(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

yuru/pets, will update again after I see the PD later today. I will check with her possibility of dengue and see what she says. I was asking hb the same thing last night (abt whether it could be dengue), but hb thinks unlikely cause dengus cases usually the victim beri cham wan, not just fever but all over v uncomfortable and body aches, cant move, no energy. Faye is still beri active and quite happy even today, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed tightly.

gabbymum, maybe your bb is used to being fed so unsure of the notion of self-feeding? Just keep offering finger foods that are easy to hold and self-feed(bread, biscuits, cheese, rice cakes etc) and soon he'll get the hang of it.


Hope not dengue. I read from somewhere. Backache only occurs in adults. Children will just have fever and rashes. Keep fingers cross.
Thanks for sharing the porridge tips with me !
Seems like it is better to prepare separately so that it will be more fresh.

Btw, for those mommies wanting to get the Gerber puffs, my hubby managed to get one last Friday at Cold Storage (Compass Point). He told me there were quite a few bottles there. I think probably new stocks which just arrived.
thks for yr comforting, i will keep trying to feed him milk lor. *wun give up.

he is plainly rejecting the milk lah, i spoonfed him and he shaked his head after tasting its milk. think i will mix his current FM with another FM tonite and try again. yar, i am VERY tired but cannot take leave coz need to train new staff.
my son had a terrible bout of ulcers.
basically there's nothing you can do but to wait for it to heal on its own.
If you go to PD, they will prescribe a cream to "soothe" the ulcer but its essentially the same as Bonjela (available fr guardian pharmacy).

As long as marcus is eating & drinking well, then no worries. If he doesn't want to drink fr the bottle, feed using spoon.

What is most impt is that marcus remains hydrated. Make sure he gets at least 1ml of fluids for every 1kg of his weight every hour. This is the bare minimum, otherwise dehydration = hospitalisation. That's something we dun want!

By the way, ulcers tend to spread. So keep looking out for it to see if there are more developing in the other areas of his mouth.
Good luck!
Puff, if YX refuses water, you may want to try give very diluted juice and gradually reduce juice content. Many mums I know do this and works well with their bb.

Besides egg yolk, you may also want to give fromage frais as it has high protein, like yolks, which helps in growth.
littleprince, cody, thanks.

My hubby also said can use teething gel to soothe the ulcer. He drank his milk and some diluted juice earlier so hopefully he will be taking more.

Cody, eh..1 ml per kg? So little?
DG, what is the diff between fromage frais and other cheeses commonly fed to babies (ricotta, cottage?) in terms of nutritional value? You tried before? Is it more/less salty than cottage?
wat did PD prescribe last time? I can't recall... been some time since she gotten running nose (or my memory bad!).
MT yup, I bought karvol at guardian, widely available, I find it more effective and long lasting then the eucalyptus EO. Are you using nose drops? I find Iiladin (sp?) infant nose drops very effective(PD also gave before), but use VERY sparingly cause if used too much will cause dryness in nostrils and bb might be immuned to it next time. Non-prescription item, also can buy from guardian. You brought her to a PD/GP yet? I think better to send at least to GP to make sure only her nose is affected (everytime Faye has nose problems, ears SURE kenna, damn cham!) plus can get meds for her running nose.
Her running nose no fever no cough, dun think ear infection (drinking loads if i suction nose b4 feed). I dun want to use the nosedrop cos may b immune... now she abit older than newborn so not so paranoid.
So I dunno if bring to GP still got any meds that helps? I run get Karvol now and maybe GP after!
MT, that time I only use nose drops 1x a day, which is just before her bedtime, to help her sleep better cause her blocked nose made her woke up crying so many times! Maybe u can buy to keep just in case? It will be your(and hers) sanity saver if and when you really do need it. But def good not to use unless really have to. If bring to GP, prob will give cold oral meds I think? Hope darling tena recovers soon!

the patting method can be used with our baby but you must 'cup' your hand. Used it with gab and it helped to get rid of his phlegm... learn it from a nurse...

I dont think I was such a fastidious baby... maybe he got it from his dad... Like dean, he is so fussy, when he pukes some stuff, he refuses to move till we clean him. But I suppose it can be quite good as its easier to clean him up....
gabbymum, u can really see him spitting out the gunk when u are patting?? Wow, sounds amazing! Where do u pat? In between the shoulder blades?

Sharon, wahhhh Sharwyn looks REALLY much older, her hair beri nice, soft soft wan! She looks quite like you hor.
sick bb
hope all the sick bb get well soon.

A BIG Thank you to all mummies for your support.
I had finally cook my first porridge for Nicole over the weekend. She had 1 serving for each day and the rest goes to daddy stomach. She enjoy at first but toward the end she making those throwing out sound. Make me so upset wondering is it really so awfully. Luckily the daddy cfm all is ok except no seasoning taste bland & a bit too fishy cos i add lot of fish.

Once again all mummies for your encouragment, I will make another attepmt tis weekend

So hapi for you that nicole is eating the porridge that u ve prepared for her. *JIA YOU* U r a mummy now, must be confident in watever u do ok.....
Fromage frais is a creamy soft cheese made with whole or skimmed milk and cream. It has the consistency of cream cheese, but with fewer calories and less cholesterol. Not salty like cheddar. Also fromage is usually eaten as dessert, like yogurt and the ones I found in Singapore has added sugar. The petit Miam brand has both yogurt and fromage but the yogurt is very watery compared to fromage (which tastes like ice cream). Cottage cheese has lumps in them and has a rather strong flavour which many babies may not like. Mine hates cottage cheese and yogurt but loves fromage and cheddar and even Emmental. In fact I suspect one reason how he manages to put on about 350g per month since 6 months is because of the fromage n cheeses he ate frequently.
ive seen tis method before. a mum at my pd was doing it to her son when her son was coughing badly and sounds very phlegmy. and i was curious and maybe she realized i was looking at her she then tell me its a very useful method to bring out phlegm! then i ask my pd and he show me how to do it too but i was not very confident in doing it.

im still tiking how to manage....... i always find it difficult *in terms of timing* i keep on tiking / planning meal time, milk time, nap time...... and seems like i / quinn dun have enough time for 3 meals..... trying out 2 meals yesterday, still okie. lunch is pork porridge *using brown rice* with broccoli & carrot plus some snack then dinner is soupy chix soup with pasta, potato..... i guess have to stick to maxi 2 solid meal for the time being.

mummies giving 3 meals aday, hows the feeding schedule like and bb milk intake??
little_devil, I know what you mean by timing as I also experimented for a long time before getting the timing right for my Marcus. I cut down on his milk intake actually to get him to be hungry enough for the additional meal as for bb between 6 n 12 months, they only need between 500ml and 800ml max per day and should be deriving more calories n nutrients from solid food. For most Asian bb, only need about 600ml as mostly quite petite compared to Caucasian bb. After 12 months, they only need 400ml per day.

Marcus's feeding schedule is a bit like this:
9am - milk
1130 - breakfast
1430 - lunch
1600 - milk/snacks
1900 - dinner
2200 - milk

Depending when he wakes up in morning and nap times, I will adjust schedule accordingly, plus minus a bit, but on average he drinks 550ml to 650ml milk per day and 3 solid meals of about half bowl each.
3 Meals

Im planning to start nat with 3 meals when she turn 9 mths old next mth. Presently her schedule is like this.

7.30am - 5oz milk
9.30am - 3oz milk (I will replaced with cereal)
12-1pm - Lunch
4-5pm - 5-6oz milk
7.30pm - Din
10.30pm- 5-6oz milk
little devil,
Meghan's schedule something like this:
8am: 240ml milk
9.30-10am: b'fast (muesli w fruits/bread & cheese) (sometimes skip if she naps)
Noon: 240ml milk
1.30-2pm: BR porridge w meat & veggie
4pm: 240ml milk
6-6.30pm: Pasta or Cereal w meat & veggie
8-8.30pm: 240ml milk

Initially quite daunting cos like feeding the whole day but get used to it lah...plus since i'm FTWM, my MIL & HB also take turns to feed her.

Sharwyn's getting prettier. I really love her clothes. Agree with berry that she looks a lot like u but a fairer version.
Hehe..who's legs are those in the background?

What brand sells fromage frais? Meghan hates the petit miam baby yoghurt cos it's quite sour.
Yup, Gabby coughed some stuff out but more like puked it out. Sometimes, he coughs it out but ends up swallowing his phlegm. Sounds disgusting but he recovers in less that 5 days the last time he had a cough...

I cup my hand and gently tap his bak between the shoulder blade area... However, it sounds quite loud when i do it as there is lots of air trapped. However, if you are gentle, its okay. Gabby loves it as after it he can breathe a bit better.... he also 'sings' to my tapping... something like 'er... er.... er....' with each tap...
sorry gals... very bz today... gotta quick question to ask... if i shredded raw potato, can i keep it in the fridge/freezer and cook another day? if can, how long can i keep in the fridge/freezer?
deniz, I have only tried Petit Miam fromage which I bought from Cold Storage. Marcus loves them and can eat one or two pots a day. He hates the yogurt too. I tasted them myself n it is really quite yucky. P.M. has a yogurt with cereal type which is even worse. The fromage is delicious in contrast.
My friend just told me that babies with phlegm should avoid fish and grapes. Don't know how true... but maybe mummies whose babies have phlegm should consider.

Talking about the Petit Miam fromage which is cheese and yogurt. Can we buy these from NTUC or shop and save? Are they meant for BB? Thanks
ya, medically the min a baby must take to prevent dehydration is 1ml per kg of baby weight every hour.

got recommendation on where we can buy eucalyptus oil? i want PURE ones (like those fr Aus). Those i find in most shops are all watered down or mixed with normal oils ...

Patting the phlegm:
no lah, we can pat gently, but the serious patting to get the phelgm out is best left to the pros. Think there's a special technique to it too, so we better not try on our own.

congrats on making the first porridge!
sometimes baby retch (ie make the vomit sound...) is because they are v full already yet you still keep feeding. So if your baby makes those noises, quickly stop (otherwise she may vomit everything out).
Pets, I think NTUC also sells Petit Miam fromage and they are specially for bb, so all natural ingredients. I read somewhere before that those yogurts for adults may contain some additives so it's best not to give to bb.

Cold Storage has sales on the Petit Miam right now. $3.80 for 6 pots, instead of $4.55.

think you can also find from carefour.
thank you littleprince, evelyn , cody adn all the mummies support. I will try harder to be a better mum. Yesterday I took a day leave to accompany her & she seem quite happy.

Berry & Medusa
Hope Faye & Tena will be well soon

How is YX now getting better?

Simei CC is my territory leh heee......Hb & I are executive member of the YEC. Tat bb show was organise by WEC which we hate most so we dun let Niocle join heeee..
Congrats to Rhyan winning. he is such a grown up boy

Mummies who bb on Mamil Gold Step 2
Giant is having promotion selling at $22.45
Fromage frais is a creamy soft cheese made with whole or skimmed milk and cream. It has the consistency of cream cheese, but with fewer calories and less cholesterol. Not salty like cheddar. Also fromage is usually eaten as dessert, like yogurt and the ones I found in Singapore has added sugar. The petit Miam brand has both yogurt and fromage but the yogurt is very watery compared to fromage (which tastes like ice cream). Cottage cheese has lumps in them and has a rather strong flavour which many babies may not like. Mine hates cottage cheese and yogurt but loves fromage and cheddar and even Emmental. In fact I suspect one reason how he manages to put on about 350g per month since 6 months is because of the fromage n cheeses he ate frequently.

P.M has 3 types of products at local supermarkets - yogurt, fromage n one type which has cereals mixed in yogurt. We tried all 3 types n Marcus only likes the fromage.

My gal make the vomit sound nt becos she is full but becos she is sick of the food. If this is the case, i will stop for awhile, let her move/look here n there - she pretend pretend 1 in order for me to stop feeding her. After awhile, she will continue eating.....
DG, thanks... oh dear... i still tot can save time to do it for dinner... anyway, it's for adults' consumption lah... :p
Food/Milk Strike

Kiern turn on food and milk strike. He ate a few mouths per meal for yesterday and today then he refuse to eat. As for milk he totally refuse to drink since yesterday. Making me worried. Told HB that his son on diet...
