(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

The frequency u ate birds' nest last nite was quite similar to mine. But i forgot from which week onwards, i ate like twice a week :p I oso took fuchok.

I saw the pics
So lomanticcccccc... next week my anniversary, now still tinking where to go for dinner. But then we definitely won't be going to Mortons, so exp :p

medusa, kelly,
Ask maid to bring toddler to class is a no no for me. I've seen maids who r not dat watchful, n sekali our active tods start to dash out of her sight. *faintz*
Hey, i tink the 18 mths kindermusik class not much airlifting cos they're usually on the floor doing stuff. Dun see the parents coming out panting unlike the one our tods attended so far. Hehehe...

U're welcome

Thks for the websites

yahlor, esp Gymboree, some maids chat on mobile/ SMS, while their charges whizz abt. As for JG, GUG, Kindermusik, I think my maid can't cope with the language lah. I've seen in Kindermusik some preggy mums who bring maid- the mums handle all the singing, but when it comes to dancing, pass over to the maid lor.

Sharon, yup saw the blog- waaah got FOC dessert for anniversary, aiyoh last time I went for anniversary never tell them! *droool even more*

puff, PMed u!
i agree wif medusa. i c maids bringing the ang moh kids to gymboree and they merely chat, without watching their charges. when i went for the GUG trial, i c a maid and an ah-ma (granny) in the class.

for me, i wont allow anyone 2 bring gabe or #2 to any programme, other than husband & mayb my sis. i dun tik my ILs can bring him too cos when he comes home, they wont be able 2 tell me wat gabe has learned in class.

i saw the pics too! wow, very romantic.
LOL on the feed water pic.

Yah it will be great if u can share parenting tips for 2 kids.

Oh is March already
Wonder how is Charsiew??
Sharon, wahaha I wanna laugh when I saw the bread, so BIG! HB has been wanting to go mortons for the longest time, but I keep thinking is too exp :p Hope one of these days I'll lighten up heh.
that yr anniv I went Morton's... when A was 1+mth old I think, K and I gobbled up the WHOLE bread. Before main course etc. Yikes.

kelly, medusa,
To add on abt maid issue. When i was @ kindermusik dat time, the maids were all gathered outside on the bench. I'm not say against maids chatting or wat lah, but there was 1 maid who was telling the other maids dunno wat, n she was even crying away.

Tsk tsk tsk... save costs lah :p for reno...
(posting on Jen's behalf)


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Skyblue, wont have time before reno anyway, we're up to out necks with stuff on weekends these days, so many places to check out, so many decisions, too little time! *pants*

MT, sigh, my this current aircon less than 2 years, oredi top up gas like 4 times, and leaked at least 3 times. And on 2 occasions the fan in the compressor broke n needed replacement! Gone case liao.

sherhino, thanks for the tips, v v useful for me!
LOL abt the birds/bats in berry's area. LOL abt ur un-shrunk tummy, 1mth after giving birth 2 athena! i tik my tummy (b4 i become preggie lah) is still un-shrunk til now.
I recall K has a CAR hor? Issit motorised type? He likes it?

I was scrolling down the threads- very tempted to KIV a motorised jeep for A... err, for her 2nd b'day lah. :p
Yar, Kieran has a motorised car and he likes it lots. For u, u have quite a number of designer furniture rite? U sure u wanna risk Athena driving the car and knocking onto them? At tis point in time, K only knows how to drive the car forward n backwards. So at most, he knocks either onto my main door or my feature wall (impact very much reduced cos of the crocodile pool placed in front of the feature wall). If u're not dat concerned abt tis, it's definitely lots of fun for tods
thks! very tempting leh. i eyeing a motorised car 4 gabe but i know husband sure *screams* or shakes his head in disapproval. looks gd for 2 boys 2 sit in it hor...

hmmm, i'll check wif him 2nite.
kieran likes it lots huh? hmmm...i'll check wif husband later when he picks me up. gabe was quite keen on a motorised car when we visited husband's frien's plc (the isaac boy's plc lah). that boy, isaac kept saying no battery so cant move. i'm sure if gabe was able 2 move in it, he'll b thrilled too.
wah cannot play in the home ah, my glass kitchen door will break, LOL! Was thinking at PIL's void-deck (we plan to go weekly at least mah). My void-deck still upgrading mess.
Eh, Athena use her crayon draw on my designer rocking chair leh. Lucky the chair is plastic, can wipe. I think my walls and sofa are next to kanna. Maybe I shld find those cord to secure the crayon to the table- like those pens at reception counter leh?

just KIV that... and wait for opportune timing lah. :p

Athena dozed off at her highchair just now, while eating porridge! LOL! Silly girl lah, 12nn fed milk, refused to nap. 1pm fed milk again, still refused. 3pm let her watch TV (I prop pillows behind her, hope she wld doze), refused to nap! Dong until now, haha.
Can't blame her lah, upstairs drilling noise, I also can't sleep :p .
u may wanna check out crayons tat are twistable. i bought from crayola, 8 colors for <$10 (i tik mayb even <$8).


i very worried abt gabe smearing my white walls n anywhere else. he already doodled on my grey sofa wif a pen. when he's done wif the crayon, i quickly twist it back so there's no way he can doodle elsewhere and he cant chew on the crayon. i'll show u when we meet up.

aiyo, u &amp; athena cant get proper rest. i get very grouchy when i cant sleep/nap. last yr, when my neighbour was doing some reno works, gabe was still very young so i escaped 2 my mum's plc so i can rest.
cannot lah. I restrict her to ONE crayon, she sit on chair doodle at table, next min get up wander here-there. Try getting that crayon out of her hand = tears . :p If I twist it closed while she's holding it, aiyoh, she'd probably scream "open!"... she already says that for crayons with caps. Cos she knows that a crayon is supposed to leave marks... LOL!
LOL, buay tahan athena. luckily gabe dunno how 2 say "open" yet. i supervise gabe when he uses his crayons and i twist it to close when i know he's bored wif it. on a few occasions, he did make noises when i closed it. when i twist it out again, he was happy. i guess he wasnt finished with them but i assumed he was.
in the past 2 days, gabe picked up "there" and "pa pa" (he did say "pa pa" b4 but stopped saying for a while) so he has been going on saying "there", "pa pa" nonstop last nite.

i'll ask him, "darling, where do u wanna go?, "do u wanna go there?, etc" he'll point to a direction n go, "there...".
BOOK REC- Just finished reading The emotional life of the toddler. I think its a very useful book for explaining common toddler behaviour, why they do certain things and the underlying reasons behind it. Give good insight about the emotional aspects of toddlers, definitely worth a read. Personally I dont agree with quite a few of the 'solutions' and suggestions the author provide, but its still a good read nevertheless! Mummies do check it out if you are free, its quite a thin book, v easy to read.


MT, eh, that rocking chair that I have thats same as yours hor, doesnt fit into our new look leh. We're going for something clean, using alot of earthy tones, how to fit a LIME GREEN chair in. U have any idea where I can go to change its colour if possible at all?
DOODLING TODS- I think I better specify to my contracter to use only washable paint! And I'll buy Faye only washable markers/crayons lol.

WALL COL REC- I'm wondering wat colour to use for Faye's room- any suggestions? Not white for sure, but something nice n cosy-ish and easily matchable with children furniture?
What abt a pale yellow? I did Meghan's room up with 2 yellow tones &amp; a wall border separating the 2 tones. I try to upload pic tomorrow to let u see.

Let me know which day u're planning to send Gabe for kindermusik &amp; I c if we can make it. Think I'll go check out the appletree in my area. Too lazy to travel lah. Blk307 is at Anchorvale is it?

why don u go to ur mum's place if ur neighbours are renovating? I also always take cover at my parent's place cos my next door neighbour is in the midst of renovation.

Hehe..my failed attempt to neaten Meghan's hair. She pulled it off not long after this pic was taken.
wah! your reno so exciting hor? i am excited for you too, to see your new place when you invite me there! hehe!

Rhyan responds over the phone
i called nanny's place yesterday to tell her something and rhyan insisted to hold the phone so she passed the phone to him. i said "rhyan, its mummy. are you a good boy today?" and he responded "yes!" then, i said "can you call mummy please?" and he replied "ma! ma!" *i was so happy until my heart melted*
I don't think u can change the colour easily- prof'l spraypainting on such bulky item wont be cheap.
I think pale yellow/ marigold is a nice cheery colour for a tod too!
Too much red would be abit too, err, "exciting" effect, while pink is rather girly, blue too boyish (and may be abit depressing effect).

wow Rhyan can recognise ur voice over phone!
A freezes when she hears a voice over the phone, hehe.
deniz, wow beautiful! Thanks for sharing! :D You put up the strip of wallpaper yourself or your contracter did?

lil prince, ok lar, I do wish we have more time to looksee and shop freely. But well, I cant wait for the reno to be completed!

MT, yar I think pale yellow will be a good colour!
lil prince, medusa, sharon,
hahahahaha, gabe froze when i spoke 2 him on the phone initially. now he makes some noises (as if talking 2 me) and when my sis asks him 2 greet me, he'll tik for a while but wont say anything. according 2 my sis, once i hang up the phone, he starts 2 cry and fuss. well, i cant be chatting on the phone for long wat...

i tiking of bringing gabe for a trial for the 18mths class 1st b4 deciding. i spoke 2 irene from kindermusik and looking at a trial class on mon or tues. i'm taking a day off in 2wks time. mayb i'll arrange for a trial then. u wanna join us?

i also cant wait to c ur newly-renovated plc.

i printed out some worksheets for gabe 2 color. i told my sis (who's looking after gabe 2day) 2 guide him along. i'll bring the crayons when we meet up.
u read gabe's blog abt his nodding head? very funny when i c him do it.

i love the decor in meghan's room. is she sleeping in her own room?
blue is depressing huh? i was tiking of painting gabe's nursery a tone of baby blue. pale yellow shld be fine too since it'll match with my colors in the dining room.

btw, i went for a scan yesterday and gynae said it's now 80% chance of a boy. he pointed to something on the screen which looks like my boy's balls.
A's nursery has blue curtains and door... but alot of other colours too, LOL.
In general, colours affect mood- red/ warm is stimulating, blue abit depressing if too much. I can't recall but I think blue supposed to reduce appetite too, LOL (I shall buy BLUE PLATES for myself haha!).
LOL! mayb i shld get blue plates for myself too. would blue cutlery help too?

i'll leave it 2 husband 2 decide for his 2 boys. we shld b putting both boys 2 sleep tgt when they grow up. i'm feeling happier &amp; happier each day tat i have 2boys. tat leaves another spare bedroom in our present place for either maid/ILs who may sleep over. even if we downgrade 2 a smaller plc, 2 bedrooms will also do fine (of course wif sufficient storage space).
Talking on the phone:

Sharyn loves to play with our phones. Mobile and cordless phone. Got 2 times she accidently dunno press what button maybe the redial button, she called me and hubby. She will talk to us and press the off button to end the call. When I receive the call, I feel so happy. As if she knows to call me to chat.
i've updated a few days liao. a bit boring lah cos u know i very lor-soh on gabe's blog. i trying 2 find ways 2 update his pics. took so many pics since dec but havent got a chance 2 upload. now i very "eng", i'll update his blog while at work.

i've checked wif kindermusik. the timing they give me is 1130am on a tues. a bit for me leh. em sa em si timing. there's a 230pm class but the toddlers are bigger and probably not suitable for our tods.

gabe knows how 2 call pp by pressing on the right button too but he dun talk, he just listen. there were a few occasions, he dialed pp from husband's HP and probably hung up when he heard noises from the other end. husband's friens returned calls, wondering wat happened. quite funny!
once husband was sending an sms, he left the HP aside, sms incomplete. gabe picked it up, almost sending off the incomplete sms for him.

there were a few occasions gabe called sherhino from my HP too. sherhino returned call and i told her tat gabe playing wif my phone.
Ur dat ang moh boss not giving u a hard time at work liao?

I'm most probably having another boi
Hubby is now the happiest man. Has been grinning from ear to ear since gynae announced dat we're gonna have another prince. Man!!! :p
Motorised car-
the bulk discount thread below not very attractive, I think I'd wait awhile, see which day HB makes me angry enough for an impulse buy. :p Or maybe I shall deviously hint to PILs... hehehe.

Tomorrow Sat morning I'm bringing A swimming at my mum's place- Bedok Reservoir View area, Condo pool, 10am, anyone wants to join us? :D Can come up to mum's place for shower etc after. I'd confine my dogs to balcony lah.


Yesterday saw my baby. :p Nose very big hor??? The scanner not very gd ah. But he was quite cute, moved his fingers near his face, think he was trying to koon...
i very happy &amp; excited for you. other than ur husband, i tik kieran will b very happy 2 have a lil bro too.

husband n i were just discussing tat we 1 2 bring gabe 2 a park or for a swim on sat morn. since wed nite, gabe developed a phlegmy cough which only comes in the nite when he sleeps. he dun even cough in the day. we love 2 join u but betta play it safe. we'll bring him 2 a park instead. thks for e invite.
for the trial at kindermusik, it's not up 2 me when i going 2 b off. bcos the classes scheduled arent suitable for our tods. the classes they presently have for their 18mths programme has older tods. I spoke 2 Irene and she not willing 2 slot our tods into other classes (which has older tods), just in case the parents complain y there are younger tods in the class.

irene told me 2 join a trial in apr when the class has tods of 18-19mths, just nice for our darlings.

husband insists i bring gabe for a trial at kindermusik b4 signing up anything cos he felt tat the KM class gabe attended b4 wasnt gd enuff (partly bcos of the teacher lah, he still dun fancy teacher Rose-Marie). he now feels tat GUG is betta in terms of contents (2 him, more value for $$). he wonders if the curriculum in KM will still keep gabe interested (the usual warm up, sing-songs, movement &amp; dance, play wif musical instruments, unwind, etc).

i'll book gabe for a trial in apr then since i very busy in mar too.

forgot 2 reply u...ang moh boss went 2 vietnam so i more "eng". anyway, even if he's around, i now sit near the window so no 1 can c my screen. i now "guang ming zhen da" leaving the thread in a screen, gabe's blog in another screen so i just toggle between the 2screens when i more "eng". LOL!
Looks like yr reno is getting every mummy excited. Donna why women is always excited abt reno maybe because of the shopping. Hehe

Congrats to yr little prince :p

Can anyone sent me the mummy list. My pc just crashed. I lost everything including Kiera's journal and pics from birth till now

Blogs Address
Sharon &amp; kelly can u gives me your darling blog address.
Any mummy which have blog for their bbs can u e-mail me the address too.
oh no...ur PC crashed! i feeling the heartache for u. i cant imagine losing gabe's pics/videos. i know it'll b like losing a part of me. no backup anywhere else?

btw, i've PM-ed u.

tks for yr mail.
I've developed all the pics so not so bad
I'm heartache for the growth journal that records all her development &amp; milestones.
No backup. *sob sob*
