IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Yes, Cherrie. You're right.
Gals, we will strike one day.
One day, we will have our lovely one in our arms.
I've tried for almost 6 yrs and went for cyst op 3 times.
But I'm not giving up. Just jia you and work hard.

Hi cherrie, I m not too sure as never use puregon this cycle. Will go round the pharmacy I know but I guess will be tough. My dosage is quite low at 37.5 so maybe I'll skip tonigh then go back to clinic tmrw.

Do u gals think I should skip tonight jab or reuse last night needles?
Hi kymberly, I dun think is adviceable to reuse the needle. I think skip today n go to clinic tomorrow. What abt trying to go those 24 hours clinic? Or u can try to go to hospital pharmacy?
Hi bbtaurus & cherrie,
Looks like have to try natural this cycle
Today is CD14, still no sign of ovulation. Talking abt eating well, i even started to pick up cooking! And drink milk every day ^_^ Hubby is pleasantly surprised that i can cook too. Oh yes, went to buy the bowl yesterday.
Saw many cute baby cutlery and couldn't resist. So end up buying matching plate, bowl, fork & spoon and even a cup! Think i am gg baby crazy!
Hi Hopeful,

Not yet ovulate, still got chance. I tested opk 3 times a day. Kiasu right? Hee....

Lol, u so cute. The bowl is plastic bowl?
Hahaha... yeah, all plastic. Already washed and placed together with my other cutlery!

Maybe i expected too much for my first SO-IUI... was looking forward to 2-3 follicles to boost the chance...who knows, no improvement or worst than the earlier cycle with clomid.
Posted on Monday, August 22, 2011 - 1:29 am:   
Kymberly , glad that u able to find the needles where did u got it in the end?

hopeful, not ovulate means still got chance. U belong to how many days cycle? If 30-32, then most likely ovulate on day 18

I haven't got the bowl yet
now I starting on accuputure. Going for twice a week. Mostly will go for my 3rd iui in oct.

Jiayou, everyone here. Hope that we can really strike soon
Hi Hopeful,

Hee... I'll go ntuc look for nice bowl. I told hb I know which stroller I want liao. Lol. As if cfm got bb. But, with positive thoughts, dreams/wishes will comes true.

Tell yourself, going to ovulate soon. Jia you!!
bbtaurus,Hopeful and Cherrie,

My Sat IUI is not very smooth. Doctor had trouble reaching the cervix.He said the position he put in is not very good so the chance may be lower. I am quite sad when i hear this. My HB said dont put any hope in this cycle. More sad after I hear this.

Good luck to you IUI.
I am worry my boss will ask me to resign one day. But lose job also worth if i can get a baby.
Tong le, *hugz hugz*

like your DH said, just dont put too much hope! Less hope, less stress then you will STRIKE

lose job and be mummy, this is the question in my head for so long. I resigned from my ex-company where everyone ask me to stay till i have a baby but i think i should advance my career path. Now almost 9 months in current company but still not strike.

Let's we all leave this big big headache to god! to give or not to give is really all depends on the god now. May god bless us
I know how you feel now. My second IUI also not properly done, I had bad spotting after that for 2 days. Anyway, is always good to stay positive ok? Baby always come when you least expected.

Yes, this question always stays in me for long time, to stay or not to stay in my current job. Haiz... We really don't know what will happen next, most importantly just follow what your heart tells you to do. And stay positive.

You are only in CD15 today right? If follicle grow 2mm per day, your follicle should be ready this few days! Erm, go date your hb enjoy your nights and lights off earlier for these few days ok? Sometime, natural is more effective! Just stay relax and enjoy natural. hehe...

Where you do your acupuncture? Are you trying natural this cycle?

I admire your perseverance! Like what you said, One day, we all will have our lovely one in our arms!

Anyone taking Blackmore concieve well here? I think it provides all the essential nutrients for good ovulation. No harm trying.

To all the mummies to be here. Jia you, jia you, jia you!
Tong Le,

Don't be sad. As long as it's inside, I'm sure got chance to strike. Who knows good news from you soon.

After IUI, you got work hard yourself too?


Yeah!! One day we will have for sure.

Just a matter of time.

I took the Blackmore conceive well before. But after 3 weeks, I sick of the big tablet. keke....

Now I only takes Folic Acid.
It's really not easy going thru the cycle and working. Without job no money to do cycle. With job too stress to conceive (workload, boss and colleagues' gossip/concern)...

Lucky still have a supportive hubby, else lagi miserable....
Hi bbtaurus,
Lol. I am just like you too! Saw some nice strollers and hubby already set his eyes on one of them! Can't wait to start shopping for baby stuff!

Hi Tongle,
Hope things will turn out well for you. Rest more and "work hard" these 2 nights k!
Yeah, i think priorties have changed over time for me as well, baby comes first above the rest!

Hi Heatherwhite,
Went for a scan this afternoon and Dr suggested to postpone IUI this mth as he feels that the chance will be very low as the follicle is still not growing as well as he anticipated. Maybe he was expecting at least 2 follicles too. Hence, ask me to take a break this mth and go for it again in Oct. He said he will increase the dosage for gonal f as well. Although i feel disappointed, i felt kind of relief as well. Guess i will have to take it easy for now!
Hi Hopeful,

Can go in Sep? How come need to wait till Oct?

I even started reading Young Parents mag. The artcles really interesting.

I'm sure it will be fun when we can start buying bb's stuffs.

My hb commented when got bb sure more stress cos need more money to buy this and that.


True. With or without job also will have stress. Even if no stress about money, will keep thinking, will strike or not?
Heatherwhite, I went to dr zou yu min at ang mo kio. My feedback is I dun think she very good. She ask all the questions but she never tell me how to help me. In fact, she ask what I want. So I just say try accuputure first. And she really just do that for me n never give me any medicine . But still will stick to it n go for accuputure twice a week. Quite sick to go search again. I will go natural for 2 months n consider going 3rd iui or ivf in oct.
You stay up till so late?
Where do you live? Is Clementi too far for you? I am seeing Dr. Tan in Clementi. He is a very nice fatherly like sinseh to me. I start seeing him last last year Sept. He is very patient, and I can ask him any questions I like, sometime even chitchatting with him. hehe... But he is more well-known in treating male's problem. My HB is also seeing him together with me. He only do acupuncture for 10 minute either back or front each time. Some do find it is not intensive enough. But the timing is just nice for me! Normally he will prescribe Chinese medication for us to take every day. It is mainly consists of 2 main parts. Part 1 is pre-ovulation medicine (syrup, pills and Chinese herbs powder); it is to be taken before our ovulation helping us to ovulate better. Part 2 is call 'An tai Yao' (all Chinese herbs powder), help to strengthen our womb for baby to implant. He will adjust the medication concoction according to your body condition. I can give you more details if you are interested.
Actually I heard Dr. Zhuo is famous in fertility problem too. She knows IVF process very well, a lots of IVF patient do see her. Actually I was consider to switch to her if I need to do IVF.
Hi bbtaurus,

Maybe Doc can also feels I am too stressed! Got alot of outbreaks recently when this time it's usually clear for me.
Oct is my birthday mth and I really hope I will strike this round. This will be my greatest present ever!

How's things with u?

Thanks for all the comfort.

bbtaurus and hopeful,

I didnt work hard ourself because I had spotting after my IUI. My HB worry about my condition also.
Hi Hopeful,

Oic. Don't stress. Although not easy not to. Lol. I wonder how not to go think about it. Sigh...

I think after the iui, I ovulated on Friday night cos I felt the cramp on my left side. Then Saturday I saw eggwhite and bd-ed. Then Sunday got brown discharge. This 2 days I took my bbt still not low.

Tong Le,

I got spotting too. Did doc give you Duphaston? After taking that my spotting gone.
Heatherwhite, I stayed at punggol. Clementi too far for me. I think I stick to dr zou first n see how it goes. Going natural for this n next month. Thinking to try iui again in oct. Really don't know if should go for ivf. Still thinking...
Hi bbtaurus,

Yup totally agree. Very difficult not to think as most of the time, my mind will run wild and imagine how things will be when I am pregnant... Haha

Anyway, hope ur bbt will get higher!
Hi Hopeful,


At times also will think is that a good sign when hungry more often, a twitch in the abdomen and etc etc. Hee...

Let's work hard and pray hard!!
Hi cherrie,
Scanned yesterday but follicles too small so aborted n dr says to do ivf also. But I don't think can take the stress on the regular visit n pain of failure
Hi Kym,

Hugz hugz.

Try naturally disappointment is not as much as assisted conception. But we have to overcome it and work hard again. Never give up.
People around me will encourage me go ivf. But they said of cos easy. They dont know how great the disappointment is. It's not the daily jab that hurt. Is the negative result that hurt worst.

What we can do is, cry it out when failed. But pick up ourselves and go on. Try till suceed.
Hi Kym and bbtauraus, no one except all of us here understand what we go thru
is really not easy. physical and mentally stress....sign

Kym, you are how many days cycle? how come doc can be so firm to say abandon this cycle?

we just have to pray and hope that we really can succeed soon
Kym, I see. Dun be sad. We will work hard together.

Are u seeing Chinese physician also to regulate your menses? Maybe this will help aso. Did doc say what for next cycle? more dosage for injection? Dun be disheartened, never give up.
Hi cherrie,
Have seen dr zou for six mths 2years ago but stopped due to the time commitment. This cycle I also seen her.

Doc says to wait a mth to see if menses will come. If not return one mth later to induce. Of cos she said ivf but I dun think I wannna go thru that route again. I think I'll try one more cycle will do.

My doc says should not try more than 3 cycle. Is that true?
u mean for IUI? I don't think is true. Got ppl tried for more than 3 times. I read somewhere in other forum.

When you see Dr Zou for the 6 months, did you go thru IUI at that time?
Hi cherrie, I only see dr zou after one MC. Never done iui before. Only planned to try induce follicles and conceive naturally. I have a boy 6 Yrs old naturally. My problem is PCOS so wanna focus on inducing follicles.
Thanks Kym,

I saw yellowish and peach color discharge today.
Today consider 9 days after iui. If so fast af turned up means not enough time to implant?
Kym, so u trying for 2nd one now? Actually, do u mind sharing what is PCOS?

Bbtaurus, discharge may not not mean anything. As long as dun see red, cannot confirm. This is what I read from other forum too.
bbtaurus, i got another medicine after IUI in KK. But i cannot remember the name of the medicince. But confirm not the same as yours. I think you can google to find out more about the medicine.

I went to KK yesterday and hear the brief for IVF, really a bit stress just to hear the procedure. Really dunno to go for it or go for the 3rd SO-IUI. Anyone got advice for me or any of you been thru IVF to share with me the experience?
Woah so many new people here!

Hi chomp_chomp, HeatherWhite, remember me?

I'm just popping in to report some good news: I'm pregnant!

After 7 IUIs and 1 failed IVF in one year, I actually conceived naturally. It's really a miracle. I'm now about 11 weeks along.

I just want to say to everyone: Please don't give up hope! If it can happen to someone like me who was at rock bottom and felt utterly, utterly hopeless, it can happen to you too.

IVF can be a bit stressful, true. You have to make sure you inject yourself at around the same time everyday, and there are a lot of scans. I took about 3 weeks off work (including the 2 week hospitalisation leave after egg retrieval) to just do IVF. And because the hormone injections are much higher than SO-IUI, sometimes your body can react badly while some people have no adverse reactions at all. But having gone through it, I can tell you that it's not that bad. Just need to make sure that you eat healthily, have as little stress in your life as possible (ie. get hubs to do housework, minimize work stress) and rest well!

Best of luck everyone! I know how it feels and you are always in my thoughts and my prayers.
