(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be


yday at mums and tots the kids all sitting down (with their mums) singing songs.. i was nursing Jacqui in a corner so Ethan was running around with great delight since he had the whole space to run on his own.. then one little girl saw him running also wanted to run.. her mom told her "SIT DOWN!" I felt abit paiseh but I guess like u say maybe he will learn to sit down when he sees other kids sit down..

Berry, wow, Faye is very intuitive I think. Ethan doesn't really care less if mummy/daddy have fights. And at mums and tots, he likes to look on with interest when he sees other kids fighting, throwing tantrums, crying.. It doesn't upset him or anything but I can't help but think he's "learning"..
Sleeping Patterns

My biggest headache at the moment is Ethan's sleeping patterns.

His nap time getting later and later as he refuses to sleep. So he sleep maybe 5-8 as a result doesn't go to bed till midnight. So yesterday I decided not to let him take his nap at the usual time, let him have dinner and all first, he was so shattered he went to bed at 7.. and woke up at 9, then slept at 1am. It's like no way of getting him to sleep at a decent time anymore.

Anyone has any advice how I can tackle this situation.. I cannot tahan him sleeping at 12mn or 1am..
hey u have my number mah!!
lately pretty busy with quinn plus just recover from cold and suffering from leg pain still so not on msn. can buzz me if u want to.

though hubby work from home, its still WORKING.... meaning its sort of hes PHYSICALLY there but not MENTALLY. and he also needs to go out to meet his clients and such, and i cant take it as QUALITY FAMILY TIME.

yap, but for hubby, its like wat i told berry *above* so only weekends are more appopriate as in a day full of fun type, else will be just me and quinn. MIL not working but she dun have the HABIT to drop by our place to see his grandson lor!!!!! its either we go over to their place *wed is a fix day for dinner over their side* and certain days will also go over *especially lately it keeps raining and not much place to go* and sunday is their OFFICIAL outing day...... and i find tat even if we cant always make it on sunday and such, if we visit them during weekdays *we will be there for ard 4 hours* might be sufficient but hubby THINKS tat its NOT quality time lor and he also make comparison with my mum, who can spend 1 full day with quinn or even 2 if she stays over our place. but my mum is actually making things VERY easy for us. she will sort of adjust her timing so to suit us, or come over my place when we cant go over *infact we seldom go over* or drop by my place during lunch / dinner time for a while and such. so u see, my PIL is very into their OWN LIFESTYLE and meaning WE have to adjust ourselves to suit them, but it abit tough after we have quinn mah.

for the skool, i decided tat i will NOT let him start now, maybe ard june or so i guess.

tats actually wat i told hubby! i told him tat maybe after quinn goes to skool, we can allMOVE to PIL place so they CAN see him and us EVERYDAY lor!! :p:p:p tats the only way mah unless we are special tat we have 48 hours aday. :p

hai yo... tell me about sleeping patterns..... me just struggle out of it! i guess all kids *maybe i should say ALMOST all kids* will experience this once in a while. i also tried wat u did and also experienced the same! so wat i did was wake quinn up in the morning, like 9.30am or so and NOT waiting for him to naturally wake up, even he slept very late the previous night. then put him to nap in the afternoon, bring him to the room earlier than usual, so to let him have more time to EXPLORE before hes willing to nap. then deprnds on wat time he nap, will try to make sure his nap will NOT past 6pm. then nite time bring him to his room earlier again.... if he really wakes up very late 1 day, like almost 1pm, then i will make him skip his nap and occupy his day till 8pm then prepare jim for bed, else anything ealier than tat he sure ended up waking up in the middle of the night. but must keep doing this for at least awhile likr few days as they need some time to readjust their body clock.
little_devil, i guess you are right.. i think around this age (25 months) ALMOST all kids will start to change their sleeping habits, maybe because they don't need so much sleep so they don't have nap anymore. i guess i just have to tahan (for few days, hopefully, like you said) Ethan awake in the middle of the night until he start getting used to sleeping early at around 7pm until morning. because today he refused to nap again, so i quickly give him his bath, dinner, milk then he's so tired he slept at 7pm, now waiting to see if he will wake up..

btw does Quinn sleep in a cot? because Ethan sleeps on the big bed, he gets off the bed and run around so he doesn't want to sleep also can't force him.. after exploring all the toys in his room he will run to my room and "explore" the TV..
oh, also ur Quinn's conversations with ppl very funny.. maybe when we're back in SG Ethan can meet Quinn and Quinn can teach him how to have conversations with ppl, ha ha! Oh, as long as Quinn doesn't mind if Ethan snatches toys from him..............
one semester is 3 months for you? i am going for enrolment tmrw, school should start soon. am prepared for a tough year ahead liao.

thanks for the encouragement!

hehe! from what you told me, i recalled rhyan running about in GUG last time and ended up that one his classmates stood up to do the same thing too. hmm, but me not paiseh lah. eh, will you be coming back for CNY?

btw, i don't think our tots will not know if we (daddy and mummy) fight. i think they will feel it to a certain extent but whether they express it out or we noticed their feelings. rhyan doesn't show much too but i have noticed that he does seem "troubled" when he knows hb and i are in an argument.

Sleep - hmm, rhyan's nap time is also quite different nowadays. From a one time nap at 12pm stretched to 4pm now, its tough to get him to sleep early at 9pm at night. for me, if he naps late in the pm, i will still wake him before 6pm. thankfully, he is not grouchy when woken up (especially when he knows we are going to have more fun later) so still okie. i cannot afford to let him sleep later than 10pm at night else i will not be able to do my own stuff.

lil devil
hmm, your ILS side really not easy to handle hor. i won't really like to accomodate people's time too, but i think they are seeing Quinn actually quite alot, at least weekday 1x and weekend 1x. does your ILs stay far from your place? if they are not working, they can always pop by your place like what your mum is doing mah.
<font color="ff6000">pcs</font>
Hope you enjoy being a SAHM as much as I did and most SAHMs here did!! Very fulfilling and challenging....

I wanted to enrol Yingxin at Appletree 2 blocks away from my place but now that I am working, the plan flops....

<font color="ff6000">Berry</font>
when arguments hit, i will try to remind my hubby to halt as i do not wish Yingxin to witness the nasty exchanges; but if it fails, she will know that both of us are angry and will broke out in tears (i think we may have scared her)

so i will just move her aside and let everyone cools off
recently had an argument with my mum right in front of Yingxin and it got her so terrified, she cried non-stop inconsolably

my mum got me so mad i lost control; i went over to her place to encourage bonding between her and Yingxin; i also gave her some allowance from my 1st pay after being jobless for 2 years

instead of happily accepting it, she refused and said i should gave it to my MIL because she is helping me to look after Yingxin; i told her it will be taken care of by my hubby as he works too

but my mum insisted that I too should contribute to my MIL!!! i told my mum that my MIL mentioned before that she will not accept the allowance even if i give her so why do i have to stress myself trying to *push* the money to her??

on hindsight, i do believed my MIL wants me to contribute even though she said otherwise! maybe she wants to appear *nice* but i know she always make *comments* to relatives and friends about us

last year on Mother's day, her birthday and chinese new year, MIL's niece (my hubby's cousin) gave her some red packet and she was all smiles but both me and hubby did nothing because she refused anything from us!!

my mum thinks i am being stubborn and that she did not teach me well so others may think badly about me for not doing my job as a daughter in law
hmm A doesn't nap as regularly. All these permutations:
- 3 hr nap, wake up 6pm, knock out 9+pm.
- nap at 5pm and knock out all the way til 6am (hungry will cry for milk, refuse to get out of bed for dinner, argh!).
- no nap, knock out during dinner, or 8pm, or 9+pm latest.
But I notice she LIKES her bed, very lazybones like me... sometimes she will demand "I want to sleep!" and go lie in her bed (but whether really sleep is another matter- sometimes just tumble around). Or when she wakes, she will insist she's still sleeping and not want to get out of bed. Often have to entice her with, "oh, who's outside?" (must be special people like PILs or my sis), or tell her she has a present outside to open (recently gifting season haha).
hmm I cannot relate to traditional values like that. Older people sometimes so complicated, say dunwan but wan. Give already kanna lecture din give the other person. Or try to give, kanna rejected, must find way to hide inside their food ah? My mum dun bother to pyscho me, and I don't want to play such mindgames with my ILs- what they see is what they get.

Talk abt toddler reaction... that day I smacked Athena for the second time! Over same-old problem: her standing in her highchair before anyone of us ready to "catch" her. HB was supposed to be watching her at the table, then there was some commotion cos sister's bf was offering me a lift out. I was preparing to go out, HB turned to tell me something. Suddenly I INTUITIVELY felt that Athena MUST BE STANDING in her highchair, I turned to look. But HB was so big size his whole body managed to block entirely (hahaha! :p ). So I quickly moved aside, saw Athena GRINNING while standing, my heart stopped and I just ran to grab her. Took 1 deep slow breath, and SMACKED her HARD on her thigh. Paused and smacked hard again. Everyone was silent. Her thigh was red. She didn't cry, carried on PRETENDING nothing was wrong and smiled. I explained to her, put her down and she CHEERILY ran off to our room. K told me once her back was turned TO ME, she had a VENGEFUL expression. Gosh. She did apologise readily (which is even more suspicious cos she usually doesn't!). Kinda sends a CHILL up my spine leh.
Anyway, after that, in the car, I hugged her, explained to her repeatedly, sayanged her thigh (asked her if it's painful, I'd sayang- but she airily brushed my hand away and said not painful!). After a long time, asked her to kiss me and she did readily. Only then did I feel she kinda "forgave" me.

I think she's outgrown the IKEA highchair- can sit perfectly fine for hours OUTSIDE, but gives me this kind of heart attack occasionally at home.
kypf, yeah Faye is usually also not very bothered by other kids' trantrums/sobbing in public. Either she'll look with interest for a few min, or she'll seem completely unaffected and oblivious. But sometimes she'll comment 'boy crying! not happy! his mummy hugs him, feels better!' and soon after the kid stops crying, she'll sometimes says 'see?? better! not crying anymore!' and then she'll carry on watever she is doing haha.
berry, lucky faye can verbalise so u know what she's thinking. if ethan can speak well, the other day he would have said, "girl wants slide. boy slide, girl cannot slide. girl push boy, boy fall down, girl can slide!" then next time he wants to go on the slide and there's someone else on it he will push the other kid off!

come to think of it, i should let him witness the consequences, then the commentary will follow on with "boy cry. mummy scold girl. girl cry!" so he knows pushing is not the answer.
puff, medusa ur posts remind me of my mom saying to my MIL b4 i got married, that she doesn't want any dowry, that she is not "selling daughter". sekali after my ILs flew to Singapore to attend our wedding my mom change story, told ME they HAVE to give something, and I was supposed to communicate that to my MIL! I was so fed up!
Medusa, I think I very bad mummy (and my hubby bad daddy) because Ethan always standing on his high chair and dancing (shaking backside lah). But usually with us nearby, and we'll take him down immediately if he refuse to sit down.

Also, ethan always jumping on sofa and climbing on the coffee table to dance. the other day he did that when his friend was around and she wanted to climb on the coffee table too.. and her mom said "DON'T YOU EVEN DARE THINK ABOUT IT!!" Looks like I'm the most bo chap mom around..
littleprince, yeah i will be back for cny, reaching sg 14 feb. my hubby says he may not be able to take leave but i told him the kids and i are going with or without him :p
quinn dun sleep in cot, since day 1 hes sleeping on his mattress besides mine, til now. wanted to put him in his room but not possible now as his room quite difficult to work on *in terms of space and placement of furniture and such* been wanting to put him in his own room especially he shows GREAT interest when he saw those toddler bed and such. so i guess i have to wait til i move to a new place.

so u coming during the CNY, shall meet up then and no worries for snatching toys as quinn already experienced lots of it from my nephew, wahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!

i dun care lah, actually its hubby tats difficult to handle? :p as for distance wise, they stay preety near us, ard 10mins drive only but they just dun have a habit of dropping by to visit, they are very much into their own life wan lah.
rhyan has been standing on chairs/highchairs nowadays too. in CC, his teachers told me they are very strict when it comes to kids standing on chairs, they will tell him to come down immediately. at home, i practice the same too. strange though, he cannot sit into the IKEA highchair easily, must aim certain angle to put him in but when he attempts to stand up, he can do it easily. but if he tries to sit back into the chair, he gets stuck too.

hey, would like to meet up with you and the kids if you are in Singapore too. if your hb is not coming back with you, pretty tough to bring 2 kids on the plane by yourself right?

lil devil
LOL! yar, maybe its yr hb thats difficult to handle. :p
kypf, eh, not fair to say that abt yourself lar, its pretty developmentally appropriate (not that its safe or right) for kiddos to do that at this age. Faye does that once in a while. I just tell her firmly that safety is not negotiable and get her to come down, or at least hold onto my hand firmly while doing so.

Faye sometimes like to sit in the middle of our pretty-low coffee table and since its our furniture she she knows her way ard them very well (after all, she's had plenty of practise challenging her own limits
), I dont stop her tho I do remind her to stay in the middle and be extra cautious abt not sitting near the edge. I guess because I know that for her, she'll most certainly find ways to scale furniture with or w/o my blessings, I'll rather she does it when I am ard (vs behind my back) so that I can warn her of potential dangers/catch her falls. So she understands these boundaries v clearly- for some furniture, she can climb on her own w/o supervision, for others, she can only climb when I am next to her. And because I dont stop her unnecessarily unless she truly cant manage safely on her own, she trust my caution alot and doesnt attempt to do the more dangerous stunts when I am not ard. Plus, due to the amt of climbing she does(indoors/outdoors), I feel that she is pretty agile for her age, which is a gd thing cause it means lesser injuries. I also feel that instead of saying stuff like "dont run!" which is usually pretty pointless to most kids, I prefer to tell her "u can run ONLY if you see a v clear n wide path in front of you, and must look far. Once u see someone approaching, u must halt asap till the person's passed by." And its pretty effective for us cause it works.

And today I added one more rule when hb thought he nearly lost her in a store (but I didnt cause actually was following her too)- I told her that if she ever wants to run, from now on she gotta turn round and shout 'I'm gonna run now!' and only when I reply 'okay me too!' then she can run. This makes sure that she doesnt run away w/o my notice
We then practised like 20 times after that and I think she found the rule pretty cool :p I guess thats my way of keeping her safe.
I guess Athena never tested me with stunts before... she fall while standing ON THE GROUND, I already scared she brain damage. Aiyoh, Irvin is more active/ aggressive than Athena was at that age... HB been warning me Irvin will be more "challenging" soon enough. I really want to faint when I see boys running about leh- Athena the sort who actually warns me about walking slowly, carefully, when the floor is slippery and wet. And the other day I wanted to lean back in the pool (against pool kerb), my girl told me not to cos I will fall and my head will be painful! I doubt Irvin going to care about such stuff when he's 2!
hai yo.... up to go toilet but cant get back to sleep.

ha!!!! for me i get lots of these from quinn. like berry, sometimes when SAFETY somes in, i dun hesitate to STOP him from wats hes doing *though i know hes having GREAT fun out there* these few things i always tell him:

1. look ahead when u are running and not on the FLOOR only. *must be too much for him lah, got tolook ahead, ard and also make sure the ground has no objects and such.... wahahahahaha!!!!*
2. be careful when standing / sitting on something / somewhere near edges
3. DO NOT run with things in ur mouth *INCLUDING food*
4. when u see the floor is wet, it means it will be SLIPPERY hence WALK with care, DO NOT run.

so far i guess these are wat i tell him constantly, but sometimes he tends to forget so i will comes in to REMIND him. but he seems to rem. about the WET floor quite well. when it rains and we are out, he will stop and tell me " rain, floor wet so slippery" and again i guess its becos i remind him about tat many many times since its raining quite abit recently. so even when hes in the mall or at home, when he spot a puddle of water or the floor is wet, he will tell me tat the floor is wet and add in "CAREFUL"
but as for other STUNTS, i guess hes pretty good at those, PIL was shock to see him or know wat hes doing! like he can be found sitting on TOP of the TV / microwave oven *its not tat high* and whenever he tries to perform any stunts, he will look at me *if im ard* and i will tell him "okie, make sure u must be careful as u know how it feels if u are not or miss a step" then he will reply "PAINFUL" so he will either carry on or change his mind altogether. and when theres times when he did something and im not there, when i spot him i will go to him calmly, talk to him about how dangerious it can be. though it dun stop him 100% BUT i think it should be helping, at least to a certain degree??

hey, build up the health of ur heart, irvin WILL be running SOON! :p
lil devil, talk abt puddles, does quinn like to splash in puddles? Faye LOVES splashng in puddles haha, but our agreement is that she can only splash in puddles when in crocs and on gravel/rough flooring (so that wont slip n fall).
haha my mum has a "weaker" heart than me. She will freak out more than me when Irvin's a tod!

splash in puddles? *turns pale, haha* No splashing in puddles for my gal, only can splash in pool. :p
hehe! maybe irvin will be interested to splash in puddles soon! :p

rhyan not only splash in puddles with his feet, he uses his hands as well! he even told me he love rainy days and will keep saying "xia yi lo!" when he sees the sky turn gloomy.
Hey DG,
cute pics of your boys! Nicholas has luscious lips, hehe. How's everything going? Marcus and Nicholas getting along well?
you just mentioned ur problem in spending "enough" time with ILs? Argh, FIL just phoned- seems MIL threw a fit, demanding HB goes over their place to stay a few nights. Just because we didn't go over that side of the island THIS weekend (yesterday they did come over to Simei for dinner with us!). Weekdays they also come over to spend time with the kids. I'm hopping mad now over her unreasonable behaviour. What IS wrong with her?!!!
I'm SO furious. Such a rare break, we put the kids to bed by 7:30pm, and she had to make trouble. The heights of her insecurity! What kind of person would demand her son leave his wife and kids, to stay overnight at her place. To appease her sense of "fairness"???
I can just imagine how terrible things will be if she ever becomes senile/ if I ever have to live with her. I should really prepare my contingency plans.
yes, quinn enjoys alot! but he do it slowly. first he will say "WATER" then grin at me. next he will touch it with the TIP of his shoes then next he will just "BHISHHHH"!!!!! if i allow, i believe he will SIT in it too! tats why i always has extra clothing in the car and such as theres once we were at novena sq then was having lunch at pasta maniac and theres a smal water area there. he wanted to play very badly so i just remove his pants and shoes, so he just walk ard wirth his diaper and tee.

hello.... ur boys look good! so how are u?

PIAZZZ!!!! i tot i read it wrongly... funny hor, maybe she feels tat HER son is now more of someone HUBBY now?? butwat ur hubby got to say about this?

lucky thing tat u dun have to stay under the same roof as them! i experienced tat before, after i got married. tat time we *hubby and me* didnt really plan to get married so soon though we already apply for a HDB flat. then when PIL shifted to their new home, she was asking why dun we settle down and since now they have a much bigger space, and willing to let me have the masterbedroom downstair. i mean they are nice but that 2 years stay is sooooooooo..... TIRING! why i say tiring? u see, let put aside weekdays since i was working back then. every saturday after, MUST get ready to go lunch, with either his frens, clients or relatives. then after tat all willhead home for a quick recharge then evening time will go for dinner and such.sunday is the worst of all, they will wake us up early in the morning *how i wish i can sleep in after a tiring 5 working days* to go breakfast.then will either go park to stroll and such then on and on and on.... for me, i cant be like them, they can just get ready in a flash and go out if someone call and ask them out. then they will knock on our doors and say "we going for dim sum, u guys coming? be ready in 15 mins" usually hubby and me will be late lor, imagine 2 of us need to brush our teeth and all?? and i dun like to rush things wan. oh yah,weekdays actually also tiring sometime. frens or relative will pop by for drinking session or majong *MIL frens* then i will be DISTURBED by the noise! and they are very into things like MUST greet every individual and must entertain at least awhile, to them its NOT nice if i just greet and disappear. its STRESSFUL!!! after 2 years i tot its enough, discuss with hubby, me come out with super excuse and move in to stay with my mum for ard 1.5 years before moving to my own nest no doubt we actually can get along quite okie, but maybe just the upbringing diff?
<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD>Kids' Name</TD><TD>Kids' DOB</TD><TD>Kids' Age</TD><TD>Mummies' Nick </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>05/03/04</TD><TD>2y 10m 03d</TD><TD>ruffy_happy </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Jayden</TD><TD>07/06/04</TD><TD>2y 07m 01d</TD><TD>jesebelle </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Gabriel</TD><TD>23/08/04</TD><TD>2y 04m 16d</TD><TD>gab04 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>4</TD><TD>Jiang Rui</TD><TD>23/08/04</TD><TD>2y 04m 16d</TD><TD>junior </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>5</TD><TD>Kiern</TD><TD>24/08/04</TD><TD>2y 04m 15d</TD><TD>jer (dreamer_j3r) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>6</TD><TD>Sarah-Lynn</TD><TD>25/08/04</TD><TD>2y 04m 14d</TD><TD>radiohead </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>7</TD><TD>Keefe</TD><TD>31/08/04</TD><TD>2y 04m 08d</TD><TD>cubbiebb </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>8</TD><TD>Marcus</TD><TD>03/09/04</TD><TD>2y 04m 05d</TD><TD>domesticgoddess </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>9</TD><TD>Esther</TD><TD>04/09/04</TD><TD>2y 04m 04d</TD><TD>jamie_c78 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>10</TD><TD>Kieran</TD><TD>09/09/04</TD><TD>2y 03m 30d</TD><TD>skyblue </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>11</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>14/09/04</TD><TD>2y 03m 25d</TD><TD>expecting_mum </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>12</TD><TD>Faye</TD><TD>23/09/04</TD><TD>2y 03m 16d</TD><TD>berry </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>13</TD><TD>Rhyan</TD><TD>24/09/04</TD><TD>2y 03m 15d</TD><TD>littleprince </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>14</TD><TD>Quinn</TD><TD>24/09/04</TD><TD>2y 03m 15d</TD><TD>little_devil </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>15</TD><TD>Janice</TD><TD>24/09/04</TD><TD>2y 03m 15d</TD><TD>peipei </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>16</TD><TD>Keira</TD><TD>26/09/04</TD><TD>2y 03m 13d</TD><TD>pcs </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>17</TD><TD>Lucas</TD><TD>27/09/04</TD><TD>2y 03m 12d</TD><TD>SLK </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>18</TD><TD>Sharyn</TD><TD>28/09/04</TD><TD>2y 03m 11d</TD><TD>pets </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>19</TD><TD>Carriane</TD><TD>28/09/04</TD><TD>2y 03m 11d</TD><TD>blisse </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>20</TD><TD>Arnav Neil</TD><TD>03/10/04</TD><TD>2y 03m 05d</TD><TD>sun </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>21</TD><TD>Rachael</TD><TD>04/10/04</TD><TD>2y 03m 04d</TD><TD>are </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>22</TD><TD>Lavigne</TD><TD>05/10/04</TD><TD>2y 03m 03d</TD><TD>casros (ouiwii) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>23</TD><TD>Samantha</TD><TD>05/10/04</TD><TD>2y 03m 03d</TD><TD>sherhino </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>24</TD><TD>Esther</TD><TD>06/10/04</TD><TD>2y 03m 02d</TD><TD>ziztine </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>25</TD><TD>Shanice</TD><TD>08/10/04</TD><TD>2y 03m 00d</TD><TD>angph38 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>26</TD><TD>Gabriel</TD><TD>10/10/04</TD><TD>2y 02m 29d</TD><TD>kelly (weddingfairy) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>27</TD><TD>Cayden</TD><TD>10/10/04</TD><TD>2y 02m 29d</TD><TD>feline </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>28</TD><TD>Meghan</TD><TD>12/10/04</TD><TD>2y 02m 27d</TD><TD>deniz (deniz_ann) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>29</TD><TD>Nicole</TD><TD>13/10/04</TD><TD>2y 02m 26d</TD><TD>bride0712 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>30</TD><TD>Hengzhi</TD><TD>14/10/04</TD><TD>2y 02m 25d</TD><TD>comizgirl </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>31</TD><TD>Qian Ning</TD><TD>18/10/04</TD><TD>2y 02m 21d</TD><TD>andrea ku </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>32</TD><TD>Athena</TD><TD>18/10/04</TD><TD>2y 02m 21d</TD><TD>medusa (mtmtmt) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>33</TD><TD>Rafael</TD><TD>18/10/04</TD><TD>2y 02m 21d</TD><TD>belanda </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>34</TD><TD>Isabel</TD><TD>20/10/04</TD><TD>2y 02m 19d</TD><TD>charsiew rice </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>35</TD><TD>Gabriel</TD><TD>20/10/04</TD><TD>2y 02m 19d</TD><TD>may may </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>36</TD><TD>Nilay</TD><TD>22/10/04</TD><TD>2y 02m 17d</TD><TD>august </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>37</TD><TD>Justin</TD><TD>25/10/04</TD><TD>2y 02m 14d</TD><TD>AC (anchovy) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>38</TD><TD>Anders</TD><TD>26/10/04</TD><TD>2y 02m 13d</TD><TD>cow </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>39</TD><TD>Sharwyn</TD><TD>28/10/04</TD><TD>2y 02m 11d</TD><TD>sharon </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>40</TD><TD>Gabriel</TD><TD>29/10/04</TD><TD>2y 02m 10d</TD><TD>gabby's mummy </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>41</TD><TD>Cindy</TD><TD>08/11/04</TD><TD>2y 02m 00d</TD><TD>yuru </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>42</TD><TD>Esther</TD><TD>10/11/04</TD><TD>2y 01m 29d</TD><TD>why &amp; itsun </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>43</TD><TD>Ying Xin</TD><TD>11/11/04</TD><TD>2y 01m 28d</TD><TD>puff </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>44</TD><TD>Calista</TD><TD>11/11/04</TD><TD>2y 01m 28d</TD><TD>chihiro </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>45</TD><TD>Tristan</TD><TD>11/11/04</TD><TD>2y 01m 28d</TD><TD>cxope </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>46</TD><TD>Rui Ying</TD><TD>17/11/04</TD><TD>2y 01m 22d</TD><TD>KC (sunshine_bear) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>47</TD><TD>Yohei</TD><TD>20/11/04</TD><TD>2y 01m 19d</TD><TD>Regina (yogibabe) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>48</TD><TD>Brandon</TD><TD>23/11/04</TD><TD>2y 01m 16d</TD><TD>Bing (crazbin) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>49</TD><TD>Ethan</TD><TD>23/11/04</TD><TD>2y 01m 16d</TD><TD>kypf (ktpf) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>50</TD><TD>Tricia</TD><TD>23/11/04</TD><TD>2y 01m 16d</TD><TD>peg peg </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>51</TD><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>29/11/04</TD><TD>2y 01m 10d</TD><TD>duffy/wooof </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>52</TD><TD>Aaron</TD><TD>30/11/04</TD><TD>2y 01m 09d</TD><TD>maple_leaf </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>53</TD><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>01/12/04</TD><TD>2y 01m 07d</TD><TD>chantelle </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>54</TD><TD>Wen Wu</TD><TD>01/12/04</TD><TD>2y 01m 07d</TD><TD>rochelle </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>55</TD><TD>Natalie</TD><TD>02/12/04</TD><TD>2y 01m 06d</TD><TD>TBL </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>56</TD><TD>Rinchen</TD><TD>02/12/04</TD><TD>2y 01m 06d</TD><TD>bitbit </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>57</TD><TD>Allycia </TD><TD>03/12/04</TD><TD>2y 01m 05d</TD><TD>emma (babypooh) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>58</TD><TD>Steffi</TD><TD>04/12/04</TD><TD>2y 01m 04d</TD><TD>LL </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>59</TD><TD>Dean</TD><TD>06/12/04</TD><TD>2y 01m 02d</TD><TD>cody </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>60</TD><TD>Luke</TD><TD>06/12/04</TD><TD>2y 01m 02d</TD><TD>fruitcake </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>61</TD><TD>Natalie</TD><TD>06/12/04</TD><TD>2y 01m 02d</TD><TD>evelyn (leo29) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>62</TD><TD>Declan Isaac </TD><TD>10/12/04</TD><TD>2y 00m 29d</TD><TD>mngo </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>63</TD><TD>Trixilia</TD><TD>10/12/04</TD><TD>2y 00m 29d</TD><TD>sulivyn </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>64</TD><TD>Jean</TD><TD>11/12/04</TD><TD>2y 00m 28d</TD><TD>jen</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>65</TD><TD>Andric</TD><TD>15/12/04</TD><TD>2y 00m 24d</TD><TD>stephie (blurq)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>66</TD><TD>Rae-Ann</TD><TD>17/12/04</TD><TD>2y 00m 22d</TD><TD>lachesiz</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>67</TD><TD>Linus</TD><TD>18/12/04</TD><TD>2y 00m 21d</TD><TD>oranges</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>68</TD><TD>Jodie</TD><TD>20/12/04</TD><TD>2y 00m 19d</TD><TD>beanie</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>69</TD><TD>Nicole</TD><TD>24/12/04</TD><TD>2y 00m 15d</TD><TD>wendypooh</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>70</TD><TD>girl</TD><TD>26/12/04</TD><TD>2y 00m 13d</TD><TD>GIRL (baobei)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>71</TD><TD>Ashton</TD><TD>03/01/05</TD><TD>2y 00m 05d</TD><TD>Blanche</TD><TD></td></tr></table>

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD>Mummies' Nick</TD><TD>#2 Name</TD><TD>#2 DOB</TD><TD>#2 Age</TD><TD>#2 EDD</TD><TD>Expecting </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD>rochelle</TD><TD>boy</TD><TD>05/12/05</TD><TD>1y 01m 03d</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>2</TD><TD>peipei</TD><TD>Jayden</TD><TD>12/01/06</TD><TD>11m 27d</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>3</TD><TD>charsiew rice</TD><TD>Evan</TD><TD>10/03/06</TD><TD>9m 29d</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>4</TD><TD>gabby's mummy</TD><TD>Si'En</TD><TD>18/05/06</TD><TD>7m 21d</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>5</TD><TD>chantelle</TD><TD>Caleb</TD><TD>05/06/06</TD><TD>7m 03d</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>6</TD><TD>TBL</TD><TD>Nathan</TD><TD>14/06/06</TD><TD>6m 25d</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>7</TD><TD>medusa (mtmtmt)</TD><TD>Irvin</TD><TD>17/06/06</TD><TD>6m 22d</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>8</TD><TD>evelyn (leo29)</TD><TD>Nydia</TD><TD>10/07/06</TD><TD>5m 29d</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>9</TD><TD>kelly (weddingfairy)</TD><TD>Edward</TD><TD>13/07/06</TD><TD>5m 26d</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>10</TD><TD>skyblue</TD><TD>Kayden</TD><TD>10/08/06</TD><TD>4m 29d</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>11</TD><TD>Blanche</TD><TD>Ayden </TD><TD>10/08/06</TD><TD>4m 29d</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>12</TD><TD>bride0712</TD><TD>girl</TD><TD>29/09/06</TD><TD>3m 10d</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>13</TD><TD>chihiro</TD><TD>Kenith</TD><TD>10/10/06</TD><TD>2m 29d</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>14</TD><TD>domesticgoddess</TD><TD>Nicholas</TD><TD>10/10/06</TD><TD>2m 29d</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>15</TD><TD>KC (sunshine_bear)</TD><TD>Rui Xin</TD><TD>23/10/06</TD><TD>2m 16d</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>16</TD><TD>kypf (ktpf)</TD><TD>Jacqui</TD><TD>25/10/06</TD><TD>2m 14d</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>17</TD><TD>pets</TD><TD>Sharmaine</TD><TD>27/10/06</TD><TD>2m 12d</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>18</TD><TD>sharon</TD><TD>Shaynnen</TD><TD>28/10/06</TD><TD>2m 11d</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>19</TD><TD>emma (babypooh)</TD><TD>girl</TD><TD>11/11/06</TD><TD>1m 28d</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>20</TD><TD>sherhino</TD><TD>Sasha</TD><TD>20/11/06</TD><TD>1m 19d</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>21</TD><TD>ruffy_happy</TD><TD>Roy</TD><TD>13/12/06</TD><TD>0m 26d</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>22</TD><TD>wendypooh</TD><TD>girl</TD><TD>13/12/06</TD><TD>0m 26d</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>23</TD><TD>ziztine</TD><TD>girl</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>08/02/07</TD><TD>35w 4d</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>24</TD><TD>bitbit</TD><TD>?</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>22/02/07</TD><TD>33w 4d</TD><TD></td></tr></table>

If u wish to join the list, pls send ur details to me:
- Baby Name
- Baby DOB
- Mummy Name
- Mummy Nick
- Daddy Name (optional)
- Mobile
- Email address
- MSN contact
- Home Address (Street)
- Occupation/SAHM/WFHM
- Blog/Online Photo Website (if any)
Mt, wat does yr hubs say abt his mum's request? If he doesnt agree with his mum, then there is nothing for you to be upset over? If he agrees to comply with her unfair request, then send him to naughty corner :p

DG, lovely pics! :D Hey do post more if u are free, havent 'seen' u ard here for a while.
hi mummies,
wat's ur take abt giving echinacea 2 ur tods? my GF knew tat gabe &amp; i fell sick over e wkend so gave me a brand new bottle of childlife echinacea but i goggle abt 'echinacea' in e web n was concerned abt the side effects.

my GF did share tat when her 7yrs old daughter started taking it, e girl would b coughing very badly within e next 12hrs, as if she's having asthma but she let it b as she knew it was some kinda side effects. she advised tat once gabe's ill, give 10days doses of echinacea then stop.


how huh? i not comfortable wif e fact tat gabe may hv "increased asthma", esp when gabe is known 2 inherit my atopic genes. i still havent open the bottle yet cos gabe seems 100% recovered tis morn. no runny nose, no cough. in fact he was alright last nite liao but i played safe by letting him skip school.
when i saw nicholas's bb pics, i tot he looks like marcus. looking at tis recent pic, i dun tik so now. how hv u been managing without ur maid? when's ur new maid arriving?
ya, wat's ur husband's take on it? did he go over in e end?

for me, if my MIL requests tat hubby goes over 2 spend e few nites, i'm fine wif it as long as she dun ask me &amp; e boys 2 spend a few nites.
if husband alone can make her happy, by all means.
kelly, I've personally taken echinacea before and found that it works pretty well for me (way before I have Faye). But lately I did some online research abt it and read something about the possible liver complications it might cause if taken in conjunction with some medications/drugs and to play safe, I decided not to give it to Faye or take it myself anymore. I am quite cautious of herbs these days cause just like they would work v well if taken correctly (dosage, frequency, type), they might work against the body if taken wrongly(what that worries me is how the side effects arent immediate and clearly exhibited), and I dont know of any doctor to go to who can give accurate advice on herbs so I'll rather play safe I guess.

Hey, that time u asked abt the Childwise book? Have u read it? how do u find it?
Aiyah of cos he went over to appease the volcano. Then this morning phone me to try appease ME. He says his mum is like that, what to do. *SCREAM*

Later I go buy OTO trimax!
<font color="aa00aa">pcs,</font>
if not for the housing loan n stuff, i would like to stay home too.. bcos... see my reply to berry.. haha..

btw, what course R u taking?

<font color="aa00aa">berry,</font>
kekeke, no lah.. me stay at home but not looking after shanice full time. she's still at my mum's plc, so i hv to go over almost everyday, but bringing her back on weekends only cos she doesn't wanna come home.. hahhaa.. so i'm hving a good time at home

every friday is a challenge for us to try to bring her home. she every cried for "po po" all the way, from the minute we board the cab till we reach home.

my temper doesn't allow me to take care of her FULL time, though sometimes i try to bring her back to my mum's place on Monday evening or Tuesday morning. another reason being my hubby NEEDs to go to bed by 11pm and when shanice is home with her, she usu sleeps 11+pm or later so my hubby can't tahan. there's a 3rd reason, will let you know later.

gotta rush to my mum's place now.

<font color="aa00aa">littledevil,</font>
i'm one who's lazy to use the phone
Angelia, ooh ok, I read that in the child's first year, they develop the strongest bond with the person they are most attached to. In some cases it might be the nanny/grandma/grandpa and not the parents. In some cases it could also be the mum/dad even tho they might be FT working parents. I read something along the lines of that if the nanny/caregiver does not spend a big deal of *quality time* with the child even tho they are together the whole day, but the mum/dad does that every single day even if its a short few hrs after work, the bond will still be strongest between that kid and mum/dad, I think it has more to do with the quality of the time spent together and how well the child feels they can relate to their mum/dad. Maybe in your case Shanice sees yr mum as the one she is most attached to, hence at such a young age she is unable to seperate w/o anxiety from her. Well, I guess its a gd thing that your mum loves her so much.
First bad bang-in-the-head bruise- Yikes Faye got her very first bad bruise in her life (the immediate-swelling type, I had no idea swellings happen immed!) today, and of all the causes, she walked INTO a wall!
She was walking forward while her head was turned in another direction and she bumped right into the corner of her bedroom wall before I could do anything. My guard was completely down cause she was just walking ard and I didnt manged to block it. Put a cold compress (wrapped ice cubes with towel) for 20 min and she said felt better. Oh well, I guess it cant be too bad if there was no other symptoms and its not like she fell from a certain distance rite? I hope she feels better soon tho.
Part Time Helper
Anyone has any recommendation for part time cleaner for CNY clean up? Please let me know can? Thanks!

Hb finally wants to install grills... any recommendations please? Thanks!
Miss out your jia you. tks :p

Its sounds really bad. Hope poor Faye recover from the briuse soon.
Hope all mummies &amp; toddlers are fine. Didn't post for ages (only login to view pictures). hehe...

Hi Jen,
Pls kindly update my data. Currently, I'm 20weeks pregnant &amp; EDD will be in May'07.

Hope faye will recover soon.

Hw r u? U gg to SAHM?
cold compress works very well wan, better than applying zambak etc immediately. rhyan had such bruises before, i will wrap ice in a hanky and apply to the bruise on and off (cannot leave it there for too long at one time coz the coldness will hurt) till it subsides. then when he sleeps later, i will apply zambak.

i recently installed grilles at home too. got the contractor recommendation from my cousins who renovated their new homes recently and said he is good. i thought it was pretty hassle free to arrange the measurements and installation with him and his service was pretty good + reasonable price. if you are interested, you can contact Benson at 97558043 to ask for a quote.
Kelly, PCS &amp; CSR
Thk u for yr well wishing.
2nd baby oso a "BOY". (Pls dun ask me to try for a girl{3rd baby}) hehe....Have to close factory liao!!!
Linus is attending full day playgrp, aft sch our maid will take care of him.

Hw's yr maid? Laterly, u mentioned tat u r hvin problems wif yr maid?
celebrated Jayden 1st BD at aloha loyang chalet.
very nice and spacious bungalow... with 4 bedrooms... in the end my hubby side families with kids want to stay for the next day swimming... also not enough bedrooms...



so boring... papa and mama and ana so busy with the guests... no one to play with me... :<


where is jiejie...???


My BD cake, same like JieJie 1yr old BD cake...but mine is a boy!


yeah! finally cutting session...
oops...I revealed my face...


family portrait... hubby so concentrated with the gathering the guests that we stand so far apart...


hurry up... wwwaaaahhh.... so many guests.... *i want mummy*


see janice facial expression...


huh??? so fast cake cut liao... sianzzz....


enjoying his cake...


*i want to nornor look*

oh was that why Faye was talking abt bruise today? She looked fine, didn't see any swelling. Really must let u know u're doing fantastic- she's VERY advanced verbally and motor skills-wise, hehe.


wow so fast! Our bbs all growing so fast!!!

wow, another trip, how nice! How old will Shay be?
