(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

i do give gabe milo abt 3-4x in a mth now, used 2 b 2-3x wkly. i dun give e packet drink. i buy e powdered form n mix 1/3-1/2 flat teaspoon into his FM (depending how much FM i give). gabe can b quite easily bluff. once he sees a change in color in his FM, he tiks he's having milo n gets excited abt it. can sapu abt 8-9oz FM+minute milo in mins.

i reduce e frequency cos i worried tat it's heaty n he still coughing very often. 2ndly, i heard e school gives him milo occasionally too.

Hi Kelly,
dun mean to intrude but can ask u something? I tot i saw Gab and Ed on a TV trailer for a new kids prog. There was tis scene of Gab covering Ed's head with a tub. kekeke.
ha!!!! and yes u cant START preparing ur heart for such stunts NOW! :p i dun have a gal but i still think there bound to be some diff. in both gender. even diff. kids from the same parents act differently tat is why they are SPECIAL
i believe Irvin will MAKE UR DAY his very own way.

for milo, ummm..... i am more concern of it being heaty BUT theres 1 uncle *my fil fren* actually tells me tat its NOT a good thing, due to the way they PROCESS the cocoa bean i think but again quinn is still taking it, not often though, maybe once every month or so. and i also agreed with kel that its better to take it from the tin form as the packeted type is way too sweet *if undilute* 1 way to keep the milo fresher and longeris empty it out from its tin, transfer into ziplock *i usually divide into 2 or 3 small pacs for my oatmeal and such too* and store in fridge. and i will just use a particular pac till it finished before i move on to the next pack. but rem. to note down the expiry date since tin will be thrown away.

something intersting to share
hai yor can someone tells me wat to do with SERIOUS indigestion ah???
i burp non-stop tat quinn says mummy is a frog!!! with sound effect to make it more fun *to him of cos*
Hi Kelly,
Opps guess the trailer was too fast. Helmet became a tub. hahaha.

Your sons look so cute on tv. Any idea when is the show airing?
mommies, do u gals object in toddler using computer? actually i started to worry about this as sometime back, quinn started to use my laptop for playing games. like those memory game, maze, puzzle and such........ but was thinking maybe its not tat good......
little devil

I think if we can control the usage its okay as I know a lot of babies tods that use the computer. I do not let gab use and hope that he does not. He sees the computer as 'work in office' so he knows that when we use the computer, we are working not playing. Perhaps that helps.
lil devil
i was told by someone (cant recall who) tat if ur tod 1 2 use e laptop or desktop, it's fine. if it's desktop, make sure e screen's LCD (something like betta 4 e tods' eyes). i let gabe use my desktop 2 listen 2 his phonics. not play games. too much playtime 4 him liao...tv, lego, ball games, lah.
lil devil, personally I dont intend to introduce Faye to 'electronic learning' (PC games, handhelds, electronic books, tv games etc) so soon. Not that I have anything againest it, but I'll probabaly wanna hold off these as long as I can till she asks for it herself, since its inevitable she'll hear about it from friends in sch in future.
hey i finally caught the trailer- the show title sounds rather nice and positive. The scared little girl looks rather familar, are there other kids in SM featured? Gabriel was putting the helmet very tenderly on Ed leh.
I dont think I will get to watch the trailer since we dont even watch TV prog anymore (HB and I do watch DVDs after Faye's asleep tho, we are not anti-tv hor :p). Will anyone be recording it or something? If there is an youtube link to it, please post it here, it sounds intersting, I'd like to watch it too! Its this sat at 9pm right?
ya lor...tat's y husband said these pp got "mo shui" (cheem chinese pp wif sound knowledge of e language)

it's tis sat at 930pm. gabe wont b appearing until episode 2 or 3. not sure yet.
for quinn case, its more of a EXPOSURE i guess. hubby work at home and computer is his best friend. day in day out quinn is watching him. and tat stirs his interest and curiosity perharps. and sometimes when i'm not at home and hubby being the care-giver, he needs to check his mail and such pretty often and again, the exposure is there. quinn has been watching daddy using his computer like him playing his toy. and he shows great interest and at most of the time, he show UNHAPPINESS when we try to keep him off it and such. then at my PIL place, my nephew *5 YO* is using his computer too and there again..... ummmm..... i guess hes so interested in it, thinking it must be the GREATEST thing in the world :p and 1 fine day, hubby let him sort of get in contact with it and his answer for his act is **if hes this interested and wanting to get in touch with it. and hes so unhappy and upset when we keep him off it, i guess the best thing i can do is to TEACH him the right way of using it** so thsi is how everything started.

i wanna hold back too but seems rather impossible in my situation. i can chose not to use the com. BUT hubby cant, its his rice bowl. and for a period of time, i tried all means to avoid letting him touching it. i will even lock the studyroom door and such BUT how long can i avoid this when my quinn is CONSTANTLY wanting it, he will rem. tat he wants the com. day 1 day 2 day3....... he still remembers it. i am so stress especially when hubby is using his com. *working* and hes there screaming and crying and pulling his legs and such. quinn will never let it past just like tat. hes sooo... very upset by it and i am at a lost about how can i actually delay him for getting in touch with it...haiz....so since hes at it now, though not everyday, its rather hes learning something from it than to misuse it. i really dun know wat todo.
lil devil, heh, it really depends on what you think is right lor. For me, Faye sees the PC all the time too since its in the living rm, but if I dont buy or show her any games I doubt she can locate them online herself. Once in a while when she really wants, I'll let her sit at the PC and meddle with the kepboard on an empty screen and thats about it. I guess its yr call at the end of the day since we all have diff expectations and opinions on such a subjective matter. Anyway, I dont think gaming is all bad if its limited to a certain amt lot.
to me theres no right or wrong for this, as long as its not about how i bring up my child and such. BUT i do wanna delay or should i say it never cross my mind yet about letting quinn get his hands on the electronic world. but sometimes i feel so helpless. for u, u are almost the ONLY care-giver to faye *besides ur hubby* and for me, quinn is in contact with pp like relatives and such and especially my PIL. and their way of bringing up a child can be quite a diff from mine, even my sil though shes pretty young, her method is diff. from mine too.... so when quinn is with them and especially without me ard, things are pretty much NOT within my control. for this issue *computer* quinn is being introduce to it by THEM! BIL playing games and quinn sitting on his lap. nephew playing games with quinn besides him.... i only discovered all these after it occurs, meaning it already happened
and for my family *hubby. me and quinn* hubby also dun really share the same method as mine, and i believe u know how hard is it for me but of cos hubby will still sort of buy my ideas most of the time. again for this computer thingy, i guess hes just being RELAX *most of the time he is* he dun really think about most of the things before the act unless when u talk about more IMPORTANT issue *to him lah* so most of the time when i voice out smthing he will goes "ahhh..... its okie" sometimes how i wish i can just bring quinn up the way i want in 100% but for my case, its impossible i can say. but theres certain issue like especially when it comes to discipline, food and such i will NOT give in as they are VERY important to me. i guess now what i will do is lessen his exposure from now on and slowly cut back then see improvement from there and i also think i need to have a CONFERENCE with hubby :p i wanna have a heart to heart talk to him, communicate with him more into details about what i want for parenting quinn. now quinn knows where to get his games and such. hubby actually create a folder for him on the laptop. he will on it himself, open up the folder, and knows exactly which buttons to press so that he can proceed with what he wants. theres once i observed his act. and when the main page for the puzzle game not loaded, i told him maybe its faulty. he replies me "no, u have to wait, its loading" he even knows he can click on *BACK* button when he click on the wrong button so to get back to the main page so i think theres quite abit of hardwork i have to put in to alter this situation.... i started to get worry as he seems quite into it and i am not ready for this.
what do u all do when ur kids have fever ah? just very curious how u all handle the fevers spiking up and down, esp if fever still very high after whatever medications.
lil devil, I can understand what you mean. More things are out of your control when other caregivers are involved. Apart from ourselves, probably no other caregiver will do things the way we really want. I guess you could limit usage if you are concerned. Or introduce him to other (non-electronic) stuff that he might be keen on. For me its a lil easier cause Faye prefer non-electronic stuff anyway(but then again she has not discovered the gaming world haha). Also, you'll need your hubby's support too, maybe sit down and discuss to see if can find middleground lor. What is quinn into? Does he likes craft? Faye's latest obsession is cutting cause she just learnt how to use scissors few weeks back, so she's been practicing cutting these days. I stock lotsa craft materials at home, so sometimes she can create alot of things (she made an owl last night!) from a pile of construction paper, paper plates, glue, tape, ribbons etc.

pawprint, I usually use both paracetemol + neurofen/suppository at the same time. These plus little clothing and lotsa sponging I guess.

Can use paracetemol + neurofen/suppository at the same time?

Isabel's fever peak to 40deg last Thur. She was admitted to hospital, discharged y'day. Viral infection.
charsiew, yeah cause they are diff types of meds, not duplicates. This is the advice my PD gave me during the few times Faye has high (40 and above) fevers. Few weeks back Faye has a 40.7 fever due to viral infection too, thats what I did (plus sponging of cos). Why does Isabel need to be admitted?
Her fever didn't really go down after given two types of anti-biotics. So PD suggested sending her to hospital.

You were cool, managed to cool her down from 40+deg.

I really panicked. Since then, I am no longer so kan cheong when she is a bit feverish. In the past, I would freak out.
charsiew, so in your case there is no bacterial infection, thats why the antibiotics didnt work (since antibiotics work only on bacterial infections and not viral)? I was kinda worried too, but its not abnormal for us because all of Faye's high fevers are VERY high wan, so its not the first time liao. Plus I called PD on the phone who gave us instructions like I mentioned, and she also said that it sounded like a viral infection, thats why never give antibiotics and also explain her fever patterns. Also, I feel that if bring her to hosp, it'll only freak her out completely and they prob cant do much apart from trying to cool her down. I didnt feel that Faye can handle more anxiety (unless its absolutely nec) when she is already so ill.
paracetemol + iburofen
As far as I know, there must be 2 hrs interval betw these 2 medi. Meaning if u give para at 2 pm, the earliest u can give neurofen is at 4 pm. So the next feed of para will be 8 pm and neurofen at 10pm (that is if fever is still above 38.5 degrees)
My GP also advised time interval btw ibrufen and paracetamol- I can't keep up with all these info so I phone the clinic (it's 24hr) to ask when I can put in *ANYTHING* to bring the fever down (when usual ibrufen doesn't work, or when it spikes just 2hrs after suppository... not time to give suppository etc).
Highest so far is 39.8deg, if it inched up 0.1deg more, wld have headed to hospital, sigh.
Hope Irvin's not going to get it... despite such close quarters. Quarrelled with my sis some more, apparently she likes to play with kids but not when they use her toilet/ are ill and need more attention. She complained abt the boy... "you have 2 kids but only one is ill, THAT one's not!". So mad, now I holed up everyone in our room.
Best karma is for her to bear at least one kid, preferably be a SAHM w/o help. Then I'd pass comments like, "EEEEEE--- so much drool!!! Look at that saliva!!!".
oh, i can still rem. the previous case when quinn has fever for like 7 days and that freak me out! he got a cold, coughing *actually very little* and some runny nose and so i tot its just another coldbut who knows pd says his lungs dun sound too good and he has to be on nebulizer and medication *with anti-biotic* and so that explain why he got that long fever. so i also alternate 2 fever medicine plus keeping him cool with airy clothes and such. bath him in slightlycooler water than usual but not cold type. i rem. myself keep checking his temperature as it up / down real fast too. that was the most worrying episode, 7 days fever!!!!!!but i still rem. after 3 days, i think on the 4th day we went back to pd as directed and he knows about his fever thing. he adviced me that if the fever stays ard 38 degree with the ear themometer, best to avoid any fever medication as 38 degree for ear is still consider okie and its better to let his better fight it himself too if its not too high, especially when its a long episode of fever. BUT must bear in mind tat IF theres another HIGH fever visits, must brng him back but from what he says is that he believe that the fever will stay as in AVERAGE and will slowly improve frm there and true enough, everything is as waht he says.
i think things are sort of under control now
and i stop telling myself that i want evryone *as in other care givers* to listen to me or do as what i told them too as i know its rather impossible.

hey, quinn also likes cutting!! u wont believe how many pairs of scissors he has!! ha!!!! but he has been doing that past few months so now hes not that keen anymore and now hes HOPING to get hold of PENKNIFE but i guess my heart is too weak for that. i really dun know what else he can do when hes at home.........

cool down and ignore her :p ones has to be a mum to understand how tough it is!!
hello mummies

fever kid
it seem the weather is terrible and all kid is sick. nicole was sick and had fever for 3 full day temp ranging from 38-39.5 saw GP but after 3 day of ibrufen, paracetomol + antibiotic still fever high. GP refer to KKH A&E for admission.
but reached there they immediately diagnose is viral infection + a illness call "croup" we learn someting tat day on these illness. all along we din know there is such term. "Croup" is sort of viral arises from the throat due to phelgm. They immediately feed her 1 med tat fight croup and paracetmol on teh spot and stay there for an hour to monitor then discharges us. Her fever was brot down totally tat night and after tat recover just tat next day she had loose stool.

tink every doc give diff advise. tat day nicole fever very high, 1 gp advise feed ibufen wif paracetomol tog. 2nd visit to another gp they advise feed each of them at 4hr interval so that we had 2 med to last for 8hour.
tat day at kkh doc advise take paracetmol first and ibufen after 1 hr. she also advise kids wif fever must be fed wif paracemol at 4 hour interval for the next 24 hour regard to have fever or not after 1st feed.

they din give med after tat just ask me continue gp med. tat particular croup med dam power just 1 dose then ok.

i understand tat tis med must complete thru out but i did soemtime terrible now feelign guilty. I stop nicole on antibiotc (augustinment) half way, cos after all the fever and med incident for the past 3 day she seem feelign terrible and drowsy. I feed so heartache and decide to remove her totally from med. she indeed feelign more cheerful after tat just tat i guilty tat her virus will nto be remove .

nicole syptom is very similar from isabel jsut tat KKH din admit us

dun be sad by yur sis remark, some ppl dun get it when they dun have such exerience.
my office all the colleague all not married and no family, they alway give me funny remark on why married, why have kid then so many problem take leave etc....
oh dear... so many fevers... I hope all sick kids (or mummies) get well real soon...

hi puff, hvn't seen u for a long time... how's YX?

pawprint, i can't help laughing at ur *future* comment to ur sis... but she should hv known better than to say things to add fuel to the already worried pple... just ignore her...
so many different advices from different doctors!

abt anti-biotic, isabel didn't want to finish hers.

we went to KK last tues, by the time we were there, her fever gone down a bit. so they asked us to wait, and gotta wait for 2 hours wor, how to tahan?
CSR, I read abt Isabel's fever... I think it's the norm for KK to have waiting time for very long... I recalled spending >4hours at the waiting area (including after seeing the doc) must monitor until fever is down before they let you go home...
wow now I'm wondering if I shld send her to check for croup? Cos she has cough- GP says not much phelgm but we hear quite alot, plus she coughs regular intervals. No sore throat inflammation so no antibiotics. Today only fed ibrufen in morning, after that ok leh.

Think it's my HB's flu virus from last week- he was knocked out 2 days MC, then Athena caught it... then my helper... then my mum. Now left only me and the boy- this morning I din feel well so popped 2 panadols, got HB to take afternoon off, and tomorrow.

Still mad with my sis. She was tired of being called on to help cheer the girl/ carry the boy intermittently, if dun wan then DUN do so in first place. After that tired liao, see my mum carry the boy (boy whiny), she scolded... I told her he's sleepy, she still retorted that my boy's not ill what! Under the guise of being concerned for my mum (in 1st place HB was carrying the boy then my mum insisted on taking over so he can eat his dinner... we din want helper handling cos she seems most ill among us). Blow big quarrel, I moved ALL the toys into my one single room, holed us up inside. Every time the girl whines she wants to use my sis's toilet or lie on sis's bed (master bedrm and toilet wat, sure nicer than our small hole), I tell her my sis doesn't like us. The long explanation is she's fine when it's just playtime, not when it's more than that- cos then she doesn't like them. Then the girl looked sad and repeated, "dun like us". I shld have known she's such a shithead, I shldn't have let her get close to my kids, esp the girl- the girl now wonders why she's suddenly not "loved" by her yi-ma.
gabe was down wif very high fever since fri n of course wif runny nose & phlegmy cough. his fever was 39.7deg on fri nite, 39.9deg on sat nite. i was using a thermometer at his armpit cos my ear thermometer failed on me, despite husband changing e batteries. we didnt consider bringing him 2 KKH cos i know e whole experience would b too much 4 me & him 2 handle.

basically we sponged him nonstop, cool pack on his forehead, light clothing (he slept wif tank top n shorts on fri & sat nite), showers wif room temp water n lotsa water 4 him. husband n i were debating abt aircon or no aircon (juz fans) 4 him. we settled for 2 fans in my bedroom cos he is having a bad case of blocked nose n cough. i was concerned tat e aircon wont do his nose & cough any gd.

on sun nite gabe was fine but at 1am on mon morn, his temp shot up 2 39.5deg again so another shot of suppository n more sponging. 2day, much betta. was willing 2 eat his solids/drink milk n even completed his 1st 4, 6, 8pieces puzzles on his own.

frankly tis whole fever episode was very traumatic 4 me cos gabe never had fever beyond 38degrees (wif an ear thermometer). whenever he got fever, 1-2 doses of para, sleeping or playing in aircon room will do. it freaked me out cos gabe was rather cranky on sat & sun, even refusing medication, e cool pack on his forehead, sponging, showers at times.

now i worry abt edward...sigh! cos gabe caught it fr hanging out wif my neighbour's son.
abt e medication, i was alternating bet para, ibuprofen n suppository. para in e daytime every 4hrs n ibuprofen if e fever shoots up >39deg. i used suppository in e nite 4 gabe cos tat was when his fever spiked up.

e time difference bet para n ibuprofen is 2hrs when i felt there was no improvement on his temp.
so yur girl din finish too? i feel so gulity but seeing back to usual self after stopping all those med i glad mixed feeling. evry feed we had to grab her tight so tortoing
we wnet on mon night ard 8pm still ok but very long but due to her high fever we see doc after an hour but was told to monitor for an hour b4 go home all in all spend abt 3 hr there.

hi kelly
i'm so sorry that i din manage to get yur call last night. I feeling so guilty cos the anxiety of the kid sick is terrible.
so did u send him to kkh to see doc?
jeralyn is down wif flu and cough too sob sob...now all of us is recovering and she got it. she really cranky las nite refuse to sleep so pitiful. rem tat day i saw u at ikea, hubby and i was sick from then to now still coughing

well i agreed gabe case very similar to nicole. since birth nicole had 3 major fever and 3 visit to kkh. tis year itself we alry went twice sigh... and same as gabe her fever never shot up to 39 or higher and usually a dose of med can help. tis round is terrible

according to doc at kkh, it a infection cause by accumulation of pheglm in the throat and the virus flow down to inner thorat and cause infection to develop there and narrowing of the breathign canal. the cough will give up a "barking" sound. if cfm croup just need to give an antibiotic (1 dose) then ok alry.

pawprint /kelly
u all monitor the sound of the cough. tat day after the doc tell me i monitor and it really sort of "barking" sound and quite obvious. tat day after the med nicole go back had a major throwup then after tat she seem better. doc say the fever is constant for abt 3 day and whole thign take abt a week to recover. Nicole stil having cough but her phegm had drop alot.

the waiting time is really terrible there but i still believe the doc there is miracle (tot most of them are (MO). Usually there is alway a senior doc on duty and cfm all cases. tat day initailly the MO suspect degue fever / HFMD but nicole had no rash at all wan to send us go chest x-ray. later the senior doc do her round and happen nicole give a loud cough immediate she diagnose is croup and give us a brochure to read and it really very similar to wat she having. Initially GP send us down is for nicole to be admit and do drip and all blood testes but at kkh they find is not necessary as if croup is just treat wif med no need to do all those painful testes. they monitor for a few hour then discharges us. So lucky i went kkh cos my friend ask me to send to tmc but hubby refused cos he feel kkh is still best.

those wif 2 kids at home is really terrible when 1 is sick. i finally have a taste of it last week and i nearly sit down there to cry and leave the kid alone as i really lost. And to make thing worst PIL just happen to be out to holiday at genting and I had to handle the 2 kids alone and hubby need to work. Luckily a friend happen on leave pop by to help me. when the gp tell me "send to kkh for admission, go back and pack up and go asap" i was in a state of shock and go back home really lost on how to settle jeralyn. no choice pack both kids stuff and send jeraly to my sis hse to stay overnight so I cna fully take care of nicole. tat night I suddenly knew i cant do wifout PIL. think the sick kid make me emotiom tat day.

all mummies , daddies and kid pls do take care these few week weather and air really bad
Got this article from jesebelle, thought it may be worth a try for the kids who are unwell during this period. *shoo to all the virus!*

A cure for coughing

Don't laugh, it works 100% of the time although the scientists at the Canada Research council (who discovered it) aren't sure why.

To stop nighttime coughing in a child (or adult as we found out personally), put Vicks Vaporub generously on the bottom of the feet at bedtime then cover with socks. Even persistent, heavy, deep coughing will stop in about 5 minutes and stay stopped for many, many hours of relief. Works 100% of the time and is more effective in children than even very strong prescription cough medicines. In addition it is extremely soothing and comforting and they will sleep soundly. The head of the Canada Research Council described these findings on the part of their scientists when they were investigating the effectiveness and usage of prescription cough medicines in children as compared to alternative therapies like acupressure. Cough medicines for kids often do more harm than good due to the chemical makeup of these strong drugs. It was a surprising finding and found to be more effective than prescribed medicines for children at bedtime, and in addition, to have a soothing and calming effect on sick children who then went on to sleep soundly.
Someone who tried it said it felt like a warm blanket enveloped her, the coughing stopped in a few minutes and this was a deep, (incredibly annoying!) every few seconds, uncontrollable cough, plus she slept cough free for hours every night that she used it. If you end up sick, try it yourself and you will be absolutely amazed by the effect.
I understand when you mentioned u were in a lost.

dat day when isabel was admitted, hubby was not in town. my brother and maid helped us to settle down in hospital. by the time they left, was around 7pm+. u know how the sky looks like during that time, like so gloomy. i sat there carrying isabel, and my tears just flew out no matter how hard i controlled lor. i find ourselves so pathetic.
fever medication
yes, different GP and PD gave different advice on the time lapse between feeding panadol and ibrufen

for me, i normally give both at the same time if fever > 38.5

very busy with work....and these few days i had food poisoining so feeling rather weak!

Yingxin caught a flu bug somewhere and is also coughing lately, both of us seems to be always falling ill

little prince
i read the same article too, not sure whether it works but will definitely try it out
thks 4 ur sms & concern. rather busy wif e boys 2day so didnt get a chance 2 reply 2 u. gabe's fever subsided in e day but i now waiting 2 c if it'll spike again in e middle of e nite.

when i saw ur posting abt croup, i quickly called up gabe's GP n he demo wat a croup sound like. gabe kenna such a cough b4 n a medication fr his GP fixed it but tis time round, gabe juz down wif a bad viral infection.

i didnt rush gabe down 2 KKH cos didnt find it necessary n there's also lil edward who still isnt comfy wif e maid yet. we left him wif e maid 4 an hr n he cried until he was shaking.

lil prince, puff
tried it on gabe when he was coughing some time back. worked 4 him but didnt work 4 hubby. 2 tik i lather so much vicks on him (wasted) n in e end, husband coughed even more. hahahahaha!
i feel sorry for both of u, really terrible when hubby not ard. I still rem i was trembling and cant even talk properly when i call hubby to coem bakc fetch us. Glad that now the kids are all well again.

take care of yurself and YX. YX in sch alry right? It usually more prone. Nicole is on cough med almost daily when she is sch for 1st 3 mth

is ok, glad tat gabe fever is away. Tink for croup fever just coem out suddenly. cos i rem Nicole cna be very well and out of sudden the fever coem and sheget grouchy.
which GP u see? the other day I sms sharon for dr tay contact cos tat day happen to be sat and i cant seem to find gp but dr tay clinic alry close. Punggol gp doesnt seem to be good.

oh yur maid is here alry tat gd at least she can handle yur hsework. Agreed wif another kid at home really hard to decide on soemthing. tat day Jeralyn cry very badly when i leave her wif my sis, lucky she was ok after a while. Guess she is still young and easy to adapt.

Jeralyn had to miss her 5th mth jab cos she having slight flu and cough sob..... hope she can recover well soon and finish the last jab
Sent both kids to PD, not croup, but A on antibiotics for her cough, Irv starting up with fever/ running nose/ cough... keeps waking up at night cos unwell. Me down with flu too... GP charged me $64 (supposedly consultation only $10 or $12, the rest is medicine cost)!!!

hi pawprint
oh no all sick alry. pls do take care. tis virus seem to be floatign ard. Thank god not croup. Do u reslise if the kid take antibiotic they look restless?

medicial cost
i told all my surrounding friend feel sick only when u feel u have enough $$ to pay. after the govt release non control medicial fee, it raise terrible high. Tat day hubby and I see GP for flu both of us kanna bill $90.
nicole incident cost $85 for 1st GP visit, 2nd day wrote letter to send kkh cost me $16 and kkh chagres me $75 for A& E, all in all abt $200.
tis mth medical bill itself alry burst my budget
most impt health so no choice
