(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be


Thanx for letting me know.

Did not know about this virus until I came across this article, now I would be even more careful (hope not hysterical ;P) when Tristan has fever, diarrhoea or vomit.


Im very strict with nat, this is y sometimes she treat me invisible. No choice lah.... 1 of us ve to be the bad man.
gabe & i brushed our teeth tgt in the morn. i'll brush my teeth while he does so. i demo 2 him how 2 brush his 7 front teeth and he imitates. then we take turns 2 brush each other teeth. i brush his teeth wif his toothbrush n he brushes mine wif my toothbrush. i tik gabe enjoys this activity very much cos when i forgets 2 involve him when i'm brushing my teeth, he starts making noise, pointing in the direction of his yellow toothbrush.

mayb u wanna try tis? i tot bb likes 2 imitate now so if faye sees u do it, she may wanna follow?

3 is out of the question now if i wanna b a SAHM, husband not earning enuff 2 support 5mouths. i'll only consider if he earns a decent amt of income and when i am ready (need 2 b mentally prepared later on, just in case the 3rd bb is a boy).
u got me wrong lah, when i said stop the soya sauce thing, i meant your mum's nagging. does your mum know that u feed YX outside food? if she knows, maybe she won't say so much?

wah... your MIL... i got nothing much to say leh. u were caught in a situation then, cannot say no.
Congrats again

I can understand the ache u feel.
A finally cutting molar! Very big ah.

Daddy's gal,
In the morning leaving for work, he kiss A at least twice (once each cheek), me ah... not that many! HMPH!

But we're both quite "strict" in a sense lah (but very overprotective over falls)- when I'm upset that my mum scolded me for scolding A, he will reassure me I did the right thing (but when my mum complain to him, he won't disagree with her, hah!). Then again, my mum is quite extreme too... imagine I'm "firm" with A in public- A cries, and my mum will hug A while defending that A is teething, that she's only 16mths old baby, that I AM CRUEL. Wahliao. People see a fat fierce preggie, and an old woman hugging a wailing toddler...
I'm no longer A's source of "fun enrichment classes", "gai-gai", and "carry-all-the-time" lor.

At most feed her, wash her butt, read and sing to her!
AFFECTION- Faye wakes up only after hb leaves for work, so dun have SA when he leaves. But then once she wakes up, often she'll go 'daddyyy??' and these days she goes 'daddyyy? Nai naaaii? Ye yeee?'. The funny thing is that she is not even that crazy about my pils at all, these days they dont get to carry her for even one sec when we go over on sundays( anyway they gave up liao hehe) :p

And whenever I ask her to say mummy, she'll promptly say dadddyyyy! and grin! So actually till now at nearly 17mth, Faye still hasnt really started calling me mummy yet wahaha!
But she definitely knows how to pronouce it tho- sometimes she points to pictures of mummies in families in her books and can repeat 'mummy' after me, jst that she simply wont call ME mummy :p Hehe oh well, nvm lar

MT, never seen u scold Tena before lol! What u scold ah? Scold over wat?

kelly, I've tried that for months, doesnt work leh.
<font color="ff6000">jen</font>
central incisor are the front teeth, my dear

<font color="ff6000">charsiew</font>
of course she knew that i'm feeding her outside food....just that she seldom get the chance to "see"

aiyah, she won't stopped nagging one...cos home cook food i did not add seasoning and that will give her very good reason to yak; well, even if i were to add i must "inform" her and "show" her one else dun think she will believe me

she told me her fren's son keep fainting cos his diet very bland!!

then my auntie (my father's 2nd wife) also nagged at me, saying that her brother was very strict with the eldest daughter diet when she was very young, just like me!!! everything also cannot eat, esp salt and soysauce!! duh

end up it backfired cos the girl turned out to be a little slow and couldn't concentrate for more than 1/2 hour when studying and during exams; doctor checked and said the girl lacked something but when i asked my auntie what is that something she couldn't answer

the girl couldn't catch up with her peers so now in normal stream

my auntie said last time she anyhow feed her daughter (my half younger sister) and now she's in express!!

i rebutted her saying many of my frens practise the same way as i am and their kids are fine wat!!
Yr mum say u r curel!! LOL.
FYI our bbs is already 3 yrs old if u calculate the chinese way. That's what my dad says.
whenever I want to discipline keira abt something, he will says "so young how she understand".
I will tell him "3 yrs old already of course she understand" Haha

Don't eat salt will faint &amp; go to normal stream. LOLLL

Peng san lah like that, u have to entertain your mum, auntie and mil!

don't understand why the old folks are so much into salt and soya sauce. i do add a bit of soya sauce to isabel's porridge, but i think if she likes it without any seasoning, i will be happy too.
I dun scream/ shout, but very firmly and sternly tell A, "pls WAIT." Then told my mum to let go A's hand (A was trying to drag my mum out by the hand mah). Very low-key, but A bursts in tears quite easily at even stern tones... then my mum another melodramatic one, must squat down and hug Athena, say A's teething lah, young lah, etc etc. *rolls eyes*

aiyoh come back home my mum again complained to my HB that I cruel.
<font color="ff6000">pcs</font>
dun eat salt ALOT of consequences wan!!! like no teeth lah, cannot walk lah, weak lah, slow lah...

<font color="ff6000">sharon</font>
wah, that plaster so good ah? Yingxin had her MMR jab this morning, the PD used a small piece of antiseptic wipe to rub her butt prior to giving her the jab, she did not whine nor cry at all!! i'm very surprised and happy that she is taking jabs rather well as she grows

her weight quite stagnant at 7.3kg and height at 71cm
<font color="ff6000">charsiew</font>
i asked PD about the relation between food and teething/gum exercising, she said the teeth would have protruded anyway regardless of the food they eat
RE:MMR jab
Wah, sounds like ur tods r taking the jab so well, no struggle, so tears etc. Kieran has to skip his jab cos he was down wif a fever on thur which went away on fri. PD advised us to postpone the jab jus in case. Haiz... gotta wait another week liao. I can't wait for all the jabs to be over and done with.

Ur mum not sian abt nagging the same things over and over again?

Heheheheh, same here lah... dun worry abt dat, jus tink, u can always make it up to her after u deliver, which is pretty soon. Now i only feed him, play/read/sing/watch tv with him sitting down, sleep with him, carry him for less than 3 mins kind at most.

Kieran goes 'Daaaaa-daaaaa' to call his daddy all the time and refuses to call me. But since last week, he has started calling me 'Maaaaaa-maaaaaa' but of cos still not as much as he calls his daddy. But like dat i oso happy liao. Hehehe...
Aiyoh, too late. Meghan already had her jab, on the arm some more! Which PD/GP did u go to?

re: Daddy's gal
Umm, Meghan is mummy's gal, I think. When she wakes up, she don want her daddy to pick her up leh, she rather sit in her cot &amp; wait for me to come get her. Will even go so far as to push his hands away. If I'm out, she'll wait long enough to realise I'm not coming, then no choice lah will let daddy carry her.

How abt going over to ur Mum's place sometimes instead of her coming over? Mebbe if she's not at ur house, she won't nag so much (err, I hope!)

Meghan's the same as Athena, very mama drama! Just speak sternly to her &amp; she'll burst into tears. Anyway, think most grandparents will spoil the little ones lah, most of the time have to close one eye lor.

Some recent pics


Enjoying the seabreeze!


Having her milk &amp; relaxing at the same time
Hello mummies

Pai seh... didn't manage to tell you all abt our holidays during xmas. Very long over-due story I guess :p

Anyway, when we were in KL, at in-law's home, jodie got 20+ mozzie bites mainly on the right side of her face and ear. It looked so bad, people were asking if jodie had chicken pox.

Then, Jodie caught the flu on the 2nd day there. I got grounded by MIL cos' she didn't allow jodie to go out and I had to take care of jodie

Daddy happily went gallivanting at the malls whilst I became 24hr slave to the princess... inconsiderate sod
(the daddy, not the priness)

But anyway, jodie recovered enuff by the following week so we went ahead to phuket. Arrived there 1 day after the 1st anniversary of the tsunamis. Stayed at a resort which suffered structural damages during the tsunamis but no casualty. It was still being repaired 1 yr on.

HB and family went to patong beach on the 1st night. That place suffered one of the worst devastation during the calamity so I decided to stay put in the resort with jodie.

Am not superstitious myself, but I didn't want to take any chances with jodie since she just recovered. Strange behaviour huh. Couldn't explain myself either.

Long story summarised. Hope I have not bored u girls to tears.

Moral of the story: bring truck-loads of mozzie repellants and find out location of nearest PD if you're travelling.
Oh yar... jodie's becoming a really finicky eater. She used to eat anything and everything. She still has a very healthy appetite but she beginning to reject food she doesn't like.

Am worried, I tried out Gerber's cereal (fish+vege flavour) on her today. She took a few spoonful and refused to eat anymore.

Gave her chicken sticks and Heinz golden vege risotto, both got rejected as well. She's also not taking the plain cereal she used to eat.

Cham leow, next weekend we're going to malacca, can't cook her porridge. How?!?!?

Am back from my holiday in Singapore. I was so "she bu de" to leave. But no choice la.

Will post pictures once I have the chance to pack all my stuff into the right places. Dunno where my photo CDs are.

Jet lagged Ethan and hubby are sleeping now. Think Ethan will probably wake up at midnight (SG 8am)..

Wah lao, cannot stand your boss! What an a**h***! Reminds me of my ex-ex-boss! Singaporean woman, would say things like "Don't take MC! Even if you're sick and the doctor gives you MC, come back to work!" After I became preggie, I heck care her, some more if taking MC will ask the doctor for 2 days MC. After I changed to an angmoh boss, things were so much better, he even gave me days off when I went back to work on weekend. At least when I left the company it was on a happy note.

Wah, you bought new camera ah. Sorry, I too lazy to read archive, what camera is it? Can take so nice pictures (or is it the camera-woman?). I was so tempted to buy new camera cuz I think my old one is dying no thanks to my son and my nephew. Saw some "M.I.S" camera, no shaking one or something.
no lah same old Kyocera camera... I don't recommend it now, cos after some usage, I find the battery charger losing its potency. Erratic charging ability, and number of shots seem to be decreasing. My back-up brandless charger is even more problematic. I'm just waiting for this camera to die on me, hopefully after enough mileage :p , yet not too soon, or HB will nag lah. By then should have even more camera models to choose from, wahaha.

In meantime, I take lots of shots at home cos I can recharge in-between, or even just connect the adapter to the camera while snapping.

havent seen ur Meghan's pics here in such a long time! Must post more, aiyoh, but let me hide the beach pics from Athena... we haven't brought her there for a long time already, yikes.
<font color="aa00aa">puff,</font>
maybe u should tell ur mum it's calcium that helps teeth growth and not salt/soy sauce. tell her even GP says bland food is best for babies.

think we sama sama.. me also din buy any clothings for the past 3 yrs (except maternity clothings) and also bought 2 T-shirts for CNY.. hahaha.. and the last time i visit my hair stylist was couple of days before my EDD. after that, no visit to hairstylist until juz before CNY THIS year. only went to an aunt who open a neighbourhood salon to get a hair cut.

<font color="aa00aa">little devil,</font>
Quinn got "blue black" on forehead is it? that day Shanice also fell. think she knocked on the table, then fell to floor, and fell backwards!!! but no bruise or baluku... heng ah.

<font color="aa00aa">medusa,</font>
my parents also the same.. when we try to teach Shanice, they'll say she's still too young, cannot understand.. when she get irritated easily, they'll say she's teething lah, etc... when i don't add seasoning into her porridge or veg, my dad will say, no taste, she also know not nice, dun wanna eat lah. erm... if she's still too young, then how come she also "know" not nice???

<font color="0000ff">fish</font>
have stopped fish for quite a while alr.. been giving her mostly codfish.. once a while threadfin. that day GP says no need codfish or threadfin, "kam-mong" fish is good enough. and easy to remove the boneless part... prob will switch to that, to cut cost lah....
DRAMA MAMA (sorry to be long winded but REALLY need to blah OUT)

today SUPPOSE to be fun wan lah BUT something just happen for no good reason. during weekdays, hubby already planned wat we wanna do for sunday which is today. we wanna bring quinn to botanica garden since lately the weather permit. me soooo very excited over tis

then yesterday mil called, asking if we would like to join them for dinner but hubby says see how lor. hubby didnt ask me straight away if i would like to go and went ahead to bath quinn. after tat, he then rem to ask me. me actually very tired so dun really feel like going so hubby suggest why not ask them to pick quinn up so we both can spend some time alone. i agreed but when i call my mil, they are already on the way liao, almost reaching their destination. so she ask wat about 2molo, which is today *sunday* so i told her tat my mum will be here *btw, the whole of hubby family knows tat sunday is my mums day as she working during the weekdays and sat shes occupied* but i still have to remind them POLITELY abt tat. then went on chatting with mil on the phone and so on. tis morning, my nephew called me asking if wanna join them to beach..... so i told him tat we cant as we have something on, hubby was beside me during tat conversation with my nephew. after hang up, i was telling hubby how weird it is tat after they know sunday is my mums day and ESPECIALLY after having a talk with my mil previous nite, they STILL call!! so hubby was saying tat it must be my nephews idea *abt calling us* and the very next second or so, phone rang again. its my mil and hubby was the one who answer it. from their conversation, i sense something is not rite.... the way my hubby talk like soooo serious.... then heard hubby says things like "but u all know mah" "how can u guy expect us to join when most of the time u just give me last min call" " please dun say tat lah" "but already told u las nite" "we cant say yes to las min thing mah, as bb *quinn* has his schedule" "trystan *nephew* is different from bb mah *quinn*" " if we join u even when its late and bb *quinn* fall asleep in the car, he will wake up after reach home and tats it liao, he can stay awake like till 2-3 am then how we *hubby and me* sleep"........... goes on and on til hubby look at me and sign to me tat mil is CRYING !!!!! omg!!!! i seriously dun know wats going on here!!!! i mean, its logical rite, example if i know u have something on on tuesday, i will not call u on tuesday and ask u out and after taing NO for an answer, i flare and cry???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my whole outing is RUINED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and simply also not my day lah. for get to bring $$ out, both hubby and me, lost my camara case inclusive of a batt and memo card, while at the resturant, topple the glass and all wet, broke 2 cups while washing at home, quinn sweep hubby cup full of coffee onto the floor..... %$#$#$^#%(*&amp;*%%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tat bucket is for quinns dirty and WET clothings wan lah BUT he will remove everything in it, step inside and demand to be carried...piaz! nowadays, hes very FAMILY man lor...wahhahahaha!!!! he will help me do laundry. he will take his own clothes and put them in the laundry bag before i chuck into the washing machine>

glad u like tat book.... me very paiseh, read abit nia!! :p

hey, tell ben dun let his heart melt completely leh, reserve some for no. 2

i really dun know how leh if my mum and mil see each other and look after quinn 2gether.... and yah, i still rem ur confinement time, u almost breakdown!

for the allowance, jus take it tat she really very sincerely DUN want lor :p but then buy her nice things sometime lah.

thanks for ur compliment.

he SURE slim down wan lah, sooo very busy and performing alot of stunts tat i didnt expect to see, my heart almos stop!

though faye is not very keen on brushing teeth but i so envy about her eating mpre leh....hmm....

laugh so hard when read ur "tena is teething lah and shes only" wahahahahhaha!!!!!!!!!!!!! as tats my mums fav line too! i told her she better tik of NEW excuses soon.

i like the first pix!!! machiam VERY enjoy like tat.

20 mozzies bite!!!!! YUCKS!!! poor bb... is she o+ blood type? no lah, as i am and always kena from mozzies.

yah i tik its a b/b... ai yah, me numb liao, he always got b/b, afew at a time and even got cuts here and there, he stunt man lah!

hubby complain to me tat quinn SCOLD him wor!!!! tat day while they are both in the playroom, quinn is playing with his megablocks and hubby join in lor. then hubby took some and started to fix them. then quinn from a distance stare hard at him and hubby tot hes looking at how he do it and proudly says "u see, like tat, like tis"..... quinn stand up, head towards him and hubby sitting position, quinn standing position and quinn started to point finger at him and bb talk to him veryu loudly then the next thing quinn started to pull out all those hubby had fixed!!!! then hubby was like "WAT, WHY"??? then quinn started to fix them on his own and hubby realized 1 thing, quinn will ONLY fix those 1 point blocks with 1 point and 2 point blocks with 2 points, 3 points with 3 points and somemore the thickness of blocks MUST be similar too!!! example in those blocks theres 3 points with thick and thin type. hubby complain to me tat quinn REFUSE to let him fix if its not being fix in orderly manner and he says hes soooo BORING then i say "no lah, he just want to make sure they fix properly" *wata lame excuse of mummy*
wah ur MIL cried! Oh dear, and u all lost items and broke glasses. Hope this wk better after all the emotional release, hehe.

Hmm usually when this happens... I blame my HB! In ur case there's gd communication of expectations, in our case, usually HB *forgets* to tell PILs whether or not we're dropping by- told him must inform them in advance so they can plan their own lives (no need to sit around wondering if we're joining, and no disappointment on their part). If I have anything on, eg. PGs or A's classes or outing, I will remind PILs we're not free during that timing. I'm getting very naggy :p .

kidsplay- I feel our kids more assertive, will specify which foods, which book to read, exactly how they want to place certain toys etc :p . Last time more imitative behaviour, now is modified to their preferences haha.
Keira also kenna some mozzie bites when we went to Malaysia during CNY and the marks are still visible. Malaysia mozzie are really "du(2).

I'm so sorry but I LOL when I read abt yr MIL cry. Very drama leh.

I also like Meghan drink milk pic :p
hi, mummies

we are back from Bali. hmm, not very good a trip bcoz rhyan couldn't eat well and i guess that stressed us out. he just ate very minimal fm the food we had and milk for the rest.
luckily, i brought some apple muesli (Heinz) which he did finish. the food there were really tasty, too tasty for our likings. besides tt, he wanted to go out of the hotel room ALL THE TIME to the beach and the pool. he was very bored on the plane too, kept wanting to come down and run everywhere.

i think, both hb and i were totally tired out. hehe! i washed milk bottles and rinse with hot distilled water so many times a day while hb kept bringing rhyan for walks. wahahaha! but overall, it was a good experience with bringing a tot on holiday for the first time though i think we won't plan for another one so soon again lah
<font color="ff6000">skyblue</font>
i guess my mum is not tired of nagging again and again, else she would have given up long ago

besides the salt thingy, EVERY week without fail, she would also complained that Yingxin's hair is too long and i should bring her for hair cut

she would also grumbled that i should not feed room temperature water to Yingxin as it will cause gastric pain, must add hot water to make it warm....told her gastric pain is due to irregular meal times but she insisted she is right

<font color="ff6000">deniz</font>
going over to my mum's place makes no difference...sigh, worse still cos she will complained to her neighbour about how small size Yingxin is!!

LOL on Meghan relaxing pose and drinking milk at the same time

<font color="ff6000">kypf</font>
halo, think i saw u but then i wasn't too sure,...at compass point cold storage on the 5th day of CNY (Thursday, 2 Feb)

wanted to walk up to you and say hi wan but a bit paiseh

u were carrying ethan together with another lady trying to get a trolley while i was slinging yingxin standing at the counter

<font color="ff6000">angelia</font>
i told my mum thousand times that babies do not need salt and soy sauce (of course that is more applicable to 1 year and below lah, above 1 year can intro a little bit lah) and showed her articles and also told her doctors said so but she refused to believe me! she said last time when i was at 6 months she fed me rubbish liao and she rather believed those old aunties cos she said they are very experienced in raising kids while i know nothing!!! and she will also say "what do the doctors know??"

u see lah....

the last time i went to hair salon was when i was 5 months preggy back in jul/aug 2004....hahah...then last week buay tahan already, went to a neighbourhood salon to have it trimmed...but very ugly

<font color="ff6000">medusa</font>
i also dunno wat sort of person MIL is, and i dun wanna find out too.... :p

her 2nd son often buys her branded bags, wallet, clothes, accessories and she always showed off to people but at the same time will grumbled that the son did not give her money and instead buys her stuff which is so wasteful!!

yes, Yingxin is very assertive nowadays...insisting on self-feeding and will refused to eat if i feed her

<font color="ff6000">little devil</font>
whahaha, your MIL so drama one, just like my MIL during my confinement period!!

DUN give allowances ah?? hhaahah....but MIL has expensive taste wor...how to buy her nice things?
lil prince, welcome back!! :D
I think when you go for your next trip overseas, Rhyan shd be at least 2 or even older, will be alot more fun for everyone! The next time we travel Faye will def be 2, and she'll sure enjoy it tons better!
Went Daiso IMM and bought 2 chairs, each $2! Wt limit 25kg, stackable, various colours, seat height 20cm but still abit high for my girl- she sits at edge so that her feet touch floor.
IKEA Children chairs ~30cm, even worse for her
. Too bad no matching Daiso tables- IKEA Children tables ~48-50cm, too high too. Our normal coffee-table height ~42cm will pair with these Daiso chair heights though, but I'm looking for a plasticky coffee-table lor :p .

MIL was exclaiming why I pregnant carry bulky stuff... until my girl did this lah!


1 hand hold each chair easily and swing about- it's very light. Doesn't seem to topple easily, relatively stable though.


Athena in more ladylike pic, instead of all that tomboyish swinging-chair-about.
Ur #2 is a boy is it? Tena looks like she was having a real good time swinging the chairs!
Can show front pic of Tena's shoes? I like the colour combination.
Berry, :D . A likes it as much as I do, LOL.

Deniz, it's Colettee sandals, I dun think I have pic of them- erm, we chose this cutting cos alot of HOLES for breathability. A's shoes STINK otherwise, since I don't bother with socks. It's nubuck though, not an easy material to maintain :/ .
Yah, #2 a boy, hence the chair colours... LOL! :p
Want to rave
Athena said "ng-ng" and looked at me, I quickly led her to toilet, her diaper was CLEAN, put her on the trainer seat and she tried very hard... with success :p .

Must rave cos I dun recall if this is the 1st time she's managed clean-diaper-and-bingo-in-toilet-bowl, if she has in the past... must be so long I forgotten liao, LOL!

After clean-up etc, we were playing with her cloth board (which has removable felt animals)- was teaching her "SHEEP" (actually it's a RAM lah, but dun wan to confuse her haha). She replied, "SHIT". LOL. HB cannot blame me for that hor!
i am VERY impressed with athena being able 2 say ng-ng, understand wat it means n do the motion. she is very advanced.
i also cant wait for her to say "sheep". LOL!

i had a gd laugh, looking at athena's pic where she lifted both chairs. it reminds me of female weightlifters carrying dumb-bells. wat athena needs is a belt 2 complete the pic

Any of u cook 2 meals over slow cooker(Leave the slow cooker on till din time)? I tried that last wkend but i ve to add i think 2-3 times water as the porridge dried up. Did any of u face the same problem as me?
<font color="aa00aa">deniz, medusa,</font>
Shanice has the very same pair of colettee sandals. we LOVE them!! very easy to slip it on

here's a pix taken by Shanice *LOL*

when i refuse to let her have the camera

<font color="aa00aa">puff,</font>
ask ur mum, if they dun know, why do people pay so much money to go to them when sick?? why not pay those aunties the $$ instead?
<font color="aa00aa">evelyn,</font>
i usu cooked for 2 meals if using slow cooker (cos also estimated wrongly, end up portion enough for 2 meals).

but i usually will off the slow cooker after the porridge is cooked, and reheat the remaining at dinner time either microwave or steam.
Yup very similar, but I was abit paranoid abt her scuffing her toes at the front, the one we chose has more coverage at front.

She spends more time shifting the chairs than sitting on it, haiz.
<font color="aa00aa">medusa,</font>
oh, i thot it's the same pair. din really take note of the toe area.

but i know which 1 you're referring to

Reheat? I think i wun do this becos i heard reheat porridge caused wind and my mum said it's no gd for health. No proof lah but i very kiasi type so i think i will on the slow cooker until din time-very waste electricity hor or maybe go back to cooking 2 meals.

Oh ya... slow cooker very diff to estimate the portion. Last wkend experient, usual 2 bowls of porridge can become 3 bowls.
my MIL will prepare 2meals separately with the slow cooker. she cooks lunch, washes the slow cooker then cooks dinner again.

gabe's down wif tummy virus since sat morn 3am. he was rather ill, vomitting &amp; diarrhoea. he even had high fever over the wkend and hasnt been drinking milk or eating any solids (other than a lil bread) at all. he supposedly improved on sun nite but relapsed again on mon morn when he started vomitting badly again.

right now he's recovering but still very lethargic n not as active.

#$@#!^%@* boss
this morning, after i cleared outstanding and/or urgent issues, i told my boss tat i needed 2 take 1/2day (PM) off to look after my son. my husband took leave yesterday and i wanted 2 look after gabe 2day. guess wat...my boss used the F word on me once he heard my request. i was shocked he used tat word but didnt say anything. i dunno if he meant it in a negative way or just a way of expression. 2 me, either way is not a gd way 2 behave.

i told husband abt it n he told me 2 quit ASAP. no need 2 hang around 2 "shou qi". i told husband tat once gabe gets well (cos tat's my top priority now), i'll advise GF abt all the stuff i went thru and check wif her if it's ok i quit on her like this.
gabe likes 2 lift heavy funny things...he lifted his petpet L-sized diaper, a 1.8L pet bottle, a huge cooking pot, pails (big &amp; bulky type), boxes to walk around the hse. he often miss hitting his toes when he drops them. lucky fellow!

Thanks for the pix! Both ur pair &amp; medusa's ( I can roughly guess what it looks like ;P) look really nice. Will go take a look.

Congrats! So can close shop already?

How come ur boss turn out like that? That time ur interviews, it seemed like a dream job, so flexi &amp; all. Like that, ur GF may also face lotsa problems when she returns to work.
