(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Tetra, wow, that will be so nice to have the family up with you! What are your plans and they will all bunk at your place? Yah the dust storms were so scary... here is HOT and occasionally wet.. gross and humid.

Oh I'll be so sad when Timo pushes me away.. but gotta be mentally prepared for it.

haha...all in all 10 people squeezing in my place. We will move to sleep in the living room and my brother & family can sleep in our room. They will sleep at my place for 4 nights only and in between, we are staying in a seafront house for 3 nights. The thot of 8 hrs driving is daunting!

sigh...one day our boys will grow up and find that it is not 'cool' to hang out with mummy. Mummies have to act cool or dress cool lor...
Family doing a sardine stack huh?
Have lots of fun! I love driving holiday. The fun is in the journey.
Tetra, WOW, it's gonna be packed!
Fun thought, like macham holiday camp.. haha.

I hope I dress cool.. sometimes Timo will say that I'm pretty :p Of course mummy will go out the window once he has his first real gf.

Beth down with gastric flu.. seems to be going around.
catz: how are the kids? Hope they are getting better. It's tough coping with the kids down with gastric flu. I can still remember both boys were pooing and vomitting non stop in Dec @ AMK. Scary... and the worst, it is so contagious. So be careful, and take more probiotics, not sure if it will help.

yah, I reckon it will be fun. have to borrow chairs and qulits from my friend though.

aiyo, I just receive my utilities bill, it is like $283 for a mth, just for electricity. I almost faint. Must be the centralised heating system which we have not been using for 2 mths and the @%#%$#^ water heater. Apparantly, the weather is so cold, the thermostat keep heating up while we are sleeping. We really forget about it, thot is it like in spore. really take it for granted...
Heating is as bad, or worse than air-con. Treat it like air con by switching off when you don't need it. As for water heater, it's kind of on 24-7. I always find the hot water too hot and the cold water too cold as most taps have no mixer. Hated it.

Last time when I lived in UK, my landlord put the heating on timer, so I froze for most part of winter and spring. We all wear sweaters and thick trackpants indoors and I always sleep with a hot water bottle to warm up my bed. I used to study either under my duvet in bed, or if I wanted to prevent myself from falling asleep, wrapped inside a sleeping bag at my desk. In US, people have the heating way too hot, that's why they just can't cut down on their emissions. Outside temp was -20 deg C, inside temp was 25 deg C. Heating costs were included the rent, so nobody thought to be thrifty.
Hey Tetra, Beth's fever was pretty high and stubborn last night and this morning but with 4 hourly Paracetamol and 6-hourly Nurofen, it didn't come back up.. of course in the night it's anyone's guess.. so she's bunking with me tonight. Timo was so upset cos he wanted to bunk in with the two of us like yesterday. Aiyoh, I couldn't get a decent night's rest with the two noisy kids on either side of me. :p

oh yeah, heating bills are so killer.. UK people are very kiam siap with heater. Haha. Unlike US.
Hope Beth is better. Did you get any sleep last night? We kept Sherman's box mattress after he graduated to a kid's sportscar bed. Whenever he needs/wants to bunk in with us, we take it out. He's a flipper and kicker, so nobody would get any sleep if he was on our bed!
wah, then the US landlord quite siong leh, how to cover the electricity bill if occupants turn on heater all the time.

babyd: must be very tough on you during your study days. your landlord also too much lah, why put timer? i think over here, people can sue in such siutations.

I believe it is the water heater since it is placed outdoor so it loses heat most of the time when then temp is low.

catz: you take care lah. take more vits. also tough lah, have to handle 2 kids on your own.

we also tough lah...hubby went for 3 interviews this week. Market has been slow...
Hi BabyD, thought she didn't have fever today but sigggghhhhhh she woke up from her nap with a fever of 39 deg. Not too bad but that's not great :p Another lousy night of sleep for me then..

Oh I remember those box mattresses on sale everywhere at one stage.. those are handy! But Beth is in Timo's hand me down toddler bed which is still small enough to shift from room to room.

Tetra, yah Americans all switch on heater like nobody's business cos power is cheeaaap anyway. Not like UK where power bills are super high. Same, I remember my halls of residence - lifts would stop working at 11pm and heater would go off at 12 mn... water heater also. So if you wanted to shower, it would be in ice cold water :p

Hope your hubby nabs a good job soon.. the recession has hit everywhere.. Only crazy Singaporeans are speculating on property until the prices siao siao.
what's wrong with them, still speculating on property? it is suicidal... Must be the casinos ready for business, is it? so everyone is so optimistic... I also heard that HDB property prices increase again.

thanks catz... I also hope lor otherwise how to go back to face family.
Tetra, property launch prices are insane! The 2 private properties that launched in AMK and TPY were above 900psf.. in fact the one in AMK launched at 900+ psf.. siao siao.. dunno what's wrong with all these crazy people. Drive up property prices for all the other people who don't speculate :p Don't worry lah, you'll get something... maybe not so ideal at first but as you find your footing, perhaps the job progression will be better.
when i told the locals that a 3bdrm public housing flat in spore at good location i.e. bishan would cost something like $300K, they almost want to vomit out their livers. it will buy a 3 bdrm landed property in the inner city suburbs. same thing about the cars too, also want to vomit out their spleens. a $70K new toyota cars can buy like 2 new ones and still got balance for a good vacation. haha...

who are speculating? the rich foreigners?

hubby is open to any job. but the 2 companies have challenges to find a suitable position for him. over here, they are particularly about job fit so even if he applies for admin work, he will not be selected. anyway, we are not giving up yet. as for me, i will only start looking after lucas attends full day school in feb otherwise very siong to sent 2 boys to child care which is like $50-$70 a day for each child.
Tetra, yah the house and car prices here are just crazy. Seems like everybody and their father's dog also speculating.. property agents are given blank cheques to Q at the launches.

Really hope that your hubby finds a good job fit soon. I think Singaporeans are a lot more hardworking than Aussies.. job fit shouldn't be such a big issue :p
haha...lol about dogs also speculating. wah, back in those days before 1997 crash. I saw so many owners burned their fingers and may never recover from it.

strange leh, why are the sporeans so bouyant about the market when the other countries are so cautious?

yah, Sporeans got brands one, very efficient and hardworking but must careful not to spoil market. here very funny one, u are only supposed to do what is stated in your job spec, and can reject work if they are not stated in your spec. Bosses even have to ask staff for permission if they mind doing it. today, hubby just find out that staff can sue employers for psychological stress. and it is normal to have resumes like 8-10 pages long.
Yah lor, you wouldn't believe it, but during the winter, I would sometimes find icicles on the insides of my bedroom window in the morning and the wall next to my bed would be damp and cold. I lived in a tiny the attic room in a small house with two other housemates. It was VERY difficult to get out of bed, esp cos the clothes would also be cold!

Yah, I agree the new property launches are insane. 99 year leasehold also can sell so high. Even remote areas of punggol can ask for 700k for a new 3 bedroom apartment. My colleague just bought.
The current prices of property is due to:
too much liquidity in the people's pocket,
increase in foreigners working/studying here,
high valuation prices of HDB's flat,
a feel-good feel about the economy,
herd mentality as everyone is buying....

Hope Beth is better now?
thanks piggy for a summarised update on spore property. I am actually glad to hear that valuation of hdb flat increased and positive market outlet, hopefully it can sustain then I can continue to rent my flat out.

yesterday attended the lantern festival, strange leh. the angmos are carrying the lanterns for the lantern parade and we asian were watching and taking photos. haha...
That's what the experts say... I think more and more people are swayed by what they read and hear from the "experts". If people got burnt by the stock market, how can there still be too much liquidity in their pocket unless they are all those 2007-2008 en-blockers.

Yah lor, I wouldn't buy a condo in Punggol, much less so when it's $700k and 99 years leasehold. I think the prices are really scary, but hopefully that will work to advantage as we're trying to sell our place now. Hoping to move in Nov, still waiting for keys to new place nearer to PIL's place and Sherman's future Pri sch. We bought just as the prices started to go crazy, so it's not so bad, but we're still broke and going on austerity drive.

Even so, I indulged and bought Sherman a very nice Thomas the Train lantern. It rained on Mid Autumn festival, but we still lit up and walked around the sheltered porch. Then later when the rain stopped, we went for a walk again. He wanted to compare his lantern with all the other kids and was so proud of his Thomas.
Piggy, nice summation

Tetra, yah last time in England, got CNY lion dance, we all crowding around. But those angmos doing the lion dance cannot make it siah. Just go left right left right only. Cheap thrills.. haha. Nothing like being away from home to make you appreciate cultural stuff!

Thankfully kids are better now although Timo has a irritating little cough whenever he wakes up. Sigh. Bad haze.

Punggol - no thanks either. Wow, BabyD, you bought near Tulip? Nice!

Lantern festival - my parents brought the kids to Bishan Pk, turns out they were having some event and Timo shook PM Lee's hand! Sorry, I very suaku.. never met the PM in person. I think he's quite dishy.. haha
Near enough to Tulip and far enough so we can afford. About 2km away, looking forward to waking up later and having to brave less traffic going to and from work. =)
Finally back from our 8hrs driving holiday to Port Lincoln/ Coffin Bay. Long tiring drive, with 6 adults and 4 kids but the view is nice, house is super ulu among the wheat field and very good fresh seafood @ fantastic prices. All in all, we ate 58 oysters within 3 days. haha... scary even for aussie standards. we decided we shall eat for the next 2 years at one go.
Welcome back.
58 oysters for how many adults? I remember a patron that came to the hotel that I was working long time ago ate so much oysters in one sitting that we got to call for an ambulance!!
I think she ate close to 50pcs...

Just wondering if Linus may end up in the same school as Sherman.

Went away for a weekend staycation and guess what....My son wakes up 5+ every morning and we are the first humans to hit the beach. Just a little later than the birds only.... feeling really tired...
Where are you planning to enroll Linus? Sherman will go to his daddy's alumni, Henry Pk. Can't believe Linus wakes up at 5+. Thankfully Sherman wakes up at normal hours even on vacation. Earliest is 6.30am I think. You went Sentosa or got chalet?

So envious! I think it's ok lah, 6 adults ate about 9-10 oysters each over 3 days, which works out to 3-4 oysters per day. One orh-luat in Singapore already has so many oysters. Of course size cannot compare.
haha...babyd, that's a good view to look at it. but in reality, it was mainly me and my brother who ate the most in one go...maybe like 6-8oysters.

what happen to the lady who ate 50 oysters? i think it is suicidal or bcoz it was on promo.
Yes. Daddy from there too.

We went to Sentosa. Checked into Rasa. Had a good time overall BUT VERY VERY tired. My son is a early bird. Wakes up at 6+ everyday.... Never sleep past 7.

DOn't know. I think greedy is the word... So embarrassing...imagine saying, "Doctor... I'm here cos I ate too much oysters. Quick quick, get them out of me..." kekeke
Such a coincidence... wonder if they will be classmates. Next time we can compare notes. =) I've forgotten where you stay, is it far for you to travel?

Both my kids somehow have this "saturday" clock. They seem to always sleep way past 7am on Saturdays. I would come out at 7:30am to find Sherilyn just starting on her milk and Sherman still wearing his diapers. He promised me he will stop wearing when he turns 5. *sigh* They are actually dry on most days, but he's so scared he might wet himself at night he needs his security diaper.

I like oysters and seafood too. Nevermind, eat healthy most of the time and eat unhealthy once in a while is ok.

Are girls more difficult or what... Sherilyn sleeps later than Sherman! She would keep saying "play" and try to escape from the room at bedtime while kor kor is snoring away already. Pengz!
Unlikely they will be classmates as they are born different year. Linus is a Dec 2004 child. I stay in West Coast area.

And by the way, Girls are not more difficult. It all depands on character. Linus tells me that his first love activity is play, second is food and third is do a little work!! From a young age, he will wake up very early to play.

How are the kiddos doing? Are they asking about dad?
So sotong of me... totally forgot that Linus was born earlier! He will be in K2 next year. I heard from my colleagues that K2 got weekly spelling and ting xie, *shudder*, they really start them so young. I never remember doing anything but play and listen to stories in Kindergarten!
Linus already having spelling at K1 since term 4. Alternate week though. Ting xie is not yet.

I remember speaking to my teacher in Hokkien when I was in Kindergarten!! Can't understand her Mandarin. English is laggi worst. Family speak dialect all the way. So when she spoke to me, I reply in Hokkien that I don't know what she is talking about.
I remember her laughing away and when I came back home, I asked my mum why....

These days, kindergarten life is so different from our days.
Piggy, OMG, there's spelling already? It's kinda nice that Linus is a year ahead. I wish Timo had been born just 2 days earlier. I find that he's not challenged enough

The kids ah - Bethany doesn't miss the daddy. She's way too young to comprehend. Timo does though but he's still closer to me so it doesn't make him ultra sad.

We'll be flying to Penang next week for hols with my parents and sister... 4 adults and 3 little ones. Argh.
Really, spelling at K1? Nowadays all v kiasu. I think spelling should be ok for Sherman as MIL always spell for him to test if he knows the word, though didn't ask him to spell. I think he definitely cannot do ting xie yet. Hardly speaks properly and recognizes just a few words. He reads his Chinese books by memory. Cover the pictures and he can't read it.

Haha, virtually my whole cell group will be in Penang this weekend. But we can't join them as Sherman's school concert is on Sat. St James quite drama, holds the annual school concert in Victoria Theatre every year.
Yes, simple words like one, two, three, etc.
Same for L. Cover pics can't read. I think it takes time and lots of patience from mum here, if not...."do a little work", "am very tired", "how come you give me so much writing?"
babyD, wow, big cell group retreat! Let us know how Sherman's concert goes and pictures if you could!

Piggy, my dear son can read really well but cannot write out the words. Aiyah..
Sherman's concert was really quite cool, they weaved together a whole story with all the different items. The only problem was the whole family came down with stomach flu or food poisoning. Sherman had it on Thurs, Sherilyn and MIL got it on Sat, FIL and me got it on Mon. Horrible bug, we were all vomiting, having diarrhoea and the tummy pain was excruciating! On the first day, couldn't even keep plain water down. I got 2 days MC, but dunno how I'm going to work tomorrow.
Oh dear. Actually what do the docs give you for stomach-flu? Anti-biotics? If you are not well, better don't go back to work.
Hihi everybody, had a fun time in Penang
Except for the night where Bethany vomitted in bed and I spent more than half an hour in the toilet scrubbing off puke from her PJs :p

BabyD, hope you're all better now? Sounds like a particularly nasty strain of gastroenteritis. Eeks..
Yeah, horrible gastroenteritis indeed. Think we all lost at least 2-5% body weight to the virus. Now I have to fatten up the 2 kids again.
Vomit is one of the nastiest things to clean off. It's so acidic it corrodes marble on contact!
babyD, tell me about it. I live with a habitual vomiter.. and my marble floors are *sigh* beyond hope.

Wonder if Tetra is still having holiday with her kampung?
Hi all, hope everyone is good and well.

babyd: I would definitely recommend CYC Movers http://www.cycmovers.com/about.html. They handled our 2 home relocations in 2008. Bernard was the sales consultant who took our order and their supervisor and team were very competent and efficient. They made the daunting task so easy considering that we have heaps of stuff. Just call them for a quote. Their quote is usually slightly higher than the usual small home movers but worth it. no headache and problem.

It has been almost 2 weeks since our 2 wk of vacation. My mum is currently staying with us till end of Nov which is great. She did the cooking and gets to play with the boys. Just worry that she may get bored. She completed 3 sets of cantonese drama serials in a week. Shall check out more dvds from the state libary tomorrow.

The vacation was great, took us to many places of SA where some locals didn't even explore. It will be awhile before we travel again, can be quite tiring and kinda of breaking your routine/ momentum. Now is spring and the temperature is wonky. Like today till Sun, it is from 17 to 33, then drop to 22 (highest) for next week. Can't imagine when in summer when it reached 40 last year.

These few weeks have been an exciting week, hubby is going for his 3rd interview tomorrow and Lucas is attending the 1st of his tansition visits at the new primary school next week. Hopefully, things will get more sink in i.e. branching out the roots deeper.

and how's everyone coping back in spore? How's catz? Another overseas holiday soon?
babyD, I used Shalom cos I needed storage for 2 months and their quote was reasonable. No problems with them.

Tetra, nice to have your Mom with you to help out and also to bond with the kids. She must miss them! Wow, sounds like you had a fantastic holiday! Envious of your very blissful life in Australia!

Back from Penang.. next trip is HK for 8 days starting Christmas Day.. woots
Catz and Tetra,
Coincidence or what, these are the first 2 companies that I called. Yah, CYC quoted me $960, we thought it was quite ex. Shalom hasn't given me the quote yet. Anybody tried Helping Hands before?
babyD, haha, guess they're quite reputable companies? Helping Hand should be cheaper though.. I've heard good things about them. We couldn't use them cos no storage facilities.
Catz, Tetra,
Moving is such a hassle. Everyday pack and pack and pack. Can't believe you moved twice or more within one year. I really don't know how we managed to accumulate so much stuff! When hubby and I moved in, we had very little stuff and didn't even hire a mover. An uncle's mini van was enough. Now we need a huge truck. Not to mention lots of help because the new house has stairs.

We didn't really renovate our first house because it was new and came with everything. We're so green at looking for contractors to redo some cupboards and I was busy calling up shops to do nice curtains (couldn't believe how much it costs!).Going to be on leave from tomorrow till 20th Nov just to settle all this stuff.
yah, I can't imagine how did we manage to move 3 times within 9 mths. It helped that I was not working that time.

It is also mentally draining when renovating and moving. But it is worth it...

Tetra, yah I think I really have to take my hat off to you and kowtow.. your moving here and there must have been ultra tiring!

BabyD, yah pack and pack also cannot finish. At the end, you'll just start junking stuff. Wahaha. So how? Settled on your reno guy and movers yet? When do you foresee you can move in?
