(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

MT, Just sharing wat I found out some time ago while doing ym own research before supplementing Faye with CLO. multi vit usually contains high abts of Vit A (and some contains vit D too) and CLO is rather high in vit A too. If you give both on the same day over a regular period of time, you might be risking overdosing these two vitamins(depending on how concentrated the supplement is depending on the brand), which are both fat-soluble (unlike water-soluble C and B vits who are self-removed from the body via pee). For this reason, some people alternate multi-vit and CLO if they feel the neeed to supplement both. You might wanna tally up the total amts of vit A and D (vit D is also produced naturally by the body when kid is exposed to sunlight) and see if the amt is alright for a young child. Also, the other 10-days-on-n-off-supplement you are giving, is that echinacea? If it is, you might also wanna google on the effects it has on the liver if taken in conjunction with some types of medication. Just my $0.02's.

trainer on normal toilet bowl lah... she will fall in without leh, hehe. The school has kiddie-sized toilet bowls though, hoping it'd entice her.

post here cos I lazy to email- I'd bring Irvin not Athena cos Athena has running nose today. PFFFFT- so much for the supplements!!! And I'd been esp careful to keep her warm and all that!
okie, its about our toddlers sleeping pattern /problem. since last week, quinns sleeping pattern sort of messed up. he will sleep late *later than usual, maybe about 1 am* his usual bedtime is ard 10.30pm. then this carry for awhile. theres even once he woke up in the middle of the nite and REQUEST to play and refuse to take our NO as an answer. so i told hubby i will try to fine tune it back again *hubby usually cant do it, he dun have a sence of timing wan* so yesterday i did it!!! he woke up at ard 9.45am then i make him nap at ard 2pm then woke up at 5pm then sleep at 11pm *though 11pm not his usual timing but at least theres improvement lah* then this morning woke up at 8am!!!!!! 8am is pretty early for him, he usually sleep for ard 10 to 11 hours every nite. but this morning hubby was taking care of him as me not well so hubby let him nap at 11.30 am *i find it too early* then he woke up at 2pm. i was thinking how can he tahan from 2pm to at 8.30pm to go to bed, as i cant let him sleeps too early else he will wake up in the middle of the nite. but bo bian since wats done cant be undone...... so ard 6.45pm i can tell hes abit tired liao but i try to make him tahan till at least 8.30pm. then ard 8.30pm, i tik hes abit frustrated, maybe too tired or wat *but lately hes really screaming, crying quirte abit....* and refuse to sleep! so me and hubby were in the room with him and he kept screaming he dun wanna sleep and want to go out!! and hubby was sort of FORCING him to stay in the room.... say NO NO NO..... then he says he wants mummy and told me tat he wanna go out. so i told hubby maybe just let him go out *living area* awhile to stop him screaming and all tat then after awhile at least when he cools down then i will put him to bed but hubby PERSIST, says "NO"!!!! quinn was screaming very loudly, calling "ah mah ah mah" my mum came to my place today. then hubby PERSIST not letting quinn out of the room, quinn was crying, screaming and struggling very very very very badly!!!! then when he finally settle down *i guess too tired from his acts* he then turn to me and want me to stay with him while he fell asleep. when me and hubby out of the room, my mum, was pretty upset.... saying why must we FORCE him to sleep?? she says tat even quinn is tired but situation like this, we can actually calm him down first then put him to bed again and NOT letting him cry and scream for 35 minutes!!!!

i dun know, for me wat i would do if hubby is not ard is i will try to pacify or let him out of the room for awhile.... anyway its only 9pm..... even if i would to let him play for awhile, lets say 1 hour *which is not just AWHILE* i still find its okie, at least for the situation like this..... then he will still wakes up ard 9am or 10am tomorrow, rather than having him going thru the STRESS before his sleep!!!! but hubby says wat i was doing is SPOILING him!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i DUN agreed loh!!!! and i guess my mum also! hubby always says hes *quinn* is old enough and we cant always give in to him! but i told him tat GIVING IN is NOT the ONLY solution to problems, theres others. and i dun tik i am spoiling him and i also dun tik hes old enough to manage his own EMOTION yet!!!! i personally think tat he need us to HELP him regconized and also handle his emotion and not just THINKING wat he needs to learn or do at is age.....

so wat say u mummies???
*patpat*. Why not u and HB take turns so both of u get ur rest.
Sigh, Athena coughing thru the nite, puked while coughing... lots of mess but hopefully phelgm out. Ahboy woken up so many times by the noise and played with his play-yard panel at 5am.
Tomorrow going to send A for tuina (last wk was Irvin cough!), change bedlinen, change to goatsmilk (supposedly generates less phelgm than regular FM). Will separate the kids- Irvin with HB (go mum's room). Mum, me and Athena in my rm.
Our sleeping arrangements always so complicated sia.
My friend daughter which i have mentioned have started vomiting again after she was ok for 2 days.
Will like to ask for recomendation for gd PD at Thomson Medical Center
little devil
When I gets very angry with Keira, I normally let HB handle her for the time being coz i know I will not be able to handle the situation and it will leads to more frustration.
I also asked myself 100 times already whether i have spoilt my gal but i reminded myself that as long as i can get her to do things willingly (& not using physically punishment),i shld be on the right track.
<font color="aa00aa">littledevil,</font>

what u described ur hubby did sounds like what hubby n i always do - forcing Shanice to go to bed. i know it's not very right, but maybe i just feel unbalanced cos i'll feel "WHY can she sleep at 10.30pm at my mum's place, but when she comes back home, it's always 12mn / 1am ??" "WHY can she sleep more hours/times when under my mum's care than when she's with us??" "WHY can't i make her have enough sleep ??"

when she's at my mum's place, she can "self-request" to take a nap or go to bed leh.

actually we (hubby, me &amp; shanice) always end up very frustrated after the event, and shanice would cry. but i would be so fed up that i'd say, "good, cry some more, then you'll be tired and will go to sleep". sounds like i'm a bit "sick" huh?

really wonder at times if i'm such a bad mum. some times i juz wanted to leave shanice at my mum's place and dun want to be bother about her since she prefers to go "po po house" then coming home! every friday night, we have to distract her like hell to get her to follow us to MRT or take a cab. but when she realise my mum didn't follow us into the cab, she'll start crying, till we almost reach home. hiaz....
<font color="aa00aa">pcs,</font>
i think it'll be more practical and economical to do direct to polyclinic to get referral to do a scan or anything ASAP than to go PD, check, review, then go scan. might waste too much time already.
Irvin looks so cute in the picture
Happy new year to you too

Little devil,
I agree with letting the tod cool down 1st then ask him to go to bed again. For me.. If I really want Ryan to sleep must switch off all the light and you urself pretend to go to sleep..then he knows that there is no one to entertain him he will kwai kwai go to sleep... I also find no point insisting and resulting in both side screaming match. NOwadays he sleeps quite late also 10.30-11pm..normally shd be the latest 10pm.. coz he has to wake up at 7am to go to school on weekdays.. but from young he doesn't really sleep that much... so maybe 10.30-7am is gd enough for him??
<font color="0000ff">awake crying abt 1 hr after nap</font>
no sure if anyone can explain why this is happening (both scientific and non-scientic also can)

whenever shanice takes a nap, she'll wake up abt 1 hr later, crying. i don't know what she wants, gotta pacify her, sometimes she'll want to be carried out of the room, to the living hall. we gotta carry her all the way, cos she refuses to be put down, pat-pat and she'll go back to sleep after like 5-10 mins mins of crying.

if carry her out of the room to sleep, i can't sit down while carrying her. gotta be standing. also can't put her down on mattress, until she's SOUNDLY asleep!

is this normal? is there any explanation for this behaviour? it's not once or twice. it's like almost everytime she's home. think she behaves like this sometimes at my mum's plc too.

sidenote : i was like very tempted to go "ask the god" already, though i'd rather not. crossing my fingers that this will pass really soon.
lil devil, your question is very subjective. I'm not very sure wat 'spoiling' means exactly in this case, but I feel that its very arbitrary and unreasonable insist that the child *must* simply sleep at this given time, without giving a good reason (er imo, "because I say so" is not exactly a good reason :p), wlthout talking/discussing with the child abt it, esp if the kid is already the age of our tods (not an ignorant young baby who doesnt know wats going on, even then, it doesnt make much sense?). Plus, it sounds rather ineffective, cause if the idea is to get the kid to be in a peaceful bedtime mood, then getting him all worked up/sobbing and angry wouldnt help it one bit?
Also, I'm not sure what type of parenting style Quinn is used to. If he is used to a certain amt of freedom to be himself and having his needs/wants respected, then it might be doubly hard for him to understand why this is happening and hence it will be doubly hard for him to comply blindly. For me, I've def gone thru your current situation and I've learnt (out of desperation haha) the hard way that if I dont give Faye basic respect, the last thing she will wanna do is to comply with my wishes against HER own wishes (bearing in mind that she is barely 2.5 yrs old and I'm supposed to be the adult here).

angelia, if this happens only when she is at home, then could it be a case of bad seperation anxiety? As in, she woke up and realised that she is not at your mum's. Sometimes, if after Faye naps I go out on my own to get some stuff done, once Faye wakes from her nap and realised that I'm not there, she'll burst into inconsolable tears for up to half an hour. But luckily not every single time, so not a big problem for us. One more possibility, it could be a simple case of nightmares?
might be a bad dream. I'm quite sure Athena dreams. Sometimes tod cant articulate it. I know I sometimes wake up from bad dreams and don't recall what on earth it was all about, but have a lingering sad feeling? My HB says it cld also be this: when he was young, he used to wake up UNHAPPY cos he wld realise that he had slept the hours away instead of playing. :p

have u tried switching off artificial sources of light? ie. just depending on natural light. Might help to regulate the mind/ body. We eat dinner pretty early, then I leave just a small light on to wind her down, before switching off completely. Sometimes night light from outside the window is sufficient. So Athena sleeps pretty much following the natural light timings. Such that when she rouses in middle of nite, she herself wants to go back to sleep cos it's nitetime. It's pushed later when we're out cos more artificial brightness. I read that exposure to nightlights/ artificial sources of light, may lead to earlier maturity. According to some study lah. So maybe it messes up the mind/ body lor. Then again, I'm sitting under a fluorescent light surfing now... :p
hmmm.... the dispute is not becos we *hubby &amp; me* are tired, its just tat we share different view *half of the time* and especially tat nite!! i just find tat its USELESS letting quinn scream his lungs out becos hes just too exhausted and NOT plain TANTRUMS!!

oh dear, hope both Athena and Irvin get well really soon!! u must be very tired yah! quinns pd also talk to me about the goat milk when previously quinns cough is really bad and phlegmy but me didnt change his FM lah but i tik its quite a good choice. lots of my frens toddlers taking tat now

for tat particular incident, i guess hubby is the wan who cant take it easy and even tell me maybe i want to leave quinn and him alone in the room *while quinn is still screaming and crying* and i seriously dun see eye to eye with his way of hadling such situation tat nite *hubby not doing this all the time* and i simply refuse to leave the room of cos!!!!!

i can understand how u feel when shanice prefers popo than mummy / daddy. let me tell u about mine. i use to feel tat quinn much prefer my hubby than me,as he will always ask me "wheres papa" but when me not ard, he will still ask about me but not as much and also he prefers to play with hubby too. BUT after some tots, i think quinn just prefer hubby as PLAYMATE as hubby can play rough with him, like spinning him round and round, hanging him upside down, throwing him high up into the air and such, while i cant perform all these BUT when it comes to sleeping / feeding time, quinn will come to me and he will even say "i dun want papa, i want mummy only" so i guess its not about whether he prefers papa or mummy, its just tat he knows WHO to go to for certain activities

for ur case, i cant comment much since i dun know the details but i really think tat toddlers CAN sense alot of things ard them, including people ard them. maybe when u are handling her, u are not as patient? and maybe theres other reasons? or theres something u did previously to her and she still remember? and sometimes constantly using of certain words can be scary / hurtful for toddlers too. and i really think tat kids are very straight forward, they will always prefer someone who treats them better or play with them. i dun know, i might be wrong but when i observed my nephew and quinn, they do like those people who really adore them / play with them / spend time with them.....

for shanice waking crying. theres a period of time when quinn behaved tat way too. my mum use to say it could be due to too much stimulation prior bedtime but theres certain days when hes not having any EXCITING hours and he still woke up crying, kicking, screaming BUT NOT allowing anyone to touch him. after spoken to pd, his answer is tat quinn was experiencing NIGHT TERROR. toddlers will not fully knows wats going on and even after they settle down and goes back into sleep, they will not rem. a thing after they woke up. not like nitemare,which sometimes they can still recall wat they dreamt of and even can tell u about it *if they are able to communicate with u* and NIGHT TERROR usually occurs when a toddler is OVERLY tired too. and also another to differenciate betwwen NIGHT TERROR / NIGHTMARE is also the TIMING. N.T usually occurs in the early hours after a child goes to bed while N.M is during the latter part of their sleep.

yap!! 2 hands up!!!! me also believe tat bedtime should NOT be stressful, though theres some days when it just head for the NOT SO easy moments. but i still believe in wat i believed. but dun know wat got into hubbys mind tat nite!?? quinns sleeping pattern is quite okie *for me lah* goes to bed at ard 10pm then up at ard 9 / 10am then nap at ard 2 plus pm. but of cos theres certain days more haywired, not all the time. so i usually will try to correct it back slowly, maybe take up to few days but i am fine with tat.

for wat had happen tat nite, i did takl to hubby about it. i told him tat i really dun agreed on wat he did. i even told him tat i dun believe in SPOILING quinn!!!! hubby says we CANT constantly GIVE IN to wat he wants! and i ask him why he thinks tat we are constantly GIVING IN? as for me, i DUN punish quinn *physically or verbally as in SUPER harsh words* does not mean tat i am giving in to him all the time. theres soooo many ways, like explaining and even have a good talk with quinn or even come out with something tat both toddle and parents are happy about it. i really hate it when he goes "u will spoiled him"!!!! i seriously DUN tik i am lor! imagine if quinn slap me on my face, i DUN just smile at him or just ignore his act NOR i will return him a slap. most of the time i will just look at him, giving him a serious look and tells him tat wat he did is NOT right and it HURTS! does tat mean i am spoiling him!!!!?????? giving PUNISHMENT is the only way, mayeb its just a SHORTCUT??? i mean quinn did went thru a HITTING phase but its sort of over now. it takes quite awhile, longer than i expect it to be BUT its okie, at least he stop doing it due to he understand "it hurts" and NOT out of fear *tat he will get spanks from mummy / daddy* and to be, its really CRAZY if ones thinks tat toddler SHOULD knows wats rite and wrong, even if we get them to understand NOW, they will soon forget about it and tats when we need to constantly remind them. hmmm...... me sound sooooo MAD hor!!?? :p and for tat ignoring his crying / screaming before bedtime and insisting he must stay in the room and fall asleep i really find its abit *OFF* lor!

SORRY mummies, im just too work up lah!!! and all above is base on my own method and not saying tat its the RIGHT way as everyone has their own way with their children and different methods works on dufferent child so theres no right and wrong.
ha!!!!! me too sitting under a HUGE fluorescent light now. actually quinn dun really gives me headache when comes to sleeping. but u know lah, things tends to happen not in the right way sometime. his messed up sleeping pattern started last week, the day when we care off him to mil and usually will resolve after i try to tune it back. i still rem. he used to sleep very late compare to other babies when hes very young but since the day i told myself i MUST change it, its quite okie so when certain days when it gets abit hay wired again, i just need to tune it back lor. but wat hubby did tat night really PISSED me off BIGTIME man!!!!!

hmmm....maybe i should prevent hubby from playing with him after dinner time..... *all those spinning, dashing about games*
oh so it's different POV with ur HB lah, paiseh I misread. Hmm, HB and I always disagree, can argue so fiercely everyone else ard us think we r terrible. But after we r ok :p . Bottomline is, I am the mother, I spend more time finding out abt parenting stuff, and even if I slack, I'm still more intuitive than him. So he can input, we can argue, he can disapprove, but final decision mine.
sharon, I guess at that point, it probably matters everything to her that for some reason we cant see, she simply needed that extra bit of time in the car, and your actions only showed Sharwyn that her needs (as unlogical as it may seem in our eyes) are important to you and that her feelings matter.

This is something I remind myself alot too- that sometimes just because I cant see why something matters that much to Faye doesnt means it isnt important. It only means *I* cant understand, and it may matter terribly to the person who cares. Just like many times, I also require Faye to go along with some part of my plan when I'm sure she simply cant see why the need is so.

lil devil, hmm I guess it can be hard if your point of view differs greatly from your hub's. Maybe u can try talking to him seriously and in detail abt your parenting beliefs and he can share his with you and see if can both come to some common conclusion in the end? If you are only telling him what you wish/not wish to do, he might not understand the underlying and long-term reasons, but if he understands why your method will work better in the long run, he might be more willing to go along with it?

Something (not directly related to sleeping tho :p) to share, its one of the latest things Faye started doing that I'm proudest of- Sometimes when I get worked up and start talking louder and speaking in an undesirable tone to her, Faye will tell me in a very serious and sincere tone (usually few min after I stop my tirade) "mummy was too loud, too fierce. mummy didnt speak nicely, should speak nicely. next time mummy speak nicely!" And this never fails to make me realise what a bad example I was setting to her so I will make it a point to apologise for my unkind tone. If it was regarding something important and I needed her to see my point, then after apologising for my tone, I'll explain to her again nicely why I made a big deal about it and why its important.

Faye started saying this to me few months back, its prob a reflection of what I've been doing for the past two years- everytime I reacted in an undesirable manner towards her, I'll make sure I always go to her when I've cooled down, to tell her that it was wrong of me to behave that way just because I am angry (I dont want her to think that anger is any reason to behave unkindly), and that I promise to try harder to be nice the next time even when I feel angry. She almost always seemed relieved and alot happier after that.
so sweet
. I guess they sometimes are a mirror reflecting our actions/ words. Athena likes to tell me, "I tell you... / I show you...". Only when it's from her mouth then I realise how incredibly bossy I am!
kelly, You are referring to Childwise by Gary Ezzo rite? Hmmm.. Ezzo's books are all the how-to-control-your-kid-so-that-they-dont-control-you type. Its kinda like one of the last books I'll personally ever recommend to anyone :p But I'm sure there are parents who think completely opposite from me who is a fan of his who will find his books excellent on how to properly train their kids to be the way they want them to be.
FIREWORKS- anyone caught fireworks this year? We went to see fireworks for the first time and Faye was quite terrified by the loud booming and the lights (she thought it looked like fire coning out from the dark sky!) so we left halfway, which was a blessing in disguise cause we were the first few to get to our car and leave the crowded scene heh.

Now that the holidays are over and the daddies have gone back to work, Ethan went for a playdate at his friend's place.. and the Toy Snatching, in particular Ethan snatching his friend's toys, was in full force. At one point, he kept snatching a magnadoodle the girl had, so her mom took out another one for him. He refused, kept wanting the one the girl had, and when she gave it to him and took the other one, he wanted the other one as well! Hmm.. I know they don't fully comprehend the concept of sharing at this time, but I was quite embarrassed at Ethan's behaviour, and abit upset as well - wondering if it's because I give in to him too much. I remember sometime back I posted here that Ethan doesn't snatch toys, only holds on to toys when someone else tries to snatch it from him..
medusa, cute pix of irvin!

pcs, PLEASE ask ur fren to take her to A&amp;E and do an x-ray of the skull...

lildevil, hmm... I think no matter how "fierce" u are to quinn, u dun look fierce leh... hehe... so maybe quinn not scared? :p Jean also not scared of me one... sigh...
I'm back.
Tks for the replies on PD.
This is what happen to my friend gal
Day 1- Fell and hit the back of her head, vomitted all her feeds
Day 2- Went to see PD. PD says no signs of any form of brain damage coz gal still active
Day 3- Went KK. The doc says the same thing but cannot explain the vomitting. (Nvr suggest any scan/x-ray) When my friend requested , they say it could be harmful to young kids.
Day 4 - She was OK
Day 5- vomitted again.
Day 6 - She was Ok since then.
Nobody knows what was the cause of the vomitting.
Any tods started school today?
Keira did. I dono abt her but I enjoyed the lessons. She was OK, the only BIG problem she keep standing up. She prefers to jump/dance to the music rather than sitting down.
Its 1.5 hrs appletree playgroup
Its not a BIG problem actually but she is the only one that cannot sit still, keep wanting to stand up. Be it music / reading sessions. Keep blocking the other kids at the back.

Oh Yah. A very HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone too.
This year going to be a special year for me coz i'm going to be SAHM as planned :p
pcs, heh, nvm lar, her teacher will just have to remind her more lor. The teacher shd know sure got some curious and fun-loving kids ard in a class wan :p
You gonna be a sahm? Fulltime? For how long? Maybe we can meet up if you are keen heh, do you go out to play wan? Or you seldom go out on weekdays?
congrats on becoming a SAHM. me also hv changes tis yr...will announce them later.

gabe started school 2day. in brief,
1) i love e school very much now (chose e school based on neighbour's recommendation, didnt even bother 2 check it out then registered gabe 4 it).
2) gabe didnt wanna change 2 his uniform in e morn, luckily neighbour came 2 rescue me
3) he enjoyed himself very much in school
4) he also couldnt sit still, e teachers kept having 2 ask him 2 sit down or get him 2 sit down on e mat
5) he talked abt wat he did in school when he got home
6) of course he attempted 2 hug a male classmate &amp; kiss a female classmate.

u read more in e blog ok? i writing my grandmother stories there n posting pics &amp; videos.

oh, 2day is only 1.5hrs. 2mrw onwards is 3hrs. i hope he can adapt well.
Happy New Year, everyone.

you completed your studies already? don't recall hearing you mention before in SM that you intend to be a SAHM but congrats that you have achieved what you planned.

Keeping still - I think its natural for our kids to be cannot-sit-still during class since its a new environment for them. I recalled Rhyan was also running around the whole CC and upset when he was confined to only a certain area for lessons. Now, he will sit down with his classmates when he sees the rest doing the same.

So exciting hor, like our tots starting Primary 1 today like that .. hehe!
i love wat u write "final decision mine" wahahahahhahaa!!!!!!!! actually i guess i sort of stress up by my PIL side. u see, as my mum is working everyday besides PH and WEEKEND so meaning 1 of the weekend is HERS and hubby says tat the other wan is RESERVED for his parents side.... but i feel so NOT IN CONTROL as in i really find tat i DUN have enough OUR own time as in hubby, me and quinn..... but of cos my PIL never INSIST tat we MUST join them when they plan something *they very ONZ wan, got lots of programmes wan. u name it they got it! even can go to PULAU UBIN just to cycle hor* but its hubby feeling tat my distributing of time is NOT fair lor! *sometimes i agree me not tat fair lah* :p but i just hate it when i have to fight with him about this issue!

so hows ur 2 darling?

yah,i guess u and hubby did the right thing regarding tat. for tat particular incident, its not tat i am trying to difficult with hubby. as take today as example, quinn was enjoying himself alottt tat when we reach home, its sort of past his sleeping hour but hes really tired but refuse to sleep. making big fuss out of it but i still insist him tat he need to rest and can play again when he wakes up in the morning. but of cos i didnt handle it like hubby, not those angry about him and forcing type so after sometime and some crying, he told me he want to sleep and want me to stay with him. and for previous incident, i was sooo mad as hubby is using the WRONG method *at least to me* then just yesterday,was talking to hubby abt tat incident, i cant believe wat i hear!!!! he says his reaction tat day is due to WANTING to PROVE me tat he too CAN handle situation like tat and also becos feeling sian about me always telling him about wat he did dun work and is not tat rite!!!! i mean how can i possibly just ACCEPT his method when its clear enough tat its not tat appopriate!! BLAH!

yah man, his family upbringing and mine is VERY different! to me is i will try to help quinn acheive wat he wants *if its okie and appopriate at tat time and such* but hubby side is MUST punish so they will learn type. of cos not those very unreasonable way like PARENTS ARE ALWAYS RIGHT type lah. its like they can play majong for 2 days *PH MAH* then my nephew was soooooo bored AT HOME while they enjoy their majong session. or going anywhere they fancy and nephew tag along and actually its really NO fun for him wan..... i dun know, maybe they feel tat i am like a SLAVE to quinn lor but i DUN see it tat way, its like if we go out, i make sure its interesting to him in a certain way, even just running in supermarket, stacking can food ........ but when i need to do some serious shopping for my own or so, i will do it during my day off.

wah..... quinn still dun snatch toys from frens..... when will it be.....?? i guess i will expecting it but just when only.

at least my darling cheer me up after tat BAD arguement with hubby and leave me feeling NOT happy STILL.

this is his conversation with a sales person:

SP: hello..... how old are u boy?
Q : 2 years old ALREADY! *very loud*
SP: oh i see..... this is ur mummy?
Q : mummy name serene.
SP: *keep laughing*
Q : papa name dominic.
SP: *still laughing* so wats aunties name?
Q : auntie name AUNTIE! :p:p
<font color="aa00aa">mummies,</font>
thanks for ur input on the sleeping/night terror/nightmares issue. me also read up abt night terrors some time back cos shanice was experiencing something that bad too. really to the extent of crying for 30-50 mins and she really like can't hear u at all. back then i was pretty sure that's a sign of night terror cos the description fits.

but recent cases, i think i'll attribute them to nightmares cos she seems to hear us, but her answers to every of our qns will be "no.. no.." or "go away... go away.." it's just that how can she be having nightmares EVERY afternoon for 5-7 days in a stretch? that got me worried. but these 2 days, she's fine again. keeping my fingers crossed that it won't recur.

<font color="aa00aa">pcs,</font>
congrats! so when will u officially be a SAHM? i'm dying to get a job so that can get some supplement for my HDB loan, shanice's CC/playgroup fees, some new clothes for shanice. don't mind getting a clerical/admin job as long the company dun find me over-qualified with no relevant experience, hahaha. of cos must be prepared for the 50% or more pay-cut lor.

<font color="aa00aa">lil devil,</font>
Quinn is so cute &amp; smart. i've been trying to teach shanice to answer "how old are you?" and "what's your name?" finally getting some results. so glad. but still feeling angry with myself for having little patience with her
how i wish i can be good tempered and patient like u.

btw, hopefully i can catch u on MSN some time. wanna talk to you / ask you some stuff.
Tks for yr mail :p

*Keira hi5 to Cindy*
she is on Mon/Wed/Fri class. Friday Daddy's turn. There is time to do 3 songs and learn abt red color and 1 story telling after trying out the uniform . Its a bit rush and short but I'm really glad that I'm there to witness her 1st day.

Saw yr blogs. I loveeee Gabriel school too. So spacious :p

I plan to take care of keira full day for 4 days. The rest of the days which she has lessons are taken care by MIL.
I spent the free days studying, hsework and maybe taking cooking lessons. I'm really lousy when it comes to cooking, cannot let keira eat maggie mee everyday right. Anyone wants to teach me FOC. Hehe
I'll love to meet up on weekdays!!! My last day shld be CNY eve.

My course end June. Thought of concentrating on my studies for this last semester while being a part time SAHM for half a year or more.
Yah yah. I'm more excited than keira. Took out my camera and snap 2 pics before the teacher told me camera not allowed. hahaha

little devil
Wahaha. Quinn "Auntie" make my day.

I'm dying to take a break. Maybe after a few mths I will be think otherwise . Don't care lah Do 1st then say.
pcs, heh cooking naturally comes with practise, the more u cook, the easier it'll be hehe. Some of the easiest and most convenient recipes for me are stews- you cook real early and let it stew in slow cooker, then maybe marinate a fish or wat. My rice cooker can keep rice warm for up to 8 hours so I will also cook rice first if I am I going out. And you can have the rest of the time free to go out with Kiera or spend time with her. Then near mealtime when you come home, the stew will be ready and steaming fish takes only 10-15 min.

Angelia, so you are currently not working? Then you are also taking care of Shanice fulltime for now?
ARGUEMENTS N TODS- I feel the the older Faye is, the more cvil our(hubs n me) disagreements/fights are. Its like I know Faye is hearing every single word I utter and because of that, there are heaps of stuff I cant say. And I guess its a good thing cause it makes me fight alot fairer and hence our disagreements dissolve alot faster too.:p Then usually after we finish the arguement/s, Faye will wait to see if we are *really* okay with each other. And for some reason, she is extremely accurate about the vibes she gets from us. She wil not return to her normal self until we are truly okay with each other. Several times, we werent really 'settled' with each other but decided to postpone our fight till later cause we were rushng somewhere, and Faye could tell. She was quite sad, went to her room and started peeling the cover of one book. She also looked really bothered and said 'go away! go away!' to no one in particular. When I asked, she admitted that she was feelng very sad n anxious about mummy n daddy not being happy with each other. Then only when my n hubs resolved our fight properly in front of her and really make peace, THEN she was back to herself haha!
How does your tod react to fights or disagreements in the family?

lil devil, since yr hubs work from home, then you three shd have plenty of family time together?
lil devil
maybe yr hb feels that both of you are already spending alot of time with Quinn (since he works from home and you are a SAHM) and hence, weekends can be spent with parents/ILs? i understand what you mean by OUR time, at times i also feel that my time is split up to accomodate so many other people that i don't have MY time. your MIL is not working right? maybe they can drop by your place on weekdays, don't have to strictly follow the schedule lor. i usually visit my family side on alternate weekends and "try" to visit ILs every wekend but if we have something on, we will skip the visits.

wahhahaha! Quinn's conversation with the SP was so funny. when is his school starting?

wah, so nice to have own time and also time with Keira. how many subjects are you taking for your last semester? envy you leh, i am starting the new semester soon, taking 3 subjects this time round. hope i surivive through these 2 semesters to complete my course by end of this year. i hope i am still surviving by then. hehe!
That's the reason i quitted, to stay home and pratice till the food i cook is edible. hahahaha

Don't envy me, HB warned me of the "hard times" ahead.
I "scrap through" all my exams so far (really borderline case). I'm just relieved that i passed.
3 subjects!!! *faint* I have 2 semester to go, 2 subjects EA. I also pray hard that i can hang on till the end :p
pcs, lilprince,
I can't imagine if I have to hit the books, jiayou with the studying

hmm on the one hand I feel my kids shouldn't be shielded too much. As long as they don't kanna abuse, I sometimes think it's fine for them to witness. Life is not fairytale mah. How often do people in the real world argue calmly and fairly and resolve without black faces? I think maybe can explain to my kids that daddy/ mummy/ granma etc is ANGRY and when people are angry, sometimes they say nasty things etc (if not too overboard?). That you must give people time to think over, cool down?
I guess maybe cos in MY time, fierce arguments are so common- be it btwn parents or btwn relatives. Knives involved on special occasions too. Kids just "deal with it" and grow up! I'm not typing coherently lah... am post-workout-sabotaged-by-durian, argh!

if the grans already feel they don't have "enough" time with the kid, wait til the kid gets busy with sch and all! Since now fairly "free" most of the time, I get PILs to come by wkdays so we can free up the occasional weekend. If they don't come by wkdays, I bet if we MISS ONE wkend lunch, sure drama one! I also explained to HB abt the need for our own family time during wkend- he agrees with me on this, but realises his mum can be an issue (never see the kids 3 days will exclaim, "Ahma SOOO LOOOONG never see you!"). So sometimes he'd just quickly pop over his parents for at least a quick lunch.
my ds is 16 mths and i'm looking for a cc for him in punggol area. anyone hv any recommendation? btw,how do u guys settle yr child's dinner if u are a working fulltime and he goes to cc that does not provides dinner?
MT, For us, its not so much of peaceful discussions in calm tones ALL the time (haha, is that even achieveable in a household with kids?? we are not even near striving for that. :p). Its more like what we say to each other, eg, like not calling names, not blaming others for our own lost of control and so on. Its fine (for us), on the other hand, to yell stuff like "I am REALLY so mad/hurt/upset/angry/disappointed/etc cause blah blah". We dont feel that its acceptable to be nasty just because we are angry. Not that we achieve this all the time, but at least we keep trying. And if either of us say something nasty/hurtful when fighting, its our policy to apologise about that later on. Part of the reason we enforce this is also to send the message to Faye that just because she is angry doesnt mean she has the right to hurt others, and just because someone else is angry with her doesnt mean they have the right to hurt her. Faye also knows that its v normal n common for family members to be upset and raise their voices at times when they get real mad and are arguing, but they try to fight *fair* when fighting, work it out, talk till they can settle, and they will be alright again. I guess this is also one main thing for us.

hope not intruding.
happen to chance on this thread while searching for something.

well said.
Kids living in a william blake's world where the lion shall lay down with the lamb is too idealist. Will they have a tougher time facing reality? will they only realise the lion is not cute and cuddly through a far more traumatic experience then one who knows the impending danger of one, avoid it and remains unscathed?
The world doesn't just encompass the family unit where everyone is nice and warm.
i am not saying we throw them to the lion's pits but do you shield their eyes when the serengeti documentary is on?
how will they learn empathy? how will they sympathise? how do they learn resilence? how do they learn courage? will they buckle under pressure or unknown?
how will they learn what is real?
Are we raising kids who think that they are so 'cultured' that those who behaved otherwise or 'real' are boorish, uncouth, uncivilised?

just my two cents.
I am also learning how to raise a kid.
