(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

kelly, this afternn got half the msgs fr u, the file attachment d/l not seen though!

skyblue, ooo- phew, thanks for letting me know. When Hb free then I ask him check... cos ah... I clicked on Kel's d/l attachmt leh. Oops. :p

kelly, HB brought Irv to the GP u rec, tried the "machine", 99+% or something oxygen level so optimum shape apparently. HB phoned me while in consultation, put me on speaker phone! After that, HB said he felt the GP implied I was darn neurotic :p . Cos I was asking whether Irv has asthma, whether allergic to dogs or aircon or what... apparently this is not a diagnosis of asthma, even though ventolin is prescribed (on last, last Fri's visit to PD). That ventolin is commonly prescribed to open airways during cough. Anyway, he said it's a viral cough, wun recover that quickly, but currently nothing alarming. We stopped tuina after doing a few days last wk, may wanna resume tomorrow... sigh, I have NO freaking idea if tuina works leh. It's like, feed all meds liao, nothing but to wait, might as well tuina while waiting for recovery?
ooh i got kelly's virus messages too!

anyway, wanted to tell Berry, have a look at www.pingu.net. Ethan loves that penguin and i think it's quite funny. But not educational. So have a look see if you want to show Faye :p

the toysrus here has a Happy Feet costume that is less than USD10. forgot the actual price. it is bigger than Faye's size.


u are not neurotic. I had childhood asthma so I would freak too if my kids had bad cough. try cooking soup with almond (nan2 bei3 xin4 ren2) and apples or brown pear (li2). its good for cough and phelgm. its a tonic soup so no harm.
hope the kid get well soon.
u bring yur boy to see Dr Tay? During Jeralyn recent viral fever, we went to see him and we ask plently of qns and he too feel that we over-reacted and it shouldnt happen to a 2nd timer parent.
we ask him many qns on the virus and he tell us should not relate the fever to so many related illess.

He nearly prescribe Jeralyn antibiotic to "make us feel ease" but we rejected and wait and see.
Yes Jerlayn got ventolin med from another GP when she ard 4 mth due to bad cough and GP say it help to open airway.
rochelle, wow a happy feet that is Faye's size!!

Damn, I lost the lego set (with white blocks and one penguin) ebay auction by less than US$2!!

Kypf, hehe I once borrowed a pingu vcd from the library for Faye, but it wasnt v suitable for her. That one I borrowed, pingu had a really fierce dad who kept scolding him, and then later pingu got bullied and hit on the head by a penguin bully?! I think Faye was pretty traumatised by it all haha. :p
INDIAN COSTUMES- apparently Faye's sch has an international food fest this friday and her class is required to dress up in in indian costumes! But that same morning, she also has PE leh, how to do outdoor PE in indian clothing, sure v hot right? Anyone has ideas on what indian-ish stuff I can let her wear? And where on earth to buy it (got more convenient places rather than little india?)?
You don't have to go into Little India. You can go to Tekka market, there are a lot of shops selling Indian costumes on the 2nd floor, m sure they have for children sizes.
lil prince, wahaha you trying to be funny ah, your bangles so big how she wear :p

charsiew or anyone who knows- wat time does tekka market closes ah? Do they open at night?
yuru, yar faye's sch is quite happenning wan, got excursions regularly, and even got one lantern night in sept haha! I heard that some parents like, some dont cause troublesome for them. I like cause more interesting for her mah. Then hor, they are handing out indian crackers this week (faye told me she "only take one then no more because too spicy! drink water also didnt help!") and today they made mango milkshake in class (think related to food theme).
can try tekka market, though not as INTERESTING as little india but good enough. as for timing, i think they open till quite late, sometimes still see pp around there though pretty late. but little india timing better lah, i frequent there very often last time, alot of hindu friends and i was so into their culture that i almost get my nose pierced.
faye school does sound interesting, i like school like that rather than everyday stay in school, so boring mah.

mummies who is the main care giver, do u feel that ur daily life with ur little one is so much more systematic and easy when daddy is not around? so guilty saying that but this does happens to me leh. hubby has been away for reservice for 2 weeks and i find that quinn has been really nice and easy to handle all these while *of cos also has afew episode of drama event lah* he seems to be more understanding and cooperative. just like when i bring him out *taking mrt as its his top fav* he will actually listen to me most of the time, telling me that he must stay close to mummy so that mummy will not lost him, and sitting down to eat his meal without making a big fuss *though still not very willing to sit and eat but enough for me to finish my meal* and also realized in these 2 weeks, he sort of more sensible and sensitive. like just now when i put on some FUNNY coloured cream on my face *abit red* he ask me what is that so i told him. then he frown and told me that hes sooo.... sad, says that mummy face is painful and baby is so upset, only when mummy recover, baby will be happy
and even when in the event when he got me angry, he will MAKE SURE i cheer up and smile, and will hug me real tight accompanied with a kiss. last time hes more BO CHAP type but i realized ever since hubbynot around, he has change for the better. even at home theres so little tantrums and such. just now before bed he says something real funny, he says "papa not at home, so baby is man of the house, must protect mummy". so when i ask him how he protect mummy, he hug me very tightly and says hes protecting me
little devil
Awwww.Quinn is so sweet:p

yah.I do find that handling keira alone is much easier without HB/MIL/My Dad around.
Somehow she is more cooperative and less demanding.
do you think Faye will be willing to wear the costume? Rhyan's CC also gave those Indian crackers during Deepavali celebration last year, they will give some related stuff to whatever celebration lor. Next week, need to wear red and white on National Day eve and potluck for lunch.

still in california looking after my two boys so wasnt that free until they could play with each other with less fighting recently

Little Devil,

kids behave better when hubby is not around
guess mine the exception, its the same whether or not HB around. With PILs & my mum, the girl will just be more manja, that's abt it. She doesn't quite listen to them when they ask her don't do this or that, or to drink more water or watever, but I just step in and tell her, she will do so lor.

SWEEEEEET things. My mum caught the kids' bug, so was lying down... Athena went over and patted her. Told my mum she pat her to sleep, and then SANG to lull her. Mum was gushing abt this incident.

Self-feeding... dammit. The helper is better than me in getting Irv to self-feed, she manages to draw away his focus on upsetting the bowl, with toys and what-not. *sigh* (dun ask me why i am sighing)

Photobook- I toss in the towel again, NO MORE!!! Anyway cleared my massive backlog until end last yr... shld be gd enough, no? :p Burnt a huge hole in pocket, I thought just a simple print-and-organise-photos Project. End up I am definitely not selective enough, want to put tooooo many pics in... aiyah, asking me to be selective over pics is like asking me to go on diet. CAN, but VERY hard hor! Now snowballed into very expensive project, I want to bang my head against the wall! Plus make extra set for PILs. *finish nonsensical rambling*

dunno wat they teach or feed in sch lah, athena doesn't like to tell me. Only recently, she FELL in sch... 2nd time she fell since she entered sch. Stupid reason, while queuing up, they hold each other's back/ waist... then one fall, all fall like dominoes lor (actually come to think, quite funny, heeeheee). But her sch apparently quite gd according to the other ahmas-porpors, sigh, I end up talking with them cos the SAHMs who are already a Rare Breed, either are very quiet sort dun talk much, or also parcel off bringing-fetching sch to the grans. The ahmas-porpors rave abt how gd the teachers are at pacifying crying kids, how gentle they are... apparently in comparison to other horror schs they've seen.

As for special activities, recently introduced WATER PLAY. I tell u, heart ache for those kids who are taken care by Blur Maids (and Absent-minded Parents). On the day that Water Play is scheduled, supposed to wear swimsuit underneath uniform, bring a towel etc... there was 1 kid who didn't, and she looked sooooooooooooooooooo upset. I think she didn't get to participate
, cos NEXT DAY, she turned up in swimsuit even though NO water play. Her maid said the girl insisted on wearing swimsuit. Aiyoh, can understand how she feels
, cos last time in sch, i was one of the blurrest sotongs around. In fact I forgot abt my girl's Water Play, LUCKILY my mum reminded me... or else I tell u I sure run to neighbourhood shop buy any swimsuit on-the-spot.

Which brings me to another thing... my girl REALLY is a FOLLOWER type lor. Other people have and she dun have, she will get upset leh. Eg. 1st day of sch I dinno need water-bottle, she was so distressed by it that i bought her one immediately after sch, and I can tell it really bothered her lor. Now her water bottle(s) are like precious commodities, SHE wun forget to bring to sch, no need me to remind her! Then recently she attended a Saturday Ros Playsch, my HB attended with her, I dinno there's "homework". HB told me he was too busy, din do with her, then she was quite distressed other classmates did and she didn't... HB told me she was SULKING AT HIM for a few days. SIDETRACK: Maybe cos those who did HW had chops, then I was annoyed that my mere 2+yr old din get a chop, I thought the teacher can close eye give a chop ANYWAY... HB clarified the teacher wanted to give but HE intervened and felt that no HW = no chop. !!! Only 2+yr old leh, a chop is very big deal to her! *AHBISH the HB*

OH and recently RAINY, she saw her classmates wear RAINCOAT, she asked for raincoat too. *roll eyes* NEXT time her classmates wear LA GEAR shoes (sorry hor, I refer to branded sch stuff in *my* ERA lah), she want also???

AND that day at Jurong Bird Park, saw some Hawk/ falcon Show where the emcee ask for volunteers to come to the front, HOLD A CHOPSTICK with food at the end for the bird to grab in mid-flight? The emcee specified OLDER kids not our wee ones lah. On way home, my girl was soooooooooooo SAD, said OTHER PEOPLE GOT CHOPSTICKS, SHE DUN HAVE.

haha yesterday the girl was prattling NON-STOP, my ears wanted to fall off... then FIL commented to Athena, "You talk alot leh".
another time, HB was commenting to Athena, "you FUNNY girl.". And she BURST INTO TEARS, insisted she is NOT funny, she is PRETTY GIRL! For unknown reason, "funny" has bad association/ not flattering to her?

Today in essay-ish rambling mood.
pawprint, you sound beri unhappy abt many things :p Anyway for that kid who didnt do waterplay, maybe her mum didnt want her to do cause she just recovered from cold/cough or is still recovering?

Faye has waterplay every thursday and she is required to wear a swimsuit too (but hor, no need bring towels, sch provide!), there are times when I cant let her do cause she is still nursing a cough, or having mild cold etc.

yuru, parents are not required for excursions, but if we want to, one parent/maid is allowed to come. But then since most are working parents, there usually wont be more than 2-3 mums ard lor. But personally I really enjoy going to her excursions haha.

HB's presence- Eh, okie lar, got pros and cons mah. When hb is ard, even tho things a little 'easier', I'd still rather have hb ard cause he does alot fo the stuff for me/Faye when he is ard. Hehe, so to me, its a worthwhile tradeoff :D

Pcs, hey hi! How r you doing ah? How is kiera? still gg to her daily playgroup?
huh very unhappy meh?
- She want to prattle, let her prattle lor. She want chopsticks, gave her chopsticks at every meal these few days :p (soupy noodles to up her fluid intake).
- She want raincoat... happens PILs bought one for her some time back, so took it from them lor.
- And must remember to do HW b4 this wkend's PG lor.
- Unexpectedly expensive Photobook Project... I admire result lor.
- Helper better than me at self-feeding... bohbian lor.
- The waterplay kid... from what I observe, I doubt so, but of cos I wldn't know for sure. I only noted she looked so crestfallen, btw so far only 1 waterplay session, so it's some sort of extra-special thingy to them. Supposed to have ONE excursion around this time... POSTPONED to yet-to-be-notified date.

Am just shooting off lah... anyway u probly know by now I'm not UBER SUNSHINEY BURSTING WITH POSITIVITY type, haha. My head is buzzing now, din sleep last night lah, then went minor grocery run with the boy... now he asleep, and PILS brought the girl out so I'm... making a content page for my albums. *crashes my face onto keyboard!*
yah, i think ur girl has more individualism ;) . My gf's tod also, she'd do things, and Athena imitate her, or Athena will tell me her friend has xyz item. Whereas stuff my girl does/ preferences, my gf's tod rarely picks up- like ur Cindy, she'd remark that "Athena like pom-poms, I don't like pom-poms.". Got own tastes, hehe!

Aiyoh my gal very into chops ah... i brought irvin for lesson the other time- when they put chops to the kids, i let her have too. She chopped one on each hand plus tummy!

Berry, hehe...
*pretend-sunshine-mode* I am SOOO BLESSED. 2 wonderful kids. Supportive HB who doesn't complain hardly abt my expenses-overun-projects. Opportunity to be there for the kids YET have the option of taking breaks with lotsa help, from ILs & mum whenever I ask. Even a fairly adept helper. God forbid I shld ever whine abt my oh-so-blessed life... or my kids... or HB... or ILs... or my weight.

*waits for mass vomitting and maybe some rotten tomatoes*

aiyah, cannot resist whining- *sob*, just wasted $1.70 when my photo-paper misaligned in the printer.
huh?! why need to apply in advance for birthday celebration in CC? what do they need to prepare/do for the two weeks period?

hehe! not that i am more zai but i moved onbto another role in the company and the fengshui of my new seat is better so can turn on MSN. last time fengshui no good, not convenient to MSN so much. :p

i will just buy a cake for Rhyan to celebrate in CC on his actual bd (Mon). then, will likely buy a cake to celebrate with his cousins during the weekend before his actual bd. and, maybe buy another small cake for him on the night of his actual bd for ourselves just for the fun of it since he is very into bds now, keeps singing Happy Birthday non stop! no big celebration lor coz I will be very busy during his bd period.

excursions - Rhyan's CC will ask for ONE parent to follow but the last time round, both nanny / granduncle wanted to go when i couldn't make it to go with Rhyan. in the end, i decided to let Rhyan go on his own with the CC. it was a good experience and the teachers said he behaved well, i even saw the pictures that the teachers put up on the notice board. i am so happy to see his happy pictures there every morning when i send him to CC.

eh, why you didn't do HW with Cindy last time? Rhyan gets HW from CC like once in 2 weeks, I am always struggling to do it with him and hand in on time.
Berry, no worries, I am too sensitive. Still haven't gone to bed yet, had to settle a mountain of paper documents, argh.

lilprince, the HW is from a PG class, not kindy or cc class... jialat tomorrow thurs liao, we still haven't do for Sat class!
hi mummies... so long never post cos really bz bz bz...

lilprince/berry, next week requested (not necessary) wear red/white or ethnic clothes for ND in school... I'm wondering if she's end up being the only one who wears cos last dress up, nobody was on!!

lilprince, I dun get homework from CC leh... hmm... I also didn't know some CCs need advanced booking for BD parties...

berry, would like to ask if you managed to get a Hello Kitty raincoat? Appreciate if anyone saw one anywhere or in OG? The one I saw at a pasar malam was way too big for her and she didn't want the Princess one... I'm no shopping queen and it's been ages since I stepped into a shopping centre so sometimes I do ask where to buy stuff which could be really common... duh... pls forgive me...

pawprint, J refuses to have chops/stickers on her tummy! I still remember A's tummy... hahaha... gosh, u are still doing the photobook?? peifu... hehe... A likes to be called "pretty girl"? So cute... hehehe...
jen, keep missing u on MSN- abt rastabator:
Save the Program from their site, run it from ur computer. It converts ur picture file (.jpg) into a HUGE pdf file that u print from ur own printer. U piece it together to make a huge poster.
Finished 3 A3 photobooks, plus 1 A4 for the PILs
. Now DIY printing own content page, spine labels, then gotta wrap the books in plastic. Darn printer keeps jamming the photo paper
Jen, No leh, cant find HK raincoat, anyway, I dont think that OG sells sanrio products. I was in a rush to buy for her that time, so in the end I bought from OG, a plain pink one. I've tried sanrio at taka, dun have her size liao, you can try other sanrio branches?
Recall of Fisher Price Toys

pawprint, thanks... my concern is the page margins? do you have to cut them away? thanks again...

berry, I saw one at the pasar malam... quite nice but wayyy too big... I asked her if she wants the Princess one now or the HK one another day... she say HK another day... now I having headache dunno where to find a HK one for her... duh!
Cindy sounds like a very creative gal, who has her own mind.
Next time she'll be glad dat u let her enjoy herself than to do things she doesn't enjoy at such a tender age.
yuru, skyblue said exactly how I felt. If you were to force her to learn what you think is best for her, instead of following her flow and taking her cues, then you might possibly deprive her from real learning opportunities. I think you did the right thing. :D
yuru, I just saw the photo you posted, so strange, just now didnt see. Lovely pic lol! You know those stamps hor, Faye has 2 sets, one red and one green ink pad. Her red set comes with round stamps and green ones are square. Once she stamped the red ones ALL over her arms, legs and face, and after her bath, the designs were kinda faded, making them look like red rash/burn marks *faint* The next day I brought her out, ppl kept staring at her with a shocked expression, and then look at ME.
Then this shopkeeper gasped and asked faye "aiyo girl girl!!! wat happen to your body?! painful or not?" Then after I told her to peer closely to find out for herself, she looked abit embarassed and said 'hahaha, stamp issit?? aiyo, scare me leh, look like ciggarette marks!' Waliao eh, I really feel like fainting. :p
pawprint / yuru
i know the HW is from Ros' class but just curious why you all don't do it with your tots lor. i feel responsible if Rhyan submits his HW to CC late, and i hope to instill some responsibility in him that when teacher gives HW, it should be completed on time.

his teacher gave HW on Mon, I got hb to help guide Rhyan to do it coz I have been attending classes for the past few nights. have not checked, hope its good enough to hand in tmrw (deadline usually on Fri).

even *I* also need to wear red and white on National Day eve in office, just saw email from HR. :p doesn't matter if no HW lah, if CC give then do lor, if not then nvm.

can IM me lah, if i am busy or what, will tell you.
i don't think i will prepare party bags lor, its not easy to decide what is good to put inside. actually, Rhyan also don't like to colour or trace dotted lines. he will attempt but no patience to do it nicely, i just try my best to guide him. if he lose interest and walk off, i continue later or the next day (that's why need a week to complete his HW!)

i will likely put Rhyan into full day CC after I complete my degree in 3 mths time (finally!). got to start hunting around and decide if we want to stick to this CC or change to another one.

i like the picture you posted, Cindy is so cute! i agree with skyblue too! i think you are doing great now!
anyone that frequests the marketing threads know why no more Amosco orders? i want to order something but cannot find the lady Kylie.

OK, probably everyone's talked about this topic already, but would like to share Ethan's experience on going to nursery for the first time.

Went 2 weeks ago for a "taster" session, he didn't want to go, so we went for a walk and after that he seemed willing to go but cried after I left. Last week, he willingly walked in but cried after I left. Today, he cried all the way there and when he was there, in the end we left after 5 minutes. Tried to go back there after stopping by a friend's house but he won't have any of it.

So well, am back home, rethinking my priorities and strategies. The reason why sign him up for nursery was thought he could have fun and learn some things.. So assuming he will be ok there after crying for what - half hour? Then thinking about my strategy for leaving him there.. today I thought I'd stay there with him till he calmed down but he just screamed and pulled on the tail of the sling which Jacqui was in, trying to get me to walk to the door. So that didn't work. But the thought of leaving him when he's so distressed is just unbearable.

Anyone with similar experiences? People tell my it's normal for kids to cry when going nursery for the first time, but I'll be quite happy to pull him out if he continues to be so distressed, just wondering if I'm doing the right thing, if I'm not giving him a chance to get used to it.
skyblue, aiyo eh, I still cannot sign in leh. darn.

yuru, no leh, Faye's stamp marks always last 2 days wan lol. Yar crayola is really v good, very washable!
talking about letting our own kids to do things they like and such, this evening something STUPID happened!!!!! quinn loves taking MRT and hubby is serving his 2 weeks reservice so for these 2 weeks, we travel by MRT just to fullfill quinns thrill and also i really enjoy walking with him to the station as we really have very nice and interesting chat and for him to explore *he loves nature i think so always very interested in plants and insects* so i wanted to bring him to compass point for dinner and do some shopping so we again go by train. its only 1 station away but quinn seems reluctant to alight so i tot since its still early so we didnt alight and theres some some conversation between us.

QUINN: mymmy, i dun want to alight, pleaseee.....
ME: u really dun want to?
QUINN: yes, its so fast.
ME: okie, but we can only stay in the train for another 8 or 9 staion okie?
QUINN: okie mummy!!!! *very happy*

then this STUPID auntie says to me " wah, can like that ah, u let ur son chose ah. 1 day he will be climbing to the top of ur head i tell u. infect i think he is doing that already liao i tell u YOUNG WOMAN"!! i was like %^##^&%^$!!!!!!!!! i chose to ignore her but she goes on and on and tell me HOW to be a mother!!!!!! and also tell me what i should be doing and such and the best part is she can turn to the person besides her *stranger hor* and says I AM WRONG!!!!!!!! i chose to ignore her as i really find pointless to argue with her and especially with quinn besides me, and at his age now, he knows lots of things around him so i really dun wanna him to see me ^$^%%@#%(*)& that auntie as i know that if i start, it will be a very ugly 1. SO SICKENING!!!!!
lil devil, wow what an auntie! I dont think I'll be able to keep my mouth shut if it were me. I def wont start a bicker session in public lar lol, but I really dont think I will shut up completely.
So you all took how many stations in the end? Eh, if you take 8 stations to and 8 stations fro, then its 16 stations? Quinn can take so long ah? Once long ago I took Faye for MRT ride, then she insists she want to take for verrrryy long, so we delayed for ard 5 stations. after that she declare to me "dun wan take anymore, want to get off now." It took me a while to convince her that we'll have to take 5 stations BACK to the original intended station then can alight. She didnt really believe me for a while haha, cause she saw the escalators and saw ppl gg off.
hi hi. Life as SAHM is busy but rewarding
yah keira is stil attending PG.
Will switch her to a kindergarden next year. (the Apple tree near my hse ony offer PG)
She was quite upset when i tell her abt it coz she enjoy her PG a lot.
LOL at the marks. Keira likes to paint herself-the face, the feet, the hands and legs.
I'm quite used to the stares already

My gal will cry halfway ,pause and says "I'm not a pretty gal already" then she will throw herself into the bed and continue crying . very very drama one.

little devil
sickening auntie. I will most probably switch my seats to avoid her

wah so fast u r graduating already. 3 more mths only. Jia You. Jia you :p
karen, so how long has it been already? when he stops, does he participates? Is he happy or still upset when you pick him up by the end of it? I think only you will know the answer cause in some cases, the child cries as a form of expression that mum is leaving, but recollects himself v shortly after (5 min?) and is able to concentrate on the activities and can participate, and in this case, by the time you pick him up, he shd be happy and not still sad. In this case, I'd let him carry on for the time being and observe. But if he cries hysterically (unless this is a child who cries hysterically over everything, then maybe this is not an indication) and carries on doing so for a long period (more than 30 min). And you dont feel that he is able to participate fully due to his distress, and if this carries on for more than 2 weeks (yeah I know its a long time when your child is in such distress), I would withdraw him. I'd just take it that he is not ready for sch for now lor.

For Faye, she sobbed for 5-10 min after I left for around one weeks, and she was able to compose herself and participate fully after that. And following that, she would sob only until I walked out of sight then stop and participate. This is about the most that is accepable for me personally. If she has to cry hysterically about gg to school everyday or had actually begged me not to send her even before we leave, honestly I would withdraw her after a few weeks. Partly because I know Faye and I know that she is a pretty resilient kid who will not BEG for something unless she needs it badly. Its easier for me cause I am a sahm, so I have the option, and at this age schooling shd never be the cause of so much grieve to my child.
what an interesting picture...i may freak out if Yingxin does that on herself...hahah, but then, on 2nd thots, it can be fun too
Hehe, I share my Stranger Talk too! One auntie started off praising my *handsome* boy :p , then afterwards asked how old. I replied 1 yr old... she answered, "ohhh then u must be married 1 yr only lah!".

??? I look like I shotgunned? LOL. So I told her no, can't be, cos I have an older kid! Then she carried on... at one pt, she admired Irvin's Bobux shoes, asked me how much $. I replied abt $30+, she commented, "WAAAH, ur HB must be HIGH-INCOME EARNER!".

I came home, told HB, he laughed and said, "eh how come so sexist, how come never assume YOU are the high-income earner ah?". (it was wkend leh, I have Housewife printed on my forehead lor.)

*disclaimer* Bobux is not high-income indicator hor!!! Anyway, I misremembered price, cos just bought a pair (ahboy's previous pair tooo tight
)... it's $42 in stores ah! Ahboy only has 1 pair of shoes that fits him at any pt in time, not a wardrobe collection!
eh very paiseh... i signed Athena up for the swim class yest, and now class full. Cos she's familar with Ros (son in the class too), and her own kindy classmate in it too.
Haiz, is it Friday already? Whole week just whizzes past.

Yuru, I agree with u, no pt if HW becomes a source of conflict at this age. Not even 3yr lor. Willingness to do whatever is not an indicator of diligence or intelligence lah! Athena is just "like this" lor. I haven't a clue why she's receptive to the idea of school... u know I was surprised by her transition to kindy, and again surprised yesterday when she was fine with parent-unaccompanied swimclass.
Ahboy would probably be a different ballgame since all kids are really different even when from same gene pool, hah! :p

speech still behind Athena's at that age. She cld say bear, ball, book, open, hello, etc b4 1yo... he's still referring to everything as "baaaah!" or "ber!". Sometimes can string "Bah! Ber!" together, then I assume he refers to BUBBLE. :p

no worries. i'll check wif e school. not in a hurry 2 let gabe let how 2 swim n not keen 2 let him learn at aranda wif all e mozzies. bcos wif all e mozzies, i cant go 2 c him in action
{possessive mummy who cant miss a moment of her son's life}. i was so freaked out when i saw ros wif 27 mozzie bites.

was hoping i can find someone who's willing 2 share e swim instructor at their condo's pool.
