(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="0000ff">Cookie</font>
I am happy for you. Congratulations! Are you still in the same profession?

<font color="0000ff">jaymom</font>
I also just received my goods on Tues. Fixed up Jo's seat and went for a drive last night. Both Jo and Jer were excited cos it's new and finally didi is facing forward looking ahead.

Will try the Tiger cooker next week and let you know. I am very old fashion and traditional. I am still not convinced that it can bring out the taste. Same like if you tell me microwave can cook up a dish. *yucks*

I still think fry and fry, boil and boil soup over charcoal is real cooking. And my mum is still doing it.

<font color="0000ff">Jaymom</font>
Ya guess we just try to minimize feeding them chicken, soup sometimes bobian. My MIL usually use pork meat/bones to boil the soup cos she noes i'm quite particular with Chicken.

hehe i also think like u too.. tot can smoothe my irritating throat, scully wrong move. Think we cant drink starfruit juice when we have cough too. Just sore throat by itself shd be fine...

<font color="aa00aa">Cookie</font>
I'm happy for u too!
How many weeks are u now? Have u told Justin tat he is gog to be a Gor Gor soon? Yes I'm gog to pop in 1 mths+ time.

U take care ok? I also cant sleep well nowadays. Turning is horrible on bed. Really dread to sleep though I'm v tired liao..

Jaymom n twinklets,
same here..i seldom give them chicken..
mostly is fish..
even pork oso not so much..
cos somehow..dunno y C cant really chew meat lor..even at times fish oso cant chew though she is so big liao..

i find it hard to control their diet lah..esp they are look after my mil..
told her not to give eggs,biscuits, cake etc..
she still give..

n still say if dun give..they very noisy.n if no give them eat..theres nothing left for them to eat liao..
cos my mil oso give them selective food..not all food she will give..

btw..u gals got use chicken bones to cook soup?
for mi..i only use pork bones n scallops for soup leh..

endo is not bad..save my gas..i use it to cook soup from morning till night..
<font color="0000ff">Forgetmenot</font>
not me cook lar.. my mil usually use pork meat or the bones lor.. usually not many chicken, cos she noes me &amp; ash prone to cough, so better dun intro too much chicken lor.. she also use scallops. btw i like to drink soups..
last time Ash so big rite.. i dunno issit i drink too many of her soups liao.

yap, KE will be 3 mths soon

she is not chubby leh cos she is on milk strike whenever I bottle feed her

going back to work 3rd week of Apr as I am taking full 16 weeks

So fast Jer 1 yr old leh...
Congrats to you!

Starfruit is a bit liang. PD also got mention not to take cold or sour drinks if coughing.
Both of u always coughing, is it because got a lot of phelgm inside your throat?

I realised when i had cough, it is usually my phelgm acting up to cause me cough. To healed faster, try to vomit out the phelgm when you are coughing.
Last year, i started to appreaciate drinking bitter chinese herbs that sell at those medical hall. It really quite effective after drinking it once for two days.
As for the Jacia, i introduce her Ho Jo Sun, the label is double swan and in red packaging. Not easy to find this bottles as very few medical hall are selling. It is found at chinatown opposite macdonal.
Anyway not easy to force your child to drink too...cos it is too bitter *yucks* I do not know how did my previous maid managed to train my Jacia to love drinking this bitter drink. My motive is to make her vomit out the phelgm, end up she loved drinking it...hee hee
<font color="0000ff">Jamci</font>
Mine is GP told me i got sensitive lung &amp; airway, has been like since in the 90s liao. Last time always tend to cough like until no voice at all 1. Even my hb also scare I start coughing 1.. Till now I still have phelgm in my throat cos I can feel it when I lie down to sleep. I tend to have block nose once I lie down too. Ya I took those chinese medical hall bitter drinks from my mum's plc when I not preg. It is effective for me, but now I'm not preg I cant took those.. Luckily my gynea charge me FOC for my cough medicine, so this time my cough recovers, but still phelgm is still deep in ..

I doubt Ash will wanna drink tat, cos she really v fussy in drinks 1. Even we bot the woods kids 1, she smell liao, also dun want liao. Every drink/food which is foreign to her 1, she will smell FIRST before tasting. Sound abit like an animal rite? HAHA!
Your cough sound serious. Got to take very good care of it because it can hurt our lung.
It happened to my bro's godmother who kept coughing for many months but she refused to see doc thinking it will go away. Then suddenly she admitted into hospital as lung failure. So got cough must see doc to let it healed, cannot wait to let it heal by itself.

not to worry, my jacia also like that whenever we gave her something new...lol

Quite pissed off at other thread "mummies staying in aust" when i asked them for advise. I'm thinking of self-drive and looking for a good farmstay. I already tried to type Perth in the search but could only find their thread. Called me suay lah as i anyhow type to ask for help and kena bomb. *ouch*
Then i got "NOTTI" and told her not to be so aloof lah :p and added don't bother to reply to my message as i will not read their thread anymore. My fren later told me today got reply that i will see their thread...LOL
Chay, i feel no point to look again and arguing over the small issue again.

Anyway now i changed my mind of going perth because of the two girls' behaviour this morning. Super clingly and super jealously. My hubby was very worried about me suffering there cos both girls only want me to do this and that for them. *pengz*
bbrooster, jaymom
how much did u get for the Graco seat? I'm thinking of upgrading jacia too as she often want to sit Cericia's child seat.
I saw Carrefour selling lucky baby at $29 plus but it looked not so comfortable. Then at mothercare, the pink color is sweet but price is $50plus with no brand. So i am looking for a comfortable one with comfortable price too...haha
Congrats 2u!

My MIL also gave Hou Zhai Shan to Jay b4 but i'm more conscious about chinese bottled medicine that are brought over the shelve. I prefer to bring him to a Chinese physician and take those brewed bitter medicine cos more effective..sounds very mean hor but my son is very gamed for herbal medicine. He drinks with no complain. Even i myself find some of it too bitter!

However,i bring him more to "tiao" after taking western medicine. Sometimes even with antibotics, there is still residual phelgm that doesn't get totally resolved.

Booster Seat
We paid $139(UP: $199?) for Graco Logico XComfort. What i like is becos it comes with a back support that is adjustable &amp; removable. I remember LV recommended Maxi Cosi Rodi that is also good. Yeah, seen those Lucky Baby ones but may not be very secured and child tends to slide out of the seat esp when you make sharp or U-turns :p

I think u like me, every 1 or 2 years, i will have a very bad epsiode that will cause me to lose my voice for 1 week. TMC calls it "gan re". I will have to "clear and clear" alot of phelgm b4 i recover my voice again. U must really take care..it can get really miserable to be feeling sick plus preggie in this kind of hot weather!
<font color="0000ff">Jamci</font>
hee thanks for ur concern.. Ya i also very scare next time i old liao, i'll cough &amp; cough &amp; result in those lung failure.. Tat day we were eating KFC on Sat (cos none of us having cough so we can indulge abit.. :p), then I kept telling Ash to drink more water cos scare later kana cough again. Hb then said "I'm more worried that u got cough." Then I asked him "why?" he said "cos when u cough, u'll anyhow throw temper."
Which is quite true, I have v bad urine leakage when I cough badly &amp; it is really v frustrating..

I'm kpo, wat ques u pose in tat thread??

<font color="ff0000">Jaymom</font>
I find it very hard to clear my phelgm. &amp; I'm those tat v difficult to vomit. Even preg, I also only cough until vomit like the most 2x only. I was so happy when I vomitted u noe. Ya I was v scared of getting cough this time round, i remember when I was having my C section during Ash time, I was having v bad cough. I coughed, my stitch pained like hell. &amp; i rem i cried v badly in my ward due to the pain. Then my mum still insisted me to drink those longan &amp; black bean drinks will worsen my cough. Told her I dun wan, she nag at me.. haiz.. wat a nitemare then.. This time round must guai guai to take care of myself..
hi gals..
i actually wanted to bring the kids to "tiao" their body after cough..
but i find it very difficult n no chance leh

cos they get cough very easily..
the recent ones..they get the cough attack very fast..

just recover for over a wk only..then it comes back again..how to bring them to TCM?

but yet i feel bad for letting them drink so much cough medi..but cough medi, will help to relieve them abit as they wont cough so much n can sleep better n will recover faster..but the cough will come back again oso faster lor..

but if i bring them to TCM,it will take longer time..n i worry they will be very xinku...cos keep coughing..

HOW?? any advise?

u know that time when i was preggie with C..i have very very bad cough..n i hve phelgm..
then the doc gave mi pulmicort to inhale..
n after that i'm ok liao..

maybe u can check with the doc?
it is save to take even when preggie
by the way..
i wan to complain abit..
i'm abit disappointed with the kids' CC now..
dunno what they are doing..
on fri, the teacher never let R brings back the mattress cover and pillowcase back to wash..so i wrote a note for her on monday morning..

then yesterday night when i'm home..again..he never bring it back..

dunno what happen over there..
usu is not like that one lor..
n teacher will write remarks after she has read my note..

n then hor..the teacher even let R wear the wrong pants home..
like that oso can ah..haiz...
<font color="0000ff">Forgetmenot</font>
hmm quite a headache if the kids just recover already &amp; v soon the cough is back again.. I guess during that period when they have no cough at all, u really have to ensure your MIL NOT to give them those 'potent food' lor. else wait trigger their throat irritation again, then cough will come bk again.. U really have to be v firm abt that lor, else everything u do or say just simply defeat the purpose..

Frankly.. even u bring them to TCM, the sinseh will tell u wat food u cant let them eat etc. &amp; not all kids are like Jay so garang &amp; guai to take all bitter med 1.. Maybe u wanna look into Cordlife that Cordyseps capsules. I read abt it, seem like alot of parents do give them for kids tat prone to cough. &amp; the kids really cough lesser &amp; their immunity get stronger too. 1 capsule u can seperate into afew times usage. My fren is giving her kids the Oceans brand. She doesn't give daily. just a tiny bit into the FM.

U also had v bad cough then huh? Sian hor.. Now I no cough, just tat lie dwn got tat block nose &amp; phelgm. I think i may use tat Karcol &amp; break into the hot water to inhale. Tat time i used vicks, it really comfy my throat &amp; nose..

Regarding to R's CC, think is better u call them to ask them. Just tactfully asked. Btw think HFMD is on the rise again..
oh forget to add.. some of chinese medical hall will pound their own cordyceps powder mix with other stuffs. u may wanna look into it if u not comfy with off the shelf prodts. U can ask the sinseh whether the kid must steer clear of cough then can take or not. but such powder usually not cheap. my sis tat time bought was like more than $100 tat kind.. my niece used to prone to cough too (really everytime can hear her cough 1). now she's 7 YO, immunity is better, so dun really cough much liao.
oh...think i wrote and post "Hi mummies, i planning a holi to Perth farmstay with my two kids next mth. So i need some advise on which farmstay resort is great for kids as i'll be going free &amp; easy."
Do i sound rude?
Maybe it's my fault that i forgot to add "Thousands Thanks"....HAHA LOL

Later that mum posted "pls refer to other thread pls, tks.
So i feel like being outcast, just felt like an intruder too...hiaz
If she could kindly just said there is an active thread about perth trip in other thread right now. At least I would feel better and continue to search carefully.
Anyway after my 2nd posting, sure got some mummies fanning "fire" over there. So i just ignored that thread and not going to reply to any of them. No point acting so childish "arguing" in open public, right!
So until now i still haven't SEE or ENTER that thread...hee hee Don't want to let it bother me too. Okay. This story will ended here....LOL

Ya..forgot to mention. Don't take orange juice hor especially u r preggie, u got to avoid.

Sound terrible. Jacia's previous childcare centre also like this. That is why i changed her school. They always kena HFMD case every month once....really sian leh. So scared to bring her to school yet she stayed at home and made us soooo busy. I can feel that the teachers are quite inexperience?? new teachers?

Tks for your info. Ya..i also feel uncomfortable abt the lucky baby even though it is cheap.
<font color="0000ff">Jamci</font>
Ya i guess they are not v friendly to newcomers in the thread. Nvm lar, u just ask here first if anyone went Perth before. Sometimes we are v busy to go search archives or search topics, so we just hope some kind souls can give us some fast replies.. Too bad i guess..

Ya I'm not taking orange juice. But u noe hor.. the milk is causing the phelgm actually.. but I cant say dun drink milk now cos of the bb. I hate to take calcium pills too.
I just recovered from cough and flu, it last me 2 weeks plus to recovered! I wake up every hour in the night due to the bad cough and didn't really have a good sleep! During the day, hardly get to rest n sleep too! That time really kills me!

About the new comers in the thread!
It recall me when I am new in this thread, even I didn't introduce myself and just commented
Luckily you all are friendly enough didn't chase me off
same here..i hate calcium pills..so big..how to swallow?
ya..i oso think that milk will cause phlegm..
but i find that i used to get flu n cough very easily when i'm preggie too..
Ya, that is what i personally feel when i need help badly.
Or you can try taking fish bone soup instead to replace the calcium? Also good for breastfeeding too.

I also 100% agreed with u that the mummies here are friendly and nice especially i seldom gave any comments or postings when i was working full time...mmmnnn...i was like a lurker here last time...HAHA LOL
Sometimes, i also seek reference from SingaporeBrides.com too if i need travel tips. They have a section that covers on Honeymoon &amp; Travel. Can be quite helpful except that you won't get much tips target solely for kids.
Joelle is having a fever. She vomitted 4 times now. Anything goes in comes out even a sip of water. Is she having stomach flu? I am waiting to bring her to the doctor early tomorrow morning. How huh? Just inserted a bullet cos she just can't take anything orally. I am so worried her stomach is so empty. Any advice?
<font color="0000ff">jamci</font>
Brought Jo to Perth when she's 14mths old in '06. Can't advise you much on farmstay. I stayed in the city centre hotel. Free and easy trip for us. We only visited a few places of interest which includes, caversham wildlife park, winery, chocolate factory, aquarium and King's Park. The next time I go I want to visit other places/suburbs but quite scared to drive around with kids in the car.

I just came back from Perth yesterday. Weather now is nice. Sunny with cool breeze blowing.
Stop water and milk for her. Let her sleep at least she will not feel like vomitting. Just continue to monitor her fever.
Do u have the bullet for vomiting too? I did standby in my fridge

Cericia also having fever now. I think due to infection. Hiaz...don't dare to sleep...now waiting for 12am to give her parac.

I postphone to aug or maybe next yr becos i do not think i can handle both girls on my own as they are alway fighting over me. *stress*
There is bullet for vomiting ? How does it work ?

sounds like stomach flu. she must be so xin ku now. hope she gets better after seeing the doctor.

Went once too. Very nice, peaceful place. Would like to go again. I also visited the plcs that bbrooster mentioned except for aquarium. I went pinnacles too. It was a F&amp;E, self drive trip. No tips for kids cos that time i was still preggie hee hee...
Can't advice u on farmstay. Didn't stay one there. Only tried Gold coast one.
If you find a nice, clean farmstay, it's really very good. I enjoyed it totally. the kids will love farmstay. E was too young then. Hope to bring her again when she's older.
Oh dear...i think is alright for them not to eat...cos if we sick also no appetite. R is also having flu &amp; high fever, didn't go sch for this week....

Take Care!
<font color="ff0000">bbrooster</font>
Ya sound like stomach flu to me. Have she seen doc yet? Hope she'll feel better after seeing the doc. Doc shd be prescribing some probiotics to help in her digestion too. U take care too cos Stomach Flu is contagious, so meanwhile maybe u can put Jer at ur MIL's plc.

<font color="0000ff">Audrey</font>
u take care too, it is not easy to be preg &amp; sick for couple of weeks.

<font color="119911">Jamci</font>
ee no fishbone soup for me, I find it v xin. :|
The bullet for vomit is same as supp for fever. Just put a lil' baby oil and insert into their anus. I feel even more effective as they do not be able to vomit out the medi.

I am still searching around. Hopefully i can find some place that i like.

Oh...maybe you got to put ginger and big onion to get rid of the smell first.
Thanks for your concern gals. The clinic was very crowded at 9am when I called. No choice we scheduled our appointment at 11am. I think alot of kids are sick.

We can call ourselves 'doctor' too cos we all guess it right. It's gastric/stomach flu. Doctor prescribe suppository for vomitting and sachets of powder to mix in water and drink. Maybe it's probiotics.

His advice is no milk for the time being. But soy milk is ok. Drink lots of fluid but in small quantity. Take clear soup, porridge water etc...
<font color="0000ff">jamci</font>
You don't tell me you bringing both gals on your own to Perth. Your hb going along?

I also went in Aug (winter) last time.

<font color="0000ff">Taipei</font>
I might be bringing them to Taipei in May. <font color="0000ff">@</font> and <font color="0000ff">LV</font> any advice? Which hotel did you all stay? Any places of interest to visit and hotspring?

<font color="0000ff">@</font>
Raph is better now? Jo's class got 3 didn't go to school on Tue. I will let her skip school this week also.
So is Jo feeling better? Our PD was v crowded too...i need to go Q ard 8.45am before it was open.

The sachets of powder is for diarrhea right? C took b4.

R is better now...his highest temp was 39.4. Now still coughing so I intend to keep him at home for this week.

<font color="0000ff">Taipei</font>
I stayed in CAESAR PARK HOTEL. Places that we went :
1. Xi Meng Ding (must try the Pearl Milk Tea beside the famous mian xian)
2. Shilin Night Mkt (Must try the Chicken Chop)
3. Dan Shui
4. Jiu Fen
5. Beitou Hot spring

Other places that u might be interested :
1. Taipei Zoo take the Maokong Gondola
2. Wufenpu Garment Wholesale Area
3. Taipei 101
<font color="0000ff">@</font>
Jo is so much better now. She's still sleeping. No temperature and vomitting so far but have to monitor for night fever tonight. Last night I didn't really sleep much. She didn't have diarrhea. But I think the sachets is probiotics replacing some good bacteria back into stomach since she vomitted so much. Taste sour.

<font color="0000ff">Taipei</font>
Thanks for the info. Think Taipei is good for eating only. Not many places of interest. Mostly their variety programme is introduce food food food.
Beitou Hot spring is FOC is it? My friend said the water was very milky and smelly so she didn't dare to soak in it.
oh gd she is better...ya when they are sick we can't sleep well. I am also having flu now &amp; was on MC for 2days.

Ya mainly is shop n eat...the shoes &amp; bags are super cheap. I didn't go into the hot spring too cos I brot R...v mafan.
hello mummies...

very sorry... MIA for a long while...hehe...
dun guess... i am not pregnant... hehe... though i wish i am...haha..

was affected in the downsizing of my company... so now is taking a break being a SAHM... though i am starting in another profession soon... so just let to let you all know pls do not send any emails to my old email address cause think it is going to bounce...

i will pm you my email address later for consolidation k..thanks
so many kids falling sick..
my R n C oso..esp C suffers from very bad cough n phlegm..has to be on antibiotics...

u just came back from taipei? did R enjoy himself?

hows jo? better now?

now u find the fish soup er xin..after u deliver liao..u hve to drink lots for milk supply leh..hehe
<font color="0000ff">forgetmenot</font>
Jo is not very good again this morning. Although she has no fever and vomiting till now but don't know for what reason her whole face is very swollen and eyes is swollen till cannot be seen. Her body also full of rashes. Don't know what she's allergic to.

Hb bring her to the doctor now.
Oh...sound like allergy to the medic? I also kena before when i took the painkiller for my wisdom tooth operation. My eyes were really like goldfish eyes.

My Cericia's fever also came back after went down. Hiaz... so many our kids are sick but looked on better side, at least it is not HFMD.

Hubby also going along with me to Perh. I am not that steady to handle both girls of my own.
<font color="0000ff">jamci</font>
Not medication allergy cos all she took yesterday was the sachet of lactobacillus. PD said it's viral infection. If fever comes back then have to go back and do blood test for Strep-B.

Poor gal due to her swell she looks totally like a different person now.
oh dear...fever will cause swelling one meh?
feel so heartpain for her..she must be feeling very uncomfortable..hope the fever will not come back again..

do u realised that nowadays the virus seem quite potent? our kids tend to take longer time to recover?
<font color="0000ff">forgetmenot</font>
Actually not the fever that will cause swelling. Fever is a sign of infection somewhere in the body. Most common one is throat infection. She did have redness in her throat.

If fever comes back then better to do a blood test. Meantime took some allergy medication and nothing much we can do just have to let the body fight.
<font color="ff6000">bbrooster</font>
Oh dear... sayang sayang Jo. Ya, the only way to fight viral infection is rest rest rest. Can't do anything else. Hope she recovers soon.

<font color="0000ff">TL</font>

TL today I use my magic cooker to boil 'old yellow cucumber' with pork ribs soup. I put in at 2pm. Hope the pot won't disappoint me. Not cook I know which few of you to look for. kekeke...

<font color="0000ff">jamci</font>
Cericia fever for how many days already? How come fever back again? Today's weather super hot I have to keep giving them water to drink.
