(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Thanks for organising the gym session. Though this time, K just wants to stay in the ball pit :S I am really impressed at how agile your two princesses are

But if you realise, he will greet someone without even looking at the person. Terrible...

You have met me before too! :p I was the thick-skinned one who took the sample milk from the the last time. Haha. When I left, Gemini and Delphine still there, I think.

<font face="Comic Sans MS">Delphine,
Crystallized's niece lor haha... her niece and Ruebern are the 2 monsters hahaha

Each of them has been with mygym for 1 term at least, think Jolene had 2 terms. All thanks to their crazy daddy. He's always doing crazy things with them.

I think quite a number of us took the same lift down right? Hey Jasmine, think you are one of the fastest to leave hor.</font>
nope..he did look at me &amp; great me lel.

he is sooo cute!

is it? kekeke...but i m not the 1st one leave Mygym lel..
blame it to hb lor, he kept chase me go back, then since no one free to talk to me(everyone chiong to toilet), 我只好离开咯。。

no wonder see you like sian sian one..

keke..i think i hear your hb 'jio' his 2 princesses to do pull up. think they influenced by your hb &amp; ur bro, right?
Your girls are not boyish leh.. they are just active and rugged in a very nice way. I like such girls! I don't like frail frail girls lah.. :p
took the direct bus frm Woodland Interchange to tampinese only cost $1.55 each. and the journey only 30min. really worth it.
jenny answered 4 me liao. the 2 monsters r indeed R and my niece.

i got some pix of A &amp; R. will email u once i upload.

yes, A is lighter than R. think R gained weight these few wks coz his milk intake is alarming.
u wanted to carry R, pls go ahead. Provided this boy willing to let u carry. so far not many of my frens succeeded. he will wave u away. haha

i hv grown so immune to both monsters cryings tt i dun think its fun liao leh. its a nuisance! v fan to hear tt. imagine every 10-15 mins, 1 of them will b crying coz they r fighting 4 sthg.
hi pups/jasmine/crystalised/delphine/jlyn/wei kuan,
(hopefully did not miss out anyone).... nice meeting all of you again and your little ones....
ya lor, after the class, then realise that i did not take a foto for our little ones...

hi jasmine,

thks for your compliment on tricia's hair... hopefully, next time she dont tell me she want to do re-bonding too!

hi jasmine/delphine,

tricia only slept for 15 mins in the car, then she wake up already. still thought that nite, she will sleep earlier cos must be tired out by the jumping around, in the end, she slept at 11pm+ after much patting from her daddy.

hi crystallised/jlyn,

yours are boys, so it's ok they are choy lor... but mine is a girl and i think you all can see, tricia really enjoy herself, esp on the swing... she's v choy lor one, behaving like a boy...., keep wanting her daddy to jump with her on the trambouline...

hi jenny/jlyn,

my EDD is mid Aug. yesterday was comparing #2 with tricia time at the same period, he's almost on par with jie jie, so at least i not so worried. now i cant really walk much and far, get tired easily. cant imagine if my tummy is bigger, even more xin ku.

<font color="0000ff">jenny</font>, haha... maybe u recognise my back view but perhaps i'm not wearing glasses now, so at that moment, cant register who i am. thks for organising the jshopper spree.

Gym trial fotos
will try to post the soonest. but not much on the other todds, most of them are of tricia. was busy during the 2 days. sun before/after the trial, was busy at my mum place eating popiah whereas yesterday, brought my mum to toa payoh.
pups, i remember u coming to my place but I wasnt sure if you were the one at MyGym. Pls lor, dont say 'thick-skinned'. I am happy to give it to you.

Jenny, my parents went round recci for the gd kopi. In the end, they gave up and returned to the car to listen to fo jin. Can lah, like that also considered 'pak tor' mah..
Jasmine, what's A's wgt? Dont think A is thinner than my younger boy J. That fella is bet 9.6 and 9.8kg only. His bro is 2 kg heavier and 4 cm taller at 86cm. But he sure has bigger lungs than his bro cos he screams at void deck, i live on highest flr also can hear.
more pictures please. dun forget to post here while u ladies email each other hor. share share wif us ok.

25 May MyGym Trial
i am gonna designate hb as the official photographer to go take pictures of all the tods this sunday.

will ask him to take pictures of all the action that is going on (if there are any). cant wait for Sunday to come.
thanks 1st.

think ard 11kg.
but your books look like same same weight &amp; height lel.

Tricia solid lel..only nap for 15min can tong till 11pm. A slept at 8.30pm..keke. and i have my own time.

Doubt A gain much weight nowsday. That sunday actually he didn't took his lunch, just 2 spoon of noddles nia. Then when reach home, thought he might hungry, quickly feed him dinner, who knew he kept spit out his porridge till whole living hall full of his porridge. (his 'pui' is those 'pui..pui..pui..)
. at the end, SIL helps me to feed him at corridor.

But weird thing was when we (hb &amp; me) brought him out for lunch yday, he finished all his porridge wif our fish &amp; chips, din spit out food at all (even request more). tot he prefer go out for meal. so during dinner time, i feed him his porridge while ILs having their dinner, he ate all.

I really dunno what's wrong wif him &amp; seriously think of sending him to half day CC next mth.
I m sure with your hb ard, sure a lot of nice pics to show us.

Okie, will post pics 2molo as i haven upload into my pc yet.
btw, re Training pants, can i 麻烦you help me to collect mine frm Starz &amp; maybe meet you one of the weekend at east side (airport, tampiness mall or...etc) when you are free.
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Jasmine,
I dunno who left 1st. Oh, I always chiong toilet after the class de, wash their hands mah.
My hb always get them to do pull up (just hanging only) and hand stand one, bo liao hor. The gals get to practise whenever they are at home. He not only jio them but jio me as well. Pull up (hanging) I can, hand stand, thank you, no no for me, I dun dare. He even ask me to pull myself up like what those guys do. Siao one lah he... but ok lah, it helps with my 80years old back. My house got pull up bar hor.
Yep, told you le... even if you take cab, the time and route are still the same. So, might as well take bus.

ya, me also dun like "fragile" gals but also cannot be too rough mah.

No lah, I recognised you but dunno why my eyes paste stamp. hahaha...

You cannot compare your boys weight with others leh. Yours is twin hor.

How I wish Leslie was there on Sun. If he's ard, sure got a lot of pics haha.. Take more pics hor!</font>
Here's some pics. Din take much though.
Got this pic from Crystallized.

Daddy was doing the backflip stunt on Jaslyn.

Jaslyn was doing the swing on the ropes.

And the gals on pull up bar.
Looks really fun!

Not sure if Emma will be so garang next week. Recently she has been v clingy, probably partly she wasn't feeling well. Even wants to be carried when at home, especially when i'm around. She goes, "mameee, bao bao, pleeeese" Sound so pitiful.

Jolene took over Esther's slot?
I'm thinking if i can pay for joshua to have free play there cos knowing him, he wouldn't be satisfied with watching from the sidelines.
i am v sure josh will not b happy tt he dun get to play inside. hope u can get a slot 4 him.

u managed to extract the pix out?
heee, i lazy to blur the parents face so dun wanna post the pix here.

actually i did think of getting a grp pix aft the class, but all started to move off so fast. too late lah!
Thanx will check out. Cos D was kpo playing with the screws n all when I was doing up the ikea drawers so tot can buy that to occupy him....hehe

Very qi gek hor I plan sui sui everything even tell him exactly wat to do cos dun want him to be blur but most qigek is he 1 ear in 1 ear out. Now u ask him if I deliver then D how he will jus tell u he will throw D to his parents. But that is my last resort then throw to his parents but to him its the ONLY plan.
Sun I told him I must wash D's clothes by Mon else no more PJ. Then becos I angry at night he tell me Mon take out bb things to wash. U say I angry anot. I rather talk to the wall. At least I know the wall confirm not listening 1.

I think D will like the trolley kind of toy n the tool set but can't decide which to get n not much time to slowly shop around so tot get help here. hehe Thanx thanx for the info. The hello kitty 1 too girly leh n I saw it was $60 at Toys r us dun have others there. The mickey set I remember was quite nice price still okie but saw very long ago in taka dunno still have anot leh.
I like the 2nd 1 leh but the 1 I saw in taka was not like this think no basket 1.

Maybe I abit crazy liao.....haha
Cos now my thinging is since due soon liao can do I will jus do by myself. Unless those kua zhang move Sofa will wait for hubby lor but u see lah I wait for him to help change the sofa seats 1 mth liao lor I dun want to say nia wait see when he will auto. That 1 I still can tahan cos not impt ma I dun seat on that sofa cos too dirty I will kanna rash. He dun take out n wash at most his parents come sit nia I dun care...hehe

My mum will jus give D the magic mop but screw it short. N this D enjoys lor.
<font face="Comic Sans MS,">babygrace,
yeap, the teachers did comment the class will be underaged for Jolene, but I told her never mind lah, just let Jolene played lor.
I think no problem lah, just pay to play lor. Keep Joshua entertain.

alamak you... you use that software and you dunno how to extract out the pics? Click on all pics and all the pics will come out le lah. I hate the flash thingy. Any website if got flash, I sure click skip de.

haha so funny with yr this statement "At least I know the wall confirm not listening 1."... well it's true hahaha...
If you really want to get, I suggest you get the minnie trolley. More solid than the kitty one. Actually shopping cart is girl toy, so sure will be girlish lor. Unless you get the LIttle Tikes one. But that one, dunno got groceries??
Toysrus have a few series for this type of shopping cart but the material no good. I saw the Hello Kitty selling at $35+, exact amt can't remember, dunno is $34.90 or what, not more than $40 cos that time was thinking if should get for Jolene. But then that price not sure if is promo price then cos the pic I extracted from SG Toysrus website, it states $39.90, might have increased price. I think the wheels might not be strong.
The minnie mouse trolley, causeway point kiddy palace still got 2 pcs last week. Placed on the top near to the cashier for the shoes/clothings section, think is the disney shoes cabinet there, on top one, you have to search and see the top cabinet, not obvious if you din look up. I think many ppl will just see the toys section, dun have then go off one... The basket think can remove one, so it becomes a shopping basket. This one the material quite good. I din buy in the end cos I have a lot of such groceries and hb said is not worth paying just to get the basket/trollery lor. This one, if I remember correctly, is $49.90. Maybe you can check it out on coming Sun since you will be at MyGym for the trial class?</font>
i keen to get the trolley for my gal for the longest time but hubby said waste $.
So u recommend the Minnie mouse trolley?
better than hello kitty?
got pic of Minnie mouse trolley?
so excited.
Is the woodlands civil centre near causeway pt?

Julia Gabriel
Can I check the whether the Evan or Forum branch got better reviews?
Longer waiting list at which branch?
starting to get the KS after reading that some of the babies are already attending classes and my gal is still wasting her time at home .. haiz
<font face="Comic Sans MS,">babe,
sometimes I wonder if the gals like or we the mummies like the shopping cart haha...
Ok, I saw both the hello kitty and minnie mouse, I feel minnie mouse one is a better choice to get, the material looks more solid, especially the wheels, I feel the wheels must be strong cos if easily spoiled then no use.
Scroll up to see the pics for hello kitty and minnie mouse trolley, my post for this morning at 9.35am for the pics.
I dunno what's the brand for hello kitty, but the brand for the minnie mouse is Tomy Disney, a japanese brand. Personally I like this brand toys, worth the $. My gals have the cooking sets, very fun to play, it produces those cooking sound + fire with lights, then the pots will shake and shake like overheated like that. I believe all kids will love. Esther bought a set for Jovan after I recommended her. She said Jovan loves too.
I still looking for the oven set, which I doubt SG is selling, though a mummy told me she saw at United Sq.</font>
Don't get too stressed up over classes for your girl. I can understand your anxiety. Was telling hubby that Emma has not gone for any playgroup, whole day "buay long long" at home. Hb told me to relax. The kids have a long way ahead with school. Anyway she still learns things from playing at home which is true. A PD ever told me that young kids are falling sick so often these days because parents let them start school too young. Joshua only started playgroup when he turned 2 yrs, i will probably do that same for Emma.
No offence to those mommies who have started on enrichment classes or playgroups. What I'm trying to do here is to offer another perspective and ease your anxiety.
Talking about gym photos.... we spent SO MUCH time just trying to coax K out of the ball pit that we ended up with minimal photos. Mostly blur somemore. So, none to share

Haha, I look so different?
I agree with what bbgrace said. K is spending his days at home too. I have thoughts to put him in a childcare when he turns 2 but I have not recced any either :p Just not making the effort to.

I may eventually put him into once weekly class but not so much for him to learn things but just to transit him into classroom setting so that he will not have a "cultural shock" when he finally goes to childcare. He will most prob start with full day childcare at a go due to pick-up, drop-off arrangements.
<font face="Comic Sans MS,">yeap, I agreed with babygrace, next year when the toddlers start pre nursery, then is all the way till 20s+. No need to hurry. Just try to expose them to have some play dates so they won't be scared of strangers.
Frankly speaking, I dun even bother to read to my gals. They have books lah, but usually they just take and flip and flip themselves. I'm lazy =P

Calendula Cream
I happened to check LV website, seems that got stock coming in liao? And price revised back to US$7.90. Anyone getting?
ok, here my portion,

tricia enjoying herself on the swing...

on another swing...

balancing act, with half of her tummy exposed...
managed to catch other toddlers....

T with crystallised R

pups K, jasmine A hidden behind, jlyn Jaden,jenny Jo

pups K
hi babe,

agree with the rest of the mummies. will be sending tricia to 2 hrs playgp first, for her to have a feel of "school" and social interaction. so that she will not have a cultural shock when go CC. at the moment, still have not send her yet, cos waiting for the HFMD to cool down 1st... and recently the weather is v hot, so not intending to bring her out everyday...so she also at home, "zhou lai zhou qu" and watching DVDs, which she also able to identify with the animals/objects in the discs.
Morning ladies,

Like very long never post liao.
So many things happening.
Wow... I love those pix... keep it coming... glad to see that everyone enjoys the gym.
Hopefully ours this week will be that fun too!

After reading that so many kids were sick, last sunday, Rhys also suddenly had fever and vomitted but after giving meds and monitor, he seems ok liao.
So today back to school after "pon tang" for a day.
Hopefully everything will be fine and he can go play this coming sunday.

As for me, sigh...
2 more weeks to students' exam so working like a cow now.
Was so stressed and overworked that I started having abnormal internal bleeding after my menses.
Bled for almost 3 weeks, non-stop. Cosulted gynae and she checked everything.
Internal organ seems fine but just can't stop bleeding. So now still on meds. Sigh, want to give me 1 week of MC to rest, I also cannot take.
And dun know is it meds or just me, now everyday was so tired. Sigh...
So low morale liao, then news came from school that from this June school vacation onwards, all lecturers will be on new leave scheme and no longer enjoys vacation holiday with the students. Which means now, even school vacation, I got to go back and work... so sianz....
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Doreen,
Mummy instinct quite accurate one, you will agar agar know when you will be delivering.. So far, mine very accurate.
I have the nesting instinct for both deliveries. But for Jolene's time, I never realised cos it was too early. I never knew I would deliver so early then. So that time was ka rang ka bo for me, no preparation at home. So when Jaslyn's time, I agar agar "knew" the time coming soon, plus gynae's assurance that I will delivered within certain day during my 2nd last checkup. Then my last checkup, he confirmed I will delivered the next day, and wanna me to admit that nite. Things were moving very fast.
My mum stopped me from bringing Jolene home after my 2nd last checkup. She scared I might delivered midnite and no one to take over Jolene. So that time, I actually visited Jolene after work or rushed thr my work and took half day leave to company Jolene, cos my mum already told me to leave Jolene with her for the entire mth when I was doing confinement. But in the end, on and off, my hb would fetch Jolene back home for few days then.
So, you gotta work out a plan, who will/can take over Damien when you go into labour. So Damien won't get a shock when he can't see you for a day, especially you are with him most of the time.

sorry forgot to reply you ynite on one of yr qns. Yes, woodlands civil centre is only opp causeway point. You can drop by to check.

pups, Gemini,
Hmm... I haven't have the tots to send Jaslyn for any playgroup to get used to "classroom settings". I think she will have "culture shock" when she starts her pre nursery next year. I feel, this is the disadvantage of a almost year end bb. When Jolene attends her pre nursery class, she's 2 years 11 mths old, almost 3 years old. But when it comes to Jaslyn's turn, Jaslyn will only be 2 years 3 mths old. Though is only 8 mths differences, but it is a big difference for kid's development.

Jaslyn also very zhuo bor at home, mess up here mess up there, screaming, crying, eat and sleep, watch tv show, oh she very bo liao one, she watches those taiwanese hokkien show with my dad. My bro doesn't allow my gals to watch DVD cartoons or whatever at home. Reason he argues with me is, the gals watch long hrs of TV together with my dad. Plus my bro super green, minimise electric usage at home one. Bo pian lah, he's the one paying... So if my mum on the TV for the gals, my bro will goes and off it.

Internal bleeding sounds scary leh. Have you seek 2nd opinion? Or are you too stress up?</font>
Wow, the Gym classes look so fun. Too bad my hb very afraid of HFMD so still don't allow CHar to go for big classes like these, will prob hv to wait for Jul.

Vivian, pls take care. Always thought exams period is students and parents stress, didn't know teachers will also hv to work so hard. Jia you jia you!

Babe_ong, don't stress. I also just put Char on waitlist, and was told most likely I can get a place for her in 6-12mths time, which is good. My plan is to send Char for a few hours of classes when she's 2+to 3yrs. So by then I hv no. 2, my mum has more time to rest. I think kids can learn lots of things at home too. Char is as gd if not better than many of the children who had attended playschool, so I'm not worry abt her pace of learning or socialising skills since she gets to interact with many kids and adults daily and is still learning new ideas and skills. Sending her to playschool is more for the sake of giving my mum some rest and of course train her to be more independent. But frankly, I'm still worried about the spread of illness in playschool, no choice gotta let her immuninty strengthen on its own over time.
Ya lor, I was thinking how come my "da yi ma" simply refused to leave. And when it was almost 2 weeks liao and I still have fresh bleeding, cannot wait liao so fast fast see gynae. Did an internal scan and all seems fine. So gynae say most likely is becoz I over stress and over worked. The bleeding is not "da yi ma", is abnormal internal bleeding. Scary sia...
After on meds for a week, bleeding finally stopped. Sian leh, bleeding just stop hor, think my coming da yi ma going to start again!!! sigh...

ya lor, coz need to prep students for exam, then lots of tests for them ard this period plus revision etc... and due to end of term, so lots of work to finish. sigh... so tired...
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Vivian,
try to relax... You better intake more calcium, fish, soya bean etc to make up for the loss of blood. I had it once for 2 weeks but not sound so worse like yours! I din go gynae for check up lah... I very kiasi to go gynae de. <font size="-2">Err... haven't done my pap smear test yet... better write in small small font, ai bo wait crystallized wanna scold me again...</font></font>
Hi jenny,
PAP Smear... Tell e abt it man, it was so painful I wanted to slap my doc! It was worse than labour cos me epi so no pain during labour...
Play School
Yah, my boy also sitting at home play masak masak everyday leh... That's y wanna send him to JG hopefully can pick up something and interact wif other kiddos. I think he's very self-centered these days leh, everything is 'him him &amp; himself' only
<font color="0000ff">school</font>
hehe..Alvis will start his half day childcare next month.

It's a sudden decision made by me. well, I hope this is a good arrangement for him &amp; really hope that he can learn frm his lil friends there.

What's should i prepare for him huh? Mummies, please share. Thanks!
no need to ssshhh and small fonts lah. i can see it!
in fact the small fonts will make me zoom in even more!
so jasmine really spoke my mind! we can SEE!

how u extract the pix ah? i really dunno.
btw yest i downloaded the pix into flickr but i dunno how to save settings so cant send the link to u girls yet. let me go explore.

i agree wif u on the CC issue. I am slowly sourcing ard 4 CC but am not really in a rush. My cousin, whom is a Pri Sch teacher herself told me there is no need to rush n she sends her kids to PAP. She commented tt if the kid is a genius, he will excel in watever thing he does. i agree. and if we wan our kids to b really super, then we muz oso b super parents. b willing to spend time doing homework wif the kids when they go 4 such enrichment classes coz there will b homework 4 the parents. and to refrain fr sending kids so early to CC as they will fall sick more easily. i am not a super parent n i dun wanna be.
sending R to wkly classes to explore him to classroom n such env. and if he picks up some knowledge fr there, its a bonus.

wah ur condition sounds serious. i had tt condition b4 when there was hormonal imbalance. had to c gynae to take some pills, "resetting" my body system. since then, my menses has nvr been regular anymore. its only aft delivery then at least i can c a rough cycle.
i've attended a seminar b4 n there was a lil discussion abt wat &amp; how to prepare kids when they enter CC for the 1st time. wat i post might not b applicable to u, so u juz gauge on ur own.

1) Bring A to the sch and explain to him tt he'll be gg to sch soon. Mayb can let him observe how sch is like for a while, show him the classroom, eating area, toilets etc.
2) Take photos of the sch env, paste it in a book. Then show the book to him n explain wat is the place abt. let him get familiarise with the surroundings.

can only rem these 2 points so far. if i rem somemore, will post here. A gd time to start the abv shld b abt 2 wks b4 sch begins.

half day CC sounds gd. when i eventually send R, i'll oso do likewise. i cant bear the thot of R napping in CC wif no pillows! somehow seeing how the kids there nap this way pains me. but of coz the teacher says they r used to it. SO how much will u be paying for halfway CC?
<font face="Comic Sans MS">Crystallized,
Which part you dun understand? Email me, I tell you step by step.

Preparation ah... I have no idea... for Jolene, I just told her she grows up liao, got to attend sch. Go sch meet friends and play with friends. Told her she needs to go sch by sch bus herself... Got to listen to teachers and the bus auntie, if not she disappeared liao, she won't get to see her mummy, daddy, grandma, jiu jiu, mei mie and so on... Then off I sent her liao </font>=P
me too send in my registration form for Desiree to attend playgroup(in punggol hehe.. maybe i will move back to my mum place). 2 hours daily. anyone heard before talent plus group playgroup? think it is by PA, so the fee is very reasonable. i just wanna to send her to have a feel of school.
actually i m also worried "sending kids so early to CC as they will fall sick easily". But i really no choice now. long story..

Then i shlould look at the +ve side, let him explore &amp; maybe picks up some knowledge frm there.

Really thanks for the tips. if you still remember somemore, do post here.

after subsidy, $475 for hald day cc, 8.30-12.30pm monday to friday.

hi delphine

where is this talent plus group? i may be interested to let zac sign up for 1-2 hrs playgroup but cant find around punggol area. Can advice me on the fee?
