(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

<font color="ff6000">little devil</font>
thanks! sometimes i take pains to dress her up, but dun bother doing that on myself


inverter aircon supposed to be better cuz save $ on electricity in the long run. that's what i have in my flat in singapore, in fact the price u have been quoted sounds quite cheap, i thought when i renovated my flat 4 years ago i was quoted much more expensive, like $7000 for 3+1 or something but I could be mistaken.

yes i saw u that day in Cold Storage, i noticed u looking at me and i thought maybe it was someone from here but i didn't recognise you and was trying hard to see the baby... now i see yingxin's lovely pictures i wish i had met her in person!
ziztine, aw that pic is lovely- both gals are so close!

Berry, huh I tot ur aircon is new?

lildevil, that's great news

puff, aiyah, sama-sama, I even have DUPLICATES of same clothing for myself... and certainly only same few pieces compared to my clothes-horse gal, LOL!
nice pix of jayden, he really looks like your hb!

yu guo does bb tuina, located at changi there. i don't have the address now but you can do a search in this forum, shld be able to find. yr aunt brought her daughter there frequently when she was young and kept coughing.

no worries. nice pix of yx and esther.

if u are interested.


398 changi road
castle court
singapore 419845
tel: 6447 4761
no, Have signed her up for GUG for a change.

nice pic of yr girls.. they can be good friends when they grow up next time...

little devil
great to hear Q is ok..

sorry cannot help about the aircon query cos mine is a super small 3rm flat..
I've not decided whether to sign up wif kindermusik again cos i wanna trial GUG n JG 1st b4 committing.

ziztine, puff,
Nice pics of ur gals
ya, when's esther's session at GUG? she's going 2 kindermusik now rt? is it a wkend session u signed her up for? how much is it? details pls.

my aunt is highly recommending GUG and kept telling me 2 bring gabe there. husband not keen on a 3x wkly session cos very ex (abt $700+ for 10 or 12wks). if the wkend session is reasonable, i wont mind.

i was tiking of a wkday kindermusik session then a wkend GUG session for gabe.
Little Prince
Thanks for the explanation.

Little Devil
Thanks for the address of Yu Guo. So you brought your son to Yu Guo for treatment huh?

Thank god that my boy has recoverd. No coughs but still got phelgm.

Your girl is soo pretty and sweet... She got natural curly hair? How I wish I have a girl in the future... Now can't hv cos waiting for my flat to be ready in end 2007
The pic of YX &amp; esther is priceless!

YX's hair is so nice! Impatiently waiting for Meghan's hair to grow longer!
YX looks so cute in her baggy jeans

Jayden's a real hottie!

R u planning on sending gabe for the 18mths kindermusik sessions?



Finally got table-and-chair thingy for A!

Ikea "lack" coffee-table $29 (with legs sawed shorter by FIL) + Daiso 25kg-limit chair $2.
ya, i'm tiking of. i'm compiling a list of enrichment programmes now n deciding which is the best for gabe &amp; our pockets.

i have these in mind...
apr-jul06 = kindermusik (15wkly sessions)
may/jun06 = GUG (8wkly sessions on wkends)
after aug06 = GUG (2sessions in a wk)
jan07 = appletree (5sessions in a wk)

i checked out GUG's details. their term runs for 8wks.
wkend class = $280
2x in a wk = $560
3x in a wk = $792
all exclude GST, $150 deposit+$30 registration fee is required. $150 deposit only refundable when you withdraw from the programme.

i've put gabe on GUG's waiting list since Jan. the pp at GUG kept asking me 2 sign him up for Gifted Babes but I insisted on Gifted Tots. they'll let me know in may/jun if there's slots available on a wkend class.
<font color="ff6000">kypf</font>
so it really was you! never mind, got chance will meet again...

<font color="ff6000">medusa</font>
i dun have duplicates but definitely not as many clothes

your FIL very good at DIY stuff hor

<font color="ff6000">little prince, why, skyblue and deniz</font>
thank you!

<font color="ff6000">jesebelle</font>
thanks too, yes, she has natural curls
Hi kelly,

i had also signed up Sam for the gifted babies recently.. she starting her class on every fri 1pm(told GUG i ONLY want wkday class and ONLY 1 session for us).They managed to find a mummy to share with me.So i take Fri,she take wed.Total i paid $280+$30+GST.

Did not pay for the $100 deposit cos i m still not sure if wana put sam to Gifted Tod.this $100 deopsit with GUG enables her to get a allocation to the class faster.
tat's good for sam. let me know if sam enjoys/benefits from the class.

after attending a few informal playgroup sessions, husband is still skeptical abt bringing gabe to any enrichment programmes. i'll give it a shot n hopefully gabe enjoys/benefits from the classes.
When No 2 comes along, how r u going to bring Gab for twice a week classes? Dats y for me, i dun want to commit ard that period of time for any enrichment lessons cos there'll be lots of adjustments at home. Assuming u're going to bring No 2 along, if he sleeps well outside, then no need to plan ur time ard his nap time.

Sharwyn looks so sweet in the 2nd pic.

Athena has a kind of cheeky look these days :p
Sharon, LOL, I went with ILs to Science Centre yest afternoon, only to be told they're closed!
We went IMM lor, there's an indoor playground on the Best electrics store. Plus it's one of the most spacious malls- alot of space for toddler to walk.
Athena lost her double eyelids liao. *sob sob* Never mind, I shall teach her how to paste sticker when she's older. :p

And hor, this time #2 bb still haven't eaten birds' nest leh. Think I bohchap lah, boys enter NS will get complexion damaged anyway hor?
my MIL or maid will handle #2 at home while i go gai gai wif gabe. anyway, it's only 2x in a wk and i shld b gone for 1/2day. i tik my MIL/maid shld b able 2 handle. now i figuring out how 2 bring #2 out either wif gabe or alone. i know if i leave gabe home &amp; i bring #2 out for shopping, gabe'll scream/cry badly. i've been running thru my head on how 2 manage a toddler &amp; infant on my outings.

u c, i dun wanna deprive #2 when it comes 2 going out since i've been bringing gabe out 2-3x (sometimes even 4x) in a wk since he was 6wks old. relatives/strangers has often praised gabe for being 2 mingle wif "strangers" (relatives tat gabe meets rarely/often are also considered strangers) n husband/my parents/my ILs have credited tat 2 my effort of bringing gabe out frequently when he was younger (oh well sometimes my parents/ILs would say in a negative tone tat i bring an infant run around shopping centres).

i dunno if my going-out effort made gabe more sociable or he is sociable by nature but i like 2 b fair 2 both bbs.
Wahahahah... get hubby to buy lah... if not for gd complexion, take it as a tonic for lungs. Kekeke... I stopped eating cos told hubby I'm actually abit sick of it :p Tis bb dun fancy birds' nest. My bb likes orange and junk food. Cheapo bb :p I MAY know my bb's gender tis thur. *hopefully*

For me, i still tinking if i'll leave bb wif nanny while i go kai kai wif kieran during my ML after confinement or shd i continue to leave Kieran wif nanny while i care for no 2 on my own then, esp if i'm successful in bfg tis time. But hor, my determination not there leh.
AIRCON- thanks to all who replied! :D

MT, yar new, but v problematic, so we decided to just change it. Not worth the trouble to keep repairing it every few months.

lil devil, yar lor, thats why getting inverter, cause our aircon is on the whole day.

puff, havent decided yet leh. You got recs?
ur girls are very adorable. i can only admire u all n play wif them when we meet up.

i stop wishing for a girl liao. very happy 2 have 2boys. if i wish for a girl, it'll b #3 for us and no one can give us a guarantee tat it'll b a girl. skarly another boy...i dun dare 2 tik abt it.
i ate birds' nest 5x (til i was 5mths preggie) when i had gabe. after tat i relied on fu zhou (beancurd skin wif barley wif lotus seeds). gabe's complexion so far so good, no complaints. i also came across pp who tell me tat bb has good complexion due 2 breastfeeding.

i really dunno wat's the main contributing factor or everything i've done worked (birds' nest, fu zhou AND breastfeeding) but i will be able tell wif #2 cos i havent ate a single strand of birds' nest yet but i've been eating fu zhou every wk faithfully.

some pp tell me tat it's also in the genes.

we bring our #2 out 2 gai gai ok?
ur a/c is problematic in wat sense?
If it's water LEAKING, it may be the pipes gradient not gd enough for proper drainage (hence dirt clogs up quickly, needs flushing ~$30 each unit, every few mths). Sometimes due to aesthetics/ pipe routing, the pipes aren't at such an efficient gradient.
If it's faulty workmanship, eg. gas needs freq. top-up, the gas pipe may be leaking in 1st place.

I think since it's relatively new, find cause of problem rather than overhaul entire thing. Unless it's the brand of units itself that's problematic.
Tks for the info on pao sheng.

Jayden is such a handsome boy

Glad to hear that Gabriel has recovered.
I peifu u when u mentiond bringing gab and bb to shopping alone :p

The pic of the gals is soooo sweet.

Athena looks so serious doing her art. Hehe

Keira has her MMR injection today.
The polyclinic does not provide the "painless" injection tapes and I'm suprised that my darling never cry. She just shed a single drop of tear after her injection.
*Feeling v proud for her* considering the 2 boys beside us are bawling sooooo loudly after their injection

Playing with her baby doll...


Kissing her baby doll...


Giving cup of imaginary water to baby doll! Scary, right? :p


Looking innocent.
As promised:
There r many reasons y a child has prolonged cough. There r some who r attending childcare facilities or r being looked after by a caregiver who has many children in her household. These children tend to get recurrent infections, being so close to each other, so they almost appear to be on medication all the time. A child's immune sys starts to mature at abt 3 yrs of age n she is, therefore, more likely to contract infections b4 tis age. There r no medications or vitamins to improve the immunity of ur child.
Other causes of a prolonged cough include asthma &amp; allergic rhinitis. Children wif allergic rhinitis or a 'sensitive nose' tend to get a cough due to a postnasal drip. Tis presents as night coughing once the child lies down to sleep or when she is abt to wake up.
As for asthma, it may oso present as night coughing, &amp; sometimes, even associated wif the vomiting of phlegm. The child may not wheeze, but jus coughs. This is called 'cough variat asthma'.
How u manage it will depend on wat is the cause of her symptoms. If it is due to recurrent infections, then she must be removed from the source. Se shd stop attending playsch &amp; childcare for 2 wks till she is completely well. As for the others mentioned, if she is being treated for allergic rhinitis, she shd continue to seek her PD who will have to sort out if she is asthmatic as well. There is a connection betw allergic rhinitis &amp; asthma. They call it ' 2 airways, 1 disease', meaning dat both have to be treated together, otherwise the symptomsmay not improve. As these r allergies, triggering factors shd be avoided - ctrl hse dust mites, &amp; detect wat ur child is allergic to. These shd help to prevent further recurrence.
(Extracted from Mar 06 YP mag)
perhaps u might change your mind about leaving your newborn with nanny &amp; bringing Kieran home, when u come face-to-face with your precious baby? ;) as for determination to BF, i suggest "knowledge". once equipped with sufficient info on the benefits of, the how tos...u r in a much better position to handle whatever is being throw at your face (a lot of times it is in the wee hours! i am sure u experienced that previously.) during the initial BFG period. These are 2 good sites to start with:
Just had my a/c service and some info which u might like to know b4 u commit to the Inverter &amp; Gas:

1.Inverter might help to save 10-20% of yr mthly untility bills BUT the spare parts(should it need to be chnage) cost much more than the normal A/c or rather the non Inverter.

2. Pls chk with sales person if the model u interested requires to use Toshiba 401 Gas for future top ups. They are saying 401 gas is abt 3x higher than normal gas.( normal gas 1 tank cost $100+ while 401 gas cost $400+)so they will charge to you also lor..

Hope the above info helps u in yr a/c pruchase!!
sounds like u &amp; gabe are gonna be very busy! I'm thinking of kindermusik but wanna wait till Meghan's 18 mths.
Is appletree good? Was considering it also cos there's one like 2 blocks away from me.
tats mother love mah
jus like me, last time, i can take FOREVER to get ready before stepping out of the house and get myself check with my tiny mirror in my handbag *now its BIG bag* and will make sure i look PERFECT or near to perfect the whole day. now..... get ready in a flash and my compact mirror almost ROT in my bag! :p

dun mention

yah, me brought quinn to yu guo ever since his very bad cough episode. and now will head straight to yu guo if i spot him a little not well so to try my luck to escape visiting to pd. and i will also bring him to yu guo even if hes well, maybe alternate week as a form of bao(3) jian(4). kia su lah.

really find tat giving water to baby doll very very funny!!! hubby keep laughing and when he spot the pix tat tena sitting on her PINK chair and a BLUE chair ard, he asks "standby liao ah"?? he!!!!!!

yah, i know u on ur aircon whole day wan :p tats y must get an inverter. actually me also regretted not getting an inverter system..... in the beginning i tot i will not on for long hours or at least not every day or so BUT who knows..... my monthly bill really scary leh!

pp / strangers always compliment on quinns complexion and asking me wats my SECRET.... *i dun have actually* i believe in eating EVERYTHING *including not so healthy sinful food* in moderate. and as for birdnest, my mil prepared for me when i was expecting tat time BUT i didnt over dose. too much birdnest can actually triggers allergy reaction so dun over dose. my gynae once explained to me tat why pp take birdnest in preggy time its becos its rich in PROTEIN and he did also warn me about the allergy reaction in babies. so another much better way to get protein can be as simple as taking 1 hard boil egg per day, hope tis helps.
Thank you very much! I defintely learn more from the article.. Will print it out and keep as a reference...
My son is actually in a childcare centre now. So that may be the case of his prolonged cough. No choice leh, I can't effort to be a SAHM and my mum and MIL can't help me take care of him. Sometimes feel a bit bad

Little Devil
Erm, you mentioned that you will visit Yu Guo for 'Bao Jian' too even if quinn's well. Just wanna ask what will the physician there do? I mean do they prescribe tonics for him or do they do tui na for him?

Anyone going to be Baby care festival at S'pore expo this weekend?
keira is a brave girl. *applause* auntie kelly is very impressed.

u dun need 2 peifu me. i get cabin fever if i stay at home for too long. imagine me staying at home wif a 22mths toddler and an 1-2mths infant. i'll drag someone (toddler OR infant OR toddler AND infant) out so tat i can be kept sane. when one is forced up liang mountain, u'll manage 2 do it.

now i'm just tiking in my head if i can sling #2 and hold gabe in my hand while i walk. hopefully he dun run/stray off, hopefully he's patient 2 wait when i need 2 change #2's diaper or feed #2 and hopefully he dun ask me 2 carry him too! i dun tik i can manage a 4-5kg diaper bag, a 4-5kg infant and a dunno-how-heavy-then toddler. i'll figure something out and once i manage 2 do it (whether i get frightened by it or become more gutsy/confident), i'll share with everyone here.

come apr, gabe'll b 18mths so just nice for him 2 join kindermusik. mayb we can join tgt if our schedules fit.
my GF who sent her girl 2 appletree at blk307D said the teachers are good there. she did say tat some outlets are known to be good bcos of teachers. u can check out the one near ur plc. if not, if u dun mind travelling 2 blk307D, u can try tat plc too since it's tried &amp; tested by my GF.
is the baby care festival this wkend? i tot it's next wkend, 10-12mar.

lil devil,
talk abt utilities bill...our hsehold bill has been abt $250-270 since last jun/jul. we do used our bedroom's aircon for abt 15hrs in a day so the bulk of it goes 2 the aircon &amp; husband's fish tank. our bill is usually abt $150 ever since we have been staying there (coming 2 4yrs in jun06). only when husband added an "aircon" for his fishes, the bill shot up. now we are removing the fish-tank, hopefully the savings can go 2 buying #2's diapers.
LOL abt athena "feeding water" 2 her doll. i cant imagine wat she'll do 2 her lil bro. i know gabe'll bite bbs' toes cos i've seen him done so 2 my GF's son who was 2mths+.
actually I agree with skyblue abt KIVing wkday enrichment classes til u've finished confinement. To see how things go. In my case, if I can't bring A to wkday enrichment classes myself, no one else can (language barrier- even if got maid also can't, since maid's english not that gd). So I won't be signing A up for formal wkday classes from now til dunno-how-long-after-I-pop (in case I c-sect, there's no way I can carry A for I think at least 2 mths).

Unless the classes allow me to bring in my maid for the hoisting, dancing parts. Then again, maybe by then we don't need to airlift our tods anymore, but there'd still b certain amt of chasing ard I believe.

more abt a/c. My service guy is my bestfriend's HB's biz contact. He's very honest and not the type to suggest extra unnecessary services for the sake of profit. In fact I think he'd rather not do my business ah. :p Anycase, according to him, a/c GAS needs no topping up unless the coolant gas pipe leaks, or after MANY years (symptom wld be a/c not as cool as b4).
talk abt ur fish tank. Was telling my HB thank gdness we DUN hav a marine tank. We only have a measly pond with dubious-cheapo fish... and our neighbour kids been ringing doorbell, clamouring, "I WANT TO SEE THE FISH!". LOL!

bb complexion,
aiyah precisely we dun have the GENES, that's why I took so much birds' nest for A's case. LOL! But #2, aiyah... boy, never mind one lah. :p
the enrichment classes i'm looking at should not clash wif my confinement and i also not looking at wkday classes for gabe until after aug.

for the kindermusik class, if i start gabe in apr, the class shld complete by end jul. if i pop anytime in jul, husband'll b the one bringing gabe 2 the class. i tik he'll be the one handling gabe in the class anyway since i'll b like a whale n wont be able 2 chase after gabe.

likewise for the GUG, if it starts in may/jun, it should also finish by end jul since it's only 8wks term.

if i sign gabe for kindermusik in apr, i wont sign him for GUG. vice versa.

as for fish tank, husband is selling everything inside (rocks, corals, fish, prawns, sand, etc) &amp; outside of the tank (salt, supplements, chiller, some other stuff which i dunno the name). the structure remains n husband will put in tetra fish (he was tiking of putting in abt 100 of it). it's supposedly cheaper cos these fish dun need salt water, aircon, supplements &amp; live food.

hopefully the transistion will be completed by mid-mar then it's available for viewing. :p
now the tank looks very bare &amp; ugly.
<font color="ff6000">sharon</font>
thanks! happy that yingxin's pic makes your day

<font color="ff6000">little devil</font>
seriously speaking, you look good even without make up on

<font color="ff6000">medusa</font>
every quartely or so when i serviced my a/c, will need to top up gas cos it always leaks

perhaps you can give me this guy's contact so next time i can get him down to check and service? how much is his charges? thanks
Bird Nest
i cooked them once a week when i was about 4 months pregnant then; MIL commented i need not take such expensive stuff as barley with fu zhu add with one hard boil egg will suffice

then again, the bird nest which i bought wasn't high grade type
BabyCare Festival 2006 - Organised by Mediacorp
Public - Free Admission
Expo Hall 5B
10-Mar-06 to 12-Mar-06
Start Time: 11:00; End Time : 21:00

Bookfest @ Singapore
Public - Free Admission
Hall 4 &amp; 5A
10-Mar-06 to 19-Mar-06
Start Time: 10:00; End Time : 22:00

Kiddy Fest 2006
Public - Free Admission
Expo Hall 5B
17-Mar-06 to 19-Mar-06
Start Time: 10:00; End Time : 22:00

Metro Expo Sale
Public - Free Admission
Expo Hall 5
23-Mar-06 to 26-Mar-06
Start Time: 11:00; End Time : 22:00

Times Book Sale
Public - Free admission
Expo Hall 6B
13-Apr-06 to 16-Apr-06
Start Time: 10:00; End Time : 21:00

GUG means growing up gifted. they offer enrichment programmes, just like Julia Gabriel. i cant name u others cos i only heard of these 2. www.gugifted.com

apple tree is recommended by my GF. www.appletree.com.sg

husband bu she de but no choice. he hasnt had time in the past 2mths 2 take care of the tank. he used 2 spend abt 2hrs on wkend, doing stuff wif the tank. sometimes 1-2hrs on a wkday, doing stuff wif the tank too.

now wif a preggie me who is often tired, he takes care of gabe so no time for fish tank liao. moreover wif a utilities bill so high, must find ways 2 cut costs mah.

WOW! birds' nest every wk since 4mths. my mum is the one who tells me 2 juz eat the fu zhou. she says fu zhou will do the trick, no need 2 waste $$ on bird's saliva. hahahahaha!
