(2012/03) Mar 2012

BB, hahahahhaha!!! are you sure about that?!?! hahaha.. i really hope you are right man.. boo!

michelle, not sure if you believe this lah, but for my #1, i gain a lot of weight so i asked my gynae if it is ok to gain so much then he asked me if i drink milk, when i replied yes, he said "dun drink milk, milk makes you fat.. drink coke instead" hahahahahha! learnt from him that the worst way to get calcium is thru milk... hmmm.. dunno how true that is!!! just for your info :p

dym - haha !! nvm la u going see gyane soon .. if boy can close factory liao ah?

star_nn - haha the list is good but like half is accurate for me only haha !

jun - 1 is nvr enuff , they will be lonely haha ! my gynae told me 12wks could tell if its a boy and if the position is correct .. my gynae told me on 14wks tat i'm having a girl but he doesnt want to 100% cfm , just told me its high possibility that i'm having a girl cos the bottom bone shows uterus forming ..
Ya you all are tough!
This is my first one and I am feeling like this is gonna be my last one lol...

My husband told me if this is a boy, we have to try for the next one, hopefully a girl. If this one is a girl, can close shop le

Dym, i also hate MS... 生不如死!哈哈!actually come to think of it the rest of the pregnancy is fine lah.. hee! oh, but i had pig trotters starting from 5th mth.. super swelling so very uncomfy, that's abt it lah...

303, have 2 lah... if not your kid very lonely :p

daisy, hee! yah lah just old wivies myth keke.. but mine was really sharp!
don't mind gal or boy lah ... but preferably a gal cos gals closer to Mummy mah. :D

303jun, star_nn,
you will want more than 1 after your ONE is out/older lo, haha!!

my gal's doctor also don't advocate milk for calcium. She has got eczema and the doc says milk actually does her more harm than good. She can just get calcium from daily food intake. That's why both my kids stopped milk at 2YO. Don't know how true too but her eczema did get better and they are growing well.
starr_nn - haha ! my previous pregnancies are smooth and very well .. no morning sickness at all and i cound even run after bus at 8mths pregnant tummy lol but current is torturing !! lol this is the one first i didnt enjoy my pregnancy haha ,

guess i haven recover fm my miscarriage and i got pregnant too fast again or wat my mom said i'm too old alrdy .. lol

drypantz - haha .. ya lor .. guess every pregnancy is different
BB - my mom claim i'm old =( tats why i had such difficult pregnancy now .. lol maybe the pregnant time part too long and not used to it ..
By the way, when you all engage confinement lady, and delivery date is never firmed..if we deliver earlier than expected, and the CL is still at the previous assignment, then how?
My SIL delivered her first baby when she was 25, and her pregnancy was a breeze. She's now pregnant w her 2nd child at 29, and she thinks its so much tougher compared to 4-5 years ago. So i guess age does make a little difference? lol
usually they won't take up assignments too close to your EDD so will have allowance. Unless you are talking about real early then they might get their friends to stand-in 1st depending on whether you are comfortable with it or not.
Daisy, star_nn,
partly older age and partly also cos got to take care of the elder ones so we find it tougher and tougher for subsequent pregnancies.

I also think this pregnancy is much more xin ku than my previous one.
Oh ok...i called a CL my cousin recommended, but she has accepted a job w EDD 10Feb, whereas mine is 12Mar..so there's chance of overlapping.
She suggested that she can get a friend to stand in for her for the overlapping days if i really deliver early, but not sure if i should go ahead or look for another one
BB - i dont really need to look after the elder ones since they are big enuff to look after themselves , the problem with me like i'm just tired easily , like damn weak like tat , no energy for anything ..

and the bad morning sickness dont seems wanna go away .. i'm in 15wks alrdy ! argh , still so bad ms , sick of it .. nvr had ms before and now having is so xinku ..

starr_nn - ya , i had my first baby like 10yrs ago so its like been so long and got pregnant seems so hard on me ..
haha i think i got girl this time too ba.... oily face but dry skin on hand n leg..... the tummy is round...... hee hee.... i still ms... so should be girl ba....

only prefer sleep at left if right i sure go vomit..... so 1% boy only.... haha...
Daisy!!! i wan to strangle you lor!!! you are so young u say u old!!! omg!!! but it is true that when you are OLDER you will feel worse lah... and you shld be glad you started young.. look at us! lao kok kok le still have to go thru this.. hahaha!

anyone has good CL to recommend pls? my #1 my mama did for me but this time round she can't do for me... how early in advance do i have to book the CL ah? and are there anything i need to look out for?
Info to share on sleeping on your left!

Sleeping on your side is best while you're pregnant. In particular, sleeping on your left side may benefit your baby by improving blood flow – and therefore nutrients – to the placenta. It also helps your kidneys efficiently eliminate waste products and fluids from your body, which in turn reduces swelling in your ankles, feet, and hands.

It's a good idea to start training yourself early in pregnancy to sleep on your left side whenever you can. Of course, staying in one position all night isn't likely to be comfortable, so turning from side to side while favoring your left side is probably the best strategy.

As for sleeping on your back, avoid that position throughout pregnancy, especially in the later months. Here's why:

When you're sleeping on your back, the weight of your uterus lies on the spine, back muscles, intestines, and major blood vessels. This can lead to muscle aches and pains, hemorrhoids, and impaired circulation, which is uncomfortable for you and can reduce circulation to your baby.

Back sleeping can make blood pressure drop, causing some expectant moms to experience dizziness. On the other hand, in some moms-to-be it can make blood pressure go up.

Finally, back sleeping can cause snoring and, with increased weight, could lead to sleep apnea.
welcome all the new mummies.. so busy today.. didn't have time to read the threads..

ladies.. good news.. 2 tri starts from week 13! read that from books...

going for oscar this thurs.. can't wait to see bb again.. hubby is away for biz trip so my mum is going with me.. don't know why my stomach is feeling funny.. don't know it's hungry or ms.. haiz.. so i just keep snacking &amp; snacking &amp; snacking.. haha..

i also have very active brain activities @ night.. i can sleep.. but in the middle of the night.. after i wake up for toilet break.. i can't sleep back again.. same problem as BB.. then when i really can sleep back.. it's already 5plus or 6am.. sigh..
<font color="000080">303jun >> Morning I eat 1 pack of plain crackers and cup of cereal; lunch I eat a bit of rice and potatoes, usually with fizzy drink; 4pm I eat maybe bun or a few biscuits; dinner I try to eat a proper meal, but usually will puke out or no appetite, just want to eat fruits.

starr_nn >> Of the 12 things you listed, I half girl half boy leh. Like that how? LOL!

BB >> I remember from my first u/s scan the yolk was on the left and bb was on the right. Is that what you mean?</font>
drypantz - lol .. maybe cos body not so energy like before ba , i feel so restless now ..

i tink better to book now as dragon yr is so hot .. some mummies even booked liao

for sleeping position , i'm sleeping on my tummy lol .. tat is the only position i can able to sleep else i will be whole night eyes wide open

michelle - i tink wenwen is youngest ba , she's 23 if i'm not wrong =)
Carice: Good luck for your OSCAR tmr!

Michelle: I think your appetite quite good leh... for me I always cannot finish my meals. Sometimes can only force in a few grains of rice (I'm not exaggerating!). Whenever I feel sick, I'll stuff myself with red bean paste bun or bread...whatever I can buy nearby office. But I find my stomach able to stomach porridge &amp; bread better. No kuey teow... makes me sick. Pasta haven't tried.

star_nn: Thanks for sharing but I think some of the things mentioned in the article not accurate leh ;p I think you should consider to engage another CL in case the replacement one is no good.

drypantz: I intend to engage CL after I pass my OSCAR or amnio. Wanted to b v sure before booking. Hopefully still can find a decent one by then ;p

Just now met my gym friends for lunch. They claimed I even looked better before pregnancy! Unbelievable! Must be the weight lost &amp; the progestrone in my body which makes my skin glow!! But I told them everyday I feel like dying bcoz can't eat and have to deal with tonnes of work in the office &amp; when reach home &amp; to deal with a toddler with terrible 2s!
Zelda : thanks and by the way oscar result when will we able to know ? i so happy no more jab forget to ask dr whether can ex anot ... haha ...

ladies : in week 12 bb should grow in mm or cm base on their size ?
Haha! I already told him I'm stopping at 2. He says ok. Ask him to earn at least 5x of what I'm earning now before I consider #3 lo..
Michelle, why does your MIL insist on having a boy? Thought your #1 is a boy?

Agree with Linda, having kids is so expensive these days! Don't know if can afford it or not. Always think that SAHMs are very lucky (and admirable).

Zelda, you are already in the glowing period of the second trimester!!

Finally going for week 12 scan this coming Saturday after 4 weeks - the wait is so long, can't help but be paranoid sometimes.
Carice: I think by e next day can tell since u do in TMC. I'm doing at Paragon n it costs $470. Results known in 2 days' time. E u/s still show in mm at 12 wks.

Star_baby: tks! Wish my appetite will come back to me soon. I'm feeling more energetic now too unlike e past few wks where I feel like sleeping at 9pm!
Me also happy to have 2. 3 will b v siong to take care! No energy and old Liao. If u r still young, can still have 3
oh no i miss out some answer...

drypantz : for mil i already one ear in one ear out advise by my sil... she also like that... that y mil hate her alot always complaint to us about her.....
wow really ma... dont drink milk drink coke...
tot drink coke easy fat de.....

Daisy : as long u younger than me alot.... so u cannot say u old... as here alot of us over 30 lei....... hahaha......

zelda : my baby reject red bean n green bean.... eat porridge will be better.... but my hubby prefer rice so cook rice n eat together..... porriage wont gain much weight de... rice more easy.....

starbaby: my #1 is girl cause i n hubby want girl..... but mil say no good to have girl.... har.....

since i SAHM but i not lucky.... cause no one take care princess if not i want to work to earn money to buy what i want de......
Michelle, your MIL quite conservative.

My hubby told me once that my MIL prefers to have a grandson. But i told him that he has the Father in law life coz his younger brother has 3 daughters.

So i think it will apply to him.

I m also stopping at 2 coz having 3 kids will have a high chance of #2 having middle child syndrome which is quite scary.
K@ye : Actually i dont want to have kid when i knowing my bil &amp; sil married for 10yr plus till now no kids.... dont know why mil still got so old fashion thinker..... i so tire also.....

thinking not staying together with mil then happen i pregnant(which god giving me gift) cause my report all 10yrs is i had 0% chance to get pregnant.......

i tot not staying together i able to relax when pregnant #1 but i am wrong......
when i had #1 i really suffer alot.... so now got #2 i really wish dont want to have this suffer by her.... tire n fed up de....

that y till now she dont know i try to delay as long as i can... cause i really scare of her.....
i alone handle this hyper active princess... n theses days keep want to carry n show temper.....

at night sleepless i cannot imgaine she know what will happen again.....

Hi mrs carice

I got my Oscar result same day Coz I did it in the Morning. It ard 319 buck. Rem drink lots of water.
Morning ladies...

Michelle, it must be hard on u since ur Mil is so gu ban... Luckily my Mil did not come n bother me at all, onli call me once so far....
Hi morning,
I been sleepless last night . 1am, 2am, 3am, 4am &amp; 7am princess keep wake up for carry..... Cannot tanhan already.

Linda : that y I thinking not to tell mil all the way... Can feel this time also girl.... But this time pregnant is more terriable than #1.
Don't want she nag n complaint again......
Like that more stress.... If she know....
Morning everyone!

I have been having sleepless nights too, so sad. Usually go to bed around 10 plus to 11pm, takes a little while to fall asleep, and will wake up to go toilet. Then cannot sleep. If I finally sleep, will wake up again and again...sigh
Guess this is the <pregnancy> insomnia acting up?
oh, then I think you might want to look out for another one. The previous assignment ends just before your EDD, quite "risky". Unless you are comfortable with whoever the CL is going to ask to stand-in.

You will miss the bb stage once your older one grows up le. Then you'll want another one.
I didn't think I wanted a 3rd one too (cos already 1 boy 1 gal) but I find them growing up too fast. I kind of miss the infancy stage, the bb smell &amp; etc ... so we decided to have another one. hehe.
Can I check if there is any risk or harm to the baby if we prefer to sleep facedown? Cos I have this habit and sometimes at night i wake up and find myself sleeping facedown..
carol - i asked gynae before and he told me its fine ,but when tummy get bigger might be uncomfortable for us only ..
morning everyone! had the funniest dream last night... super random.. maybe my mind is too active too.. keke..

Zelda, how do i go abt looking for a CL? just call one of the agency? i am now so worried that i won't be able to find one.
oh, which gym do you go to? you still continue to go? i am thinking of suspending mine. i am with Cali.

Carol, i read that it is ok to sleep facedown at the early stage of your preg. and when your tummy gets huge, you will also be so uncomfy to sleep facedown that it won't be an issue..
so no worries!
Thanks for the reassurance cos hubby keep nagging at me not to sleep on my tummy... But i can't control when sleeping... :p

Btw all working mummies, what leave do you all take when you go for the monthly checkup? MC, AL or Time-off?

<font color="000080">Carol >> I just tell my sup I'll be going for checkup and will be in late. Usually I go for morning appointment, reach the office about 10.30am.</font>
