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  1. S

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Kymberly, It ranges from 21 days to 28 days (depending on whether I have been good and eating the medicines daily heh). I was lucky, when I called to make an appointment with Dr Xia the very first time, she was scheduled to be in Singapore the week after. And subsequently, I would make my next...
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    (2012/03) Mar 2012

    Michelle, why does your MIL insist on having a boy? Thought your #1 is a boy? Agree with Linda, having kids is so expensive these days! Don't know if can afford it or not. Always think that SAHMs are very lucky (and admirable). Zelda, you are already in the glowing period of the second...
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    (2012/03) Mar 2012

    LOL yes my MIL is very Taiwanese - she loves watching those Ai and dunno what TV serials lah. So I think she learns all these drama drama moves from the TV shows. Not the first time she cry to hubby. But I just ignore her. No lah, it's not that she is concerned about me, she is concerned...
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    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Kymberly, Not too sure about Dr Xia's schedule, just call EYS TCM clinic at Paragon and ask. Her charges are not cheap, each round of meds for me at least $250. I had to boil herbs everyday in addition to drinking powdered medicines. My 7 rounds of IUI were done with two different doctors...
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    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Congrats Chomp!! My EDD is end March, I'm guessing yours should be earlier? Heatherwhite, you are still as optimistic as before, that's so wonderful. Really hope that everyone is successful soon. Cherrie, I was actually seeing Dr Xia Rong immediately after my IVF in May. It was in the...
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    (2012/03) Mar 2012

    Daisy - wah your package seems quite comprehensive! And it's sounds quite cheap. I hope I don't kena "kar" by my gynea. tethysea - heh did the nurse tell you what your package covers? Mine just said, "too early, no package yet!" peainpod - i also have itchy patches, it's very irritating. I...
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    (2012/03) Mar 2012

    Daisy, I hope you are feeling better already! I can't imagine living with the nausea 24/7 ahhh... Wenwen, You are certainly energetic...I'm still in the i-want-to-sleep-now mode. Can I ask you ladies what is the typical price of your packages and what does it include? I know my doctor...
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    (2012/03) Mar 2012

    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! Been learning loads from the seasoned mummies here. RIght now I am hoping that the nausea and exhaustion will go away once I hit the second tri. :P
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    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Thanks Heatherwhite! EDD is in March next year. We've been very cautious so haven't really told a lot of people yet.
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    (2012/03) Mar 2012

    Hi everyone, been a silent reader and would like to finally join in. I'm currently 11 weeks along, edd is Mar 22 next year. This is my #1 - we conceived naturally after a year of 7 IUIs and 1 failed IVF. So we're very happy and very cautious!
  11. S

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Woah so many new people here! Hi chomp_chomp, HeatherWhite, remember me? I'm just popping in to report some good news: I'm pregnant! After 7 IUIs and 1 failed IVF in one year, I actually conceived naturally. It's really a miracle. I'm now about 11 weeks along. I just want to say to...
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    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    babyseetoh, I think six rounds is the maximum. Most doctors will tell you to switch to ivf after three failed rounds, if I am not wrong. jamie, IUI is really quite painless as babyseetoh says. Just relax and it will make it easier for the doctor to thread the catheter through your cervix...
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    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hello girls! Kate, You are always so bubbly and cheerful, thank you for spreading some joy to us. Sunnyday, I understand how you feel, I went through 7 IUIs with 2 doctors and all failed. Just did an IVF and that failed too. But have heart, keep going! There is no harm going for a...
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    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi Heather, I'm good. Back at work. Will be seeing KKH doc this coming Saturday and see what he has to say. How long have you been on Clomid? I understand your frustration. Do you have time to go for a short holiday? Help you to relax and take your mind off this TTC biz for a bit. Or have...
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    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Kate, Any good news to share? Thanks Heather. Going to rest for a couple of months first before trying again. My pte doc recommended that I switch to KKH since it's cheaper and subsidized by the government but he recommended another doctor, not Dr Loh. Have contacted him and will...
  16. S

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Kate, You should test! 7 days is a good sign! Well girls, unfortunately IVF was not a success. Got my period ahead of time. Was very sad but have to look forward. Hopefully can start on cycle 2 in August. Kate and foodieshare, Are both of you with Dr Loh? I may be switching to KKH for...
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    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi ladies, hope you have all been well? Been MIA cos...a lot of unhappy things. We only had 5 embryos left at the time of ET and two best ones were put in. Even then the grades were not excellent, just okay. Then the remaining three were not good enough to freeze so effectively I have nothing...
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    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi girls, how is everyone? Ganie, So sorry to hear that your AF arrived but great that you are so positive! Foodieshare, Do you mean L-Carnitine? yes, my doc did prescribe this for my husband too! It's this very sweet liquid right. I did my ER on Tuesday, retrieved 16 follicles but...
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    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Foodieshare, Thanks for the encouragement. No, not all follicles are mature so I don't think I will have 20 eggs. Possibly half. Yes, I am so very glad that I took leave, it's been quite hard. Good luck with Dr Tan! Let us know what he says. Tambourina, I meant to make my own chicken...
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    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi everyone, long time no see! I'm not feeling too good, hence the silence. Second scan showed 20 follicles of varying sizes after stimming for 9 days and will trigger tonight. Been feeling quite terrible, nauseous and lack of appetite and fatigue and vomiting - signs of OHSS. ER scheduled...
