(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

Piggy, Tetra,
Now every time I go to the kitchen, I stand outside the door, switch on the light and do a visual check first before stepping in. Our house has no grass, but nearby is an empty field with lots of trees. The grass there is quite long. The baby snake must have wandered off from there into our house because our neighbors also have well kept gardens. Piggy, how to repel those snakes? FIL said use sulphur powder??

It's not the first time I encountered "wild" snakes (i.e. not in the zoo or with handler). A long time ago, there was a baby cobra just outside the main door of the office! That time, we were located around the Dempsey area, which is very wild, with squirrels and birds everywhere, not to mention snakes. The baby cobra escaped through the drain cover, but all of us girls were pretty freaked out. I mean, baby snakes will grow into mummy and daddy snakes, so we didn't feel safe!

The first party was the easiest one because other people brought lots of food too. The next one on Christmas Eve is with my parents and brother. We're cooking everything, but lucky just 10 ppl. On Christmas Day, we ordered a roast chicken and ham for the 3rd party, which is another 25-30ppl party again. And we're also cooking almost everything, fortunately MIL help with 2-3 dishes. Piggy, did you cater or cook for Linus' party? Tetra, how are you celebrating Lucas' birthday?

Merry Christmas everyone! Have a blessed and enjoyable xmas with your loved ones!

babyd: Most likely, we will be having a simple family celebration with a small cakes and gifts, and talk about why birthday is special. Have been attending a few gathering/party so don't think we have energy for a party.
<font size="+2"><font color="119911">Merry</font> <font color="ff0000">Christmas</font><font color="0000ff">!</font></font>
we had a simple birthday celebration at home for lucas yesterday. daddy bought a birthday cake, i made some jellies and as usual, the birthday song and presents.

The night before, I asked him what does he wants for bd. previously he asked for this xmas limited edition lego train, then now dunno what ship with 2 levels that he saw at a toy shop.

This time round, hubby and I decided that we will not get him any of such toys. He had too many, and doesn't seem to value them in terms of being very careless with them. Spoiled or broke most of the recent toys (one fire engine my dad bought from changi airport, two wooden fire engines &amp; one russian doll) that were given to him. So the night before, I told him that we can't get him the ship because we can't afford it. suprisingly, his reply was 'that's ok'. so just got him 2 books and a dvd and that apparantly is enough to keep him happy. I was worried if he will say how come no toy. only thing he asked was how come no friend, told him that they went to school. can't imagine doing a party when we had 3 in the last 4 days.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all mummies!

All 3 parties are over, much to my relief. All were successes, there was as usual too much food and we've been eating lots of leftovers.

Wah, Lucas seems rather mature to be able to accept not getting his desired toy. Sherman dreams about them and talks about them for a whole month leading up to Christmas / his birthday. I bought him the ever expensive Optimus Prime as he's given up on Thomas and gone on to Transformers. I also helped MIL and SIL buy 2 other transformers for him.
Hi All,
Happy New Year!

BabyD &amp; Tetra,
Yes, agree that Lucas is mature.
Linus got all his desired toys too. A set of Lego train with remote control, Lego Plane, some ball machine with tracks, etc etc. My boy has never liked Transformers. Wonder why..... most kids like such toys.... strange...

You must be very proud that all parties went well.
Anymore sightings of the mini black monster?
Jus wanna dropby to wish every a good year ahead.

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">HAPPY</font> <font color="119911">NEW</font> <font color="0000ff">YEAR</font> <font color="0077aa">2010</font><font color="ff6000">!</font><font color="aa00aa">!</font></font>
Hi ladies, Sorry have been sooooo busy

Happy New Year one and all! How has school reopening gone? Timo only starts tomorrow. His school always opens on time for the N1s and N2s and then on day 4 for the 'lao jiao'.. hehe
Happy 2010!

Just got back from cruise trip last night. Nice!! Sherilyn was a bit cranky on the first day because she was a little feverish and kept me up all night, but after that she was ok. The cruise ship is really big and considering all the meals and shows were part of the tour, it was quite a cheap holiday. We got off at Penang and Phuket to jalan. Hubby &amp; Sherman participated in some game and won, so Sherman was really proud and was showing off all his prizes. He missed the first 2 days of school, hope he's ok in the new class today.

No sign of the slithery monster yet. I sprinkled a LOT of sulphur flakes around the edge of the backyard to deter any further intrusions.

Yah, must tell us how was 2nd honeymoon with hubby?
Piggy, haven't yet lah.. Feb if things go well.

BabyD, wow, I've never been to a cruise before leh.

Aiyah Bethany is sick! High fever.. so didn't go to school today. Sigh. Timo is home today too 'cos I just didn't wanna risk it.
We never thought of going for a cruise either until now. You should try it, very relaxing, the kids will enjoy it. Got magic show/ song &amp; dance show / circus every night. All meals included, they serve breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and supper! But we only ate the usual BLD lah, too full. What I liked was that you could choose from 3 restaurants to sit in and the menus were different. We ate mostly at the Chinese and Western, rather than the buffet. It's easier cos you just sit down and they serve you the set lunch. No need to take turns to queue with the whole world at the buffet so that one can take care of the kids. Buffets are nightmares for us! They have nice swimming pools and slides for both adults and kids. Sherman had a whale of a time, but didn't like the super long adult water slide that snakes around the pool like a flat roller coaster.
Dear Mummies,

Sorry to interrupt.

I’m a new mummy turning to full-time piano teaching. I specialise in coaching young children and teenagers. Able to teach for leisure or for preparation of ABRSM examination. Able to travel to your place to conduct the lesson. For any enquries, please sms/call me at 91230494. Thank you.
babyD, my mom always says sure kena diarrhoea on cruise.. ever since we were little, that's what she's been drumming into our heads. Haha. Sounds good though, will definitely keep cruise in mind.
My last experience @ a cruise was average only and I never went back liao. Maybe it's becoz I went with my mum and friends, and we had this 4 bedded cabin. Not very enjoyable, think maybe it was becoz of the company. But I think with the right company, cruise vacation is quite convenient and contained but must participate in their activities otherwise it can be boring, and most importantly, cannot be crowded.
My experience in the cruise was with HB years ago. That time, we went on the Sun Vista cruise, (which is now at the bottom of the ocean). It was relaxing as we didn't go for those shows or participate in any activities. We just eat, read and simply relax.
Tetra, I find sharing room with hubby is bad enough, let alone with 3 other people! :p I really like the new pix you put up in FB. Eh, Aussie air is making you look younger and healthier!

Piggy, you mean the cruise ship sank?
catz: haha...so serious, sharing room with hubby is bad enough liao? yah, I thot my bed @ home was better than sharing a cabin with 3 others. Thanks, hope u enjoy those pixs. Still got so much more, just don't have time to edit &amp; upload them. hmm, the hairstyle helps lah but hubby said he preferred me having short hair, more manageable &amp; doesn't make my head look too big...problem is he didn't dare to say if I look better with long or short hair.
Tetra, yah, after so long apart, we both didn't get much quality sleep sharing a bed.

Aiyah you look much better with long hair.. u look so good now! Sometimes our men have very weird ideas about 'fashion'
OMG can't imagine! I thought you were kidding :p

How are the kids coping with K1 (or in a few cases, K2) work? Q different from nursery.. no more 'babying' from the teachers and have homework to bring home. Aiks so scary.
L has been given a spelling list for 2 terms. I wonder how he copes. My boy's concentration span is so minimal that I wonder if he has ADHD.

As the biggest kid in school, the whole class seems so "large" compared to the rest of the school. Remember just yesterday that he was one of the tinniest.....
Piggy, wah spelling list? Die lah, I don't think I'm prepared to sit down and make my son go through all that memorisation!

Yah I remember Linus was so teeny weeny but look at him now. Such a relief, right? You'd be scared if he was still the tiniest around
He is definately not the tinniest!! I am more worried of the other way round.... he told me a classmate tried to look at his waist last week!
Hhahahahah hilarious. There's a boy in Timo's class.. wow, he must be like at least 10kg heavier than everyone else and he's got an elder brother who's a year older but he is twice the size of his brother. Can pass for Pri 2 I think. I don't think Linus is anywhere close to how huge this guy is :D
haha...that's funny. Linus must be wondering what that guy is trying to do.

Right now, Lucas weighs about 18.4kg and Marcus @ 14.6kg but the little boy has been wearing all this brother's clothes because his head is so big tt he can fit his own so now left poor kor kor with only a few tshirts.

I heard from my friend that her daughter has spelling @ k2 with words like refrigerator.
Refrigerator!!! My goodness, what are they doing to our kids??

The cabin is rather small, but we don't stay in it much except to sleep. For sleeping, it's not too bad cos 2 adults and 2 kids. 4 adults would be v crammed. We were very busy because of the kids, didn't have that much time to just sit around and sleep =)

Sherman had his birthday celebration yesterday. Transformer party theme. He wanted a 3D cake. Couldn't find a nice one with transformers that I could buy so I made it, can die, but it worked out. I also went through the pains of organizing theme games, including a battle with Megatron! Everyone had lots of fun, but I'm exhausted. Been busy preparing for the party every night for one week, packing party favours, baking cake, shaping Optimus, cutting out decorations, preparing for the games.... Lucky we only do this once a year. And guess what? Sherman fell sick. =(
Yes, I think the group of monkey boys are trying to be funny by lifting each others' shirts. I hope they don't go lift the girls' dress...

Aiyo, my son can't even write properly, let alone spell such difficult words!

Wow, you are one hardworking mum!! Nice job. Just too bad that Sherman falls sick but I'm sure the whole family can talk about this memorable party for a long time.
Tetra, wow, Marcus is so big sized! Timothy has finally caught up with Lucas already... surprisingly he is 19kg now. Your two boys are like Blanche's two boys - can share clothes.. so nice.

BabyD, aiyoh poor Sherman. Anyway I'm sure he had such a nice Transformers birthday.
Wow, Tim is 19kg??? Sherman still "pai kuat", can see his lots of rib bones when he bathes. We haven't weighed him in a while cos our scale kaput. He was 17kg middle of 2009. Sure lose a lot of weight with this illness.

Can write enough already, no need to write so properly. Sherman always writes so big that his one word can split into two lines. What kind of spelling words do they get at K2?

RE: Transformer Party
I got quite a few smses from parents telling me their kids enjoyed Sherman's party. Ok lah, worth it. I had asked my friend to come over and make sculptured balloons. Some parents thought she was a pro and asked for her card! The games also went down well. First game was "Put the Matrix in Optimus", just like in the movie. I made a Matrix out of cardboard and aluminium foil, put some blue tack and got the kids to take turns and stick the Matrix on a large picture of Optimus while blindfolded, aiming for his chest. Then I did a quiz, 14 qns about Sherman. Then we played "Precious Cargo", which is bascially Pass the Parcel with action cards and gifts with every layer. (Wrapping this alone took one whole night!) Finally the Battle with Megatron was a large picture of Megatron on the yard wall and the kids got to throw plastic balls at him. We also stuck autobot masks cutouts around the party area on furniture. I told sherman we were pretending that the furniture were Autobots that could transform. I bought an ice cream cake from Swensons to supplement my little cake. I modelled the truck Optimus using marshmellow fondant over a carved out butter cake. It was slightly smaller than the toy. After the cake, quite a few guests left. I sat down to eat and only realised later that I had forgotten all about the pinata! The only way to hang it was from the stairs upstairs and lower it later. So I quickly lowered it and got the remaining children to come pull it open. Guess they were really happy to get double share of goodies. If anybody want to recycle the pinata for your party, just let me know cos they're not cheap. It's a nice red car, not destroyed cos I cut out a hole and stuck ribbons on to make it easier to open.
Wow... So impressed what you did!!

Actually at K1, school already gave simple spelling words like, bat, hat, rat.
K2 words are more or less the same but more words each time, like one to ten or, first to fifth.
S must have missed so many days of school that he missed the spelling and homework as well? So far nothing yet, but I was told there would be homework.

Will try to post up the picture of the cake tonight when I get home. =)
Hi SeptVirgo,
I got mine from a shop in Holland Village that sells lots of pinatas and party things. It's near Swensons on the row of banks facing the main road where the new MRT station is going to be (nearer the holland road end). Normally a pinata is hit with a stick, as it's made of cardboard. But it's quite difficult for small kids, so I cut the bottom (e.g. 3 sides of a square, i.e. don't cut out a hole completely) and attach ribbons into the flap. After filling, use scotch tape to tape it up loosely so that the sweets don't fall out until the kids pull at it. I paid $26 for the red car pinata, Disney ones cost $35.
Just wondering, did you/hubby join alumni last year to get ready for P1 registration this year for L? Does everyone in Phase 2A1 and 2A2 automatically get in without needing to ballot?
From what I heard, they automatically get in. I didn't verify... Anyway, it's too late now for us to join the alumni.
Seems like they don't allocate a fixed number of places, but just let the Phase I places fill up, followed by Phase 2A1, then 2A2. All the remaining places are split 50% into 2B and 2C. There are some schools were there were so few places that they had to ballot under 2B and 2C only for those staying within 1km, some got no ballot for 2C and only 1km can get in. If any particular has a lot of kids, I think 1A, 2A1 and 2A2 will fill up v fast. Hopefully there will never come a day when 2A2 also have to ballot. Think hubby will join alumni just to be kiasu.
Wow, BabyD, Sherman's party must've been a real blast! This year, my two kids' celebrations have been very low key cos hubby isn't around for Bethany's birthday this Wednesday. Ah well, there's always next year

Alumni and PV, I think I am too late for Ai Tong already. Heh.
Our kids are in 2A2. If join alumni one year b4 registration, it's 2A1. Within each phase they will divide into <1km,>2km if there are more applicants than places. So my theory is that if it is a baby boom year, the good schools will be oversubscribed. If 2A2 has to ballot, those >2km will normally be the ones balloting. If even 1-2km places are not enough, >2km won't even get a chance to ballot, because the 1-2km ppl will ballot. But it's quite unlikely that all 330 places will be filled by siblings, kids of staff, alumni, affiliated by church, etc. If it really happens, the PV from 2C would have done it in vain. It may have happened in some other schools though.

Here's the pic of the birthday cake as promised. I'm an amateur, so it's not great, but good enough.

babyd: very good liao, like professional. Sherman must be so proud of you. Maybe can try doing a barbie doll for his sister's birthday.
thanks for all the compliments. I slept at 3am for that cake, but it was all worth it. Yup, Sherman was really pleased.

Sherilyn is not into barbie dolls yet, or any kind of dolls. She's a monster compared to Sherman - throws his toys around, throws her food and bowl if she doesn't like it, cries over every small thing, beats Sherman if he comes near her (!!), sometimes using the TV remote or his toys to hit his head! Totally unladylike. She likes Elmo and Barney, but i think if I can buy the character cake, I'll buy. Beauty sleep is precious =)
BabyD, I really admire you for baking for Sherman's bday.. and you're a FTWM! *kowtow*

My daughter used to be all tomboy but after Disneyland, everything is now ultra girly Princessy. Hehe. So don't worry!!

babyd: yah, I think Sherilyn will grow to like anything that is pink, princess and fairy stuff. Over here, fairy stuff is big thing as there is this local start-up called "The Fairies' like High 5. They do all stuff from tv show, stage show, classes and theme parties.

Today starts the official school routine for Lucas and I told him that he will live with this routine for the next 13 years. I think I am more excited for him, couldn't sleep at all. I think he is equally excited, stand front outside the classroom door and kept asking if he could go in and tt he can't wait any longer. I am glad tt I have made the right choice for the school, I felt pretty assured after speaking to some parents. Good to see that there are 1 teacher and 1 assistant for 12 kids.
