(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

wow, thanks for the info on osim binder! really? very effective? then i'll start using it after discharged too!

my tummy was significantly smaller even before i started my massage. that's why i think it's effective lor. my girlfriend started using the osim binder one month after her delivery as her tummy was quite big. she also said her tummy went down by quite alot afterwhich.
u want me to lend u the belt? but i can't remember which model it is - hv to go home to check...

So he's scraping his caddy this mth? yah, i know, can be quite problematic & troublesome w/o car but nvr mind lor, lun for 2 mths & call cab, now more taxis...
u can imagine the shock on our faces when my water bag broke...it sure was exciting but also terrifying cos i wasnt expecting him to be so early.

i tik if u put the CTG on me then, my heartbeat is shooting sky high.

u booked mdm naini right? i called her 2nd day after i delivered. she asked abt my weight 1 wk prior to delivery and she asked abt my present weight. she also asked abt my bb and i told her bb got jaundice. she instructed me to stop eating ginger & sesame oil if bb's jaundice continues since i'm BFg.

since i'm still on painkillers, she cant start the massage for me cos the area below will hurt when she binds me up. she'll come next mon or tues. i'll let u know how her massage skill is then.
ha! ha! my son popped early, maybe bcos he doesnt 1 2 take any of the chinese med which i paid for on fri nite. my hand cramps is still around...hopefully it'll go away soon.
no lar, my colleague lend me the osim belt.

yah lor, cab is definitely cheaper than car!

take care & why are u on painkiller?
frankly, after reading ur birth story, i tik i'd better start packing my hospital bag tonight, haven't even put anything inside yet!
hi hi,
can i check wif the new mummies?
wat color is ur baby's poo poo? my son's poo poo is green in color and watery... i tot it's supposed to be yellow and watery.

my MIL said he must have been in shock so his poo poo is green and she wants to feed him some powdery stuff to help him.
wow your hubby deserves a medal for such quick work. Mine... forget it lah.

Jaundice usually occurs 3rd day, 7th-10th day, so just monitor/ remember your paed visits.
Very common but nothing to be unduly upset as long as it's attended to.
pls do so...i strongly encourage u to even start doing other stuff like wash baby's clothes, buy pampers, maternity pads, etc.

fyi, i havent even bought enuff disposable panties and maternity pads. i sent my husband out shopping while i was lying in the labour ward on sat.

my baby cot is not even in yet. it was supposed to be delivered on 1oct but postponed til 15oct due to shipment delay.

everything else seems delayed for us, except my bb. ha! ha!
i was prescribed painkillers and antibiotics when i was in the hospital. i didnt 1 2 take painkillers initially but the pain below is quite unbearable once the epi/LA effect is gone. furthermore, i had to sit up to BF so i'm taking the painkiller regularly until my dosage is finished.
oh, i tot u so early buy liao. okie, u go home see wat model is tat, see if i can use, then no need to buy or else in future didnt use also waste $$. thanx leh.
i can use till u about to deliver then u carry on using, making full use of it ha!!!!!
little devil, everyday?! For how long? Like that my $$$ also siong leh...

Beanie, no lah... I'm just more lax... so sure drag packing the bag one...

Kelly, ic... so after the waterbag burst, do you feel contractions? Painful?

Gals, what's this OSIM binder thingy? How much? Expensive? Sorry, I no time to scroll up through old posts... =P Appreciate if someone can enlighten me... hehe...

baby now moving more than kicking. not much room for our baby to kick already. mine likes to listen to chinese news and chines radio. will "dance" to loud music also.

the Avent cream is very good. no allergic reaction and can sleep better without the itch. did not see any stretchmarks and my rashes are subsiding well after applying the cream yesterday night and today morning.
kelly, tbl,

I already washed all the baby stuff that I have to bring to hospital as well as bought most of the stuff that I need. abit KS but now not so tired have to start checking for anything forgot to buy.
yah, i still have to buy the panties & nursing bras & other misc. stuff, tik i'd better go buy tonight. Really admire ur hubby!

but ur baby's weight is good!
is ur baby considered premature?

Rest well!

sure, lemme check & get back to u.

this is from SLK's posting on OSIM belt.

OSIM Slim Belt (Aerobics) OS-161 $78.00
(Without magnets)
- Wear it when exercising
- Suitable for Post-natal slimming (Caesarian delivery)
- Body shaping
- Additional strapping belt included for a firmer and tighter fit to achieve the desired contouring effect

OSIM Slim Belt (Body Shaping) OS-162 $88
(With Magnets)
- Body contouring
- Improves blood circulation
- Suitable for post-natal (normal delivery)
- Additional strapping belt is included for a firmer and tighter fit to achieve the desired contouring effect.
glad to know that the Avent cream suits u.

ya, me too found tat bb nowadys moves more than kicking inside. my bb is veri active whenever I have discussion/ meeting with suppliers. So i always told hubby bb is quite KPO lor.. :p
but today i'm quite agitated lei. keep shouting at my supplier thru phone, then bb seems very quiet. Dunno whether I scare her or not. i never talk so loud since preg. Hmmm... must cool down and observe bb's movement liao.

U only drank coconut juice twice only, when ur bb born is he clean? I mean since people said drink coconut juice will make the bb clean. I now 8 mth, start to drink once a wk lol, like very kiasu hor. Ya..., many ppl said durian will make bb grow. I even heard that eating durian can make one have a short and smooth delivery, ????.


Actually i intend to buy the pamper this wkend but just received a sms from my SIL, she had bought it for us liao. Oh no...... don know wat brand she bought.
your birth story is also quite dramatic did you take bath before going to hospital?

I think the herb you mentioned is 'Pippali' if I am not wrong it is used for increasing the milk production. You asked me about ML, actually I am planning to request for another 3 months unpaid leave after completing my ML if they agree then I will be comfortable but if they dont agree then I have no choice so will take break for sometime but still I will need to join after ML to serve the notice period. Actually nobody from our family side can stay for too long as they also have other commitments and for a 3 month old child I really dont favour the infant care centre idea as well... So navratri is starting from tom that means Arnav's ceremony will be held during this period thats good
You said Khapre is your hubby's surname so is he a maharashtrian? sorry just curious to know

Thanks for the wishes I am also hoping for same
just now I was again looking at the pic you send to me, both of your chilren look so cute and your daughter seems to feel a proud elder sister. Was she actually holding her brother or that was a camera trick?

Cute pic, did dr advice you to put anything at Shanice's face for those red pimples, it might be itchy for her le..
To me as well seems like Dr Adrian is in full mood to induce :D was he supportive enough during the labour?

i think i'd better start doing up my bb room too, it's such a mess now, all the bb stuff i bought i just chucked into the room unopened and unpacked.
my cot also not yet delivered.

is it possible that your gynae calculated your edd wrongly like your aunts said? for me, i more or less know my date of conception because i charted my temp etc.

yes, do let me know how mdm naini is, sure hope she is effective! your bb's jaundice should also go away naturally in a week although it might last a little longer if your bb is premature because his liver is also more immature. not to worry and hey, glad to hear that you are bfing well
dun take too many durian oh... it has high suger content and ur glucose level may shoot up if take too many. hmmm... i suspected i failed the glucose test due to durian lei..
anyway u just take note lah.
Dear ladies

I dun y i'm hvin a slight stomach pain?? Yesterday juz poo poo so can't be constipation. The pain in near to my belly button. I got the pain aft lunch & today i didn't hv heavy lunch.

Juz called my gynae & he say if tmr still pain then hv to go dw n c him. Is it normal? Can someone pls advise me.
to be exact, is cramp or pain? last 2wks i got a bit cramp near belly button gynae said it's ok as long as not the whole tummy... and the cramp disappeared overnite.
u take care and see gynae tomolo if still pain lor.
is pain & not whole tummy only area ard the belly button. Ok i'll see my gynae if tmr still pain. Btw,did yr gynae tell u wat's the reason for yr cramp? Thks.

My bb oso move alot nowaday. Sometimes really feel so uncomfortable when she is doing a big stretching. Last time when i lie on my side stomach, she will just shift herself to a comfortable position and that's it. Now, she will poke me until i give in, so naughty. So nowaday, i can only sleep on my left side. My bb seem to recognise her daddy voice. When we having conversation at nite, she will start to move
little_devil, hee, i thought look like u based on the photos you have posted of urself before.. i find it amazing his eyes can look at the camera! didn't know babies can do that so young!
i didnt feel any contractions at all until i was strapped to the CTG and it showed regular contractions. the feeling of contractions only came in the evening (i tik when it's getting stronger?). it feels like menstrual cramps but much more painful. it's a feeling i havent got for abt 10mths...ha! ha!

he's considered premature but his weight is good for a 35weeker.
i trying to get as much rest as possible now but his feeding quite irregular and i've been sitting up to BF him so my wound still painful. i only hope i'm not aggravating the wound.

i was initially worried abt getting GD when i eat so much durians. everytime when we eat durians, i'm only restricted to 3-4seeds every wk.
he's quite clean when he's out. my gynae plonked him straight on my belly once she pulled him out...it shocked me but i got a good look at him.

when i'm 10cm dilated at 530pm, he popped at 553pm. do u consider that fast? i heard my gynae & GFs said some pp can push for 30-45mins b4 their babies pop.

after my water bag burst, i went home to shower while my husband was packing my hospital bag.
once i knew i was going to be on drip the next day (sunday), i showered at the labour ward again.

u r right! his liver is not fully functional so he had low blood sugar when he was out. on 2nd day, they gave him glucose every 8hrs to increase his blood sugar until it's normal.

lil prince,
when i BF him too long, my hands cramped up and i have to be very careful when i move him. they also still cramped up in the middle of the nite so my husband helped to place him in my arms for BFg.

anyway, my chinese sinseh very good so i'm going to him to fix my cramps once my confinement is over.
yah, my CL says hes very alert and hes already lifting his head since starting second week. and his eyes will follow to the angle where theres sound, like when we talk.umm.... maybe certain part of him do looks like me...

yah, alot pp also says he dun looks like hes only 2 weeks plus. SUPER active and he is a attention seeker!!! me and hubby SIONG ah....
kelly, congrats on your baby
sounds to me that waterbag burst is the surest indication that baby is coming. hope i get that..

just went for checkup and gynae hoping that waterbag dont burst until in hospital so that no need to "force" baby to come out. if waterbag burst then baby has to be out ASAP even if baby does not want to be out.

TBL, Chihiro

baby's estimated weight gain is 380g while I gain 300g. looks like baby took some of his weight gain from my "stored fats"
little devil,

Your sonny is soooo cute. Have the cheeky look.
Doesn't look like a 2 wk old bb. Must be a handsome boi next time.


Yeah, iy's better that u get everything ready, jus in case. For me, I used up 2 packs of Pureen maternity pads n 1 kotex maternity pads. After that , I used 2 packs of normal pads (meant for night use one). Personally, I prefer the Pureen rather than the Kotex maternity pads cos I kept on staining my undies...
no lah, hes coming 3 weeks liao, by 2molo... heee.... cheeky, yah lo...but difficult to handle ah.... deed him liao, change him liao, scared hes hot so on aircon liao, carry him...everything we do liao but hes still screaming away.... dun know how leh!!!

ha!!! yah man, POWERFUL!!! my CL says everyone in my block sure knows theres a newborn, ha!!!! oh, i dun rem where i came across tis name, but i like it ever since i hear tis name, and i check the meaning of it, it means bright, smart and intelligent, something like tat so i take it since its meaning is not something bad and name with letter "Q" quite rare too. but theres a poblem, i tik alot pp cant really pronounce it correctly, alot pp read it as "QUEEN" ....
