(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

little_devil: did you mention HFMD as in Hand Foot Mouth Disease? n ulcers?? connection? My son has his first ulcer on his inner upper lip since yesterday. But he is still eating n drinking.

Gabby, I don't believe in controlling food or milk intake for the reason of controlling weight. what is more impt is ensuring they are eating healthily. Actually children under 2 don't need to be on diet. just get them to be more active n they will burn everything off.

little devil

oh dear
luke and i wish quinn a speedy speedy recovery!


meghan is lovely! the mirror pic is a must-keep!


you are concerned with the drop in what nutrients? sorry, i haven't compared myself, can you give me an idea so that i know what to look for the next time i go to the formula shelves in the supermarket? thanks!
Gabby Mum / Angie

I secong to the gatherings too.

How is Gab on his food strike now? Could it also be he is tired on teh food you had been giving? Mayb he hinting to you to intro more variety ...

Hope all babies can get well soon...
Hi SheRhino,

Did your PDs say how your girl contracted UTI? My boy was highly suspected for UTI too last week. It would be good to know how it's caused so that we can try to prevent it in future...

Good to know that she's much better now...
deniz, Meghan is so pretty! Going to be a heartbreaker... hmm.. Marcus must get to know Meghan quickly and get a place in her heart.

what is SDF book?

littleprince: so funny.. Rhyan keeping naked pic of Faye to blackmail her.. hahaha
Think you should be able to buy cheddar at NTUC. I usu buy from CS as no NTUC near me.

BTW, what is LOL? laugh out loud..??

where is BRP at Tanglin Mall? Is it a shop that sells babyfood or only organic food?
Yeah go back on Friday. Today is teachers day celebration in school tomorow is school holiday so go back Friday..then next week is school holidays (1week)
Doc mentioned it's hygience and the way we clean her(girls must b from up to downwards when wiping)+ skin must be dry b4 we put cream and wear diapers... Also it could be the tract inside bb's body.She drew sm pic to show me,which in simple term,if her tract is wide,urine tends to flow back n UTI will strike,which will cause danger to kidneys(my girl went for 2scan for kidney liao.y'day result will be out 12/9.Croos my fingers now for result to be alright.)
Happy to hear that Faye case is not dengue. By looking at the pics I think Faye will recover very soon coz she is soooo active even when she is attacked by virus. *strong gal*

OMG!!! Hope Quinn can recover real soon.

I v v heartpain when I read abt your gal. Poor gal have to go through all these. So glad for u that its alll over :p

Nice pics of Meghan or rather Your Meghan is sooo pretty. She just have to look at the camera and it will turn out to be a great pic :p

My English beri beri lousy one leh, how to be jing ying??? Yao(1) Jing(1) Maybe. hahaha.

meghan so cute... I always wanted a girl, think I have fallen in love with her looks. Now feel like carrying her and cuddle her... hehe

Happy Teachers' Day to you. We are in the same profession... hehe but dont ask me where I teach...

Faye looks so energetic so think she will bounce back soon...

pray that your baby is alright soon... keeping fingers crossed for you too!!
Gabby's mum,
Haha.. happy teachers day.. I also teaching "monkeys" more then Kids in government run company
What age group kids u teach? Mine is from 7-12yr olds.
<font color="0000ff">Sick BBs</font>,

Wish u all get well soon.... Sprinkle get well dust on the sick bbs

<font color="0000ff">Milk/Solid strike</font>

Hope this will end soon...
me the older monkeys.... dont know which is more stressful. this year teaching one O level class... real tiring. I am more anxious than they are. They are still rather lackadaisical... This makes me rather angry as I am spending time with them instead of my gabby...
hope ur gal gets better. Sounds very traumatic process!

thank gdness not dengue. Faye still VERY happy tho unwell ah, LOL!

aiyoh I very scared, my area upgrading... like construction site, plus raining puddles... very dangerous, feel like sending Athena away or something!

Athena's nose stopped running but sounds abit blocked still... dunno, thought it's BETTER to have running nose (get rid of irritants???). Anyway been hanging washcloth soaked with Karpol on the IKEA LEAF- she sleeps under it, can't reach it.
<font color="0000ff">Gabby's Mum</font>,

Nvr know that u r a teacher oso. <font color="ff0000">Happy Teacher Day!</font>
gabby's mum,
I turn down offer to teacher older monkeys so they had to give me the younger monkeys.. give me more time for my Ryan..
anway workplace is quite near house so minimal time travelling.

they refused to give me the young ones due to my subject combination... sigh. but lucky for me I am on part time scheme... hehe...

thanks a lot... teacher not such a 'glam glam' job... if I am a SAHM then I will be proud... i really salute those who can stay at home. I can't. i need adult company... opps but I meet all the old monkeys in school... haha

Thanks for sharing the cause. Really hope that the results are okay and she can be off antibiotics soon. I'm really scared of antibiotics. Doc gave my son Augmentin and he threw all out. The whole house was smelling like Augmentin the entire day.
<font color="0000ff">kaoz.. use Photo Editor to resize, pix turn out like that..

i miss my paintshop pro.. (change new PC n din install
<font color="0000ff">Gabby,</font>

This pass 1-2 yrs, I ever tot of resigning frm my present job to become a teacher. But my hb n mum all very unsupportive. They said my character cannot be a teacher
so u teach2 or 3 days a week? Have thought about PT but PT is 1/2 pay right? Any benefits?

Nice Photos of Tena..make me tempted to take studio shots of Ryan. IYO- which studio u have used so far is best?
<font color="aa00aa">yuru,</font>
wah.. u even more terok.. hahaa..

hmm.. maybe can consider giving Shanice jiang hu.. maybe she'll turn out to be a scholar like u, then we can save $$ on her education.. wahahaa..

<font color="aa00aa">medusa,</font>
wah!! u'r tempting me to bring Shanice to studio to take proper pix leh!

nice dresses!! Athena has a lot of dresses hor? how big is her wardrobe huh? *LOL*
i felt heartwrenching for u when i read abt faye's incident in e clinic. hope she gets well real soon!
lovely pics of faye (oooh! "sexy" back)...nice 2 know tat even though she's unwell, she's still active &amp; happy.

lil devil,
yikes, quinn kenna HFMD! juz when there r so many happenings coming up

hope quinn gets well ASAP n u take care too! i heard tat adults can kenna HFMD too.

thks for ur advice &amp; sharing e story abt marcus' 13days food strike.

the problem wif gabe is tat his food strikes have been very regular since he recovered from his 2wks phlegmy cough episode in jul (it happened a few times b4 jul but shorter periods of food strike, say 2-3days). his pattern is like, eat back to normal for 4-5days, go on food strike for 1wk, eat back to normal (only normal, not increasing portions) for 2-3days, go on food strike for 1wk (if u joined tis thread earlier, i tik i must hv complained abt gabe's food strike a few times before). btw, gabe's normal portion is 1/2bowl (sometimes he surprised me by eating 1bowl).

i cant seem 2 find e button tat'll make him eat (u know wat i mean?) i tried cooking lotsa stuff (giving him variety), tried feeding while husband n i eat tgt, tried feeding him outside, tried using different cutlery 2 feed him, tried getting someone else (MIL, my sis &amp; my parents). husband not keen 2 feed gabe cos he knows gabe wont eat much &amp; he dun 1 2 waste his &amp; gabe's time (urgh!!!!)

i even tried bringing gabe to yu guo 2 fix his appetite but like wat berry said (and we agreed), going 2 yu guo isnt e solution.

MIL also wondered if my porridge isnt "sweet" enuff so wat she did? she came by yesterday, prepared gabe's stock for porridge, saw how i prepare his porridge, tasted his porridge (both of us agreed tat it's very "sweet" &amp; tasty). i let her fed gabe for BF &amp; lunch. gabe barely ate 4-5bb spoonsful then he became un-interested. MIL moved him 2 his pooh rider, pushed him around e hse, showed him e fish tank, let him play wif toys, etc. all dun worked!

so how? i'm on e verge of pulling out my hair but also must remain cool &amp; calm in front of gabe.

i even resorted to feeding him small meals at shorter intervals. tis dun work anymore too. i dun need gabe 2 eat 1bowl every meal but he's not even getting enuff nutrition (i tik lah). he's on TBM n wont even drink a drop of FM.

btw, PD also prescribed multi-vits for him 2wks ago cos she did also agree tat his food strikes are becoming too regular.

(mummies, pardon me for my long post...after reading abt quinn &amp; faye, gabe's food strike seem so trivial)
what? Quinn kanna HFMD??? Sorry I read thru but must have missed that out. Oh dear!

Ruffy, Angelia,
hmm my recommendation is Kids Pictures at Forum, most ex, but hor... photog heavily preggy now... maybe wait til next yr better. ;) I dunno lah, A doesn't seem to smile for anyone else leh.

I work only 3 days. Work like a mad woman during these 3 days, lesson prep, marking, scolding etc.
The upside is that I dont have to deal with parents(sorry to all but at times its a REAL chore), no form teacher duties, no committee duties, a 'light' CCA, they dont ask you back to do silly stuff like mooncake festival celebrations. I work on tue, wed, thur so I get a SUPER long weekend to spend time with gabby.... this is a super plus point!!

Downside is half pay, work like mad woman in school, sometimes need to come back for those weird stuff like cluster meeting, incremental month pushed back.

I kind of enjoyn what I do now.

what do you mean by unsuitable character? If you mean patience, the truth is mine is running real thin... sometimes you just need to be a bit fierce to get the message across esp to the older kids that I am teaching... I 'chase' after my students like a hound at times to ensure that they are on task....
Kelly, since you mentioned this before on the thread, maybe we can chat offline about this. I just replied you on the other thread.
I was worried sick myself in those 13 days n very badly affected by it. Couldn't sleep myself as constantly worried about his not eating. I can totally empathise. IM me, I am on IM a lot so we can chat about this.
thks for sharing your story, poor bb.

i think its SBF - Super Baby Food book.

LOL = Laugh Out Loud

must keep faye's pixs coz faye also keep rhyan's pixs last time mah so that she can blackmail him to copy homework next time .. hehe .. :p

BRP - Brown Rice Paradise in Tanglin Mall, sells organic food including for bbs.

these pixs which you have just posted, taken by professional photographers or yourself? me still thinking want to bring rhyan to take or not.
gabby mum,
gd to know u enjoying ur job.. so 3 days..then to me is not much different coz FT is 5 days also my younger monkey relatively lesser marking etc .
happy teacher's days to all teachers here!

i dun tik it's abt variety. i fed gabe his usual cereal tis morn, he ate barely 4-5bb spoonsful. i gave him 1/2bowl of cereal+avocado for lunch (his marcaroni isnt ready in time so i whipped up cereal+avocado last min) n gabe FINISHED everything. he even fussed when i went 2 e sink 2 wash e bowl so i prepared another 1/3bowl for him. he also finished everything.
u c, how frustrating it can b! i can only conclude tat gabe's fussy wif his food &amp; if only, he can tell me wat he likes 2 hv for e day...save me lotsa effort, time &amp; $$ preparing different foodstuff for him, yet not knowing wat he'll eat in e end.

i'll reply 2 ur sms abt e ikan billis later 2nite here...my HP a lil cranky 2day.

me bringing gabe into office now, going 2 cold storage 2 find e FF which domesticgoddess recommends.
AIYOOOOOO! I found a very deep and quite big ulcer at the side of her gum!! No wonder she hasnt been keen on her solids and even bread! Cham man, I wonder if its related to anything?? Called PD clinic, waiting for her to call me back.
aiya, re. what i wrote earlier on SOLIDS vs MILK, correction - I meant to say "I believe SOLIDS should play an increasing role after 6 months as to prepare bb for more table food".. just realised it was misleading.

fruitcake: Was referring to the AA, DHA n omega 3 levels. Not so much concerned with iron, calcium n protein anymore as Marcus gets them from solid food I give him. Pretty sure he gets way above required level for those.
DG, I try to add you later to my MSN hor?

MT, *faye takes a look at doc tena n burst into tears* I think she still prefers her own PD :p

kelly, I CAN understand yr frustrations about bb not eating well. I really do wish too that Faye can tell me directly what she likes and how she wants her food to be prepared and save me the hassle of guessing and testing and wastage. nvm, just hang in there, in no time gab will be big boy liao n can tell u liao

lil devil, can u elaborate in details how the PD diagnose that Quinn has HFMD? as in the signs/symptoms n deciding factors?
Thanks mummies for your compliments on Meghan.

little devil,
Oh no, poor Quinn! I din know HFMD is back again.

Faye really looks well, wldn't know she got fever. Love the nekkid pics!
Oh no, ulcer again? Any idea wat causes the ulcer...is it cos she's heaty?

Been pretty busy with work &amp; Meghan, only now got time to upload &amp; resize.

Thanks, but hor, she only "look" like doll...actually she very rough one. Like to throw &amp; kick her toys, pull them down...she already tried to over turn the bruin table!

Domestic goddess,
How old is Marcus? Meghan likes older boys...those 2-3years type

Even if Athena's not smiling, she's very striking to look at. Her stare very piercing one.
She looks very bah bah still hor, so cute!
I've been rubbing Meghan's chest with "snuggle babe" something like vicks vapour rub. Dunno if it works but she seems to enjoy the rubbing sensation.

Looks like gab loves only certain types of food. Mebbe can take note &amp; make those for the time being. At least, he still BF. Mebbe betta to delay switching to FM until food strike over.
i added you!

u very frightening leh, keeping fingers cross for faye. how did u detect faye's ucler ah, how u see into her mouth? nanny suspected ulcer for rhyan's reason on milk strike too but we cannot figure out how to see past his TEETH.
Shanice looks so happy! She lost weight is it? Her face more lean now.

Little prince,
Thanks for the replying on the acronyms...ur hand much faster than mine ;p
