(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

haiz, dunno 7th mth or what hor. so many bbs here are not at their usual selves. hope all the bbs return to normal soon!

nanny said she managed to get rhyan to drink his milk at her place yesterday, she gave it to him just when he was almost asleep. back home last nite, i changed him into PJs and gave him his milk. refused at first but when i kept offering, he started drinking. was controlling my delight and hoping he finish the milk (the lights were not off but hb and i didn't even dare to move in case he change his mind abt drinking) BUT he only drank 2oz and decided he don't want it anymore! kept moving ard his bed and our bed, lie down, sit up and in the end, i even turned on Barney for him to watch (thought of faye who drank milk like this that time :p) but didn't work leh. it took more than an hour to coax him to finish the milk coz he was like drink one mouth, rest for 10min. most of the load was gone when he was almost asleep, hb and me tried all ways till hb fell asleep instead and his ds was still playing.

this morning, i woke up at 6am and made 4oz of milk. he drank 2oz after i kept asking him "can you drink your milk, please? no choice, i fed him bread in the car and stole a few mouthfuls of milk into his mouth while he was busy chewing his bread. haiz, i think i want to intro 3 solid meals liao if he continues this way till the weekend.

sorry ah, i need to revive this topic coz i am still confused abt whether cheese is good for our bbs? we are supposed to give only pasteurized cheese rite? the normal cheese slices we eat, are they pasteurized? can i know what brand are the cheese you give to your bbs and got picture or not? thks!

MUESLI-mummies who are giving this, what brand do you all buy? how to prepare?

raw one i dunno leh, maybe you try DG's method?

puff / medusa
i hope yx and athena get well soon.

the oldies call him "lion" and "brian", think i prefer "lion" more. :p

yar, Dugro is another product under Dumex, just like Mamil which is also under Dumex.

thks! nestlac is under nestle rite? me not too keen on nestle products, so maybe i hv to decide btw MG and Gain IQ. hb and nanny are telling me to change a FM and see if rhyan drinks better, i am still procrastinating coz dunno what i want to try.

*good* morning!! hmm... maybe i should skip the good cos today is wednesday... another hectic day for me...

DG, wow... thanx... but u are referring to immediate shred then cook rite? i can't keep half raw half cook one for next day then cook rite?
FEVERISH FAYE- later then update, long story and still waiting for blood test results sigh. If its dengue will have to draw blood at PD's everyday, possibility of being hospitalised

SOLIDS INTAKE- I subscribe to the thought that babies below the age of 1 still should have FM as their main source of nutrients (my PD agrees with me, and I've read many supporting articles).

FISH- how can fish cause phlegm since its not even high in natural sugars?

KARVOL- deniz/MT, I drop the karvol on a small piece of cloth and tie it on the railing bar of faye's cot. MT, it has to be placed near baby for it to work effectively.

Jen, RAW potato will oxidise and turn brown unless you soak it in salt water(which you dont, if its meant for bb's consumption).

Cody, I think my essential oils are not those super high grade PURE ones. Mine are any-old-affordable ones. I'm not sure how pure, but prob not pure cause its quite cheap (less than 20 bucks) Bought from a shop located at centre point, level 3.

Angie, a meetup sounds nice! I'll love to join is when Faye is well

lil devil, hope quinn recovers asap!

lil prince, by normal cheese u mean cheddar slices ah? yar is paesturised.
MUESLI- I bought from BRP but I think cold storage/NTUC should sell also. You can just add milk, let it stand 5 min and serve. If R likes finer texture, must grind first. Beri nutritious!
hi mummies,
hope the sick babies get well soon....

organic canned food
i got them from BRP at Tanglin Mall as well.
still like Earth's Best stuff

like Heinz, there are different types for different age group babies - 6mth, 9mth etc.
<font color="0000ff">fish</font>
my GP also says to avoid FISH, SCALLOP, WHITE BAITS, etc.. when Shanice was having bad phlegmy cough back then.

he says will deteriote her condition.

<font color="0000ff">sick babies</font>
oh no... seems like a lot of babies are sick / behaving odding. hope all get well soon!!!

hmm.. hubby was commenting Shanice's voice is a bit "sao xiah" leh.. dunno what's wrong!!
Hi Berry,

Hope Faye gets well soon! RY was also down with fever as high as 39.9 degrees last week with no other cold / flu symptons. His fever lasted for exactly 7 days and we did urine test to eliminate UTI, blood test to eliminate bacteria infections and even blood culture test to eliminate germs in blood plus also eliminated dengue fever etc. After all these done, he was still having fever!! In the end, out of desperation, my mum fed him water melon juice (supposedly liang) and water chestnut juice (supposedly to cleanse toxins) and his high fever went off within hours! According to PD at Singapore Baby and Child, if it's viral fever it can last up to 7 days! So just wanna tell you not to worry and that this strand of viral fever is quite "common" now! RY got it from a gymboree session....

Take Care!
Food strike bbs
Hope Kiern, Gab, Rhyan food strike will end very soon.

Sick bbs
Hope Athena, YX, Quinn and Faye will get well soon. Cross my fingers for Faye **not dengue**

Pretty Gals
(whistle) Sharwyn, Nicole and Ashley all so pretty

Peiseh. My English quite lousy and I can express better in chinese so thats why u see me using Chinese :p
NO PEE PEE!! Yesterday went to PD, checked faye's ears n realised that her ear's almost all well, which means its not the cause of her persisting fever (its the 6th day today, her fever not better at all sigh. yesterday evening hit 39, 5.30am went up to 38.5 again). PD suspects either urinary tract infection or dengue or some super duper virus. Drew half a syringeful of blood for the dengue/bacterial test- faye howled n screamed her head off- until the lovely nurse gave her bb bites biscuits n she promptly ate away happily LOL!

Then hor, need to collect urine for the UTI test by sticking a urine bag at genital area n wait for her to pee into the bag. After bag was in place, I made her drink loads and loads of water (she drank like 100ml within 40 min cause thirsty from earlier crying + eating all the yummy biscuits!) and eagerly wait for her pee. one hour passed- NO pee! Half an hour more passed by, checked and found out that she managed to missed the opening of the bag and pee outside the bag instead! Sigh, more water and more aimless walking around! one more hour passed by, she peed finaly BUT missed the bag AGAIN! *Faint*

The nurse only collected ONE DROP (literally ONE DROP, nothing more) and PD say can, just enuf for the test, v precious, better store very carefully LOL.

So now, waiting for PD to call back with results. If its really dengue, must go back daily to test blood. Once condition worsens, will need hospitalisation. And if it turns out to be viral, high chance of needing antibiotics. So whatever news I get, there is no good news
yuru, I agree with you- like what you say, the needs for bbs are different at diff stages, hence if were to compare FM, should compare the ones at same stages.
Solids/milk - read that at around 9 months, solids can start to replace milk instead of supplement. the reason i believe that milk continues to be the main source of nutrients till 1 is that most bbs don't take enough variety from other food sources. *someone correct me if i am mistaken* that time i asked my PD what to do since luke prefers solids to milk and he said it's ok, some bbs are just like that and next time i won't have to worry that he will be a milk milk baby :p luke currently takes 600-700ml per day now, i think i'll be fine if he keeps to at least 600ml on normal days and 500ml on bad days :p

aiyoh, what an eventful day! that time luke had fever with no other symptoms like sore throat/running nose, my PD also tested for UTI immediately, for boys easier to secure the bag :p hope it's just viral and not dengue. if viral, antibiotics won't help right because it works more for bacterial infections?
little_devil: while it is advisable to intro solids at 6 months, some bb do take longer to accept solid food n may prefer milk. But however hard, it is still advisable to keep trying to encourage them to eat some solid food n latest by 9 months, they should be eating some mashed or chunkier (instead of pureed) food or else bb may become lazy to chew nd have difficulty developing the tongue movement needed to chew solids. Some experts believe it may even delay their speech.

Some bb wants to "exercise their independence" by the time they turn 8 or 9 months (some later), so they are more interested to self feed or in what we are eating. Some bb eats better when adults eat with them. Also bb may get bored with eating the same food or at same place, so changing environments may sometimes help.

Also, bb have small tummies n milk is actually a very bulky food. Most bb may find it hard to drink 200ml of milk at one sitting, but can eat a big bowl of solid food at one go. So depending on what solid meal you give to bb, it can be more nutritious and have more calories than 200ml of milk.

In fact, it is not advisable to give too much milk after 12 months as it will mean they are not hungry enough for more nutritious food. 400ml can also include the milk used in cereals n cooking, cheese n yogurt we give during the day. Many PDs in the West even advocate giving full fat cow milk once bb turns 12 months if bb are eating 3 or more nutritious meals. "Follow on" and "growing up" milk is actually not popular in the West. More like a safety net for mummies who are concerned that their bb are not eating well..

I use those colourful plastic bowls from IKEA to feed Marcus n he can finish a half bowl per meal and still eat a P.M. fromage. His food is also quite chunky rather than pureed, so quite a lot of food. He has such small tum tum and I can see the tummy becoming rounder after his meal. hahaha
litle devil, berry:
tks for the tip on where to get essential oils!

wah, esparis is at the other end of the country for me. I second gatherings, but i dun think i can make it...sorry.

medusa, berry, puff: awww, your poor babies *sayang* get well soon!
berry - hopefully its not dengue fever! viral infection is still better than hospitalised with dengue fever.
little_devil, what a night for you n hubby. Hope Quinn is well now.

Kelly, don't worry too much. If Gab skips some solids for a few days, but drinks milk, it should not affect his health as long as he is still active n happy. If he doesn't eat nor drink much, then you may want to take him to PD to get multivitamins drops.

littleprince, i personally think cheese is good n have been giving since Marcus turns 7 or 8 months. But must be pasteurised cheese and no soft cheeses for bb. Hard cheeses are better than those sliced ones as latter is processed cheese which is prob the lousiest cheese. I use cheddar, Edam n even cream chese in cooking for Marcus, n he also snacks on cheddar and Emmental sometimes. He eats bread with cream cheese too.

Nestlac is from Nestle. Why not keen? You may want to change FM like nanny said, as sometimes bb may decide they are bored of the flavour n when you change FM, the flavours is different and they may start drinking again. Few months ago, Marcus went on milk strike when he was still on Enfalac, I switched to Similac n immediately he started drinking. My cousin changed FM from Enfapro to Nestlac for her for same reason and it worked too.
<font color="0000ff">milk &amp; solid</font>
hmm.. my mum always like to remind me that i took porridge since i was 3 mths old (i was breastfed for 1 mth only). gave me milk, i'll throw up, porridge no problem. so i guess not so much of under-nutrition issue if we include the vits &amp; whatsoever needed into their solid food and replace the milk feeds.
I still waiting for call from PD (take so long wan!) so trying to post more to get my mind off things.:p

SOLIDS N MILK- I think I should elaborate abit more on whst I said earlier, went back to read and realised could be slightly misleading. :p For babies who takes their solids very well n eats a very good variety of food daily (er..white porridge n one type of veggie for every meal dont exactly count. I'm referring to whole grains, good range of greens/reds daily and diff sorts of fruits etc), of course each meal can be as/more nutritious as one full milk feed. But the thing is- how many babies under the year of one are eating such a balanced diet? So in this case, I personally believe that FM should still be the main source of nutruents.

fruitcake, yar typo, I referring to bacterial infections.

pets, yup, blood drawn from the arm.

DG, how do you store hard blocks of cheeses? You keep them for how long? Beri hard to slice n finish leh, one huge block.
Hi Berry,

Don't get so worried. Have you been feeding Faye with Vit C? Can check whether can you continue to feed Vit C now? I would suggest let her have plently of rest and take vit c and plently of water. Take care.
pets, thanks
Yar got feed her vit C and multi vit. The thing is she beri beri alert and active, patted her nearly 2 hrs then she nap LOL!

I understand. Sharyn also very very active. Put her on the bed, she will climb up and down. Very difficult to make her sleep unless she's very tired. When she managed to sleep we have to be thief in our house. Do things quietly so not to wake her up.

My mum said this type of active BB difficult to be very chubby coz they burn what they eat. Hubby said sharyn buay si tham (cannot sit still in hokkien). Born wrong body. Should be a boy.

PD called, its NOT dengue! Its not bacterial infection (yet)! So its just viral, must let her body fight it out on its own and hopefully win. I'll just be keeping her temperature down for now. BUT by friday if still fever then must buy antibiotics liao. UTI results not out yet but doesnt seem to be. In any case, I beri happy!

pets, hehe no lar, girls can also be active and fun loving, its a good trait!
But yr I agree lor, beri hard to be chubby cause they burn alot everyday!
hi angie

really such a small world still cant believe would be able to chat wif u here. last nite told james abt it oso. infact many ppl say nicole look like him leh. u working at same building as Irene right? we stay at punggol quite near u

our yec BGM sept 25 bring ashley come leh and let her meet nicole. nicole on 8 mth old

nicole to auntie sharon :
thank you for your praise,my grandma like to take photo for me so i smile more more.
my mummy &amp; daddy now still cannot belive why i so cheeky and like worm cannot sit still. thye even say i so rough dun like a girl at all unlike sharwyn jie jie so si wen

nicole to auntie pcs:
thank you ask my mummy to show u more of my cheeky photo soon

Good that little faye is okay... Must make faye's body strong to fight the viral infection down.... I am happy for you too...

I think girls must be active too... so boring if they are too ladylike... it teaches them to be more adventurous and daring in the future.

Gabby seems to love his milk so even if he reaches 1 yr old i have to reduce his intake to prevent obesity... is that the drift of your argument?
"PD says got virus attack me, beri sian!"

"yesterday my fever hit 39 degrees, but I wriggle and run away so that mummy cannot sponge me properly, so she stripped me instead! (you can only see my back cause mummy say cannot turn round cause I nekkid)"

"fever doesnt get my spirits down ah, I still beri happy!"

"And beri busy!"
Berry, fingers crossed for Faye.

SOLIDS INTAKE - I concur that FM should still be big part in diet for those under 1, but I believe they should play an increasing role after 6 months as to prepare bb for more "table food". What is important is to intro bb to variety of food and ensure they eat good balanced meals every week. With balanced diet, milk should eventually supplement solids n by time they turn 1, milk is given as drink. I used to think that bb under 1 only needs milk as main source of nutrients but after reading so much more, my viewpoints change. Anyway eventually it is the parents' decision. Even among PDs, their views are different.

BB do need diff nutrients at diff age, esp protein. So those for age 1 n above have higher protein than those infant FM. But if compare closely, those stage 3 may not be more nutritious than stage 2, otherwise why is Stage 3 cheaper than stage 2 n infant FM being most costly? I am of view that it is all clever mktg strategies of FM co. To ensure mummies here can still afford to give FM after bb turned 1, they reduce nutrient level, repackage them for older bb, n change pricing. Maybe 'cos I'm from mktg, so always think like this. But it makes so much sense. In the West, parents don't usually give FM.

E.g. SE follow on can be used "from 6 months".. so a 18 mth bb can be on SE follow on too. Not necessary to change to Gain IQ if she doesn't need the higher protein from FM as she can get from solid food. I am more concerned about the drop in the other nutrients in stage 3 FM which I consider more impt.
The SBF book I got says can freeze pureed bananas. I've tasted it and it's the same, except it's a little brown fm the oxidation or something.

little prince,
Eh, u wanna check if Meghan getting chubbier is it? ;p

Some recent pics of Meghan


All ready to go swimming!


I look good don't I?


Playing with my fave toys..wet wipes &amp; bum cream
basically theres NOTHING we can do.... if bb has fever, need fever med and also anti biotic. pd give me a non alcohl mouth spray, to numb mouth abit so maybe quinn will drink milk. quinn didnt drink milk since las evening...... but pd says as long as he drink water, even no milk for 3 days is ok as water is more important, i was like "NO MILK IS OK"???!!!!!!!!!! so jus need to give him as much water as he wants and try to feed milk but not tat imp. fever should subside in 3 days and more rash will appear. we jus have to wait patiently....
Oh Berry, so relieved for you n Faye. Love those pictures of Faye. She still seems so happy and active from those pictures.

I buy those 200g block n grate them for cooking for bb. For finger food, he has them in cubes. But my hubby n I eat lots of cheese too, so a 200g block finishes in under 1 week.
devil, oh dear... how u know it's ur nephew? err... what are the symptoms of HFMD huh?

berry, congrats!! faye still looks as good as ever...

DG, wah... u analyse until so deep ah... haha... peifu peifu... :p

deniz... finally *I* get to see pretty meghan again...
as i read the thread, my goosebumps all standing up. many unwell bbs.

thks for your offer. i am thinking of trying gain iq direct, hv a sample can at home. let me think again and see how much milk rhyan drinks at nanny's hse tdy.

aiyo, i very heartpain to read abt faye's happening at the clinic leh. if its me who needs to go through all these, i will also cry. :p

thks for the information, i will take a look at the supermkts then. i hv never been keen to try nestle products partly bcoz its products are all pretty sweet (IMO for a young bb).

lil devil
oh dear! did quinn have any symptoms before that? PD diagnosed him as hvg HFMD tdy am?
deniz, wahh meghan is really beri pretty, so sweet looking like a doll!

lil devil, sigh another unwell bb!
Really hope quinn recovers asap!
LOLLL! never seen faye's nekked pixs before!! *rhyan must keep some to blackmail faye next time*

MESSY CDs - eh, u purposely post to show me, isssit? :p

meghan is still so chubby, pretty gal!

cheddar can be purchased from NTUC/CS rite? paiseh ah, i only know sliced cheese. hehe ..

Oh no. Take good care of Quinn. Poor Quinn hope her recover fast. Auntie pet heart pain.

So happy to hear not dengue.

My girl had UTI in late june and was hospitalised. It all started w/fever which goes up n down.After consulting GP,still no sign of receovery,so decided to bring her to A&amp;E-KK on the 3rd day.Went thr the same process of taking the urine.It was really a challenge ... to collect the urine sample for further testing if their white plalets is higher and possibility of UTI/viral infection.Had change the bag 3 times cos all position is Y alrdy due to her movements etc....After spending 7hrs at KK,results found that white plalets was extremely high(normal shod be 50 and hers is 1000+). So babies below age 12mths had to be addmitted for further observation.In hospital,fever still the same for 1st day.... and doctor get another urine sample .This time not thr bag(cos bag got chemical so not accurate).Got to retrieve directly from her tract and must try to get midstream urine to get best result. This process is also a challenge.Cry so hard. Once they got pure urine,they get it cultured to see whats the bacteria so they can administer the right medicne.During the time when waiting for the bateria to surface,she is on IV(cant rem the name of medicine)cos doc need to know the bacteria b4 can check if got oral medicine for her. Anyway on the 2nd day,fever went down but whole body had rashes(doc said it normal after high fever).well it does clear off 2days later..
Currently she is on this oral medication-CEPHALEXIN.She had to take this medicne till further reports shown that her kidneys are clear.Which i had sent her for ultra scan(which report is ok) n y'day,went for the DMSA,a final scan on kidney to make sure no scarring, then she will not need to take any medicine again.
The DMSA require a solution(RadionActive) to be injected into her b4 the machine can see clearly on her kidneys.This scan requires her to be asleep/Stay still.Luckily she so tired after crying and so no need go for sedation... Very sad to see her going thr all these at this young age.
