(2012/03) Mar 2012

Hi GG,
I trying not to carry her but she keep cry like hell n come to me kiss me keep say bao boa..... Sometime I got explain her... I had terrible back pain now.... Pls let mummy rest.... She still say I wan I wan bao bao... Faint....

When I got #1 I also super hot temper de then discover I pregnant then follow by stress n unhappy days n keep angry crying n sad.... Untill when my baby out.... She is active n cheerful.... See stranger can smile n say hello bye bye muack muack....... Then my friend say I lucky have this baby....
Thanks peainpod, my colleagues ask me to listen to classical music to calm myself and also to read and explain stories to baby. So far I have not started.. I don't know but find baby still too small to be able to hear anything..

Hi CG, hee ur gal loves you very much. U think it might help if u offer her alternatives? Like play too too train with her instead? Then u won't have to carry her..
Most kids when they r younger, n mummy expecting again, they will know even without u telling them... I work in childcare for many yrs n had seen alot of cases, the child some turn frm bad to worse so for the better, recently my class got 2 new toddlers n their mummy is delivery soon. Everyday they come to school, onli want me to carry them n not my partner teacher, I think they can sense tat I m just like their mummy, tummy growing big...
Peainpod: I think no harm trying to read e scriptures as it will help u to festered which is good for ur bb

Jun: welcome! Yes I think listening to classical music n reading to bb is good. More effective in 3rd trimester as bb able to hear some noise outside tummy but no harm starting in 2nd trim.

Linda: ya I think toddlers r v sensitive n knows when their mummy is preggy.
Jun - welcome & congrats !!

peainpod - is this ur #1? i tink for #2 mummies hard to control cos the older kids not everytime listen to you de .. for me , i just as normal cos got 胎教 or dont have , to me i tink still the same ..
Hello everyone
I am a first time mum and belngs to the high risk group. Am in my 13 wks now. So going to take amino. Really scare and worried
Just wannna ask if any mummies here have any experience.
Thks all
Zelda : talk abt listening to classical music ... for the past few days , especially night time, i want to zzz but feel v pek chek ... so my friend pass me a cd to listen ... hb say less than 5 min i am gone .... hahaha
Carice - lol !! i watch world cup for my #1 leh , my mom didnt say anything

Isa - welcome & congrats !! good luck for amino =)
Michelle / Daisy : No idea cause she say 胎教 ... i never ask much cause ma ma no voice now ... maybe she scare bb keep on kick at my stomach next time or no good ba .... ai yo dont know la .... she ask me read books ... i sure Zzz de lor .... hahahaa
Hi mummies,
I will be doing my Oscar test on mon too. Hope everything will be fine. Do any mummies stomach already showing? Mine is & I am in wk 11 this wk, mil say my stomach is big. This is my #2. I heard ppl say #2 will be bigger but at even wk 11? Is this normal?
Hi Pinky

Mine also showing already start wear maternity wear two week ago....

mine now 10weeks....

Dr never say anything should be ok de.....

maybe too much water or air inside ba... hee hee... not to worry......
Carice - lol !! books ah ,i tink i will ZzZ also lo haha

Pinky - good luck for ur oscar test ! =) i tink tummy tend to show more or less for #2 mummy , its normal ba =)

I also doing my Oscar on mon. Which hospital u doing it?

Hi mummies

Check with u, is it common to keep fa Pi ar? I don know y lately keep fa Pi till I can't zzzz leh. Then hor sometimes tummy will Chou Jin on one side.
Yes I think 2nd time mummies will show earlier. However mine is opp. When I had #1,my tummy started to show at 10wks. Now if I wear my normal clothes, no1 knows I'm preggy. I think when I had #1 my water retention was rili bad.

Qin: I think it's normal. E farting is bcoz we hv a lot of wind in our bodies now. Slight cram pings bcoz e uterus is growing
No la qin.... i also keep Fa Pi de.... till want to sleep also Fa Pi..... sometime got sound somemore... when got sound my princess see me look blur blur... haha....
Hi mummy

Does anyone know where to buy nice ginger tea????

Cause i keep drink coke everyday.... try to control but very hard.....

so thinking to get the ginger tea..... think ginger tea will be safe than coke ba....
My first one I was v happy and relax and indeed he comes out a v happy bb. Smilely. This round I slightly more stressed plus more discomfort, definitely not as relaxed and laugh as much. Hope won't affect the bb
I heard frm one of my gf tat got supermarket tat sell caffeine free coke. She enjoy tat during her whole pregnancy.
wow really cause my ms i depand coke to relax it... but everyday drink is not good de.... what type of coke..... hmm.... think need to check liao.....
LOL yes my MIL is very Taiwanese - she loves watching those Ai and dunno what TV serials lah. So I think she learns all these drama drama moves from the TV shows. Not the first time she cry to hubby. But I just ignore her.

No lah, it's not that she is concerned about me, she is concerned about her first grandchild. Hubby's older brothers all married without children so she knows that I am her only hope for grandkids haha.

Yes I was a silent reader and I read about your jabs! Congrats! You are very brave to go through three IVFs. Are you still taking your progesterone jabs? We are very happy and shocked, especially since our failed IVF was in May.
But happy, yes, very!
Star baby: we almost same.... cause i only the hope for grandkids that y alot of problem lor.... hubby older brother also married but without kids also.....

Tethysea : haha.... thanks i know what to do.... tomorrow i go to buy liao... cause my frigde all coke.... hee hee.... ><v
The caffeine in coke not a lot. Abt 2 cokes a day should be ok. If u r not taking coffees &amp; teas.

Learnt from talk ytd, 200mg caffeine a day for MTB is ok.
Hi Pinky: my first, but womb moved up liaoz so all skirts got to pull up too.
Hi mummies: how's your weight gain so far? Think I'm so water retaining already. Tighs seems larger.
Hi Star_bb, ur mil really abit irritating.. Haha.. I dun feel like telling my mil coz I scare she was always pester me.. Unlike u.. I think I will lose my cool &amp; b very straight fwd.. Lol!!
My mum quietly tell my Sis &amp; me that she heart pain to see both if us pregnant n suffer coz we r her own kids.. She feel for us.. But if my bro's wife have kids she will be happy coz not her daughter.. Haha.. So I feel tt my mil will have such mentality also... Happy cz grandson.. N become v irritating..
star_baby: No more jabs for me since I'm in 2nd trimester since Thurs. Yeah!

I lost 1-2kg too due to poor appetite &amp; ms. I guess my #2 shld b gal again since I conclude usually those MTBs with no ms hv boys ;p

Michelle: I hate the ginger tea... got those instant ones from supermarket but no choice as I'm like you don't 1 2 rely too much on coke. But I've tried ginger beer (similar to root bear but with ginger). Taste is definitely much nicer so you may want to try.

Linda: Ok to put face mask. In fact now we should put on more whitening products as our face tend to produce more black pigments due to progestrone. Can try to put more sun block. I'm now waiting for pay day b4 buying my SKII whitening essence ;p
Zelda: SKII is gd but so ex, i m using bio essence bird nest series for whitening... Then Tr's day just over, receive slot of face mask frm parents so wanna know if can use anot....
Jo> i went for the talk yesterday... wow... sit till my back aching... hee... a fruitful talk though... btw have u seen the cord life booth? thinking of that.

zelda> yeah... thats great for u... into the 2nd trimester... me today into mine 2nd too... kind of happiness... tummy showing a bit le... round round... need to wear elastic bottom or waist line very uncomfortable... after meal, the tummy like bloated up even rounder... not to worry too much... i didnt gain lots now, think like 500 to 1kg... cant eat much previously so i think thats the reason...

linda>> its ok to do mask la... in fact i am going to resume my monthly facial appointment this month... missed my facial appt the last 3 months... face is very "dirty" i think maintaining our complexsion fresh is important,so will not be like during pregnancy become a "aunty"... hee... oh ya... brought the clarins tummy stretch cream and oil on fri too... start using it day and night le... hope it helps on the prevention..

ladies, have u all start guessing Bb is a boy or girl?? hmm... i told a colleagues that i have problem sometimes in the morning when brushing teeth... will make me feel neasea... then he commented may be a girl cos gal are more "sensitive". his wife ddint feel any MS and turn out to be a boy... i do not have preference since its my 1st BB just hope its a healthy happy BB...
JuniorMe: I ask all the kids in the childcare whether the Bb inside me is boy or gal, Didi or meimei? Most of them say its boy n younger children said Didi... Hubby was so happy upon hearing tat when i told him... But inside me, I wish for a gal, as everytime I go shopping, I c those pretty tops n dresses, makes me wanna buy for my Bb.
<font color="000080">Linda >> Technically you should only gain about 2kg in 1st trimester (unless you are underweight, then doc might advice you to put on more). Total weight gain in pregnancy should be between 11-15kg for healthy BMI. Initially I put on about 3kg, but I lost 1kg over the past few weeks from the puking.

Juniorme >> My hubby thinks it's a boy because it's so active, but I think it's a girl because my first craving was tofu and other soy products so maybe at that time my body lacked estrogen? Haha. But either way doesn't matter to us... healthy can already.

BTW when does 2nd tri start? After 12 weeks or after 14 weeks? (Technically 40 weeks gestation divided by 3 is about 13.3333~ weeks)</font>
Juniorme: hahaaa. The chairs r so lousy. Was fidgeting all the time. Yah. It's v gd wish I had attend earlier b4 preggy.

Ladies, think I've put on abt 4kg so far. Challenge finding wat to wear for next wk, v ltd choice. Plus part time help not in for a mth, chaos.
Tri 2 starts from 14 weeks I believe. Yes, bb gals got lots more stuff to buy. If boy will have not much to buy as I have a lot from no 1 time. Some still brand new. Gals can buy hair accessories, girlie dresses, tutus, pretty shoes!
RE: Gender

My gal kept on insisting that my baby is a mei mei. For me, i wished that it is a boy so that my daughter can be my only daughter..

But on the other hand, i wonder whether i know how to take care of a boy?

Either way, most impt is the baby will be healthy...

Jo, i also stressed on finding clothes to wear, esp for work. Think i still can squeeze into some of my dresses but still uncomfortable!
Jo - for weight gain since pregnancy , lost 5kg so far altho tummy seems bigger but guess the bad ms cause me eat nthing lol

kaye - i tink boy are easier to look after den girl ba , cos girl need more extra care for everything like when i bath my boys i need 5min ,i bath my cousin need 30mins .. so troublesome .. lol
I have been spotting almost every day, but doc said bb is growing, so no cause for concern. But I can't help being worried...
Tracey>> just have to be extra cafeul, not to stand or walk too much, dont carry heavy stuffs... and probably the intimacy part should prohibit for nw till gynae give green light? since gynae said BB is growing... keep a positive mind k... eat good and healthy!

regarding on BB gender, gals will have more things to buy and thats mean i got to spend more $$$... hee... but i think i will like to toy up my girl up if i have one... cute... boy also cute la... but cant dress up like girl...

tethysea>> hee... i wanna go into 2nd trimester soon as most likely MS will gone and feel better, so i take it 13th week is into the 2nd trimester, but stictly is the start of 14th week.. LOL
I dont know what happen today...

normally i force myself to eat....

but today 3meal i totally reject it....

when i had #1 never got theses problem before....

Zelda : I got 2gf got ms but appear is boy....
I got 1gf no ms is gal...

i think different person different body ba.....

if can i try not to drink gas drink lor...

drink liao keep fa pi.... har....
Tracey: I've been spotting also since two weeks ago. On and off. Bed rest really help the spotting but it's quite boring. I am really sick of worrying on spotting. I didnt do anything since I know I 'm pregnant but got those spotting. I heard some women it happen the whole pregnancy. Today I'm taking unpaid leave again for bed rest and make sure no more discharge when start work on tomorrow. Being pregnant is not easy

Hi everyone!

I hear ppl saying if our face change, nose become bigger, or breakout in pimples etc, it may be a boy since its a hormonal clash or something like that? anyone experience that before and turn out to be boy?
