(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

yah, jus now i ask her but to her, normal binder do the same thing, she dun really tik osim is tat special. but i believe there mus be certain good thing about it lo....... maybe i go to their website and check.

Quinn is sleeping now, phew!!! ha!!!!

yah, i tik so too...maybe u can wear it after ur massage ends, just to control & maintain...

hey, i miss shopping & my pre-preg body!!!

great, so now u can relax...had lunch?
yah, i really miss my size "s" figure too...... yah, i tik i will use after my massage session tat end on tis sunday. me taken lunch liao...but i am pretty worried leh as i dun really hav appetite wo...... ever since i came home from hospital..... at first still ok, but slowing, dun even feel hungry....
congrats n welcome back
u r really a strong mummy!

yar bb is cutest in their birthday suit
today i saw my ger bathing..wow can see the fats on her face, necks, tummy...so cute lei

nowadays she got alot of actions n noises when she sleeps.

hows ur Lucus? how much is he drinking now n hows ur milk supply? i am quite happy that last 9 i am able to pump 80ml of milk. Then this morning i bf my ger twice. Once at 8++, the other time at 10++.
Hi Sharon,
I was in my 37th week. She was right on schedule - full-term.

Jer, Sun,
thanks for the info. so should it dissolve or fall off ah? or maybe it depends on wat type of stitch the gynea use? Am using the bath salt too.

I stay in SK.

Maybe u can try to discuss the painkiller option with your gynea early. My gynea made it a pt to check up wat I can & cannot take way b4 my delivery. I am also allergic to lots of antibotics. so i was placed on 2 kinds of antibotics (to prevent wound infection) which he did research on & tested on me slowly immed after delivery. but since he don't use it on other patients normally, i had to stop bfing Esther fm day 2 for the course of the medication. But fortunately she made the switch to bfing with no prob. But i insisted on feeding her formulae with spoon only. Now perserving with the bfing pains! Have slightly inverted nipples so have to go thru the inconvenience of using a nipple shield for now. But bfing her although painful is definitely better than pumping 3hrly! Thanks for your concern Beanie.

Btw, my EDD is 25 Oct.

Thanks for your concern. Ya, hope the wound would recover soon so i will not have to travel with my rubber ring round the house the whole day! :) Going to the loo is a pain as well. Am getting a slight burning sensation when i pee, am praying it is not UTI. drinking cranberry & emptying my bladder more frequently now.
ok, will arrange a time to pass the binder to u.

yah lor, miss gg to mango, zara, la senza etc. Really want to buy myself a nice piece of lingerie but now cannot buy anything bcos dunno wat size to get also...sigh!

har? really ar? how abt asking ur CL to boil some herbal soup to increase appetite? any changes in ur weight?
How are you? long time never hear fm u liao..

Congrats! and wow, you're really brave! Take care & rest well!

oh dear, the wound v painful ar? i'm so scared of this episiotomy & engorgement...
"LA SENZA"!!!!!!! *VELY JI DONG" i wanted to buy also... y not like tat, after ur confinement, we WILL n MUS go 2gether...then we can shop inside while ur hubby and my hubby can talk and ja ga BB??

dun know y leh, maybe the weather too hot tats y dun feel like eating or maybe becos bored with confinement food and somemore cant drink cold drinks...sian ah!!
what can i say, I dun really care abt the not going out rule during confinement :p So if baby is fine, I can always meet up with u all

But I must add that our gathering will alienate some of the others leh.

Hmmmm... maybe we should have regular gatherings for ALL mummies (say once every mth or once every 2 mths?) Then we can have more ad-hoc gatherings with those staying in Sk/Pgl. The ad-hoc gatherings could be held as when needed.

but hope i won't look like "bao ba zhang"...

Nvr mind, 1 more week to go only! i'm counting down too! hehe..

Take some chinese herbal soup, it helps...
actcually it will dissolve but then i saw the knot when i'm washing it with salt...

hehe.. i jus went to bought my baby stuff and the osim belt... i asked the saleman if it really effective? he promised that it is effective then i told him if no result i wan refund ah...
came home n realised i lost my handphone... arghh....
.. anyone know the number of comfort cab lost n found number?
So u stay in SK too....which area? Me in Compassvale. Wat abt peg and puff?
Yah...early stages of bfing can be quite painful.....esp when they 1st latch on....told my hubby it's more painful then giving birth man. Trouble with me was because part of my nipples were already very raw and sore so when she latches on....it was like ARGH!!!!!!!!!! But now 1wk+ liao....engorgements gone...nipples back to normal....phew! I had the same problem as you when I had my 1st child, nipple was a little inverted. But the lactation consultant helped by shaping and pulling it out. So after 17.5mth of bfing, I had no problem with my 2nd child.

If u opt for epi, u won't feel any pain when ur gynae snips you.....in fact I only felt a little bite when he cut me this time round when I didn't have epi. After delivery, the area will be sore but not that painful lah. My buttock bone hurts more. Just wash and apply the area with the lotion they provide everytime after u go to the toilet and also buy an inflatable cushion to sit on (real comfortable). Engorgements can be very painful and uncomfortable esp when the milk 1st comes in. Do bf ur bb often to clear the breasts and massage them while ur bb's latched on coz when the breasts are engorged, it is difficult for the milk to flow out.
Hope these help!
little devil,
ya baby r cute in their birthday suit especially wif their small birdie
.. hehe.. your hubby proud still ok lah if the baby really look like him.. my hubby ah.. ppl said Kiern look like me he jealous sia, he go dig out his baby photo n compare wif Kiern n keep saying they look alike when he know they r not, then to make him happy i jus said ya lah ya lah look like u lah...
those who deliver bb naturally, hope tis infor helps.... whenever u wan to pee, prepare a small tub of water if u dun hav water hose next to ur toilet bowl, so while u are peeing, pour the water down ur private part from the front, it will minimize the pain as the water will dilute ur urine (which is salty and when touches ur wound will be painful).

ON!!! ON!!!! its ok lah, mus be patient to slim down, me now also waiting patiently......
Thanks for the tips casros!

btw, what type of inflatable cushions are good? The square ones or the donut-shaped type? I'm just afraid that the cushion won't be able to take my weight :p Really pai seh & painful if the cushion bursts when i sit on it... hehe...

Where did u get yours?
ha!!! ur hubby sooo cute, dig out pix somemore... now peg says bb looks like me liao, must UPDATE hubby about tat.... actually i love bb feet the most, soooo cute!!!!
i m getting on fine and doing well. I have been taking care of my ger myself since she was 2wks old, from everything except the bathing part only. The siong part intially is taking care of her at night lor. as u know my case is csection, so getting up frm bed is not so easy. Now getting used to it n looking at how she drinks her milk, sometimes makes me so happy. She is really cute n lots of expressions. My hubby only helps when it is wkend. So i always look forward to fri and sat as it means no night shift for me

I just want to check on something wif all the mummies who gave birth at EastShore.
Are their midwives good? As in, professional and helpful & friendly.

I'm going to deliver in Mar'05, but dunno which hospital to go..

I hear TMC is good, cos the midwives are very encouraging and will give backrubs during labour pain.. wonder the nurses/midwife in ESH does too?

As i stay in the east, definitely, would like to choose ESH, but juz wan to have some advise from the experienced mums.

Have anyone heard of the gyane named Dr L C Cheng @ Katong Clinic for women? Can he deliver at ESH too? Cos i heard he only deliver at TMC. Is he good?

I really appreciate if anyone can give me some advise.
My friend got it for me from EastShore pharmacy. It's called 'SurgiPack' inflatable ring cushion. I can lend it to u if u dun mind.
ya baby feet so small so cute... as for me i like kiern cheeks cos he growing fatter n his cheeks is chubby... sometimes make me want to bite his cheeks...
Sorry to hear abt ur phone. Hope you can recover it soon! Good luck!

I'm also staying at Compassvale - Blk 298A.
What abt u?

Thanks so much for the info!
Jus worried dat it'd be really messy & painful w the wound & lochia...

yah, it's getting more & more depressing for me to step on the weighing scale now...

Any changes with ur weight so far?

U so cute! U're not that fat lah!
peg, fat enuff to me

I've so far put on 12kg leow. My arms & tighs are so huge I'd cause concussion to people if I accidentally knock them
Wow! really admire u!
Taking of ur gal all by urself, must be tough initially right? But good to know dat u're adjusting well! Take care!

My company allows the flexible use of M leave but not my lady boss so bo pian.
I'm taking 12 weeks in one stretch & starting 26 Oct. Want to relax & prepare for bb's arrival. Furthermore, my co. has this new ruling that any MC taken 4 wks b4 delivery is considered M-leave so i thot i might as well start early so hope i'll pop early too!

So u cfm inducing on Oct 31?
ya lor kiern double chin is so obvious now.. haha wan to bite also cannot so i jus use my lip to press his cheek.. baby really grow very fast, yesterday my sis realised those clothes(0-3months) that he used to wear which is loose is getting tight now, hav to change his clothes liao...
thanks for the number..

jus called their lost n found department hope to hear from them soon.. i don mind losing the phone cos it's already kind of spoil, i jus wan my sim card cos all my frenz number is in there...
Yah! wow, din't know we're staying so near to each other!
My blk's facing the main road & few mins walk to the LRT station. So is yours the pink & green colour blks?

ha! i've put on 14kg liao & tik more to come - cannot feel any bones on my body anymore!

i see, well like wat u say, we hv to be patient! jia you! me later gg to see dr cheng, v. scared to step on his weighing scale leh...
wah.... u take care of ur bb by urself... me sure jia lat one, once my CL go off

ha!! i tik u will really bite if u can... u sound so tempted like tat
yah, they will grow very fast.... will see more folds on their skin... like lotus...kekekeke....
ha!!!! my fear over liao, no need to step on his scale liao.... but dun know wat he will says when he see me on tis 29th as i am going to do my pap smear....
I have not bought the mattress for my baby cot, wondering anyone bought the normal mattress, is it alright to get it?

How many sets of baby clothes need to get ready for new born, I dont want to buy too many and I dont have hand me down clothes.
Question for all,
why is it during the day, my baby tend to wake up easily.. like now i put him to sleep then after a while he cried then i pat him back(without carrying him) to sleep then after a while he cried again?? but during the nite he could sleep deeply..
little devil, why dont you try to start doing everything yourself now so that you'll be used to it when CL is gone? For now, what are the things she is doing for you?

sharon, could be- but there's no sure way to tell.

little devil/skyble, my baby does that alot too when she is angry. LOL...like when she is sleeping and I change her diaper, she will get angry and kick around madly and keep grunting until I finish changing.
she simply does everything lo... even like washing clothes and cleaning up the house.... lately i jus cant as i am having my massage, whole body oily all tat, sunday will be my las day liao then maybe i will try. but again, my mil says i should rest instead of doing all those... dun know how wo.... ur gal also like tat ah, my boy same lo..... sleep also cant disturb, drinking also cant disturb... they are like KING & QUEEN
hehe..yah lor, my hubby will countdown & tell my gal to come out early every nite so hope she guai guai listen lor...

Actually i'm oso worried dat i might not hv enuff time w my bb if i start my M-leave early but bo pian leh...my boss prefers me to start early & she's getting a temp to cover my work so easier if i'm off for 12 wks in a stretch. Furthermore, my gfs were telling me dat i'll definitely hv enuff time as they all can't wait to get back to work during their 8 wks M-leave so dunno lah...worry abt dat later...hee..

wow, dat's nice. Ur co. quite flexi hor...

initially oso thot of gg for a holiday during my M-leave, now dunno whether can afford e time or not...
