(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Wishing all a Happy Valentine's Day!


<font color="0000ff">Adora</font>
Maybe we can explore PT like wat Shane mentioned.
But at such economy downturn, how to get PT job?

<font color="ff0000">Shane</font>
yes man.. 3 more years will be P1 liao. CAN U IMAGINE?!!!!!!! Yesterday I bought a wallet from her &amp; she kept telling me that wallet for her to use at Primary 1, gog to put $ &amp; MRT card inside.. wow piang.. she v ahead, thinking of P1 cos seeing her cousins &amp; her K2 frens gog P1. For myself, how i wish i can stop the time now &amp; let her be forever 4 YO! hehe.

<font color="119911">SN</font>
Aiyoh.. is V day again. As usual we gog to have Sushi Picnic like last year. haha! Hope wont rain!!
Hi everyone...
HAPPY Valentine's Day to all mummies!!

mi too...always wanted to stay at home to be a stay at home mum..cos i grew up in a family where my parents both are working..n i always envy those frens whose mummy is not working..

n everything is done by mummy..
cos i hve to do everything myself..though is good lah..cos train my independence..but still envy frens who no need to do anything themselves..

shane n twinklets,
ya lor..OMG..our darlings are 4 this yr..n they will be K1 next year liao..

i actually felt that they are growing up when R starts to bring homework back from school to do every fri...

now..looks like i hve to convert one room to childrens room liao..so that they can have a proper studying area..

doing homework in the living room..is a total distraction for them..with toys n tv there..
PT work
Impossible for me...
cannot depend on hb to bring home the bread...he is too high maintainenece...dun even earn enough for himself to spend!!!

At least I can tell myself... i sure my mum will keep an eye on them ...wahahahahahahah
Part Time
twinklets, keke my job maybe can..just talk to my boss. If not, maybe I can bring him to my office...but no where to shower.

Yes yes I see those kids gg to Arcade on weekdays...makes me worried too!

Go try for #2 lor then u can consider wking PT liao.
Wow R has to do hm wk? Mine just asked parents to revised some letters &amp; Numbers..so I print out wk sheets for him. Ra very lazy...after writing few letters, he will tell me " Mummy, my hands v tired. Can u write for me?"

How's your picnic? We wanted to go East Coast but wow the car Q was super long so we didn't go in the end.

Are u bringing bb Shane to any PG? or Enrichment Class?
<font color="0000ff">Adora</font>
so nice of such arrangement!

Ashley also v lazy, write too much she will be v sian liao. I have yet print out those worksheets for her to do at home, will try to print out afew during my lunchtime. hehe.

We went to a new park "Jurong Lake Park". Not many people there &amp; got an adventure playground there. Ashley had fun playing the flying fox. The park was getting dark by 7pm+ but this gal not scared of dark, we last family to leave the park.

So u didn't manage to go EC, u end up where then? R&amp;C tagged along?
PT work / SAHM
Definitely no no for me now... staying at home with a naughty toddler and crying baby.. I will be crazy man..

but in 3 yrs time I may consider to be a SAHM when KY goes Primary 1.. :p
Not yet leh... bo lui...wahahahahahahahahaha
Actually the thing that make me shudder... where to place Sky when mei mei is in class!!! think at her age most are parent accompanied lor....
Ya even C also needs to be accompanied...Can Sky attends class independently? If not u can register her for Apple Tree near your mum plc...but I not sure if her age have or not.

I feel I short change C coz when R was her age, I already brot him to many trials. Tumble Tots, Gymboree, Kindermusik etc...
Actually I also short change mei mei.. but then... it so much easier with 1 onli lor....
Now had to think where to place her gor gor when she is in class....
Apple Tree start from 30mths.... Talentplus then 18mths... but no school near my mum place leh
Sky of cos can attend class independently la... Shane cannot...kekekekekekekeke
Glayz &amp; @
i also feel the same way!! i haven't brought mei mei to any trial class before! so unfair hor.... always console myself that mei mei can learn from jie jie.

and CEO
where r u??
Dear mummmies ah,
pls lor, cannot compare one. One kid definitely easier than with 2.

Jus rem your kids have playmates at home. I also heard it's true, 2nd kid learn alot fm #1.
poor #2..
think my boy boy will have the same fate too. sighs.. think #1 is always the most special............

<font color="0000ff">Jasmine</font>
how u coping now?
ok... I sure have a drama queen!!!
and mei mei is learning all the NO NO acts from her gor gor lor... like jump on sofa, cry when lose....
I've been starting to feel the heat of both my kids not doing anything constructive!! SN wrote in FB that A can write his name but K can't even make out the spelling of her name correctly. I tried asking her some chinese vocab and she's totally indifferent to them like aliens. When I asked her what's 'tian kong' (sky) she pointed to the ass of a boy!!
I'm calling up tumbletots to place jr in their toddlers play and put K in some chinese enrichment during the same time, hoping to kill 2 birds with one stone.

Sigh... i'm wondering if cc really loses its advantage of a better and structured curriculum...
Dun stress la
Actually PCF not doing any better...
My little potato (he used to know ang mo onli lor).. had turn into a china boy...
Ask him what did he learn in school..he gave me a BLUR look....
Siao liao la... he dun understand ang mo anymore!!
My dear LV,
Pls dun stress lah. Other kids can do it much earlier than him. I noe Jo can do it last yr already n my fren's gal can do it before she turns 3 yrs old. Every kid is different lah. Some ways they are better, some ways they are not. K is veri smart and so independent, maybe she just tricks u by pretending dun noe which A always does that. Dun stress ya. :)
Please dun stress. Each kid develops differently. C1 is still learning her letters, I dun even expect her spelling her name anytime soon. Perhaps I am lazy in coaching her but I dun wish to exert pressure on her.

Even for ballet, we have stopped already even though we really wish she could continue. She doesn't like it anymore so we see no point in forcing her.
me too..never bring C for any classes..
the only classes that she started going now, is only her cc..

try not to be too stress...i know is abit tough...i myself oso feel stress at times..but i try my very best to not to get angry n too stress..cos every kid is different..

for my R..he cant even hold a pencil correctly...n now his cc let him brings back homework to do every wk...
n is normal tracing of letters..he oso cant do it..
at times really will get angry..but no choice.hve to try to be more patient with him...
Dun be stress...mine also can't write his name. My potato...when I ask him to speak Mandarin...tells me he can't cos he not a Chinese boy *faint*
Hi mummies....me super busy unpacking so will not be posting anything.

LV, don't stress as each child is special in their own ways.
All my fren's kids knew how to write their own names already, somemore same batch as Jacia.
My Jacia don't even know how to write properly ABC but still i am not stress because i knew one day she will know how to write.
<font color="0000ff">Lv</font>
ya dun be too stress abt it although no deny there will b some stress lar when u see her own peers writing &amp; understanding chinese well. But i guess all children here have their own strenght &amp; weakness. 1 that is gd in acadamics doesnt mean he will have good social skills. He may be very clingy &amp; dependent etc. Look at K, she is so independent &amp; sensible to me, which I think is real impressive &amp; great foundation for her character building. I think nothing beats tat traits cos eventually all will know how to write their own name 1 fine day.
Name writing
oh dear... KL also doesn't know how to write her name! but i have to agree with jamci, one day our kiddos will know how to write! hehehe
LV, dun be too stressed, we all know that you are a super mummy!!

I finally opened my pack of blank cards and red dot stickers!
I am also guilty of not being able to coach Jo. I look after Jo and Jer. They are by my side when I am not working but I am unable to spend quality time with each of them. And Jer at 10mths now I've never flashed a card to him and he can't patiently sit and watch an educational DVD. He is more in love with his new found freedom crawling around and exploring the wires in the house.

I do get worried about their academic performance too. And Jo passed her first 3 precious absorbent years. Is she going to be less absorbent now?
Faint, my comment in FB causing a stir here. Paisei.

last nite i was telling u about the right brain n left brain training.... 0-3 best to work on right brain. Here's more info that I taken from Shichida's web:
The right brain is the more important hemisphere to influence the quality of the left-brain. For example, the right brain enables the child to learn subconsciously as well as enable the brain to be able to automatically process large amounts of information at high speed whereas the left-brain is able only to process small amounts of information at low speed.

Ages 0-3 is the period in which the child maximizes the utilization of the right brain. From ages 4-6, the child would start to switch to using the left-brain. Henceforth, the critical period of training the brain would be from ages 0-3. If the child is older, techniques will be taught by the Professor on how to modify the negative aspects.

If the brain is well nurtured, the child will develop a great vision about learning and can handle any challenges with ease for the rest of his life. Further on in life, it will be more difficult to modify the learning capability.

Hope it helps in yr understanding. :) Not meant to add stress hor. I din do for A too.
no need to feel pai say la.... to ease my guilt of not teaching my girls, i'd just enrolled them at little neuro tree and started the trial classes yesterday. both gals in same time slot, so can make more efficient usage of time!

I'm still @ the trial class stage so hasn't confirmed if I'll continue. But the classes are quite interesting. the centre focuses on right brain training for 0-6 yrs.

Not too late to start right brain training after 3 as the left brain is not fully developed yet. However, the brain circuitry will be completed by the time they are six, so it'll be too late then.

Nonetheless, i believe that parents still play a bit part in the child's development. a lot of the activities can be done at home, provided the parents spend the time and effort with the kids. so *sigh* i'm lacking in time and effort!
Ya I went to their talk when they first started, its called trio centre that time. But i din sign up cos I dun like the teaching in 3 different languages n that time onli one location. My fren's gals in there, enjoying the class. U going to the branch in TP? Some teachers are from ex shichida. hee I still queuing up for the one in Bishan. Much nearer. Ex-Shichida groups setting up the homebased. Its filmed in the channel 8 once last yr. :) Yup not too late to start after 3, but result will be slower. Still got hope to start before 6yrs.
oh, i didn't know that there's one in Bishan. where is this branch, @ central? we are attending the upper serangoon branch. coincidentally, i found out that my uni fren opened this outlet and we have lost touch for over 5 years!
the only way not to be stressed is not to know what the rest of her peers can do..
so stress until i'm falling sick now...

another pressing issue to handle now is getting her to a kindy next yr. Yes, I finally make the arrangement to be possible by depositing her at my IL place but the sad thing is the nursery is full this yr and places for next yr also not guarantee. Looks like I'm going to appear on papers for queuing overnight for my child to get into a kindy...soon...
oh dear, take care. Hence I din post here mah. Then u go n post for me. :-( So sorry to stress u out. Wow which kindy u putting her? So hot?
But knowing what her peers can do kind of like wake me up. Hey, wake up, go and do something about it. So it's good for me to know though worried.
Ya same here, I also gotta to know 1 of my friends have been giving daily worksheets to her gal to do &amp; she is progressing so well &amp; she enjoying doing them. Have been lax for so many mths now, so suddenly got inspired by her &amp; decide to 'wake up' liao. I admit i have to be kiasu alil' bit now, cos the parents not smart kind, so really have to put in some effort to nuture our own gal. Have been printing almost daily from office here. So far she is enjoying the worksheets, but more keen in matching stuffs &amp; cutting stuffs. I realize she isn't really keen on numerals, so I'll make more effort in that area. So now I'm making an Apple Tree Number book with her, now still at "8". Ashley's CC no homework 1, so hor I have to be hardworking abit. Hope is like bonding time with her before bb comes out.

As for the total brain approach, aiyo no $ to send her to such enrichment course after bb comes out. How i wish mine can auto noe how to use both sides to think, then next time go primary can be easier for her. but seeing her pattern, i guess she uses alot of right brain, not much on left brain. See her do puzzles, i noe liao. -__-
LV, I'm also very tempted to panic! Cos its seems like CC doesn't "teach" as much. But no choice but to put in a CC haiz...

bbrooster, quite often I also want to do something to "improve" my girl, but I'm worried this will stress her out... I realised that when I try to push her to do something she can't, she will keep telling me, I don't know I don't know... seems to make it even worse!

twinklets, worksheets can be found on the internet? Or its something you buy?
oh, really ? are the cards still white ? =P hee hee...
I din mine up long time ago when she was a baby but nvr flashed much! maybe time to start again.
Looks like we're back to the academic topics.

I'm quite slack in this *oops* So far no enrichment for E. I rely totally on her CC =P

As much as I want my kid to be as brilliant as she can be, I also recognise the fact that she will have to start studying fm the age of 7 till another 15 yrs or more. But in competitive Spore, the early years of foundation is crucial.

They grow up so fast and their childhood is so short. Even for now, I feel that she's so grown up. And with bz parents, the exposure to nature, sports and other softer aspects of life is so limited.

I feel quite sad when i think that she's only left with another 2 yrs of carefree life before she joins the stressful schooling life in spore. =(
<font color="0000ff">mich</font>
maybe u wanna start off with something she likes? Not necessary writing. Maybe she likes to cut? paste stuffs etc? My gal now not really into writing, infact she grows bored after writing afew letters, so now I let her do those matching, cutting &amp; pasting which she enjoys doing it. All these I got from the online websites. Of cos I print out not chim chim 1 wait she stress &amp; doesn't enjoy lor. I only started 2 wks ago on this &amp; I dunno how long she'll last lar. hahaha!

So perhaps u can start on something more simpler, let her gain bk some confidence, then she'll proceed to writing more confidently? Ashley also not confident when doing things that are new to her. Everytime must eye contact with me &amp; wait for my nod 1. She also very easily give up too for things tat are too difficult, then will want us to complete task for her 1. So guess we shd learn on how to let her have more confidence in such aspects.. but hor dunno hw lar. hehe.

Currently I go to these 2 websites to print my worksheets.. u may wanna look into them if u keen..

Hi all, I feel the kids development are really amazing. It's really at difference speed and different time. it's like, I can write but can't brush my teeth, and you can brush teeth but can't write..

If we put the kids together for a whole week 24/7, then it would ease all our fears! Cos things we take for granted that the child has been doing, may be something that others can't do yet.. .
I realised this when I see my colleagues kids (older than N1) growing up. Really varied development, all kids equally accomplished in their own development.. so it was really no right no wrong kind..

But having said that, I still realised I'm not spending enough time with them... N1 can write, cos she learnt that in school. But she can't join dots, can't color within the picture, don't understand chinese, can't button shirt, only learnt how to jump and cycle in the last 6 months... hmm... she had zero exposure to the stuff that she can't do, i just got to buck up and spend more time with her doing all these daily stuff!
i guess part of the reason I'm acting a bit uptight is because of guilt. I realised i spent not enough time with her eversince didi is here. And that to her unaccomplished tasks as compared to her peers, I attribute that to my inability and negligence. I suddenly recalled i wasnt like this in the past. I was like Shane, feeling that they should enjoy every bit of their childhood now because pri sch days will be so stressful later on. But like others, reality bites hard when u fear that your kid may lose out to be the last in the cohort. I really need to sit back and re-settle my thoughts and fears to plan ahead a motivating environment for her rather than letting kiasuism got the better of me.
tt's a very good perspective! sometimes, we need to just realise we're different, our kids are different.

I think it's gd to share kids development so that we can be aware of what other things we can do with our kids. but not as a mean for comparison.

we need to encourage and help our kids develop at their own pace.

we all have those moments. it's inevitable in stressful singapore. most imptly is to realise and not let kiasuism get the better of us. i think this will make our kids and us happier.

As E grows older, i really realise their childhood is so short. When i think of the things she'll learn in school, I myself shudder.

One thing i tell myself is that, i'm not that brilliant, so i have no right to ask nor demand her to be brilliant (afterall, genes play a part rite! ha ha) but I can try to encourage and motivate her to be brilliant. Manage my expectations, so that I do not over expect from her. I tink in life, the hardest to be as one grows up is to be happy. And tt's what I want for her.
i agree! someone got to have a psychological term for us mummies who are stressed due to guilt!
but what we read or see now is not full picture of reality. it's like the radio ad, where were hear selectively..
I'm guilty of that. our psyche causes us to hear what we want to hear, say what we want to say.. so our poor kids are the brunt of all our inputs and outputs!

yup, share development is good... like i didn't know kids could cycle, until I saw others of that age cycling. 1st time parents lah... we don't know when is what..

Anyway, recently, N1 had to wear eye patch cos her squint not improving. I finally spent good money on a specialist (had bad experience in KK) and learnt important stuff. If you're interested, you can go the link below to read about our experience... it's from the blog:

<font color="0000ff">Lv</font>
has just PM you on something not related to our issue here. Pls help to advise me. Arigato!

Same here, is gd to know how other kids are doing, but don't go &amp; compare them. Guess the more we compare, the more stress we'll be, &amp; end up we'll become those kiasu parents. Same same, I also duno when a kid need to cycle, swim or write. I'm just excited abt this year at 4 YOs, we can able to teach them alot of stuffs &amp; they can surprise us with the things they learn from school &amp; not from us.
i wanted to ask you. I can't rem how N1 was indentified with a squint. Bad eyesight ?

Ya i wan E to learn to cycle too ! that will be daddy's job cos mamee can't cycle! *embarassed*

Like what twinklets said, 4YO is an exciting time. there's so much to do with them! =D

when N1 wakes up or is very tired, one of the eye balls would look away, while the other one looks straight. (Pak Jiao) But when she's up and about, her eyes look ok.

Specialist says when she's awake, she consciously shifts the eye straight. but when she's tired, the eye ball shifts.

PD initially said it's normal at 1-2 yr old. Eye is adjusting vision. But at 3, he said go see specialist. So that's how everything started.

Specialist said we have up to 6 yr old to correct the squint. If not, it will develop to Lazy eye.

thank God currently her eye sight is perfect. it's just the squint.
