(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

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pry also must stick finger to touch the side and feel rite? i cannot pry lah, wait kenna bite by crocodile. :p

Hope faye will get well soon.
"get well dust to faye"

She's still very active.

Auntie oranges to Athena: I really miss yr lovely pic,hope u'll get well soon & ask yr mummy to post yr photo in the forum.

Well done & glad that nicole is eating the porridge tat u had cook.
lil prince, you stick your fingers back where the upper lower BACK gums r, the part where molars supposed to be, then PRY beri hard to open his mouth. He cant bite cause no molars yet :p
Doc mentioned it's hygience and the way we clean her(girls must b from up to downwards when wiping)+ skin must be dry b4 we put cream and wear diapers... Also it could be the tract inside bb's body.She drew sm pic to show me,which in simple term,if her tract is wide,urine tends to flow back n UTI will strike,which will cause danger to kidneys(my girl went for 2scan for kidney liao.y'day result will be out 12/9.Croos my fingers now for result to be alright.)
Sherhino, your gal's ordeal sounds so traumatic even for me... poor bb.. it must be so hard for you to watch too. I think I will be crying non stop if that happens to my boy..

Berry, one drop of pee ... I know it is not funny to you ... fingers crossed for Faye re. the UTI results.
RE: sick babies
Been so bz recently, no time to really read thru all postings. Only saw many bbies sick. Kieran is oso sick. Having on n off fever since yesterday...Sianzzz man...n his birthday celebration is tis coming sun!!! Keeping my fingers crossed that he'll recover in time.

RE: 3 solid meals
Kieran is oredi on 3/4 solid meals per day cos he HATES milk.

I read abt Faye's traumatic experience, i feel like crying, jus like little prince. Feel so sim tia. Dat time even when Kieran was listless cos of fever, i oredi broke down n cried. Mei2 you3 yong4!!!

T so serious in the pics.

Wyn really look prettier now
Angelia,, Shanice is so cute. 2 teeth?

Medusa, aw I love those pix of Athena. How long must she sit there to get all her pix taken? Is it a package n what do you get? Now I am so tempted to get Marcus some good professional pix taken too. He changes so much in the last few months, it will be nice memories.
Bbies dun nid to sit still to take pics. Kieran went for foto taking last sun at Out of the Box & he was crawling/walking everywhere. Photographer oso managed to take pics. They oso have many toys to distract the bbies
is Out of the Box gd- price, size? Post some pics to tempt me when u get it, hehe.

actually I really can't rec any just-for-bb studio... the really gd photog in the not-cheap studio in Orchard is heavily pregnant (her assistants doing the shots under her guidance... higher chance of "varying" results ;). I'm quite relieved Athena's last session is next wk- we took a long package only for Athena ie. no family shots).

But if FAMILY portrait,
Can try i-studio (check Yellow Pages for contact), it's opp. Parco Bugis cabstand, above Long John Silver. The price WAS $100 under promo (lapsed liao) for 1 12R, 1 8R, 4 5Rs.
PictureMe ($100 for 1 8R, I forget what else... allows extended family-taking/ dogs/ cats, have outlet @ Suntec next to cinema, and UE Square) is alot more stiff-looking.
Peter Pan studio had poor results (I only liked the 2-day old they took of Athena in hospital, though it's highly unflattering :p ).
*Athena saves Dean's pic to blackmail next time*
Handsome boy!

*Me got fever! 38deg.* Athena no fever- only clogged nose (I put saline and suctioned, wah, thick mucous though).
Faye's not affected by the ulcer so no worries lah :p

Shanice sooo cute. But hor want to see her thighs leh. Hahaha

Wahaha. I really loveeee to see Athena serious pics- got character man!!!
I'm also v tempted to take some pics for Keira will seriously consider taking up a package after seeing Athena beautiful pics :p

U posted Dean nakked pics!!! U not scared the bbs here will blackmailed Dean wif these pics ah. Hahaha. BTW Dean is sooo handsome :p
cody wah your son is beri handsome! Grow up liao sure electrify many girls wan hehehe

Sherhino, love your gal's sparkling and beautiful eyes

DG, hehehe actually the one drop of pee is kinda farnny :p
She's so sweet & lotsa hair! But hor, I noticed the hello panda biscuits & it's making me hungry!

I think the cold thingy our bbs getting is quite contagious. Hb & I were also down wif it over the weekend...caught from Meghan.
Rest well yar...no more cake baking till late at night
Athena only ~65cm tall, with 8.5kg weight, still baby-chubby looking hor? I've been looking at her Kindermusik peers- ALL taller than her! But hor, the parents all taller than me and HB lah. :p
Haven't seen Meghan pics here so long liao, finally u posted, heh. Sweet pics! Lots of guy-attention next time, ahaha. ;)

Yah feeling ill, just puked. Maybe will run away to my mum's place.
Dean is really so handsome...*drool*!
I think one of the mag (think YP) looking for bbs in birthday suits for their next issue. Can send in these lah!
becos las wednesday we went to mil place and my nephew sypmtom shows on fri. but i didnt raelly tik abt tat as i tot quinn is safe but who knows.... pd was telling me tat its def. frommy nephew. sypmtoms will not be immediate for some children, can be 1 day can be 1 week so i guess on tat wed., my nephew already caught the virus.

yah.... afetr las nite *its really a nitemare* we rushed to pd first thing in the morning without even make an appointment. so i told pd abt quinns behaviour and symptom and he confirmed its HFM D.

i was so happy u lknow afetr he started to take his meals then tis happen
and i guess it started since monday evening, he didnt manage to finish his pasta so i tot "HUH, FOOD STRIKE AGAIN"?? as theres no other sign...... then tuesdays morning, saw soem rashes, ard his thighs area as well as butt area so i tot he got nappy rash as his urine over flow the nite b 4.... but fever sets in tat evening and i suspect something is not rite liao. but hes still okie, drink his milk *though didnt finish* and happily playing. only till abt 2 plus am.... nitemare liao. so tats where the KK hosppital trip happens. so tis am, pd confirmed its hfmd.

tell u gals, its really NO JOKE! i cried everytime he cried as so ke lian leh, can see tat hes soooo hungry but the ulcersss make it impossible for drinking

thanks, me also hope tat he will recover soon....

umm.... i tik u can monitor closely as ulcers is one of the sypmtom though not all will get.

fruitcake / pcs
thanks. me almos go crazy liao!

yah, adults willkena too jus tat we will not suffer like children. but i know the younger the bb the more suffering... quinn is only 11 months....

and i tik i actually kena abit, headache and keep L.S!!!

yes... i also hope its jus a dream but....
its sooooo SWAY leh, not as if hes in some childcare center or wat and my nephew also, caught tat STUPID %$#%##%%^$ virus frm the POOL!!!!

*dr tena can do something for quinns discomfort*

i already SUSPECTED it jus tat need to confirm with pd *as me still hoping its not* as his symptom shows.

berry and mummies who wants to know more abt the MONSTER HFM D

theres quite alot actually but not all bb will share the same.
* fever
* headache
* bodyache
* puking *not very common*
* L.S *not very common*
* diaper rash
* body rash (will develop into blister like thingy)
* ulcer *quite common*
* decrease in solid food (to me theres tons of reasons y our bb dun eat lah)

i guess these are symptom for HFM D.

sotis morning pd check quinns ears, body, mouth.... almos every part of him and ask questions like where he goes lately, in contact with anyone who has HFM D?? afetr all these answered, CONFIRMED!!!!! and some bb will only have 1 or 2 of the above symptom, so if spotted something not too rite, better check with pd and at times pd might need parents and bb to wait for afew days *in case for bb who has veryyyy few symptom* to confirm.

yah, its back and so is dengue, so we mus be SUPER careful!

all babies pix here sooo adorable, me jus scan thru... frankly speaking me very upset with wat happen to quinn
i heard my name... someone joining me soon? faster leh!

All sick babies, get well soon! Mummies please take care... talking about mummies... reminds me of our daddy here, where is itsun huh?
littleprince, deniz, dg

i also added you into my msn!


yah, your son is a real good looker! you must send in the bday suit pics!


sam is very photogenic! looking prettier and prettier!


get well soon! i felt ill yesterday and left luke with mil in the afternoon, now today a-ok liao so do get as much rest as possible!
LATEST recipe

i really dun know wat to do liao! even pd mentioned tat its actually okie for quinn to go without food / milk, but mus make sure he drinks water to keep him hydrate. i mean of cos i WILL NOT force him to drink milk or eat anything if he dun want to. the thing is hes so hungry and trying so hard to drink his milk but becos of his painful ulcers, theres no way he can do it. so was tiking, the best for him now is to take cold stuff instead of hot / warm food. so after some thinking, bo bian, cook plain porridge for him and he eats!!! not alot but at least he eats!
so wondering wat other food i can intro to him.... then during dinner time, i pour some room temp. water into his bowl, stir in some milk powder, tear some white bread and mix it in and stir it till slightly creamy.... and he eats too...heee... at least hes taking some food.
little_devil, few more food I can think of for you to serve cold:

- fruit puree for vit C (aid in skin healing)
- diluted fruit juice
- fruit gel from Heinz (can be eaten cold)
- instant cereals such as Nestle mixed with dil fruit juice or cool water. Not all flavours are nice if not served warm but think wheat with mixed fruits can be quite nice.

Marcus has an ulcer on his upper lip right now but still eats. These 2 days he has been drinking lots of cold diluted fruit juice though I usually give him that at room temperature.
He even loves his fruit puree cold today and I realise he rejected food that is warm today but will eat all the cold stuff I gave him.

Keeping fingers crossed it is not going to develop into anything else.
Dean looks like a charmer with his smile and those eyes... Hmm... Marcus sees Dean as competitor for those cute bb gals' attention...

SheRhino, wow.. another pretty gal... did you mummies eat something special while pregnant, eh? Your gals are all so gorgeous! Luckily I don't have a gal, else will be rushing out to dress her up so she can compete with all these little beauties.

Sharon, thanks for the info on HFMD. Gosh!

Deniz, Marcus turns 1 on 3rd Sept... Tell Meghan older boys are not necessarily the cutest, eh. Marcus is pestering his mummy for some professional photoshoot now so he can post his best pix here for Meghan to check out herself. :p
FAYE's ULCER- PD called back just now in the pm and said its probably just a common ulcer cause her immune system is down for now. Was told to observe for red spots on butt, hands and feet- if they appear then could be a case of HFMD, if that happens I'm to call her back. Otherwise, just let her heal naturally. PD also said can apply teething gel on the ulcer to soothe the pain a little. So for now I'll just be monintoring her v closely.

little devil, just feed all the watery stuff that he will eat. It doesnt have to be specific food unless PD says he has special food restrictions. How about feeding him homemade stock? Its nutritious and it'll keep him hydrated. Or maybe you can cook VERY watery porridge and then use a blender to blend it throughly and feed thru a bottle? If you blend until its a very smooth consistency and keep it thin, there should be little risk of choking at Quinn's age. Cause it seems to cause less strain for baby to suck thru teat rather than eat from spoon I think. I know you are v concerned about wind, but I really think its not much of an issue- Faye sometimes take her porridge/mik at room temperature and she doesnt have wind problem.
Faye's been very keen on using her walker lately, so we thought we'll bring it along for her when we're out! She was really delighted LOL!

Faye having lotsa fun!


little devil

here's what i got fr bb center. hope it helps

How can I best care for my baby while he's sick with the virus?

If your baby gets a bad case of coxsackie, you'll have to hunker down and draw on all your parenting and nursing skills. Moms and dads who've weathered bouts of herpangina describe the experience as "hellish," "horrible," and "utterly miserable." Your baby will likely be extra clingy and very cranky for several days. The painful sores in your baby's mouth may cause him to reject food and liquids including breast milk or formula so you'll have to make extra sure he doesn't get dehydrated. Using a cup instead of a bottle may make it easier for your baby to sip. Avoid salty, spicy, or acidic foods such as citrus. If your doctor okays it, acetaminophen can help keep the fever down and ease some of the pain.

One way to temporarily numb the pain in your baby's mouth is to dip a Q-tip in a 1:1 solution of Maalox and liquid Benadryl and gently coat the inside of your baby's mouth with the solution. The combination of these two common over-the-counter medicines coats and soothes the sores. (In severe cases, your doctor may recommend adding the prescription medicine mycostatin to the mix.)

If your baby has a relatively mild illness, you won't have to do much beyond making sure he's taking in enough liquids and food and watching his temperature.

Because your baby is most contagious before symptoms show up, it's probably too late to prevent the spread of the virus to other children. Still, because your child may be miserable, you'll want to keep your baby home from daycare until he starts feeling better.

lol! for all those times when you don't have the cs kids' trolley hor :p faye most certainly does not look unwell! hope her ulcer is just a normal ulcer and that it goes away soon
dun worry, i tik he will be jus find,jus monitor andsee how. if hes perfectly okie, then shouldnt be a problem.

i dun tik i can give any citrus food / fruit to him at tis point of time, his ulcers will hurt like mad! have been giving him food tats cold, slightly warm also cant take it...

yah, mus monitor very closely. i tik faye will be jus fine!

yah, i gave quinn lots of watery food, even his plain porridge is very watery, was tiking, forget abt good tasting food for him rite now even though i was wondering how nutri can PLAIN porridge be but no choice, rite now the mos imp thing is to get him start eating something since he refuse milk and lots of water too...

and i cant feed the watery porridge thru bottle as he simply reject it! i tik its the sucking sensation tat cause the pain too
yah, me now really bo chap abt cold food and wind in tummy.... i even give him cold porridge and he takes it well, not alot but at least hes eating and even water, diluted milk, apple...... all cold.

thanks so much for the infor. after reading, guess im already doing wat i need to do.... so now is the waiting period and also the KILLING period. pd gave a mouth spray tonumb the pain temp. and i tried it, taste like those breath refreshener.. :p

quinn sleeps slightly better in the day and its common. so nite time, hes up, usually at abt 2am so i jus let him watch some programmes as tis is the only way to distract him away from his discomfort. jus now i fell asleep at abt 8pm after quinn slept then at abt 10.30, woke up and found sil is here WITH my nephew....... anyone knows will tis affect quinns recovery? and hubby was haply feeding quinn cheeerios!! i wonder isnt it too hard for him now? for infor, nephew confirm kena HFM D on las fri. tik i will call my pd to ask some doubts and also1 week later quinn will be seeing pd again for review.
happy mummy


rhyan drank his milk yesterday! he drank the normal qty at nanny's pl and back home last nite, he didn't resist ALOT when i tried feeding him though had to feed two times to finish one bottle as he decided tt he wanted to play for a while after drinking 2oz. then this am, he woke up at 3am and started disturbing hb and me. in the end, i decided to make 4oz milk and he drank all. this morning at 6am, i decided to make another 4oz milk again and he drank all too! hehe .. making up for milk loss?

then hor, rhyan crawled on all fours yesterday! very co-ordinated and neat crawling when i hv never seen him do it before (he always commando crawl previously then decided to walk instead), he just did it so naturally and when i pretended to crawl away, he crawled after me chuckling! i video-ed the whole episode and showed hb last nite when he came bk fm work, both of us were so touched. he has also managed to stand unsupported for a longer period of time and attempted walking a step, so exciting, i can't wait for him to walk more!

hope rhyan really resume back to his normal self liao and hope all the other bbs will resume back soon too! its really so tough when bb is not his/her normal self.
last nite, i attempted something like how u taught me. i think dun have, thank goodness. now i think his milk strike may be due to weather too warm? coz we brought him to swim on Sat evening ard 5pm+, nanny commented maybe still abit too warm.

eh, do you need to hold on to the walker when faye pushes it? in case the walker rolls away?

yar, dean so handsome. did u submit any of these pixs for the birthday suit photo? btw, the last pix of dean resembles an email i receive recently abt a bb asking for a haircut .. hehe ..

wah, yr bb has nice eyes too!

lil devil
i *think* even though nephew got HFMD but maybe got different degree of seriousness so best not to be near to quinn just in case both infects each other again?

gabby got flu from his gong gong... could not sleep and fussed and fussed... sigh seems like its a season for sick babies.

Little prince
Happy for u too...

Little devil and mummies with sick babies
Hope that all will be well for our babies
<font color="aa00aa">deniz,</font>
Shanice lost a bit of weight, cos was so sick couple of weeks ago n her milk intake dropped (20ml~50ml every 5 hrs interval!!)

now she's fine, but milk intake still not back to previous though a lot better (in "normal" range

<font color="aa00aa">kelly,</font>
we can shake hands be "peng you" alr..

Shanice also doesn't wanna take FM. my mum tried again yesterday, she'll rather go hungry than drink!! then my mum heat up EBM, added a few drops of FM (according to her lah) and shanice also DOESN'T wanna drink. end up threw the FM &amp; BM+FM away!

<font color="aa00aa">domesticgoddess,</font>
thank you! shanice has 6 teeth alr. 2 on the bottom, 4 above

<font color="aa00aa">pcs,</font>
her thighs slimming down alr

<font color="0000ff">HFMD</font>
oh no, i juz realised Shanice has got some red spots. but it's on her upper arms and thigh leh..

Yr gal is really pretty. Does she looks like u? U? U must be a pretty mum too :p

Little Devil
I went teary when I read your post. So glad for u that Quinn is taking Some food. Hang on there mummy, this phase will past very soon.

Wah Rhyan perform new stunts after the foodstrike hur. Maybe he knows that mummy has been very stressed for the past few days. Haha
