(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

i can swim but kim cant haha. if bring her there it will be her 'swimming' not me

hi adeline,
u can also try mothercare for swim diapers. if u got the card, can get 10% off the normal price. v cute designs. if they have sale, the diapers go for $15. i saw a polka dot purple one in suntec branch, not sure how much...but items there are all mostly on sale coz they are moving out. u can call to enquire.
i have both mothercare and iPlay, personally i prefer mothercare ones, seems better material.
ok, sorry about this.

a little help/advice needed. for little boys, do you wear the swim diapers then the swim/thermal suit, or just the swim diaper?

aiyoh, i cant swim you see. dun wanna past my nervousness to CY leh..worid worid...maybe should get my hb to tag along...where will you b bringing kim for swims? maybe if the aquaducks thingy is filled out here, we can go for another one? a friend from december forum wanna go too..the bb giril will be 6mths in june...so..
Hee baby pool ma.. so i think no worries.
If aquaducks thing not available yes i would love to join another one. probably inform me if u girls are organizing one?
I am interested in ALL infant classes or swims haha..
<font color="0000ff">Ling</font>

Maximus looks ready to "report for work" in that long sleeve shirt
very cute & chubby man u have

<font color="0000ff">BBgrace</font>


yupz, cross my mind last nite after reading Jenny's post that morning give cereals, afternoon porridge

thanks for sharing abt Emma smiling, i like that part abt reciprocating the ones who care for her, which puzzle me & my mum why she dun smiles at my mum..haiz

but she loves to smile at the maid who do purely hseork DUN take care of her at all..the maid has never carry her also
<font color="0000ff">selena</font>

Caleb is really a cool boy .. infant care centre looks fun, even have the police car
<font color="0000ff">lilboymum</font>

i can't swim also, despite having swimming classes at pri school and compulsory swimming classes at JC, then even going for swimming lesson while waiting to go to uni

bad habit of stepping on the floor of the swimming pool whenever i want to breathe..

nearly died in the deep pool, lucky my coach saw me struggling in the deep pool
<font color="0000ff">Aspialle</font>

can PM me the contact of the salon ?

if good, i wana go..thanks

b4 CNY, my hair was overly layered, now waiting for them to thicken b4 i rebond
lilboymum, adeline,

I bought the world map playmat from Cheong Choon in chinatown area. Think same price as the BP. very good. Thats the one ling is talking abt. A lot of the mummies here bought the same one. Hee... Free delivery too.
it is the same one that is in the BP too.

Ok, there are 2 types of swim diaper. The disposable ones (e.g little swimmers from huggies) can be found in supermarkets. One pack of M size will have 11 pcs. I bought a pack the last time when we went bbgrace's place for a swim with the other mummies. Those can only be used once. Use and throw.
BB will wear the swim diaper then wear the thermal suit.

As for the iplay swim diapers, can reuse. You can ask Shirley abt this coz bb Zac Zac wears that on our swimming outing that time.

Hope this helps.

We have a yahoo group for us to upload gathering photos. If you want to join, let me know your email so that I can invite you in.
but cereal tasteless leh... dunno how he so clever... anyway i juz bot Heniz Organic cereals wif vanilla. hope he likes it boy...

Caleb looked so grown up in the police car. wow! the infantcare invest is good toys yah?

oh garden peas ah? hmmm, i juz bot another bunch of heng cai at Cold Storage... and finally i saw the one and only butternut squash at causeway pt outlet. but i din buy it coz i had the japanese pumpkin.

wat happened to Damien? how come fever up and down? viral infection.

bbgrace & selina
wow wow wow! so we got a cleopatra queen and a barney queen ah?
put up ur pix on msn so i can see leh. hehehe...

i dunno why he dun like avocado... i added milk to give it a smoother texture but he gave me the ultimate disgusted look leh. this morning when i tried the jap pumpkin, though he dun like it, at least he din clamp his mouth shut so tightly tt i still managed to feed half a bowl. not bad liao. later i am gonna try spinach piree wif a bit of carrot. bot the Heinz Organic cereals wif vanilla or sthg like tt. chg the flavour so hope he might like it. i tried searching for brown rice cereals but the only one i saw was Nestle and it alrdy has milk added in tt, so i din buy.

same here, nightmare feeding R man... i dunno wat to do wif him... sigh..

no leh, i din bio anything at Coach now coz i alrdy ordered my stuff fr their webbie and is on the way here! Yippie! i juz wanna check out the store only lah. thks 4 showing the pix on butternut squash. i saw it at CWP Cold storage juz now.
yah i started off wif broccoli puree but worried abt causing gas so nowadays i usually buy chinese spinach as R likes it. its most satisfying feeding him spinach puree.

my niece has exactly the same swimsuit... i show u... she looked v cute in the swimsuit..


oh then u muz hv gotten a shock at the class the other day coz i was so noisy wif R! hahahaha
Oh u already studied IT....hahaha
I thought U jus considering taking IT for ur degree. kekekeke. N i meant no OT pay not no OT. So blur when I'm eating n typing at the same time....hehe
I dislike programming so really wonder how I graduate.....hahahahaha

YAH YAH. Almost forgot....hehe
I was still thinking we met before??? Now I remember for the GD thingy right so did u buy eventually??

He's still feverish leh n I'm hoping to see if my PD really so jun. Cos that time she say he will have constipation for another 2 times n zun zun lor. Now she tell me fever should be okie by today then will break out in rash all over. Now fever still okie warm warm kind take medi okie liao so waiting for the rash part.

Poor Damien , hope he will be fine soon


thunder & lightning coming , hope it is not like this next saturday

i have a suggestion, the gathering at Botantic Garden starts at 4pm ? if It starts to rain at 2pm, can we hav an alt venue (i,e some one's hse} so that the gathering dun have to be cancelled.

i m ok with my hse as one of the options in case of bad weather
I think D kanna the virus at the Polyclinic when we brought him for his hep b jab. Or when my mum carries him outside. BTH her leh when ppl sneeze or cough near her she dun siam 1 leh. I always bring D out also okie go for jab only kanna. So heartpain n can't avoid 1. Sian......
Coach- What u bought ahh?? Expensive anot + the shipping?? Can PM me the amount u spend total?
I already went the 1 at isetan I must say better then the taka 1 cos more new stuff. N D made friends already.....hahahaha

Aspialle u reminded me....hehehe
Damien is now 8.8kg 6mths 3weeks 67cm. Seems like he quite constant liao 100gms per week. The nurse say his weight 90 percentile but his height medium only....boohooo
Hopefully he dun follow his paternal granddad.
Ya lor. it is tough. dying liao.. haha.. still got about 2 years to go.. must endure!!!

Yea ur niece looks good in it!!!!!!!
I haven tried it on kim yet.. haha..

Thanks alot for the info. needed that.

Might be buying from small small world. as for the diapers which one better? reusuable one or the disposable oneS?
tink D is growing well and hope he will recover soon. wats is height ar? duno if ted is too short hehe

67377359 name is "riveria" i tink, i was served by Nancy, she is quite nice.the stylist looks a bit auntie lah but her skills quite ok to me
Hi vivia,

oic. thanks. my email is [email protected] think i;ll be able to go for the gathering...its college day and i have to work...not sure what time all the functions will end...sob

I think i shall go cheong choon to buy...can get it immediately, all the better...where is that huh?

where did u get e organic cereal? cldnt find any organic ones @ cold stor leh
Can i hv the link for the yahoo group photos? my email/msn is [email protected]

BG Gathering
I will be attending with kimberly. Hubby not going cause working eh.. need me to bring anything? hmm.. not sure what to bring wor..
no did not buy, i dont know i have the time to follow the regime n also the cost! they also never follow up so just let it be.

i did not notice at all so no shock la !! mine was also noisy so my attention/focus was zapped up by the lill one n trying to remember what i am suppose to sing. haahaa...

can i also join the yahoo group photos? if ok, my email - [email protected]. thanks.
They didn't call u aah. Someone called me up but I'm not interested lah. Now still using the ABC cards I bought my blank A5 cards are still sitting in my living room....heheehehe
If only I can spend less time here n more time on that..........hahahhaha

Actually I'm not very sure if D will actually recognise the letters but there was once a few letters were mixed n he sort of stared at me instead of the cards. That was when I realised the mix up. But dunno if its jus a coincidence or not leh. Hmmmmmmmm........
Hi Ladies, need advice on swimming trunk. I saw a trunk with waterproofing inside and the sales assisstant says it's for infant and dun need swim diapers. Is it true? Saw it at Isetan. Please advise. Thanks.

Vivian, jo, gracesong
Thanks. End up the shirt wear once, he outgrown already.

Bingo. now 10 Kg 97 percentile, 70 cm 70 percentile. PD says he's above average for everything, even his head circumference.
Yes, a new job, a new beginning. Go and have a change! Jane is not bad. My SILs go to the Korean stylist, Sunny. i've tried her before but i prefer the styles that Jane gives me.

NTUC carries Healthy Times cereal. They have the barley, brown rice and mixed grain ones.

i've not gotten a chance to take any pics yet. Maybe tmrw cos Emma's getting baptised.

If it's the iPlay one that you've seen in isetanm then that's the washable swim diaper.

you can get organic cereal from NTUC. the brand is Healthy Times.
which ntuc do you go to? i dont think they carry it at all outlets. i combed through the ntuc at my place liao. only some obscure moon rabbit with questionable origin. ANd it has barley and oats or wheat in it (along with brown rice) even though the cover says only brown rice...

Will go marketplace maybe to look for healthy times...
Hi Ling

Am still using Lactacyd for my boy. Can you help me buy 6 bottles? Can collect from you as i live in Bishan. Thanks very much.
Thks all on the feedback on the raw/steamed apple, burping n porridge...

Yah... your tot abt my bbsitter is exactly wat i think leh... although A doesn't look pain but the patting of head is done quite frequent by him leh.... it is like when we clap hands, he will clap too and later you will see him raise one hand pat his head... got chance i will pose his action fr you all to see.....

Hope Mav will be fine... i noe how you feel abt the fall ... i am super guilty on Able's fall too..... just keep monitor n see how......

Hope your D will be recovered soon... better keep monitor..... try let him drink more water, i let A drink the water steam wif 2-3 sliced pao seng and further dilute wif water let him drink b4/aft jap... so far so gd.... maybe give him after his med (abt 2-3 hrs later)... hope it help for him too...

Today i am suppose to give A dumex cereal.. but end up cook porridge wif scallop with silver fish(tot want to try taste only but end up gave A 3 table spoon of the porridge) it was mashed wif the food maker till very gluey... given A try only a few bbspoon, he veri buay siong keep asking fr more... that is why end up feeding him 3 tbsp.

When my mum heard tat, she tell me can't give him so much on first trial leh... now i worried hope no allegy or anything will happen..(touch wood)...

I booked studio shoot for A one of this coming week day and also take family studio pix as well....hope it will turn up fine....will post when ready....

thanks for the contact, going to key inside my hp liao

to share Kelicia's first time in the DuckTour



PS: very worh it for toddler..only 2 buck, older children are more than 10 bucks according to the counter gal
Actually it depends on individual. I personally prefer disposable ones coz just used and throw. Plus I dun bring R to swim that often. On top of that, I bought a thermal swimsuit for R so got to use disposable type. hee... you see how lor...
Btw, if you buy those reusable ones, eventually will still outgrown it so to me, the disposables are good enuff. Just my personal view.

think before you go cheong choon to buy, better call them first to check for stock. That time, mine is the last piece.
The lady is very nice one... the number to call is 65323855. They are at Upper Cross St, Blk 34, #03-132.
Erh... the shop very small one hor. But you can always order things from them. They are cheaper in most items compared to other shops.

lilboymum, adeline, nedlands,
I have sent the invites to join the yahoo group liao. If you din receive, let me know coz I am the moderator of the group.
no leh. its ok, save $$, or else i dunno how to say no and end up getting it! yes, i also bought blanks but its just sitting there in the corner. the 'dust' n etc seems to be the best friend for now.
why dont u mix it up again and see D's reaction? if he stares at u, then it might be true that they recognise 'the orientation'. share with me ok!! then i will be inspired and pounce on my flash cards DIY project. like real eh?
Is D better? my 2 girlfriends tells me this. 1st one uses the water filled cushion to put her babe on it. it cools down the entire body coz surface quite wide, so quite effective. another just use the cooling gel to put on the head. so maybe u want to try?

kelicia and u tops are similar! so matching n cute..hubby almost the same too
one happy family.
also, looks like u got a personalised tour - seem like no one on board but u guys. so v worth it.

thanks for adding me to the group pics. have to figure out how it works i.e upload my babe's pic..v swaku eh.
<font color="0000ff">Ling</font>


hehe, my hb shares the same tot with ur hb, so no overseas tour for Kelicia for the time being , 2 dollars not that wasteful lah

<font color="0000ff">Nedlands</font>


the top was tight..sigh*, cos was 7kg heavier than b4 (imagine wearing the same top when one is of 7kg difference} but still wear it cos i look very "couple" with Kelicia

yupz, my group is small, one couple from India, a family of 3 fr indonesia and 2 families f 3 from spore

but farnily they still activate 4 duck tour boats..so all the boats are not packed

<font color="ff0000">hehe, very worth it cos after alighting fr the boat, this dust mite company present us with a </font><font color="0000ff">free steamer</font>, <font color="ff0000">only condition is that we must allow them to clean our hse for free</font>..

u ladies can go over to check out this deal at the counter besides the duck tour counter at Suntec City
I try the dust mite thing b4, when they come to your house after that will psycho you to purchase the machine but i forgot how much think it's $4k. You must be determined enough to reject it.
Hey guys I am finally back from my 2 week vacation in Beijing. Had lotsa fun and was a great break. My wallet is also a lot lighter now!

Enjoyed the juz music class today, baby alexis love seeing Char, Caleb, Ayden (Oct) and Cayden, Gabriel, Rae Ann and Chloe (Sept)
i've seen Healthy Times cereal at the NTUC outlets at Marine Parade, Hougang mall and white sands. I think the larger ones have.

i bought the reusable swim diapers cos Joshua was attending swim lessons last time so it's more worth it.
Now he wears the beach shorts type of swim diaper from iPlay and wears a rash guard top instead of the whole piece swim suit.
BG gathering
Shall we all agree on some place as contingency first?? Becos I tink everyone still ku nao on what to bring also.

I vote for what delpine suggested the resturant or cafe or whatever that is closed in the evening. But then hor what time does it actually close aah?? Or can some1 suggest a place very near to BG that we can switch to???

If not I think its very stupid if we have to quickly find how to go to the other place that is out of the way if it rains. More sensible to find a place near to BG. But then I dun even knoe where is BG lah so u gals suggest the next nearest place okie. Or if possible some place in BG sheltered n big enough.

Damien Update
Thanx to all Damien's fever has subsided now. N he's now spoiled by my dad who carries him around the moment he makes noise. Now I'm jus waiting to see if he will have any rash or not.
thanks for the info. it is near my office so maybe i can drop by and buy.

i will be calling up and check then if have i will be dropping by to purchase. if u need me to buy for u let me know. cause it is near my office.
CY so cute haha. yday i tried feeding kim pumpkin porridge and she dislike. seems like she prefer fish. she can eat real big bowl of that but not the rest.

maybe i buy disposable one cause scared she outgrow the reusuable ones also. like what vivian say is also true hehe..
what virus???
I also find it is more sensible to find a place nearby is it rain.

I also encounter the "dust mint" thing, i am dertermine not to buy and they bomb my phone. it is their trick to use our phone to call their boss as they want our phone number and they even stand outside my house a few times but i refuse to open the door even they press the doorbell for 10mins.
fyi, they did not clean my house at all, only demo.
Nothing is free in this world, but there are many naive pp.
my girl love fish porridge. I started with cod fish.
very exp, today went market and bought the codfish @ $28
I have introduce sweet corn to her, blend it and she love it.

<font color="0000ff">ling & huijun</font>
thanks for sharing
I will take my stand

<font color="0000ff">huijun</font>

was telling hubby to remind me to bring the ball to you next sat, he was saying..huh, so long liao..been 2 months .. would ur gal outgrown it..then asks me how come we never arrange to pass to u during Similac roadshow, cos i was telling him u r the gal whom he helped to take a pic with Zoe

told him u stay in the west and he offered to deliver to ur place, if u are free today's afternoon, can sms me ur block and we deliver to ur place

<font color="0000ff">lilboymum</font>

never been underweight in my whole life, only overweight in my early teens.

<font color="0000ff">jerene</font>

wow, no wonder u went missing
was the weather good ?

more than a decade since i last went beijing, wonder how is the place rite now
