(2012/03) Mar 2012

eeyore_03~ yes yes!! uniqlo skinny tights/pants.. i bought 2 pairs last weekend.. & i'm so happy coz finally can wear pants..

mabel~ i also feel short of breath.. & sometimes if i'm @ hot & stuffy place.. i'll feel very uncomfortable.. nearly faint on 2 occasions..

PrinceSSy~ nv heard of such thing before.. u went for ur oscar scan this morning?
Bra- as pregnancy progresses, you may feel that your current ones are no longer comfortable, I bought the bra extension so that won't have to spend too much on new bras. As for nursing bra, can buy later cos size may change in the later stage.. I personally don't like nursing bra, find it thick and hot.. So I got non-wired bra instead.. If you are breast feeding, wired bra may cause engorgement so need to be careful..
<font color="000080">I started my package already... I'm at 11weeks+ now. I think depending on when you start the package, the costs are different. But since I was going to my doc almost twice a week for jab and check-up, my before-package fees already cost a bomb! ^^;</font>
I hope you are feeling better already! I can't imagine living with the nausea 24/7 ahhh...

You are certainly energetic...I'm still in the i-want-to-sleep-now mode.

Can I ask you ladies what is the typical price of your packages and what does it include? I know my doctor doesn't have a package till later in the pregnancy and I want to make sure he doesn't "kar" me lol.
star_baby - thanks ! but still the same ,mentally prepared for the nausea till i give birth le.. haha

my package is $600 include consultation , scannings and unlimited visit even normal sickness ..
star_baby: i must say not all the time is energetic, my sleepy time is usually 12noon and 10 to 11pm at night. so since i already got hold of the timing i can try to fix things to do into other free time.. i only left with 2 weeks for packing.
<font color="000080">star_baby >> Now that you mention hor, I also dunno what my package covers. LOL! But from my bill looks like multivits, consultation and scan are free.</font>
Michelle and Jia : i did not receive any email or pm from you too. i even try using another email account to send to myself. no issue.

i try to private msg u my fb email however both do not accept my private msg.
Mabel-> I always start off by saying "hello baby, this is your mummy. Can you hear me?" kinda lame start to a conversation but dunno whatelse to call yet since dunno sex and name. Hehe. There are occasions when I find myself a bit short of breath and need to breathe harder but not very often till now. I think it should be normal?
Michelle : i know what happen that you are not added in the fb group. you must accept me as your friend first. i have add you long ago. my name start with A.
Zelda-> congrats! You'r probably nearing the end of MS.
I'm still waiting for the sourish and bitter taste to go away! And hopefully together with that, the nausea and bloatedness!
Mei: so sweet of u talking like this! I like talking to my little fetus when I am in good mood. Yesterday, I was almost burst my tear out of my eyes. It's my first little child.
Mabel-> the first one is always the most precious one.
I think it's impt to talk to bb and somehow, I think they'll know and respond to you, especially in 3rd trimester. With my first bb, I was really paranoid abt everything and anything. Incl if bb is alright, so when I feel that I haven't felt bb's movement for a while, will communicate (through the mind, even ar work) to ask him if he's alright and move if he's okay to stop me from worrying. Somehow, bb will respond.
I had not start toking to my Bb, but since the day I knew I was pregnant, my hubby had been toking to Bb everyday...

Do u ladies got the habit of touching ur tummy now? I m always doing tat now although Bb haven start to kick yet.
mabel - my gyane is Dr. Vincent Lee ,guess he's not those very famous de but bcos 3 of my aunt go to him so they intro me when i'm with #1 ..

his clinic is at bishan and he can give birth in Mt A , Mt E &amp; TMC ..

usually my boys talk to the baby more den me and they have been calling meimei before knowing the gender as they wished for a baby girl ..

i dont talk to baby unless she make me puke too much a day and i will whine saying she's a naughty baby haha !!
Carice i add liao... i tot is who i got message u that at fb too.... but no reply from u.... haha... that u A.....

when u plan for gathering??? mind i bring along 15month baby out.....
Huijun - only outside i sort of cover my tummy cos in public transport ,people are always knocking and pushing , at home nope ..

michelle - gathering shld be on Oct when all mummies reach 2nd trim and feel much more better for ms .. bring ur baby along too , can let the babies play together ma =)
haha i tot no one bring baby along ma... so asking lor... yaya better cause i also ms hopefully n pray hard by 12week ms gone ba.....

hee hee.....
Hi Carice n Daisy,

The FB group only us able to see n answer or ask question right......

cause i not yet tell people i pregnant at FB....
reason is i dont want to let my MIL know first... if not my terrible day n suffer day is coming......
michelle - yup , dont worry ..

the fb group is private only members can post and view =)

alot mummies here haven say too so no worries =)
Daisy - wah your package seems quite comprehensive! And it's sounds quite cheap. I hope I don't kena "kar" by my gynea.

tethysea - heh did the nurse tell you what your package covers? Mine just said, "too early, no package yet!"

peainpod - i also have itchy patches, it's very irritating. I try not to scratch, cos doc says if it starts to bleed, might get infected. Scary!

michelle - ever since we told our in-laws, life has been stressful...MIL thinks that I will be scared of gaining weight and will not eat. She called up my mum and my hubs and cried, saying she doesn't know what to do with me! So irritating, like I will starve my baby to death.
Haha Thanks Daisy

Hi star_baby: mine is oppsite she will say this cannot eat that cannot drink..... even i ask doctor. doctor say can eat...

I feel terrible.... cause i not sure this time is boy or girl.... since i prefer girl but my mil want boy...... my #1 already always nag n complaint like hell..... so this time i try to delay as long as i can dont let her know.....

haha i got #1 i already put on weight 40kg.....
cause i love to eat when i got #1
my hubby cannot believe i become like that... hee hee.... ><v
star_baby - i tink every gynae have different package , maybe u can ask them when do they start package and wat do they cover and hw much it cost ..

michelle - No problem =)
oh ya i need to ask those mummy now having #2 is ur #1 keep asking u carry n keep want u dont want others..... n at night keep awake lot of times.......
star baby : ur mil so cute ... but well if you think another way that she is concern abt u and bb ... so have to tahan lor ...

As for my mil ... she ask why need to keep scanning one ... no need scan so much la ... i tell her no worry it normal ... cause old time ... they dont really scan one ....
michelle - guess much or less will la , but maybe explain to the #1 , he might understand ..

Carice - old time , they dont scan , they only know the gender after give birth LOL !! if its me , i will bth to wait for 10mths to know gender haha
Daisy i got.... i explain but still like that... can cry like hell... so i try to bring her out walk walk lor....

then i ask her u want mei mei or di di...
she say i dont want.....
Daisy : i think they did scan ba but maybe one or two time that type ... unlike us every appt keep scan .... the way my mil say like it will harm bb like that ... -.-"

i also ask my mum but she never say much to me la ... something like nearer to the delivery date then know the sex ...

Me and hb come out from stomach ... scare i also kana lei ... hahahaa ...
Actually compare to u ladies ... i only stomach hungry , burp and fart only ... scare of not fresh fish ... that all only .... never kana much liao ...i know i cant be so happy yet cause still long way to go ....
michelle - lol , tell her she wont be lonely if got a didi or meimei ma.. my #1 say didi or meimei oso can since he wan someone to play with him last time..

Carice - my mom oni knew i'm girl when she give birth to me .. lol i tink if ur ms is gone by now , shld be ok le , cos usually show in 1st trim de .. pray all fine for u thro pregnancy.. =)
michelle - seldom , oni when mummies gathering den they choose the place with indoor playground den they go and play .. but quite long ago le , now i tink they are too big for it haha
wow.... then they go outdoor playing liao... haha..... at least they able help u take care baby when out... cause they big enough... hee hee.....
Michelle: my gal is like that! Keep asking me to carry her n wake up in e mid of nite when she could sleep thru previously. She b 2 in Oct, older than ur gal

Star_baby: I've been thru' 2 IUIs n only managed to conceive my gal aft 2 failed IVFs. Happy to hear u conceive naturally
u n ur family sure r v happy abt this! My current pregnancy oso conceive via FET.
Zelda : Ah yo... like that till when they will stop doing that i keep suffering at night not able to sleep well..... har..... then end up i bad mood lor.....

my hubby want to carry her she not allow she push his hand away then call mummy mummy even my hubby force to carry she will cry more loud n cry like hell..... faint......
Michelle: yes yes, e same behaviour! I think they r jealous. My fern told me her gal got even worse ie more tantrums aft she gave birth! Only ok aft 3mths. So I don't know if it applies to all babies or not
Zelda : ya i think so... that y i keep telling her..... mummy will love u also, u cannot behave this way de...... u must be good girl can....

she reply no no no wo.....

har..... her temper also not good....
Wah, star, ur mil so drama! Cry somemore??

Michelle, yes my boy was quite sticky but he has given up hope on me carrying him. Initially will cry when I dun carry him but now he knows to look for daddy. I almost totally stop carrying him ever since preggy. Will ask daddy to do it. But my boy still sticks to me as in will pull me to play with him, sit with him, sleep with him etc. He does not wan daddy during sleep time. Wake up will also come over to look for me in our room.

Congrats Jun and welcome

Any mummies have something to share on 胎教? My dad keeps telling me to think of good things, don't lose my temper so that baby will come out good-natured and obedient. I tried my best but sometimes still lose control and get angry. I'll feel very guilty afterwards. Any good tips on controlling temper? My dad even tells me to recite the buddhist 地藏经 everyday. Any buddhist here tried?
