(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Christmas coming in less than 1mth's time!

its time for parties, presents and great food!

Feastive season is coming...

jingle bell jingle bell jingle all the way...

<font color="ff6000">pcs</font>
i also find J&amp;J too dry. i used gerber
very nice smell but not cheap
for hair (esp girls) best to use the kids Loreal range.- not that expensive . Ryan uses the kodomo hair shampoo and soap we use the J &amp; J Ph 5.5 series. If you want more premium one then go for the Gerber /Sebamed range.
lil devil, wahh you ok or not? wat happened??

Pcs, I am using kids loreal for Faye, not that ideal but its tear-free. For a while I use my own Redken shampoo and conditioner for Faye which turned out with excellent results but must be super careful cause it will sting very badly (nvr sting her eyes before but MINE got stung accidentally!). If you are concerned abt softness then maybe u can add a kids conditioner after shampooing?

Sharon, Shaynnen is really beautiful! And Sharwyn is v pretty too! I think these days, Shawryn looks more like her daddy while Shaynnen looks more like you.

Angelia, Shanice looks so happy in all the pics, and she is still so nice n chubbish!

HELLO KITTY CONCERT- anyone else gg to the HK concert? We're gg this weekend and Faye is v v excited hehe :D
wow berry! u actually flying to HK for the HELLO KITTY CONCERT har... veri envy leh...

CS, yah... giving and sharing season coming... actually this year end period where many pple are clearing leave or going/planning for holidays, i feel its best to stay behid cos no 'govt' ard... can relax in office and no pple coming after u for dateline...haahaa... then when pple returned back to work then we go on leave... my hubby and i are planning for a vacation in mid Jan when Janice more or less settle down at CC.
Hi all,

Sorry MIA for so long. Real busy recently. Sharyn going CC today. She's asleep there so I take this chance to rest at home. Hope she will cry when awake finding me not around. I gave birth to Sharmaine on 27th Oct. Just finish my confinement not long ago. Will post her photos later. Real pai seh. This one not as active as Sharyn. Only taken few photos when she born. After that no photos. Will try to take more and post.
Pets, congrats! My Jacqui, your Sharmaine and Sharon's Shaynnen all born in the same week

Sharon, Shaynnen is as gorgeous as the day she was born and Sharwyn is very photogenic!
How are you coping with the two girls?

pcs, I use J&amp;J conditioning formula it's same packaging as the regular J&amp;J shampoo but orange in color.
HK concert- Quite a disappointment for us! The story was about hello kitty being kidnapped and dear daniel went to save her. Its not the tra-la-la-song-n-dance thingy we thought it was, there were many parts where it got too scary for Faye- darkened flashing light plus loud booming sounds and all. From an adult's perspective I really wasnt too impressed by the show too- the songs werent v nice and it felt quite draggy. We only stayed ard 15 min, until the part when Hello kitty was locked up and some evil-looking baddies were laughing and taunting her! Faye was quite terrified cause she's almost never been exposed to violence of any sort and pleaded to leave so we all left then. Guess even tho its quite a waste of money and our precious time (downtown east is quite far for us) I am glad to know that she is sensitive to violence of any form. Anyway I doubt we'll be going to any other shows except for High-five for a while!

peipei, haha like wat Sharon says, HK stands for Hello Kitty, not hong kong :p
yesterday went to pick up Yingxin after work, MIL wanted Yingxin to address her as Ma(3) Ma(3) again and again and again right in front of me; when Yingxin ignored her and turned her head away, MIL raised her voice and threaten to hit Yingxin and insisted that Yingxin apologised for not calling her!

wahliao, MIL always like to "command" Yingxin to call her as and when she fancies...crazy

anyway, I told Yingxin that she did nothing wrong so she need not apologised....and that shut my MIL up! kekekeke.....and i told Yingxin to remember that she must greet the elderly whenever she sees them at first sight
hello mummies,

I still ard , no popping sign at all. tom seeing gynea to see whether can induce. BB seem too big at week 38 at 3.2kg tink I will have a hard time in labour.
Still working now hoping can struggle till nicole go cc on 11 Dec.

will keep all of you update again when I deliver and nicole adaption in cc
hi CSR

hi AC
thanks, wow really peifu u leh no epi, tis round i sure opt for epi too dun think i cna handle the stress.

dunno where she gain the weigth from my overall weight gain now only 7kg.
btw, glad to see yur post that justin adapt well in cc. Nicole will be startign in 11 Dec, crossign my finger now
mummies who blog wif blogger, do u hv any problems uploading pics into blogger last nite if u were doing it lah?

aiya, i cant upload pics n it's so frustrating.
<font color="ff6000">little prince</font>

do u usually drive to work or take train? i thot i saw u this morning at eunos mrt, wearing white top, pink skirt, but not too sure
Hi ac
no nicole cc will be at east coast rd near my in law and parent.

hi kelly
thanks, will post and update all of u when i pop.

Dun worry.... big bb doesn't mean hard time in labour. Nydia weight 3.625kg at birth and i only take 3 hrs to deliver her.
Hi Evelyn / Peipei
thank for all the assurance. My gynea keep telling me my girl big big leh control your diet. all this makign me so worried and stress. i feel i more scare tis round as compare to when I deliver Nicole. I dun wish to be induce hope cna be natural.
some ppl tell me 2nd bb usually bigger it all normal so I dunno who to belive.

Hi Yuru
Will keep all of you update

Like u... i oso dun wan to be induce n hope to ve a natural delivery as induction is so..... painful. But i know the chances is very slim as nat was an overdue bb so #2 likely to overdue oso-even gynae oso said so. True... nydia was overdue(longer than nat) but she choose to come out naturally... I believe u will be the same... dun stress urself lah...
hi pcs

hi evelyn
ya induce is a painful event. nicole too was overdue for 2 day. tat why i got a feeling tis round will delay again. but my gynea wan to do a check tonight to see can induce or not cos he so scare of big bb. maybe i shall be firm and insist to wait and let it go big rather then induce hor.

See wat ur gynae say tonite as diff gynae practise diff way. For my gynae, she prefer us to deliver natural so she will nvr induce us if everythg is ok. And she doesnt seem to bother my weight(When i complaint i put on alot, she will juz said dun eat so much lor) or bb weight(gd oso lah as dun know mean no worry). But some gynae dun encourage overdue bb becos it's dangerous
i am on leave for these two days, doing spring cleaning at home after installing window grilles! Don't think you saw me, I drive to work anyway.

Barney briefs
think kelly was looking for this? it is selling at Punggol Plaza 2nd level shop (Dreamworld or something), 3 pces for $6.90 / $7.90.
<font color="ff6000">littleprince</font>
oh, maybe not enough sleep, so eyes not open wide enough to see clearly
U design Jean's cake? Its soooo nice. Where did u get the figurines?
Jean is really photogenic, she looks good in all pic :p
I'm sorry, I din realise the pics are so big...

pcs, thanks! yes, I drew a picture for them to follow... the figurines come with the Barney toy I bought...
lovely pics of jean. i envy all the mummies here whose kids can pose so nicely for their birthday pics! on e's birthday he kept going "cake cake cake" then stuck his hand into the cake.

anyway. merry christmas to everyone!


karen, ethan &amp; jacqui

wow... envy lei... Jean can pose so well in front of the camera...
and the cake is so nicely designed.

If i showed it to my Janice, i m sure she will love it too... and the ice-cream too

*drooling away*
CSR, kypf, mom2nat, peipei, thanks... surprisingly she was cooperative that day with the posing... I heard from my relatives that they caught her massaging her cheeks and using her fingers to "push" out a smile on her face cos she was tired of smiling so hard... hahaha...

kypf, no, it's not free... I WISH!! kekeke...
