(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Welcome back. I also feel that its better to bring our tods for holiday when they are at least 2.5 yrs old for them to enjoy it. pics??

LOL on Athena lifting chairs pic.
Congrats on Athena able to understand ng ng.

BB Carrying Heavy Things
So I guess its developmentally appropriate for bbs at this age to LOVE carrying heavy loads.
Keira's fav is the 1 Ltr Dove shower cream. My heart always skip a beat when I see her drop the bottle. And the best thing its she refused to let me help / touch her *shake head*

Wahliao Yr boss really from hell leh.
Don't bother to be angry wif him coz his not worth it.
Quit ASAP if u can & leave him to continue barking in the office all his life.

my interview wif this monster was barely 10mins. my GF holds a senior position in this company so her monster boss entrusts her wif the task of interviewing me, telling me abt the job duties & expectations. the details abt flexi hrs/days was also communicated thru my GF to the monster. according 2 my GF, the monster agreed to my terms before i started work.

now the monster works in a way bcos of his mood swings. if u get him in a happy mood, he says OK to everything u ask him. when u get him in a bad mood, he can turn around n change wat he said earlier.

this morn, he was still talking happily 2 me. after i asked abt the PM off, he turned around 2 load lotsa work on me, wanting me to do some tasks again in difficult ways (when he had initially instructed them differently).
a big issue just happened in the office and a MD is alerted abt it.

a malaysia colleague requested for something from a bank in malaysia and i played a part in arranging for it and getting the matter settled. i did briefly mentioned it to the monster n keep him updated thru out the whole time.

now the MD knows abt the malaysia's colleague request and didnt know & like wat went on. tat monster now said i never keep him informed and i shouldnt have made it happen.
u c lah...how to work for pp like him?

OMG.... he is a real monster. As for the bank incident, he shld nt be so irresposible. As a boss, how can he push the blame on u when there is trouble. Just thinking is it becos u r temp staff........
Wah, ur mum from which era one? Hehehe...

Wahahahah, 1st time i see A so chor lor...hehehehe

Oh dear, sounds like Gab has a bad bout of tummy virus
Thk gdness he's recovering. Ur boss really one kind leh. If ur gf is okie wif it, i tink u shd quit. I wonder how ur gf is goin to cope wif tis boss when she's back from her ML now dat she has a kid.

Kieran drags 10kg pack of rice :p
<font color="ff6000">angelia</font>
i always tell my mum if yingxin falls ill, no need to see doctor, get my mum down for "consultation" can liao...then all the clinics in Singapore will close down due to no business if all doctors know nothing

<font color="ff6000">kelly</font>
that is so unprofessional of your boss to use the F word! better pack your stuff and leave asap

<font color="ff6000">skyblue</font>
*horror* 10kg of rice is no joke!!!
my boss's idea of 1/2day off is to leave after 230pm (instead of 1pm) and cannot take any break for lunch.

wait til i more eng in the office, i share wif everyone how ridiculous this boss can get.
how was ur experience when u brought faye 2 HK last yr?

husband was tiking of bringing gabe/myself to bangkok/HK (our friens are asking us 2 join them) in Apr (b4 my GF n my bellies get very big).

i know a few mummies brought their bbs 2 bangkok but that was b4 they were lil monkeys running around. i wonder if husband/myself can manage walking around bangkok/HK for hrs while handling gabe.
wah, as much as I wld LOVE to go on a trip, I can't imagine going at this stage lah. My stamina quite poor, walk abit tired, stand abit also tired. HK a fair bit of walking/ shopping/ eating leh. Gabe is also heavier than Athena- u got train ur HB to carry him for long periods of time anot? Even my "trained" HB will complain abt A's wt on the hipseat after some time. HK not very pram-friendly lah.
gabe lost weight recently so i'm sure athena's much heavier than gabe now (looking at her round tummy &amp; chubby limbs). he weighed 10.5kg on mon morn (he was 10.7kg last fri nite). when we saw gabe's GP on sat morn (thks to his tummy virus), he was also puzzled how come gabe looks meatier than sharwyn when sharwyn weighed heavier than him. i replied tat mayb sharywn has heavier bone density. his GP can still joke tat gabe has reserves on his limbs to lose. me not too happy lah when he said tat.

tat's y husband is kinda worried abt bringing gabe anywhere now. i told him abt lil prince's bali experience n he was like, "u sure u still wanna go?"

our friens asked n we could save on accomodation so we decided to give it a tot again.
i forgot to add...i have 2 able-bodied friens who love to carry gabe. hence we tot it would be fine for us to go to bangkok/hk since we wont be carrying gabe ALL the time. using a pram/buggy is out of the question cos gabe dun sit in it anymore. husband sees it pointless to sling him (which he did for a while) cos gabe often wiggles out of our arms when he sees something interesting and/or wanna come down to walk walk explore explore.

tat's y if we are juz going on a trip on our own, we wont even consider it at all.

alternatively, husband was thinking of forgoing any short trips until i give birth and go on a long trip to perth during sept (we tot of going for 5-6days but if no short trips fr now til sept, we can stay for 8-10days). my whole family (sis, mum, dad, bro, bro's GF and mayb 1-2 more relatives) will be coming along as we are heading there for my bro's graduation ceremony. wif such a big group, they can take turns to entertain/handle gabe.

it's just tat if i go for too long, i know i'll miss my 2nd boy a great deal.
when Gabe naps on-the-go, he'd still need the sling I think. Abit siong for ur HB cos he'd still be mainly responsible for wt-lifting Gabe, and have to take care of pregnant wifey mah. If u have frens whom Gabe will take to, that wld be great tho!

just my opinion, think perth is more child-friendly than hk/bkk, more for gabe to see and do. can go farms, see dolphins/whales. now that gabe is walking/running, it may be quite tiring to chase after him in a crowded city. hope gabe gets well real soon!


LOL! a 10kg pack of rice! kieran is STRONG!
can you PM me yr contact nbr? i will contact you to arrange for the FM collection, its with me already.

rhyan's 1st pair of shoes was this design, but blue in colour! i like it.

according to nanny, rhyan's porridge becomes very watery after leaving it in the slow cooker for a few hrs after its cooked. so, she switch it off and turn on again near dinner time. i hv seen it too, am surprised how come its wetter than drier. for myself, i usually cook 2 times.

i was so shacked on the flight, especially on the way back. the air stewardess gave him lots of toys but it didn't work, gave him a creamer to play with and he bit it, the creamer "exploded" on ME. then, just when the flight landed, hb realised he lost his wedding band. couldn't find it after the crew conducted a search when everyone got off the plane. its really lost.
oh no, wedding band lost!

I agree with fruitcake that Perth more child-friendly, esp if u're visiting frens/ relaxing rather than "touring".
husband prefers 2 carry gabe on his arms (gabe lying on his chest) while he naps. moreover when we are out, gabe dun nap for long (max 1hr) n if husband tires out, we usually find some plc 2 sit down, let gabe nap while we have a drink/snack.

i agree perth's more child-friendly than hk/bkk. we already have plans 2 bring gabe for a farmstay. i'm sure he'll love seeing the animals or even chasing the ducks.

it's 7mths away but i'm already planning the itinerary. kinda like a mini-project for me! hee! hee! i tiking of visiting fremantle for their wkend market &amp; eat fish&amp;chips, a visit to Swan River on Sat/Sun morn where we can sit down for breakfast while letting gabe run around at the park, a trip 2 bunbury 2 c dolphins and a farm stay nearby. husband wanna play golf on 1-2days so i need 2 plan that into our itinerary too.

^ the creamer which he burst on the flight back, this pix was on the flight to Bali.


^ kuta beach in bali


^ rhyan at the beach


^ not affected by the sand


^ this pix cute hor?


^ volcano on top of a mountain, not very clear coz it was drizzling


^ sunset in kuta


^ our hotel room
Kelly, We prob wont bring Faye to HK again until she is minimum of 5 or 6 or even older. HK is a v bb-unfriendly place, lotsa for the adult to shop/eat/see but nothing much for kids. Plus its way crowded there, toddlers wont get much walking space in malls and esp on the streets. Not advisable in my opinion lor
thks for the advice. i'll let husband decide (which i tik he's more inclined NOT to go) cos he's the one doing the MOST work if we do travel. all i do is carry my own handbag, eat, shop, walk, sleep &amp; help wif gabe at times. even in s'pore we cant manage gabe at times when we are out cos u know how our bbs run off 2 see/do things, much less talk abt going shopping/walking/eating the whole day in a foreign land.

me not bringing 2nd boy to perth...not bcos he's a boy LOL! but bcos he's barely 2-3mths old n hard to care for if we are heading on rd trips out of perth...UNLESS husband's heart weakens n says he wanna bring 2nd boy too (since all bb boy does is eat, sleep, shit), then we'll do so. at this moment, we wont bring him.

i still need 2 bring my breastpump. it's a hassle but i need 2 ensure i still have breastmilk when i come back from the trip. husband PREFERS me 2 breastfeed for >12mths if possible.
An article I love, do read it if you can tho its a lil long hehe

Ten Ways We Misunderstand Children
By Jan Hunt from the Natural Child Project.

1. We expect children to be able to do things before they are ready.

We ask an infant to keep quiet. We ask a 2-year-old to sit still. We ask a 4-year-old to clean his room. In all of these situations, we are being unrealistic. We are setting ourselves up for disappointment and setting up the child for repeated failures to please us. Yet many parents ask their young children to do things that even an older child would find difficult. In short, we ask children to stop acting their age.

2. We become angry when a child fails to meet our needs.

A child can only do what he can do. If a child cannot do something we ask, it is unfair and unrealistic to expect or demand more, and anger only makes things worse. A 2-year-old can only act like a 2-year-old, a 5-year-old cannot act like a 10-year-old, and a 10-year-old cannot act like an adult. To expect more is unrealistic and unhelpful. There are limits to what a child can manage, and if we dont accept those limits, it can only result in frustration on both sides.

3. We mistrust the childs motives.

If a child cannot meet our needs, we assume that he is being defiant, instead of looking closely at the situation from the childs point of view, so we can determine the truth of the matter. In reality, a "defiant" child may be ill, tired, hungry, in pain, responding to an emotional or physical hurt, or struggling with a hidden cause such as food allergy. Yet we seem to overlook these possibilities in favor of thinking the worst about the childs "personality".

4. We dont allow children to be children.

We somehow forget what it was like to be a child ourselves, and expect the child to act like an adult instead of acting his age. A healthy child will be rambunctious, noisy, emotionally expressive, and will have a short attention span. All of these "problems" are not problems at all, but are in fact normal qualities of a normal child. Rather, it is our society and our societys expectations of perfect behavior that are abnormal.

5. We get it backwards.

We expect, and demand, that the child meet our needs - for quiet, for uninterrupted sleep, for obedience to our wishes, and so on. Instead of accepting our parental role to meet the childs needs, we expect the child to care for ours. We can become so focussed on our own unmet needs and frustrations that we forget this is a child, who has needs of his own.

6. We blame and criticize when a child makes a mistake.

Yet children have had very little experience in life, and they will inevitably make mistakes. Mistakes are a natural part of learning at any age. Instead of understanding and helping the child, we blame him, as though he should be able to learn everything perfectly the first time. To err is human; to err in childhood is human and unavoidable. Yet we react to each mistake, infraction of a rule, or misbehavior with surprise and disappointment. It makes no sense to understand that a child will make mistakes, and then to react as though we think the child should behave perfectly at all times.

7. We forget how deeply blame and criticism can hurt a child.

Many parents are coming to understand that physically hurting a child is wrong and harmful, yet many of us forget how painful angry words, insults, and blame can be to a child who can only believe that he is at fault.

8. We forget how healing loving actions can be.

We fall into vicious cycles of blame and misbehavior, instead of stopping to give the child love, reassurance, self-esteem, and security with hugs and kind words.

9. We forget that our behavior provides the most potent lessons to the child.

It is truly "not what we say but what we do" that the child takes to heart. A parent who hits a child for hitting, telling him that hitting is wrong, is in fact teaching that hitting is right, at least for those in power. It is the parent who responds to problems with peaceful solutions who is teaching his child how to be a peaceful adult. So-called problems present our best opportunity for teaching values, because children learn best when they are learning about real things in real life.

10. We see only the outward behavior, not the love and good intentions inside the child.

When a childs behavior disappoints us, we should, more than anything else we do, "assume the best". We should assume that the child means well and is only behaving as well as possible considering all the circumstances (both obvious and hidden from us), together with his level of experience in life. If we always assume the best about our child, the child will be free to do his best. If we give only love, love is all we will receive.
<font color="aa00aa">berry,</font>
i only saw point 1 and already decided to copy &amp; paste to word document, do some formatting and printed it out alr!!!

i muz put it up at some place where i can see it almost every minute to remind myself of my behaviour towards Shanice. there was once i brought her back daily at night (think for a week) and i nearly threw her out of the window! scary huh? i juz went mad at her for not "listening" and "following instructions". think i went hysterical on another day that week too!!

<font color="aa00aa">prince,</font>
oh, that's rhyan's 1st pair of shoes? i find it a bit too hard to buy for 1st shoes leh. hahaha...

eh, this pair of shoes like a lot of mileage leh. wore for a month alr, the strap at the ankle like still pretty loose.

<font color="0000ff">short trip</font>
i am also thinking of going to bangkok... since can take budget air, won't burn big hole on pocket. was also thinking of going Bintan for maybe a night or 2 to let Shanice play wif the clear sea water
<font color="aa00aa">prince,</font>
sunset at Bali is really nice hor? i miss Bali too.

and, hotel HRC has really NICE POOLS!! we went there for dinner and took a short walk around.. my... so beautiful...
finally decided to install the not so sought after aluminium window grilles next week

no choice lah, for safety
<font color="ff6000">little prince</font>
heh heh, Rhyan is super duper cute in the bath robe

oh no...lost his wedding band!! so got excuse to get another pair??

i lost mine last year in february...very upset
hi mummies,
it has been long time since i last posted here

how's every bb doing?
hope they are doing well

<font color="ff6000">berry</font>
nice article.. shall print that out!.. hehe..

<font color="ff6000">kelly</font>
has gab recovered from the virus?

Cali was down with some infection too last wkend... her gums were very red since last sat, roller coaster kind of fever thru'out the wkend.. was intending to bring her for her MMR jab tt day.. but due to her fever, i got to delay
now she's recovering, no more fever liao.. also her gums not so red as compared to sat.. also her rashes are subsiding.. will be bringing her back to GP for review tomolo.. hope everything will be fine by then..

oh, one more thing, i also find myself 6wks preg last sat, EDD is 15 Oct 06
<font color="aa00aa">puff, prince,</font>
my hubby also lost his wedding ring 1~2 month after ROM or customary (can't remember liao). till now have get replacement pair.

window grilles.. we also can't decide to install or not to install
<font color="ff6000">Chihiro</font>
wah, u MIA for sooooo long!! Congrats!!!

so happy for you!!

Could Cali's infection be due to teething??

<font color="ff6000">yuru</font>
where have you gone to?

<font color="ff6000">angelia</font>
well, i think this kind of money cannot save one, better install grilles for safety sake
CONGRATS! i'm always very happy &amp; excited when i know of a fellow mummy getting preggie. cant wait for others like sharon, sherhino, puff, etc 2 join us.

thks for ur concern. gabe's much betta...no more vomitting &amp; diarrhoea. he's back to drinking full dose of milk (it was diluted milk for the past two days) this afternoon and his bowels are back to normal BUT my lil darling is still very "manja". i checked wif the GP earlier n GP said he could still be dehydrated and his body getting used to having more food. if gabe's still behaving sian sian, we need 2 bring him down for a blood and/or urine test.

ya, could calista be teething? glad 2 hear tat she's recovering.
<font color="ff6000">angelia</font>
i also know it's ugly....that's why did not have it install when we first moved in and we lived without it for 3 years; hubby is worried about the little monkey at home cos she likes to look out of the full height windows and climbing up on whatever she can get her hands on just to peep out
<font color="ff6000">kelly</font>
eh, i also wanna join u mummies for no. 2 this year leh....only left one more month to try...ahahahah

but dun think possible lah

with regards to gab's body trying to adjust to full feed and more food intake, how about making the milk less diluted?
window grilles-
PIL had upgrading, opted out of living room window grilles due to aesthetics. Now spend own $ to install. Better safe than sorry, our tods will soon MOVE FURNITURE to climb on, so even if there's nothing near windows, it's not foolproof.
<font color="ff6000">sharon</font>
my window panes comes in ugly orange shade....i chosed white powder coated aluminium grilles

anyway, i've got blinds to cover them up cos i seldom open the windows to minimise the dust
cloth book got hippos inside? if have, i'll surely grab!! ahahah...just kidding....

thanks for asking, dun think will buy this
<font color="ff6000">yuru,puff,kelly,sharon,CS,Medusa</font>

<font color="ff6000">puff</font>
jiayou!! hope to hear ur gd news soon ya..

<font color="ff6000">kelly</font>
gd to know he's recovering

<font color="ff6000">puff,kelly</font>
Hmm, come to think of it, it cld be due to teething tts y the gum infection bah.. she kept 'eating' her fingers before this happen.. at first i also thought that her fever was due to teething, but i'm just curious how come her gums also bloodshot <font color="ff0000">RED</font>.. so i just gv her the fever medicine prescribed to her last mth, as soon as 4hrs were over, her fever came back, and her fever went as high as 39.7 during the wee hrs in the mornig!! Brought her to GP on monday, mentioned her gums, then he told me that its due to some virus, attacked her gums.. a mouthspray was prescribed for her gums tis time..
after medication, some rashes broke out, worried abt it, brought her back to GP again on Tues, he assured us that her rashes shd be cleared by Thurs..he was initially worried that she may have Kawasaki Disease (This can affect heart.. can read more abt this in www.kdfoundation.org), but she still looked active to him, so he discarded that possiblity.. luckily he came across such case a couple of mths back too...phew~
so to be on the safe side, he asked us to bring her back to review on her rashes.. told us that her rashes will get worse by evening.. and by today, shd stop getting worse..and thankfully, it did..so we'll see wat GP has to say tomolo based on her condition now..

<font color="0000ff">window grilles</font>
better to hv them installed, you won't know what kind of mischief our little monkeys will be up to... better be safe than sorry..
<font color="ff6000">puff</font>
oh, forgot to ans your ans,
yes, i'm gg back to Dr Adrian. Went to him for the scan on last sat, that's how i know when's my EDD.. otherwise, if based on LMP, it will be abt 1wk earlier,
becoz, my 'auntie' has been quite irregular, so i tot gg for a scan and get a date which is much more accurate lor

if based on LMP, im suppose to be wk8 now
but then based on the sz of sac, im only 6wks
GRILLES - we have been procrastinating forever about grilles. to date, luke shows no signs of climbing at the balcony BUT it could happen overnight so we will have to do it real soon. i also think it's not pleasing to the eye.




that's a great article!


wow, your prelim itinerary sounds great! nice and idyllic. my hb is more keen on tokyo for our holiday this year but i prefer perth for the open spaces. i think luke will enjoy chasing all sorts of farm animals too!
Congrats to you!!! so yr auntie dicided to give it a miss this x!!! Really happy for you!

Can pass me yr contractor contact?We are also iintending to install the grille by end mar!! TIA .
Tks for sharing the great article..


Wedding bands
Both hB and me stop wearing it after our ROM.
Donno where is it now. Hahaha
gabe's GP said it's a gd idea to bring him back to drinking full dose of FM, instead of diluted milk since he needs the calories 2 regain wat he lost over the wkend. bcos when we give him diluted milk, he wanna drink almost every 1-1.5hrs. very tiring for us (husband, me, caregivers) cos we have 2 keep washing the milk bottles, monitor closely how much he drinks n also concerned if he'll vomit after drinking the milk.

hence, on tues nite, we gave him full dose of milk which he was taking it well til now BUT his stools are back to watery stools last nite n look like tow suan AND he's still lethargic (which shldnt b the case).

i just spoke to his GP this morn n he advised us 2 admit gabe into the hospital for the IV drip cos gabe may be lethargic due to dehydration. husband n i are trying 2 make gabe get well without the trip 2 the hospital. i'm sure it'll b traumatic for us and gabe.

now i can only ensure he gets lotsa fluids so that he can b up &amp; running again
I think if GP advice is hospitalisation- better be safe than sorry. H/e, I think it's very suspect that he encouraged full-dose FM- aiyoh a few days of diluted FM only, wun be malnutrition case since fluid retention more impt. FM irritates already sensitised tummy lining.
thks for ur advice. GP said he'll do a series of tests 1st b4 we make the dreadful trip 2 the hospital. i just spoke 2 husband n we both agreed tat if gabe's still lethargic/drowsy/sian sian/manja, we'll bring him 2 e hospital 2mrw morn.

right now, i've arranged for gabe's poo poo 2 be sent to the GP for a culture test.
<font color="ff0000">Window Grilles,</font>

Im in dilemma now, dun know to install or nt to install as we planning to move hse by end of the yr. Install-waste $, nvr install-dangerous, haiz........ We ve ask for quotation, it cost around $900, not cheap leh.

lil prince,
very nice pics of bali. rhyan is so cute in his blue robe, very "yan tow".
aiyo, very sayang tat ur husband lost his wedding band.
did u buy back the pillow cases of HR Hotel?

fantastic article. i've saved it too so i can read it over &amp; over again.

with my window grilles at home, when we bring gabe near it, he'll hold onto it &amp; wanna attempt climbing it. we often have a tough time pulling him away from it.
