(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Flat Feet
Any mommy here have same problem? where to buy those special shoe (small build in arch)? I can find most of the girl girl shoe have the soft inner cushion but not for boy le...

Hi Shirley,
you can refer to the website below
For your info, at blk 172C edgedale plains is a newly open centre, so now they are taking in toddlers, once they are full, they will start the class(most prob will place d there).
The fee is 145 per month, 2 hours daily(9.30am - 11.30am, Mon - Fri). Material fee is S$80 for half yearly and unifrom cost is S$40(one time).
hi shirley,

you staying in SK, rite? why not look around in SK?
me although stay in punggol, but is looking for playgp in SK, cos my parents staying there.
thanks for the info. not working tomorrow, bringing zac to check out a few places. Punggol mummies the following my research for a few hours playgroup:
1) Kiddy ABC BLK 176C Edgefield Plains
2) TOTS house Blk 114 Edgedale Plains
3) Kids Kingdom located in the church
okok..i got chk..my kitchen is v tiny nia..think jasmine can confirm this..coz i split up the kitchen & dinning area..

i think it's rather stressful for u..can tell..i hope things get settled for u soon..but pls take gd care & dun over exert urself at this stage too..v impt leh..take gd care ah..

no la..coz i know u went for last yr's event but then i wasnt with them yet..so this yr i will be gg..thot u will be gg as well..hee..that's nice to hear Caleb enjoyed the ride..Mav was so scared & kept crying when we put him n the childseat when hb pillion him..lol..

dun feel bad la..u also dun wish that will happen..at least can re-spray not that bad also..unlike me, remember that time i "brushed" with a pizza hut delivery person..that's worse..the case is pending..but i hv a strong feeling i hv to go court this yr maybe nearer to the date i m due..sigh..btw, so u enrolling Char on CC near ur mum's place..icic..thot it's ard ur area too..haha..

ya..but mav cant adapt himself well at the class..he will cry & fuss lo..then really cry thruout like dun want to stay in class one leh..the one we just went, we hv no choice but to skip the chinese session..sigh..the moment we bring him out..he stopped crying leh..argh..ya..maybe i shd spend some time to chk out the CC then i can hv a better say..thks for the info on the electric streamer..will find time to chk it out..thks..where r u sending A to?next mth starting ah..wow..so fast..

i hope all is well at ur end..pls take gd care & dun exert urself for now..if possible..take some time off work & spend some quiet time for urself..maybe u really needed a break badly..
Dun scare me leh. I jus check LV still at US10+. N they have stock all along aah. U mean vitaglo is it??
I still having problems with my LV order gonna call n kao peh again liao.

I already plan sui sui how D will be taken care of liao n tell hubby dunno how many times since I preg. But hor u ask him he jus tell u put D downstairs lor. So angry lor means I go into labour also I must settle D myself lah else D I sure cannot go deliver in peace 1.
Mummy instinct very zun aah. For D hor I actually didn't expect to deliever so early leh. Suppose to wash his stuff that day but I pushed it to next day n went shopping with my sis instead who knows at night D decide its time liao.....haha
Went for my checkup today n guess wat.
Gynea told me 2 n a half more weeks then okie liao. I was so shocked lor. "HUH 2 n half more weeks??"
Then she say yah 34 weeks safe to be out liao then she tap my tummy n said but U dun so early hor......hahaha
N jus done my GD blood test hopefully dun kanna this time lah.....hehe
Hi all,
long time no chat...
I am also searching playgroup fr my A in Punggol leh.... I am waiting for the registration of playgroup under Apple Tree. Got to wait till July for 2009 intake...

I have 3 choices :
1)Apple Tree - nearest to my current nanny
2)Talentplus - Blk 187
3)tumbletots - Right start

Last time i do want to consider Kiddy ABC but now die die dun want to go there cos my previous nanny just stay above...
har, doreen,

sure or not? ur gynae want u to deliver at 34 wks??
GD test? what test is this?

hi shirley,

haha... i see. your parents stay in punggol...
Thanks that photo was taken when she was in her naughty mood.

You are right, Jo has natural curls.

Hee hee....still remember when she was still a baby....her hair grow upwards.

We only trim her hair about 3 - 4 times.

The 4 of us cannot live without aircon. Normally we will on our aircon @ night when we sleep. The only time when we dont on it, is when its the end of the year eg. Dec/Jan when the weather is cooler.
Hot Weather
I usually dun switch on at nite but these few days...argh!!!! Step out of e shower will start perspiring liao... Dun dare to look at my utilities bills. Trying very hard to 'lun' and nt turn on the air-con in the hall otherwise the bill come i sure 'peng'
<font face="Comic Sans MS,">Wendy,
Most kitchen now very small liao cos most dun cook at home.
But my friend place 4 room only hor, her kitchen is those long type, big leh. Mine lagi small, turn here turn there, but then mine got a separate service balcony which separates washer &amp; dryer from "kitchen" where food are. I quite like this concept lor.

That case with the pizza hut guy not yet settled??? So long already. Is that guy demanding $ from you?

You click into calendula cream, you will see US$7.90. Confirmed is US$7.90. I just placed order nia. Dunno why the "outer" page aka main page shows US$10.35. And yes, I refer to LV not vitaglo. Last mth, calendula cream at LV was totally OOS for 2 mths, when stock comes in, the price increased, I just realised the price was reduced back to US$7.90, so quickly made order even though I still have stock.

I think 1st time mum din realised the instinct lah. Me also. In fact, I went for normal gynae check on 14th afternoon, and my gynae din say anything. Then after the check still went for valentine dinner. I dunno wat time my waterbag burst. Cos I slept at 11pm+, when I woke up at 12.15am, my waterbag was bursting, and gosh, I still didn't know, thought why I "urined" on bed! I still blur blur didn't know my waterbag had burst. It was my hb who told me my waterbag burst liao.

34th weeks ok liao?? Did you ask gynae why? 34th week premature leh, wait incur medical expenses how?? At least die die must wait till 36th week mah.

Actually hor, 2 kids easier to handle you know. Really, cos kids will entertain themselves, they play, quarrel, fight among themselves to keep themselves entertain. We no need to do too much. Hb and I were very tired with 1 kid last time. Now we sit back to relax cos the 2 can keep themselves entertain. 1 kid only, he/she will wants us to play with them.
Whenever my hb complains tired, I will tell him, "aiya we should just settle with 1 kid..." He will tells me "no no, die die must have 2, if not more tired..."
<font face="Comic Sans MS,">Doreen,
What problem you have with LV? What happened? Ordered already but not yet shipped out is it? Dun scare me leh, I just placed order abt an hr ago leh.
BTW you using vpost or comgateway or other service provider??
Hi Vivian
Saw your post ... do take care ok...
I also experience long menses last mth which lasted 3wks too...
but this month menses back to normal 1wk sooo did not see gynae.....
I guess might be due to hormones imbalance. or stress... really dun noe too..

Do slow down abit, drink more water &amp; sleep more ok ...
your cousin thinks like my hubby. He always tells me CMC - can means can. I guess he's speaking from his own experience cos he comes from not so priviledge background but yet he still made it good.
As much as i want to be, i got no energy to be a super parent.

damn frustrating with LV this time round ever since they changed their system.
Initially told me that half of my order got shipped while the other half got to wait. A few days later i tried to track the package but couldn't see any tracking so i emailed them. Then they told me that now everything is shipped except 1 item which is backorder till dunno when.
And they didn't tell me which item. And knowing them, they will ship that 1 item in a huge box that i will end up paying for air for vpost charges.
sian liao... think i will just forfeit that one item and not match it at vpost if i have to pay so much for vpost.
No lah my gynea dun want me to deliever so early that's why she ask bb not to be so early. But cos she already scared I will deliver earlier then D's 36 wk ma. So she saying 34wk is already safe if I deliever n she actually stopping my anti-contraction pills after wk 34 liao.
I had gestational diabeties when I was preg with D so this time round I also gotta take the blood test to check if I kanna diabeties again for this preg. But hopefully not lor else gotta start pricking my fingers for blood test before n after every meal again.....sigh

I kanna ALOT of problems for my this order from LV. Then wanted to inform bbgrace before she order but she already order n kanna similar prob liao though not as bad as mine lah. Imagine I ordered on the 6th May leh until now my shipment have not been received yet n worse lor no email nothing to inform me. Dun even reply my emails lor. Call talk to the person also want to vomit blood keep saying cannot do anything cos in process but they cannot ans me when shipping my order. Tell me send in 24 hrs never send reach in 3-5 days also never reach. Until I so pissed off I jus called n ask them to sort of cancel my order n I will pay the US$10 fee.
I using vpost.

Mine really worse aah I confirm not ordering from LV anymore in the near future gonna boycott them.
I receive another email say ship my vit C ONLY. Then the other item dunno when will ship cos item they dunno when will have. I request to cancel that item the girl tell me its also shipped liao. I ask her for tracking num she gave me 1 only n said its all under the same tracking 3 shipment. Funny right.
I dun trust them anymore lah so I ask them to stop the shipment I pay for the reroute lor. Dun wanna call n talk to them anymore. Lugi the US$10 n the rate better then me getting angry every few days becos of them. N for 2 items they send 1 item in 1 box. Think the box charge already more then the items cost liao. N if they delay again my base charge n holding fee leh. Siao lor.
But the funny thing is they cancel very fast leh!!!! I so impressed lor. The moment I put down the phone nia I check the tracking num she gave me n voila the UPS web already update the intercept for the package liao.
I dun understand why their delivery cannot be as smooth n fast lor.

N still dare to say their customer service is GOOD.....alamak!!
I saw liao once click in its a different price hor they jus revert back to the old price. Somemore I ordered quite abit leh tot jus order stockup dun care liao. But now I ask them to refund liao I feel better lah cos like so cheated....sigh

So tired with this spreeing stuff liao think mainly cos of stupid LV I gonna stop buying already. Hopefully ON dun have a big sale anytime soon lah. Else gonna eat my words liao...hahaha
I think I no mood liao walk also very heavy liao gonna wait for my stuff to arrive n wait for #2 to pop liao.
Hubby say bb now 1.8kg only I feel so heavy...haha

The ON stuff should reach me by this week then I can jus pass to the mummies on Sunday itself. hehe so looking foward to seeing 'girly' bb clothes leh.
aiyo..i think i m getting excited for u leh..time passed so fast..that time just heard u might be preggy nia..now v v soon u will be popping liao...i duno if i m beginning to hv cold shivers aft giving birth..omg..too late for anything..i think u r also the type that body can capture the sugar intake higher than anything one..that time me also kena..suspected of GD..maybe i ate too much hotcakes..ops..lol

ya..i think my kitchen is the long type u mentioned..but i split into dinning &amp; kitchen area with a sliding door..then wall mount dryer with top-loading washing machine near the window..hehe..so my living room can let Mav run ard..lol..coz he can really climb up the table &amp; chairs..scary..ya lo..that case not ovr yet..but i hv a strong feeling this yr got to go court on this case..hvnt recd the letter yet but i think v v soon liao..scare scare leh...sigh..i hope he dun demand anything frm me..v v worried also..

LV spree..
seems like it's not as easy ordering from them..i hope all mummies will hv a easier time for this order..cheers~
For tumbletots, you have to place your name in waitlist leh for 2009 intake. That day just placed my name lor in case that is the last resort(Around 10 pple are on waiting list).
Btw, where is apple tree in punggol? am trying to find one nearer to my mum's place.
Wendy, opps, you can't settle it out of court?

Jackiejon, yah, I remember. You were trying to pin them down.
Apple Tree at blk 195+ &amp; I think Blk 101X.

Both quite nearer to Punggol central area.

Wow, Tumbletots on waiting list too... my A enjoys the gym session when we go for trial just
last month... the teachers there young but able to engage with the children...
i want to put A there but my hb feels that the gym session really need teachers to guide them... if they play by
themselves, they might hurt themselves very easily with the gym set... but i will register and see how too..
<font face="Comic Sans MS">babygrace, Doreen,
Sounds like there's problem with LV shipment dept?
Doreen's order not yet shipped. Babygrace's 1 item shipped in 1 box. wah liew... incurring a lot of shipping charges!
Wah liew, me gonna pray hard liao. The status at LV now reflects as "credit hold". I wonder how long it will takes for shipping to be out. I read up the LV sprees threads, din read abt organiser complaining abt the shipment. And the mum who I joined her pte spree also din mention abt this late shipment, she told me she just got her LV order recently. BTW, me using borderlinx. Cos read a lot of suck reviews from Comgateway, and Vpost base charge too ex.

LV only informed oos item only upon shipment right? And they do backorder automatic or upon request? I scare of this lor, thats why I only order 1 item only but with many quantity this round.

The price at LV weird weird hor? Any idea after you click into the page, there's "3 or more $10.35", "6 or more $10.35" "12 or more $10.35" means???
The more I see LV website, the more blurred I'm with the price!
So, you managed to get them refund but just paid US$10 to cancel the order lah?

Oh, I tell you hor, I prefer dining area to be in kitchen area, like yours. But my kitchen is square shape, basically no space to put dining table. So bo pian, my dining area is in living room area. That time, my SIL suggested to use the study room area for dining area. My hb protested cos he bought this current place cos got a separate study room. I protested also cos I felt it's so stupid to bring dishes across the living room to get to the study room area if that room is converted to dining area.
Hee, I also have a big space in living room for the gals to run about + do their cycling + ride on etc. Purposely want a big space for them to run about. Plus recently, I convert the balancy area into their play area, so all the toys are there. So, messy only balcony area messy.</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS">babygrace, Doreen,

I read thr the FAQ, seems that shipment delay is because some items may be OOS. But the 2) hor, highlighted in blue, how come I dun remember there's an option for me to select full shipment? Where can I find this?
It seems that it is auto to be shipped partial if there's oos item. Though domestic shipment will not be charged, but international shipping charges will be very ex if they just shipped 1 or 2 items!

1) Some of the items I ordered did not arrive with my order, where are they?

Occasionally, for reasons we can't control, we run out of stock on certain items. We are usually able to replenish stock within a few business days. If we can obtain your product within this time, we will delay your order one day in order to ship it in its entirety. If an out of stock item will delay your order for more than a few days, we may choose to ship the in-stock products and backorder the remainder. We will ship the balance of your order when available at no extra shipping cost. If an item is unavailable for an extended period of time from the manufacturer for any reason, we will cancel that item off you're order, you will not be charged, and you may reorder it again at a later date.

2) How do I find out if a product is in stock?

Unfortunately, we do not list inventory information on our website. Once you place your order and if an item is out of stock and delayed, you will be notified via email. If an item that is back ordered will take more than 48 hours for us to receive, your order will be shipped partial with the back ordered item(s) shipping seperately at no additional shipping charge. <font color="0000ff">When your order is placed you can select the option for your order to only ship in Full Shipment. If you choose this and there is a back ordered item(s) your order will be held until all items are in stock.</font>

If an item is cancelled due to lack of availability or because it is discontinued, we can replace it with a substitute of your choice for no additional shipping charge. Just let us know..</font>
ask you for the trial that the babies went on sunday
after the trial, will the staff ask you whether u want to sign up for the classes or join membership?
just like Gymboree?
thought better to get a rough idea first.

your planning sounds good!
hopefully it will work out the way u want

my mother is rushing me to put her in CC but i using her health reason to put it off till July i hope. I dont really see her learning much at home except create choas at home for my mother
hi coral...
not out of the court thing when traffic police is involved..

we hv the same thinking..it's like all the smell lingers in the kitchen only..not the whole house..heng ah..u didnt agree to set up the study room as dinning area..omg..i cant imagine man..it's nice that u can hv the balcony area for the kids as toys area..i hv to "dig" one area out from living room to "park" Mav's playyard &amp; his toys..lol..
<font face="Comic Sans MS">babe,
They will give you 1 week to consider. If you want to sign up, bring back the receipt to them, I think if no change hor, if you sign up, the trial will be free.

Aiya tell your mum, which kid won't create chaos at home. I rather they create... if no create, then I more worried.

I'm quite pissed off that time by my SIL for "deciding" where to place what, what to do for MY home. She even comment my dish cabinet and stove area too high... well, I do to my height not hers wat. I'm tall of cos got to do taller a bit mah. Talk till as seems she does cooking at my place. I kept quiet but in my heart, I felt like telling her to shut up. I mean, I stay and live there, so the home should do to my needs, not hers.
Everytime come my place, keep saying she likes my place, wanna buy a unit at the SAME blk! And even ask us to sell to her if we going to move. Well, unless she's going to pay for the price I'm selling lah... which I think is hard cos BIL is property agent, sure bargain de.</font>
yup..i like your dining area. mine will b diff. think my kitchen no space for the dining table cos it's a square one. but luckily i still got a sparate service balcony which b a washing area ba..
Think Mav needs some times to adapt to a new place. but previously i saw he is ok during tumbletots trial lel.

please rest more!!
think your precious cant wait to meet you &amp; her gor gor. have you choose her name yet?

yesss..i like your idea to convert the balcony area as kids play area. Maybe i can do that too, or an area for us to lax.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Jasmine,
Sounds that your kitchen and mine are more or less the same.
My common toilet is not in kitchen one, yours same?
I convert balcany area to play area cos I hate the toys all over the living room. So at least only balcony area is messy lor. Last time the toys are in the bedroom, they wanna play then take out to living room to play. So I removed my swing which was in the balcony and convert to playarea lor.</font>
yes..my common toilet is not in kitchen one.
And i think i have a big balcany area. previously i thought to buy a 懒人椅 to place there as sometimes we can sit there. but now got a second idea, playarea.
but 1st of all, must do a window gril 1st.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Jasmine,
Last time I had a cane swing chair and a relaxing chair at the balcony kekeke...
We didn't make full use of the balcony then, like waste space hor? So we removed and converted to play area lor. I kept all the toys in the toyogo boxes and stacked them.
Yes, got to do window grill for safety. And windows, if you are leaving the toys there.</font>
jenny / dor,
there was definitely no option for me to choose full shipping when i ordered.
On the order page, they will indicate availability and all my items show "ship immediately", that's why i proceeded. If it shows no stock or backorder, i would have dropped that item liao.

Now i discovered that the customer service and shipping pple say different thing. Customer service told me all my items were shipped except 1. But i received email notification of the shipped item and realised that they sent out in 2 batches and now still got 2 backorder items which i got them to cancel. Die lah, my shipping gonna be exhorbitant again. Sigh... some more not all the stuff are mine, i got to go explain about the high vpost cost to my friends.

Think i'm gonna order other things from elsewhere to split the base charge.
babe ong, thanks. Frankly, you never know how much your gal is learning. They may seem like they're creating chaos, but they learn thru play as well. Worry not.

Wendy, good luck for the case!
aiyo..she can even decide on ur behalf...aa, really who's staying in the house ah..if 1 day u really want to sell hor..shd go by market rate la..

thks..thks..so when can collect keys ah..so envy u leh..we cld hv been neighbours..sigh...so whc CC u sending A to ah?Mav cant cope at Tumbletots too..i think A can survive better leh..stress leh..sigh...

dun envy me lal.
theyall said A bring the lucks to us. Dun forget i also fail so many times of ballotting lel.
Shld b able to collect keys next Jan. Excited for that. of course will invite u come to my new hse.
hehe..paiseh. miss out ur q. will b sending him to Elfa childcare at tamp central cc.
actually both A &amp; mav can cope well in tumbletots, think their problem is ame, they like to venture ard &amp; don't like ppl to stop them or instruct them doing something they don't like. give him some time ba..
sure he can do well.

yes..that's our 1st priority.
then where you plac ur cane swing chair after you convert to playarea?
i also buy those toyogo or ikea plastic box to store toys &amp; stack them. but this A hor will climb up to the box. i dare not to stack them again.
this morning A fell when running in the room. I didnt tell them cos i found he was ok. Then just now MIL called &amp; ask how come he got a small baluku at his forehead. think it's 1st time he got baluku. they all so gan chiong (think scare hb come back &amp; might scold them). SIL even wanna buy cream frm pharmacy for his swollen.
I told her no need. the baluku will ok after a while.
arghhhhh......Hb always dun allow him to walk in our bedroom &amp; restrict him just sit on our bed. he is a kid, can't b ask him sit guai guai on our bed, right?
All those they posted no use 1 lah. Like they dun ship my things n dun allow me to cancel wat can I do?? Somemore say they value customer service. Should they not do anything about my order?? N wat about shipping within 24-48 hrs normally??

They jus keep telling me the order is in process so cannot do anything. But they cannot tell me when they r shipping out lor. Ridiculas right. Mine they ship out the 1st box liao. Haven refund they need the things to reach them 1st then they will do a refund to me.
btw LV will NOT tell u wat stuff are OOS. They used to jus include wat is shipped n wat is not but now they jus put wat is shipped so u gotta go figure out urself.

Same here lor. Checkout page all is ship immediately 1. But I knew my order sure got backorder cos I saw spree thread that item not sent for some mummies so I sort of know liao.
U manage to get them to cancel the 2 backorder items?? How u do it aah?? They refuse to cancel for me leh 2 times.

I didn't realise that 'thing' haven settle leh. I keep forgetting to ask u but so long liao I assume its settled.

English name chosen liao but wait till she born then I "announce" lah.....hehe
Chinese will be like D wait for the shifu to give.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">babygrace, Doreen,
Yeap lor, I also din came across any place for me to check full shipping or partial. I was wondering if I cock eye din see yesterday night.

You tried using borderlinx? They charged via actual weight, no base charge. I read good feedbacks with them and shipping fees is comparable if item is not too huge.

They can't even explain why yr stuff wasn't shipped?
Ya, I know LV won't tell what stuff OOS, only know when shipment is out. I dun like lor. So I try to read up the sprees thread to see what stuff OOS, then I try not to order those OOS item lor.

If I have good offer, I won't sell to her one. I learnt my lesson not to deal with agent or even ex-housing agent liao.

I sold away the cane swing chair cheap cheap. No use to keep after I remove cos no than balcony area, I dunno where to put. It looks weird if put in living room.
Jasmine, you're rite. Kids very diff to restrict. Char also had baluku b4, heartache, but I know kids very diff to avoid such accidents.
Forgot to update you gals on this.

Last sat, I got the lab report on Jo's urine and it is normal **hee hee**

Yesterday, my MIL brought Jo to the doctor (as she has a bit of running nose) and MIL asked the doctor about it. Doctor mentioned that if next time got UTI again **touchwood**, she will need to refer us to a Specialist (is it true???)
i went to check out borderlinx site, they also charge by actual weight or volumetric weight, whichever is higher leh.
I've yet to compare where this is cheaper than vpost. I only know that CGW is cheaper than vpost for big packages. But luckily I didn't use CGW for this purchase though i know it will be cheaper. I think they will be very confuse over the multiple shipments and sure can't track.

the Customer Service replied my email to say that they will cancel my 2 backorder items based on my request. Don't know whether true or not, i can only check my credit card bill. sigh....
They so good to u I called all the way to US n they dun cancel for me leh.......sigh
Think in the spree there's this thread on CGW n vpost. Some 1 who's using borderlinx is saying its much cheaper but some still say slightly more ex then CGW but service n speed confirm better. But that is only for citibank cust cos need to pay by the card.

N so lazy ppl like me who dun even own a Credit card will jus stick to Vpost......hehehe
Dun have the brain cells to try other new things liao.

btw know my stella bag issue hor my friend used CGW n she tell me her shipping is SG55. Wah piang eeh half of wat I paid leh.
yo peeepal!!!

went for my detailed scan this afternoon and YES its a GIRL!!!!!



Looks like alot of mummies here, first one boy , 2nd one girl hor... soooo envy...

Any tips to conceive girl har??? Opps! no offend ok..
i'm so pissed off. On one hand they promised to cancel the backorder items, on the other hand i received notification that they have shipped out 2 out of the 3 bottles of gummy that i ordered, leaving 1 bottle back-ordered!!!

So fed up that i shot them this email.

"Based on your last email, you mentioned that you have cancelled the backordered items as per my request.
Why is it that I still received notification that you have shipped 2 units the Rhino Chewy C Plus Echinacea and leaving 1 bottle as backordered?!!!!

I'm terribly unhappy about the service. I've emailed you all on several occasions for this order and each time the reply from the Customer Support team is different from the action taken by the shipping dept.
The delivery address is that of my forwarding agent and I am charged by the agent based on the size and number of the packages they deliver the packages to me. Imagine how much I have to pay the forwarding agent just because Lucky Vitamin chooses to deliver multiple packages for this order at your whim and fancy! I''ve already lost track of the number of parcels that you've mailed out on this order.

"I insist that you CANCEL ALL BACKORDER ITEMS IMMEDIATELY. Please also provide a list showing the items shipped along with a tracking number for each shipment.

I'm terribly disappointed with my experience with Lucky Vitamin. I've ordered many times from you without much problem. This will be the last time that I will be purchasing from your site. If i do not receive a satisfactory reply from you, I will share my bad experience with friends and business associates so that they will be mindful which online merchant to purchase from in the future.

I await your explanation and the tracking numbers all all the packages shipped for this order."

i'm still fuming....
CONGRATS!!!! Wah so fast ur detail scan liao......hehehe

If we know hor we dun need to wait so long for detail scan liao lor....hahaha
But seems like a good yr for girls leh. Try peeping into the 2008 bbs thread n u will know wat I mean.

Understand ur pain. I was reluctant to pay that US$10 for them to refund me at 1st but then after the repeated emails n phone calls I think I 'woke up' liao. I jus told hubby why should I get so angry over them right not worth n somemore I pregnant not good for my bb wat.
So I jus pay the money n settle for good. But now my prob is if they didn't receive back how aah then no refund??.....hahaha
So many headache
So busy that I have no time even to peep in here today. Am online now cos I am on a conference call with the US.... Luckily K has trained me to wake up at any unearthly hour so I was not too worried about waking up at 1am for this call. Haha

I hope A's baluku will go off very soon
K fell yesterday while getting off the sofa bed. Fell so hard on the back of his head. Hope everything will be ok.

<font face="Comic Sans MS">jackiejon,
good that the report is cleared.

Doreen has answered. I read that thread that Doreen mentioned and did a search in net for others comments. It seems that for huge package, going by vpost or comgateway will be cheaper, but slower. Smaller package goes by borderlinx is cheaper or the price is more or less comparable, but speed wise is faster. After merchant shipped out, usually received within a week. They are using DHL. Plus the holding period for consolidate is 30 days. I think vpost is 2 weeks? It's much easier to use compare to vpost, no need to send them invoice etc. When they receive package, they will email us, and ship after we pay the shipping charges. I'm confused by vpost, too troublesome.
I think for now better stop using comgateway, seems that a lof of packages cannot match, and got lost packages issue.

From what I heard, not necessary must have citibank cc. Unless you are using the concierge service.
Ask you ah, how big or heavy is yr bag for the shipping? You paid $100+ for shipping?</font>
