(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

little devil,

Jus let your confinemt lady handle him while u rest. U total FM? He may become more guai after full month.

How do u pronounce his name?

little devil

hee, "Quinn" is supposed to rhyme with "Win" yah? are you getting anyone to help you once your CL leaves? it sounds like he is quite a handful...
no, infact no "in" sound, more of "wuen" i tik, yah man, HANDFUL!!! no leh, but my hubby is always the one who pacify him lo besides my CL as past 1 or 2 weeks, i didnt really carry him much as i c section.
little devil

oic, thought it was pronounced similar to quincy jones, the musician. good that your hubby's around then to help out
as you gain more experience, you'll be able to ascertain why he's crying and how to pacify him. if he's colicky, he will grow out of it. babycenter.com has a no. of articles on colic you can refer to.
Good morning ladies,

Could not sleep properly in night and finally got up at 5:30

Lil devil
Quinin looks quite handsome... nice pic
morning gals!!
my gal so "xiao jie!!" Everytime after she has finished the first 2 oz of milk & burped, she'll make a of noise as if she's scolding my CL for giving her the last oz late (she's drinking 3 oz). yet, when we take the bottle away, she'll scream!! we hv to keep saying "sayang sayang" then she'll finish the last oz quietly. my CL lady told me she's not like that during night feeds, only in the day. heng! if not, i'll go crazy.

after reading thru' the postings on OSIM binder, me now very tempted to go buy one. it comes with a "hip hugger" too rite?
ai yo.... ur gal and my boy same same, whenever my CL take away the bottle to burp Quinn, he will scream lo.... kick also.... like really very angry....but my CL got to force him or else later sure puke milk if didnt burp. and when my CL is burping him and when hes about to burp, he will make funny noises like hes telling us hes going to burp soon....
ya!! sometimes when we burp her & she's doeant want to be burped, she'll just use all her might & forcefully push herself backwards. then she'll cry & kick her legs about. she can also "scold" my CL while the teat is still in her mouth & she's drinking the milk. now everybody calls her "chilli padi." my 1st boy not like that one leh... i think she takes after my me...so garang....hahaha!!!
my boy exactly the same, my CL says she also scared of him liao...ha!!! now i really cant imagine when my CL leave..
oh no... i hope tat he actually only bully her and not me and hubby lo....
<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ wk 04-Oct
.. .. .. .. .. . EDD .. . Week.. . Where

heather ........ 10/10/04 wk 40 . GEH / B
mtmtmt ......... 18/10/04 wk 39 . ESH / G
august ......... 21/10/04 wk 39 . MAH / B
dee ............ 22/10/04 wk 38 . GEH / ?
micky .......... 23/10/04 wk 38 . GEH / B
yeeyee ......... 24/10/04 wk 38 . ??? / ?
bride0712 ...... 28/10/04 wk 38 . MAH / G
mel7728 ........ 02/11/04 wk 37 . TMC / B
AC ............. 06/11/04 wk 37 . GEH / B
cosmo .......... 08/11/04 wk 37 . USA / B
kelly (mona) ... 09/11/04 wk 36 . KKH / ?
cxope .......... 12/11/04 wk 35 . ??? / ?
yuru ........... 13/11/04 wk 35 . GEH / G
cirtusfruits ... 16/11/04 wk 35 . ??? / ?
sharon ......... 17/11/04 wk 35 . MAH / G
young jes ...... 18/11/04 wk 35 . MAH / G
joyful ......... 20/11/04 wk 35 . MAH / B
kikojoy ........ 20/11/04 wk 35 . GEH / ?
chihiro ........ 20/11/04 wk 35 . TMC / G
peg peg ........ 22/11/04 wk 34 . MAH / G
melbb .......... 26/11/04 wk 34 . ??? / ?
puff ........... 27/11/04 wk 34 . ESH / G
deer ........... 29/11/04 wk 34 . ??? / ?
leo29 .......... 02/12/04 wk 33 . MEH / G
TBL ............ 02/12/04 wk 33 .. RH / G
rochelle ....... 02/12/04 wk 33 .. RH / B
chihuahua ...... 02/12/04 wk 33 .. RH / ?
wooof .......... 03/12/04 wk 33 . ??? / G
seahorse ....... 04/12/04 wk 33 . MEH / G
crumpy ......... 07/12/04 wk 32 . MEH / ?
plong .......... 08/12/04 wk 32 . KKH / B
kypf ........... 08/12/04 wk 32 . GEH / B
emma ........... 09/12/04 wk 32 . ??? / G
jen ............ 09/12/04 wk 32 . TMC / G
fruitcake ...... 10/12/04 wk 32 . NUH / B
chantelle ...... 12/12/04 wk 32 . KKH / G
guess .......... 12/12/04 wk 32 . MEH / ?
mngo ........... 12/12/04 wk 32 . MAH / B
stephie ........ 14/12/04 wk 31 . TMC / B
wendypooh ...... 15/12/04 wk 31 . KKH / G
beanie ......... 17/12/04 wk 31 . TMC / G
melody ......... 20/12/04 wk 30 . ??? / ?
oranges ........ 22/12/04 wk 30 . TMC / B
jov ............ 05/01/05 wk 28 . ??? / ?
TSH ............ 05/01/05 wk 28 . MSA / ?

<font color="119911">**** POP ***** POP ***** POP ***** POP ***** POP ***** POP ***** POP ****</font><font color="ff0000">
.. .. .. .. .. . .. EDD . . Where . .. Pop
jer ............ 04/09/04 . MAH / B . 24/08/04 3.170 kg Kiern
radiohead ...... 22/08/04 . ESH / G . 25/08/04 3.570 kg Sarah-Lynn
cubbiebb ....... 12/09/04 . MAH / B . 31/08/04 ________ ________
expecting_mum .. 12/09/04 . TMC / B . 14/09/04 3.620 kg Ryan
vaingirl ....... 20/09/04 . GEH / G . 18/09/04 3.240 kg Keira
berry .......... 22/09/04 . TMC / G . 23/09/04 3.670 kg Faye
littleprince ... 20/09/04 . ESH / B . 24/09/04 3.210 kg Rhyan
little_devil ... 21/09/04 . MAH / B . 24/09/04 3.050 kg Quinn
SLK ............ 08/10/04 . GEH / B . 27/09/04 3.430 kg Lucas
pets ........... 03/10/04 . TMC / G . 28/09/04 3.210 kg Sharyn
yingzi ......... 10/10/04 . MAH / G . 28/09/04 3.500 kg Shaness
blisse ......... 11/10/04 . GEH / G . 28/09/04 3.195 kg Carriane
sun ............ 17/10/04 . GEH / B . 03/10/04 3.200 kg Arnav Neil
are ............ 12/10/04 . MEH / G . 04/10/04 2.600 kg Rachael
casros ......... 20/10/04 . TMC / G . 05/10/04 2.980 kg ________
angelia ........ 04/10/04 . TMC / G . 08/10/04 3.630 kg Shanice
kelly .......... 09/11/04 . MAH / B . 10/10/04 2.810 kg ________

</font><font color="119911">**** MISSING ***** MISSING ***** MISSING ***** MISSING ***** MISSING ****</font><font color="ff0000">
aurora ......... 08/09/04 . ??? / ??
peipei ......... 20/09/04 . TMC / G .
mom ............ 20/09/04 . MAH / B .
bebechic ....... 26/09/04 . MAH / G .
ww ............. 29/09/04 . KKH / ? .
</font><font color="119911">*************************************************************************</font>
<font color="ff6000">
* GEH - GlenE, MAH - Mt A; MEH - Mt E; ESH - East Shore; RH - Raffles; MSA - Malaysia
* let me know if I got any info wrong or if there are any updates</font></font></font>
little_devil, tell you something funny, last night after reading your posts i dreamt that i also put up pictures of my baby boy on the forum ha ha.. except my baby boy not born yet that's all..
hehe... little devil, your baby does look cheeky indeed :p

sigh.... can't wait to see mine... but then again, the crying bit can wait

wah piang, I've got no patience for crying kids... next time dunno how I'm gonna handle my kid... hiaz...
how are u today? feeling better or still pain? hope u are fine now. btw i dun remember wat's the reason liao, just rem doc said it's normal.

ya, like urs. nowadys my bb veri naugthy liao. if i rest magazine on my tummy while reading, she will poke until i give in. bo bian ah! cant imagine how to handle her when she is out.

yr boy really alert hor!!! really dun look like 2wk+ baby.

er, i tot when waterbag burst tat shld means bb is ready to come out?
wow yr bb gain more wt than wat u gained lei! good lah. so now u can 'fang xin' liao lor.

hoe u will pop during wkend. keep my finger crossed for u!
little devil n vaingal,

Hey, my boi like ur children too
WHen he's angry, he'll bend his whole body backwards such that it's soooo difficult to carry him, legs kicking everywhere, arms flailing, whole face all red... Didn't know newborns can be so 'fierce'. When he's like that, I'm so scared he'll puke cos a few times when he's like that, he actually regurgitate milk.


I also no patience for crying kids. A few times, I felt like spanking my baby. But what to do, own kid... Sigh...
no, its not painful dun eworry.so u going to take the massage also?

ha!! gan jiong to see how ur bb looks like rite?? tats y dreamt of tat
tat time me and hubby also keep tiking and wondering how bb looks like but i feel tat all new born looks the same one...

yah, i know how u feel, but its really amazing, even if u cant stand crying bb but when it comes to ur own bb, u will hav patient, TRUST ME.....

yah, tats wat mos pp says, looks like my hubby... he very happy lo
yah ho... maybe we can creact 1 thread tat post our end yr mum wed pix and our bb pix, will be interesting... kekekeek.....yah, Quinn only 3 weeks old today... 1 more week to a month.

tats y lah, hes toooo alert and my CL siong lo.... then when she go off, me and hubby SIONG lo.... oh no!!

YAH!!!!! me tooo!!! Quinn will also do tat... i too scared he will puke again lo... and whenever he did it (mos of the time) my heartbeat will go hay wired!! SCARY!!!
little devil,

Yeah, yeah, my heart will pump very fast n palms will sweat when my boi does that. Guess, it's a matter of once bitten, twice shy. We two very cham, at the mercy of our kids...
Hi gals,
I am back! My baby girl, Esther, is 1 week &amp; 2 days old today :)

On 6 Oct at 2.30am, I woke up realising that my water bag broke. By 4am, I was at the MAH. 2cm dilated. Painful contractions started around 5-6am.

Gynea est. deliver to be about 11am. Given a shot of pethidine as recommended by gynea. Within mins, i was in a daze. It totally knock me out. I could feel the contractions was getting more painful but was in such a daze that it was bearly noticeable, though the machine was registering pretty strong contractions. Midwife looked at me &amp; say she must hear me scream up &amp; down she believe the pain was really bad. I whispered that it was bad (but I was trying to ease the pain by not tensing up with the help of the drowsy effect of Pethidine). I overheard the midwife telling gynea over the phone that i was sleeping!

Gynea returned to check &amp; say contractions not regular enough, est delivery 2pm. Pain was getting more unbearable. I tried the gas &amp; it offered very little relief.

Then the "real" pain sets in. But I was already 8-9cm dilated. Too late for epidural. I finally understood wat they meant by "labour pains is 100 times more painful then menstrual pain". Felt my tummy was ripping apart! My hubby was by my side, holding my hands &amp; telling me that i can make it.

Midwife then started to ask me to start pushing. She was very encouraging. I think I pushed for at least 1/2 hour b4 my gynea returned. bb was still high. another two nurses were asked to help with my pushing. (I had 5 persons (including my hubby) helping me to push! Hubby requested not to vaccum if possible. Gynea agreed to give me another 20mins of pushing, as he say he can see i was very determined &amp; my bb's heartbeat was miraculously very stable.

After 20mins, gynea worried that he might not even be able to use vaccum as bb head still too high. No sign of crowning. He said might have to do a Csection. My heart sink. But in a way, it turned out to be the most motivating thing said which give me even more determination to push my little darling out. I was not gonna go thru the one month pain fm the recovery of a Csection, after already being in pain for more than 8-9 hours in labour! A paedatrician was asked to standby, to check bb immed after delivery. Vaccum was used to assist in the descend. After another 20?30? mins (i really was in too much pain to tell), my darling popped at 2.35pm! Weighting 3.23kg at 51cm.

Throughout the pushing, I could hear my darling hubby's encouraging words. He was really my pillar of strength. Would not have made it without him by my side. The staff at MAH was super too. They kept encouraging me. I would definitely recommend MAH to all.

My gynea mentioned that i was one determined woman after the delivery. Said many would hv opted for the Csection as my pushing was getting me no where even after an hour...bb head not even in sight...she was still very high. Asked my hubby to treat me to shark's fin. hahaha.

My prolonged &amp; intense pushing (more than 1 1/2hrs) caused swelling. Due to my medical allergies to most commonly used painkillers for childbirth, I was on a very mild painkiller which particularly has no effect on the pain relief. The pain was so bad (both fm the stitch area &amp; my buttock bones) i did not sleep a wink the 1st night in the hospital.

Ya, my tummy expanded quite a fair bit in the last few weeks. After the delivery, my gynea even say if she comes out later by a week, might hv to go for C-Section. But i guess my little darling was obedient &amp; listened to mummy's plea for her to come out soon. cos i was suffering fm the kicks fm her long limbs for the last few weeks.

now paying the price for being 'brave' ;) Stitch wound still hurting. Am still sitting on a rubber ring after one week.

How long did it take for your stitch to fall off (or do they melt?)? Is it true that it is more painful when it is due to fall off?
little devil, of cos i am going to take the massage and the Wrap. :p cos i cannot tahan see myself out of shape la
My elder one was holding her little sister with the help of my hubby while I took the pic.
Tomorrow's Sat...feeling excited for u!
it will take about 3 weeks for the stitches to dissolve.. i don feel pain when it due to fall off, i feel more of itch n like something spiky is poking me down there.. haha..
wow ziztine, you are one brave mum. I'm allergic to a few medications too. Am afraid that I'll end up without much pain relief too

How're you coping with baby esther now?

Sharon, I noticed that ziztine wasn't in the list just before you mentioned it :p Have already updated now. You'll see it tomorrow.

Ziztine, when was your EDD initially?

so many of us are staying in sengkang/punggol. Just in punggol itself there are ~8 already. Off-hand, I think there are about 2 in sengkang?

I am already quite recovered from my stitches. I think they have dissolved.Initially, I was soaking in sitz bath 5-6 times a day now reduced to 1 time a day. My gynae also gave a spray antiseptic thing to spray on the episotomy wound. This has been my easiest recovery out of my 3 kids. And when the stitches dissolves, there is like unbearable itch
haha... that's what I was thinking too :p

We could make compass pt or PP our meeting place... hehe...

Punggol -
little prince/little devil/sharon/tbl/me/AC (moving in soon)/...etc

Sengkang -

Can't recall off-hand who else is staying in the area also. It's been a while since I typed out the list in this forum.
Little Devil
Little Prince


Anyone else?
U're all welcomed to come over to my place too since I dun live with my inlaws.....

Maybe we can start a list of Ponggol/Sengkang mummies
then u should as i really find they are cutest in their birthday suit.. kekeke...... wah, u say Quinn handsome ah?? better dun let my hubby knows as pp says Quinn looks like him, he will be too proud to hear tat..ha!!

tats true lo, but really bo bian, my CL even try to CHAM SIONG with him... really make me laugh like mad!

yah, i also cant tahan to see myself tat way, really make me fedup at times.... massage is good for health too, not only for our figure.
i jus finish my massage, today day 4.

u are brave!

me in punggol
gathering? sounds good to me!
yah....we can have a gathering in this area....but hard to set a date right? Since by the time we finish our confinment there will be others starting theirs.....*scratch head*
yah, every moment got mummies in their confinement... ummm..... actually we can do it tis way, those tat fininsh confinement can meet up first, then wait till the others done with theirs then meet again...so on and so on
Quinn looks sooo good! &amp; definitely different from the MMS dat Dom has sent me at his birth but i tik he looks more like u now leh...

btw, i checked liao. the osim binder i hv is model 162 meant for normal delivery but i tik u shld be able to use leh...u want to try?

gathering sounds great!

i can join u mummies if u gals are meeting before i pop..tik it'd be really fun leh!

Umm..tik Puff is staying in Sengkang too...
is it?? looks like me?? ha!!! oh yah, tat day when u came to my house hes sleeping so u didnt really see him ..... oh, i can use?? but i dun understand wats the reason they have 2 types leh...

yah lor, only caught a glimpse of him dat day...

i tik so long as ur wound is ok, there shouldn't be any problem, maybe u wan to check w hazizah?
