(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

<font color="aa00aa">mummies,</font>
anyone sending ur tods to nursery by PAP or am i the only one?

wonder what the cirriculum is like?
me not sending gabe 2 PAP. mum used 2 b a PAP teacher for 12yrs. she told me not 2 send her grandson there. find somewhere else. imagine an ex PAP teacher telling u tis. anyway, gabe's in a church kindy which we love very much. he's happy there, got gd teachers n i very happy 4 him tat he's happy there. no point 4 me 2 find a school tat i like but he dun like so most impt concern 4 me is tat gabe likes everything abt his school (ok, not everything but almost everything).
yikes! must add a disclaimer...

i'm not saying tat all PAP kindergartens r not gd. i guess even when my mum was in PAP or even if my mum didnt say dun send her grandson 2 PAP, we never consider sending gabe 2 PAP (despite a PAP opp my blk). i personally prefer church kindy or other private kindy.
hi, i have a 2.5yo girl. i intend to send her to sch when she turns 3. may i know u mummies have any recommendation for playgroup or nursery in sengkang? tks...

I missed your posting about the music trial class in Pasir Ris which was on wed april 11.

Can you give the contact details so that I can call up and enquire?
<font color="aa00aa">kelly,</font>
me also contemplating.. but church/private kindy are so ex (double the fees of PAP). and the ones around my area are not near
Both kids "smile" with their eyes. Lovely pic.
I always think that Athena is a sensitive and sensible gal. she is soooooo sweet:p
Keira always laugh when she sees me knock onto something. Hiaz......

Hi. my gal is also a Sep 2004 baby
so sweet of Athena!

Yingxin has been falling ill on alternate weeks and it always lasted a week ever since she attended playgoup

2 weeks ago, Yingxin fell ill again, had fever, flu and cough and it lasted for a week plus, the GP recommended that I pull her out from playgroup if she keeps having fever on alternate weeks to let her build up her immunity before sending her back to school

of course remember lah!! else we would not smile at each other that day despite the mad crowd! hahahah
i went to the PAP near my in laws place at Haig Road but was not impressed with the teachers and facility, so in the end enrolled Yingxin in a private school

not sure how other PAP centres are doing though
Hi ladies, how have u guys been doing?

havent posted for quite a while

here are some recent of my gal and boi


using sarong as a swing... keke...


reading monkey book as mommy always called me monkey gal :<


till this day... i still like barney... see how engrossed im when tv is playing barney


finally a photo of my brother...mommy and daddy deserted us in the shopping cart...


i love my didi..."hold hand" as what i always say when i go out...
sms from Patsy @ 12am

Doctors are telling us we may have reached a point if no return for Sabie. Her blood acid level keeps going up and her body tissues still not accepting the oxygen. Please pray a miracle because that is the only thing that can save her now. We will still have faith.


Your kids are so sweet.
My gabby will not be so sweet. He loves to say, I poke meimei eyes.!!! so mad at him at times....
<font color="aa00aa">bernice,</font>
my girl is currently at PG under PAP. $160 per month, no need to pay fees in June & Dec cos they already divided it out into the 10 months fees.

nursery will be $70+ i think. don't have the fees off hand. it'll be 3 hrs daily session.

Wow! Such a pretty picture...

Sharwyn and Shaynnen looks like they have the same eyes in the picture.

Hope to bring RX to play with Shaynnen sometime in future, RX loves the company of other babies!
i pay abt $470 per term (of 10wks) for pre-nursery. when gabe goes 2 nursery, i tik e school fees is $420/term. e payment of fees is according 2 MOE's school terms. there r 4terms in a yr. no need 2 pay during the stipulated school holidays in mar, jun, sept & nov/dec.
angelia, how come nursery is 70+ and playgroup is 160+?? How come so much more for playgroup?

Sharon, your daughters are both gorgeous, sharp chins and high noses! :D
lovely pic of ur lovely girls. Shaynnen is growing up real fast, from the pic their size looks similar (but in real-life, of course can see the diff in ur tall Sharwyn)!

ur girl's flipped out hairstyle looks so cool, hehe.

Yah hor, I'm curious why PAP wld be more ex than nursery... err, is nursery = 2004 kids in kindy? Cos I *thought* my gal's kindy is $190/mth excl. misc etc, then "halved" using the younger boy's CDAC?
<font color="aa00aa">berry,</font>
me also dunno why their pre-nursery is more than double of their nursery. maybe it's new? or they have lesser classes/students per class? they only have 1 class a session, each class is 12 kids, 2 teachers. but shanice's class only has 10 kiddos.

but nursery has to pay Supp fees of $40, which i'm not sure if that's monthly or yearly or what. the school fees is $72 for nursery - 3 hrs. and the pre-nursery is 2 hrs only!

<font color="aa00aa">pawprint,</font>
tods go to pre-nursery, nursery, K1, K2 then Pri 1.... guess we can say nursery = 2004 kids officially starting school.

what u mean by the fees is "halved" using the younger boy's CDAC? got discount ah?
SCHOOL- Just curious, anyone knows how much primary schools cost monthly ah? Its interesting how preschools cost so much more than primary and secondary sch lol :p

Also, I realised that some N1s are only 2 hrs whereas others are 3 hours? I wonder what is the difference in terms of what they do?
yah lor... my gal got natural flip hair by the side... we tried to trim her hair in hope that they will grow and 'flow' down nicely... but after 3 trims... we give up liao...

There was once they walked passed an aunty... she commented and pointed to her hubby that "see see that little gal hair so cute!"
Pre N or playgroups are more expensive due to the teacher- child ration I think.

No need to pay school fees for primary schools. Its free for all to encourage all to educate their child.

Chinese have to pay Miscellenaous fees. Malays enjoy that for free(I think). I think the school have a little autonomy in this area. So, a government school and a government aided school may pay a different amount. I hope this helps!
hey mummies, where can i get those disposable toilet seat lining for me to carry along while going out? or do u think those anti-bac. wipe is good enough?
was talking to my fren about it and she suggest letting our toddler stand on the toilet seat *for boys* but for poo still need to sit so was thinking wats the best way..... not tat i K.S but i myself cant stand those public toilets too. but asking hubby about their MALE toilets, he says that all MALES toilet comes with those mini pee area *standing type* mini as they are much lower but not all FEMALE has those kiddy toilet seat ad such.

so YOUTUBE no need to compress file? but when i was trying to load last night, only 7% being load in 1/2 hour!!!!!!!!!

me okie, busy as usual or should i say busier
trying to catch u on msn but u not online but me also seldom online nowadays too.
:p this afternoon was using my hubby laptop in the living room and his laptop dun have my msn access and also didnt actually come in to check after i post the very last posting. next time shall sms u if i am online...heee......
<font color="aa00aa">mummies,</font>
can anyone help me with the following?
1) how to get to Taipei Main Station (MRT) from CKS International Airport by bus? which bus?
2) any places to get cheap adult/kid clothings & accessories?
3) any nice places to explore? me not so keen on those memorial hall

4) any other advice? clothings etc? going mid May...

think u going to be busy screening boyfriends when yr two ladies grow up. so pretty :p

Little devil
Quinn so happy sliding.(Must not let keira see this. hehe) I was suprised by the ang moh lady though.
<font color="aa00aa">lil devil,</font>
i can't imagine myself letting shanice do that! i'll have a heart attack. What if.....

and Quinn really doesn't look like 3yo. so tall.
lil devil, wahaha this is one of Faye's fave activity too! Except that I am abit more anxious than you, so I will run alongside with her when sliding so that if she falls hopefully wont roll down the steps too much haha :p
But hor, actually I realised (read about this too) that for kids who are always given the freedom to explore and test their own physical limits, they rarely get into accidents this way because they are usually pretty agile and because they know their own physical limits well, they wont attempt to perform 'stunts' recklessly unless they are very sure that they can do it w/o endangering themselves.

Gabby sometimes test my limits so I will sit him down and tell him what went wrong. Yesterday, when I was trying to tell him what not to do, he refused to look at me and listen. Instead, he just stood there and turned his face away! So infuriating. I often try my best to get him to look at me and listen when I discipline him. That way he will know what went wrong. Sigh. When will this ever end?
gabby, yar lor, this stage can be very trying at times. Maybe he is listening, but he just didnt wanna look at you? For us, there are especially difficult periods/phases wherby we keep having 'clashes' and I keep finding myself telling her several times a day what she did wrong, and its so frustrating for both of us- for me cause I really dont wanna be the naggy controlling mum, for her because imagine how she feels when she is being told all the time what she is doing wrong, and if she feels lousy then how to behave appropriately? So at one point I will usually make myself break the whole negative cycle and just focus on connecting with her and force myself to let go and not sweat the little things that wont hurt anyone. I find that after the connection is established again, she responds much better to me and my requests and sensitive to my feelings. This always works for us.
yah, i was so very *entertained* by her act!

theres so many things that quinn did will set me thinking "WHAT IF....." so i just need to let him explore when i'm around then. becos i know theres no way i can STOP all these so all i have to do is just to make sure i am there and hes aware of wat hes doing.

ha!!!! they very flexi hor, can have PLAYGROUND anywhere wan :p yah, i also believe the theory but theres time when quinns blur and accident happens, but again i feel its still good to let them have more room for exploration and such and again, each time my heart really feel the squeeze and all i do is pray hard tat things wont go wrong and watch him closely.

and for the DISCIPLINE topic, sometimes i really soooo.... tired with all those "quinn, u see...." "quinn, please dun as u will...." "quinn, thats not the correct way..." and when i reach the peak of this, i will simply let go too. especially when i dun feel good *example like when im not well or mood swing* i will either care off him to my PIL since i know i cant PERFORM and while hes there, he will be happier with them to play with and without me around nagging non-stop. and for me, i can sort of break free from that situation and have some space for thinking. but i will only do this when im very very very very....... tired *as in mentally* but most of the time what i will do is i will just concentrate in QUALITY bonding and as for how can i do it at that point of time is i will try too SEE THE GOOD, IGNORE THE EVIL. and from there i can actually see things from a different view. i can even feel how fortunate to have him.
so i guess sometimes we really have to break away from the situation and step back. hubby will ask me how is it possible to do that when ones is being put in that situation *kids doing all the wrong things, whine for the whole day and such* so what i told him is *WE JUST GOT TO TAKE A DEEP BREATH AND TRY* oh yah, i also discover a way of changing our toddlers mood from SOUR to SWEET. whenever quinn woke up cranky and all, i will say "MORNING" to him with the whole of my heart! using very bright and happy tone. he will still continue BUT me too, with all those good good vibe and usually he will bounce back to a happy boy by noon!
and i even feel so very proud and happy that with my afford and method, hes able to get out of it quick. i believe no toddler actually enjoy their own NEGATIVE cycle too, just that they simply dun know how to bounce back.

Q's really cute in the sliding, hehe. Athena's rather cautious, even on regular slides- she uses her arms and legs to "hold" the sides, then wiggle her butt down. Rather than slide down with a "whoooosh!". But Irvin wld possibly like this... when he's ready, haha. By then my heart could possibly be more ready to accept too :p .

MILO question,
is Milo really undesirable for kids? Athena seems to be fixated on Milo, particularly the packaging logo (??? beats me!). It seems to be her FAVOURITE (requested) beverage, except we don't buy it to keep at home... so am wondering if it's really just sugar... would it be so bad to keep a tin of it at home?

Hmm my memory really failing me... I had another question but I can't remember what it is now.
