(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

<font color="0000ff">Okie enough of my unhappiess already. What's most important is that my son was happy n he had FUN even though mummy felt terrible.</font>

Going to inlaws place for cake cutting. FIL made stupid comment say next yr D cannot wear this polo tee already. Dunno wat to ans him so never ans.

Seeing so many nice cakes here's Damien's plain chocolate cake. I jus buy the candles n made his name using candy. Looks so pathetic.....keke
Think I will try to makeup for it next yr.


Cake cutting n stupid daddy stand so far away. I bought sparkler candles but see NO SPARKS.

Damien in his throne going home.

N this cheeky boy at home today. Thinks he is so mobile already dun want me to hold him but he still can't walk steady YET!!


N he still looks like a bb lor......kekeke

Dunno why I feel he is really becoming naughtier jus after he has passed the 1 mark. Anyone bb the same?? N he can't keep still so hard to catchup with him leh.
Hubby suggested going HK in March I dunno if I look forward or not cos dunno if he will be worse when cranky on flight the next time.
Hi Mummies,
with effect from today, I won't be able to log in during office hours cos my company have ban us from going into this kind of "chatroom", so I will only be able to read the posting at night.

so sorry to hear about your disappointment with PG but more important is the party is sucessful.

Happy Birthday to Jaslyn.

Btw, I didn't receive any calls from Naini, anyway I couldn't make it on that day, need to prepare something for my bro-inlaw who is getting married on 28 Oct.

mummies who use scene setter,
the scene setter add-on is easy to put up on the wall but not on the scene roll, the scene roll is very difficult to paste on the wall.

your cake is very nice and lovely, the birthday girl really enjoying herself that day.
Alamak, I hope Huijun dun kills me... she din say she preggie lah, I guess only lah!!!

noted yr mail and have replied you
Dun worry too much lah.

Aiyo, why got ppl like tat one! waste food!
Delphine, D's cake got so many candles, make the cake looks so dreamy and nice! And you really put in lots of effort to decorate! And I like your family T-shirt.

Jenny, if you don't compare the initial design you want, Jas cake is nice too. I actually drew 3 designs to PG, 2 they say can't do so will do teh 3rd design, so I really hope they'll not disappoint me. I've just resend an email to them. Very frighten after I hear Haze n your case.

Doreen, your chalet is finally over! Hey, D's cake looks nice with the long candles leh,too bad we can't see the effect of the sparks, but I'm sure he enjoyed himself.Char is getting more insistent and demanding liao. And she cant even walk, but lots of time insist on crawling than to let us carry her. Sometimes outside also struggle, so I have to behave like I'm kidnapping someone's child and continue walking with her struggling to get to the ground.

HJ, I guess the same thing as Jenny regarding your good news. Congrats first!

Crystallized, I still hv lots of things unprepared...Panic!

BBgrace, I was searching the net for cupcake and saw them posting emma'son their blog. Nice! But deicided against cupcake cos very nice to look at but the icing too sweet.
Yah lor that's why I damn pissed lor n hubby still no comments leh......sigh
He say he doesn't know his family like that 1 claims he NEVER bbq with them before in his LIFE. BElieve anot........sigh

Huijun's posting seems like ma.....keke
So funny look like kidnapping someone's child.....hahaha
D also like that whenever I take him out of the carrier damn hard to put him back he will scream n cry so loud. I jus quickly put him in n walk off but heng he stops the moment I start walking hahahha
My sister made me realised something.
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Thank god for this forum n you ladies!!!!</font></font>

Becos she suddenly said at my bbq n infront of my cousin's wife.(dunno what is she trying to show) Damien's speech development is VERY slow hor. Becos according to her her daughter starts to talk in words even though her speech development was slower then her bros. I frankly cannot remember when they all started talking lah cos I was so young when they did.
But I was not affected by my sis at all becos of you ladies sharing your bb's growth I know D is developing well within the required milestones.

hehe seems like i got alot to post after MIAing for awhile.......hahaha
<font color="ff0000">HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL THE BIRTHDAY BOYS AND GIRLS (no more babies)... be it belated or going-to-be....</font>
(too many lah... me old liao... cannot rem everything...)

Ok... you all got to bear with me liao...
I super deprived from my internet now... so going to post lots at one shot...

Caleb's party looks great! Too bad I last min cannot go... I also loved the posters done up for Rhys' party.
Will post a pix of them here another day...

sorry to hear abt your PG cake episode... but glad that your rest of the party was great. No choice lah... at least now you know next time dun take from PG liao....
Eatzi gourmet so good ah... ok ok... maybe will try them next time... btw, AXA also quite similar to what you describe regarding the boxes, clear trash etc... hmm... really must try out Eatzi...
and btw, your ah lao see wrong ppl liao... me and Rhys never go for any gym class after that trial we went together... hee...

aiyo... the cupcakes so nice and cute... sure suits emma lor.. cheery and sweet...

wah... the care bear theme is so nice... Desiree sure look happy that day... loved her smile in the pix where she is with the care bears...

Me not you xin lah... I got very you xin friends who are childcare teachers. So she told me she will handle the kids activities... din know that she bot all the paint ah.. activities stuff and even set up an arts corner for the kids.... i very gan dong lor... I din decorate much too... I only put out the 2 mylar balloons and 2 big posters of Rhys nia... the rest of the balloons not even floating... just blow up for the kids to take back...
Tell you something VERY funnie leh... I wanted to cook porridge for Rhys the next day so I make sure I bot the brocoilli, meat, fish etc.... then on that afternnon before cooking then realised that I forgot the most impt thing... RICE!!! haa.... end up went to my MIL place after check out... otherwise Rhys will end up eating porridge WITHOUT porridge... haa....
my case opposite of yours leh... those cousins which I dun expected to come hor... (they dun ALL turn up even for big events like wedding dinners)... ALL turn up for R's party.
My mum say R's face very big... we all so surprised... heng my food enuff...
Dun be angry lah... relatives are like that... they do what they want...

Jackiejon, Mango,
aiyo... both of you really made my day sia... (mango, i flying now...) me slim down a bit nia... was so scared that wearing red will make me look BIGGER... but so glad that it turns out ok....

aiyo, your BILs and cousins so jialat one... buay zi dong... you very poor thing leh... but glad that Damien enjoys it... Your candy DAMIEN very nice leh.. next time teach me how to do...
wah lao... the last pix, D like machiam want to go war with his sword and bike like that... so hero... haa.....

actually I took the same design as Jenny but less colorful. I just take the default design and replace with my figurines...
At first also afraid that they will mislook my request coz the lady who took my order din wrote down some of my request and my figurines are precious.(they are hard to find now coz i had them since I am in poly time)
So in the end, after taking babygrace's advice, I email PG to double confirm my request in black and white...
And they replied me promptly. And on that day, everyting went fine.
I din expect much so was quite ok with the cake. I am just glad that my guests all enjoyed the cake.
As for the size, I had ard 60-70 guests i think... and the cake is just nice. I cut in not too big slices coz I told my guest to take second helpings.
In fact it is good coz most of my guests tried the 2 different flavours and din end up sick of cakes...
Think different ppl, different preference, different expectations... as long as everything ends up happy can liao...
Rem... cake is just part of the party... not THE party....
I emailed your yahoo acct. Thanks!

I do not like citrusy flavour.. so will most likely go for chocolate.

Since Damien is the star, so long as he is happy, nothing else matters right?
My aunt said hor, kid turns 1 liao, a lot of pattern one, then 18 mths another pattern. True lor!

ya lor. The cake is nice lah, just that I got a heart attack when I firstly saw it so "naked". If I din ask them to do the theme, it will be perfect. I learnt my lesson, never ask PG to customize cake. Anyway the boss called me personally and kept saying sorry I can sense his sincerely. He got all my draft designs and emails which were so detailed to him. He's shocked his staff made a mess out of it. Somehow, there's miscom along the channel. He will personally investigate and give me a "jiao dai" haha... Also feedback to him some mummies comments, he said he will look into them. I hope the rest of yr cakes turn up to your expectations, cos he said he will personally look into my friends' cakes.
Dun frighten yourself lah. Everything will be fine. Enjoy the party ok.

It's not abt bbq with them or not lor, but it's talking abt being green. Food wasted... think of those in the 3rd country, they dun even have food to eat to full.
No need to worry abt bb milestones, as long as not lagging behind too far. Jolene develops her speech q slow hor, but no prob with her motor skills. So what if a bb can walk earlier, talk earlier or do anything earlier than the peers? Eventually, they are all on par. The parents/caretaker need to spend more time looking after bb who walk earlier cos it's so tiring! I shall share some "interesting" stories abt Jaslyn with you gals later, so you all have a good laugh. Then you tell me you want your bb to walk earlier or not.

The moo moo cow bros so cute with the dialogue.
BTW, do you still have the list of bb names with their bday? I lost track who and who bday liao =P If not a trouble, can post here?

Beside bengawan, sweet secrets also have the copyright for disney cakes leh.

hahaha... hb must be blurred lah. I was asking him, you sure bor? Vivian din say leh.
hi mommies,
i cant find achive frm 26 sep to 30/9 lel.

i wanna see all the nice nice pics..anyone can help!!

<font color="ff6000">Happy belated birthday to Jaslyn.</font>

Talking abt disappointed, think mine worse. i order a jelly frm mrs chan and ask them deliver on sunday for A lunar b'day. i waited till 10am (ask them deliver b4 11am) still no sign yet. called them, guess wat? they missed out my order. Jialat, rite?
got a scold frm hb. really want to cried.

okay...then monday early morning both hb & me diarhoea & on mc y'day. aih...

but, we still have fun on Alvis's lunar b'day. btw, he choose money & calculater at the same time. each hand hold one.

i will call PG to order my cake later.
saw ur comment on PG, wow...their service really jialat lel.
btw, i did talk to Can Yun, she not really friendly when i told her i only want 1kg cake.
shld i order frm them (puzzle??)

okay..let me finish my office work 1st, then slowly read all the archive..
cya later
Mummies who emailed me on your PG Cake Order, I've noted them. Will consolidate and email to Chan Wei this evening.

Pls provide details like your cake order/ref/invoice #, collection date/time, name and contact.
oo..ya. any babies don't like hair cutting?
i bought A to cut his hair on sat b4 his lunar b'day lal. then hor, the moment the lady touch his head, he scream & cry so loud till the lady refuse to cut his hair cos scare will hurt either him or her. at the end, me the one who cut.
and frm sat night till y'day, he had nightmare everynite, scream & cry, refuse to sleep. aih...
me super zombie now.

tell mil, think me hav to go & learn how to cut hair.
Most bbs are like tat one lah. But I have no prob with Jaslyn. She guai guai sit there to cut. Think dun force them. Maybe reach salon, a new place, A scares, so he cries. Let him familiar with the place and play/sing to him while cutting?

Why not? Order lah, 1kg also business wat. I'm consolidated Oct Mummies PG Cake orders for Chan Wei now. If you want, can email me the details, he will look into you gals cakes to ensure "huo dui ban"
Wei Kuan
QUick quick come out & clarify if u r preggie. everyone is so happy 4 u!

Easy... me oso started doing things 2 days prior to R's bdae. panic panic n mayb tts y developed stomach flu on the actual day. But glad all went well. if u need help, can always shout here, a few of us hv gone thru it n mayb can help out a bit.

no comments if bb will b naughtier aft they passed the 1st bdae, coz my R always hv been v naughty, so no diff to me.

dun let these ppl spoil ur mood lah. as long as the 3 of u r happy wif D's bdae celebrations, tts all it matters. i got a lot of ppl telling me i spent alot on R's bdae but they dun bother me. as long as all our guests n our families enjoy the celebration, the money spent is well worth it.

i blur liao, how come now u consolidate order 4 PG?
naughty boys
CY has been very naughty since sometime back. I dunno. think it's a 'boy-thing'. since 9mths, he has never never never sat in his high chair for more than 1 minute. squirm and worm his way out, try to stand, jump out etc...strap him down with the multiple strap he can also squirm his way out.

He knows how to climb up and down the sofa, but prefers a quicker way - look for the highest point, then jump down (the rate he is going, im surprise any boys actually grow up to be men)

If we smack him, he'll turn around to bite us. vicious bite.

And i thought terrible twos come after they turn 2???
Till now, Joshua still refuse to have his hair cut at salon no matter how i bribe him, bring him to those nice salon with toys, cars, tv screen. No choice, no point making him so upset, so cut ourselves lor.

The min order for a customised cake at PG is 1.5kg. If you want 1 kg, it's the normal design only.
Wei Kuan,
Whatever good news it is, congrats to you.

Just to share.

When Jonathan was young, he does not like to cut his hair.

He will scream but need someone to carry him while cutting his hair.

He is like this until he was about 2 1/2 year old (if I remember correctly).
It could be because he doesnt like the sound of the shaver.

Joanna is also scare of cutting her hair.

So Alvis is not alone.
Not true lor, some come earlier hahaha... But I guess all bbs are like this.
Perhaps I should share with you mummies on my horrible Jaslyn... then you mummies know how guai your little ones are kekeke...
Jackie, I also suspect it is because of the shaver. When I trim my boys hair using scissor at home, they ok leh.

Gemini, hope u r reading this.. I last checked last evening, still didnt receive PM.. think got delay. I can only access my email acct tonite.. in case u wonder how come no response fr me.

Vivian, u win leow.. chi zhou bu yao mi ("eat porridge dont want the rice").. hahaha. When I was young, I dont eat prawns. I always tell canteen stall aunti "xia mian bu yao xia". Btw, u think aloha chalet got any empty wall to put scene setter add-on or not? Thinking of getting fr Gemini leh.

Selina, u read my email? kekeke..
Good morning ladies!

Thanks for the birthday wishes for Isaac!I was sick after the party. down with flu and fever. think the chalet aircon too strong for me. haha


so thoughtful of you to send isaac the birthday wishes in the morning. at that time i was alone with isaac at the chalet while my hubby went to pick up the cake. enjoyed the quiet moment with him on his first birthday. a lot of gan chu. think all the mummies here should give each other pats on the shoulder. heehee
I am sorry to hear abt ur stomach flu, glad u recover well for the party. happy for u that ur party turn out well. well a lot of pp also commented i spent a lot of money on isaac's birthday party. but i also bo chup. as long as my family is happy and isaac enjoys it, money can always earn back.

dont panic, i also have a lot of last min things to settle last friday. like our family t-shirt, our tags, birthday goodies. all settle on friday night. just tell urself, if can do it, its good, if nt, the party still will go on well even missing an item or two. if u need any help or idea, just shout, we are just round the corner to help!


wow PG is getting very commercialised hor! think mass production may be the result, lack of customisation. i like vivian's service but u really pay for it lor. i really love the cake that she did for isaac but personally think a bit too sweet. but there are guests who think the cake very good.

Agar Agar cake

Mummies ordering the cake, please confirm the timing of the delivery before the actual day. cos my cake was delivered after most of the guests have left. i actually forgotten abt it.

ignore ur sister lar, i know her, sometimes her words can be quite tactless. zac till nw cant clap or wave bye bye. i really nt too concern lar. think evenutally they will turn out good with our guidance. must believe D inherited both u and ur hubby good genes mah!

need to go liao. will post the pictures of zac birthday later. need to catch up with my work. lots of back logged nw. ciao
Hi lilboymum,
The agar agar very nice as commented by my guests(they are from James Chan, contact as provided by Jenny).

Hi Coral,Vivian,Littlekid,
Thanks thanks, desiree indeed is a happy gal during the cake cutting ceremony but after which get very cranky cos not enough sleep plus cannot sleep cos too many guests laio, too noisy for her. Personally feel it'a all worth the effort for this celebration cos the theme turns out better than i have expected.

Hi doreen,
I only received your sms on the day you checked in. sat you didnt sms me right?? aiyo damien so happy at the chalet, most imptly he is happy, forget about those unhappiness.
dun mention it.

i was actually at the clinic when i sms-ed u! hehe..
yeah, as long as we r happy wif the celebrations, thats all it matters, isn't it?
looking fwd to mtg u n zac zac! the boys haven got a chance to see each other. think we shld b able to see each other soon at one of these bdae parties this coming few wks.

jackie_jon & jasmine
when R was abt 10 mths, my mum told me muz regularly bring him to trim his hair (in fact she was saying it was quite late to start at 10 mths) so he will get used to the idea he needs to trim his hair once every few mths. else when R is older, he will not like the idea at all. so i let my mum bring him to trim when she feels its time. the 1st time, he squirmed n fussed a bit but was generally ok. then subsequently, R was ok liao. somemore each time she brought both R and my niece along to trim. so far so gd. so perhaps u mommies need to make it a habit. its always difficult to start but better late than never. for girls can still say no need to trim coz they can keep long hair, but for boys, they will need to trim their hair every now & then.

ok, now i noe y u doing this.
hi mummies...

<font color="aa00aa">happy birthday to coolmum's KaiBin & Ling's Max!!!</font>

and I'm <font color="ff6000"><font size="+1">sooooo happy!!!!!</font></font> cos i finally settled Ayden's cake!!!
now wait and see and hope it turns out as my expectations liaoz!!!

<font color="ff6000">huijun</font>
e way u posted really like u preggy mah.. but no matter what's e good news i also join in n shout <font color="ff0000">CONGRATULATIONS!!!</font>

<font color="ff6000">dor</font>
aiyooo.... "siao siao qi" lor... D looked like he had fun, n tats all tat matters rite???

hehehe... e quan jia fu very nice also mah.. candlelight effect.. D machiam sitting like a big boss on his bike leh...

A havent pass e 1yr mark, but he also getting nottier n crankier these few days... i think they all go thru phases lah.. juz how we manage them lor....
aiya.. relatives all like tat 1 lah.. my auntie always like to ask me about A's development, then she'll compare with her own grand-daughter (who is abt 5mths younger than A).. then always "boast" her g.d. so much "faster" than A...

<font color="ff6000">bbgrace</font>
thanks for e webby.... thankfully i managed to confirm my cake within reasonable cost lor...

<font color="ff6000">jenny</font>
thanks for recommending sweet secrets too...

<font color="0000ff">hair-cutting</font>
i was juz discussing with my mum on this topic.. since birth me & hb have been A's personal hairstylist mah.. he's always been ok with us cutting his hair, in e comfort of our home toilet... but honestly, our skills not fantastic lah... will always have uneven-ness lor.. so was thinking of bring A to a "proper stylist" to cut his hair this time round, so he'll have a nice hairstyle on his birthday... but dunno how he'll react n dunno where to go... but after reading ur "horror stories".. abit hesitant liaoz.... hhmmm...
eh...CY still has no hair...how??i think we can only start trimming when he turns two, hopefully, the hair would grwow by then...reli...he still looks like a monk...
Jlyn, Jasmine & Crystallized,
There is another that Jonathan is scare of....that is the sound of hair dryer....hee hee.

Dont be bother but what other people say.

Just to share with you.

Jonathan only start to walk when he was 1 1/2 years old and only know
how to talk at abt 2 1/2 years old. At one time, we were wondering how
come he hasnt learn to talk.

Did you order Ayden's cake from Patissier?
dunno lel. this boy hor, du like ppl touch him one. even though we wash his hair or wipe his face, he oso will scream one. 'xiang jing' - gold made one...

so, till now u r the one who cut Joshua hair? i should learn frm u.
actually wendy also told me shld shave A hair on my own cos she also doing tat.
me didnt ask PG to customised cake, i just follow one of the cake design they emailed me. well, think will call them later.
can post emma cupcake again.

same here. A oso scare of the sound frm hair dryer, vacum cleaner & Blender.
yeah... shldnt compare child's development. A still didnt call pa pa ma ma yet, but hor he walk super fast lel.
must post Joana b'day pics hor.

aiyo...i shld post here when A reject to cut hair long ago. then shld tried out ur mom method.
it's good that let them trim their hair every mth. A's hair super fast grow lel.
Can post Reubern pics on his b'day or not?

hey...i oso bought same moo moo cow pj for A but havent let him wear.
Happy birthday to coolmum's KaiBin & Ling's Max.

I wonder how you gals managed to remember all bbs bday???!!! I only agar agar remembered a few nia. Super leh you gals.

Shaver makes bb uncomfortable.
Maybe you mummies ask the hairdresser to put more bb powder?

No need to panic. I last min things haven't done, I go napping hahaha...

Hahahaha... if Huijun is not preggie, we all shall have a pat and a good laugh! This is a lesson for being KPO kekekeke.... As seems other news are not good news, only preggie is good news to us kekeke....

Got it. Terrible 1 ah, hmm... I think so leh!

How can you say your boy looks like monk! Beat you ah.
Isaac birthday cake
Realise all my photos with my da jie. His birthday cake i got it from vivian's website

Talking abt how terrible and horrible my Jaslyn is...
Just to name a few incidents... then you mummies tell me your bbs guai or not.

1) One nite, my mum was in living room watching TV show. My bro wasn't working tat nite, he's surfing net. Suddenly mum realised no sound from Jaslyn. She shouted for her, no reaction. My mum and bro searched the living room, bedrooms, kitchen... no sight of her! They searched bathroom, still no sight. Guess where this gal was? She "pa" on the toilet floor, playing with the water from the toilet (my mum's toilet is those squat type). When they caught her, she was still happily playing with the water!!!

2) My mum's place washer is those semi-auto type, where one side is washing, the other side is the drying part. Whenever the washer is washing, you know, got those water sound?? Jaslyn very excited one. She will hold herself to the washer and try to climb into the washer.

3) My mum's place got a type of chair, I dunno that type is called wat. But can be foldable, and is in white color with red, blue strips, plastic and metal chair something like tat. Old ppl like to sit one cos airy. You see, this whole chair is like ladder, especially the back of the chair. One day, my bro was surfing net, he felt got a shadow moving here and there, so he looked up. To his horror, Jaslyn climbed up to the back of the chair with the support which looks like ladder. She still laughed at my bro.
She also loves to sit on the handle of this chair, fell a few times with the chair toppled over her. But she still not scare leh.

4) My mum's bed is placed next to the window. My mum hangs her alarm clock at the window. One day, my bro heard no sound from Jaslyn again. He searched for her and found her hanging to the window like doing pull up, one leg hanging in the air, the other legs only the toes still touched the bed, going to fall off anytime. If my bro din find her, she would have fallen.

Terrble One?? There's more stories hahaha...
hi jlyn,

strange leh. anyway, I email u already. i normally dun login in my yahoo account during office. so maybe a bit late in reverting.

hi wei kuan,

from the way you posted ur msg, shld be preggie, rite? Congrats in advance!!

hi delphine,

u changed ur hp#?

hi doreen/vivian,

have learnt a lesson. next time, i'm going to assume that my cousins wont turn up (the youngest is ard 15 or 16 yrs old & the oldest is 31yrs old), so dun think they will be interested in attending kids' b'day party.

Doreen, ignore other pple's comments. as what my mum say, when the time is ripe, the kid will do/perform the actions. hope u know what i'm saying. like tricia now, from the time she knows how to crawl, is in commando style crawling, i was still thinking how come she still dun know how to crawl on all fours, but yesterday, she started to crawl on all fours.
i used to think tricia developments is so much slower compared to other kids, but now, i let nature take its course.

hi crystallized,

forget to thank you for passing me ur neo garden mbrship#. in the end, no need to use. they got give me the 5% disc, cos i also ordered from them for tricia mth old shower.
btw, u got post R b'day fotos meh?? did not seem to see it.


ya the art work is really nice but hor really expensive.... think next year zac's birthday has to find other baker or make smaller cake liao. cannot spend so much on cake lar! eat liao no more leh!
