(2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

<font color="ff6000">mango</font>
hehehe... im already in 3rd trimester liaoz lah.. its my 8th mth liaoz, 2 more months to go...
me too.. since start of tis pg my bladder already got problem.. i 1hr can run toilet more than 5times....

<font color="ff6000">jackiejon</font>
hehehe.... im checking in on fri.. will b holding my party saturday late afternoon... aiyoo.. we r soooo nearby to each other.. can even probably wave to each other from our kitchens??? just pop by anytime lah...

I might try either Neo garden (mummies here recommend) or YSL, still not sure yet.

I still thought you go lobang.

Sat late afternoon? Do you mean sat evening time?

Hee Hee
wow! ur schedule is v packed on tt day juz like jenny. might b wise to reconsider again since u hv no time to quarrel wif them on the spot. it will oso spoil ur mood 4 the party. juz my opinion.

i had initially wanted to hold it at grassroots club but it was alrdy booked for tt day.

yah simple celebration is less stressful 4 us mommies. i told myself i am not gg to do such a big scale event again. we did tt 4 R's full mth. imagine it was done on 2 days and its really tiring. total guests lost exceeded 200 pax for his full mth. at the end of tt, i told my hb, i am not gg to do such a thing again. yet this yr, history repeated for R's 1st bdae!
but i did cut down on guest list lah. hehe.. it was down to 130 pax only.

i love ur cupcakes so much i kept thinking abt it. hahaha.. wonder issit too late to order 4 my own bdae this wk. anyway hv PM-ed u...

yah i think all the mummies will understd how much their own moms sacrificed when they r mothers themselves. i dun think i wld hv survived if my mum din help me care for R when i am at work.
why din u order fr SO then in the 1st plc? think u mentioned b4 but i 4got.

can see now u v kan cheong abt the cake liao! heee... i oso settled my cake design the wk prior to R's bdae.

get ur own silblings (if u hv) to help wif the deco. 4 me, it was only me, my sis n my hb to deco the plc within 2.5 hrs. timing was juz nice to deco, set up laptop/projector, final touch up.
as 4 buffet, vivian did recommend AXA catering n jenny said hers was gd. 4 me, i wanted angeli but it was fully booked for R's bdae so cld not take in my order. in the end, i had to go back to neo garden. i can hv extra 5% off (for members only) on top of 15% off for 1st bdae (applicable to all). so if u ordering neo garden, i can PM u my member details.
Hi Mango/Jackiejon,

Wah.. me gonna to fly liao!! actually thanks to the viral infection i have got 2 weeks ago. lost 4kg in total. though suffering (cannot eat, once eat will throw up, running very high fever) but haha i lost weight! hopefully will not gain back loh..

Hi Mango,
feel different means different gender(old wife tales) good what...
<font color="ff0000">Bbgrace</font>,
You damn "bad" hor.But i like your
"obligatory celebrations "

We actually decided to book few tables for
all the folks at Grand Shanghai..
like what you said..
Relax, relax, sit there and eat but think
it may be quite embarrass for the two
families to get together as we quite big
family thou... so we decided to split into 2 celebration instead but i like the idea of sitting and relax thou
Yes, cake can store overnite, provided your fridge got space and temp is right.
I tell you hor, Jolene's 2nd cake arrived at my home on Sat afternoon cos Room For Dessert dun open on Sun, and her celebration was on Sun.
Jolene's 1st cake from PG, arrived at party venue at 11am but I hadn't reach yet. Not sure if that cake is "overnite" cake. But is ok lor.
I will want to collect the cake earlier even though party venue is near to PG, just to play safe lah.

Actually no need to wait for all to come for cake cutting. Once the timing is up, no need to wait any further. For my case, my mum's brothers need to rush off for wedding dinner. Actually they told me they couldn't come, but ended they came at ard 6pm+ when nothing was ready. They sat ard to chit chat and finally once buffet were setup, I quickly asked them to help themselves to the food. Of cos, they din get to eat the cake in the end cos the cake cutting was at 8.30pm. One of my close friends hasn't reached yet, but I still proceeded. Partly becos of the previous case when I waited for my dear MIL to appear... ended tat time cake cutting was dragged an hr later.

PG only provides those normal candle. If you want fancy candle, buy yourself outside.

You "bu shuang" with her ah, what happened?

If you are willing to spend. Try Eatzi Gourmet, they are actually Jack's Place.
End of the party, they came to clear their stuff, they even help to clean up the place. We just sat there to chit chat while waiting for them to clear. All trash bags were throw by them, I din see the trash bags lying ard the garage area. Suspect they drove off with the trash bag. They provide lots of utensils (forks, different sizes of spoons, chopsticks), different sizes of plates, bowls, cups etc... and provide those boxes for us to tabao food! Setup were nice (Esther told me b4 cos her friend used b4, but I din think too much), got high got low, not throw everything there one lor. The cold dishes were spread on those glass plates. They brought a floral for deco but I told them to bring back cos no space to put, I've too much stuff. Not sure why, the overall setup, the food looks little for 65 pax but there's 50% leftover (I did over ordered for relatives to tabao lah), though my relatives ate till they couldn't eat any further. My hb said maybe is the way they did the setup.
I love the customer service by Eatzi Gourmet, very prof lor. First time got extra utensils and lots of trash bags(I also buy extra cos not enough to use, but this round, those I bought were not used at all. They provided a lot). And guess what? I received a gift of token from Eatzi Gourmet leh, though is not something ex, but it's the customer service that will want me to use them again for next function. The staff was so polite and told me "Mrs Tan, this is a small token from our company. Have a nice party and I'll be back at 9.30pm to slowly pack up, while you can tabao the leftover food." End of the party, the staff even came up to me and asked how's the food and party. Feel touch lor.

Cos I dun like cake to be "tall". Smiling Orchid ones are tall lor. Then I was then thinking of taking orange zest mah, tats why I went to check with PG lor, and ended with their order keke...
<font color="ff0000">Delphine</font>,
Really... anyway thou we should be hoping
for opposite sex hor but hor secretly i
dun mind another gal like Megan like that
easy to
take care..Overall i quite pleased with my gal
Mummies who are ordering yr cakes from PG
PLS DUN WORRY. I guess after so much wo la la with PG, they should be seriously taking considerations to their cake designs. Actually, Jaslyn's cake turns out to be nice. Just that I'm disappointed with what they din do to my design when they said they could. Well, my relatives said the cake was nice, but my cousins and family members who knew my design were terrible upset with me.
If you are not doing the theme like my original design, nothing to worry abt. The cake will turn out nice and sweet. Just that every kid has the same design/shape of the cake, but different color and figurines. Just dun expect too much fanciful design from the cake, then you won't be so disappointed like me
Here's wishing Jaslyn Happy Birthday!

Glad to hear you are ok now

The cake you had for Kyra is very similar to what I have in mind for Kaelen after knowing that he can't have a 2nd tier with '1' on top cos we are only going for 2kg... What is the weight of your cake?
hi pups,

tricia b'day is 2kg, exactly the same design as Kyra's one, expect the figurines are different.

oh yah, i did not use the Pooh Add on set. U want it?

hi jenny,

i have learnt a lesson now. so as what my SIL say, the cake cutting is more for the kids, who likes to blow the flame from the candle rather than the adults. wat i'm pissed off is that, my cousins who have confirmed that they are indeed coming but last min back up yet did not tell me...

To Jaslyn,

Happy Birthday! All the other kids are celebrating for you!

To all babies,

Happy Children Day!
Thanks for offering. I have already gotten mine. Managed to grab the last set from Great World City last Friday and saw your msg only after that. You want to check with Jlyn? She was interested but not sure if she still needs it..... Jlyn?

Cake-wise, smaller cakes lesser designs to play around with, I guess?
Unfortuately, I dont have any silbings as I am the only child.

Most probably will ask my children's Godparents to help me.

On that day, my hubby cant help me because he will be home with the two kids.
(Jonathan has a school concert @ the Salvation Army in the morning and will only end at 12pm.
After that I will most probably rush down to the venue to check in and settle the paper work
during that time, I have ask my hubby to drive the kids home to let them have afternoon nap
because in the evening will be the birthday celebration and dont want them to feel too tired).

If I am getting Neo Garden, I will pm you. Anyway, thanks in advance.

Its good that you are well now to celebrate Desiree's birthday.

Thanks for the detail information. Later I will go to Eatzi Gourmet to have a look at their menu.

No leh.. i didn't go down with my hubby.. he went down by himself to collect... didn't hear him say anything about the cake shop but, yes, he was quite fed up that day.. due to becoz his leg was cut by the box that contain all the ang Ku kuehs..... Dunno if it affected his mood when he went to collect the cake.. He did mention that their attitude not so good la.. and somemore.. actually the cake dun turn out to be as what i expected.. I told them SPECIFICALLY that i want the BORDER of the Cake to be ALL STRAWBERRIES.. haiz.. nvm.. already over.. next year gonna use smiling orchid.. haha...


Yep, it's from PG...


Mine is 2 kg de.. but the design i amended a little. as in my reply to Jenny.. the guests commented that the cake is very nice.. but would be nicer if the trimmings were all in strawberry ...Zzzzzzz... that was my initial design to them.. they even drew it on my invoice...and about the chocolate orange zest.. okie okie only.. still have a small pc of the cake in my fridge... If you are taking this design.. can go for the lemon drop i think.. i tried a slice.. it's quite nice.. prob bcoz i am pregnant and love the smell of lemon.. =) and let them know you wan the border to be fully strawberry.. if not.. very creamy with no fruits..
Suan le, just be happy

Anyway I forget everything at the party when I saw how Eatzi Gourmet did their work. This is customer service.
Yep, Jaslyn has 12 years to celebrate with all kids. In fact, she shares the same birth date as my 1st BIL.

Oh then not you le. Cos the one in front of me is a couple. Same elmo cake design as yours. Maybe I remember the wrong name cos it starts with "K" too.
I next next time order from PG, just pass them figurines and tell them they decide the cake design will do lah.
Actually I already settled my mind to use Smiling Orchid for Jolene's sch cake next year hahaha... Kiasu hor? Already planning kekeke... but planning is one thing lah, must see if they got open during Jolene's bday or not cos hers fall on CNY period.
Hmm ya the cream a bit creamy, I threw them away. You want strawberry, got additional charge or not?
Pups, tks for remembering..

Gemini, u wanna pm me a price?

lilboymum, actually bb can put on wgt quite fast if they kwai kwai eat their food and drink their milk. At one time, my elder boy was very skinny.. some more he has big head + "kok tou" on his forehead and back of head (dont knw if u knw wat i mean.. haha), he looks like tweety bird lor. After that, he started drinking and eating well.. he's now very much heavier than my younger one. I'll be very happy if my younger boy can hit 8.5kg when he turns one.
<font color="ff6000">jackiejon</font>
i was thinking of starting around 4pm mah.. so considered late afternoon bah... then cake-cutting ard 6+pm.. so not too late, all e babies can go back early for bedtime...

<font color="ff6000">jenny</font>
juz tat e attitude very "ai mai ai mai" lor... sort of made me feel tat their bizness is so good tat they cannot be bothered whether i order from them or not... answer my enquiries also half-hearted.. they call me hor, i havent finish talking kena hung up liaoz...
i agree with u, e Eatzi customer service very good... im impressed... hardly see good cust svc nowadays...
I was just about to ask you which menu you choose, before I can post, you already replied

Ya, I also noticed that their menu is pretty fixed.

Further more, need to pay delivery charges while other normally will waive off if you hit a minimum head count.

You only dont pay for delivery charges if you are a jack place member.
I have printed out the menu and will check with hubby. If decided to order from them, I will pm you for your membership #


Are you getting/paying someone to help you to decorate the place? Eg. balloons. Any lobang?
No prob.
Actually I took a gamble this round, none of my friends tried b4, but I believed since they are Jack's Place, they should be able to provide good food, so I just went ahead to order. I wanna order the western menu one, but I see the price, I turn to other pages hahaha...
Let me see if free to arrange the pics and show you the setup today or tomor.
<font color="ff6000">jenny</font>
nope, not confirmed as yet.. but am in the midst of liasing with 3 "home" bakers... hopefully 1 of them can come back with something i like & i can confirm it soon....

<font color="ff6000">jackiekon</font>
im using grefio for helium gas for the balloons... the webby is www.grefio.com.sg
as for e rest of e decor... it will be me (supervisor only.. hahahaha..) and hubby/maid/nieces/nephew executing... hehehe...
Oh that is very good.

Now I have either you (Eatzi Gourmet) or Crystallized (Neo Garden) membership to "use".

1) Will you be renting the helium tank from Grefio OR
2) Getting Grefio to blow up the balloon at the actual venue OR
3) Grefio blow up the balloon and deliver over to you at the actual venue
Yes, party city does rent out helium tanks.

There are two sizes:
1) Small tank -$30 (with $100 cash deposit)
2) Big tank -$160 (with $200 cash deposit)

Both tanks above need at least 1 week advance booking.

As for Balloon R Us, I will call and check
Balloon R Us

30 balloons - $40 helium tanks
50 balloons - $60 helium tanks
100 balloons - $90 helium tanks

with $200 deposit

Helium tanks need at least 2-3 days advance booking

By the way, the gal that I spoke to @ party city is not sure the small & big helium tanks can blow how many balloons!!!!
Hi freshpoison77,

what theme you are having? you have the contact?
i can pm you if you want.

Hi jackiejon,

Ya.. glad that i am well enough to celebrate her big 1!!
haiz. the thing is, my boy doesnt eat well...doesnt at all. but he's erratic, somedays he eats, some days, he lives on air...

well, if my boy were to reach 8.25kg by his first bday, i';ll be prancing around in my bikini man...alas. i dount i have the chance...

eih, the agar agar looks good leh. how does it taste? order from???
Can I check beside Coral, babe, freshpoison, Esther, babygrace who have ordered PG cakes for the coming bday party, who else did?

I'm doing Chan Wei a favour. He called me this evening and we had a long conversation on phone. Before ending the call, I mentioned to him that I have a couple of friends, ordering their kids' cake for the coming few weeks. He said he will personally take special care note for you gals' cakes. Therefore, I need your name + contact + invoice/ref # for his reference. Pls email me and I shall consolidate a list and email him tomorrow evening.
Good news? Is it... you preggie keke?

Call James Chan at 97887807 for the agar agar. Is homemade by Mrs Chan, my first few times order are quite nice and it created a wow wow to the little kids. The last time I ordered for Jaslyn's full mth, my mum and aunts complained too sweet. Anyway they also sick of the same dessert, so I din order this time for Jaslyn's birthday. Order Pine Garden Oneh Oneh instead, and it created another wow wow.
See lah I am so NOT looking forward to the chalet n bbq that I only managed to checkin the chalet around 5pm n met Delphine there. Heng my bbq food haven arrive yet cos they actually tell me 4-6pm....hahaha

WAH!! I love those cupcakes.....so pretty n sweet.

Yah I got the email from ur office that's why got ur num from Gemini but u changed is it?? got my sms anot??
My bbq ended very late 12am cos my parents n brother came very late around 10pm so we quickly change n settle Damien for bed liao. This boy hor super 1 leh 2 nights sleep at 12+am he still okie leh heng now come home he back to normal time else hor I peng san aah.
Aiyoh your cake SOOO nice......now I wish Damien was a girl so I can have those sweet themes....hahahha

hahaha...u reminded me. When I saw vivian's matching tops I was thinking to myself I wanna do the same for D's bbq end up forgot all about it until now I read ur post...hahaha

Got double standard aah 2 diff celebrations....kekeke

Sian hor some relatives invite them machiam like we owe them 1. My sis ask if I invited my cousins cos she was talking to 1 of my cousin's wife on msn. So I told her if they wanna come then come lor. N hor they really came leh but really thick skin lor. Come for my bbq eat my food drink my drink never give anything at all leh but they bought $10 worth of lolipops for my sis daughter. Machiam they come for my sis party like that.

Preggy aah congrats first....so happy for you leh.
i will PM u my invoice details
In fact just now in the afternoon, i was so worried that I email PG to ask Chan Yun if PG has any problem fulfilling my order. If yes, then i will have to source for another alternative.did not received any reply so far.
Did Wei Chan have anything to say to ur unpleasant incident?
Pls help me to chk whether my care bear figurines submitted to them is safe and sound too
have PM u the details
Pls let me know if u did not receive my PM

i super KS one so buy everything to submit to PG
yet they still charge me $20 for artistic charge when i am using their in house design and provide them the figurine. but i also dun want to aruge on that as long as the cake turn out to be expected
Damien's chalet+BBQ
Fri night
Mainly was all disaster all following 1 by 1.
Bbq on fri with hubby bros n mum n auntie only already soooo sian. Imagine its a bbq lor n I waited in the room for them to 'start' fire. When I come out the fire so big but his 2 bros already at the bbq n all filled with food. Nevermind that but hor they bbq about more then half the food. ALL chao ta n they disappear into the room expect us to EAT those.
Wah lao I so angry lor flair up at hubby pay so much for chalet pay for bbq endup wat do I get??
Eat ppl's chao ta food. N some not cooked properly n the stingray n sotong all bbq liao open n throw on a plate. See liao so sian man. I rather pay the money for food outside aah confirm much nicer.
Even their own sister refuse to eat the food they bbq she say she will bbq her own.
So I warned him to tell his brothers not to do it the next night when I have guests. Ask them to only bbq for their own food.

Me alone with D cos hubby go to work so waiting for my sis to come with my niece n nephew so we can all go swimming n escape theme park. Endup 3pm+ my sis tell me she still at HOME. Sian already waste my halfday waiting for her heng D slept while waiting. So I brought D to swim alone.
Suppose to start fire at 5pm but my bils bringing the firestarters went Wild wild Wet n MIA lor endup hubby reach at 6pm+ then start fire. Heng my friends not here yet.
Once fire going same thing happen bil n cousins all at the pit bbqing the food. So I went to hubby again n ask him r they going to bbq all the food. N his ans was its still frozen can't bbq all. Damn pissed man. So I made him go n remind them to bbq their own food only.
N after my friends came they still hogging the pit n I found 2 black wings nobody say they own so throw away n I put a few wings ask my nephew to help bbq so at least my friends can have something to eat.
The wings bbq until so nice lor that it all MIA. So did my bils. my nephew n sis hubby pointed to the plate next to the pit filled with wings n guess wat my bil took it away even when I said very loudly "Where are my chicken wings???"
Win liao lor n my friends got nothing to eat got to wait till the pit empty then can bbq. Heng I only invited 3 close friends n their hubby. Else hor I think I might KILL my hubby on the spot man.
During cake cutting hubby pass our digicam to his brothers for photo taking. After that I found my digicm with the LCD face down on the stone table. N it kanna 1 DEEP Scratch on it lor. WTF man so angry I took so much pains to keep my digicam in good condition.

I'm so glad its ALL over. I told hubby NO MORE BBQ with his family EVER!!!!
