(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

<font color="0000ff">Huijun</font>

just took out K's ball and looks like she has not outgrown it leh, contrary to wat hb tot ;)



RF should hav a good time with it

i hv not cal the total amt spent yet coz i am sharing wif a fren on the purchase. juz on shipping alone, wasnt too bad, in total abt S$65 (incl Coach shipping to vpostusa and vpostusa to SG). i got the tote tt Esther had but mine is the multi stripe one wif a matching mini skinny.
waiting 4 it to rch me... shld b by this coming wk.
total plus shipping i think roughly S$600+ (excl my fren's purchase)... u still wan the details then i let u noe aft i cal hor.
D made frens where? wif the Coach girls? hehehee...

i got the cereals at cold storage CWP... thot this brand easily available? else u might wanna go to those bigger supermkts. they shld hv it.

think ur boy is the top for weight now!

oh yah! HT cereals hor? heard some sept mummies mentioning it b4... i am really at a lost how to feed R now. fed him the jap pumpkin puree this morning and his response was poorer than yesterday. :-( sigh... he threatened to vomit aft the 3rd try and i dun dare push it anymore. more mess to clean up if he vomits.
hi jo,

they allow bb on board the duck tour? tot of bringing tricia also.

oh, also got encounter the promo on the free steamer when i was in suntec. they normally approach those with kids.

hi doreen,

glad to hear that Damien is alright now. i just take 1 module of C programming and nearly died. luckily thing, got a friend who can copy my assignment from him.hehee.

BG gathering
got a suggestion, since delphine mentioned that there's a restuarant/cafe, why not we ordered finger foods/snacks from it? definitely it will cost more than if we bring ourselves but i felt that it will be easier for the mummies who still need to prepare & bring the food and if it rains, how to finish the food.
Looks like both of us have problem feeding our little ones. i've yet to let emma try new things after feeding her apple which she hated. Am waiting for her cough to clear before i start them.

Hey, i like the multi stripe tote too!

<font color="ff0000">BG GATHERING</font>
I have to give the gathering a miss next week cos Joshua's class has been rescheduled to 4.30pm so there's no way we can reach there on time.

<font color="0000ff">F&B outlets within BG</font>

1. Au Jardin Les Amis
Certainly not this fine dining place

2. Cafe Les Amis
I think the food will be overpriced since it's part of the Les Amis Group

3. Halia Restaurant
Not sure if they have finger food for us to ta pao. In any case, it's a mid-range restaurant.

4 Garden Refreshment Kiosk
As with all refreshment kiosk in tourist attractions, this is likely to sell overpriced snaks.

5. Taman Serasi Food Court
This is the best choice of the lot. Lots of seats plus baby chair. Gets very crowded during dinner time on weekends.
I guess that will be the best place to adjourn to if it rains since this is the nearest to where we are gathering and the car park. But no outside food is allowed, so we probably can't eat the snacks that we bring.

<font color="0000ff">So how? Can the food court be the wet weather meeting place?</font>

My view is that if it's raining at 3pm, it's best to cancel it and not make our way there, unless you all don't mind gg all the way there to meet in a foodcourt.

I can offer my function as an alternative. But i must check on it's availability and make payment for it first. But then again, would everyone want to travel all the way to SK?
Weather was pretty good in BJ, a nice cool, about 20 degrees or so in the day and slightly lower at night...more reason to wool up
However it was super dry and baby alexis had red rashes all over her body, very xin suan when I saw it.
BJ is in a construction/renovation frenzy to prepare for the 2008 Aug 8 Olympics. Dust everywhere so air quality is not fantastic, esp in the city areas.

Your place is the niao bu shen dan de di fang leh...not that I have a better option huh...
i made apple puree using my tollyjoy food maker today..hehe but wana ask a question....the puree turn brownish real soon, is it normal?although i put in the cube to freeze but still see that it is brownish leh

let my boy taste a bit of apple juice, hehe only drinks a little...

also made potato puree...will try vegetable puree next week. i saw some books, they only recommend the potato puree at 8 mths??

as for soya drink and barley drink, hw many mths is the safest to try?
I use a small bowl filled 3/4 full water.. steamed fr abt 1/2 hr... let it cool then add it to bottle abt 30ml n add in 30ml water... usually he will drink abt 20mil only.... but got drink is better than no drink...

The apple i have oso brown after steamed. think it is like tat one... even put in fridge till next day, it will still be the same colour ...
I want to complain parent abuse!! anyone experience it??

Imagine this cute sweet little girl:


did this to her mommy. (hope that it's not gross)


oh dear.. people keep asking me who did this to me..
Kim has lots of strength. she tend to lift her leg high up when she lying and bed and BOOM down with all her strength. anyone's baby is like this as well>?
wow, you better watch out...now bruises only, in future, may draw blood from scratches! Though baby alexis is chor lor, also have not kena like you...poor thing!

I was in BG today and enjoyed a nice stroll while trying to find nice places for us to hide from if it rains.

There are a couple of nice sheltered gazebos of different sizes scattered throughout the place and the 2 better and bigger ones are located at the top of the basement foodcourt (bigger than the other one) and opposite Swan Lake (better view, with six benches each able to sit 3 reasonably sized adults). Took a couple of photos but will need <font color="0000ff">Doreen</font> help to post here :p

The link shows the detailed map of the gardens ground:

We can use this to ascertain where to meet.

Another potential issue is if the gazebo we would like to meet at is taken by others. Do we kinda share or do we, like my hubby suggest, tell people "this is a private function" (post signs)? I am afriad if we do this, the park's officers may come as I doubt one can book a gazebo. Another way is to tie lots of balloons around the gazebo, one for ease of recognition by us and two, to let others know not to kar jiao (disturb). HOWEVER, we then need someone who can go earlier than suggested meeting time to do so as we will prob have to, as I have seen today, "fight" with the maids for the space.

How many people do we have in total? To use the Gardens' Premises, written approval is required to be obtained for organised activites which involve groups above 30. Applications have to be submitted at least 7 days prior to the proposed use.

The other option is to spend the money and rent a function room, it can accommodate up to 80 people seated or a 200 free-standing crowd. I can check how much it cost via email or phone call tomorrow.

Does this make sense?
hi adeline

u r not the only one. my bb oni 6 mths and 1 week old. she likes to pinch me until blueblack. as u mentioned, like to lift her legs high high and boom on the bed..... she has another "talent" bang her head on the bed jus for fun.....when i wanted to video her, she will jus lie on the bed without moving....haiz

btw she is a gal hor
Omg! worse then mine pinch leh! haha.. my blue black 2 weeks haven recover. the previous one was swollen and painful. this one consider good liao haha..
dunno where they learn it from!
Wah, you may wanna let Kim learn martial art next time. You'll never know who will represent singapore for tae Kwon do or karate next!!! heh..
O, i called them, they may not have the world map design anymore. maybe you can help me ask. I wan the world map one onli...thanks k...

regarding cereals,
Went to cold storage at marine parade today. ive given up looking for unadulterated pure brown rice cereal, forget it...too troublesome, just use the normal white rice will do.
Hi Ling, I'm from July 06 thread. Just started reading on this and guess what, both our baby shared the same name "Maximus". My Maximus is born on 31 July..by any chance, is you or your hubby a big fan of gladiators?
Go those medical hall and buy. but i not sure is it cereal or only brown rice. My mom say very nutritious and good but very heaty as well.
Aiyo she girl girl ah.. cannot anyhow so chu lu ma.. haha.. i also call them. they say stocks will be coming in wor. bt not sure when.. she ask me give her a call back tomorrow. u cfm want? then i place order for 2?
I will ask the price 1st and see if it is the same pricing as smallsmallworld. cause smallsmallworld says have new products tml i chk it out then let u know hee..
Sure thing. Yah, we should wait for the smallsmallworld promotion to be released and see if it is any better. It'll be out tonight, but dun think i;ll be awake then. heh...so maybe you can pm me your mobile number? then i can sms you if you are going at all...

i;ll go ask...but rice is rice right? arghh...
Thanks for your info. Will try it next time. Can i use this while he is teething? Scare teething also fever. (Although the 1st 2 never give prob)

Hope Max maintain this way, cos he has been drinking less now.

HiHi nice to find another boy of same name. We are not fans of gladiators, my hb just find this name interesting. At 1st i dun like this name, when Max was hospitalise the nurse joke about his name and even suggest the next 1 to be called Minimus. Now, i've come to accept it, quite a nice name afterall.
hi jerene,

bbgrace place is at least not that niao bu sheng dan, it's still next to SK MRT stn... as compared to punggol.

hi adeline/yoko,

hi5! tricia also loves to lift up her legs and boom down the bed. and also she loves to kick & real hard. we always kena when we change her. my girl also pinch but i'm luckier as compared to adeline, no blueblack.
but hor, adeline, urs look real bad leh. r u anaemic?
U mean ur function room must pay 1 aah?? I thought condo will let their ppl use for free 1 leh cos I know my grandma's place one is free. Urr I dunno where is BG located lah I am a lu chi. But ur place is near me so I dun mind....hehehehe

Think I am okie to meet u on tue cos D is fine now just that he has a lot of red dots on his body becos of the high fever. Then I help u to post lah.......heheheh
But I thought ur hubby is back already?? So dun need me to help u do the transfer liao ma.
bbgrace place not niao bu shen dan lah. I will say quite convinent for all cos got public transport at door step(I have straight bus) n free parking leh.......hehehehehe
We can even go swimming.....urrrr but its supposed to be raining right??....hahahhaa
So nice of u to go n seek out BG for places. But yah hor got alot of maids aah. Will we look like some of the anot......HAHAHAHAHHAHA

I still want can?? Cos I'm still aiming a bag not getting now lah but trying to find the cheapest yet to get it.....hehehhe
So u take ur time got the calculation then Pm me K. Thanx alot.
bbgrace stay at compass point that condo? if yes it is like only opposite me!! haha
No anaemic leh. and my blueblack is always morning when i wake up suddenly have one. she always occupy the whole bed anyway. keep turning and turning then i keep giving up my spce for her. so almost every sat n sun i dun sleep well. last time when she sleep rocking bed right she kick the metal, she will cry in pain. but now hor no matter how hard she kick she also no feeling still can smile. dunno is it TRAINED!!
so damien and alexis get to scream at each other again on tues ah? Okay I prep her!
Still need you to post photos lah, hubby too engrossed in the sony playstation. My MIL teased me saying I bought the wrong gift. I am just glad he enjoys it
I text you now hor.
Look like maids also like that, no choice

I have so many friends staying in PG/SK areas and all very fertile so the niao bu shen dan is a myth
I guess I am just not used to that area :p
My place charges a nominal fee for booking of facilities eg tennis court, function room, bbq pit. My previous place was also free. But i guess they charge so that people don't just book and not turn up cos my previous place had this problem.

i agree that my place is the most convenient among the niao bu shen dan place. I can get from orchard back home without getting caught in the rain. There's food court / restaurants around just like how you all ended up at The Soup Restaurant after the swim. hehe....

but it's still far from town if you drive lor.

i want to tell your mum a sad news. The old lady that lives opposite me passed away yesterday. She blacked out at home on thurs and passed on yesterday morning. It was so sudden but at least she did not suffer much.
Here r the pics Jerene took today. Me posting for her cos she dunno how to do it...kekeke
Gazebo on top of Food Court

Gazebo at swan lake

<font color="ff0000">N good news there will be a grand prize for the early bird draw n this is the prize</font>

HAhahhaha jerene can't resist....hehehhee
Hi Starz,

I'm Chloe's mum from Sept Thread. My husband managed to take two photos of Ayden during yesterday's class. Just PM_ed you the link.
<font color="0000ff">Jerene</font>

Poor Alexis, hope her rashes are gone now that she is back.

The temperature there sounds good compared to humid spore nowsadays

<font color="0000ff">Gemini</font>

Baby are allowed for the duck tour
stroller need toleave at counter

<font color="0000ff">adeline</font>

poor u ! Kim really has a lot of strength !

my sil was showing me some brown rice powder with ikan billis..she said can be bot at NTUC for 4plus, me going to check this out at the biger branches.those near my hse r small branches and i have never seen those
I joined this forum too late if not i would like to bring kim go classes as well.
Now searching for some to enrol her in. any classes to teach baby girls to be more lady like?
Kelicia at her mini Gathering

With 2 years plus Ivan, look quite alike i tot

Getting Intimate

With her younger didi cousin who is 1.5 months her junior

In a temporary bathing place due to unforseen reason
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">IMPORTANT NOTICE ON BG GATHERING CHANGE VENUE</font></font>
<font color="ff0000">Hi all, in view of the very unpredictable weather lately, we are proposing to change the venue to <font color="0000ff">bbgrace</font> condo function room @ SengKang instead. regardless of weather condition we can continue our makan session there plus added advantage is bb can swim there too if weather is good. can we have a show of hands & feet who is in on this.

1. Selina
2. Jerene
3. Doreen
4. Vivian (included your name cos u stay punggol so dun think u will mind right?)
5. Esther (KPO for you cos i doubt u will mind SK)
6. Gemini
7. Delphine

Pai sei hor i KPO include all the punggol/SK mummies names here first. if in any case, any of you cant make it, just let me know lah.

food wise if we agree on bbgrace place, then we can stick to what each initially wanted to prepare.

plse plse put in your interest here asap cos it is tis sat. wanna give all enf time to prepare. but pending venue confirmation from bbgrace after she checks wif the management tmr. too late to check now
Hi jo,
Think the brown rice powder is the one from moon rabbit? some si sen brown rice powder (Some comes with ginseng too!!) Singapore product, but dunno where the rice is from

Hiyo,count CY in if you are thinking of enrolling kim in any classes. Hee...you can send her for some modelling class when she is older...but hor, regarding your bruises, have you considered getting those co-sleeperes? they are like little beds meant to be placed in between parents on the family bed...
Wow your Kim sure got alot of strength leh... goood so would not be bullied by boys next time... but your blue black looks painful to me leh.....

My Able loves to pull up his legs and hit the mattress hard too.. he loves to pinch our flabby arms too when drinking milk .. it was really painful... there was once he pinched wrongly when my hb gave him milk... he actually grab his armpit hair... hb scream out for help... so funny...

I only gave b4/aft jab (scared too often next time no effect liao)... for teething my bbsitter will apply the bao pao san abit on his gum... for me i just ensure I clean wif wet cloth and give him pacifier to bit and suck.. so far so good... my mum says woods nursing water also helps...
I stay SK also. right next to bbgrace. never include me

haha.. just kidding.
I want to join in can? hehe..

Ya lor. last week one is swollen + pain. This week one not very pain but HB got rub for me.. i shouted hahah.. Have to endure thru this period. she very rough one esp when sleeping.. can turn 360 degree.
Ur Able very cute haha. pull armpit hair! i heard that some babies will pinch nipple. urs will?

If u have lobang let me know also lah haha.. but meanwhile i am searching lor. We like to hug kim and sleep on the bed thats why never consider getting any barrier. i asked for it hah. but she still young i treat that as fun.. so wont blame her hehe.
<font color="ff0000">BG GATHERING</font>

Bad news. The function room is only available for the time slot from 2-6pm. There's another function after that so we must vacate by 6pm latest.
I've checked for next sat. It's still available for the afternoon and evening slot as of now.

So how?
Hi Mummies,

can share with me how you all keep BB food for use for next few days? In freezer or non-fridge area?...Btw, apple puree always turn brown after grinding so do you all make fresh for BB? Thanks
aiyoh, the forum was down during the afternoon.
try to post but cant..
lucky thing, did save my msg.

hi selina,

thks for updating my attendence. will be there with tricia & hb

hi bbgrace,

is emma much better now?
if say we start early before 2pm, is there a slot?
since the gathering has been changed to ur place, it may be a bit too far for some mummies (for me, definitely no prob), they may want to leave around late evening.

2 suggestions
1) start slightly early and end by 6pm
2) change to next sat, 5 May
wah heng ah... the thread was not flooded!

oh wow, location is chg to bbgrace plc ah? its far 4 us but if its evening time, we shld b able to use the car... so how? cant cfm when yet rite?

emma developed a cough? R got alot of phlegm these 2 wks. u can hear it v clearly when he is sleeping, esp at nite. as usual, my mum will start blaming me, say i ate too much rubbish things during pregnancy and caused R's phlegm now.
am thinking to bring him to the PD but my mum warned me tt if i do so, PD will suck out his phlegm and we will feel v heartache.

i am hoping the multi stripe tote will look gd when it arrives. i haven seen the real bag yet. am expecting it to arrive these few days and i am v excited! hahaha
Can we stick to this Sat first since we have been planning for so long already???
N me n vivian were actually saying hor since we wanna bring bb for swim n the function room is from 2-6pm. Can we suggest those who can make it earlier jus go first lor. Then those early can let bb swim n eat whatever is there. Sort of own time own target????

How ladies??
hello all mamas
it's my mom's birthday next week but we celebrated early tonight, did gift exchange, had a nice dinner in lemongrass and a tiny cake from Breadtalk. She turned 55! One day, our daughters/sons will do likewise for us (I hope)!

<font color="0000ff">bbgrace</font>
Emma better?

<font color="0000ff">erkrk</font>
I stored food in freezer as soon as done. The defrost in Avent warmer when required. Throw away whatever is left. Usually made food in batches, at least worth 4 days, else very tiring do fresh eevryday leh...

<font color="0000ff">Gathering</font>
I hope it is this Sat, otherwise we won't be able to join in as we will still be in NZ!

<font color="0000ff">Doreen</font>
Own time own target sounds good. Also I see you at lunch tomorrow in Harbour front?? You saw Phoebe's posting?

<font color="0000ff">blue label</font>
I like this one! Model no: ZA440-353
<font color="ff0000">BG GATHERING</font>
Firstly, just to add on to Selina's post last night on the change of venue. Thought that it's good to explain to the rest on why the sudden change in venue.
We've been discussing at length on the wet weather program and have not been able to come up with a good alternative.
Looking at the weather every sat afternoon for the past few weeks, it hasn't been promising. Even if the rain clears up by 4pm, the grounds will be wet.
The response for the BG is very good. But, it'll be logistically difficult to coordinate if there is a change of plan due to rain on the actual day. Imagine us having to sms / call everyone up to activate wet weather plan, we'll probably have to spend a lot of time doing that.

I'm still game for a BG gathering when the weather is less wet.

Can i suggest that perhaps we can start from 2pm or 3pm onwards? We can makan and chit chat. Those who wish to swim can do that from 4-5pm when the weather is cooler. Thereafter we can wrap up by 6pm. Those who want to hang around by the poolside can still do that.

Is it ok with all? If yes, i'll go book the room tmrw.

<font color="0000ff">gemini, crystallized, jerene</font>
Thanks for asking about Emma.
Crystallized, Joshua spread the cough to Emma. Brought her back to the PD again today for a review cos she wasn't any better since last thurs. Thankfully PD says that while her cough is very chesty, it's not that bad to the extent of wheezing which is a sign of bronchitis. So no need for the nebuliser.

I am ok with the arrangement provided desiree has recovered by then. she is down with flu yesterday... haiz... again her cousins lor..
Morning mommies
Can someone drop me their hp no. so that i could contact them on that day?

Poor desiree hope she recovers soon.

<font color="ff0000">BG GATHERING</font>
Heng the forum was down yesterday. So not flooded.

Ok I'm in to continue as <font color="0000ff">bbgrace</font> suggested above tho i've to work tis sat cos now on alt sat arrangement here at new coy. but no prob for us will only b late that's all. in fact i prefer tis sat cos i waited so long for it.

next sat i cant cos friend's wedding n i promised to deliver the ring pillow which until now i have not started making.

i agree with <font color="0000ff">doreen, vivian</font> those who can go early go first. just save some tummy space for the other food coming later

will update the list later when i have time ok. still trying to settle in.

<font color="119911">New work place</font>
<font color="119911">wow i had a shock of my life when i was shown to my room yesterday. it was in a terrible mess. i nv knew anyone who leave the company without packing his/her room. tis is just terrible. i dunno how to pack n dun feel like packing since we moving office next month. but the sight of it just put me off. damn sianz lor.</font>
