(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

Your eldest gal so cute

So funny.

That is a very nice cake. How much did you pay for it?

Err... not my elder gal hor, is the younger one JASLYN!!! Jolene isn't so horrible.

Err... still owe you pics... Am doing now... kekeke...
hi shirley,

will pass on your feedback on zac's bday cake to my colleague. she's a friend of vivian.

i did try vivian banana cake before. it was v nice.

hi jenny,

tricia can hi!5 with jaslyn. she has fallen once from my mum's bed (which is quite tall from the floor) and she's not afraid one. nowadays will try to climb on anything that her leg can reach and the best part is, dun wan us to hold on to her.
<font color="ff6000">jackiejon</font>
nope.. i order from vivian...

<font color="ff6000">cy's mom</font>
did u shave CY during his 1st or 4th month???
why not try n shave him again, mayb e hair will grow back then...?? for A, we shaved him on his 1st month.. then after that his hair grew back only "on top", e sides no hair... i was quite sad then, cos A had very nice hair when born.. so regretted shaving him bald.... until finally we decided to shave him again.. then after that all e hair come out nicely liaoz... later i go find all e "before and after" photos to show u.. hehehe... <font size="-2">excuse to post A's photos again.. hehehehe....</font>

<font color="ff6000">jasmine</font>
now tat u mention it, A also scared of e blender sound... he was alright with it, until suddenly 1 day he juz decided he didn't like it n started crying everytime my mum use e blender... but he's alright with shaver, hairdryer.. n for vacuum cleaner - very funny 1, as long as its not my MUM using it, he's fine.. maid use, lasttime my parttime cleaning auntie use, all ok.. but once my mum use nia, he starts screaming!!!

<font color="ff6000">jenny</font>
hehehe... i <font size="-1">play cheat</font> one lah.. i kept a copy of e Oct bb list selina sent out quite sometime ago mah... tats y can remember..
hahaha... the way she post reli mah.. only 1mth later then can share e news properly.. if not, then e other good news must be, she's quit her job, n will be a SAHM to R in 1mth's time...
wah.. jaslyn got such freedom 1 ar... hehehe.. indeed a headache.. but from our "point of view".. cos im not e one "suffering" hor... very cute leh..
I see.

I thought your #2 just learn to walk only!

Now can 'climb' window already?

Regarding photo, can wait 3 weeks more, still on time.
Hi Gemini,

No lah, I didnt change HP, didnt see doreen sms until i saw her at the check in counter then she say she sms me, then i notice. cos too many things to check in, no time to check my mobile.

Hi shirley,

very cute cake there... details as well. nice nice
Jaslyn falls many many times from all places. But now, she super liao... trained by my mum, she knows what to do when she wanna get off bed, sofa etc. My mum said Jaslyn's head is "iron head".

hahaha... ya lor, the first tots was "huijun preggie" when I saw her post ynite kekeke...
Jaslyn a lot of freedom one. We din care her, she's left to explore on her own lor. Just tat that time, I think the last person who used the toilet forgot to lock up the door. My mum's bathroom and toilet all got extra lock outside to prevent kids from entering. Actually also headache lah, cos if we lock up, Jolene needs to go toilet, she has to come to us to tell us, instead of going on her own lor. For my place, I dun lock up nowsday... just tat whenever I din hear any sound from Jaslyn, i will shout "jaslyn..." then this little gal will walk over to show herself. If she doesn't... that means she's doing something bad behind my back.
Ya lah, is cute lah, but dangerous lor. I mean the fall, ok lah. She will learn the lesson if she falls. But the toilet issue, I told my mum to be extra careful to close the door.

Is ok, both are "J" mah...
My #2 starts to walk at 10mths old. She now "expert" can fly and climb. Beat until I dunno what to do with her. My mum said she very "shi bai" this time cos all the kids she looked after never climb here and there... only this Jaslyn! kekeke...
I just download the pics... can show you either today or tomorrow... need time to downsize first.
Shirley, nice cake! my 2nd boy will sure go and take out that 'avent pacifier' and put in his mouth!Did Issac attempt to hug his 'bolster'?

Jenny, play water in toilet.. hahaha. when i read that part, i imagined her lying prone on the wet toilet floor and 'piak piak' the little puddle of water. Then u mentioned, the 'squat' type of toilet.. so it's not little puddle of water on the floor but a 'toilet bowl' of water lah.. hahahah
<font color="ff6000">cy's mummy</font>

here's Ayden's "hair progression" photos... hehehe....

newborn -

after 1st shave, a couple of months... see e sides (juz above e ears), no hair...

after 2nd shave, again after awhile.. all grow back out liaoz...

Take yr time.

Did she learn from somewhere? Eg. climbing window?

Kids nowadays very brave. Not scare of falls. *sigh*
<font color="0000ff">Thanx mummies.
I'm actually the kind of person who dun bother about wat other ppl say or think so long as I know I am not doing anything wrong n I'm happy which is all that matters.
Jus alittle upset that my own sis is still 'like that' cos I 'know' her pattern since young. Now i'm really reconsidering allowing her to be D's godparent. Lucky I have not confirm with her yet.
Dun want to encourage D to have that kind of influence.
Jus so long as my son is healthy n naughty(which is normal) n developing well I'm not bothered by her remarks anymore. I know I can depend on you ladies even if my own family doesn't 'help' me.

<font size="+1">You gals r the BEST there is!!!</font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Happy belated or coming Birthdays to all bbs in the October thread.</font></font>
Dun mind me being lazy too aah can't keep track I only remember my own son's bday n Alexis cos its the same day.....hahahha


U got ur cake from vivian? thats great! she is very patient and really pay attention to details. at least the cake is settled. Zac used to be very scared of the blender sound too but i force him to listen to it and after a few times he just got used to it.


The cake cost 230 but really a big cake.


didnt dare to put isaac near the cake scared he spoilt it before the cake cutting. ya i think he will pick up the pacifer and eat too! haha
<font color="ff0000">Dor</font>,

Dun bother by the others. Your Mien Mien is the cutest bb i have seen even my hubby commented tt..
monkish....but i like leh...my sis say looks lke those monks from jap comics...no hiar, eyes big big...

havent shaven him yet. dun intend to as yet. coz ive met many mummies who shave a few times, still grow out in patches. then this mummy from church shave her daughter three months ago, until now, still nothing...

jenny again..
wah...your jaslyn very resourcefulll.....thanks for the warning...must rem to close the lids of the toilet bowls now...cant imagine him falling headlong in....

nice nice nice cake....difficult to cut?
That bloster is sooo cute. Did u use comic drawings in the end?? SO u didn't get cupcakes too aah.
Paisey can't make it even though I'm so free at the chalet.....keke
My sis stood me up even though I planned to go swimming nia she came at 4pm. Can't imagine if going to ur party maybe we go n cleanup for u......hahaha

Thanx thanx.
Cannot say it here ma later the rest jealous how......hahahahha
He looks like me mah ofcos cute lah even though he keeps getting mistaken for a girl....wahahaha
*Thickskinn hor me*

Jus now market auntie even ask me if I am from CHINA. Becos she say D face got 2 red patch on the cheeks......BTH
Sgrean cannot be fair n have red patch meh.
hi jackiejon,

gentle reminder, how much i owe u for the huggalegs?

agreed. kids nowadays r v "thick-skinned", fall once and still not afraid.

now thinking back, quite agreed with doreen, tricia is getting more naughtier as she grows older. she really know how to "torture" both me & my hb. nowadays, she want to sleep on our bed and not on her own mattress. so, we let her sleep and either me or my hb will sleep with her. last nite, she slept at around 10.30pm and wake up ard 3.15am. i was sleeping next to her, so i pat her but to no avail, so my hb gave her water, eyes still wide open, so gave her milk. then switched to my hb who sleep next to her. ard 5 plus, she wake up again and climb down the bed, this time round, my hb gave her water but she still dun want to sleep, so play with her till 6 plus. still not sleep yet, so i tell hb give her milk, still does not help. so ard 7am, my hb tell her that he's angry and carry her to pat. eventually she then sleep.. in the end, both of us overslept, cos normally, we need to wake up ard 7 plus.
really bth, for past few weeks, she has been waking in the middle of the nite, we pat also no use, have to give her water, then she doze back.
already tell my mum dun let her sleep so much in the day, also like that.

but then har, if she sleep at my mum place with her, she will not wake up in the middle of the nite. if got, my mum just pat and she go back zzz..
very funny hor? I asked my bro if he got take pics hahaha... too bad he din... If not next time I show Jaslyn how notti she was!

Ayden not much changes in his face since infant.

hee hee... Not sure if is from her gym class???
But I realised she's balancing herself very well. My hb said now her class focus on balancing.

Haha... was telling to Esther's hb during one of the occasion, he told me can beat with guys!

I tell you lah, close lids of toilet bowls no use one lah... believe me... they will open it and his head will be in.
It's better to do a lock outside the toilet door, lock it when not in use. Never give them a chance to step into toilet...
I never like my gals to be in the kitchen. Since young, I never allow them in unless I'm ard. The forbid area include my service balcony cos there's where all the detergents etc are. During infant time, the gals would scream and cry to get into the kitchen. My gate is always closed. Now, I'm more laxed... cos there's Jolene looking after Jaslyn. And somehow, maybe train young... they won't go into the kitchen/service balcony unless I'm there or when I get Jolene to throw the laundry.
This is the setup from Eatzi Gourmet.

These are the dishes, less out the oneh oneh and cheese cake, the rest are from Eatzi Gourmet. Less out the cold dishes which can be found in the above.

Small Token from Eatzi Gourmet
hi jenny,

the set up by Eatzi Gourmet is very nice. so gd har, still got give token...

u mean jas climb up the washer herself?hw did she managed to do it? it's quite tall leh...
Oh no no no... hahaha... my bro puts her in...
Cos my mum was busy cooking, and this gal kept wanna play with water. So, my bro put her into the dryer part and open a bit of water from the washer side. She can keep herself entertained with the water play.
Isaac's cake
I am not sure of its weight think probably around 4kg? not very difficult to cut, thanks to my niece and Rhys's mummy help. i am clueless on how to make the first cut though...
Wah.....that is expensive.

will calculate tonight and let you know tomorrow ;-p

So she is practising what she has learnt in class when she is at home.

At least, you know she is paying attention in class

Regarding the pictures, thanks for sharing
jasmine & gemini
i did not post any of R's photos coz i engaged a photographer 4 his bdae. all the pix will hv to wait till the photos come back to me. and i most probably will upload a few into the yahoo albums. wun b posting here coz i noe many ppl pops into our thread to peep. sorry hor, for being so secretive. for R's bdae cake, nothing special lah. same shape as jaslyn. juz the figurine r different n my main idea of the cake is to hv a mini cake in the centre of '1' and this cake was surrounded by many little animals. One sept mummy posted the bdae cakes montage liao (she got the cake pix coz she took the pix herself on tt day). u girls can go take a look.
Chan wei called me in the afternoon and assured me things will turn out fine. so guess i am a bit more an xin now

can i chk how much u spent for the mylar ballon helium gas? where u do it?

have to use this in house appointed catering called Elsie kitchen
anyone tried their food b4 and can recommend any nice dishes? dun know their set as nice as the one used by Jenny.

very nicely done cake.

u posted the party photos at the yahoo group ?
wah liew Jackie...

Anyway, have submitted the list to Chan Wei.

Mummies who emailed me, list submitted to Chan Wei liao. Hope everything is fine ok.
Elsie Kitchen, I think Esther mentioned she wanna order from them, but din in the end cos her hb complained she always ordered from Elsie Kitchen. Esther said the food is nice, but personally I have not tried b4.
As for Mylar Balloon helium gas, you can check with the party shops on the price. I've posted those party shops contacts... think is last wed to fri... do check the thread out. There's another one called balloonrus, a friend told me she filled $2 each but was last year.

I just indicated that you will be ordering soon, so no invoice/ref no., but I have given your name to Chan Wei.
I want to put in order for food and cake but the thing is, the people I invite still taking their own sweet time to rsvp!! And to think these are all family members only. Sigh.
Pressing the panic button!

I was down with gastric flu on Sat and I thot it was food poisoning. Only found outon Sun. I recover yesterday but passed bugs to Char and she was down. Hopefully she'll recover by tomorrow. I took half day leave on Fri to settle things fro Sat, but now looks liek gotta cancel leave cos lots of meetings must fall on Fri, dont understand why!!!
I have no time to go buy bb biscuits, cos really dunno what else I can the feed the little bbs who are coming...That's my no. 1 panic, second, I hv no time to pack the goody bags, and on Fri if not allowed leave, no time to check-in,and also I no time to transport teh things to chalet...What's my hb doing? Busy with his own stuff, so eerything on my shoulder! He better, on Sta morning still got appointment, need to go out, so me the mad woman gonna try to run the show...Rally hope all turns out fine, if not jsut hope my guests will pardon me.

Doreen, Einstein, didnt speak until he's 3, so our bbs are doing fine.

Very cheeky Caleb there. So cute to see tehm wearing the same clothes. Where's Rhys the heng dai?

Jenny, your Jas got the spirit of a kampong kid. My Char also sama sama. SHe fell from bed twice liao, but still not afraid, every tiem want to dive heand down first, and many times she'll climb from my bed to her own cot,very dangerous cos the cot move andthis gal also like to climb onto the sofa form the floor...she can't walk at all, but love to climb up and down too. But we restrict her a lotso she hasn;t has as much adventure as Jas.
I never wait for ppl to confirm... cos I know my relatives "kuan". They never rsvp one... So, once I settled on my cake and buffet, I do a name list of my relatives. Agar agar know who will appear, who won't. Those who are uncertain, say a family of 4, I order for 2 pax for in case the 4 really appears. I agar agar estimate my headcount and cut down to order for 65 pax when I have 90 names in my list. Kids, for me 4 kids = 1 adult share.
That's why... I did all my planning in a few days time. Once, I confirmed my party venue, I just proceed to book. Hee hee... I dun care lah. If really not enough food, call SOS from Pizza Hut, KFC, Mac lor kekeke... Hmm... I made all my orders in Aug.

oh dear... Take a deep breathe! Cool down, panick only worsen the situation.
Hope Charlotte gets well soon, her big day is coming soon.
Any of your family members or your friends can help?? You need help, SOS me bah.
You tried teaching Charlotte the right way to get off bed? Next time, when she wanna get off, pull her legs down first and let her legs slowly "falls" down, so they touch the floor. Few times, she should learn the tricks.
Talking abt cot... Jaslyn did that too, but not with her cot but is the playpen at my mum place. She pulls herself up and her legs like climbing up. My mum even videoed in her hp to show me. That was many mths ago. I really dunno what to do with this gal of mine leh? She very rough leh. Die ah... not pretty as jie jie also, next time no man wants her.
hi mummies,

need help here. angry with my hb though he's my IT helpdesk.
trying to upload tricia b'day fotos but PC only got Paint after it has been repaired. i do not know how to edit the pictures? anyone can help me? all along, i'm using Microsoft Photo Editor.
Take care, don't worry too much. Most importantly is that you and Char have enough rest and recover by sat.

To resize the photo using Paint. Go to Image --> stretch/skew --> and then change the % of stretch from 100% to maybe 20%, depending on the original size of the photo
hi bbgrace,

thks much for your info. manage to do it. i now realise it's so much easier than Photo Editor.

tricia b'day celebration
some fotos to share (with bbgrace help)...

b'day cake

b'day girl

in her throne, wanting to remove the crown..
Relax.....do 1 by 1.
Party bags not ready at most pack as u give out lor. Anyway we can help u with that on the day itself. Dun worry lah. Need help sms me lor since I free....kekeke

So means D already start talking so no more Einstein liao aah......hahaha
So those haven talk yet might be Einstein in the making ....wah....kekeke

The hat is so cute...N her hello kitty throne aah so pretty!!!
I love her dress leh come in my size anot....hahahaha
Okie I siao liao better go sleep...
I know... mine are close relatives. anyway, I am going to sms them once more and if no reply, I will just do estimation liao. For K's first month they were very prompt with reply. Don't know what happen this time.

Oh, I want to ask you. Regarding Jolene's 1st bd cake, those blocks used to make her name, are they provided by PG or by you? I like the idea! :p

Nice cake, nice crown and lovely Tricia!
Where did you get the figurines for the cake from? I have been looking around party shops but cannot get anything like that. Wanted to the the Winnie the Pooh candles set also cannot find. I don't have time to go concourse.... don't tell me they only have it there? :S

Enlist the help of your family members? Take heart. Things WILL turn out well. Remember it is all your own expectations. Your guests come to the party not knowing what to expect anyway ;) Take care!
<font color="aa00aa">2 Oct 07-Happy belated 1st birthday to Haze's Kyra</font>

<font color="ff0000">3 Oct 07-Happy 1st birthday to my Desiree & Wendy's Maverick</font>
Hi Coral,
Cool down, settle 1 thing at a time... most importantly, both you and C recover soon for the party!

Hi Gemini,
Tricia so sweet with the crown... D dun even like to have anything place on her head.

Hi Babe_ong,
My brother went to centrepoint(party with us) to pump the helium gas. the big care bear is about $5, small one $2.50, balloon weights(big one $3 and small one $1) total i spend around $20 plus for everything. above price quote are all estimation cos i lost the receipt, it's my brother who told me verbally.
<font color="aa00aa">Happy 1st birthday to Desiree, Maverick & Joeie</font>

<font color="0000ff">Happy Belated Birthday to Kyra</font>
Wow so long haven been viewing this thread.

Nice to see so many photos! Mine is held on 13th Oct next week.. keke..

Happy birthday to all big babies!!
Me kpo and answer on Jenny's behalf. Those cubes are provided by PG, they are made of fondant and are edible. I'm getting something like that for Emma's cake.
just saw u already email to Chan Wei. then forget my pm, k?

Tricia so pretty with the crown. where u bought it?

Me & Alvis oso gastric flu last sat lel! i'm sure Char will get well b4 her big day coming.
dun panic, SOS ppl to help u.
relax, k?

so long didnt post here, huh?
how is Kim?

Thanks! I am thinking of something along that line and was quite excited to see it on Jolene's cake. May not fit in to the theme of the cake I am thinking of though. Will see how it goes
