(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be


Do u know tat Filipino maid salary increase to US$400? My maid is aware of this new salary increase tats y so wanted to leave, but she gave me the excuse tat she wan to go back to look aft her sick parent. My present maid is very smart.

Tat meant yr current maid wif u coming to 2yrs, u r so lucky. Dunno why I so unlucky all my maids worked for me less than a yr.

Btw, hw old is yr current maid? Is she married?

Nice pic, cindy looked so fair. .
The honey decoration looked lovely.

Mummies, where can I find a dump truck (as big as possible) that comes with a remote control and doesnt make loud sounds when it moves/dumps? I tried TRU and found this by the brand Liebherr, exactly wat I wanted except that it made really loud sounds when moving/dumping, Faye was quite freaked out by it tho she really liked it alot. Hope to find a similar soundless one.
Hey I was abt to suggest using scotch tape/masking tape to cover the speaker area. Cos Kieran oso used to be very scared of loud noises, so my aunt used tis mtd to reduce the loud noise. *hi-5*

Btw, thks for ur wishes
US400? i thought starting salary for filipino maid is S$350?

Current maid is indon. i don't know exactly how old she is, but she is definitely much younger than 23YO (minimum age requirement). She is not those very very slow type of indon maid, pretty fast... but sometimes act smart. She is single.

Actually a year ago, I did send her back to the agent. Later I got a replacement maid, who is good in housework but couldn't take care of kids, so I asked for the previous maid to come back (me loser).
wanna ask you about the vit.c. some pp tends to have sensitive tummy and ESTER C is so call more gentle for the tummy. but is ESTER C okie for children?
lil devil, from what I found out and believe, ester C contains very high levels of calcium and if taken long term will mess up the natural levels of calcium in our body (bearing in mind calcium is a mineral, body will retain excess) so its more harm than good if taken over a period of time. If you are concern abt acidity, then take sodium ascorbate, its non-acidic and easily absorbed (the powder one we were talking abt earlier, can check the past few pages for more info). The acidic form of vit C you mentioned is ascorbic C.
Yuru, Kelly,
my helper puts the finegrain in rice cooker for 2HRS... then add white rice to cook normally.
We tried mixing together to cook, but the finegrain too hard while white rice too soft.

For Irv, she used to put in blender, but now we've taken him off it cos it really makes him go too often.

Berry, oh shoot, the ester c is the one we adults are taking cos ordered from spree b4 I got ur rec (while the kids take the one u rec).

I also kaypoh... BD wishes for K? Or... *suspicious cos Someone popped recently w/o anyone knowing*

CSR, cya later :D :D :D *me more excited than the kids hahaha*. I shall blame all these excesses on a deprived childhood!
<font color="aa00aa">mummies,</font>
long time nvr catch up on this thread.. switched to Jul 07 thread, which is also too happening for me to catch up.

sees that all are doing fine.
will try to catch up on the post & post pix of Sharynn when i upload them.

<font color="aa00aa">pawprint,</font>
as i was typing this, happend to saw ur last post (no. 669) on *suspicious cos Someone popped recently w/o anyone knowing*. referring to me huh? hahahaha.. makes me scroll back to look for skyblue post leh.
hahah, Cindy is so smart!

eh, think yuru is saying happy teacher's day to skyblue only lah, u gals think too much!
photographing kids- Mummies, do you mind if and when a stranger comes up and takes pictures of your kid/s without asking your permission first? Does it make a difference to your reaction whether its a grown man or a woman or a teenager?
angelia, :p yahlor, ur "precedence" makes me suspect all and any good wishes on this thread, hehe.

puff, oh teachers' day wishes, i tot K's bd wishes!

Berry, hmm if it's a guy, depending on how shifty he looks, i'd probably ask him WHY and wat he intends to do with my kids' pic. I've had angmoh woman with professional cam take Irv's pics while he was lounging in a store's cushions... she looked like some kinda staff for their launch so I figured it's not some undesirable use. I haven't noticed any other strangers snapping my kids leh... I snap pics of Ath WITH her peers in her classes though! Then again, nowadays anyone can pretend to SMS and snap a pic instead... can't really guard against it. If it's regarding a kid's modesty, I feel she's dressed ok... if other people feel it's not ok, that's the way THEIR mind works, not mine... again, another thing beyond my control.
Nice meeting you! Again, paiseh ah, couldn't chat long enough. Bought that very expensive balloon... this morning the balloon seems to be "dying".
1st wk of nursery school,

so stress last week because my boy started school for 2 afternoons a week and he got sent home both days after 1 hr. think the teacher no patience with my boy. we left him with the teacher at 12:50pm and at 1:30pm both days the school office called for us to pick him up. told hubby I was very upset with the way the school handled the situation. 5 kids including my boy was crying on the 2nd day and the admin told me he was sent home because he cry whenever another kid cry. so end up my boy cries the most and get sent home. his classmate was crying almost all the time so a helper just stay with him outside the class. his classmate did not get to join the class but did not have to go home.
rochelle, wow, sent home because he cries?? But dont all kids cry when they are new? An experienced and good teacher who has realistic expectations of children would have expected that from a new child and be able to handle it well imo. So are you looking for a new sch now?

unfortunately the school is one of the better ones in my area. some of the better schools only have 5 days program which cost USD700 per month. so I cant afford that on one income. his current school fees is $230 for 2 days program.

the schools that we visited last year that were worse had poor hygiene and kids were not supervised in the playground.

the problem is the good nursery school teachers are assigned to the 5 day full day program and the 5 day half day program. my boy's program is the cheapest program so we get the not so patient teachers.

also the better the school the more pricey the school fees because all the double income parents would send the kids to the "best" schools. and because the kids are from double income family, the school will not call the parents unless the child is sick. else they will just have a helper to stay with the unhappy child.
rochelle, wat are your plans? Maybe there might be one that arent one of the more expensive ones but might have better teachers? Its really quite unthinkable for a 3yo kid to be faulted for crying of all things esepcially when he is new?
Happy 3rd Birthday to our September kids!

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD>Kids' Name</TD><TD>Kids' DOB</TD><TD>Kids' Age</TD><TD>Mummies' Nick</TD><TD>#2 Name</TD><TD>#2 DOB</TD><TD>#2 Age </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Marcus</TD><TD>03/09/04</TD><TD>3y 00m 07d</TD><TD>domesticgoddess</TD><TD>Nicholas</TD><TD>10/10/06</TD><TD>11m 00d </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Esther</TD><TD>04/09/04</TD><TD>3y 00m 06d</TD><TD>jamie_c78</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Kieran</TD><TD>09/09/04</TD><TD>3y 00m 01d</TD><TD>skyblue</TD><TD>Kayden</TD><TD>10/08/06</TD><TD>1y 01m 00d </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>14/09/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 27d</TD><TD>expecting_mum</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>James</TD><TD>19/09/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 22d</TD><TD>winterbaby</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Faye</TD><TD>23/09/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 18d</TD><TD>berry</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Rhyan</TD><TD>24/09/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 17d</TD><TD>littleprince</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Quinn</TD><TD>24/09/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 17d</TD><TD>little_devil</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Janice</TD><TD>24/09/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 17d</TD><TD>peipei</TD><TD>Jayden</TD><TD>12/01/06</TD><TD>1y 07m 29d </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Keira</TD><TD>26/09/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 15d</TD><TD>pcs</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Lucas</TD><TD>27/09/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 14d</TD><TD>SLK</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Sharyn</TD><TD>28/09/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 13d</TD><TD>pets</TD><TD>Sharmaine</TD><TD>27/10/06</TD><TD>10m 14d </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Carriane</TD><TD>28/09/04</TD><TD>2y 11m 13d</TD><TD>blisse</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></td></tr></table>

I have to see how the school handles him this week. if they keep their promise and let him stay til pick up time, than its okay.

If they still send him home early than I would probably ask to transfer him to another campus.
$60/ mth, 45min unaccompanied, max. 4 kids, all in water at same time but coach will guide each kid one at a time (be prepared that sometimes ur kid is "idling" waiting for turn). Goggles and swimcap given at sign-up, I advise using THERMAL suit cos kids dun stay submerged in water as they're supposed to and it's chilly when wind blows. The sch provides kickboard as and when needed.
$50/mth (for safra members) or $60/mth (for non-safra members), 1hr unaccompanied (can accompany for e 1st 30mins), 4kids. all in water at e same time. gabe has yet 2 start class at mount faber safra as i'm arranging 2 get a male coach for him & his 3 other friens.
I cant remember if I've asked this before, sorry if I have, please reply if you can. :p

Does anyone know how long is the bus travelling time from KL to Genting? I know that to travel in a coach from Singapore to Genting, it takes around 8 hours right?
Kelly, thanks alot! :D

Genting- Has anyone tried taking a plane to KL then take bus to Genting before? I tried calling many agencies, they all say that they only do coach trips, no plane options avail. I am thinking of booking myself instead of gg thru agency, but I tried looking for info online but cant find anything on how/where to look for bus/coach services to Genting from KL, anyone has info on this or not? Where I can take a coach in KL, where to buy tickets and so on?
yuru, if drive need to drive for 7 to 8 hours leh, hubby wont be keen. I cannot take such long coach/car rides :p, Faye definitely cant also. BTW, why u say book thru agency better?
Hi Berry,

Yes we did tat last yr. We booked the air-tickets fm SQ to KL then followed by coach to Genting. If my memory dun failed me,we took a taxi fm KL airport to the Genting bus interchange (sorry i forgotten the name of the place) then bought the coach bus ticket fm there to Genting. Can i reply u the full info by this wk?(cos hubby outstationed). I hope i can help u.

Dear all,
Am planning for holiday? Can anyone give me some suggestion? Nowsdays gg for holiday really hv to plan carefully cos Nigel is only 4mths old. Is there any place tat children wil enjoy?

Sorry i miss yr post, too busy to login.
US$400 is the new "salary rule" set by filipino govt.
Oranges, hey thanks alot!
Wll appreciate your info cause I realised the genting website also not v detailed.

With a young child, maybe go somewhere near? How about perth? We booked a cruise trip for dec cause Faye has never been on a cruise and is very excited n amused by the idea of a big ship like a cruise hehe.

A few years ago I took a bus to Malacca, stayed there then took a bus from there to Genting, then Genting to KL and flew back. Can try this way... oh btw, I think I booked the tickets thr my Malaysian friend though. Just FYI
hello hello ...

sorry to interfere ... just like to highlight some info here.

coach to genting from SG is 5 hours (assuming no jam at the causeway).

if you self drive, assuming you take only 1 stop for ard 30-45min, you can reach Genting peak in 4 -5 hours. Exludes any waiting time in jams.

Once you cross the Causeway, you reach the North South highway very quickly in ard 15mins, afterwhich its highway all the way to Genting.
Very easy & enjoyable drive.


From KL, it takes abt 1 hour to get to genting.
Many locals either drive up (u may wish to rent a car) or hail a taxi.
There are some bus services too, but i'm not too familiar with that option.

happy holidays!!

Ok i'll try to gather the full info for u when hubby is back. Btw, hv u book the Genting hotel? U may book online.

My hubby accumulated his krisflyer points & is gg to expire by this yr. It wil be a waste if we dun use it.

Thank u for yr suggestion.
Do u noe hw long does it takes to travel to perth?
Oranges, I was told its only 4-5 hrs flight to Perth, but I'm not 100% sure since I've never really checked with the airlines. Nope I havent booked the hotel yet, but might do so soon.
need ur advice...can my boys take sambucol & e vit C (which u recommended) at the same time? i was tiking thru n i dun c it as a prob but i tot i betta ask u.
lately lots of pp ask me and hubby the same question "WHEN ARE U PLANNING FOR THE SECOND BB"? for me i think most probably i will not have another one, at least not for now. if would to ask me why, its simply becos i dun feel ready myself and also i dun think my family is very ready too. and all these while, i know hubby is keen on having a second bb and just that out of respecting me, he didnt really ask me for another one. and i think about 1 year back, i can feel that he sort of drop his idea *i can sense it* but i didnt question him further, i take it as hes facing more work stress and having less time for the family since hes always out of the house and such. last weekend, we were having some nice chat while having a little drink and i pop the question. asking him is it that now he dun really hope for a second one. and his answer is YES! and i was SHOCK!!!! as i know he has been wanting a second bb since starting. then i further question "WHY"?? and his answer is totally NOT what i expect to hear. out of tons of reasons i really didnt expect this answer. he says that whenever he look at quinn, he will ask himself that will he be able to give 100% equal love, time, attention if we have 2 children? i have always tot that only mommies will tot of tat!!?? and i really didnt expect this from him, sort of shock. and when i was chatting with 1 of my GF the other day during my off day *yesss..... i applied leave* :p she says that this is the reason that she only has his 1 and only gal and when i told her this is what my hubby think she was like......!!!! she told me that my hubby must have love quinn soooo.... verrryyy..... much. but later on, hubby was saying that its still good to have another 1 just that that is the only reason for thinking other wise.
Little Devil
I think the concern will "overcome" eventually when #2 arrives.

We were being asked before who we prefer. We cannot give an exact answer, because each child has his/her good and naughty side.

I was worried and felt sorry that I couldn't give all my attention to Isabel when she was barely 16 mth-old. However, this worry disappeared as we go along.
lil devil
wat abt me? i hv my #3 coming soon. 4 me, i never worry if i hv enuff love 4 my kids. i only worry if i can hv e time, attention & energy 4 them. husband worries abt the same stuff too but he worries also abt the finances part...their education funds, medical fund, etc.

like wat CSR said, e concern will b overcome when u hv #2.

dun take too long 2 consider #2 cos i know of a few friens who waited & waited until their kid is abt 5-6yrs old, then they dun 1 a #2 liao. they hv the same tots...too much hassle 2 go back 2 baby days
Hi Berry,

Thks for yr info.
I hv gathered the info fm my hubby. From KL airport take the KL express train to KL Central station. Alight fm KL central station, you may purchase the coach bus ticket fm there (you may chk wif the station staff wheres the exact location for purchasing the ticket).FYI, I cant remember which hotel we r staying (tink is 1st world hotel) their package included free coach bus to Genting. This hotel supply hot water but do take note tat the chemical smell is very strong. Personally, I dun feel comfortable usin their hot water to make milk for linus. So we bought the mineral water and boiled it to make his milk. Oh ya, remember to bring the portable kettle to boil the water. Hope my info is useful to u.

Thks. 5hrs is pretty long.
During my last trip to KL, linus cried through out the whole jounrey. Nw travellin wif 2 kids is even more stressful. I am worried wat if both of them cry at the same time.
asking anyone...
wld u install ceiling mounted fan when u hav 2 young kids- one of indeterminant degree of adventurism?
ceiling 3+m... living and dining is one whole big space, if use a/c, rather siong $. Then again, injury/ accident even more siong $ and emotional hurt. I might spend all my time worrying if they'd try stunts... maybe not worth the stress?
