(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Ok ladies, I will go book the function room later.

I will send an email to everyone on how to get here once i've the confirmed list of attendees. Will include my hp no. as well.

Poor D. That's the problem with having older kids at home. That's how Emma end up with her cough also.
But are u coping with ur new environment? If it's me i will have no mood to work. haha.. remember when i 1st started work my desk messy also. i threw everything away then find place to put then wipe my whole area. (colleague say i'm like cleaner) due to my sinus my choice.. Hopefully you are doing well there and thks for ur number.
<font color="0000ff">delphine</font> try to get D to see the PD early so can recover faster. after Caleb fell sick the last time, i realised how impt it is to get them treated asap otherwise a simple flu or runny nose might turn quite bad if further attack by other virus or bacteria. hope D recovers soon cos i wanna see her again n also to carry her as well.

<font color="0000ff">bbgrace</font> tks for booking. will update the list later. let me know the cost of the booking so we can share.
Morning gals!

Was alerted by wendy by the change in venue of the BG gathering! I raise both hands for bbgrace's place for selfish reason cos i live very nearby and chances of me popping by will be high! still need to check with SIL on the schedule for my BIL surprise party. hopefully can make it for both.

not posting much these few days as i am trying to squeeze my 5 days work into 4 so i can fly back earlier to see my zac zac. really miss him lots! now everywhere i go i will go see toys and clothes so unlike me who usually cheong to buy clothes and shoes in HK.

oki must to refocus now if not my wish to go back friday morning will be dashed! meanwhile mummies and babies do take care! think the weather is terrible and i have started coughing badly too

hope to see all the mummies and babies this sat! those who are going earlier sms me to let me know the time so i bring zac zac and fly over!
Hi morning!
Will not be able to join u guys for BG coz will be out of town. Just to let u know that over in the west central, it has been raining heavy in the afternoons i.e yesterday it rained from 2-4pm with thunder and lightning. So an alternative place or Plan B will be good.

<font color="aa00aa">Jerene</font>,
welcome back. Did u try the Peking Duck in BJ? Hear that its v good over there, that is what my friends tell me.

<font color="119911">Selina</font>,
Just throw everything in a box and ur desk will be clutter-less. Saves u the hassle when u move ofc too coz its in the box already.

Do any mummies buy rice and grind it to powder ur own? If yes, can share? what type of rice - brown or white, organic or no? and what blender to use? Thanks

My ofc electricity is on fits, comes on and off every few minutes. My laptop running on batt mode. Yippee to laptop!
<font color="0000ff">Adeline</font>,
Princess Kim is such a cutie. Its hard to imagine she can karate-chop u till bruise. Anyway, take care and avoid her legs, if possible!
Hi hi, been busy have not visit the forum for a while.

Please count us out. Char is down with flu and that cause her to cough too. So not a good idea to bring her along.

I've tendered and will start my new job on 1st June. I've arrange to spend 4wks with Char b4 new job, thereafter will be FTWM. Both excited on new job and apprehensive on not caring for Char myself...

Hope everyone is well and good. Gotta clear my work, no time to read much or post.
Cheers on ur new job

May Char recover soon as well. Recently so many kids down with cough and cold.

Thanks for the compliment. Rough girl she is.. my bruises so long still haven recover.
I heard that u can purchase from medical halls those grinded brown rice. it's nutritious but alot work to prepare and heaty!

My girl i not sure is cough or not. cause sometimes she cough and bluff us, sometimes choke. i dunno how to differentiate.
<font color="0000ff">nedlands</font> my mum bought the brown rice powder with added si shen & yang shen from medical hall. u can get. si shen is supposed to help them increase their appetite while the yand shen is to reduce the heatiness. quite hard to prepare cos need to dissolve using normal temp boiled water, then bring to boil but u must slowly stir otherwise will dry up real fast n become super duper gluey.

but my sis taught me another mthd is to using apple or pear cubes to boil, then put the rice powder in to slowly stir. natural sweetness cos of the fruits. u might wanna try this. hope tis is helpful.
hi adeline

think your gal probably not cough. my boy also make tat "fake cough" around 4-5mths. as long as its not persistent and u dun hear her cough at nite thru her sleep, its probably tat passing phase. now my boy like to make roaring noise, no more cough sound.
<font color="0000ff">Adeline & Selina</font>,
Thanks! Yes, its certainly helpful.

<font color="119911">TTMum</font>,
Mine also roars like lion now. Very low deep roar. V cute though.
back liao. The one I wan no stock lei. I going to settle for other brand, will search for another 1 when free. Dun care price cos tat idiot made me angry again.
Re R food intake, my advise is like Adeline. No need to panick. Also hor BF bb usually start semi solid later than those on FM.

I was also told by 4th mth no need burping. Actually hor, you know why, cos bb knows how to stretch themselves liao. Unless the 1st 3 mths, they only lie there mah. bb knows how to move liao, actually no burping is ok one. They will burp themselves.
Apple, I also got scrab raw apple. In fact, my PD said apple is good for bb. I think raw or steam are ok lah. But personally I prefer raw than steam cos fresher.
Patting head, err... I dunno what you mean leh. But hor for cereal hor, why must she insist on the same brand as her grandson ah? Wanna share the cereal is it???

Alamak, they still got "face" to show you the room ah?

So no more at BG liao hor. Hee hee I like babygrace's idea to change to function room cos I dunno where is the exact meeting venue + I and the gals won't kena insect bites haha... But hor, can put my name tentatively 1st. Gotta check with hb if we able to make it. So is wat time ah? Morning and early afternoon I confirm can't make it.
Hello ladies,

damn low morale now... dun know why yesterday and today, I cannot seems to buck up and do my work. Now I even want to cry for no reasons. Am I going back to my depression???

Nothing seems to make me happie or excited. Yesterday, I thot by going back to see R will make me happier. But no. Just looking at him, I dun even have the mood to sit down and play with him. Die ah... how??? I want to cry now leh...

What is going on with me???
Yea she wont cough throughout the night. only in the day she very playful like want attention then cough cough. but when we play with her she stop. thats why i really cannot differentiate anymore haha.. urs so cute know how to roar
<font color="0000ff">adeline</font>
Already PM you my number. Ha, I same as you, very particular abt working environment so must make sure the table is neat, tidy and dust-free. Of course when there are projects, it will tend to be a bit messier but will def clean up at the end of it

<font color="0000ff">nedlands</font>
Thanks for welcome. This is my third trip to BJ and the first 2 times, I did eat the Peking duck, which is pretty yum yum. This time round, I had Peking duck sushi, which is a creative concept but I felt didnt fit. BJ has a couple of really good Jap restaurants...my favourite food is Jap so will often check out Jap eating places.

<font color="0000ff">selina</font>
sounds like your predecessor really gave the office a good thrashing before leaving. Can you not ask the office cleaner to do something?

<font color="0000ff">selina,nedlands</font>
I intially wanted to buy brown rice cereal for alexis but the PD adviced me to start off with white rice (tried both organic and non-organic) and for some reason unknown to me, I didnt ask why, which is unlike me. Anyway so till now, I have yet to give her brown rice and to answer your question, nope I didnt buy own rice and pound to powder...too much work :p

<font color="0000ff">coral</font>
Congrats on your new job, so when is the farewell party? Where is your new workplace?
<font color="0000ff">nedlands</font>
forgot to ask: where are you off to?

<font color="0000ff">viv</font>
Hey woman, what has been going on? Maybe it is just unsettling going back to work after such a long break...give yourself a day or two to sort out your feelings, maybe it will get better?? We missed you on NGMs...maybe it is your withdrawal symptoms from missing us?
chin up, shout if you need anything...
Weird i only receive PM from selina but couldnt receive the one delphine and jerene sent hmm...

If big boss around our table must be neat cannot too messy. haha image..
<font color="0000ff">jerene</font>,
duck my fav but not sure if duck sushi combi goes well.
me & family gog to Melb for a break. Cannot wait

<font color="119911">viv</font>,
its just one of those days, no worries (alamak, not gone to the country yet but adopting the aussie twang) nothing wrong with you. just let it all out if need be, we are here for u.

i also forget to burp my babe at times, she will auto-burp herself. sometimes so loud - like adult!
oh yes <font color="0000ff">coral</font>,
congrats! and get to spend 4 weeks with Char - excellent! i like to do that too..
selina, paisay.. not able to attend
the gathering.. wanna bring my gal to
my mum plc . Megan so long din't see her
"wai puo" liao becos my mum was down wif
serious cough and she asked me not to bring
the bb over.. wah really miss my mum.
sooo..its great to hv daughter hee..

MOodswing ??

bb grace,

How's my little emma?
bbgrace, you know huh , you are one of the most fortunate woman who can have the full control of your life...

solid food
Think all the babies here in forum are so fortunate to have mummies who cares so much for the bb and feeding the bb with all the nutritious food..
by the way.. how you gals get started ?

Cereal..then fruits (apple, pear),potatoes.. then veg..
then porridge ??
Am I right ??

Apple will turn black very fast..ok ??

Great recipes..

Saw your Damien pix, wah, he can sit on the cart !! ...he is one of the most chubby bb i hv seen . Wanna SUCK his legs hee...ok i admit,, i little bit of bian tai
could it be your "da yi ma" coming soon.
It will pass very soon.
I was also like that when my "DYM" is due. my hb told me by the way I talk and siao siao mean my DYM coming liao.

I pack my table very neat and throw out some of my personal things and bring hm all my items home liao and all my colleagues comment i wish I can get out ASAP and that is true!
I have almost a mth to accompany R as my new co finally allow me to start work on 28 May. I can choose 1 June but 31/5 is holiday and i do not want to lugi one day.
CHEER for both of us staring new job and got 1mth to accompany our girls!
Doreen, maybe Char really missed D. And I guessed wrongly tot she missed wai po. Hehe, you make me want to put CHar on the cart this way too. Cant wait for my next supermarket trip.

Jerene, no party, just a farewell lunch. New work place in Chinatown shop house.

Thanks Adeline and Nedlands.

Jerene, Nedlands, goining holiday ya? Me really envy. Too bad hb cant get leave during the time when I'm not working. Cos he also clearing work as he going for 1yr off work in Jul...
HJ, great5, then maybe we can meet up when I'm done with my work too! I already started to bring things home yday.

Has all stated your menses liao? Mine still not here yet. But these few days feel weird think it might be backin tons soon...
Hi Adeline

Like wat nedland has described, low, deep lion roar lor. ha ha... at first tot he wanna poo poo tried to "ng ng" him then he laugh.
er i am lost... wat is the exact arrangement now? if its early aftn and ends up 6pm, most likely i cant make it coz the family car wun b available till late aftn...

i thot of gg to the airport aft the gathering as i juz wanna bring R there. there is oso alot of food outlets at the airport so thot its a gd plc to go.
anyone wanna join me there?

i dun really noe wats a nebuliser but fr the way u and selina mentioned, guess its sthg to clear the lungs? and i think its a nasty equipment tt every parent wants to avoid rite? hope Emma gets better soon.

wow, wat a shock then... i agree, juz throw everything away bah! how come the person so untidy.

u mentioned "tat idiot"... u mean ur hb ah? things run out of stock v easily in the coach US outlets. dunno why. when my fren helped me to get things there the last few times, some items will def run out of stocks. but luckily coz my fren usually there 4 biz trip for a few wks, usually can wait 4 the replenished stocks.
ok lor, juz monitor and see how is R's semi solids intake. doesnt look v promising.

issit tt time of the mth thus the mild depression? i guess its the hormones bah. take some time out, go shopping and relax, or a massage! it might work wonders. cheer up!
u wan Rhys to see a happy mummy rite?

wow! a gd 4 wks to spend wif Char! i wld love to hv so much time wif R alone oso. but work is v busy now. cant take block leave in the meanwhile. really no morale to work and feel like gg on leave.
Mango, I've not had time to log on. Busy at work, and hb was sick, then now Char sick. So I busy busy busy lor.

jRt, going airport on Sat? But you plan to be late? Cos my Char sleep at 8pm so prob cant join you. And also if she doesnt recover by Thurs, I wont bring her to any gathering, cos very heartache to hv sick bb so I wont want her to pass virus to any other bb.
hi mango

my boy is 6mths and i treid to change him to stage 2 nuk teats. he doesn't like and kept pushing the teat out. tot megan is using stage2, she is ok at first try? tks
talking of the teats. i headache..
i got her the avent no.2 (3mth +) and pigeon (Y) for her but she still choking.
Tot she now 6 mth should be ok but still.. haiz.. as for the NUK , i got her a 6 mth one but still in the drawer.
think she be happy if i get her the NB teats.

you stay in the west ??
Mango, Char also choke on Avent 3mth when use tat for water. But is fine if it's for milk. My gal funny, can drink from cup, but use 3mths teats get choked.
Ur house have small lion haha. 'ng ng' my girl know leh! she learnt it haha.

So shiok hor 1 month. I cannot take leave so sad..
My girl cannot use stage 2 teats as well but for her case is cause the milk keep flowing out and she must swallow very fast which she actually cant catch up. in the end get choke. then while we feed her when sleeping using stage 2 teat, within 5min she can finish up 140 - 160ml of milk. So we changed back to stage 1.
<font color="0000ff">jrt</font> airport hur? see how if caleb not too tired, might join u.

actually i prefer to let caleb use the nebuliser than med cos neb actually nothing much they just breathe in the air that comes out of the thingy which contains the med. caleb cries cos uncomfortable but after some rocking, he can doze off while we neb-ing him.

GATHERING 2-6pm at bbgrace condo. try to make it cos very long nv see R n you liaoz leh.

<font color="0000ff">HJ, coral</font> so nice u get a mth to b wif your gers. really envy lor.

<font color="0000ff">HJ</font> me too got the habit of clearing my desk n cupboards nice nice for the next person who will b using it. hence it was a shock for me lor. will slowly get it done ba cos i dun wanna dump things that might end up useful later.

<font color="0000ff">viv</font> what's up? u ok? mood swings hur? relax ok. or u too tired from work that's y? need to talk us buzz me ya

<font color="0000ff">TTMum</font> caleb also using Nuk Stage 2 teats liaoz. initially i have the same prob but since he is on pacifier, i let him take the stage 2 pacifier first n he seems alright but come to milk he dun like so i kept trying n was ready every feeding time to change to the old ones. so guess have to try n try ba.
<font color="ff6000">First Birthday</font>
Ok I know I sound darn KS here but I really scared I will be real bz in time to come to plan for Caleb's birthday.

Anyone starting to plan too? I might wanna order some party things online so we might be able to do a spree among ourselves.

Now venue is an issue. I wanna do it at SAFRA Country Club (book the bungalow) but hb say the place too small. he wanna take his coy's bungalow at pasir ris but i dun like cos look very lok. so he suggest loyang bungalow which was refurbished that time for SARS quarantine (not sure virus still there or not leh). any other suggestions?
i book a chalet at downtown east already to celebrate megan birthday coz there alot of activities for nieces and nephew
Mango, Char on Bm and rice cereal, fruits, vege, and I grind soy bean powder to cook for her. Today try to cook porridge to see if she wants.

Wow, first bday so soon plan liao. I hope my new place ready then can hv a bday bash at home...But unlikely so might end up renting a chalet like you ladies.

Selina, dont envy me, 1 mths with Char, thereafter is busy life cos me going to angency and doing client servicing so will be hard work. But negotiate to leave work at 630pm daily to put Cahr to bed b4 I work again at nite...
I am booking aloha chalet the bungalow one as HB is in gov job..
If u organizing spree for party stuffs inform me as well.
If u interested in aloha chalet, inform me i'll see if i'm able to book.
I agreed with Huijun leh, few days or even up to weeks b4 my menses come hor, my mood swing very hiong one. Minor things can upset me also and I talk damn rude.

At least yr ah lao knows how to catch yr mood swings. Mine ah, pui lah.

ha, I just brought Jo to the airport last Sat nia. I dun mind going again. Think I siao liao, going for the past weeks. But if got swimming at babygrace place, then I dun wan to go airport liao, cos I wanna bath the gals.
Idiot of cos refers to ah lao lah. He only knows how to upset me nia. Actually b4 he goes, already did a check with US side lah. They got other range,but I die die only want that particular design. My hb asked me to ok with other design, though same range but I dun wan mah. Now he's panicking cos bday and wedding anniversary coming haha...
Re yr SMS. I put on hold now cos cos chaos at my IL's place. And I think I need to change the agent. SMS you later lah. Long story...
You wanna tag along my car for gathering?

Told hb change of venue, he happy wor and said no wen zi to bite me haha...
So, count me in.
How much is the bungalow charges ah? How to book? I usually did at condo function room for bday and full mth celebrations.

Usually that's the case when changing teats, bb refuse milk lah, vomit lah etc cos they are so used to the old teat size. Jo went on milk strike when I changed her teat last time. Ended I changed all types of milk bottles and teats, until she settled down with the Pigeon Mag Mag soft sprout. The one that babygrace's Joshua was using too.
My advise, slowly introduce the new teat bah, be patient.

forgot to reply you. I think you dun restrict yourself to babycenter.com. Go thr other websites, dun restrict to one. Also, my views, these websites are usually catered more for ang mo babies. Try reading up local websites instead.
same same! my wedding anniversary is tomorrow! planned a line of programs for him but too bad cannot take leave.
My HB also know when my mensus come cause it will be the day that he will get alot craps from me. haha.. then all sorts of 'language' will come out from me.

ya ma.. 1st birthday important. so must plan. but not sure wjhether to cater or BBQ.
<font color="ff0000">BG GATHERING</font>
I've booked the function room already. <font color="0000ff">Selina</font>, don't worry about the booking fee. Nominal sum only.

Can i suggest everyone indicate an approximate time that you all will be here? Can it start at about 3pm? At least those who are coming later, we know to expect you.

I will need to go off at about 3.30pm to bring Joshua for his class and come back thereafter. Need to make alternative arrangements on activating the security door for you all when i'm out. Will email / PM you all the details.

<font color="0000ff">selina</font>
The last time my predecessor left in a hurry so she only took away her personal stuff and left everything else lying around in the room. I also had to sift thru' everything and yet don't dare to throw them away in case i need them.
Just find a box and dump those things in first.

<font color="0000ff">crystallized</font>
Try to make it here if you can lah. I like gg to the airport for dinner also. Nice big space for Joshua to run around and see planes.
Would love to join you but by the time we wrap up the gathering at 6pm, may be a bit too late liao.

The nebulizer is this equipment that delivers medication in vapour form. Supposed to be more effective than oral med. *touchwood* i've not tried it yet.

<font color="0000ff">mango</font>
It's a pity i can't see you this sat.
Emma is slightly better today but still got lots of phlegm. If she's not well by saturday, she will have to be quarantined at home and i won't bring her to the function room.

Just curious, why do you say that i can have full control of my life? Earlier just now, i was losing control of myself cos Joshua has been v cranky these few days. Small things will trigger him into throwing a huge tantrum. Plus Emma is a clingy cos she's not feeling well. So imagine 2 kids crying at the same time for my attention. I was going crazy and wished that i was working instead.

<font color="0000ff">coral, HJ</font>
Maybe we all can meetup during that period and have an all girls outing. hehe...

No big birthday bash cos Joshua didn't have one so Emma will not have one also. We'll just bring her out on her birthday and spend the day together as a family and have a small celebration at home with my parents and sis' family.

no so far he did not pinch or bite my hb nipple.. hekeke!

There is a few time dunring his first 3 months...
he mistook my hb's nipple as mine leh...(try to shift towards the nipple) hb buay tahan leh..
but later think Able recognise the smell... heheee... so never did tat liaoz....

Thks on the inputs on Apple. I will try raw one see how tis weekend.

congrats on your new job.....
