(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

lil devil, haha I can imagine wat you are sharing! Yar lor these days our tods are so amazingly sweet. I realised that for every challenging day, there are many more sweet moments to make up for it, and very soon when they grow bigger, we're gonna miss this stage sooo dearly. But I am confident that later on when Faye is older, there'll def be other things I'll gush about. Sometimes I tell Faye "sweetheart, one day you are gonna be much bigger than now and you're gonna know so much and do so much, and when that day comes, you must remember to teach mummy all the stuff that mummy doesnt know okay?" And then Faye will reply "okay, teach mummy everything! we still love each other!!"

Sharon, they are both so pretty, also resembles you alot, esp the younger one!

i think he really likes going to PIL place becos of my nephew and also my MIL will also play with him CRAZILY!!!! she will even cycle with those really tiny tri-cycle and chase them ard! :p and last time when hes much younger, whenever we care off him to them, we will just go off with a kiss and such but now no more. prior tat i will brief him his activities and also who will be there and also letting him know tat papa and mummy will not be around and will pick him up before his bedtime and such. and even like hubby and to leave the house to meet client and such, hes okie now and will even say bye with goodbye kiss and SEE YA LATER!!! as i constantly tell him all these, like papa need to work and will return soon. and he also knows tat even we are not around with him when hes at PIL place or certain outing, we WILL pick him up later and i guess he understand all these and will even ask my MIL to call me so he can remind me to buy his favourite snack :p well i guess we need to constantly talk to them, assured them and of cos most IMPORTANT of all, KEEP OUR PROMISE. but hor he does pick up not-so-nice habit or attitude from my nephew lor BUT again once he starts his skool, it will be sama sama too.

good to hear tat rhyan is recovering well

so do u take note how long does those blisters actually so call dry up and heal? becos last time when quinn got it, i bath him in a type of herbal water*actually its just a kind of twigs from plants* and all blisters almost dry up within 3 days, pretty amazing! so he has difficulties eating and such? u MUST take care hor!!!

as for bb no. 2 ah.... seriously not tat i MIND having another 1, and wanted a gal so much since got boy liao BUT the main issue is my health! i dun know why leh.... seems like i constantly kenna cold and like never ending! and also some women problem! did some research and i really think its my immune lor. BUT again what can i do,i try to sleep earlier and eat better and such too......

yah, me also wanted to know more about the insurance! quinn has 2 insurance while 1 is mainly use when theres a need to hospitalized and such and urs sounds pretty good.

yes!!! when rough times i will actually ask myself "why do i have to go thru these"!!??? but again, i will quickly forget all those when quinn just smile and me and say he loves me. andi too think tat teh journey of parenting our toddler will be challenging *plus tiring* but fulfulling too. i dun know, i told hubby recently tat i really so glad tat i didnt just care him off to someone and chose to find myself a job as initially tats my plan before i got preggy. so tat time coincidently i got preggy after i resign, it could be a good thing?
and sometimes i already starts thinking tat in future, hes gonna has his own family and such...... well, its a happy thing BUT dun know why i feel sort of sad..... :p but well, i just wanted him to grow up in a family tats FULL of LOVE as tats wat matters to me. i always tell him tat when hes older, he will need to make own decisions and such and papa and mummy will always be there for him so lately he always decide on certain things *small things like wat to wear or eat* then i will give him some suggestion *if ifind its not tat appopriate, like greem pants and red shoes :p* then he will listen when i explain and most of the time he will buy it BUT when it comes to eating, NO WAY!!!! wahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This insurance package is called "Gift of Love" under AIA. If you have an agent under this co, can check with him/her. If you want my agent's contact, then let me know.

I quite like this package because my own insurance package (under Prudential) also covers falls and outpatient treatment required and previously when I was 4 mths pregnant, I had a fall and sprained my ankle and had to be on MC for a week. There was some compensation given to my surprise.

Rhyan's bill was for HFMD + follow up after that. Actually, there is no med leh, only some cream for the blisters, mouth rinse and a med for his immune system (can choose not to take) but we didn't really use the med at all. The follow up was only for consultation and the letter to certify he is ok - costs $30 like that.

Rhyan also prone to swelling after bites, which is why I decided to take up this package also.

lil devil
His blisters were only a few (5?) on his hands, legs were not really blisters, look like rashes. But, they all healed pretty fast compared to the mouth ulcers. He was hungry so whenever he saw milk then, he wanted but cried coz he knew how painful it would be to drink anything. We had to coax and coax and ended up with a bottle of milk a day + loads of barley, chrysanthemum etc which wasn't easy to make him drink too. He even rejected ice-cream but finally agreed to drink some Yakult. No choice at that time, had to give him anything he was willing to drink in case he dehydrate. Anyway, he managed to still gain 1kg back within a week (diagnosed HFMD and review) since when he got better, he asked for food every hour.

Oh, its your health. Then, you will have to build up your health first coz if you have 2 kids and you are not well, gonna be tough.
lil devil, diet and excercise plays a giantic part. Maybe u can find an excercise you like and try to do it at least once a week for a start? And coupling that with a good diet, your energy levels and immune system will be improved for sure.
oh so its from AIA, almost all my insurance from them as i was an ex-agent and my SIL is with AIA too, i shall ask her. i really thank her so much for asking me to buy the PINK OF HEALTH for quinn when quinn just born, as tat stomach flu issue also cost us ard $1300 and luckily 100% claimable!!

wah, can gain kg so fast!! quinn very slow in gaining weight wan, even if he eats alot. like every lunch and dinner 3/4 bowl rice and 1.5 bowl of soup and plus snacks like cheeze and others, he still slow in gaining kg, but he lost weight fast, i think like hubby lah!!!! i can feel how u feel...... tat time quinn HFMD also breaks my heart everytime when he wants to drink his milk and cant! end up we syringe feed.... and cant eat a thing and dun have energy at all and just sit there and very very weak. but ended up hes willing to eat his heinz biscuit so i got no choice but to give *though heaty* i think at times like tat, getting them to eat is more imp. than anything.

yah, i also think exercise plays a HUGE part too. i did some yoga *sometimes back* and actually my main aim was to build my weak back BUT it seems pretty useless??? or should i say SLOWWWW...... *YAWN* so now i am thinking of wat to do, something FUN and yet helping me in the aspect of building stamina, health and back. 1 of my fren told me tat ever since she did belly dancing or dun know is it something like BOLLYWOOD dance, her back improve alot and its fun too!
at first tot of joining but shes out of the class liao, return to her home town. so for the time being i will just do with the not-so-exciting JOGGING :p
yes.SAHM is fun and challenging.
My results of SAHM-lost some weight.
Ops. Was hoping to gain some actually :p

The CCK swimming pool looks fun. Got to bring keira to try :p

Hope yr maid comes soon and hopes everything will work out fine for u. Not easy being a SAHM for 2 kids. Now i know.....1 Keira is enough to keep me really busy.
And talking abt karaoke. I was crazy abt it before i was pregnant. The last ime i went was before SARS.hehe.
lil devil, I dont think yoga is meant for strengthening backs? Pilates is pretty good for that though, if you are keen, do look for a good instructor cause that will determine how accurate your excercises are and how much you can gain from every lesson.

charsiew, haha the opposite for me, i guess it all boils down to personality lor.
Hello mummies,

I sent Gabby for tuina by a TCM physician. As a result of that, his appetite for food increased dramatically!! Think I can faint soon. He polished off 2/3 of a plate of rice. Just rice with sauce!!!
oh then i guess i better start searching for a better centre. i was thinking maybe after go thru most lessons, we can actually practice it at home so at least i dun have to follow their so call scheduled timing, so tideous.....

lately i start making this HOMEMADE cheeze pancake for quinn, he likes it alot and its also easy to bring out so tot of sharing.


1) pancake mixture (i use nissin wan as it taste better but pulberry also good)

2) milk

3) thinly sliced cheeze

4) finely milled instant oatmeal (i only tried adding this today, can add more goodies into the pancake
can get it in naturefarm, ready milled)

as usual, stir in milk into the mixture then add in oatmeal and stir well. try making it thicker, not too runny so it can cover the cheeze well and also can have puffier pancake. i will put about a tablespoon full of mixture to the pan, then straight away position those cheeze on top then will top another layer of mixture on top. then turn it over to cook the other side. and i always make maybe 6 pieces and those unfinished wan can store in ziplock then toss into the fridge. so if next day i wanna serve it again, i will use the steaming method, better than microwave oven and i really think by steaming it, it actually taste soooo much better than the previous day when its freshly made. soooooo soft and nice!!
lil devil, its not easy to remember all the variations of pilates/yoga and be able to do it at home yourself effectively unless you've spent years practising and know everything by heart. Cause even after attending lessons for a long time, a good teacher will still be able to help you improve posture in class and there'll still be lots of room for improvement. Plus, doing at home need alot of discipline, if you really have the discipline then maybe after attending classes for a while, you can help dvds to work along to at home. To commit weekly IS a very tiring thing lor, so it boils down to how badly you want/need it.
lil devil,
Agree with berry. I find setting aside time to exercise at home really difficult, but if i have an exercise class scheduled, I definitely make the time.
For pilates, unless u go those specialised studios that have the proper machines (quite ex, i think), most places do only matwork pilates that I find is more for flexibility rather than strenghtening.
U can also try working out in a gym to strengthen ur back. I also used to have very weak back muscles, but now ok already after working out in the gym.

I also find I lost weight after becoming SAHM cos Meghan will always want to share my food

Wow, the cck swimming pool really nice! Pity it's so far away for me.
Hello again

Sorry for going M.I.A again. Last couple of weeks have been a mad rush what with in-laws coming down and work commitments.

Anyway, after the wild goose chase... I still haven't found jodie a playgroup

Brought jodie to the PD for a review and the good doctor said that it was just as well jodie isn't in a playgroup yet. She actually recommended playgroups after they hit 3 only. According to her, that's when they can participate actively.

man... I felt sooooo relieved after hearing that. Took a huge weight off my mind. Been so absolutely guilt-ridden for not finding a playgroup for jodie earlier :p


wah... u girls on topic of maid and exercise huh. I've been wondering when's a good time for me to get a maid. Would love to have help with housework but not willing to give up privacy in own home. sigh....

woops... jodie is up... gotta run. chat again.
okie, so pilates is actually better in the aspect of strengthening the back compared to yoga? i did yoga last time but gave up. mainly becos of the stidio NOT that i dislike it. it really put me off when 1 instructor is to 16 or more students! i dun know, maybe EVERYWHERE is like tat?! and last time i rem i have a fren who sign up for pilates classes and the first thing she told me is "TOUGH"! u are into pilates? what u think when u compare ypga and pilates, is pilates really MUCH more difficult? does it consider FAST / SLOW pace type of exercise *meaning keep heart pumping real fast like aerobic and i HATE aerobic!!!! i prefer something tat i can find my inner peace and such. i really dun know which studio / skool has really good teacher like u mentioned *u know any* i remembered for my previous yoga classes, different teachers will be attending us, no FIXED instructor and i really think its no good and they dun really guide us or correct us as in coming up to us to tell us wat to do and such, she / he will just SHOW us wat to do which i personally think its simply trying to EARN $$$!!! :p

so does pilates ALL required machines or some yes and some no? i *WAS* a gym freak last time, not really as in going everyday but at least 3 - 4 times a week and also with help of a personally trainer but after dun know wat ever reason, all stop and now i really wanna do something. but was thinking wanna do something which can improve certain areas, like my weak back, inner peace like mentally *this is very imp to me* and also my stamina and health as well *but not those fast pace thingy like aerobic* i also realized my posture is bad too *after have quinn* causing me to have aches here and there so now thinking what to do........

oh Gabby was grinding his teeth for no reasons. I thought only adults grind due to stress!!!??? My mil said he too heaty so brought him to tuina. But in the end he ate so much... want to faint.

BTW, it did help with his teeth grinding

Can I find out if anyone knows of a good pilate centre? TIA
yah I tot only adults grind teeth! Sounds miraculous leh that it helps with teeth grinding? Extra eating/ chewing food, therefore less grinding in sleep?!!
My boy sucks imaginary pacifier though (when we remove it, he's still going thru the motions haha).
i merely check wif e community centres in my neighbourhood as i cant afford e time & $$ to visit those in the town. i juz signed up a elementary pilates course in my pasir ris community centre. 8sessions, $75, 1hr every session. i'm doing it every thu, 9-10am when gabe's in school n e maid'll babysit edward.
<font color="aa00aa">gabby,</font>
tuina helps with teeth grinding? Shanice has been grinding her teeth during sleep dunno since when, but we thot it's normal?!

hmmm, maybe shld bring her to tuina to try.

<font color="0000ff">CCK Swimming pool</font>
the other pool that should be similar is at Jurong East. but we hvn't been there.
kelly, great that you are doing pilates! Its a very good excercise for strengthening your core muscles, good for mummmies who need all the strength they need to run ard with their kids lol!
i didnt know, until a few days ago when i googled abt pilates tat pilates help 2 strengthen core muscles. b4 tat, i kept tiking of wanting 2 lose weight n firm up my "dangling belly" LOL

guess it'll really help my back which aint too gd after e 2nd pregnancy.

u doing any form of exercise now?
kelly, actually I feel that pilates cant help that much/fast in weight loss and firming will also take longer than other forms of excercises. Thats wat my pilates instructor told me and seeing for myself, I agree too. I am doing pilates currently ard once a week (I TRY to do once a week, not always successful :p). The biggest and fastest improvement I see is in my back, which is the reason I started in the first place. But then, if you can squeeze out time to do up to 2 times a week, then visual results might be more obvious and faster (thats wat my pilates classmates told me, some of them practise 2-3x a week).
Can give it a try. Actually we also massage his jaw area every night. and It has been better. perhaps its the constant massaging...
Hi five- Today I switched on hi-five on TV for Faye and realised that its no longer at the 5pm slot on kids central anymore? So when does it show now, or has it ended? I realised that we had not watched Hi-five on TV since sometime last year lol, so sorry if I am abit outdated! :p
I think jus changed this week only. It's earlier in the day now at 12.30pm. Do u hv nickelodean channel? They hv it at 8am n 11.30am.
hi mummies,

my frien is giving a free music trial (45mins) on 11apr, wed fr 530-615pm, venue is at pasir ris (behind east vale) n it's parent-accompanied (not drop-off). it's meant for our tods at tis age. tis frien used 2 b fr seimpi n her prog is somewhat similar 2 seimpi except she fine-tuned it a lil.

any1 who is keen 2 join e free trial, pls PM me. there r only 4slots left (gabe took 1 slot) n it's on a 1st come 1st served basis.

very sorry i dun hv any details abt e course but i can furnish u her HP no once u express ur interest so u can call her 2 find out more. any1 who joins e trial n is keen 2 join her class (which will start in jun on every wed, 530-615pm), e fees r $210 for 1 term of 11/12wks (depending on e calendar).

all i know is tat her prog is structured 2 teach kids abt music, it's not music & movement. at e end of e whole prog (foundation, level 1A-B, level 2A-B), e child progresses on to learn a musical instrument, b it violin or piano.
thks 4 e info. i went 4 my 1st lesson on thu n my stomach muscles ached on fri morn. very painful when i laugh or sit up fr a lying position. it was enjoyable as it gives me some form of workout. i agree wif u tat losing weight thru pilates will take a long while but i definitely enjoyed my class n will continue. now i trying 2 c if i can do >1 a wk. me checking out other community centres now.
sorry. Just saw yr post.
Envy that Meghan is eating so well.
How i wish keira can eat ALL my share but she is a fussy eater. I'm craking my head to find ways to faten her up.

Shanice pattern more than badminton.
Enjoy seeing her pics :p
hehe am having trouble getting proper smiles, does the same thing as ur girl, the lower jaw will stretch haha!

this thread very quiet hor...
share what my girl did today! She spun herself while dancing, then fell backwards. Complained, "porpor's house turn around!" (she was giddy and room was spinning around, hahaha).
pcs, ur "pattern more than badminton" always cracks me up...

angelia, nice pics!! I like the smiling one!! Cheekbones so high... Can send for contest leh... hehehe...

pawprint, A is so funny!! J also gives fake smiles... duh...
kelly, sounds like you had a great workout! :D I always feel abit torn about muscle aches, on one hand, when I ache like MAD the next day (like you say, laugh also hurt like mad!), I'm pleased cause it means that my muscles are getting stronger, on the other hand, it also meant that I'll be completely jellified that day and cant do much with Faye! But to look at it positively, I tell myself that suffering one day of bad muscle ache and enjoying 6 days of high energy levels and having stronger muscles to do the stuff I need makes it worth the while.
<font color="aa00aa">pawprint,</font>
wahahaha.. wonder where did they pick it up from?!

on spinning, think shanice is a bit "sadist". she LOVES the feel of the house spinning. hahhaa.. always want us to spin her round & round. else, she'll spin herself. pengz..

<font color="aa00aa">jen,</font>
contest ah? u send for me lah, ahhahha.. me unlike u leh, not so into these
pawprint..same skirt?? wah good mileage leh!! :p
A so happy in the pix!

CSR...tk u! so far we hvn't met in the neighbourhood leh...if u recognise me, call me hor, my eyes always paste stamp wan :p
Wow, now can wear matching skirt & top! I also find skirts last alot longer. Athena looks so happy in the picture series!

J is very handsome, love his rosy cheeks!
Angelia, pawprint
Keira loves spining.something funny to share too
I remember the first time she spins, she panic and cried for help coz she was feeling giddy and couldn't walked straight.

wah. lu liang dian leh.
Dono why his eyelids caught my attention. Very special.

pose moe pics leh. Thread very quiet nowadays.
hehe yah my gal was quite annoyed when she complained the house spins! We were laughing away at her :p . My girl less active, her first giddy-from-spinning only happened recently, LOL!

Yahlor, thread sooo quiet, haiz, I sometimes scroll thru archive to feast on old pics of our bbs. So many pple MIA liao...

Deniz, AC,
yah super mileage, esp bottoms cos she doesn't have the diaper "bulk" now... it just gets shorter, LOL!


Most recent fever of mine: papier mache :p . Tearing paper supposedly improves fine motor skills (was surprised my girl actually struggles with tearing paper, thought all tods are destructive on paper haha). Easy-peasy to spread the starch glue and strips of paper. When dry, can decorate!


Girl was playing with her Megablok figures, boy came over to grab into his mouth... she whined, I intervened and told her to share, at least pass some to him, she obediently did so!

She's really a sweetheart lately, she attempts to soothe him when he cries by alerting everyone, "IRVIN CRY! Irvin want mummy/ nan-nan!". But very bossy-elder sibling streak leh, always telling him, "be CARFUL (careful), don't xyz! Irvin you cannot take that! You cannot eat paper, okay?". She gave him her balloon today, but he burst it- the very loud sound startled everyone. She went to my mum, hugged her and said, "It's ok already! Don't cry!". The girl herself was fighting back tears from the shock, but it was so touching she tried to comfort another.

kin, tks. ll ask my PD abt HEPA

Z-Lia, the Singulair is abt 3 bucks per tab! you gotta buy for your kids? Your PD must be smiling all the way to bank. kekeke

PM ya sure ll say hi if we bump into each other in CP.

Peach, choc?! OMG can faint. My family has tried giving all sorts of stuff to my kids but i'll give em black face. kekeke

Lena, can try using Glycerin mouth wash. can be bought from chinese medicine hall.

Pic of Kayden
