid to the govt and i think it's about $170 (can't remember cos it supposed to be reduced this month)

As for other costs, you need to pay for her food and daily neccessities, ie toiletries. i pay for her stamps but if she needs to call home, she pays for her own phonecard.

2) Admin procedures
It takes about 3 weeks to a month for a fresh maid to reach you from the time you select her. Transfer maids are faster cos they are already in SG.
Get the agency to fax / email you the bio-datas (some even have online ones). Ask to interview the maid if possible.
For 1st time employers, you have to take an online test before you can employ a maid. Very easy common sense type of questions.

I never had to go down and see my agent. Everything was done via phone / email and she brought the paperwork to my place to sign and sent the maid to my house. She provides good service but she specialises in Myanmar maids so if u decided to get a myanmar one, i can give you the contact.

As for when you should start looking for a maid. If you can afford to, best to start now. Getting a maid depends on your luck. If you can get a good one, then it's good that the maid can be proficient by the time #2 arrives and A would have gotten used to her also. Less stressful for everyone. In the event the maid is not suitable, you'll have to return her and the search starts all over again.

3) Other things to note
Firstly you got to decide which nationality to employ. I'm trying not to stereotype and i believe each nationality have it's fair share of good and lousy maids. But there are some pros and cons of each

<font color="0000ff">Phillipinos</font>
- Generally speak better english
- More streetsmart hence fast learner but flipside is that can be more scheming
- Have lots of their countrymen here so learn lots of "tricks" already
- can take and handle pork

<font color="0000ff">Indonesians</font>
- those who have parents who cant speak english helping to jaga the maid will take indon maids cos they can speak malay. Jerene's helper speaks good mandarin!
- generally less schemeing but that could mean slower in learning
- as most don't take pork, need to make alternative food arrangement
- some will request to fast during hari raya puasa (you may have issues with that cos you'll worry if she has to energy to work)

<font color="0000ff">Myanmar</font>
- Generally very gentle and submissive
- serious about work cos it cost them a lot to get out of their country to work.
- because of their slow pace in their country and lack of exposure, they may be slow during the initial periods. Need more time to train
- lesser of their countrymen here, so lesser possibility of them learning "tricks"
- communication problem. most studied english in school but due to lack of practice, they can't speak well. This can potentially give rise to a lot of problems cos they may not understand the instructions that you give them.
- no dietary considerations cos they are mainly christians or buddhist.

That's about all i can think of at the moment.
You may want to visit this thread. Read it and you'll realise that getting a good maid is like striking lottery

<font color="0000ff">babygrace</font>
Very well presented indeed.
I agree with Evon on all counts and just wish to add that my helper is able to speak fluent Mandarin as she worked in Singapore before and had to learn as the family and her had no common language, plus her sis who works for my sis-in-law is able to speak Mandarin too so they can practise with each other. On top of all these, she is not a slow learner. In fact, she now understands simple English too as adrian and I seldom speaks in Mandarin and she picks it up from listening to us interact.

<font color="0000ff">July Gathering</font>
I hope an alternative date is chosen! All my weekends are free EXCEPT for 21 July but if this is the best date for all, then I will join you guys next round.

<font color="0000ff">Doreen</font>
I would have waited if my hubby was not there. He was not feeling well but still came anyway so after he had his lunch we went home. Miss seeing Shirley! Darn. However, I managed to 1) say hi 2) nod 3) wave to wendy, esther, selina and of course, doreen. How was class anyway??

you're lucky to have found a good helper.
Oh yes, say hi to Mei too. She must have been pretty impressed with JWT to sign her daughter up for the playgroup. Not cheap i must say?

Btw, isn't it a coincidence that there were quite a number of Oct babies at the playgroup that day? Which makes me wonder maybe their mommies are silent readers of this forum?

Damien looks like a big boy in that photo. so cute!
