(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

hi jrt,
my boy starting jg nxt mth. We'll b going to e Evans rd branch. Never go trial, hopefully he likes it. Will try out 1 term c how. Did urs learn anything?
hi hi....

seems like tis time isetan sale i "report damage" e highest lor... $300 +a little bit...
wat i buy... quite a number of toys for ayden (which im very guilty about tat i didnt buy anything for belle but im hoping belle can share at least 2 of these toys nex time), cos i bought a Vtech bus which has A-Z, 1-10 and "speaks" when u press e button n play music, etc etc.... then 1 big bag of Mega Blocks.. a travel size doodle pro, n lastly a Tomy Jumbo aeroplane which is reli cool (tat i saw my cousin's son playing with n decided tat i have to buy for A)... other than that juz 'ling ling sui sui' stuff lor....

<font color="ff6000">wendy, selina</font>
e rest of e mummies answered liaoz.. GUG is growing up gifted, at Utd Sq...
i dunno abt negative feedback from other threads here lah..
i wanted to bring A to some form of "class",
1stly to expose him to a "classroom environment",
2ndly hoping tat he'll interact with other pple/kids more,
3rdly to have some form of "stimulation" other than playing with e same old stuff all day every day...
brought him to a trial class and i find e contents quite ok lor...
start with "warming up session", whereby they'll put out lots of toys to "attract" e kids to go into e room n stay there... then they'll slowly close e door, sing a 'packing up song'.. then start with story telling... every week they will be teaching 1 alphabet.. n everything in e class will be focused on tat alphabet. got story-telling, a "zoo bag", some hands-on "project" time... finally sing-song session.. then byebye....
prices are abit steep $50 reg fee, $100 deposit n 1mth lesson $168... n i also think e "cirriculum" juz rotate once they've finished all e alphabets lor....
but i dont intend to put him there for very long... mayb 6mths max??? then he's either going into Pre-N liaoz, or playgroup lor....

<font color="ff6000">selina</font>,
nope, not goats rue.. i havent tried goats rue b4, but im already taking fenugreek.. n it seems to have "lost" its "powers" on me liaoz...

<font color="ff6000">jenny</font>
i think one of e side effects is drowsiness... which im very vulnerable to... take normal cough medicine hor, i also will get drowsy 1... if dont get to sleep after that i'll faint... so muz check if i can take it or not lor....
eh, ayden doesnt sit on his potty... we have to "carry" him over it.. cos since young my mum been training him to poo poo tis way, so he actually have not be poo-ing in diapers for abt 6mths liaoz... he doesnt know how to say pee yet.. but he will make "noise" n wana go into e kitchen (where e toilet n his potty is)... or sometimes he'll touch his "there".. then we'll bring him lor...
ya, i was quite worried abt him overcontrolling... so now only mornings we let him wear e training pants, afternoon switch back to diapers liaoz...

<font color="ff6000">jasmine</font>
cook rice in pot same as porridge lor.. but put in less water than cooking porridge...
usually i juz "agar agar" e water amt to use... cos rice soak liaoz cook very easily... so i juz boil e water n rice liaoz, then switch to e smallest flame... every once in awhile MUST remember to check hor, scare e flame gets blown out... if rice drying up too soon then i'll add little bit of water at a time.. until reach e "level of softness" i want.. usually tis "cooking process" only take abt 20+-mins.. then juz off e fire n let it "simmer" for awhile more lor...

<font color="ff6000">CY mum</font>
ya.. tats e name of e pill...
im still latching her on morning b4 i go to work.. n at nights once i come back... at work i think i can still afford e time to pump once a day lor... im already taking fenugreek since i went back to work, initially ok.. but now losing its powers.. also bought e Nursing tea from Moms in Mind to try (taste horrible!
n not helping either... which is why im desperate n thought of domperidone....
abt driving... u can do it 1.... i got my driving license long long ago... last time only once a while happy happy rented a small car (nissan march) to drive, i think only once or twice... then with hubby (then bf only) we bought a mazda 3 (with backside 1).. initially drive also scare scare.. but after driving almost everyday for 2yrs... tis change now to e Wish is chicken feet to me lor... hubby had a hard time parking this Wish initially, but i had no problems adapting at all... i think juz need more practise lor.....
as for swimming.. not for e time being... i think now swimming lessons r only to get e child to get used to e water so it'll be easier to "transit" into proper lessons nex time... ayden simply loves to swim!!! we have problem getting him OUT of e pool.. even after 2hrs... juz tat now with e HFMD, i dont dare to bring him swimming cos we go public pool... plus recently he's down with flu... hopefully when he recovers, e HFMD risk is lower liaoz then can bring him swimming again....

<font color="ff6000">jRt</font>
heheheh.. ya.. belle "officially" turns 6mths nex Tue.. so fast hor....
im using e Medela PIS... bought it during ayden's time (during Private Sale!) n used till now liaoz... if not for tis, i may not even be able to continue pumping for so long, cos its reli efficient... n durable, i wanted to send it for servicing last week, but brought it there liaoz they tested, its still in tip-top condition....
thanks for ur support... im still quite lost lor... guess my final decision will come after i come back from my trip n see "how much" milk im left with by then bah.....

wat time were u at isetan today???
can share wat JG does in their classes??? how much huh??? hehehe... thanks!!!

<font color="ff6000">jackiejon</font>
joanna looks like such a big girl liaoz... love her big eyes n her hair!!!

<font color="ff6000">dor</font>
huh.. vitagen doesnt work ar.. i tot same thing as yakult, different brand nia... *haiz*.... i go n buy yakult tmr...
hehehe.. u still end up shopping ar.. but Wisma no kids stuff leh... wat u buy???
<font color="0000ff">handphone vs "PDA" phones</font>
paiseh, again deviating topic hor... i wana ask hor... any1 using those "PDA" phones (like Palm, HTC, blackberry,etc..)??? is there any problems like "software problem", or ??????
my hp now 2+yrs liaoz.. a simple Nokia phone w/o any of those "symbian" stuff... going to "break down" on me soon, plus recently had a couple of "accidents" also... now thinking if i shd juz get another simple phone or "upgrade"??? cos i'm attracted by e fact tat these PDA phones can access emails, internet, etc... but at e same time, abit lazy when i think of learning how to use a new phone..
im kinda also attracted by e Palm Centro cos e white one juz looks sooo cool lor....
any idea which one of these PDA phones can use Wireless Internet access rather than "eating up airtime"???
any experience/ suggestions????? thanks!!!
Tiger beer suppose to be 'liang' lor. Maybe u can try pour 1 can into bath tub n soak awhile. Dun work also siok to soak.....haha

True ma.......haha
My mum at home is the 'bad' person 1 lor....keke

Dunno leh all along I dun like vitagen.....hehe
No offence to vitagen fans aah cos it dun work for me. N I hate drinking it at my inlaw place lor cos they only have that no other drinks at all.....sigh
Me aah today at wisma...hehe bought LSS stuff cos got disc ma....hahahaa
guess what? yday evening when i back home, kept hearing A sneezing, then start running nose, but no fever, no cough. n he still active as usual.
Bu i think the virus just started.

So,<font color="0000ff">Gemini</font>, i m really sorry, i cant swop with you liao. i better dun take the risk to hope he get well on sunday.
So, how? anyone can help?
<font color="0000ff">starz</font> i using a blackberry. Just started only but so far so good. have used O2 mini &amp; palm before. comparatively, i think blackberry is more stable then the other 2. not too sure abt palm now (cos i used the very 1st version) it was the worst PDA phone i ever used. O2 is quite ok tho.

tks for sharing on GUG. the curriculum sounds like Caleb's playgroup. only diff is his is every day.

i prefer goat's rue to the fenugreek cos the latter doesnt work on me at all but goat's rue works pretty prefectly.

<font color="0000ff">pups</font> i just hope he doesnt grow up to be a rebel that's all. wen zhong or not guess we have to yet n see.

<font color="0000ff">jackiejon</font> i love J's eyes n nice black hair. u didnt cut for her since birth? growing longer liaoz.

<font color="0000ff">wendy</font> i havent got news of the event yet but if time permits will love to go wif caleb. havent brought him inline skating for a while. also think the date might clash wif my coy's family day. we going overseas this year so not sure if i can make it.

<font color="0000ff">jenny</font> i going home today. flight at 1pm bkk time. going to shower now n make a quick trip to platinum to see if the shops there are open so i can do a quick shopping. gotta leave for airport at 11am bkk time (12 noon sin time).

chat later when i get home. have fun chatting ladies. TGIF!!!!!
arghh...cant meet you liao.

btw, i m really a shortie lel <font size="-2">my height just 155cm nia</font>

A follow his papa, my hb's height abt 180cm lel.

i met you b4, last yr gathering?

okie..we discuss this CC things when we meet.

sigh...Alvis not well again. last mth flu, then now again. really dunno what's wrong.

quite 'chim' to cook rice in pot. keke..
me zero knowledge come to cooking. m thinking use rice cooker or buy a steammer.
anyway, thanks for your effort to explain to me.
Jenny, no lah, you're a very good mum, you deveote some much energy to things concerning your daughter and family. I've been learning from you.

Pups, thank you. Frankly, I'm quite a carzy mum, when it comes to Char I'll spare no energy. Her room is the first room to be completed in the whole house. Everywhere else was in a mess. So my hb always say only Char's room is ready for staying. In fact we slept there for a week or two before moving into our own bedroom.

Starz, all I can tell you is never buy O2, (I think atom life) cos mine, my hb's, my boss' all gave us trouble. It work well as PDA but not as a phone. That's one reason why most pple can't get me quickly on phone now. I heard HTC is not bad, but no experience with it myself.
hi jasmine,

oh no, hope that A is not down with a flu. does he has sensitive nose/airways? cos PD did tell me if parents got ecezma or sinus/asthma, kids may inherit it which cause sensitive nose. tricia may inherit from me as i got ecezma and her running nose is like a running tap, only like a few times in a day then wet wet or slight mucus flowing out.

25 Mar Gym trial
selina &amp; jasmine cant swop with me. So other mummies, who can swop with me? if really no one, last resort, then i bring tricia to tis sun trial. she definitely much better now but still better to reduce the risk of close contact with other kids.
i agree with coral with regard to the phone. I bought my hubby an O2 atom and within a year, the phone kept hanging! quickly traded in to get the HTC touch and i think it is so much more stable. I heard blackberry is quite good too u may want to consider, there is a pink blackberry that my gal friend using very chio lei. u may wanna check it out

We same height lei, lucky A follows his papa, zac nt so lucky, he follows his mama haha so now he is a shortie around 75cm the last we measured. Hope he will shoot up later in his life

Forum addictive right? haha i bet u have a fun time decorating char's room. I had great fun doing up zac's room before he was born. But now haiz no energy to do liao so lele inherit zac's room and zac's new room is quite bare. Thinking to decorate when they are older and both of them upgrade to beds.


It should be fun decorating gals' room right? somemore both gal so big liao can bring them to choose their furniture. I am looking forward to that time but who knows by then i lost interest and energy to want to revamp their current rooms liao. Somemore, toddlers furniture not cheap lei

Actually i kinda miss the travelling for work now but i know once i started i will miss my children. It is always the chicken and egg thing, can find a balance. Reading your post reminded me of my travel days and the fun part will be the shopping which i miss most! enjoy shopping!

Mav and zac around same height, they can be buddy!

Anyone who wants to give up their slot can let me know, i may want to bring zac there cos long time never bring him to lesson liao. Let me know the time and date, i will try to work out with my sister to bring him there.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">starz,
Jaslyn also off diapers few hrs in the morning, when my mum has time. We din off her totally yet. Last time, I off Jolene's diaper 30 mins, then slowly increase to 1 hr, 2 hrs.
Just do gradually.

Can't advise you on PDA phones, cos mine is just a very basic phone with nothing else. My colleagues and my hb are using PDA separately from phone, not becos not good but we can't use cos of our policy. Wat I know is, the battery dun last long and usually quite bulky. Need to take into consideration for resolution, boot up??

I prefer Yakult to Vitagen. Vitagen like tasteless to me leh. But hor when young, cheapo me will buy Vitagen cos it is "bigger" than Yakult, and I think cheaper??

Have fun shopping at Platinum, a lot of cheap kids clothings!

I dun think is chim to cook rice in pot, but you just need to monitor on and off cos rice may get burnt, waste time and fire/gas consumption. I find it dangerous.
If you want, maybe you just get a 2 tier electric steamer. It will come useful after you move to your own place. Especially if you like steam food, I find it very useful, and best, not very ex. There's many brands, so maybe just take a look when you are at electric shops. Dun get those too many levels one, cos the upper one may not be cooked.

Is Tricia recovering?
<font face="Comic Sans MS"> Shirley,
Email me, I just got one free slot for this coming Sun. You can make it? Take over Esther - Jovan's place. Jovan is down, quite sick, I think. </font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Shirley,
Err.. should be fun decorating gals room, but I dun have the intention to do now haha...
Maybe I shall go and check out any cheap wall stickers to paste on the walls.
I din bring the gals to choose their furnitures. And they will not get to choose their own choice, I will decide for them. In fact, I dun even let them choose what they wear. Dun want them to be choosy now... next time they grow up, they can decide themselves.
Toddlers furniture very ex! I just straight away get 2 single beds for them, which can use till quite big. In fact, was telling my hb the 2 beds machiam like super big baby cot haha.

I have been emailing the in-charge about the changes for attendance... which I think is very fan and lor-soh. So, I'm not going to update them anymore. Any changes, will update on Sun class itself. For those who can't attend (eg. pull out) and can't find replacement to cover the slot, I'm not sure if the deposit $5 can refund, will check on Sun.
Esther has confirmed she will pulls out. Unless some one wants to take over this empty slot, if not I just leave it empty, cos now then do swopping/changes, very distrubing. So <font color="aa00aa">Shirley</font>, if you can make it for this coming Sun 3.30pm, then you take over this empty slot?

<font color="aa00aa">Gemini</font>, if Tricia is ok already, then just come for the trial. I'm trying to minimise the changes, if not the paperwork for Sun may be chaos.
Re: Gym Trial, appologize that we cause you so much work..
Re: cooking soft rice, cos like what you mentioned "but you just need to monitor on and off cos rice may get burnt, waste time and fire/gas consumption" then i rather seek for a easy solution --- investa electric steammer. haha..

dun worry..Isaac sure will catch up one.

You start work?
nope, i gues he catch a cold. cos we on aircon everynite. and this A hor, i found him in the middle of the nite, he purposely slept facing the aircon.

Check wif u all,
R ur tots sleep in aircon room? if yes, what's the temperature u all set?

yup working since the start of may liao. really hope he can catch up cos my parents keep telling me he is so short. listen till xian

Zac sleeps in air con room, we set the temp at 25 degree. he has been sleeping in aircon room since 6 months very hao ming. now lele always follow her bro, cannot double standard. My electricity bill i dont dare to see cos 3 rooms aircon all switched on at night *faintz*
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Jasmine,
I'm ok but I may find the in-change finds us troublesome.

Ya, invest in electric steamer better, just put everything in, on it then can go bath and do whatever you like. Some more will off automatic.

My gals dun sleep in aircon room. In fact, my whole family dun lor. My home aircon "bai sui" one.</font>
ya lor..my bro hse got one. n my mum thumbs up cos she find it so easy to cook rice for my SIL during confinement.

actually b4 A born, we sleep w/o aircon. but this A sweat a lot, plus my room cant open window, a lot of mosquito..
actually our fault too, sometimes we forgot to on the aircon after we off when we sleep. so, He suddenly feel hot or cool. is this make him catch a cold, i guess?

Jovan still not well yet?
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Jasmine,
Yeap, electric steamer lesser to clean, kitchen no oily, easy to function bla bla bla... I find it very useful when I was on maternity leave then, throw everything in, on to let it cook. No need to cook and worry with the gals haha.. I machiam doing ad for them.

Err.. Jaslyn also sweat a lot de... Blame on me for eating too much durians. Her body is heaty type de. We only on the fan nia. Partly becos Hb and I dun sleep with aircon, so our kids dun have the "ming" to enjoy. When season is hot, a lot of mosquito, we paste many stickers, although "mei yong" haha... but ok leh, cos we stay high lah.

You mean you will off aircon after sleeping? Then windows and door close? Like that got air circulation meh? I must sleep with door and windows open de... no matter if fan is on or off.

Jovan ah, dunno leh. Esther SMSed saying his cough is contiagous, so PD banned all activities.</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS">I have a question. Those wall stickers hor, how they look like huh? I saw someone selling some stickers in WTS. Those stickers look like those paste on the wall tiles in bathroom to me leh. Those can paste on wall?

Any idea got any difference? If no, then maybe I just get these stickers to paste on the wall. Tear out also easier.</font>
yes the one at evans is good. i went for trial at forum and really didnt like it much.

yes, but some kids are really fast in swimming. at 18mths, many are 'swimming' oredi. they are master the strokes and can swim enough not to drown when left alone for a few seconds
not CY lah...his motor skills not that good leh...in water like mer-man like that...glide along lazily...

but am thinking of getting CY out of Marsden at then end of the year, and put him in regular swim class. he should be old enough for that.though i feel a bit sayang. but we are starting him at Mandeville so trying to cut cost a bit...kekekeke...

any mummies interested? must sign up early early coz the waiting list is long. am starting CY on baby music appreciation first this coming december. wanted to start on suzuki violin but their class starting in july only takes in tots 2.5years and above...all saturday classes, so most of you should be able to make it...even cheaper than kindermusik leh...
MyGym Trial
By any chance anyone wants to swop to this sunday? Emma got fever since yesterday, PD checked, nothing wrong with throat, mouth, nose or ear, so now waiting for the body to fight it out. If she's not well by sunday, will hv to give the trial a miss.

I share the same views as crystallized regarding bfg.
You have already gone a long way for 6 months. If you still can go on, i would encourage you to.
but don't stress yourself too much.

I've used a PDA phone briefly before giving it up for a normal hp. Can't get used to it cos i'm one who sms on the go a lot. Can't use the stylus to sms while walking cos it needs 2 hands i prefer to use the keypad with one hand. Plus I didn't use the functions of a pda phone fully.
Actually if you are not one who manage your email and calendar using a pda, then i would recommend getting a higher specs normal hp.

Nokia has a few high-end model that works on symbian os. One important feature i must have in my hp is WiFi which allows me to surf the net anywhere so long as there is wireless internet access. No need to pay subscription for GPRS. I have wireless access at home and now there are wireless@sg access at major shopping malls, so you can surf the net anywhere. I read the forum my hp while putting Em to sleep (just that i don't post cos it's difficult to type on the keypad). Nokia has a few models with Wifi - N95 and N82 and these 2 come with a GPS navigation system which comes in useful when driving.
ya lor, sometimes hb found too cold, then he off the aircon. remind him tat if he off aircon, then have to on fan.
both hb &amp; A r AB+, always attacked by mosquito. That's why he scare go back msia.
I knew Tefal steammer is good. will check out.

Emma also sick? Hope she get well soon.
Last mth A oso fever, just fever w/o cough or running nose. according to PD, it's virus attack, just to feed him fever medicine &amp; let him fight it out.
ya lor, fever comes on esp at night. Will just hv to keep monitoring and giving fever med and let her fight it out.
I'm a zombie from staying up to monitor here. Can't take leave cos v busy at work. sigh....
Jenny, you just hv to see if the stickers is sticky tpye or not. MIne's not sticky, but I've never seen the type you mention, can't compare.

Hb and I dont sleep in aircon but ever since Char arrive, we got to freeze in it. We'll be wearing lots of clothes, blanket and still shivering whereas this gal still sweating away. The nite before was very windy so we decided to open window and sleep with fan, who knows Char kena mosquito bites.Must let you ladies see picture of poor Char's feet. She scrath until the whole stretch of her shin bleeds. Machiam stepmum torture her. So I think fan is no no with her around.

BBgrace, hope Emma gets well soon. Two weeks agon Char also fever for no reason. And after that she got no appetite, got me so wooried abt HFMD...
Actually I dun mind swopping but my boy had slight runny nose yest. Today aft work I check, if he's okie then I dun mind swopping to this sun while someone takes my slot nxt sun. Will sms jenny later in the evening.
Hi jenny,
Just to check with you if both me and hubby can participate with desiree for the gym class? or have to be one adult is to one child?

Hope alvis,emma and tricia get well soon.
yeah..fever always came especially at night. when i check with his caregiver, they told me he no more fever, but his temperature was 39.5c. he almost fever abt 4 or 5days. me also worried but no more leave for me to take.

A also got mosquito bites even daytime. but luckily he won't scratch. and his one is a big red patch and will go off after few days. we also seldom open window with him ard.

Gym trial
i will say that tricia is on the recovering way, in fact, she does not even look sick! it's just that her nose will be wet wet a bit and not like a running tap. still got a bit of phlegm though.. so if u mummies dun mind taking the risk, i bring her down this sun.

<font color="0000ff">jenny</font>, hi!5 to you. me &amp; my hb also dun sleep in aircon room, esp me, i cant sleep in aircon. my aircons also ba sui one...

<font color="0000ff">jasmine</font>, i will on the aircon for tricia and before i sleep, i will off it and switch on the fan. but if really need to on the aircon for tricia the whole night, cos sometimes she has heat rashes on her neck, i will switch the aircon temp to 25 and shift the vents to blow toward the ceiling. cos sometimes i dun know whether is she really feeling cold or just her hands/legs are cold.

hi delphine,

thks, she's much better but as i mentioned earlier, hopefully she is fully recovered by this sun.
since i'm going this sun, u want to get a lift from me?
from the last gym trial, one adult to 1 child is enough, unless half way through, u wish to change to another adult.

hi bbrgace,

hope emma recover soon.
hi delphine,

better ask ur hb to handle desiree during the trial. u with a tummy leh, have to follow after desiree, v xiong one... that's why this time round, i told my hb he has to accompany tricia liao during the trial.
Aiyoh, so many tods sick?

alamak! we got no yuan man! juz thot we can meet but now A is sick.

R gets running nose every mth since i stopped bfg, so i am oso v worried but cant pinpoint the problem.

i think T is over the contagious stage. in fact R is oso recovering fr running nose. he has tt since last thurs. according to guidelines set by CC, as long as no fever, phlegm is clear (not coloured), its ok to bring the child to class. and since R got sensitive nose, many times he ended up sneezing inside the class coz of the aircon.
so i'll still bring R to the trial this sun... unless the mummies got objections.

i dun hv space 4 bathtub now leh.

actually the curriculum in GUG is v similar to JG!!! someone was mentioning GUG "copied" fr JG? so mayb tts y everything sounds so familiar.
i paid $30+ for registration (non-refundable) + $520 per term (10 wks) + $50 deposit (refundable if u inform them 5 wks b4 term close if the child is NOT continuing wif the next term. Owise they will assume the child continues). So each lesson during wkend is $52. Wkdays cheaper but where got time to bring him there?
oh u bot during pte sale? how much disc was it then? 20%? its so exp... if i buy, i might consider 2nd hand then, though i am v particular abt using 2nd hand breast pumps. aiyah, its juz me lah. will c how then.
yah dun stress n deal wif it aft ur trip. if u can continue, will def b the best. FM so exp now! at times when R is drinking like there is no tmrw, how i wished i still got BM for him! hahaha

Paiseh haven transf to u. everytime i 4got... wait till i shut off laptop then rem!

as mentioned, i am not sure if R learned anything fr JG but frens recently commented tt R is more eager to talk n i def can feel the difference. so far he has attended 3 lessons, missed 3 lessons coz he was sick. but i am gg there not coz i wan him to learn anything but more like Starz, to expose R n to stimulate him, getting him used to playg in a grp. its oso to train his attn span. i realised tt it gets better each time.

so did u sign CY up for JG @ Evans Rd?

<font color="0000ff">Air Con Room</font>
PD has diagnosed R wif mild sinus. he has inherited this fr me. so he advised minimal aircon or best none at all. so all along we tried to avoid but since last mth coz of the hot weather, every nite we will switch on the aircon. coz if we dun, R ends up sweating in the middle of the nite n he will cry (its v unusual) so we decided 2 switch on air con. initially to get him accustomed to it. the temp was set to 26 deg n we switched on the fan n let it blow into the room in an upward position. this keeps the room cool as air con is only 26 deg, its not enuff to cool the rm n might b too stuffy. at the same time, R's nose will not b too sensitive at this temp. it remained well for a few wks. then later we adjusted to 25 deg. R seemed to b ok wif it so we kept it tt way. but since he started hvg running nose again last wk, we stopped switching on aircon. instead we brought a small fan specially for him to keep him cool. it has been unbearably hot the last few nights but it gets better later in the night. so far we survived. we'll try to minimize air con usage coz of R's nose.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Aiyo so many toddlers down with fever ah... Anyone from 25th class can swop with babygrace's emma?

I agreed with crystallized that Tricia is over the contagious stage. I already told the in-charge that you will swop with Jasmine's Alvis, but is ok lah, we just update them on Sun if not they keep receiving emails from me =P

I tot O+ will kena the most mosquito bites? Cos me and the 2 gals always kena, and that daddy is being spared!! **argh**

The sticker is non sticky one. That's why I wonder can stick to wall meh? Never mind, I go try tonight.
Oh, you should see Jaslyn's 2 legs! Recently my mum place a lot of mosquitoes and she was not spared from their bites. Super big and red! Itchy as well, and this gal just kept scratching away till they bleeds. Now both her legs have a lot of 20cents, 50cents mark. Very ugly!!!

1 adult to 1 kid. But then... usually they are quite lax if is own class. We just zi dong zi dong lah.

If you are considering PIS Advanced hor, maybe you can check with cheong choon for the price. I bought mine from them, but to preorder cos Winnie didn't stock up in her shop. She even delivered to my office hor, then I not in, she left it at the reception counter. She just asked me to TT payment to her cos her shop was closed for a week due to festive season. Btw, I paid $660 for it.

The name list for the 2 classes.

Date: Sun, 18 May 2008

1) Jenny - Jaslyn
2) Crystallized - Reubern
3) Jlyn- Dagon
4) Jlyn- Jadon
5) Esther - Jovan -- <font color="aa00aa">WITHDREW, Shirley's Issac may take over.</font>
6) Delphine - Desiree
7) Gemini - Tricia
8) pups - Kaelen
9) babygrace - Emma Grace -- <font color="aa00aa">Any1 from 25th to swop</font>
10) huijun - rui-en

Date: Sun, 25 May 2008

1) Vivian - Rhys
2) Doreen - Damien
3) Freshpoison7 - Kayden
4) Jackiejon - Joanna
5) Coolcoolmum - Kaibin
6) Starz - Ayden
7) ling1312 - Maximus
8) babe_ong -Pearlyn
9) Selina - Caleb
10) Jasmine - Alvis </font>
if according to cc guideline, A pass it! cos he no fever, no phlegm. only mucus come out when he sneeze. same as last mth when we forget to adjust aircon. went to PD, PD smile and said it's a small case. feels like waste $$, a trip cost us %50++.
keke...bt i still dun dare take the risk cos dunno what will happen on sunday.
Hi jrt,
haha, I also noe nt very possible to learn much (esp since my boy still cant talk) but cos the fees ain't cheap so hoping that he might pick up something fr JG...
Actually to be fair to GUG, I hav 2 colleagues who send their kids there have no prob wif GUG. One of them was sending her daughter to both GUG and JG concurrently but withdrew fr JG cos she felt that GUG was better. I decided on JG for personal reasons...
Thanks for clarifying.. dun think i can handle d for the whole of trial class. Most prob will take turn with hubby.

Thanks for advising. ya agree with you with my tummy a lot of restriction, guess will take turn with hubby. see how on that day. btw, if only me hb and desiree, can still hatch a ride? If not, it's ok. I can take own transport.
hi delphine,

no problem. if u and hb and desiree, no problem. i guess, ur hb will have to take the front seat, and desiree on your lap with me at the back and tricia in the car seat. u ok?
Perhaps u can c how A's condition is like on Sun. if he really no other symptoms then can join us.

nowadays, i dun go to PD anymore when R's sick. bring him to GP is much more convenient coz if go PD, we hv to take leave. and its cheaper. somemore its not as if the medication tt PD gives will let R recover faster. So i think my regular GP will do fine.

Even @ $660, still exp wor. actually ameda dual pump shld do the trick but i dunno y my boobs dun respond well to electric pumps leh. else save so much time.
well when the time comes then i decide lah. now i talk as if i gg to deliver liao. hahaha

better to go wif an open mind w/o expecting too much fr ur child. this gives less pressure n if he learns sthg, its like a bonus rite? make u feel happy n money spent is more worth it! keke

btw which class did u sign up?
yah i think GUG oso has their plus points too.

<font color="0000ff">JG</font>
4got to add tt for the JG class tt R attends, its bilingual n its 2 hourly per session, thus mayb the slightly more exp rate. 1 hr in mandarin n 1 hr in english. There will b a specific topic per wk. Eg wk 1 was on grapes. So they will emphaize alot of this fruit in both languages. the kids get to touch &amp; taste the fruit oso. they oso got a little session on art &amp; craft. aiyah it ends up quite messy at times but its fun.
wat i like is the story time n the magic box. its a surprise 4 the kids n the teachers really build up the tension. while tods of our age probably cant be as excited as those older kids, u can c those older kids really excited to know wats in the magic box. somemore during story time (teachers usually don in flurry animal head gear), it got all the kids' attn. esp R. he loves the story time n can c his attn all captured.
the best is the OD play. R absolutely LOVES it n cries so loudly when we had to go.
not sure if any of the other centres got such bilingual sessions like JG.
<font face="Comic Sans MS,">babygrace,
if can't swop, how abt joining the 25th class? I believe no prob. Cos I vaguely remember the very very max is 12 toddlers. How?

I got a sms from Jasmine, if her Alvis is ok by tomorrow, she will joins for this Sun class. Jasmine will lets me know tomor. So, if Jasmine Alvis joins for 18th class, babygrace Emma is shifted to 25th + your Issac to replace Esther Jovan, 25th class will then have 11 toddlers.

You monitor and let me know tomor ok. If is wet nose only, not those running nose that type, is ok to join. Just like what crystallized mentioned earlier. Sometimes I also have wet nose but is like sensitive, is not running nose or have a cold/flu.

I think your boobs just to used to the manual pump. Maybe next time, straight away "activate" it by electric pumps. Yep, I love Ameda pump more than Medela PIS Advanced. Err... well, it's too for you to pre-plan what!
**sorry mummies, today was super busy day for me..my boss got to know abt his promotion &amp; everyone started to come over to congrats him so i was running ard to the pantry for tea/coffee for the guests..wow..indeed a v happy day for him..it's nt easy apparently..he's the only one that got promoted within the regions from MD to VP**

i meant when HFMD is not at the peak..wow..the electric steamer seems cool leh...wat can u cook using that?

hi dor..
ya..some said #2 tummy will show out more &amp; bigger...oh..D said GIRL when u went for gynae appt ah..oh..i m getting excited..haha..

hi starz..
thks for sharing abt GUG..at least now we hv a better understanding on their progs, i guess u r right..when the alpha run out..then probably everything will repeat..seems like the course fees is also ex hor..for me i want to start Mav for classroom/classmates kind of arrangement so that when he's used to it...then i can better "park" him on a daily cc before my #2 comes along..hee..

hi jasmine..
oh no..why suddenly got sneezing..hope he gets well soon before the virus attack..i think the weather also play a part..let him take more fruis if possible..hope he gets well soon..u too take gd care ah..oh..Mav also AB+ leh..me is A+..hubby is B+..so Mav is fair to hv both of us..haha..Mav has learnt to start scratching so we got to monitor him when he has bites..

hi selina..
icic..ya..that wk also happen to be Barney's performance wk..hee..wow!so nice ah..to have a overseas family day by the company..cool!where are u gg?shiok ah!

hi shirley..
m sure Zac will be taller boy..hee..would love to meet all soon one day..
Hi jrt,
I registered for the same class urs atending currently. Mine is on Sat cos weekday working. I think it's called bilingual playclub. Very ex man, i think I paid $600+ for the term which is starting in Jun. But betta then letting my boy sit at home do nothing... I'm suffering fr "kiasuism syndrome" lah, so hoping my boy can pick up some stuff while attending the classes...haha
I was using ameda and totally loved it for being extremely silent, but heard fr ppl using the avent isis duo, nt bad also though very ex like medela PIS.
hi mummies....

thanks to all for answering e handphone qn.... im still undecided...

hehehe... i see how when i go "shopping" in HK... cos i think i tend to be more impulsive overseas, in SG i can think forever n still not buy it....

oh dear, tis year e virus reli strong hor.. so many tods fall ill liaoz.... my A&amp;B now only juz starting to recover abit.. 1+ week liaoz...
ayden once in awhile will vomit somemore.. i think he's vomitting all e phelgm out lor..juz heartpain to see him vomit.. while belle wil poo out e phelgm... so "luckily" i only need to suffer heartpain on one child...

<font color="ff6000">selina, shirley</font>
e blackberry i saw my colleagues using is quite bulky leh.. but tat's company issued 1 lah, so i presume its old model lor.... got pink colour somemore ar... hehehe... i go see see too....

<font color="ff6000">shirley</font>
how much is ur electricity bill????? we have aircon but hardly ever on... cos now my bills are already $150+++... am terrified how much e bill wil go up to if i on aircon...

<font color="ff6000">jasmine</font>
both A&amp;B sleeps with fan only.... i grew up without aircon, n didnt wana "spoil" the kids by letting them sleep in aircon... furthermore, when i do sleep in aircon room (e.g. when travelling), i usually have either blocked/runny nose in e morning.... so wanted to avoid e kids having "nose" problem too..... but my fans are those "heavy-duty" type, with metal blades, cos those normal fans with plastic blade to me got no "feel"...
actually, tis time ayden fell sick kinda "started" e day after his dad on aircon for him to sleep at nite.... so im wondering if its bcos he's not used to it, suddenly whole nite so cold tats y fell sick....

<font color="ff6000">CY's mum</font>
wah.... music appreciation class.. what do they do???

<font color="ff6000">bbgrace</font>
hhmm... i also sms alot.. i'd like to get e PDA phone so tat i can access email n internet on e go.. but not other functions bah... yupz, WiFi function is wat im looking for... but i dont reli like GPRS, never used b4.. i still prefer e good old street directory... hehehehe....

<font color="ff6000">freshpoioson</font>
thanks... another brand to check-out..

<font color="ff6000">jRt</font>
thanks for sharing on JG... aiya.. i decided too early lor... cos bilingual class sounds better.. cos we only speak english n cantonese to ayden at home.. his chinese exposure is coming only from e television... im afraid he might be like my nephew, resistant to chinese (even tho his mum is from china!)... hopefully he'll pick up chinese from CC or pre-N next time lor...
when i bought e PIS at private sale, it was a "featured item"... i think i got it at $600+ abit... very good deal then.. other than that, im not sure wats e discount on Medela usually.. still remember it was Dec06 private sale.. hehehe.. if u do wana get a 2nd hand one, let me know... i tell u wat to ask e seller n look out for,to see if e owner used it "properly" n "cleanly".... now actually my gf is "eye-ing" my set... cos she's 3mths preggy now... but they r very well-off, so not sure if she'd reli wan mine when e time comes or not... if not i sell u, u wan???

<font color="0000ff">gym trial</font>
sorry, but i cant help out n swop class with anyone, cos ayden now attending GUG on sundays.. skip class no refund/make-up 1... but cos 25th falls on a school holiday, n i already inform them way beforehand, so tat 1 we'll be able to get a "credit" for next term's class....
no i didnt eventually, coz i feel their curriculum is pretty much like regular CC, just the way they carried out is different...i wanted to expose CY to something quite different first

so CY's 'lessons' now mainly:
music (Starting december)
swimming with marsden
playgroups (one homebased and one with the Waldorf group)

think for mandeville, they will exposed the tots to differnt instruments and basic music instructions like rhythm, musci notations and stuff...
My aircon everynight on set at 25 degrees 1 save the most energy ma.......hahaha
Not really lah cos its quite okie cool enough. N hor I tell u la this D hor he sleeps facing aircon 1 BUT he can still be perspiring 1 lor. This boy hor got his Papa genes lah sweat so much daytime the fan on him directly during nap he also perspiring 1.

Alamak Emma also sick aah. Now weather not good leh so many suddenly not well.
Hope Emma well soon.

Use R's bath tub lah.....hahahhaha
Jasmine, those hateful mos.Char nowadays keep saying "pah toe"beat mosquito cos they just irritates her.

Jenny,try and let us know. I'm thinking of decorating other parts as well. Actually Char's toilet also go wallies. And her slides doors full of Pooh.

JRT, R is in JG? Char is on waitlist for the Sat Evans and Sun Forum class. My mum can bring her on wkdays, but hb and I would love to participate with her. So wkday let her go to playschool at my mum's place below. On queue for Elfa - now to 3yr and Kinderland age 3 and above.

i hv nvr heard of mummies whom's boobs can only take to manual pump. i am the rare one... usually ppl can take to both types of pump. plan so early 4 wat, scully cannot hv conceive anymore leh?

yah, we r in the same type of class. mine is 4.30pm. coz juz nice aft R's nap n we drive OPC car, so can use only aft 3pm. moreover my hb wkg alt sat, so if i choose any of the earlier timings, i'll b alone wif R. which i cant handle him for 2 hrs in the class. aft tt i'll b so tired!
yah if u taking full term + the fees etc, it'll come up to $600+. mine was coz R was not 18 mths yet when term started, so we missed the 1st wk. so fees were pro-rated.

then how come u all dun speak mandarin to him at home? R is exposed to English, Mandarin n hokkien at home. mainly is mandarin lah. i've asked my mum to speak to him in Hokkien but she tends to use mandarin. actually shld ask the maid to speak bahasa malay to him. then he can learn all 4 languages! heee

ok lah, will c how it goes wif the pump then.
still too early to decide.

oh curriculum is like normal CC ah... wah u r signing CY up for a myriad of activities too.

if i go inside R's bathtub, it'll break!

yes R's in JG now. still got 2 more lessons then it'll b end of term liao. It'll b gd if u &amp; hb can participate.
