(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

twinklets n mckee,
i oso..cant really remember..the only thing i remember is that, have to give para every 6hrs..then after that if fever still high, then add on nurofen...

then recently got my memory refresh at the doc's clinic when c is sick..so she told me..all the medicine as to be 6 hrs apart..
meaning the 2nd dose of para has to be 6 hrs apart from the 1st..then the 2nd dose of nurofen has to be 6 hrs apart from the 1st dose..

u only bot one ikea bed? R has one with canopy..now going to get another one for C..but daddy is afraid that his precious C will fall off the bed..
actually initially when R sleeps, he did fell off the bed, but is ok..cos is very low..now he can stay in the bed without falling..

but hor..c is not keen in R's bed leh..hmm...is abit headache...anyway..dun care..going to get the same one..if not, wait both of them fight for it..hopefull still got stock..maybe i shd call n reserve..

btw..where u get the bedsheets? i find that ikea one the size is smaller..hve to buy their bedsheets leh

haha...C snr n S jnr really very alike leh..C oso will turn 360 degree..just the other day, she fell off from my queen size bed..

my #2 usually wakes up ard 5-6am for milk, she will cry " Mummy I want milk milk" keke but #1 sleeps like a PIG so he can't hear anything.

There was once when #2 was having fever & she vomited, we had to on the lights, change her, mop the flr & change bedsheet...AND my boy still sleeping soundly
Maybe u get her a princess bed so gor gor won't go for it...bedsheets I bot from Aussino, abit bigger for the mattress but ok leh.

I am also thinking of getting another bed for Ra cos he told me recently mei mei bed better got 'cover'.
I am thinking of getting a Disney Car or Ferrari bed for him.
C jnr also fell off my bed few times...
@, your #1 is such a good sleeper and can sleep through the loudest din

My #2 also always does the morning call thing between 6-630am and its super loud and wakes the whole world. So my hb decided to try and train her to keep quiet till 7am. When she wakes up, he will go in and tell her shhh, not time yet. But of course after a while, she will make noise again, so in he goes to remind her to be quiet. After a few mornings, she gave up calling and decided to play on her own till hb goes in at 7am.
same lor..C oso will wake up middle of the night n ask for milk..she knows that i wont give her..so she will turn to her daddy..n daddy sure wont reject her one..

haha..how i wish i can get a disney princess bed and car bed for R n C lor..so sweet n nice hor?
but knowing R..he sure will want the disney bed one..he will snatch with mei mei..
n somehow he likes pink n red lor..

so better get both same bed..
n hor..even getting both the same thing..they will oso choose..dunno what they choosing leh..

u get the normal mattress or spring mattress?
actually i got space constraint..cos the daddy wans to put everything related to them including their toys n book shelves in the room..so room quite cramp..

then the ikea bed size quite ok..cos smaller than single size bed mah..
which one u got? R's one is the kritter bed..just need to get another one..
Ra is the Kura ...oh yours is those small small ikea bed? If so then can't use Aussino bedsheets.


Actually we bot this irreversible hoping that next time Ra Sleeps on top n C can sleep below w mattress.

Their Rm only this bed & a wardrobe already v cramp.
So CUTE har... is mei mei who love the bed
Does ur C wake up for nite feed... i feel like chasing them out of my room.. but then Sky no guts la
then mei mei still demand her nite feed...(I need to shoo mei mei out earlier... she is climbing onto our bed in the middle of nite!!!)

errr.... Sky is STUBBORN..and mei mei..EVEN MORE!!!!wahahahahahahahaha
C sometimes still will want nite feed at 3am but most of the time is ard 6am. She will call me if she wants milk milk.
Yesterday she had nightmare & cry few times in the night...I run in & out of the room.. Shiong! Now I am having backache.

Those small bed they can't sleep for long...and also no space to toss n turn so we got this bed.
<font color="0000ff">Mich</font>
haha that's what I think too ideally, hoping #1 will get inspired by independent #2 next time! hehe but 'ideally' only, dunno 'realistically' can be achieved or not. Anw shall cross my fingers 1 year later. SCully I move bb back to our room during ML cos bui dong he cries at nite!!

<font color="ff0000">Forgemenot/Mckee</font>
yes yes! the sequence &amp; the hrly interval. sometime really so blur lor..

<font color="aa00aa">Glazy</font>
oops all the best to you. Mine also a hard nut to crack here too. STuborn #1, moreover #2 is an Ox + Taurus, think triple stuborn.
WAH...Congrats to u also
I have an ex-colic..also double ox...VERY STUBBORN lor..wahahahahahahaha
Tks. But will try to take more pics and blog once my house is much more neater.

Wow you finally got your bed back! My hubby had been complaining for 4 yrs sleeping on the floor...haha
Right now, my #2 sleep in her sister's room during noon nap only. Very soon we'll be trying to let her sleep in the same room for the night. Even thou' we had already bought her a new bed in the room but we dare not let her sleep in the new room because she was sooooo timid. She kept crying for the first 3 days whenever she need to sleep when we first moved in. So now more or less she is more settled down.
But i'm also worried they might wake each other UP cos both are quite light sleeper. *haiz*

Lv, think i am too late to give advise as the posting is on wed.
I always give the girls paracetamol every 4 hrs without fail for the 1st day.
If fever exceed 38.5, i will give supp (every 8 hrs only)(anytime but must be an hr after or before the paracetamol)
I never gave nurofen or brufen because i found them not so effective than supp. I mean the fever temperature goes down faster.
On 2nd day, usually fever will linger back so i would still give every 5hrs instead of 4hrs.
On 3rd day, if no fever....i still give every 6hrs especially before sleep.
Hope it help u!
Hows everyone?? so quiet..hehe..
anyway..i have finished with the kids' room..
they have been sleeping there since wkend..but i accompany them until mon..last night has tried to let them sleep alone.

show u pics of the room..i find abit messy cos everything including their toys are in the room too...

thanks for the info on fever. I also feel the brufen not fast enough to bring down the temp but also worried the side effect of giving too many supp. i try to limit it not more than 2 in a day (12 hrs diff) As for fever, i play by ear as well, i give only when there is but will drag the time from 2nd day onwards. I read before that giving too much paracetamol can cause asthma

nice decor for the kids. The room looks big.
really? give too much para can cause asthma?
btw..i heard from a fren that eating too much fish will cause phelgm..she heard it from a TCM doc leh..

i did not do any decor the room leh..does it look messy?
hi mummies..
Good Morning..
May i check anyone using Sony camera.. is it good?
How about canon? Did anyone went to ITshow to get camera? Mine is spoilt so thougt of getting one.. any suggestion?
<font color="0000ff">forgetmenot</font>
My mum also told me not to give fish whenever the kids got cough. Same reason it will cause phlegm.

Nice kiddy and colourful bedroom.

<font color="0000ff">Aries</font>
I have 2 Canon digital camera. Ixus 850 and 870. Thumbs up for Canon brand.

Have you given birth?
I just bought a Canon Ixus 80 finally last sat...
I bought at $319...dunno what is the price at the fair... i dun dare to go..I scare of crowd..
I had take a few pic at high ISO... come out pretty good....(haben upload to view on pc YET)
<font color="0000ff">Aries</font>
Wow u still here?? Havent pop yet?

I'm having old model canon ixus. So far still working fine. Think bought in year 2006. Feel like changing it but kinda bu she der. Anw, will still buy back Canon if wanna change next time. I like its fast shutter speed esp for moving objects.
Congrats...wohoo your bb is BIG..waiting to he his pics.

Yes I am a fan of canon ixus..Cool Camera. I love it!
<font color="0000ff">Camera</font>
My dad is die-hard fan of Sony (he plays with cameras), but when he was checking out my mum's Canon Ixus, he LOVES it! Hee.
<font color="0000ff">Congratulations Aries! Wow....big baby. Update us on pictures.</font>

<font color="0000ff">Take care and rest well!</font>
congrats! U ate a lot? Big baby also easier to carry.

I'm aiming canon too. Tired of olympus camera, but it seem hard to DIE on me....Haha. Even my previous very old pager never die on me when it fell from 11th floor. It still WORKS!!! *drats*

i didn't know paracetemol can cause asthma. anyway we can play safe too. But i think it also depend on the child's immune system and surroundings that cause asthma.

I only heard eating chix can cause a lot of phelgm. First time heard of eating fish can cause phelgm. I am fish lover leh.
Your kids bedroom very nice! But who is sleeping inside the tent? Unless switch on air-con at 25 degree, if not very hot inside.
Simple is nice! I also never did any decor in their current room because i learnt from my previous lesson...hee hee. I paste those stickers which is removable BUT it peel off my wall paints after sometime if i get tired of it and want to remove away. So i did not want to paste anymore.
Congrats Aries...
Ur boi.. big sia...

Agree on that... big baby easier to carry!!!
Mine look machiam like 1 month old when they are out...my neighbours at the ward...all look so SMALL...wahahahahahahaha
<font color="0000ff">Bbrooster</font>
pls dun be me the next 1. I want bb out on 28th april!!

<font color="aa00aa">Glayz</font>
same here, i went to nursery room to see, my ah bui gal the most bui there 1. but she was short @ 49cm, so she looked the most roundest there. Very bui &amp; teddy bear looking. hahaha!
Actually hor...small baby look so FRAGILE..I myself dun dare to carry... becos like no place to hold lor...
Ur ger very BIG mah...of cos biggest la....
ur baby reminds mi of R..weight almost same..

Glayz n twinklets,
aiya..last time baby bui oso no use..last time R is 3.68kg..then now grow up liao, lost all the weight..
so skinny..

C is sleeping in the bed with the canopy..
abit warm lah..but still ok..
i did not on aircon for them unless really necessary..
n plusmore..nowadays no need to on aircon or fan..at night so cold..
my window, i only open abit leh
baby bui good...sky also quite bui at birth mah..mei mei too... now also thin thin...
but then again..big baby easier to look after mah..the mum(read: me) not so scare to carry
<font color="0000ff">Glayz</font>
Keke.. ya mine is very heavy, but she was v short. So her width like very big wor. A lot of lighter bbs all measure above 50cm, so seem mine like a round bear like tat.
Ya the smaller bbs are more fragile looking but I find their features more dainty though. Mine like hmm all so big features 1. -__- I also dun really dare to carry those lighter than 3kg. I scare my clumsiness will somehow hurt their arms.

<font color="ff0000">Forgetmenot</font>
Bigger babies are just good for us to carry &amp; easier to take care from there. Like my gal, she born big sized, but now also slim dwn, lost her bb fats. But PD told me she considers as a big built gal. I hear ‘big built’ I sian liao cos I definitely dun wish her to be big built when in primary sch. Very paranoid lor. Yesterday She told me she doesn’t want to be chubby, she wants to be Slim. Let's hope she can maintain such mentality when she grows up next time. Hahaa. Must know how to maintain figure! Lol!

Tat day watched documentary show, this mummy at 8 mths check, bb was liked 2.72kg, by 9th mth was already 4.08kg! So in 1 mths time, the bb can grow additional 1.36kg hor?
mummyo where are you?

I think mummyo will be the next then either me or Twinklets

Why 28April2009?
I wish my gal come out early before 20April2009. So that she will not be so stubborn
Double bull!
<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
'28' yi fatt yi fatt yong yi fatt!! Such an auspicious number I think the hospital will be busy on that day. But then he will be way overdue right?

<font color="0000ff">Audrey</font>
My boy was born on 19 April. Doctor estimated delivery date was 20 April. Time really past so fast. He will be 11mths tomorrow.
<font color="0000ff">Audrey</font>
hee choose this date cos my gal born on 29 apr lor, wanna get as close as possible. My mum told me 29 apr 2009 not a good date, but 28 is very good. I dun mind double bull liao, so long bb guai guai &amp; tong till 28th cos I got so many things to do before 28th!! :p

<font color="ff0000">bbrooster</font>
haha yes u r rite man! sound so nice hor! Tat time I also pop in labor ward early morning on 28th April for Ashley, every1 tot I'll give birth on that nice date, but too bad ended up midnite bb via Emerg. Btw I used ur website to check out timing liao &amp; I'm gog to C on morning! Told gynea liao &amp; gog to further discuss with him tis Sat. I'm getting excited. keke. I just have to x fingers &amp; toes my bb will be guai.

So fast, Jer will be 1 YO soon! U gog to celeb on 19 or 18? hee my sis is celebrating on 19th April, 1 reason I cant pop is becos of this too! :p Tat time went visit u was like not so long ago.. alamak time flies...
<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
I hope you give birth on your desire date. 9-11am?

I'll be celebrating for Jer on actual day too.
<font color="ff0000">bbrooster</font>
Yes I really hope so... yes, i'm choose 915am timing. if operating rm still not free, can move to 11am slot. cos 11 - 1pm timing also v good. Just hope everything goes smoothly.

ya gd to celeb that day, cos 19th is a good date i heard.
Hahaha... ... '28' yi fatt yi fatt yong yi fatt - This also explain

Wow! 19April? So nice! How I wish that happen to me too

Ok, no wonder
Hope your wish comes true!
Ya, I have lots of things to prepare too. Now I just start to dig out all old clothes to wash, finding a place to store her clothes and waiting for hubby to assemble baby's bed.
I little late here but CONGRATS on your 2nd boy!!
Rest well and looking forward to the pics

Me too, also using old model Canon 60 since Yr 06. Have been serving us well so far!

Food induced cough &amp; phelgm
I thought it was only chicken but my mum also mentioned about avoiding fish. Recently, a chinese physician even advise me to let Jay abstain from eating chicken till he reaches age 12. I will definitely see lesser respiratory complaints coming from him.
But, so hard to do it...
thanks Audrey!
I hope ur wish come true too!!

<font color="0000ff">Jaymom</font>
same here, my mum also tell me to steer clear of fish as well, besides the potent chicken. I did asked Medical hall, the young guy told me some fish did cause more cough/phelgm. Anw i tried to play safe, dun let her eat both meat when she coughing. Ash also prone to cough, so actually her meat intake is mostly pork &amp; fish even when she's not coughing.. chicken only like 10% ..

sometimes i really wonder why chicken is so potent.. I myself is a cough person too. those tat once cough, will take more than 1 mth to recover. So i experiment afew food. Chicken is really no no. The moment I eat chicken, i cough non stop already.. Duck also no no .. Our Bazhang also no no.. cakes &amp; biscuits also no no .. aiyo.. seem like alot of food will irritate the throat &amp; are NO NO.. Amazing when i eat a beef steak, my cough is fine. But once i drink starfuit juice, i cough like hell. So think we really have to be v careful of wat we feed when our child is into coughing. Sighs!
<font color="0000ff">Jasmine</font>
How are you coping so far? KE is almost 3mths now right. Chubby age now. She must be so cute. And are you going back to work soon?
<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling, Jaymom, Sally</font>
I finally bought the Tiger magic/thermal cooker during the Isetan sale. A 1.8lit Endo magic cooker comes free. I have not tried the Tiger cooker but the endo one works so so only. Not very hot and porridge not very nua.

I also got the Graco booster seat so that Jer can upgrade to Jo's carseat.
same here, i try to let Jay take mainly pork and fish but sometimes, i can't avoid chicken when we give him soup.
Like early this week, we gave him a few chicken popcorns, that nite, he coughed liked crazy!!
Eh...i tot starfruit juice is supposed to be refreshing and good for your throat?

Hee..good for you. I'm glad you came to your "senses" (kidding lah). Yes, if you use Endo, you will need to cook early in the morning so that u get the best results by dinner time.
Quick, try Tiger and share your feedback

Haha..me too, i bot the Graco booster seat too. I was there at 930am! The delivery just came in yesterday.

Hi ladies!
I'm now preggers with no. 2, will be due on 15 October
Twinklets, u popping soon? I can't sleep well, so wake up at this odd time to read the forum.
