(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Hee ya i know. sry didnt state it clearly. what i mean is 1 diaper can be used for many times? or each swim must change new one?
I will try to bring her go soak water once a week. Maybe tml i go see the diapers. seriously i've never seen it before haha.

Trying to act smart.

Long time didn't post liao but i have been reading and following all happenings.

Any mum using lactacyd for bb? TMC having a sale, 3 for $18. I can help you buy and pass to you.
Chubby little boy u have there. Learning how to sit? hee

Dumex step 1 (infant formula) - from birth to 12 mths
Dumex step 2 - after 6 mths

I not sure should i cont using infant formula or change to step 2. whats the difference? kindly advise me on this
Hi Adeline,

That photo taken when he was 5 mths now he can sit without support but not very stable yet.

I am using dumex step 1 currently, don't intend to change to step 2 yet. Was advise by my fren that step 1 got DHA and all the special ingredients inside. Step 2 more to build up 'meat', since max already quite big size, we continue to give him 'tonics' for his brain. Will change step 2 when he turn 1 yr old. (Step 2 also contain some stuff to help him digest semi solid food. Up to individual preference.)

If you want to continue step 1, i can help you get it at a lower price.
Actually D now sit quite zai already so I not too worried lor. I took pic cos I was with my mum the 2nd time....hehehe
But hor my mum not even worried he fall she continue her shopping when I take pics...hahaaha
I normally still pat D if he's awake n will burp very fast sometimes burp before I pat..keke

The pic so nice Jonathon looks so cool.....hahaha
Joanna n him look same 'color' in the pic leh dun look darker n she looks so big too.

hee something lilboymum say reminded me. I cook porridge with cod fish hor not so fishy leh the ngor fish very fishy taste u tried the porridge urself anot. N i find cod fish softer too machiam melt in the mouth very nice....hehehe

Update on Damien
Oh D hor.....sigh.........he's still having fever now keep going up down up down. N me very stupid lah last night he didn't have fever the whole night cos the pd bullet him mah. Cos she say 39degree very high so she bullet him lor. She test him for UTI becos can't find any source for the fever. N if its UTI she say got to admit to hospital lucky its not lor.
Morning he start fever again whole face red red. Then very cranky loh I dun even have time to brush teeth or eat anything cos have to keep carrying him. Slp also dun let me put him down once I move he wakes. PD says is viral fever so she not worried n suspect he has fake measles n says fever most likely break by tml. I'm crossing my fingers lor.
Jus now my mum came over to see him n his fever was down n playing with her laughing so loudly n wants to go with her. Wah piang I bring him back to my room he cry. Sian man.
Hi ling,
Same here kim can sit up but when she gets too xcited she will just boom and down she does.

I am using step 1 and just bought step 2 but do have some concern as in not sure to let her drink step 2 or not. I would rather take the one for development. actually wanted to call dumex because i heard that they have home delivery right?

Do u mind revealing the price for step 1? I am still considering though.. hmm..
<font color="0000ff">crystallised, selina,</font>
Waah.... talking about my barney streaks ah
?Selina, thanks for the compliments on my hair. At least there's someone who appreciates it and not think that i'm crazy. Haha!
I dunno how long i will keep the purple streaks lah but since i spent an amount that cost me more than a tokidoki bag (<font color="ff0000">vivian</font>, i can't buy the bag liao), i better keep the royal colours for a while.

<font color="0000ff">Selina</font>, i also like your cleopatra hairstyle. Don't think i have the patience to leave my hair to that length to have that style. Each time it reaches my chin, i chop it off.
I didn't get the dress for Emma in the end cos the one i saw at Dune which is on sale does not allow exchange if it doesn't fit her. So i may bring her down tmrw to try first.

<font color="119911">crystallized</font>,
i was going to say that how come R inherit your love for green! eh avocado also green mah, why he doesn't like it? Actually avo mixed with milk is quite nice leh.
Emma also shows great interest in our food when we eat but feeding her is still a nightmare. Joshua was so much easier.

You will see the food that u feed in the poo cos their intestines still can't fully digest the more fibrous stuff.

<font color="0000ff">Jo</font>,
You can feed porridge and cereal <font color="ff0000">simultanously</font>. Can have 1 meal of cereal and a meal of porridge mah. Or some days cereal and some days porridge. Why must wait till your stock of cereal runs out? If you have 5 boxes, does that mean that you will only start porridge at 10 months old?

btw regarding your earlier question on whether our bb smile when we call them. Emma does that to those whom she is familiar with ie me, hubby, joshua, my parents, maid. She will just stare intensely at strangers (though she smiled at Vivian last week). My darling knows who has been caring for her and she reciprocates accordingly.

Just curious why do you ask such a question?

My fren working in KKH, she got it at $23 per can. After the 1st deal, i have been calling them (dumex) on my own. They do have home delivery that's y i opt for it. Normally i'll order 20 cans to save time. Don't know i got it at this price is it because of my fren or dumex has this offer. You try calling them, if they quote you different price then you let me know, i'll order for you.
<font color="0000ff">ling, adeline</font> i dunno abt Dumex but Caleb already on Stage 2 for Similac cos as advised by Abbott, Similac stage 2 not only has higher content of DHA, Taurine etc for brain development, it also has others for the appropriate age now.

<font color="0000ff">bbgrace</font> ha ha... Cleopatra look hur. hard to maintain leh. like now my fringe so long need to go back get it trimmed again. looks like need to trim every 2 wks if i wanna maintain it this way. see how long i can last ba.

your barney streaks is really nice. i like it very much.
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">esther, doreen, vivian</font></font> <font size="+2">women, i will collect your loot from phoebe tomorrow hor. just to confirm your loot qty:

vivian: 2 tubs
esther: 2 tubs
doreen: 4 tubs + 1 bath</font>
It's not a prob

I changed her to similac cause she refuse to drink. when i chnged to dumex she started drinking and poo more. But dunno which one better for her also.
U planning to take IT degree?? Wah........very siong leh not spoil sport lah but if u not sure still considering better to really look into it to know what u will be getting into.
Becos I have a diploma in IT n hor I never work in that line becos it is VERY demanding. No night no day u jus have to meet deadline n no OT...kekeke
Paisey lah cos I went in without knowing what it actually was n regret big time lor. Now everythng return my lecturers liao if have to return to workforce also dunno what to do next time...kekeke

Just saw your video on Caleb trying to crawl out of the room, he's so smart and determined. Guess the development of our babies are different. Max got 2 white pearlies since end of 5 mths but cant move his butt yet. PD says his size contributes to his clumsiness. (He cant even turn back after he got on to his stomach, will be screaming for help)
So good hor can crawl although headache lah. my kim trying to crawl until she sweat but still cannot move haha. then will yell for help.

Eh i already hv dip and advance dip now already taking IT. the boring part of IT field is OT OT OT.. Programming programming.. noone bother bout u.. meet the deadline and hand in. wherease the job that i have now is flexible and nice environment which i love. But my partner haiz.. i everyday also got new things to complain about her. Have been giving in to her but she take it for granted. cause i am one that doesnt like to offend anyone @ work if not hard to continue. all xin bing. also dunno how now. bit headache..

U and my kimmy must jia you jia you liao. haha.. i just bought a mat the normal ABC one @ OG and trying to encourage her to crawl by throwing toys everywhere haha. but she cant seems to do so although she like those toys.

The ABC mat not good cos not waterproof, if they got teeth easy to bite off. I got a waterproof 1 from mini toons but its 1 whole pc, some mummies here bought a much xpensive 1 but that's the best 1.
hi ladies...
i catch up here 1st... cos im super lousy @ multitasking nowadays....

u can order so many at one time ar??? e last time my gynae's nurse also give me a contact.. it was a buy 4 get 1 free promo, plus home delivery.. tat time A still on BM mah, 5tins took 4mths to finish..but when i called again now, she told me only can enjoy tis "promo" once.. got to proceed to step 2 liaoz... i didnt want to... ur agent got no such condition??? then i juz call e no. to order?? thanks in advance for e info....

selina, bbgrace,
thanks for e info on introducing 2nd meal n porridge/etc.... A is stil not eating enuf cereal to "replace" 1 milk feed leh... he's already taking 4-5tsp of cereal + 40-50ml of BM/Fm liaoz... but after 1-1.5hrs stil need his milk... prob another 1 more week then i intro porridge to him.. cos by then he reach 6mths...
actually we can use pork to cook w porridge too rite, juz not feed e meat to bb... cos PD said can do tis way, for e nutrient n flavour... but qn hor, if pork can, then chicken can or not??? chicken taste nicer leh...

i cant wait to see ur "barney" streaks leh... ur stylist is shunji ar?!?!?!? can imagine how much ur new hairstyle cost liaoz.....

hope Mav is okay... dont blame urself, a few of us "learnt" tis lesson e hard way too.... juz monitor Mav carefully lor.. if he's alert n his usual self, then shd b fine lah... btw, did u actually get a PD to check on Mav? cos by reading ur post, i cldnt tell... when A fell e last time, e PD checked all his body parts slowly to make sure no fracture/sprain leh... n checked his reflexes too... so hopefully Mav passed all those tests lor.. juz to b "safe"...

welcome!!! thanks for e congratz...

<font color="0000ff">burping</font>
eh... im stil burping A after every feed leh... but he no longer reli burps lah.. sometimes 1hr after e feed then he wil burp... reason why i cont doing is, cos recently intro a bigger hole teat to A.. e 1st few times he used, drink too fast, immed after finishing he vommitted out abit... (he's never done tat b4..) so didnt dare to stop burping... n i always keep him upright for at least 10mins after feed..

hehehe... thanks for e cubes n info on butternut squash... its actually a "rectangular" looking fruit leh.. not cheap hor, more ex than e jap pumpkin... post e photo to show u... hehehe...
u muz hv "bio" something @ e coach corner rite.. waiting for private sale to cheong huh....

as for ur "GREEN" problem.. how abt broccoli (but 'bad pt' is might cause gas).. e "cai xin" stem... peas??? cant think of anymore green stuff liaoz...

ur bbsitter abit too much leh... sorry to b so upfront abt tis, but she's like "yi lao mai lao".. insisting u to follow her... if im u, i'll reli b quite worried abt e "patting head" action leh... i dont know if bbs can imitate so well or not... but mayb during ur nex appt w PD, can ask for advise???

i pm u my mobile.. if convenient u msg me urs?? cos me n hb intending to bring A swimming quite often... mayb can jio u nex time... bbs cant swim too long.. depending on weather bah.. think e last time A was in e water for abt 20-30mins...
Starz, i was on the promo also but i can continue order because of my fren. If you call you won't have this priviledge. I can order for you, maximum 20 cans per delivery.
can ar... would reli reli appreciate it very very much if u can help leh... wat info u need?? i pay to them upon delivery can right???

I bought this dunno can or not wor. like abit too big. but hubby kiasu (typical singaporean lah) he say later small must keep changing then we buy bigger. this is 2 piece one. Alamak 1st time bring kim go swim like so xcited everything also want to buy haha.. Need to buy any float or what huh?

I will chk out minitoons.
Cause that day went shopping @ OG during lunch (near my workplace) then i saw this so i bought it. see her lying on it.

i understand frm my colleague that the promo is like one step can only order once so must buy in bulk.. I am interested in it. let me chk this out with my hubby then we decide. he tend to ctrl my finance cause i am a big spender
as in buying kim's things.
Let mi see if i can change the delivery address to yours. If not, ask them deliver to my place then i can pass to you during meet ups or bring them over to you during wkends. (Then can let Max and A have a small gathering.) It's so much cheaper than outside.
Maximum only 20 tins right? cause i wondering if star and me want to order how haha..
Now i only considering which step to buy. today i buy step 2 @ cold storage $27.90! alot difference lor!
Adeline, i got discount card for minitoons 15% let me know if you need it. I bought mine for $102 after discount. You can check with vivian on her world map mat.
its typical lah.... e swimsuit its size 1, but also abit big for A... so hoping can last him a few mths lor.. cos quite ex...
i intend to continue step1 first... mayb when A hits 7-8mths then switch to step2 bah...
dont worry, max i wil order abt 10tins bah... share share okay????

thank u so much for all e trouble leh.... where u stay??? if cant change addy, i'll come n collect from u, cos u doing me a huge favour....
Since all continue then!!! i'll buy step 1 as well! Thanks alot u not getting more eh? the step 2 that i bought maybe put aside 1st.

Sorry to trouble u and thks alot for those info u provided me. I will go minitoons chk it out if need i will let u know. As for the ordering let us know when are u convenient ok?

By the way.. i dont know how to chk pm heeeeee
Starz, i can bring it over to my mum's place at amk (since i go over every wkend) easier for you to collect. You let me know how many u and adeline wants then let me know. The delivery takes 1 wk. My hp 97982506.
to check PM u juz check e email account u register with...
how many tins u wan? is it 10, then we share e 20???

thank u.....
i'll sms u my number tmr.. now too late liaoz...
Kim keeps dreaming cause just now before sleep laugh too much. jsut shifted her to bed instead of sarong. she like dont feel secure.. hiak hiak..

Alright good night mommies. my eyes are shutting hah.. will contact u both via sms tomorrow!
no lah Shunji is not my stylist, me no super model lah. I go to Jane, one of the International Director.

i always use pork to cook J's porridge and steam the fish separately. Can also use chicken but i find chicken a bit oily. Plus J gets phelgm quite easily cos of his rhinitis problem, so the old folks say don't take too much chicken.
i went to fareast for rebonding recently, met Mrs Nathan there. Quite gd lor although the salon looks a bit old

hope ur bb is better nw

D fever better?

Ted just went for 5 in 1 3rd jab yesterday
He weighs 8.4kg at 6 mth 1 day. Nurse says slightly overweight....tink 67 cm height

signed up to attend a class at polyclinic, nurse says they teach cooking for bb...going on 28/4
hi morning ladies,

My friend's wife went to national cancer centre at sgh but they got a referral letter from a doc. not sure if u can walk in straight.
a mammogram costs about $200. hope this helps.

Hi hi we met before. D still look so cute. Hope he gets well soon.

jenny n jrt,
Bingo! I am she.
morning ladies

happy earth day!!!

hi adeline,
think theres a bp for playmats on the 23rd oh this month. im getting one then. the rubber one hor maybe toxic...so didnt use it. but then im paranoid when it comes to such thgs...

ling and adeline,
you guys bringing bbs for swimming? where? maybe i can join you guys if it is not too far or dangerous... Thought there is this baby swim diaper? there's one going on the bp...

hmm what is bp? haha.. I will make it a point to bring kim go swim weekly but not this week as i have exams no time.
Thanks for the info. maybe we can go buy together?
Yea toxic things normally i wont use.. cuz my aunty is using the ABC mat so i tot can use.. but till i find better ones.
As for the swimming diapers i will be getting it next week. wanna go check what is the smallest pack :p

Bulk purchase. you can go to the thread that says bulk purchase in the first page of the forum..welcome to the decadent world...there also got diapers and playmat...heh heh heh...and many many things....

eh...can you swim?
