(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Thanks for the info..
OMG...now then I realise when Sky is STILL a baby...whenever he is tired... the eyeball will show... as it slant to 1 side..I din manage to see what happen to the OTHER eyeball...wahahahahahahah
But now.. he so old..he will demand to sleep... if not we will force him to sleep...din really see his eyes...

Sky DUN DARE to cycle for sometime at least now...
Becos he turn corner at a high speed..and the whole bicycle FLIPS..the 4 wheels type are not good at cutting corner at high speed...

i see. thks for sharing. I rem hvg the same concern when E was younger but now seems ok.

I'm sure N1 squint will go away. Don't worry. Just follow doctor's advice diligently.

sounds like Sky can cycle well ... hee hee... can turn corner at high speed somemore!

Hey v long time no see you and ur 2S ley. When you want to show face ? kekekekkeke.....
Show face at where...whahahahahahahhaha

Today bought 2 bottle of vits lor... then hor...
I read the bottle then realise is 4yrs and up...
already told the staff lor that I am buying for a 1yr old..but she still din tell me the bottle is for 4 and up... what to do...
Not sure if GNC accept return??
Then hor.. I also think of giving them.. but at a LOWER dosage..maybe 1 tablet for 4 and up...
I give half to shane...and the other half to sky... can or nt har
<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
I also didn't know they can cycle already. We got Jo a BMX on X'mas and she's still on 4 wheels.

Hope N1 eye problem get corrected soon.

<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
har...don't lah. Go and return or exchange for something else.
tt's a gd qn. arrange to meet up lah.

why dont u keep the vits for S1 ? i think dun have vits for 1YO, maybe the liquid one but i can't rem name.

I think this age still 4 wheels bah ? I still thinking how to teach E. I scared once she fall once she'll be afraid already.
ermm.. i mean she can cycle on 4 wheels only in the last six months... you see? she's that uncordinated.

yes, let's arrange to meet up... it's been really long, and I missed out on many that were organised too..
maybe we should have a guilty mums gathering to form some sort of support to one another. Eh... but then SN not eligible for entry cos she's a full-fledged committed mum!! haha
twinkets, thanks for the links. Yes, I think its important to tailor her learning to her interests... and and slowly guide to develop the confidence in the new areas. My consolation is that eventually they will figure out like how to read, how to write, how to count. like McKee says, every kid learns differently!
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
I'll be the first to join the club. Mother of 2 will understand most. Not to mention about educating. I am more guilty I don't even have time to sit on the floor to play with Jo.

When I need to do things I just open the gate bring the bicycle out so she can cycle back and forth to lift area and cycle back till she's

Sometimes I just wonder should I get a full-time helper to do the domestic stuff so that I can have quality time with the children.

<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
When E start learning to cycle on 2 wheels you can join in and learn with her. hahaha....

I'm planning to get scooter/glider for Jo's birthday. And I also want to learn too. Initially, we wanted to get for her as x'mas present. Tried out on her but she don't know how to move and balance on the scooter.
<font color="0000ff">mckee</font>
Come to think of it Jo also started on real 4- wheeled bike recently, 2mths only. Before that she was on tricycle cyling in the house. But those tricycle can cycle reverse and forward. The BMX only forward. Jo was not use to it initially. Keep trying to cycle backwards.
ha ha ... we should meet up! been awhile. when ? when ?
we go park ? let the kids ride their tricycle and 4 wheeler than we chat... daddy can look after them =P opps....

a FT helper is good. def will give u quality time to kids but for ur unique situation, u hv to think of how u want to manage her when you're not ard......

just had thot... gals so young cycle, will be 'disadvantaged' or not =p hee hee..... if you all know wat i'm talking abt .... =P
actually ur statement of 'mother of 2 will understand' ... makes me worried too .... will i be so bz till i neglect E when i have #2 ? sigh, think she'll feel so sad. i don't know if i got the energy and determination to really give both attention and love equally.

few days back, i was at CC to pick E. a mother came to pick her kids. elder gal and younger boy. boy came out she kiss and welcome, elder gal, she say 'hi' and 'take ur bag n let's go'. I'm not saying a case of she prefer boys but from what i see, cos gal older, so expected to 'behave in older way' with responsibility. while didi gets more attn cos younger.... no fault of hers and i might even react the same way if i'm in her situation. so its like older one slightly more neglected cos of expectations and mother being busier with another kid...

sorry, i'm blabbering my thots again...
<font color="0000ff">Bbrooster</font>
I bot Jay a kids scooter from NTUC Xtra 2 weeks ago. We saw some ang-moh kids around Jay's age managing them so well at the Botanic Gdns that hb says "Set! Let's just get one and let him try"
He is still struggling with it and is more interested in ringing the bell but i let him fall, pick himself up and try again. They will get it somehow but boys are definitely more garang.

<font color="ff0000">Shane</font>
Oh, u very cute. Get a bicycle with good cushioning. I'm sure E will be fine

<font color="0000ff">Learning</font>
Didn't know there is a hot discussion topic going on until i hear it from CEO..
It was precisely the reason of me worried about feeling more stress up in the next few years that i decided to start some serious learning from the beginning of this year. I just tot by giving him a sound foundation will somehow give him a head start

Similarly liked Twinklets, i also self-made my "educational tools". I made cards with alphabets that spells out his name. I used the memory game method by covering and opening the cards to help Jay to memorize his name. Guess it kind of worked.

I think we can start slow but have to be consistent in setting aside 1/2 to 1 hour aday just for learning. 1 worksheet a day seems fair but very much depends on their mood. If they prefer reading, then we will not write on that day. I guess giving them rewards like stars, stickers and creating the environment also plays a part. Jay loves the fact that he has a pencil case with ruler , eraser etc...Oh yes, he simply enjoys sharpening his pencils!

3 days ago, i printed out Jay's name with TRACE fonts and attempt to let him write. I purposely leave space to allow room for free-hand writing. I was so glad to learn from my maid when i came home yesterday that Jay had succeeded. I'm back to office, printing more words and numbers.

Even with 1 kid, setting aside quality &amp; learning time can already be a challenge. I probably will not be so disciplined too if i have a 2nd kid. It's really easier said than done.
<font color="0000ff">LV</font>
There are no guilty mothers here. For the fact that we are already discussing on the topic shows that our level of awareness is there.Our kids are generally doing fine. Learning is important but letting them enjoy their childhood matters too.

<font color="ff0000">Mckee</font>
Poor N1. I hoped she's fine.
Jay was recently diagnosed with short-sightedness for about 50deg in each eye.It's not conclusive cos at their age, their eye are still in the stage of development. However, we have to be very mindful of his posture and lighting when he sits and read. For that matter, i've cut down his T.V viewing time drastically.
I saw a kid of about 5 year old recently with an eye patch that looks like a plaster with flower prints on it.Is ther what N1 is wearing? Jay asked me why she wearing it and i didn't noe how to explain?
Hello ladies, long time never contribute anything here. Been quite busy for the past few weeks after back in USA.

Hope N1's squirt will gone soon.

Guess i'm a lazy mom as I didn't even bother to let Ian do any tracing of letters or colorings. Anything he learn are mainly PC related. :p
<font color="0000ff">Shane/Bbrooster</font>
Sad.. I also very scare I'll be liked tat. Neglecting #1 next time. Whenever I think of this, I'll b v moody &amp; sad. I tell myself must get Ashley involved of helping to take care of Didi &amp; when I BF, she'll sit besides me to read her own book. I keep imagining she sings songs softly to bb when bb sit in carseat besides her. I'm imaging the most ideal scenario so that I can be positive abt having 2 kids. BUT to be able to achieve it in real time is really big big question mark. I guess I just have to keep on being positive &amp; put my priorities right. Last thing I want is she becomes very close to her Nai Nai becos I've to take care of Didi most of the times. Gee. (hee selfish mummy here wants to be #1 from both her kids. :p )

<font color="ff0000">Jaymom</font>
How u noe Jay got shortsighted? U suspect it &amp; send him for eye test?

Btw, Ash luv to sharpen her pencils too! Every friday, her teacher will ask her to bring bk her pencil bag of color pencils. I'll need to quickly sharpen for her else she'll come disturb me. hehe
it was just blabbering from me...
I think all the mothers of 2, is managing fine. Maybe have to set expectations, cos we work. So we cannot expect so much of ourselves.
For me, I just hope, E will understand and not feel that I'm neglecting her.
Getting her involved wif bb is a gd way to maintain a bond - like telling her 'hey, we're in this together'.
I noticed him blinking his eyes very frequently,esp when he's watching TV.Initially i associate the fact that he may not be sleeping enough or his eyes are feeling tired or dry but this habit dragged on for nearly 2-3 weeks.

To alleviate our fears, we decided to send him to a optometrist to have his eyes check out and our suspicion proves to be true. Reading to him with a bedside lamp on is a No-No now...We need to bring him back 6mths later to check again.

Did you get Ash the wheel and axle type of sharpener? I'm planning to get one. I used to liked very nicely sharpen coloured pencils myself when i was young
This is natural, W do that as well when he 1st tried to cycle, so don't worried, Jo will able to master it

about cycling
hahaha... ...
If I understand what you mean

Good cushioning? I don't think will helps

Will that bothers you?
New age, new mummy, let it be! Even climbing, running, dancing, swimming will cause as well.

I will only spend once a week with W, less than half an hour on weekend. I think by end of the days (weekdays), their energy had drain off, can't even concentrate. Especially those kids in CC for full day, I think they should rest and enjoy more then stress them
I started to print wksheets only after teacher said that parents need to revise certain letters &amp; numbers. On weekdays, we only reach home around 9pm...i feel bad if he still has to do 'homewk'.

Dun worry u will always be #1...our kids will stick to us no matter what! Don't think nai nai can replace u in Ash's heart!

For mine is quite a balance...PLAY they will look for hb, SLEEP &amp; EAT both ask for me! And when they wants to be SAYANG also will come to me..althou C sometimes goes to hb.
Hihi everyone..

speaking abt tracing letters n colouring..well..at least i'm not alone..R oso cant trace..n cant colour within the shape..despite that he has to bring homework back to do every friday...

last week, he started to bring back worksheet on tracing his name..
he will get this every month..
school is telling us,N2 kids shd be able to write their own names by end of this yr..

abit stress mann..
i still have not convert one of the room to kids room..
looks like i hve to do that soon..to give them a better conducive place to study..

cos i find that by doing homework in the living room..he is so distracted with tv and toys n everything..

even cycling..r oso dunno..he prefers to use his legs..he find that it will be faster to move the bike this way..

n the kids who are same age as him in our block can cycle so well..

but no matter i try to push..he just wont listen..so i give up..perhaps n i hope that he will pick it up when he is older n ready..

hows jay now? bedside lamp cannot? is it cos it is not bright enough?
u got mi worried..
looks like i hve to cut down on R's tv too..he can watch at least 1 hr of tv leh..
bbrooster, I'm also in the same club, and it was the worst of times when the younger one was an infant. The elder one was neglected big time. I didn't have a maid then, and I was like a headless chicken doing housework, cooking and looking after the baby. The elder one I dumped to my hb and MIL. But now things are better when #2 is approaching 2 yrs old, as both kids will "entertain" each other and I can play with both at the same time. Then I finally got a maid to worry about the cooking and housework.

twinkets: how about http://www.natalessentials.com/?
I have not tried the confinement food but they have a dinner tingkat which was ok.

About elder one becoming close to nai nai -- the older they get, the less likely they will stick to nai nai. Last time, my girl was looked after by her grandmother as I worked part time. This was till she went childcare. Despite me neglecting her big time after #2 came along, she now sticks to me like a peach. They know who is the mummy
Which lead the grandmother to "complain" that she had been forgotten ha ha.

shane, what you said is true of me. When i come home from work, the younger one will stand at the gate and keep calling me so I return the greetings with great enthusiasm... while the elder one is already more subdued and reserved, so I end up greeting her in a more serious fashion...
<font color="0000ff">Jaymom</font>
oic.. it is pretty worrying to noe your own child having some degree, let's hope Jay's degree will decrease or stagnant. How abt bringing him to more nature parks, let him see more greens? Think eating wolfberries as snacks will help too.

I didnt get such sharpener for her. If I'm getting, will be for myself! :p Kinda frustrating to sharpen her color pencils every wkend cos my sharpener is those low grade 1, normally is her goody bag pressies. :p I think u'll b v busy if u getting tat for Jay, guess he'll have this as past time interest. hehe.

<font color="ff0000">Shane</font>
Ya I guess we shouldn't have too high expectations too.. Another thing I dun want is my Ashley being a quiet &amp; reserved gal cos she may feel Mummy doesn't luv her as much as last time. This actually happens to my 6 YO niece. Her lil' bro is 2 that time. 4 years gap too. Sighs, she said such statement to my sis that time &amp; that really broke my sis's heart &amp; my sis was very guilty abt it. Before her bro came along, my sis devoted her time to her gal. After her boy comes along, the boy is being too active already &amp; need all my sis's attention.. sighs..

<font color="aa00aa">Adora</font>
Thanks thanks, I hope so too. You are lucky yours are balanced. At least U wont feel like so xin li bu ping heng. keke. Me very emotional when come to my kids 1. I still remember I WAS very posessive towards Ashley when I was in my 3 mths maternity leave. :p

<font color="119911">Forgetmenot</font>
U dun be so stressed, just try to give ur best to them can already.

<font color="ff6000">Mich</font>
Thanks, I've send the link to my hb's collic. It is actually his collic wanting to find 1. I personally find the menu so ex, why not simply get a confinement lady. Poor gal can't get confinement lady cos the hb doesnt want 1 at his home. Infact he seem like very indifferent to this pregnancy cos they are shot gun marriage. I was telling Hb that his collic is so poor thing, has to marry to such a guy. SAD!!

I guess for ur case, it is inevitable cos the age gap is like 2 yrs rite? It is really not easy to take care of both kids when 1 is at the terrible 2 age &amp; another 1 is still so small. Anw now u are relaxed mode already, time to enjoy the heartwarming moments that u can see from the 2 gals now.

Since u say so now.. u greet ur #1 in a more serious fashion.. why not tonight give her a big hug? Think u have to think think why she is turning more subdued &amp; reserved .. ?
Twinklets, geeze, can't understand the man who won't spare a thought for his wife! I also feel sad for the wife.

Yup, my greeting with #1 is more "serious" but no less warm. She also gets a kiss and hug too
By nature, she is actually the more reserved one compared to #2.

So I guess when the ever noisy and cheerful #2 comes running (I even hear her calling me down the coridoor), that's why end up sounding louder and more excited in the greeting!

Maybe its like instinctively relating to each child based on their own style?
Hi hi hi! =)
Have been busy as I had to clock in more hours for my part-time work, so only get the chance to read and catch up from time to time, but no time to post.

<font color="ff6000">Twinklets</font>
Wah, I really pity that girl - preggie already like that. When the baby arrives how? Hopefully she doesn't get post-natal depression. It is a tough period to go through, and the hb's support is very very important.
You know hor, my sister went for the BF class, and I was surprised that her hb even went in with her! I told her GOOD, coz she needs all the support she can get when it comes to BF. A good mindset of the hb would do a lot of good.

<font color="ff6000">Mich</font>
I can understand what you are saying - the younger one would tend to be more openly affectionate, and it is like a mirror. Mummy would return it likewise.
Guess it also depends on character. Yesterday at NTUC, hb brought JJ to look for me, and when JJ saw me, he came running, shouting "Maaaammeeeeee...." and gave my thigh a tight hug. I was so embarrassed. Looks like he had not seen me in a month. Wahahahaha.
<font color="0000ff">Tracing</font>
JJ can't trace very well, and gives up easily. Think because he feels that he is not doing it well, so we shower him with a lot of encouragement and he would keep trying.

His CC also no homework and teachers didn't ask us to practise leh. I don't plan time for him to trace/write, but when he is in the mood to write, we would encourage him to keep going.

He is also beginning to recognise words. The first word he can spell is CAR. Hahaha. I guess that is expected for boys. He can also recognise simple words like HAT etc. Reminds me of a joke...

JJ was reading out loud:
A is for Apple
B is for Ball
C is for Cat...

Hb happily tells me "JJ can read!!!".
I walked up to JJ, use my hand to cover the pics (beside the alphabets &amp; words) on the next page and asked JJ to read the words. Silence...
Point proven: JJ remembers us reading and he use the pics to read instead. :p Not yet dear, JJ can't read yet.
I think Sky still dunno la
Actually I VERY KS..u know those numbers and letters book for pre-school.. the one where u can learn to write letters and number with the tracing part..oh I have like 3 at my mum place... I bought last June..as to keep him busy for the school holidays... but now..COLLECTING DUST dunno at which corner..Sky REFUSE to trace!!! he onli colour this and that!!!

Aiyo... that colic of ur hb..very poor thing lor...
Hi mummies, we had finally settled down in our new house. Love the space and convience around the area. Had a really bad flu due to unpacking.

twinklets, u mention u'll feel bad neglecting #1, but i am quite opposite from you...haha i do feel bad neglecting my #2 in terms of photos, update on her growing in the blog....etc be'cos Jacia simply take up too much of my time.
TL, JJ is very affectionate... so sweet!

Yup, my girl also reads using pictures... without pictures, only know how to read a limited few words like daddy, mummy and her own and mei mei's name! ha ha...

jamci, I also neglect #2 in terms of photos, very lazy to take pictures now compared to #1's time.
Hi TL,
Can i know what part time job you are doing now? What is the working hours like? I tot of doing part time job next time when my child goes primary school. Thanks.
Regarding my hb’s poor colic, ya both me &amp; hb really sympathize her &amp; I can see my hb is trying to ease her stress by offering some help to her. Like helping her look for breastpump, confinement food, list of things to buy etc. So me is the 1 he asks lor, then I come to seek help here if I’m not sure. hehe. Hb told me to intro this SMH to her.
Sighs.. Sometimes really duno why some men have such selfish mentality.. btw she’s popping in May ..

<font color="0000ff">Mich</font>
I see I see, I can understand now after reading your post. Guess when 1 is more loud, the other 1 will seem to be more quieter.

<font color="ff0000">TL</font>
Yes yes, a good mindset of hb is very impt. I guess we as wife must really tell upfront what we expect our hb to help us once bb is born.
So ur sis going ahead with tingkat confinement food only? Ya she really need a lot of support from hb during that time, esp if she is having no confinement lady to help her.

Same same, Ashley also ‘read’ by pictures.
Think she only know afew simple words only, yesterday realize she recognizes “friends”, cos CC got this song abt friends &amp; will spell out FRIEND to in the song. Guess when they sing songs, they really can remember much better. Tat time she also read to me from 1 of her worksheets from CC. Once I one word by one word ask her, she dunno hw to answer me liao. So she also remember by hard 1.

<font color="ff6000">Glayz</font>
I bought those marker ink 1 from a BP. Those book surface use marker 1 &amp; can rub off kind. This gal only interested to trace liao, then rub off with the sponge. Can do that on 1 single page for many minutes. Waste my ink also, gee.. I bot total like 4 books, I wonder are they going down the drain?

<font color="aa00aa">Jamci</font>
Wow so nice, finally u are settled in your new home, then u can start blogging liao rite? Post some pics of ur new home in your blog leh. I wanna see. Also, pls keep your contacts incase I need to move house within these 2 years.

Understand your feeling here, scully end up I’m like u too, ie neglect #2. I’m gog to put #2 alone to sleep in the room. #1 still sleeping with us. Let’s see how I can cope when #2 comes along. Think not easy man. Must ask for more advises from you gals by then liao.
twinklets, some of my friends was sharing that those with 2 kids will find them pretty opposite in characters. It is true in my case, not sure whether true for other mummies here too?

Got a few friends who put #2 to sleep in another room after he/she was born, while #1 still rooms with them. And it has actually worked out very well for these friends. They tell me #2 very independent, more so than #1.

Are you getting a confinement lady?
hi mummies,

I've two tickets for The Magic Teapot for sale. Anyone wants? I bought it before finding out that N1's school bringing her too! sigh...

Anyway, the details are:

Best for ages 3 to 8

The Magic Teapot
Teapot Ensemble

Music, Storytelling

Who would believe that the little, humble, short and stout teapot could render such ‘tea-rrific’ music, scaling the musical spectrum from Telemann to Beethoven, from jazz to original tunes, from opera to nursery rhymes. All this has been brewed to perfection through the ingenuity of two accomplished musicians, each holding a teapot in one hand, singing or vocalising through the spout, and using the other hand across the open pot to stir up a rich vibrato and great sound effects.

And there’s more - the talented duo turns the teapots into percussion instruments, doubling the lids up as clashing cymbals; during the musical interlude, the audience will get to sip on a fresh cuppa of short scenes filled with delightful tea-spun stories and puns galore. Innovative and visually engaging, this show is an enchanting musical storm in a teapot!

Presenter Says: Bringing music to a completely different level, this funny and unusual performance will have you tapping your feet and humming as you leave.

My Tickets are on Monday, 9 Mar.

I think it is true for me #2 is more independent &amp; more willing to share.

Sleeping Alone
my #2 also v happy to see the new bed &amp; didn't cry at all when we moved them to their own room.
I am luckier cos both #1 &amp; #2 now sleep in their room....feel so happy that we have our bed back!

Can u imagine previously, both kids &amp; myself squeeze on the Queen bed &amp; hb sleeps on mattress.
<font color="ff6000">Mich</font>
Hee. So it is common for them to be able to just 'read' pictures most of the time. :D :D

So far that I hear, all the #2 get a lot less photos. :D :D :D So it is the norm. With only a pair of hands handling #1 and #2, it's difficult to go grab the camera for photos. Even for JJ now, not as many photos as in the earlier years. Mummy lazy liao. :p
<font color="ff6000">SeptVirgo</font>
I'm doing part-time for the same company that I worked for before JJ, so it's really based on the things I know previously.
Doing sales support for overseas customers.
<font color="ff6000">Twinklets</font>
Oh, Ash can recognise "friends"! I think they recognise the pattern of the word. JJ is very into spelling words now, so I just go along and help him read the alphabets in each word.

And last week, he just pronounced his first 4-syallbus word: Chrysanthemum. Hahaha. Happened that I was reading this library book with that title, and he pick it up from there. Previously, when he wants to drink Chrysanthemum Tea (that I make) he tells me "Mummy, I want Chry-sa-se-me". :D :D

I think my sis and her hb set on not having CF liao. Her hb very hands-on for housework, so I think should be ok. My sis also asking me about slow cooker for making soup themselves and I suggested to her the thermal pot. I think it is a good idea to make soup themselves. Tingkat... they are sourcing around, but most likely have to order that liao, at least for 1 meal a day, then hb will settle the dinner bit.
hi everyone...

i bought popular sharpener for them..but i never let them lay their hands on it..if not..it sure will be their fave past-times..

btw..when u sharpen the pencils, dun sharpen until very sharp..cos they may hurt themselves..

so happy to see u here..nowadays very busi?

u hve finally moved both R n C to their room?
where u get their furniture from n how u decor their room? post pics leh to give me some ideas..

i'm in the midst of doing that too..but i hve not buy bed for C..
just finished clearing the room for them n shifting all the other stuff into another room..

then realised room too small to accomodate all their toys..

btw..hows C reacting n adjusting to sleeping in the new room? both my R n C dun wan to sleep in the room when we talk to them about their new room...the other day...C's daddy was telling mi..C dun wan to sleep in the room..i was like thinking..of cos lah..if u ask,she sure dun wan one mah..

is just a matter of getting used to it..
i think i will hve to sleep on the floor with them initially before they finally settled down..
it's been a while since i administer fever med to our 3 yo.
Can help me to refresh my memory?

Paracetamol 4 hrly or 6 hrly? got limit the number of times to give in 24 hrs?
if give paracet and fever persist, can still give supp (voltaren) after how long duration?
@, so #1 and #2 now sleep together in the same room? Do they disturb each other, or wake up and play in middle of the night? My 2 girls now sleep in 2 different rooms. I want to move them together, but not sure what the outcome will be.

TL, yup, now they are much older, not so many 'changes' from month to month unlike baby days. Pictures taken this month look the same as pictures 3 months ago, so I was thinking no need take so many ha ha... am lazy also...

Before your sis gives birth, ask her to prepare all the herbs by packing into small portions. So each time can just grab 1 pack with all the required herbs and cook with the meat. Save time rather than have to arrange the herbs just before cooking. The confinement tingkat is quite expensive though.
paracetamol to be given every 6 hrly..
if u give supp..u cannot give nurofen or brufen.

if after giving paracetamol about 1 or 2 hrs liao, fever still high,then u can give either supp, nurofen or brufen..

n all of these medi, have to be 6 hrs apart..
eg: 1pm - paracetamol
3pm - still high fever, 38.5 n above,then u give nurofen/brufen/supp
7pm - paracetamol again...
1am - paracetamol

hope it helps

K fever? wat happen?

I gave Paracetamol 4hrly normally on the 1st day as fever usually comes back after 3-4hr. then 2nd day I give 6hly. There is a limit to # of time but I am not v sure. Shld be 4-5 times bah.

As for Supp, if fever is v high 39degree &amp; above then we can give.

Shane, FMN
We bot a new bed from Ikea actually planned to move R only but C loves the bed more than gor gor...she was the 1st to jump on the new bed, cover blanket &amp; pretend to sleep...v v cute! R wasn't interested in it at all.
I placed another sofa bed next to the Ikea Bed &amp; told R to sleep there!
Think he saw mei mei sleeping in the room he just guai guai sleep there too.
They have been sleeping in the same room for nearly 4mths already.

Arrr no need to ask if them cos the ans is always NO. I didn't really deco the room leh. Just had the bed w canopy frm Ikea. Use cute cute bedsheets...tat's all!

yes both are sleeping in the same room. They dun disturb each other &amp; so far didn't wake up n play leh...u mean your gals will wake in the middle of the night to play?
<font color="ff0000">Mich</font>
I'm not sure how true parents with 2 kids that have opposite characters. I guess if both having equally same stubbornness, activeness, loudness, think the parents will be v shagged. Most of what I heard is #1 notty, #2 will be more guai &amp; vice versa..

I feel better when I read that your frens putting #2 alone in another room. I hope I'm not shortchanging #2 just becos I let him sleep alone.. I really hope mine will work out fine &amp; this #2 can sleep thr 1. &amp; when #2 like 1 YO, I can try to psycho #1 go join #2, else hor really dun have own bed for ourself. Hb now currently sleeping on mattress by himself. Sometimes Ashley will join him on bed. Feel couplehood is getting really further &amp; further away...

Initially wanted to be like Adora like tat, put 2 kids sleep with me. But I think I may not be so lucky like her to get both out from bed when they older.

Yes I'm getting a confinement lady.

<font color="0000ff">TL</font>
Hee ya I tested her that day based on her Precious Moments dinner 'mat' (duno wat tat thing called). So I conclude that she learns &amp; remember better through singing.
Dunno issit good in the long run cos wait Primary 1 got spelling test, wait she still need to sing out loud in order to remember the spelling?!

Ya agreed with you our kids remember through the pattern too. Mine still at times confuse "car" with "cow" cos both are starting with "C". I have yet write on a paper to test her whether she really know how to read "car" &amp; "cow", but I think most likely she still can't read.

Ya the confinement food tingkat really comes so expensive. I also intend to cook soup for myself using slowcooker or the thermal pot after Confinement ends. Tell your sis must hao hao bu herself since she aint gog to get a CL to help with her needs &amp; food. Have she got ready her herbs &amp; Da Feng Cao (for bathing) yet? Btw ask her to get this tonic "Hui Ji Bu Yao Jing" from Chinese Medical Hall. That 1 very good for us women &amp; the back. It also tastes v nice to me (if u into tonic taste :p ) .

Btw, touchwood, *really touchwood hor*, ur sis ever thot of scully she kana C section how? Who is gog to help her if she kana that? U may wanna highlight to her on that leh ..

<font color="ff6000">Forgetmenot</font>
My sharpener lousy type.. usually sharpen too sharp, the lead will fall off liao.. Guess I must be like Jaymom, invest those spiral 1. But must secretly use behind her back lar.. :p

Maybe once furniture all put nice nice liao, U can think of painting the wall.. get those nice stickers, make the room so cosy &amp; nice, then they'll look forward to sleep in it everynite ..

<font color="aa00aa">Lv</font>
I dun insert suppository myself before for Ash, so cant help you on that.
Who's having high fever? K or J?

I usually feed paracedomol 6 hrly. &amp; if fever still persists over 39 degree, the 3rd hr I'll feed nurofen. Btw I always get confused by this P &amp; N medicine. Everytime kana, I'll still call my fren to refresh my memory. Normally I'll only need to feed N once , the rest will be P.
me too! every time fever, call my friend... cos the sequence is just very beyond me...

how high is the fever? i hope it drops completely before 7pm! cos when they sleep at night, it always flies high fast!

Wow! R can sleep on a bed! for me, All 3 on the tilam with maid in one room. Only maid remains in same position in the morning. All the rest roll all over. (my 3 tilams are side by side each other)
I think if i try the bed, sure fall off!
R used to flip 360 degree but now ok...C is the one who still roll all over! Btw she also sleep on the bed, so far ok...
thanks ladies. I'm flying back home now to give K a supp. MIl just told me her fever very high. last took paracetamol at 12 plus. already told 5 times within 24 hrs.

@, I'm just worried that the younger one who wakes up earlier will wake the elder one at an unearthly hour! They don't usually wake up in middle of the nite to play. I guess I'll just have to put them together and work it out.

twinklets, don't think #2 will feel shortchanged. If from the beginning, he is used to sleeping in his own room, he will think that is the normal thing to do. And when che che sees di di sleeping on his own, she may decide that is a great idea for herself! Yes, I do agree that must gain back couplehood time and keep the marriage alive.
