(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

oh, so u planned to go oversea when bb abt 6mths old har? that's good man! but who look after bb then? or u intend to bring her there?
haiz... we oso look forward for my next trip.... but dunno when lei!! if i bring bb hor, think can only go for cruise liao. if go other places may be not so convenient lor.


My hubby already planning to ve a short trip next yr, maybe in mar. Ai yoh, so long never go tour liao, can't wait for mar to come.....


BB still small lah, not convenient to bring bb with u. Nobody can help u to look after the bb?
sorry to hear abt yr mum.
btw if u go NZ then long hrs flight lei. hmm.. u really must get prepared if bringing bb there.

bb will be in infant care when abt 2~3mths old. dun think will ask mil to take care during our trip. hubby oso tat kind of cant bear to leave bb behind type lor. when i hint him to go for tour and leave bb wif mil, his eyes almost pop out!!! keep shaking his head! he said if we go then must bring bb together wor...

We went NZ for honeymoon, is really a nice place. Their life is so relax. When we are there, we ever said y not we just migrate here, hahaha..... But hor nite time super bored. Shops close as early as 6 in some place and there is no nite entertainment.
peg, thanks for duplicating the osim belt thing for me...

beanie, you still remember I stay sk... hehe... your memory not bad sia...
me too went NZ for honeymoon. that was their end winter season. romantic and nice place!
thinking to go again during NZ spring/summer, well, just dunno when.....

Then me and hubby is the bo chap type lor. My poor bb, hahaha...... So far we never planned to bring bb along. Will just leave her with my mum. We even planned to leave the bb at my SIL over the wkend when she is older so we can go party........
ya, little_devil really tempted to bite him cos his cheeks look so yummy.. anyone know how's the procedure of correcting short tongue? Kiern hav short tongue, going to ask his pd next week on wat we can do.. heard can be corrected but do he need to hospitalize? i had ask my GP n she said by rite when the baby is born the pd should check it and operate it rite away to minimise the pain as he grow older it be more painful for him... haiz...
did u managed to get the refer letter and make appointment?

have u arrange with gynae to bring forward the dropler test?

hope both of u are fine. **jia you** keep us posted.
My CL charges S$1600.

So u taking care of bb by urself at night?

hehe yah, she kinda agrees after much persuasion by me & my hubby & she's staying at SK too.
me trying to brain wash hubby.... hope he will agree to go tour without bb. :p
btw yr mum will be taking care of ur bb? my hubby main worry oso since bb not taking care by mil, bb may not familiar with her, then may be more problem after we come back lor...
we went on package tour. tot of F&E but the agency told us the road was slippery during that season, very dangerous for driving if we are not used to drive during winter. so gave up the idea and went on package tour.

Mine is package tour. Honeymoon mah, just want to relax with driver driving us around. If F&E will be very siong as we cover north and south NZ.


Yup, my mum will look after my bb. And i got 2 spare nanny, that is my 2 SIL hahaha...... Actually my eldest SIL want to help us look after her over the wkend is becos she afraid next time bb grow up will not be familar with her.
tot yr big aunt will doing CF for u on the last 3wks confinement? or i remember wrongly? u must take care of yrself lei. no CL very 'siong' one! oh, so yr dad will look after bb after yr ML.

u wen this yr jan huh? so u consider newly wed liao.
me ah, went there 3 years ago. so alr married for 3yrs!!
aiyo, me too hope mil will take care of bb but she said she too tired wor... i suggest to employ maid for her, then she supervise maid she oso dun wan. haiz... no choice lor. btw so envy u lei! so many spare nanny!! me look for bb sitter until xian liao, so decided to go for infant care instead since we quite like the env there.
my CL is malaysian & yah lor, hope my mum won't back out last minute.

So u mean ur father has 2 flats now? one in AMK and one in Ponggol?
i chose the one at punggol blk192 (aiyo, dunno why just forgot the name lei!). hubby & myself kind of like their environment and schedule lor. those story telling sections and the daily report to report on bb's behaviour/ poo poo colour etc makes us feel more 'fang xin' since we couldn't find any baby sitter we can really trust. so thinking may be infant care is better.
mthly is $950, after subsidy is $550 (subsidy is $400 if i rem correctly).
congrats! i agree wif u that MAH's nurses are good. they are very encouraging and friendly. did the nurse even help u massge ur belly, immediately after labour? they said it's to help ur uterus go down faster.

i was also wondering when the stitches will "drop off".

lil devil,
thks for the info on episotomy (did i spell it correctly?).
actually when forced by circumstances, u will know how to take care urself
actually i quite enjoyed except that i m very tired lor. u see her reactions makes u smile n laugh.

dont worry at all. U must tell urself u can make it n u will! i also learn as i goes along one. like that time, only after 2wks, then my hubby went work, so i forced to change her diapers myself...hahaha as me dont dare to tell my mil to change lor. then that time i also feed her myself lor. learn lor. yest u know hor i am left alone at home when i was changing my ger diapers, tot she poo finish liao so i cleaned, who knows while i was cleaning, she poo on my hands! quickly i go n wash my hand n continue. then the next thing she poo on the mat, so messy! this time round no choice, i first time bring her to basin n washed her buttockes. one hand carry her head one hand must hold the water host...ahahahahha cant imagine how i did it!

my ger sometimes like that too. if ur bb didnt cry very loud just let him cry awhile. But if he is screaming,then u carry him n tok softly to him n pat him abit. dont too used once he yell abit u go to him.
for my case, the swell didnt go down immediately lor. so i still wear my size 5 that time.
n actually after birth, u also cant b bothered how u look as u will be concentrating on ur bb
kelly, my stitches only dropped off today. when I was showering just now, I felt a string thingy below, so I tug at it gently, and I found a piece of string in my hands! Imagine my surprise LOL..

little devil, your CL is also doing diapering and bathing baby for you?

anyone's baby got small pimples? my baby got some small pimples on her face leh. i know it will go away, but just wondering, any way to speed up the 'recovery' of these pimples?

I havent been free to post here much, cause my baby hasnt been very well, she has some mucus in her nose and due to oral thrush, she hasnt been able to BF very well. Keeping my fingers crossed she'll be well soon. When she is unwell she becomes very fretful and needs to be carried/rocked all the time. sometimes when I see her so uncomfortable and upset and I cant comfort her I really feel like tearing my hair out, very stressful indeed.

Mine got it too(in fact quite a lot like outbreak). Went to pd and was given some cream and was clear in a few days time. Btw, very stress today cos bb caught a cold (think is from me). It hurts me to see him suffering from blocked nose and slight cough. Sigh.... Being a mother is really no joke! But I am thinking of planning for baby no 2 liao (juz let nature takes its course. Do u think it is advisable?
mykono, were you BF when baby got the cold? the other time I had a high fever, so worried that baby will kenna as well, but luckily, because I was BF, she got my antibodies and didnt get my fever.
as for baby no.2, best to build up your health first, make sure you're recovered and fit before no.2, otherwise it'll be a huge strain.
BTW, r u going back to work? who will look after your baby when you're back to work?
Yah, was bf him. After taking medi, he is better now. Is your bb latching well now? If not, suggest u pump out and store so as to maintain your milk ss. Wonder whether is it coincidence, bought nursing mom tea from mom in mind and my milk ss seem to increase. Managed to pump at least 125 ml every 2 1/2 hr. Maybe u can give it a try.
Actually, the reason why I want to plan for bb no 2 is cos it is very difficult for me to get preggy. so juz want to get it done and over wif. Will be gonig back to work next Feb (taking 1 mth no pay leave cos me teaching got yr end hols).
u meant u actually tugged it and it dropped off? isnt it painful? my wound is still painful. i was juz wondering when will the pain go away?

my bb also has lil pimples on his face. i brought him to see a PD 2day and she said it's normal. try applying ur breastmilk on those pimples. it helps.

hope ur baby recovers soon. my bb also got hospitalised today bcos his jaundice got worse. i felt so hearthache when he was warded. anyway, his condition's improving. hope to bring him back on sun...

the swelling went down after 3days for me so u still have to bring ur existing shoes...it sure is nice to see my small ankles again. ha! ha!

thks for the latest update. my son's name is Gabriel.
little devil,

Yeah, it's better that u start doing more of the stuff yourself. Dun be like me, left everything to CL, so now totally lost...


Hope ur gal will recover soon...
yah, wat u and berry say is rite, after sunday (my las day massage) i will do things my own....

yah, i tik it is always the case tat we have to be leave to a circumstances tat we bo bian then we will try to do alot of things ourselves... ha!!!!! i tik i will be like tat also lo....

no ah, the swell will not go away so soon and mine case even more funny, after reach home afew days my swell (water retention) goes away completely but in tis week, it happens again.....anyone know y is tat so???

yah, she does simply everything.... actually i know tat after she leave i and hubby will have lots to do and lots of stress but i somehow feel relieve as i dun really like her, or should i say i dun totally trust her with my bb
as for the pimple, my boy develop them lately.... so heart pain to see tat especially my hubby. hope Faye will hav a speedy recovery...
quinn is cute! he looks so alert and he has nice skin

thanks, lucas is fine and his appetite is increasing! my BM is quite alot. i can pump abt 200ml each time. however, my intervals are 5 hrs apart cos i am too lazy :p how abt carriane? you are really doing your 'job' as a mother very well. way to go girl!

Lucas has little pimples on his face too. it goes off after abt 2 days and new ones appear again. for those on the neck, i apply heat rash powder and it's effective. but i don't apply anything on the face.

In the end we didn't bring forward the doppler test, cause just thinking anyway it's this Friday, so let's just be patient and see if BB will grow bigger by then.

I keep telling her to eat more eat more :p heehee...

I've just changed my hosp from MtA to Gleaneagles, haha than u all say MtA sooo good, I regret again. Anyway, don think I'll be changing liao, cause I wan to be nearer to my doc.

thinking of buying the Osim binder, but don know should buy the one for c-sec or the norm delivery one.... ahyah, how huh...
y not u buy the one for normal delivery one then u tell the sales person tat if theres changes (like c section is needed) then u will want to change it after tat, so u keep the receipt and dun open it. ask if its ok.
hi hi,
good morn everyone...

regarding the pimples on our babies' faces, i spoke to my GF and she recommended MUSTELA CLEANSING FLUID. she used it on her bb girl and it helped keep pimples away. as for existing pimples, try using ur own breastmilk. it helps in my case.
i ad the same worries, didn't know which belt to get. but i got the normal delivery one in the end, and told myself that i will try to sell it off if i end up with a c-sect. i have many preggie friends
btw, i delivered at gleneagles and find the nurses there very friendly. i enjoyed my stay there, so don't worry abt the hospital

thanks for the recommendation on the mustela fluid, will try to get it if i go shopping today :p

yeah, my CL also said it's normal for babies to get pimples attack
Hi Ldies
I'm back....

TBL and Woof
Thanks for the concern

I'm staying at Anchorvale Rd

Parkway Hospital Group
Eastshore, Gleneagles, Mount Elizabeth

This week is very eventful and me and my hubby

<font color="ff6000">Monday</font> - my check up supposed to be on Fri evening but gynae called me at 1pm and asked if i could see him at 2pm, i agreed....as usual, he did the measurements and commented that my bb is small - weighs 1.8kg at 33weeks + and he was worried about the blood flow to the bb is not good thus affecting the growth....he suggested i go TMC for a doppler scan to check ....so my hubby and i rushed down to TMC immediately around 3+ and did the scan

<font color="119911">Tuesday</font>
We brought the report back to the gynae at 7pm for his review....the blood flow to bb is positive and satisfactory but dunno what is the reason for bb being small and my amniotic fluid level was also reduced....my gynae said in the event my bb growth is restricted or stop growing inside, they have to deliver me early and bb would definitely require ICU up to 1 month or even 2 months....but ICU charges at private hospital costs a hefty 5k to 10k if i deliver my bb prematurely at 33weeks + so he suggested i go polyclinic to get a referral letter so i can go govt hospital (KKH or SGH) to do a CTG and follow up from there and even deliver there cos their charges is much cheaper and i can save a lot on bb ICU fees (but the only condition is i have to choose B2 or C class then i will get govt subsidies)

<font color="0077aa">Wednesday</font>
Went to Hougang Polyclinic at 3pm to get a referral letter, waited till 4.15pm and the doctor there was alarmed that my linea nigra line measured about 26 weeks and she said my tummy indeed looked small for 33weeks +....she said if she referred me to govt hospital, it will take a few days so she suggested i go KKH A&amp;E immediately to do the CTG and other investigations....reached KKH at around 5.15pm and the A&amp;E referred me to the delivery suite where they started doing the CTG and monitor the heartbeat....the medical officer there said i need to be hospitalised immediately for observation for the next 3 days (based on the doppler scan performed by TMC) and my gynae's letter and the letter from the polyclinic....the MO said cos the bb is on the small side, they are worried i may need to deliver anytime by c-section as it is better to take care of the bb outside of my womb than not being able to see what's going on inside....however, their neonatal ICU is closed/full house and because i'm not their patient, they cannot admit me in KKH as priority will be given to their own patient....after the CTG was completed at 7pm + with satisfactory results, they called up SGH and asked them to take me in!!! they dun even allow me to go home and pack my stuff and ordered that i have to go immediately....felt so helpless but no choice, we went mcdonald's first as i was hungry and then made our way to SGH....reached SGH labour/delivery ward around 8pm + and they also strapped me to the CTG and said i need to be monitored the whole nite....i was not allowed to go toilet or eat anything as i have to be on the bed with the CTG monitoring device...3 doctors came in to see me and they asked whether i'm bleeding, leaking water or having contraction, i told them none and they all commented that if the CTG results and the doppler scan (schedule the next day morning) is no good, they need to operate on me within 24hrs!!!! my hubby went home at 11pm to pack my stuff and even brought me breakfast at 4am and stayed with me the whole nite...it was a good thing the CTG monitoring results is good and they allow me to eat and drink but still i can't visit the toilet...have to do it on the bed pan....i did not sleep the whole nite (bb also stayed awaked the whole nite) cos felt very uncomfortable with the CTG and i think my bb also was very fussy cos the bb kicked me furiously every second....and around 6am in the morning, i heard a lot of commotion "pushed....pushed...." and about 6.30am heard bb cries

<font color="aa00aa">Thursday</font>
Finally they removed the CTG and allowed me to take my shower at 7am....after which another 2 doctors came and see me (one of them is the high risk consultant) and they too felt that i need to be monitored futher....they performed a doppler scan for me again even though i had done one on Monday at TMC cos they said they preferred to have their own records using their own machine!!! amazingly, the results showed that bb weighs 1.9kg and my fluid level has increased....after the scan, one PD came and visited me followed by another doctor....they said everything looks ok but i still have to be warded....they transferred me to the normal C class ward (5 beds in a room with no air con and cannot choose menu, strictly chinese diet for me) and they checked my temperature, BP and yet another doppler fetus heartbeat check....wah, the C-class ward quite hot and the fan above my bed was making so much cranking noise it felt as if it's going to fall on me so i requested to change a bed, unfortunately the other fan was not able to oscillate....the nurses wanted the technician to change a new fan for me but i refused cos too tired to move around liao....i did not sleep well that nite cos there were so many activities going on in the room and i was feeling very hot even after shower....one mummy who just gave birth on epi was being pushed in and slept opposite me and she kept throwing up and calling for the nurses, the one next to her also kept throwing up after operation, another mummy also delivered and was pushed in and slept beside my bed

<font color="0000ff">Friday</font>
After i came out from my shower at 7am +, they strapped me again to the portable CTG for half hour before allowin me to take breakfast. Then one senior doctor with 4 trainee doctors came and visit me and said though all the test results looked good, they still want me to be warded further (up to max 1 week!!!) for observatin....i was so devastated....i pleaded with them to discharge me and finally the high risk consultant gave the green light to let me go home but i have to see him on Monday for follow up....they gave me 3 weeks hospitalisation leave and said i must rest and rest and rest....too bad i'm not working so cannot claim the leave

the team of doctors at SGH concluded that my bb is just "constitutionally small" and nothing is wrong....but i have to be very alert and monitor the bb movements everyday....the doctors hope the bb can stay in the womb up to 36weeks and most likely, they will encourage me to deliver around that time (between 36 to 37 weeks)
hi hi puff,
Thanks God!
glad to see u back!! moreover the close monitoring @ SGH shows great improvement ya!! Dun worry, think yr bb understand that too, cooperate wif mummy.
u must really listen to doc advice and rest well @ home, dun attempt to do any housework, even those u think its 'light' one! drink more water oso, ok! Tell bb dun be afraid, mummy and daddy is with bb to overcome all obstacles.
btw do u need to contact yr gynae or u have actually changed gynae @ SGH? Take care. God bless you &amp; yr family.
since u decided to wait till Friday, do stay positive!
i'm sure yr bb will be fine.
as for osim binder, i'm thinking to wait and see, will ask my hubby to get it for me after birth. worry if buy the wrong one hor later got problem to sell it away lei.

the infant care is 'brightkids' @ blk192 punggol central, #01-311. Tel: 68756332. u can call to make arrangement for the visit. anyway they did tell me can go anytime to take a look, but think it's better to call 1st lor. their teachers are all trained in childcare and the environment seems not bad. u may go there to take a loook.
what an ordeal for you and your husband? I can understand the heat/noise level in C ward because I stayed there too when I was 19 weeks pregnant.
I hope that your baby grows and your fluid levels get to normal levels. And rest and drink tons of water..
thanx for the infor, i will try to use my breastmilk though me not breast feeding... ha!!!!

yah, maybe we try wat kelly says lo about the breastmilk.
hi puff,
wat a traumatic week it is for u &amp; ur husband...
now that things are ok for ur bb, dun worry so much. relax, have happy tots and rest, rest, rest! eat well too.
give ur husband a pat on the shoulder for his support too.
its great to know tat everything is a ok, maybe ur bb jus hap to be on the smaller side and nothing else... so u mus now learn to relax as if u are tense, bb can feel it too...
thanks everyone for the concern
i'm really touched....

i'll be seeing the high risk consultant in SGH and see what he has to say on Monday, if everything is fine and i can pull thru till 36 - 37weeks, think most likely i will stick to my gynae and let him do the delivery

not that i dun trust the doctoor at SGH but because i choose C class, the midwives and trainee doctor on duty will be doing the normal delivery and not the gynaes (unless it is C-section)....plus they dun give you a fixed doctor, any doctor/specialist/consultant/trainee on duty will take over the case

plus i cannot tahan staying at the 5-bedded wards (it's also important for mummy to have good rest after delivery)

*excuses*.....ha ha

dun worry lah. my wound is only so bad due to the prolong pushing. it became swollen. most ppl i know dun experience as much pain, &amp; for so long. besides i can't take painkillers mah. btw, i didn't even feel the pain when my gynea snipped me &amp; i didn't even take epi. guess i was in too much pain to feel it ;)

good to know it will dissolve. i was scared tt i will feel the pain of the stitch falling off!

i stay in Anchorvale! did the lactation consultant use a syringe to pull your nipples out? or use the 2 fingers (one on top &amp; the other vertically below) to compress on the edge of the nipple? i used the nipple shield today for a while &amp; switch to direct latch for my left breast &amp; my girl was able to latch on without much difficulty!

hahaa..ya i know. guess Esther is quite obedient by popping when i plead :)

guess i was so exhausted, relieved, overjoyed, after the delivery that i dun remember whether they did massage my tummy leh. i was monitoring my tummy, seems to have shrink quite noticeably within days already. so i will just stick to the abdominal binder i bought &amp; will probably not need to go for malay massage. i think the bfg is doing the work!

Will keep u in my prayers. Think positively. U sound positive. That is great! Eat well, &amp; rest lots!
