(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

okie..frm last nite till just now i came out to work. din see A running nose, only a bit of mucus come out when he sneeze. then he sneeze most at nite when we on aircon. (last nite abt 4 times). is it consider wet nose or running nose. n mucus is clear white one.

so how? Can he attend tomorrow? if yes, <font color="0000ff">babygrace</font>, i can swop with you since <font color="0000ff">gemini</font> also attend tomorrow.

Let me know ya.

Thanks everyone for the aircon issue. yday we tried to on fan w/o aircon, he sweat lots especially his hair, all wet.

think we can meet again. keke...

your mom stay at Simei, right? which Kinderlan or Elfa you r consider?
Mind to share?

actually i also grew up w/o fan, n even off the fan in middle of the night cos my parents hse is those kampong type, at night very cold one.
but in sg, i need aircon badly cos the weather too humid, plus my room too.

so qiao. Mav &amp; A same blood type. n me also A+, same as you. while Hb is AB. keke...
A long time knew how to scatch, we always have to beat his hand to avoid him scatch too much. or sometimes i help him to scratch. hehe...
if frm what other mommies described, probably A just have wet nose, is not those type running nose.
u not consider tumble tots liao? btw, hb found their facilities not so fancy.

sometimes i feels waste of $$. like last 2 weeks, A got rashes after had fever. so, we brought him to c PD. at the end, PD said the fever is due to virus attack &amp; rashes is those fake mealses. no medicine given but cost $55.

at the end, this cheapo mommy ask a small tin of Gain IQ frm PD. wahahaha...

honestly the switching on aircon started when we realised zac can sleep so much better with it. also nowadays weather is terrible so lele can to sleep too. I also grew up w/o aircon but somehow my kiddos more hao ming. My bill around $160 last month with 2 aircon on cos lele co sleep with us during the first month. This month dont dare to see lar, 3 air con on for at least 12 hrs....
sounds like A has sensitive nose instead of really running nose lah. if he sneezes suddenly esp in air con, and he's ok w/o aircon, then its quite likely coz of the aircon.

Yah its a waste of money to visit PD for normal ailments. i stopped doing tt coz its a hassle to visit PD. as mentioned, my regular GP does fine n R is willing to take his medication.

can request milk powder fr PD? i din thot of it, else will oso do so. not cheapo hor. FM so exp!! of coz muz make $$$ worth lah!
hope to c u both tmrw.
Wah u on waiting list for how long liao for the JG class??
I tot of bringing D to the weekday class cos I know weekend sure full. But with the onset of the HFMD n my growing tummy.....sigh
Raise white flag liao. So poor D dun get to try out any classes. Unless wait till I have given birth n queue for the weekend class get hubby to go with him but stupid hubby needs to work even on Sun. Very sian.
hi jenny..
really ah..then maybe i can consider getting one leh..whc brand &amp; hw much ah?

hi coral..
wow..u steady leh..already waitlisting Char for CC till 3yrs old &amp; aft 3yrs old ah..where's that elfa &amp; kinderland u r refering to?

hi jasmine..
oh..i think u told me before abt A's bloodgroup..so qiao hor..haha..same qs pose to coral..since we are nearby also..lol..oh..for tumbletots..dun think so for now..coz we just started signing mav on jg..so dun think i got time to chk out the rest..u know hor..that day my mum bot back an application form from sunflower kids at kaki bukit cc (near my mum's place)..but i dun think i m really keen leh..aa..maybe i hvnt find out more abt the class la..so i indirectly tell her nw we just started with the wkends playgroup so duno if mav ok bo..i tell her to hold on till HFMD is down..an excuse to buy time also..headache leh..coz i think i got call once to chk..the ratio is 1:8 leh..so i think if w/o us following mav on the daily cc hor..mav will bully the teachers &amp; kids one..i scared kena blacklisted..lol..think i really got to spend sometime to chk it out liao on the daily cc from tamp to bedok area..hee..

hi dor..
think for ur case now..u park it for a while..till ur #2 comes onboard la..it's not easy for u leh..i m v v sure..that's why u know i hv been v v impressive by u..to take care of D on ur own..sometimes can hear u cook &amp; clean up the place..steady lo..i think i dun hv the patience to be SAHM..hee..but m sure wkday class will be more fruitful for u too..
FYI, R was on waiting list since last Nov. For the class we enrolled in, they need strictly min 18 mths. So when week 1 of the current term started, R was still short of 1 wk to turn 18 mths. So they only called me the following wk when R turned exactly 18 mths to inform tt there was a place 4 him. I am taking a break aft this term n so will go on waiting list again for the following term. I think for the timing we chose, they is abt 40+ tods on waiting list. so u can imagine how long it'll be. Somemore each class max 10 tods only.
Wkdays will b gd if u can afford the time. its oso cheaper. But now u better dun try anything since u r due soon.
If u r really keen to sign up D, now gotta go on waiting list liao. it'll take a while b4 its ur turn.
<font face="Comic Sans MS,">freshpoison,
is ok. Jasmine smsed me saying Alvis is ok to join for this week.

wah, how come your bills so high? No aircon some more.
For me, I dun have the habit to sleep in aircon room cos my mum place very windy and cold, especially at the end of the year. Close door can hear the wind sounds. Stand at lift area waiting for lift, can feel kena blow away that type of wind. So the aircon at my mum place also "bai sui" de.

will try and let you know. Had a busy day err... yesterday... no time to try yet..

I will let the in charge knows that Emma is attending next week trial.

You go courts, best denki etc place to check out. There's a lot of brands. But I think Tefal is the 1st one to come out with steamer. My mum and mine are Tefal brand. Mine is a housewarming gift from my aunt lor. 2 tier. There's 3rd tier but I heard feedback that the most top level food might not be cooked, so you may need to do some shifting in between the steaming process. It's good to serve small family. Clean and easy to maintain, just add water and on it. Not very ex lah, I bought one for my friend as housewarming gift, think $80+ only.</font>
U know hor I feel like I am scaring myself leh......hahahha
Cos hor I suddenly realised I've been cleaning n packing the hse non-stop these few days. Actually supposed to mop the living room so I can pack n do up D's new drawers but I ended up mopping the whole hse.
Then I suddenly remembered reading before sometimes mummies will have nesting instinct before labour. Then today kanna diarrhoea 2 times I so worried leh.....hahaha

U know lah guys not as xi xing 1 lor so I really want to observe D in class on my own. Ask hubby is might as well dun ask kind cos I will vomit blood before I am able to extract even 10% of the info 1 want. These few days ask him to do up the ikea drawer n shelf already half killed me liao. Until I so fedup I sort of screwed up the whole drawer leaving the back portion for him cos gotta nail ma. N still wait so many days until I fedup waiting for him to auto n ask him to nail it once he reach home. Tell him how to nail before I went to bath D he still can do it wrong. Want to vomit blood anot worse then D aah leave him few minutes nia confirm do wrong things 1.
Sigh now u know how stress I am now. 1 hand worrying I gonna pop soon then still gotta rush hubby to help do things but he still bochap leh. D's drawer still in the middle of the living room. I still waiting for him to push it into the room.

Yah I know weekends confirm long waiting list cos heard from Sept mummy so tot of bringing D to weekday instead. Cos I was thinking of joining jus for the sake of letting D try class environment n see how he respond. Cos I know I will be too busy for that when #2 is out n I dun wanna short change him lor. But then.....I more scared of the HFMD now.....haha
So bopian confirm gotta wait n see how liao. Cos hubby works everyday n with #2 dunno still can cope with going to class anot. Weekday same price lah if much cheaper I confirm start D long ago. Cos the price factor is the big consideration too.....hahaha
Hope everyone enjoys the trial today.
Just as I suspected, Emma got roseola, otherwise known as fake measles. Rash has appeared after the fever has gone down.
hi jrt,
I registered last yr ard dec when they had a road show @ forum but no one called me even though my boy turned 18 mths last mth so I called them and they say can give me slot. Asked me wat time I wan so I took e 2-4 slot on sat.
okok..i will go &amp; chk out this electric streamer..maybe might need to get one too..since my kitchen table is soo tiny that i need something multi-functional..lol..thks..

omg..i think u r stressed up leh..i can sense it..in a way really "getting ready &amp; excited" for the arrival leh..ya..like pre-delivery symptons..aiyo..dun exert urself ah..esp this stage..u know ur condition best..dun attempt any "patterns" nw ah..instead of working out to get prepared then hb trying to "siam" or delay..but u know some men la..instead of doing things then they shd..they try to "siam" by giving excuses..must talk to him abt ur anxiousness..u want to get a part-time cleaner to help out in the cleaning up or packing up of old stuff?just for 1 day?pls take EXTRA care of urself..m getting worried for u..

oh..Mav had that recently..need to keep on applying caamine lotion..i was also in a shock when a medical hall's lady boss tried to tell me he might hv measles even aft the jab..so stressed up then..heng ah...false measles nia..phew..hope she gets well soon..
<font color="0000ff">babygrace</font> can i check wif u re Roseola? Caleb also having rashes after his fever subsided but i cannot remember how long after the fever went down. but the rashes is on his neck and shoulder area only. issit also Roseola? my mum think it is heat rash cos she says it goes down after a shower etc. if it is really Roseola, need to see doc for medication?
<font face="Comic Sans MS,">babygrace,
huh, how come you suspected leh? Got sympton meh?

ya lor, now the kitchen is getting smaller and smaller, cos most dun cook at home liao. So is good to have such mutli functional equipments in kitchen. I only placed those daily use equipments on the table, those seldom use or use once a week, all go into cabinet, need to use then take out.

If is, I think need to see doc for medication. But fake measles won't go down after shower mah.

That time you were saying you wanna look for plastic cup?? Still looking? I saw pasar malam at Yishun MRT area selling, same as the yellow pooh plastic cup with cover that I posted sometime back. Got few designs to choose, I din check what design but got Mickey. $2 only.</font>
Sigh....I dun even feel so stress when I'm working. Hubby is born to be unstressful. I've been scaring him liao like hinting the last checkup only gain 1kg which was the same as my last checkup before D was born. But he can still say "won't lah dun think so much" like trying to make himself feel better.
Jus now after D slept at 12am I ask him to clear the room n push the drawers in. So I took a mop to clean the other areas 1st. Who knows he told me "Call me when u need me to push the drawer" N disappeared into the toilet. So pissed leh I jus said loudly "Win liao lor"
Who knows after he came out he still can bochap me. Wah real angry man so I scream at him lor.
He thinks I like to do things at this unearthly hrs meh. If I can do everything myself I would have done so in the daytime when D is napping dun have to wait till he is home. Dunno wat I need him for.
Doesn't help that he kanna RT 3 times a week at a time like this plus his stupid work. I rather try to settle everything I can fast cos i know once #2 out I won't have time n confirm hubby will anyhow do liao like D's time.
So bopian lah stress abit now better then next time see liao stress but cannot do anything.
Hi Jasmine/Jrt/Gemini/Jenny/Huijun/Pup/Jlyn(hopefully i didnt missed anyone out),
Nice meeting you and your toddlers. Have fun at the class but too bad desiree seems very shy and refuse to participate. hopefully she will be better the next time round.

Thanks once again for organising the trial class.

Just to share some of the pic taken at the class(forget to mention my MIL go and cut desiree's fringe, make her looks so goong goong. so angry).

Hi Doreen,
On sat, i also suddenly dig out all desiree's old clothing and let my maid wash. After she wash, I pack them in the drawer for #2, wondering if it is nesting instinct? dun think so ba.. still early leh.
D's hair kanna cut aah no wonder she looks so different.
I scared ma cos Damien was very early so #2 might be early too. Urs still can immediate wash liao n put in drawer mine hor drawer still not ready I can't even wash 1st cos put where.
Sian lor......next mth still got wedding to attend. Hopefully I can sui sui everything done then deliever else very sian to see the hse half done.
<font color="0000ff">jenny</font> the rashes been there for a while liao since his fever went down. i kept seeing it since i came back. think my mum might be right cos today no more rashes liao. so fake measels need to see doc?

<font color="0000ff">delphine</font> nice picture of Desiree... aiyo her fringe...

<font color="ff6000">18 May MyGym Trial</font> do post some pictures of all the tods. would be nice to see their pixs again.
<font color="aa00aa">Air-con</font> Remember you ladies were discussing about air-con earlier. a bit late lah but i just share.

caleb sleeps in air-con room every night at 26 degree + 2 fan on whole night. the only time the air-con is off is when he is sick. now weather so damn hot, we still on air-con for a while so that he can slp faster and switch it off later leaving just the fan on. day time he sleeps wif only fan. recently we started letting him take his nap half naked (only diaper) cos weather is just too too hot. even without clothes, he is perspiring.

<font color="0000ff">wendy</font> tks to your reminder on the in-line skating festival by samsung. brought caleb to ECP today for breakfast and i went in-line skating while hb pillion caleb on a bike. quite fun. he was enjoying it initially b4 he gets sleepy n doze off.
Ya lah, am so pissed off with her. somemore she cut till not balance, haiz. some long and some short, my poor gal.
you are buying new drawer for #2? better get your hb to help to get it done. Else with #2 plus D, you sure will be very busy, better get things done before she arrives.
yah i think u better wait n put on hold the JG class 1st. u got no time when #2 comes along. anyway no hurry oso.

R was like tt when he went for intial trial classes when he was much younger. Shy n refused to participate. Not willing to play wif peers oso. It seems tt as he grows older, he is much more participative. Bring D for a few more classes n she shld b ok.

Not gong gong leh. in fact i find it ok. kids can take all sorts of hairstyle. they will look cute instead of gong gong.

<font color="0000ff">My Gym trial</font>
R is much more responsive this time round. He had a fun time running and playing in the class. He even hogged the slide n "fought" wif Alvis. Hahaha... He absolutely loved the trampoline n even came up wif his own version of dance n i find it absolutely hilarious.
Overall he really enjoyed himself.
It was my 1st time mtg Alvis &amp; Jasmine (i recognised Alvis while we were in the lift), Delphine &amp; Desiree and Jlyn + her twin boys.

I c if i can resize some pix n post here...
Aiyoh, i dun hv much pix to post here coz all of them hv some of the parents faces inside. I hv a few of R taken wif Alvis coz the 2 boys were eyeing the same thing. Hahaha.

Paiseh my pix as gd as nothing much shown. Let my posting b the <font color="119911">appetizer</font> n the rest shall come in wif <font color="aa00aa">main courses.</font>

<font color="0000ff">R "fighting" with Alvis. Obviously the one wif less hair is R.</font>


<font color="0000ff">R loves the ball pit too. Seen here together wif Jlyn's twin boys n Alvis.</font>

Looks like the kids had fun at the gym yesterday.

Jenny / Selina,
For roseola, the rash will appear the moment the fever breaks. And the rash is more of red patches, not those raised bumps like heat rash and will appear on body (trunk), back, neck and face. Maybe Caleb's one is heat rash. But i do find that the rash gets worse when the weather is hot.
There's no medication to treat roseola. Just fever med to treat the fever. So no need to see the doc again.
Can read more about roseola here

Jenny, I suspected it's roseola because Emma had no other symptoms except persistant fever. No runny nose, doc checked that her throat and ears are ok. I asked her if it could be UTI but doc says unlikely cos UTI can cause discomfort when she pees and at this age, she would be able to show the discomfort. The most striking characteristic about roseola is that the child seems well other than the high fever.
Joshua got it before when he was young also but he had runny nose then (cos he got sensitive nose), so i kinda suspected it could be the same for Emma.
I bought new drawers for Damien. Finally put it in spare room yest night so I need to move his clothes from the old small drawers to the new 1 then can cleanup the old drawer for #2 lor. Mahuan right.....sigh
Sian thing is I need alot of hubby's help for some of the bulky heavy stuff n he still in the relax mood lor.
Can imagine I asked him yest night he like very bochap hor not worried things not done before bb born. He jus tell me "A BIT". So I tot okie lah he still worried abit. But I was so wrong lor he say he "A BIT BO CHAP".
Wah piang eeh. I ask him he really not worried at all things not done meh. U know wat he can say??
I know u will do it 1. Really hor talk to him will vomit blood leh.

Heng I always rather depend on myself then wait for others else sure jialat man.
Gym trial
Looks like the kiddos really enjoyed themselves hor. Can't wait for the class this week.....hehe

Can any kind soul tell me if they saw those nice nice shopping trolley kind of toys complete with those groceries inside.
N those tools set big set 1 must have screws n places to screw 1.
Where u saw n how much??

I need to get a toy for D cos he already saw n opened up the remote train I bought for him so now trying to find a nice set of toys for him to entertain in the hospital after I deliever.
Jasmine, my mum in S'goon. So it's the kinderland and Elfa in S'goon. Been on queue for Elfa for a few months liao, but no news.

Jenny, so how was the wall paper?

Dor, Char also never go for any classes, so she samm sama as D. I only sign up for JG last week, so I guess still a long wait bah.

Super bad mood, yesterday MIL wants to c Char but hb busy so I volunteer to bring her go see grandma. Hb told me not to park at multi-storey cos very tight, btu I know he prefer if I park there as the oipen-air carpark got pple always vandalise cars. So I parked at multi-storey, in the end too0 anxious plus technic no good I rubbed the car against the wall, big scratches. Hb never scold me, but I know he super sian cos the car less than five months old. I feel so guilty, some more hb exams these two days, he sure no mood. I'm so upset. Even though I'm sending the car for re-painting, but to hb it's never the same aagin.
I can't sleep last night, now still feel very sad. I think Char can sense it, the moment she saw my face when we checked the car, she cried and wanted to run away.
dor dor
ithink they have the trolley set at kiddy palace and toysrus...saw it before.

as for the tools set, i bought cy gigo junior engineering set. it comes as loose parts with 'nails', 'bolts' and 'nuts' and a set of screwdriver, hammer, spanner etc for them to make things loh. usually need adult guidance to really make someting like cars or what. but cy can keep himself occupied with that just screwing things on and taking things out...so can try that. then occasionally and make cars and toys from it for him to play...can entertain for quite a while. one of my best buys so far...

can get from growing fun.

<font face="Comic Sans MS">Delphine,
Dun mention lah. It's good to see the kids together. But I din have a chance to talk to you.
Oh btw yr tummy very big le, when's due huh? Sorry, I keep forgettting hee..
Ok lah, Desiree's fringe ok lah, quite cute. But if really bothers you, then you trim the right side of the fringe further up, like a slope shape to look trend lor. I think for kids ok, their fringe grow quite fast.

I'm not too sure with fake measles cos none at home has it before. I go check with my aunt when I see her 2 weeks later, cos next week she's going tour, so won't see her.
But then, from what you describe, I think Caleb one sounds like heat rash more like fake measles. If you have calendula cream, try applying? If not you can try out Doreen's method, to soak in beer. I heard before but never tried. You can also boil some green bean soup to cool down Caleb's body temp.

My hb like yr hb when I was preparing for Jaslyn's arrival. Need to nag nag nag before he started to help me. I ended fedup and did the shifting and assembly + grocery shopping + washing clothes myself. He saw already, bo pian gotta help. He still asked me so anxious for what. I had a quarrel with him, I planned to do everything sui sui, so that he didn't need to do anything during my confinement, trying to get things done, so he could have more rest then. Still say me... I told him if he wanna tired himself like Jolene's time, by all means he could go and rotted.
I think mens are like that. Women more anxious.

Damien like shopping trollery? So far, saw many at Toyrsus and Kiddy Palace but those material no good. There's 2 I saw quite good, but quite girlish leh... Minnie Mouse from Tomy Disney, think $49.90, Toysrus, Kiddy Palace, John Little, Robinson, OG got sell, and the other one is Hello Kitty, think $35+, saw at Toysrus.
Those Tools set, Growing Fun has good ones. You can find at Toysrus too. There's a set I saw before quite solid, but can't remember where.

I can't find my new sets of "stickers", dunno where I keep it...
But I tried with the current ones that stick to the tiles. Tried on the wooden door and wall at the bedroom, seems to stick but will fall off after a while. Not sure is it becos it's not a new pc. Am going to buy and try again.

Photos at Gym Trial
Err.. I din take much leh. Most pics turn out blurred cos I forgot to switch the mode. Then realised din take pics of the toddlers together.
These are the 2 shopping carts. These 2, the materials more solid. Jolene got those cheapo ones. The 1st one was terrible, bought home already spoiled de. Anyway, if you want, dun get those cheapo one, the materials very lan de. Too weak, very easily broken into pieces.

Alternative, the not so girlish one, is Little Tikes $69.90. Check Aprisin. Little Tikes one, I don't know if it comes with complete set of grocery.


<font color="0000ff">Mygym Trial</font>
Nice meeting Crystallized <font color="0000ff">Reubern</font>, Jenny <font color="0000ff">Jasyln &amp; Jolene</font>, Jlyn <font color="0000ff">Jadon &amp; Dagon</font>, Delphine <font color="0000ff">Desiree</font>, Gemini <font color="0000ff">Tricia</font>, Huijun <font color="0000ff">Reanne</font>
Alvis enjoyed so much. Hope din scared of you all. He is those kind bo chap one, only run &amp; play.

Thanks for the organising.

Is Jasyln sign up for the class? How long is the actual class?

paiseh..A snatch ball frm R &amp; teach him how to b illegal.

R 's hair not consider less hor.

yeah...finally saw u &amp; ur big tummy. no lal, where got gong-gong. In found she is cute lel.

Kealen 's speech quite advance hor. He even call me when you ask him to. clever boy!

I love Tricia 's hair. Even Hb also mentioned it.
ic..so Mav started class at JG liao? Is it the bilingual weekend class?
Your mum stay near the Kaki Bukit CC? I went there b4, basically not bad, but they told me only left one space for next year. You can visit them to find out more.
As per steammer, yday went courts &amp; saw this Tefal 2 tier one, cost $68 nia. simple &amp; nice.

ic...misunderstood that your mum stay at Simei.

think you too independent liao. so that your hb tot you can do everything!
You better ask him &amp; chase him to do those heavy stuffs. Dun tired out yourself. if you are the one who do it, better do it slowly, k?
take care hor?
Thank you Jenny for organising the trial at MyGym. Except for Gemini, it was my first time meeting the other mummies.

Jenny, finally get to see the 'mxxx rusty' face hor. hahah. I tell u, I am very impressed with Jaslyn. She is so responsive. Pianz, u see my boys, totally beyond control. They are also like this in cc. Living in their own world one.

Gemini, so long the lil' one in there is putting wgt, tummy small ok. More mobile, can walk around easily. At my peak, I was a jumbo 87kg with super swollen feet (no ankles in sight since 5th mth of pregnancy hor). pant like mad after walking from multi-storey c/pk to my blk. That's why I envy the size of ur tummy.

Jasmine, A is so si wen unlike my super chor lor boys. Btw, did A lose abit of weight?

Crystallized, nice meeting u. R has been attending classes like this before? Honestly, I find some of the moves very kia si lang. I scatty cat, dare not do. I saw u attempting a few.. brave leh.. haha.

Delphine, I actually recognise u right away cos I still have impression of D's 1st birthday pics at chalet.. jia you on ur pregnancy.

The other mummy who got a helper to assist is who hah? Huijun? The last mummy to leave is pups right? Sorry if wrong, just trying to put nick to faces.
Whaha.. ya lor, me and my big tummy still running about with desiree cos seems like my hubby dun koe how to handle her. Me due end jul08, very fast liao, feeling excited all over again.

Better dun shift those heavy stuff, let your hb do the job. give him face to see if he refuse... haha..

ya, guess gonna bring Desiree more to these class before she can adapt.
wah, you must have very good memory cos desiree 1st b party is in Sep 07, half a year ago liao leh. Actually desiree didnt changed much in terms of her look. Btw, your 2 boys look diff leh, didnt look like twins.
Delphine, yah.. they sure dont look alike. U also didnt change much except tummy ;p I remember there was a pic u took with D. Cant remember if that pic got ur hb or not though.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Jasmine,
Actual class is the same duration as the trial class, 50 mins,
Not sure yet, haven't discuss with hb yet.

I saw you at B1 carpark walking towards the lift when our car entered the carpark, was then thinking if is you. Your parents came also right?
You want Jaslyn? I can also offer buy 1 get 1 free to you leh.

EDD end June ah, wow wow, then your tummy really big! Machiam like my time with Jolene!

Then <font color="0000ff">Gemini</font>, when's your EDD? Yeap, yr tummy small, easier to move around. Very funny leh, that day I arrived hor, I saw you from outside already, but dunno why when I inside, I couldn't find you, though you were sitting in front of me. My eyes kena stamp!! Lucky you called me haha..</font>
hohoho...you r the 1st one said my boy 'si wen'. really..
he so rough, ok?
yup. your twinds didn't look alike. when in the way back home, ask hb did he notice your twins, he can ask me 'got twins meh?' hehe..

left 2 moths nia. so fast huh? still remember you are telling us try to ttc for 08 baby. hehe..
maybe Desiree shy &amp; she more to 'si wen' type..
Dun say sorry lah. its normal to fight. as i mentioned, my niece n R fight is more hiong than A &amp; R. and i dun think they touched each other. when kids play tog, someone is bound to cry/fight. i got used to it so no worries.

the mummies replied u on the toy set liao so i think u noe where to buy. recently i am looking 4 playsets tt can sweep/mop the fl coz R keep wanting to use my mop/broom at home &amp; my mum's plc. he's driving my mum nuts. so wanna get 4 him. its frustrating coz i bot a set for my fren's daughter b4 but now when i wanna get it, i cant find at kiddy palace anymore!

i took some of R &amp; Jas tog... can send u tonight...

paiseh i cant rem ur boys name. i only rem they r special names.

R has been attending no less than 6 trial classes since he turned 6 mths. Each time i din sign up coz he din seem to enjoy. I only signed him 4 JG coz he liked the trial class then. Now tt i c he likes gym play, i thinking 2 sign him. but he dun like the sit down session where we gather in a circle. he prefers to roam leh. so mayb free play more ideal for him.
Heee, coz R got a chor-lor mommy like me, so he is used to rough play. i do alot of nonsense stunts wif him at home one. kekekeke
eh try it on ur boys lah!
i find some of the gym play v dangerous. when R was climbing, i was a bit worried but he cld managed it. i was v impressed.
its like 2nd nature to him. now i wonder when did he muster all these secret techniques?! i nvr knew he cld do those stunts!
were ur boys chor lor??? i dun think so! In the ball pit, they seemed quite reserved. Only my R like monkey, cannot stop jumping &amp; grinning.

AT this age, think they will like these activities. SHe juz needs more warm up. Or she not familiar wif the faces so she is more reserved. ita a gd way to let them expend their bountiful energy! if i can let R play there the whole day w/o nap, i think he will sure sleep thru the night!
jen, yah, i asked my parents to follow. i con them said wcc got nice kopi. told them to go kopi while we in class. hahaha. in the end, they waited in car. no choice, if i drive, maid cant handle the two. no car seat. the prob is the car belongs to my dad and he needs rear passenger seat and boot space for his work. So if i were to get 2 car seats, have to bring up and down very often. Hopefully when they are older, can use the booster type. Easier to carry around. urs also buy one get one free hah... mine tiap lui ppl also dont want.. hahah
Crystallized, oh.. R didnt behave like 'new bird' that why I suspected probably not first time. Mine both suaku like that. Jadon's name ok, Dagon is the prob one. I also wonder why I didnt object to this name which their father came up with. Some ppl pronounced it Da Gong. My friends said they are 'Da Gong' (big corn) and 'Ja-Gong' (sweet corn). Blames who but the parents lor. The teachers in cc call them by Chinese names.

Jasmine, ur hb said no twins hah.. hahaha. I am also amazed at how different they are in term of looks and characters. So long they dont fight, dont scream, healthy can already.
My EDD is end jul not end june, dun scare me ar. i am not ready yet, hehe..

i must say you really have good memory.
still can remember those pic posted here, time flies, now they are going into their terrible 2s.

another reason i can think of is most prob desiree just woke up from her nap that day. so suddenly i introduce her to new friends and environment, she get a bit scared off.
hahahaha, he is an old "new bird".... he's gone to so many trials lah. probably he remembers some of the play fr the last time i brought him?
Heee, so funny! Big corn &amp; Sweet Corn?
aiyah names r like tt. bound to hv ppl teasing fr time to time. R's name oso the same. Coupled wif his surname. Even worse. Thus i registered the surname in HYPY instead so to hopefully cut down on the teasing.

Yah D looked like she juz woke up fr nap tt day, thus she blur blur like tt. heeee.... but she is so gentle! unlike the 2 lil monsters i hv at home. everyday is a war!
<font face="Comic Sans MS">crystallized,
Jolene had never sit at the circle session for her 1 term lessons. The daddy got worried and kept chasing after her. She's the only 1 who roamed ard then. The ex-principle then talked to hb and said it is normal for kids to roam about. Some only get to sit in at the last lesson, some dun. it's ok cos at this age, the kids are actually observing others, though they dun guai guai sit still.
Last Sun, that story telling session, was the 1st time Jolene sat there to listen.
Regarding climbing, I also dinno Jaslyn could do on her own. I guess all kids know, just sooner or later on how to balance and grip themselves.

Huh, they waited in the car, not hot meh?
You notti ah, conned them... You din kena nagging from them ah?
Talking abt your twins, I told hb also, he asked me "they are twins??". And oh, he finally saw your lu shan zhen mei mu. Actually he couldn't remember, but then he remembered you telling me see my this face this statement.

pai seh, typed wrongly... wanna typed July dunno why today fat fingers kept typing wrong thing!

Realised no pics taken with the kids hor, should have get all the kids to pose together for group photos...</font>
Alvis didn't lose weight. he is always tat kind of body build. That's why i told u all my family all commented that he is skinny.
I think Crystallized carried him also mentioned that he is light than R, rite?

oei...you owe me to carry R hor. kekeke..
But it's fun to see both of them fight when you &amp; your sis just back at home after a tired day, right?

think 3.30pm is those timing that our tods ju woke up frm their nap. A too..he only took 1 hr nap on the bus ride.

ya lor..didn't take any group pics. Actually i wanted to ask you all. but some of the mommies alreadyrush for payment &amp; wanted to left liao.

Last gathering A also didn't got chance to take group pics too..
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Jasmine,
Slipped of my mind. Blame in on my indigestive stomach! Not feeling too good that day cos I ate a cup of maggie mee at 2pm+ then xiao hua bu liang.
