(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Pets, I think it's said somewhere that it is for bb from 6 months onwards. Either on packaging or website. Anyway, all natural.

Jer, been there.. so frustrating. just keep your cool n don't force feed. When Kiern is hungry, he will let you know. Children never let themselves go hungry.
DG, any pic of how the fromage packaging look like? i oni saw the baby yogurt (with <apple> and without <banana> cereal).
sorry no pix as my digital camera is not working. Can try cold storage or carefour. The one you saw is the not so popular type. Where do you live?

the cold storage at novena square has lots!

each pack comes with 6 pots n you can find different flavours.

- 6 pots of strawberry or
- vanilla, vanilla strawberry, vanilla peach
- banana, fruit salad and something...(can't remember)
- strawberry peach, apricot and raspberry
very busy tdy and i am damn shacked.
*come in to destress*

PM fromage - can take pixs to show us? i hv never seen it before leh, only saw cereal bb yoghurt, plain bb yoghurt and the normal yoghurt (for adults?)

wah! wyn got blog ah? where? me also bringing rhyan for a hair cut soon, else he is going to look like a lion (older ppl who pronounce rhyan like this) soon .. hehe ..

WEC is women's executive council? why dun like them?

new Mamil Gold got more nutrientional level compared to the old one. is marcus on Mamil also? at first i thought the new one is cheong type. :p

for potatos, i hv tried steaming them then freeze. i used all within a week, good!
Wendy: IS THAT you? I din figure out it's you until you mention YEC. I used to be your SYO....heeeee
Can post some of Baby nicole's pix for me to see?
v.cute picture of wyn..so grown up liao. she has a blog? care to share with me?

how's ur cake baking getting along? does Tena have a blog too?
baking on-hold, I dunno why for someone who doesnt cook, doesnt clean, doesnt bring bb to playground-pool, I chuan3 bu2 guo4 qi4 in my life (in case my mandarin screwed up :p, life too hectic ahhh).
email u.
they sell in coldstorage leh.. had been buying that for Ryan but stopped buying it coz v.expensive 6 small cup for $5++. and he can finish 2-3 cup each time.
littleprince.. that is the type of ff I buy. think they are not easy to find at residential estates as many local mummies don't give ff to bb. But I am sure you can find them in those supermrkets in town. Novena n United Sq have lots. Think i saw them at tanglin mall n paragon too, but more pricey.

Mamil Gold - Marcus drinks Similac but I'm thinking of trying out MG Step 2 instead of upgrading to Gain IQ actually. Compared nutritional value n find Gain IQ quite poor. Actually don't remember why I gave him Similac and not MG before. Similac is also quite poor in nutritional value. Will Rhyan continue MG or upgrade to something else?

Potatoes - if cooked,it is ok to freeze lah. But I thought Jen was asking about raw potatoes.

Pork n Chicken in Porrige
Got a qn to ask as never cooked porridge my whole life. thought shredded meat will still be rather tough for bb to chew when cooked, so wondering how you mummies cook them in porridge. Fish is OK, but Marcus will never chew meat at this stage, even though he has 8 teeth, but no molars, so how to chew? What do you do?
wec is woman execuitve committe. they so disorganise leh we we alway bua gam wif them

angie = angeline
oh no is u saw u mention james name so cfm is u alry. shit i reveal my sorrow here, dun tell james hor later i kanna chop
i was wondering since last year, will i be seeing u here and now really happen heeee...
heard u had left PA so had more moe time wif Ashley. She is so chubby and cute very photogenic
if i never mention yec time our identify will be a mistery haha.

Below is he link to niocle photo but we long time never update

Thanks for the info on fromage. Will go take a look.
Meghan's bfast quite light, abt 2 tablespoon muesli plus 2 cubes of apple or banana. (I freeze fruits also, otherwise my darling will have none cos my MIL eats bananas like there's no tomorrow)
Lunch &amp; dinner is abt 3/4 rice bowl, and she finishes it all (plus looks like can eat some more!)

Thanks for the link. Now know what to look for.
which cold storage in the East do you buy it from? maybe i try coz rhyan dun like yoghurt lah ..

seems to me meghan eats alot leh! hehe .. any new pixs of her?

hmm, i was at united sq some time back but never noticed tt, must keep my eyes open big big when i go supermarketing again, thks!

you compared both MG and Gain IQ already? you intending to give MG2 instead of MG3 after marcus turn 1 year old? i compared briefly at supermkt before for MG2 vs MG3 vs Dugro 1+ vs Gain IQ and thot Gain had more nutrients compared to MG? was thinking of giving Dugro 1+ like ruffy for her bb as the price diff compared to MG3 is almost cheaper by half and most nutrients same qty except short of dunno SA or AA. am still deciding whether i want to continue MG2 after rhyan turns 1, or give MG3/Dugro1+/Gain IQ - hb told me to choose the centre one for less dilemma = MG3. but now rhyan is on milk strike, am thinking of mixing Gain IQ with MG2 tonite and try. haiz.
sorry, cant- thurs morn makeup swim... which A will probly miss too unless speedy recovery (still hoping).

A sleeping upright on hipseat now, or else cant breathe.
prince, i'm asking abt raw potatoes... cos i was planning to fry some rosti to try (for adult consumption)... did not want to go home then start shredding cos will be too much work... was thinking if i could shred some the day before and use the next day... after steaming maybe too soft to fry oredi?? sorry, i'm a cooking idiot... pls advice... :p
babies having phlegmy cough should avoid grapes, citrus fruits like orange and cold stuff (as advised by the PD)

contrary to old wives tales, chicken meat or stock will not cause phlegm

the phlegm will tend to thicken after milk or sold feed but will normally last for about half hour

yingxin has been crying on and off today, seems like her flu and cough got worse...i see her cry until so pitiful i also cried with her

for the whole of yesterday she drank only 240ml when her usual is about 450ml and i only fed her cereal during lunch which she threw up...she also threw out her last milk feed at 11pm on her sheets but i was too tired to change them

both my hb and i was also down with flu since yesterday afternoon!!! virus too infectious....hb had running nose while i had cough and runny nose...am feeling so groggy now
puff, oh no... do drink more water... jean sayang yx jiejie... pls pls get well soon...
saw the pic in the second link... the bb looks tortured!!!
My girl had been taking minced pork when she is 8mths+ n during then she had no tooth yet.For me,i buy the lean meat and chopped at home myslf.it's more easier for them to swallow.I normally put the pork just when porridge is abt to serve. Anyway it cooks very fast. :)

my PD prescribed xepagan for luke's running nose last time, worked quite well so i didn't need to administer the nose drops (which were stronger).


sharwyn looks so fair and pretty!


i think i will start luke on 3 meals soon because it is often very difficult to feed him his milk, whether it's via teat or straw. he can take up to an hour to finish! then cut down milk feeds to 3x a day. he's better with solids and willing to take a variety so i guess his nutrients will have to start coming from different sources!

i would prefer that luke has more carbohydrate variety for 3 meals so i plan to introduce pasta (different types, rice, buckwheat, vegetable etc), millet/quinoa (grains which are high in the 8 essential amino acids) and nuts (to make nut butter for lunch sandwich) soon!

fromage frais - looks delish (and this is coming fr a non-cheese person!) but it states suitable for 12 months onwards and got added sugar hor. hehe, luke still got some way more to turning 1, if he was closer to 1, i might let him try :p
thanks- went to GP, normal oral cold meds, no nasal drops... this GP very ancient and very non-forceful type, he will squat next to Athena and try to disturb her as lil as possible (in fact she slept thruout, even when he pried open mouth to quickly examine throat). So he DOESN'T even advocate nasal suctioning- says too traumatic for baby.

Now I'm torn betwn suctioning or not. It is traumatic for her, but if will help her breathe better...?

I'm putting the Karvol in room- doesnt seem to help leh, but GP says it's fine.
Hi angie
just realised when i went to take a look at cute little ashley's photo that we will be neighbours at esparis then, I realised hey I do know you. Hmmm you know me and my sis from pmc...

okay but ashley is so... cute.Okay must meet up and organise a gathering so that gabby can meet ashley...Ashley is 10 and has teeth. Gabby no teeth yet...

hope the meds work well on athena and that she gets well real soon! i was quite relieved that i didn't have to administer nose drops, luke would have struggled like crazy. the xepagan worked well as a decongestant so there was no need to suction out the mucus. so maybe you won't need to suction out either with the meds fr your GP
Just sharing abt nasal suctioning,a buddy did that to her 11 mth old baby and baby was totally distraught and traumatised by the experience so much so that her baby refused to let her kiss near the cheeks. Babies are so funny...
hehe I use a tube... not direct mouth to nose.
Anyway her nose was running quite seriously just now, before her meds were due... my mum suggested I nasal suction. Was traumatic, but it really did clear her mum quite abit and she's been relatively fine since.
cold storage @ katong shopping centre has boxes of it, all 3 flavours (sweet potato, banana, apple strawberry)

applause your effort and determination in experimenting with the cake

good luck in your final product

thanks for the info on FF, will prob try it on her next week after she recovers
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deniz, when you freeze fruits (puree I suppose?), do you just thaw them to give to Meghan? I read somewhere that bananas don't freeze well, so haven't tried.

Wanted to freeze whole loads of fruits too but as puree as Marcus will chew vegetables, but not fruits. Funny I know but can't seem to get him to chew fruits. Gave him a teeny tiny piece of grape or plum one day and one hour later he was still chewing. Finally it dropped out of his mouth and it was just a dried up piece of fibre! He didn't know how to chew a little n swallow while it is still juicy. Sigh.
littleprince, i compared all those except Dugro.
Though Gain has more in some areas, lower in others compared to MG2 and even SE. Was thinking between MG2 or Gain or maybe even go cheap cheap for Nestlac as I believe Marcus eats well with my home cooked meals, so Nestlac should suffice. Sometimes I feel ripped off as i am sure Abbott charges more 'cos brand. Gain is almost double price of Nestlac. Compared MG2 n MG3 briefly but thought MG3 is quite lousy in most areas. So ruled that out long ago. Think I may give more than 1 brand concurrently. Have been thinking for 3 months already, still no decision.
Medusa, Puff: feel so bad about Athena n YX being so sick. Hang in there, you mummies. I can understand your heartache and how hard it must be on you.

Puff, take lots of vit C n A yourself to get well. My hubby and my mum are also sick with same thing. Think we mummies should all drink lots of juice n increase our bb's intake of vit A n C.
Jen, one way to make rosti is to steam or boil half your grated potatoes and keep the other half raw but must squeeze out moisture. Then mix together to firm up the mixture before frying.
Gabby's Mummy: Hihi..wow small world. Were we in the same marriage counselling course too? R u WY? hahaha....hey, when u moving in? Shall we organise a BBQ @ esparis and have all mummies and babies join us? But not so soon lor, wait till all the babies get well first

Hi mummies, what do you all think? Wanna meet up?
*juz a quick post* cos gabe rejecting solids until very jia lat (*i tik* he even went 2 bed hungry cos his tummy was growling very loudly)...i no mood

angie, gabby mum,
i second e gathering :p
esparis is VERY NEAR 2 me...
after reading i was like "WOW"!!! i didnt know bb at tis age actually need tis little milk.... for quinn, i dun consider him as a bb who really eats solid food, for the past few months, he FIGHTS whenever its meal time but of cos, i always SMILE at him and TRY to feed him, if he still refuse i will jus forget abt the whole thing. only recently, hes willing to eat his food. the first time was at mcdonald which i decided to TA BAO out for him to eat while me and hubby having dinner and he finished everything and even snack! since then i start tiking could it be the timing is NOT rite all these while! so ever since tat day, he has been eating his food but trying to give him 2 meals aday and so far so good.

oh so marcus 3 meal is abt 1/2 bowl each? those rice bowl? si i guess i will let quinn take 1/2 bowl so tat he has more room for some healthy snack or so. today i note down his intake, brown rice cereal and peach for lunch and dinn he didnt eat much *having fever* and milk intake is 810ml so i guess its still acceptable. after 1 yr old is 400ml!!!! wah!!! tats little....

ur new schedule for ur gal seems okie too..... quinn wakes up late tats y i have problem.

wah!!!!! meghan really eat alot and drink alot!

quinn still HATES it.... so i guess i will be the rubbish bin :p

for essential oil, theres 1 at citylink. if i am not wrong theirs is 100% pure organic E.O.

so u plan for 3 meal as luke find milk boring, for me is the other way round.... quinn would rather drink milk! so to intro solid food to him takes me alot of HARDWORK!
SIONG AH!!!!!!

look at the timing!! me jus bk from KK hospital *entrance only*.... quinn wakes up at abt 2.30am, keep crying and screaming non stop, hubby and me take turns to calm him down and nothing works! check his temp and its at 37.7 d. gave him fever med and hoping he will be better and goes bk to sleep. but NO!! hes fussing and till we brought him out from the room to the living area, he stopped. request us to put him down and we did, he started playing and smilng away! tis goes on for abt 1/2 hr and we try to feed him milk, he wants to drink but whenever he starts to drink, he cries loudly but can tell tat hes verrryyy hungry! try to let him drink from his mug with straw, he drinks abit then stop, total drank only 20ml.... and he keeps drooling and whenever we refuse to let him play certain things, he will cry veryy loud, very grouchy! try to make him sleep but he seems to have trouble at it. looking at the clock, decided to bring him to kk as seems like its impossible to wait till 2molo to see his pd. out of the house and walking to the carpark, hes perfectly fine and not to mention hes playing, smiling and grinning away!! put him on his carseat, didnt protest and half way to the hospital, he fell asleep.... soundly. so hubby and me decided to return bk home and will bring him to his pd first thing in the morning. after reached home, we CAREFULLY place him on his bed, hes still sleeping. i then decided to take a quick shower. after my shower, iopen the door and was SHOCK to see him on MY BED playing with the aircon remote control!!!!! then i quietly, calmly walk towards him, slowing remove the remote off his hands and tell him tat he need to sleep. put him bk on his bed, sing song, pat him....... hope tat after tis when i walk in to the room, hes still sleeping!
little devil, kelly,

Hope that your little ones will get well soon...

Yup in the same mc class... and I am WY. What a small world...

Yes, let's organise one bbq when everyone is better. then the babies can swim. of course my hubby will be the one brining gab into the water. then the babies can test the pool out for us... anyway, when are you moving in? Me will be in late oct due to my job.

Milk intake

think my gabby will protest like nuts if I reduce his milk intake... he loves his milk SO much. He takes about 720ml a day... he still wants more if we give him...

yesterday, we bought him to the supermarket, we went down the aisle of baby food, when he saw the can of milk that he often drinks, he shouted and kicked. Then he gave me a broad smile and started smacking his lips. I thought that is it. We call him a MILK-A-HOLIC. Think he deserves the title... hehe
