(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Moving...oh dear hate it but love the shopping for new things for your house though.
I try to look at it as a project for HB and myself. A new phrase of life..something to talk about when we are old... Am in the mids of finding storage spaces too. Wow...we have so much stuff... Hmm... next year, we aim towards moving to something bigger..

When is the big day planned? You know, sometimes being on leave require lots of discipline. We tend to say...nevermind, we on leave...but end up doing nothing much. hehe... (that's the case for me.

Experiencing heatwave for the 1st time. This is the 2nd day with the temperature soaring to 38degree. More to come @ 39 degree till this Sat. Seems like spring has gone...

Hubby going to start work tomorrow. A new start after been working in a same company for 7 years. The last 6 mths has been a good break, now time to continue working, dunno until when...

and these few days have been eating lemak stuff - laksa, mee siam, curry chicken. thanks to my mum... can't be bothered to weigh myself now.
Tetra, do you have aircon at your place? I know England is unbearable during heatwave cos the houses are built to retain heat. HORRENDOUS!!

Wow, congrats on your hubby's new job.

Same lah, had bronchitis and now fractured my rib from coughing.. so cannot exercise. Faaaaaat liao. At least you get to pig out on your mom's feast!
Congrats too on your HB finding a job. I think likely there will be some culture shock.

Don't tell me about weight!! Am putting on lots of weight with the delicious supper that I take! :p

Wow, travel during X'mas... lovely lovely...
Moved on 9th. It was insane, Shalom Movers took 5 hours to disassemble, wrap up, load up and arrive at my new place. They then took another 4 hours to unload and assemble. I feel like I've been doing hard labour over the last 2 weeks, painting, moving, cleaning, packing, unpacking, doing gardening... I got blisters on my right hand from wielding a screwdriver and painting roller for 1 week. Crazy... don't feel like moving for the next 10-20 years now that we've finally settled down. As for reno, can do slowly, cos not much to do.

I've been trying to put on weight but can't seem to, recently looking thinner and thinner. Hubby thinks I might have a thyroid problem, so I'm going for checkup on Wed.
BabyD, wow, moved already?! That was quick! Aiyah I think I have the opposite problem of you.. keep on putting weight :p But too skinny I guess also no good. Take care, hope there's nothing seriously wrong yah.

Piggy, hehe.. hope it works out well.. I know HK will be mad crowded. :p
babyd: keep us updated on your condition. must take care. you really need a good break after the move.

catz: personally, i think it's good to know that you have been travelling with your family so often, perhaps easier to pass the time. always got something to look forward to and then you will get to see hubby in no time soon, isn't it?

now in hibernating mode again, reserving all my energy till my mum returns then got to work out my schedule again. this time, have to wake up early to prepare lunch box for hubby. trying to find ways to pack healthy and interesting lunch for Lucas when he starts school next year. can't imagine I have to eat cold/frozen bread/sandwich everyday for lunch...that's what my mum and friend told me. yucks...blame it on those working days when I am so used to have my bak chor mee pok and fried black carrot cake freshly cooked for lunch.

we are planning to go back for CNY next year. the tickets for year end is too ex...
Yah lor, hubby wanted to move before PIL left for their Eastern Europe holiday. (They left the night we moved!) Now still on leave until they get back end of the week.

Get your hubby to check if his office has a fridge and microwave. It's quite common, then you can pack him cooked food. We used to cook extra meat and vege for dinner the night before and distribute into lunch boxes to take to work the next day. We did this almost everyday in US, because it was too expensive to eat out and not very nice food for that price. At least no need to eat roti everyday for lunch.

As for Lucas, try packing cold soba noodles with seaweed? Sherman loves it. Sushi rice can also eat cold, can put smoked salmon or fried egg with shaved carrots to go with it. In UK, I saw school kids with potato chips and chocolates in their lunch box next to a sandwich! So unhealthy.
Hubby's office does have a fridge and microwave oven so there are more choices for him. Yah, what I will do is to cook more for dinner and pack some for his lunch. can do some roast on some days or fried rice, sandwiches, fried noodles, sushi etc...

as for Lucas, he is more challenging. still eating soup noodles for lunch and dinner. other stuff that make it on his list is pizza with just tomato paste and cheese, french toast, mashed potatoes and of course wedges and fries. I was thinking of the cold soba noodles too, will try out on of these days @ home. The only meat he eats is meat floss.

We were pleased that he liked the pizza when I bought a gluten free pizza dough and homemade tomato paste at a nearby farmers' market. He can finish the whole pizza (3 inches dia) by himself.

Currently, he will have a bowl of soup noodles for breakfast before he goes to kinder as he only eats bread &/ yoghurt during lunch.

tomorrow and thursday - going to hit 41 degrees. i heard record was at 47 during last summer. aiyo, i think our brains can boil when walking outside.
Tetra, hehe, hibernation mode. Yeah, lunch for ang mohs is very depressing. When I was in uni, it was such a shocker. I used to haul butt and zip to Chinatown to eat whenever I could. Hate sandwiches :p I used to pack leftovers from dinner (I would cook an extra portion) for my hubby to bring to school. He brings it chilled to school and heated it up in the microwave. It used to kill all those angmohs cos he would have beef stroganoff or chicken rice or whatever while they were chowing down on *cough* dry or soggy sandwiches. Haha.

babyD, wow, OK you must be soooooo shack. Rest well!

Looks like Aussie weather is really hot! Singapore has been so cold these days.. no need for aircon. Nice though.

I will be starting work next Wednesday 10am-4pm.. wish me luck. Hope the little ones can tolerate not having me around for lunch and naps. :p
Enjoying your new place?

Wow, 41degrees... Chow Ta...

Work work? Didn't know it was in your plan?? Is it full time n perm?
yah, weather a bit seow here. Day time can be like 39 then at night is 20. Also dunno whether we should turn on a/c or not. sigh...miss the winter.

catz: yah, where r you working? good lah, change of lifestyle. I am sure u will enjoy it. So is Bethany taken care by your mum or helper? Think your helper should be quite steady now.

Lucas so funny that day, he suggested that when we take a plane to S'pore, drop by Indonesia to pcik up our helper. haha... thot he has forgotten her liao.
Piggy, an opportunity popped up out of the blue and since the timing is convenient to me, I decided to try it out for at least 6 months (can terminate anytime earlier).. Bethany will be heading to school in Jan so I will fetch them to school as per normal and then only go to work.

Tetra, wow, Lucas really has a good memory!
You're going back to work? Totally unexpected! Wow, big change for you. Does that mean Tim and Bethany will be going to child care or will your parents or helper pick them up?

Actually I've more or less recovered and am starting to enjoy the house. I tried out the nice Ariston over than the previous owners left behind. Lovely, so much better than my old microwave convectional oven. I managed to bake some really nice chocolate swirl buns for Sherman's class party. Pity he never made it there because he fell sick. Now baking some banana cake. =)

47 deg is nuts... enough to slow cook? Sherman has the same problem as Lucas, loves noodles and tends to like to eat the same thing. Good and bad. Good cos he won't complain of eating the same old thing. Bad cos we can't go to new restaurants sometimes.
Good... Work gives women sanity. (and personal $$)

You adjusted quite quickly...
Can we come visit you?

My helper has told me that she intend to go back next year.... wonder how am I going to cope when she is gone. Linus has been telling her that he will miss her so much and sure will cry. Hmm.... thinking of that gives me headache....
Piggy, although I love being with the kids, I do kinda miss having my own little 'thing'... plus with hubby retiring at 42 (or maybe earlier) it's good if I can get my foot in the door before it closes forever, know what I mean? I intend to do part-time until the kids are at least in mid-upper primary if that's financially possible.

Aiyoh, your trusty maid gonna go back? How how? Will you get another one? I'm sure L will really miss her since she's been around since he was a little baby, right?

BabyD, since my working hours ain't that bad, my dad will fetch them from kindy at 11.15am and then they will have lunch, have their naps and presto, I'll be home by then
Will be a combined effort between my Dad and helper. Thank God I can trust her with money and the kids.
yah boy, having a trusty helper can be a blessings though of course there is other intangible costs and issues to handle as well.

piggy: already can give me headache... but i am sure Linus will overcome it with lots of support to fill up the vacuum. Maybe some distractions i.e. a vacation may help to alleviate the pain of separation. I still can remember that day when we send our helper home. Marcus wake up in time to give her a last hug and he seemed to know that he is not going to see her again because he kept wanted to be carried by her and refused to let go. quite heartbreaking to watch...

catz: can understand what u mean. i always have this urge wanting to return workforce though i know i also wanted to spend more time with the boys during this period. I guess other than $, it is this fear that the longer I am not working, the more difficult for me to re-enter the workforce ...like becoming more redundant. but then again I know it is a pointless concern as I know one will eventually find something to do or take up courses to upgrade or find a new career line. looks like you have everything works out pretty well. I am sure you will be very excited to be back in the workforce.

for me, i think i will have to wait for another 1.5 to 2 yrs before i look for a part-time work. by then, got PR then childcare and kinder classes are subsided and I pay lower tax bracket if i work.
Wah, self invite! Sure can, it's been a while since we got together. When shall we do this?

Yah, quite hard to get a good helper, machiam lucky draw. Mine is quite good, but recently when we moved over, she was rather unhappy and kept commenting that the house is very big, got 3 floors, etc... So we gave her a raise. Hopefully it's enough and she won't want to leave after her contract is up. Linus will get over your maid leaving eventually. He might reject the new maid initially but eventually he will adjust.

I stayed at home the past 2 weeks and it was really tiring! I enjoyed spending time with the kids and having more time to do gardening and baking. But i'm not sure I could stay at home like that everyday, so really admire the SAHMs. Think it's good that you can rejoin the workforce now that Bethany is a big older and starting school soon. Don't worry about hubby retiring early, he will definitely be able to find a post-retirement job.
Tetra, day 3 of work.. of course this is a non-executive role so it's a bit of a different experience for me.. Once work hours are over, I drop everything. Hehe. No meetings with bosses, writing papers etc. Of course the pay sucks lah :p But it's just a way to keep my foot in the door before it slams shut on me since I'm not intending to do any postgraduate degrees and whatnot.

babyD, I don't garden and bake! Haha! But yeah it's nice that I know my kids are well-disciplined.. of course I do need a little me time here and there too. Haiz.. post-retirement ah.. not easy to find job lor. Just praying and hoping that God will make a way for him to find a meaningful (and not too badly paid) second career.

Hubby wants us to go for a short vacation without the kids... dunno if I can bear to leave them or not but I would really love to reconnect with my hubby.. if we do it, it'll be around the half-year mark into his deployment. I told him 3 nights is the max I can foresee us going away for.
Gardening and baking are two activities that Sherman participates in enthusiastically. I still have lots of hobbies that I've neglected but cannot pick up. Not enough energy at night after work. Don't worry, I see that most of the retired SAF ppl do get jobs. If they can't go out, there's always defence related industries & stat boards.

Re: Short vacation without kids
Just do it, my dear. Kids will be ok. The last time hubby and I went on a holiday together, we met up in Germany after our overseas work trips happened to coincide around that region. It was really really nice even though we missed the kids. We were away for 2 week including the work bit.
so cool, i think it is really worth it to have a holiday without the kids, just for a break. you can just do those things and enjoy those food that both you & hubby like. I think it is a different fun with the kids, more like enjoying bcoz the kids enjoy.

catz: aiyah, once you have been a SAHM and enjoy being one, you really don't want to climb the ladder liao. I mean the time spent in attending meetings, writing reports and what not, are better spent being with my kids. just that $ can be good lor. such a dilema for modern days mother. got choice also headache...haha...

and I do know someone who has really a good career in defence after he left the air force. he actually got a job with a consultancy firm based in SA and the family moved over. they have settled very well here and well paid too. defence is one of the biggest industry here in SA.

mum went back to spore yesterday so today marks my 1st day managing the household while hubby is @ work. when hubby is not working, he cooks so good lah, can finally try my culinary skills now.
Agree with the dilemma... When kids are young, want to be SAHM to spend more time nurturing them. When kids are older, the career opportunities have all gone. Even if you want to start from the bottom, employers don't want you because of age. Tough lah, must set up own business or something.

Have fun cooking!
babyD, I think the husband is pretty much fed up of the whole industry.. haha.. anyway we'll see where God leads us.

Tetra, yahhh I can imagine having unrushed meals without the kids.. BUT they're like part of my DNA... but I figure that hubby and I really really need the alone time to reconnect since we've been apart for so long.

Well, it's nice to have a leetle extra dough.. and still have time with the kiddos. So far so good.. let's see if I can tahan till the end of my 6 month contract

Nobody travelling? We're heading to HK only on Christmas day.. can't wait.. seems like eternity.. waiting for hubby to quickly come back so we can feel like a whole family again. Now I think my neighbours must think I'm a divorcee. Haha.
babyd: exactly my thots... by the time the kids are older, not so sure if it it still possible to find work or not. most likely have to try entry job lor. but here easier to find part-time job and they pay reasonably well. most mums here actually work part-time and ends in time to fetch their kids from school around 3.15-3.45pm. or they work like 3 days a week.

catz: actually most people can tahan the job, it is usually the people i.e. boss, peers & customers. if they are nice people, you will have no problem even continuing your job after 6 mths. good lah your situation now, can work part-time to make some $ without spending too much time away from the kids.

really can't imagine how tough for single parents to manage. the % of single parent unit is very high in az. then they meet another partner, some have kids and separated again while others if lucky, stay together.
Yah, having unrushed meals is a real treat. Usually on our anniversary and birthdays, we go out for a nice dinner with drinks to chill out without the kids. Finally, a meal where we don't have to find a high chair and watch Sherilyn throw her food and tissues on the floor, or hear Sherman talking non-stop.

We're not travelling cos we're broke after spending all that money on the house.

Yah lor, Singapore culture not very tolerant of part time jobs. I have a few friends who managed to do it in the govt though. My job definitely cannot though, I would have to switch to some kind of admin role. If I ever become a SAHM, I'm not sure I'd be able to return to the same work and I'll be super over qualified for non-executive jobs, like that scientist who became a taxi driver.
BabyD, can imagine that the house must've wiped out a fair bit of your savings.. anyway, after all the hard work shifting, it's nice to enjoy your spanking nice new home

We haven't really gone out much without the kids.. just feel much too guilty to have to trouble my parents to babysit. We usually head out only for short grocery trips after they go to bed cos at least the helper can jaga the house.

Part-time jobs ah.. yah, not in Singapore. I mean, I'm drawing like 1/4 of my previous pay... albeit I'm only working slightly more than half a day. Still :p

Tetra, yah a lot of divorces in Australia huh.. plus their family unit is v nuclear.. grandparents don't usually step in to take care of the kids. That's one thing I think we have to be thankful for.. being able to ask for parental help even at this age. Haha.
Yup, totally broke. Still waiting for old house sale to be complete so that we can have a bit more cash to replace some cupboards.

You shouldn't feel guilty going out with hubby occasionally. I think birthdays and anniversaries are legitimate reasons to leave the kids with your parents for a few hours. Dinner doesn't take that long, even at a nice restaurant, we're done in 1.5hrs or less because we go early. If you start dinner at 6:30pm or 7pm, can still get home in time to put the kids in bed. Parents are definitely a bit help.
BabyD, wow, you completed the purchase without first selling?

Guess I'm with the kids 24/7 so it feels very very odd to go out without them. They're old enough that I shouldn't worry but I still do :p But we really need some couple time if we can squeeze it in during his home leave. If not it will be a big 'divide' when he returns after a year.
Yup, didn't manage to sell until 2 weeks b4 we moved. Was really quite glad when the offer came in. Still a bit lower than we hoped for in the current market, but was already a very decent price and far more than what we paid for.

I actually think we are doing our kids a big favor when we take time and effort to care for our marriage. Our marriage is a model for our kids to refer to as they grow older and develop relationships of their own. Also, kids eventually grow up and leave the home. We will spend our retired twilight years with our spouses 24/7, while our children visit us weekly if we're lucky. If you think you really need the couple time, then just take it and don't worry about the kids. Must let go sometimes. =)
BabyD, well at least it sold and for a decent price plus at a profit!

Yup yup.. I know I have to let go cos we'll be separated for an entire year.. so yup, couple time it is.. hopefully to Phuket for a second honeymoon
catz: so sweet lah, still for 2nd honeymoon. Seemed like we never have our own holiday since Lucas was born.

so fast now and now is Dec, end of the year. How time flies... and soon, we are busy celebrating the birth of our kids again.
Tetra, well, we are having long distance relationship, no joke lor cos we're not one of those independent couples.. would be nice to have time to reconnect without distractions. *fingers crossed*

Yah so quick.. Christmas and birthdays all jam-packed
Yah, I think time flies more quickly with 2 kids. I'm going to be a mad woman Dec-Jan. Because everybody wants to see our place, we're having multiple parties... Christmas, New Year, Birthdays... It starts this Sat!

Good lah, make that second honeymoon happen and have a good time.
babyD, oh mannnn, multiple parties means ultra tiring weekends!

Where's everyone? Piggy must be on holiday hey? We leave next week! Can't wait!!
Helper doesn't cook nor bake. I think I can lah, no fever, just coughing like an old man with TB. Loads of yucky phlegm. Hubby has it too. Lucky kids seem ok. Hope they don't get it.
good for you catz, and it doesn't seemed so long after your hubby left for Timor. What a great way to spend the year end with an overseas trip.

babyd: can imagine how tiring it is going to be with the parties... we will be starting our xmas gathering starting from this weekend, 3 parties/ meal gathering to go ...much busier than when we were still in Spore.
Are you cooking for all of them? I plan menu until siao liao. Every other year I just make dessert only. This year lagi cham. Going to be pigging out from Dec till CNY. After all the Christmas and New Year parties, got Sherman & my mum's b'day in Jan, FIL's b'day in early Feb. Before we know it, CNY already.

So happy, hubby won some travel vouchers. Not that much but enough to cover the whole family to go on cruise to Phuket. So Sherman will miss 2 days of school. Initially we thought just top up and go Korea, but later decided too cold, KIV for another time.
Tetra, on hindsight it doesn't seem long but man oh man, the days (and esp after the kids go to sleep) really really drag.. I miss having my partner with me. No pak tor, no grown-up conversations.. skype is sometimes so bad that we can't hear each other and give up. :p

BabyD, wow, lucky you.. free travel!!!
That's always nice!

Tetra, so you will not be returning to Singapore for CNY?

Piggy must be on holiday..
catz: I totally agree the toughest part is when the kids have gone to sleep. only after they sleep, then got chance to talk with hubby about the day. but nowadays, we will talk and doze off while the kids are still bouncing around us. haha... another few more days for you to see your hubby. going to be an emotional greeting. enjoy your holiday and shopping @ hk.

yes, we will be coming back for CNY since it is important for my grandma to have everyone around during this festival. it is already hard that my brother has extended another year @ perth so we are going back for a complete reunion.
Am no where near holiday!! So busy n L is celebrating birthday this weekend.... all the prep and buying presents.
Must enjoy time with HB. It's healthy. (very healthy without kids)

Free travel. hmmmm...
Your helper don't cook, then you do all the cooking on weekends? Very siong lei...
Not easy to cook for so many relatives and somemore need to look nice, need to see to the kids. You superwoman!!

Good to come back once in a while. CNY is the best time as most relatives not working.
Tetra, hope we can get used to each other after almost 4 months apart. Haha. Your bro is also having PR in Australia? CNY will be a v nice reunion esp for your grandma

Piggy, haha, no wonder never see you on the thread! Happy birthday to Linus! Goodness, 5 years old already!
catz: my SIL extended her contract for another yr & will have to return to Spore after that. My granny so looking forward to their return a few mths ago & she so sad tt she cried when my bro told her abt the extension.

a few of my friends are taking leave or plan to return to spore this dec but the tickets are just too ex, almost double. so it makes more economical sense to return in Feb. And i think reunion during cny is probably the most important thing for old folks. I will be travelling with the 2 boys first and hubby will join 1 wk later. hopefully I can handle both of them in the plane & airport.

Hubby and I have never been apart for more than 5 days so I can imagine being apart for 4 mths. beyond imagination ... especially when there are 2 kids to handle.
Tetra, yep, travel is getting expensive again.. cos capacity is insufficient to meet demand. Oh so it's your SIL who has a job? Then it was lucky that your brother can also get a job in Oz. Don't worry about the flight, if you take SQ, the inflight entertainment will keep them occupied. It's toilet time that will be more challenging :p

Yeah I'm really looking forward to Tuesday.. dunno if it will be weird to be a couple again... the longest we were ever separated was for 5 weeks when he went on exercise twice.
Enjoy your couple time together!!

We are celebrating Linus' 5th today. Time flies! We have to keep the celebration from him till today. If not, the endless questions, waking up very early (before 5am) will be too much to handle. When I told him that we are going to have a party,he was overjoyed!! "Is it today? Is it today?" Haha...
Piggy, Happy Birthday to Linus!!

One party down for me! Sat was not as bad as I thought. Actually finished cooking by 6pm and we started dinner at 7:30pm when everyone arrived. As usual, too much food, but the leftovers were manageable. My dishes (baked seafood rice, salad, roasted vegetables) went down well, especially dessert (chocolate cake & tiramisu) so we'll be doing some of the same dishes again for the next party, haha... different people, mah.

Last night I was in the kitchen preparing little cheese and chocolate tartlets to freeze for the next party. I opened the cupboard and saw a dark brown, shiny long tail in a "S" shape slithering away along the bottom edge of the cupboard on the floor. I screamed and ran helter skelter out of the kitchen. Hubby thought I was screaming over a cockroach again, but I screamed, "there's a snake, a snake!" It was rather dark, so we couldn't really see and I was too scared to go nearer. Hubby told me to get a chopper, a long stick and torch. By the time I found it, the "snake" had disappeared off somewhere.

I had heart palpitations for the next half and hour. Just the thought of that slithering tail gives me the shudders. Hubby thinks I imagined it, because he never saw it, he suggested maybe it was a very large gecko. Whatever that thing was, I seriously freaked out. But as I was halfway through making my tartlets, just had to bravely continue after hubby did a sweep of the kitchen cupboards and shelves. He also came into the kitchen to sit with me for a while. Aiyoh, the perils of not living in high rise....
Thanks for the birthday wishes. My little one finally turned 5!

Yes, more than 5years, we are chatting. We should continue, yah?

Likely it's a tiny snake. When I was living with in-laws, we do get that type of visitors. Just make sure that your back garden (or neighours') is not overgrown as snakes like cool long grass.

It sounds that your party last week is a sucess.

Piggy: Happy birthday to Linus. Hope he has a good party. Yes, we should continue the thread. Who knows, we may even attend each other kids' wedding dinners too.

babyd: can't imagine that. I think i will forever be haunted by that tail image. and wow, you can really cook so much stuff all by yourself. Your subsequent parties should also runs as smooth as this. enjoy the party!
