IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

hi gals,

i've always been a silent reader and decided to join in this post. I've been TTC for the past 2yrs, i've seen some famous gynaes n TCM and yet no news. Me n DH started to embark on our IUI journey in May and we went to see Prof Wong. Did HSG, whatever test is required. DH SA wasn't very promising but looks like improving. Didn't manage to do IUI as we were overseas, DH reservist and hopefully this month we can embark. Prof Wong was telling me that after the procedure i can actually go back to work no need to rest, but i was reading from another forum on 2WW for ivf, should it applied to iui as well? anyone have done iui and success before?


Cheer up, hope you feeling better now. I can understand how you feel. Buck up and follows what your heart tells you to do on your next step. And maybe can discuss with your doctor to see if there is any suggestion for you all on how to proceed?
Let's support each other here in this threat ok? Jia you! And do our best on what we can, and let god decide on the outcome. FYI, I have been hoping for a cow baby till now. Haha... but what to do?

You see Prof PC. Wong in NUH?
I am seeing him as well, did one IUI with him. You can request for a day MC after the IUI and rest at home. Although he said there is no need to take MC at all. But since there is MC and why not? No need to waste our leave right? Hehe... IUI journey is not smooth for me. I have wasted two cycles cos of anovulatory. Now waiting for my new cycle to come and try again. So mentally draining sometime.
Hi Heatherwhite,

Even the natural way already mentally draining lo...every month...waiting and disappointed when AF comes...now I'm wating for CD12 for ovulation scanning see if can do IUI...let's support one another...jia you
Hi Ladies,

Keep on trying...u will have different types of eggs each month.
You will never know maybe this month is the best egg ever! I always think this way & it really helps me alot!
Hi ladies,

Really touched by ur encourgement... I know that i may not be the worst among the many women out there, but is really the disppointment in myself as a wife, unable to fufil what is expected being a women...

@ chomp: we have went thru all the necessary checkups b4 the IUI procedure. So i am really unsure where does the problem lies with? I do agree with what you mentioned, i really dun bother with the zodiac or sex of our baby anymore, but just a healthy one..

@ melody: Yah, u r rite! My mother suggested to mi to look at fengshui also.. but is my hubby who is not really particular in it.... Good luck to u!

@Heatherwhite: hmm.. i am feeling rather moody nowadays.. really paiseh tat my hubby got to tahan my wilfulness & bad temper sometimes.. However, i am aware that i have to stand up on my own feet soon.. Of cos, said is always easier than doing..

Ultimately, i think we will just return to my gynae to find out what could be the possible outlying problems hindering us.. Then, in the meantime, also TMC to tiao my body.... Perhaps, being consoling myself that my time & fate hasnt arrived yet.. All destined!
tO ALL mY LAdies!!
*A bIg hUgs frOm me tO all of u*

I really really recOmmended BlackmOre Conceive Well supplement.
I think it really helps me to ovulate each month & helps my eggs to grow nicely..
*Baby Dust tO All the Ladies here*
Thanks for your recommendation, is it ok to eat together with other supplements or TCM herds?
Sometime is so hard to stay positive. And you should know our feeling of endless trying and failing every month... haiz...

Hehe... me too here. Poor HB always got it from me. Lucky he has high tolerance. We jia you ah...

Which CD are you in now? Prof. Wong asked you to try natural IUI since you and HB have no issue, right?
Hello girls!

You are always so bubbly and cheerful, thank you for spreading some joy to us.

I understand how you feel, I went through 7 IUIs with 2 doctors and all failed. Just did an IVF and that failed too. But have heart, keep going! There is no harm going for a second opinion with another doctor. But don't be afraid of going for IVF too. It's not as scary as it seems, I promise. Yes the costs are high but if you go to a public hospital, your Medisave ($6K for 1st time) and the government co-payment ($3K) will help to defray most of the costs.

I just started seeing Dr Xia Rong too! I have PCOS and mild endo so she says she will help me to keep these under control. And I also engaged a fengshui master heh. He says that the orientation of the furniture in my house is not good for me so we're actually undergoing a mini renovation now. Whatever helps! He did say that he sees children in my future though so that gives me hope hee.

How are you my dear?
Feeling better I hope. Keep trying, okay? We will all get there one day.

I just saw the doctor at KKH. He is suggesting that we do the long Lucrin protocol for our next cycle, which is in October! KKH is really, really swamped. Everything is in a flux now - I'm in the midst of switching jobs and the Oct date clashes etc. I just feel like the timing is all wrong and I don't know how I can make it work. :/

Nice to hear for you.
Hehe... My mood goes up and down... now waiting for my AF to report and start my new cycle with clomid again.
Ya, how's Xia Rong's consultation cost and her medication like? She is very famous, but from what I know she is not always in Singapore right?

I am so keen to look at my house's Fengshui too. Which master you seeing? But HB always don't believe in this kind of thing. sigh...
Anyway, hope all these changes will brings you baby luck.
Hi Heatherwhite,
Dr Xia Rong comes to Singapore once every month for a duration of 5 days.
She'll be here again from 5 to 9 Jul.
I paid about $280 for 28 days of medication + consultation for each visit.
HeLLO Ladies,

I also like to share something abt my past IUI & SO IUI treatment processes.

My gynae prescribe Duphaston pills for hormone support after the treatments.
I think it really really helps to get us pregnant.
Whoever is gg next for IUI or SO IUI.
Please ask your gynae to prescribe Duphaston after the treatment.

Have a great weekend tO ALL!!!
Hi. I will be doing IUI for the first time at NUH tomorrow.

For the past 2 years I have been reading endless books on getting pregnant, so I thot I know inside out. However, getting pregnant is really not an easy task and it's not within our control.

I have been visitng Dr Xia Rong (EYS @Paragon) for the past 2 mths and I feel my body is better after taking those TCM medicine. Just did 3 rounds of acupuncture with Dr Tang Yue for this Jun ovulation (CD11-13)

So I'm all gear up for tomorrow IUI. It's a big day, just like getting married again! ;)

I wish to share my past and new experiences with all of you.
Abundance of baby dust to ALL!
Kate> Did you conceived thru IUI?
So you have been taking folic acid and Duphaston after the after IUI?

FYI, I took Blackmore ConceiveWell, Sanatogen Mother-to-be for the past 2 years and EYS Bai Feng Wan for many years.
They all seem indifferent to me. No harm taking tho. All these supplements condition our bodies for pregnancy ;)

Yeah! Stay relax on your big day ya, hehe... Be pretty wife and have a beautiful day on your important day. Good luck to you and Jia you!

Thanks for your info. Maybe I should see her if I secure an appointment with her.

I have finally performed my 1st IUI today @NUH.

The procedure is less than 15mins but because doc said my cervix wasn't really opened up and tight as a result, he has difficulty inserting the catheter and it took awhile for him to figure out.

Our bill for IUI is $580 (after subsidised) which incl handling of semen, u/s scan and IUI (of course). 2 days before I also took a jab (Ovidrel 250mcg) tht costs $70.

I know the success rate and rounds of trying on IUI, still, I wish to pin a positive & high hope. Another round of waiting game...

Everyone, jia you!
Hi Kate,
thanks for your recommendation, i just bgt Blackmores Conceive Well Gold from Unity. Nw having 20% discount.

Hi Babyseetoh,
i also hv the same problem. The doc cannot find my cervix opening and keep adjusting the catheter and i find it very uncomfortable.
Good luck to you!
Hi all
Long time didn't log in as I was busy with work. How is everyone?

Melody, star
U mentioned about fengshui, how did u find a reliable shifu?
I am also interested. Can share with me more?
I dunno where to go find a shifu to examine my house.
Hi foodieshare,
my fengshui master is located at Toa Payoh. He has very long queue. My hubby called him last week but we have yet to have a confirmed date from him.
In the past, if make appointment with him for fortune telling by Zi Wei Dou Shu, hv to wait 3-6 mths. Nw i'm not sure of the waiting time.
How much does it cost?
I hope the price is.not too ridiculous

Anyone heard about the tcm doc who gives treatment to mark lee and wife? Thinking of trying that.
The price depends on the size of your hse. 4-room ard $300-$400. I will try to find the contact number and PM you tonite.
I think you are referring to Tong Ji Hospital TCM right. I've not tried but i think long waiting hours.
Hi melody
The price is reasonable. Plus buy a few things maybe 1k. Still.cheaper than.SO IUI hehe... If this can solve the mystery I am.happy to pay.

I got depressed.yesterday when I saw ppl celebrating father's day. Cried the whole night.

My colig also break the news that his wife got preggy unexpectedly cos they only do it once a month.

She keeps on mocking at all other ppl who married for years yet have no children yet. Sigh... Why this kind of ppl still so lucky to have offspring.

I was depressed last month during Mother's day. Seeing my friends updating what their kids did for her on her mother's day presents. It is so sweet, and yet I am having bitter bitter feeling, hoping next year I can be the one celebrating this day!

A colig of mine also just spread her BFP news to me last Friday! She said it is an accident too. She is planning her customary this Sept, but she has to cancel it now. But she looks happy while sharing her news and showing her BB scan photos with me. I am happy for her too. Hope I can the one sharing this kind of good news around.
@Heatherwhite my CD12 is this coming Thurs..going for the ovulation scan...hopefully everything smooth
@babyseetoh i'll also be doing my IUI in NUH. Can i ask you, after the procedure what did you do? did you bedrest? or you just go about like usual? Can share share with me
Hi RollyBear,

I am going for my scan on next Thursday (we are one week apart). Ya, hope things will go smoothly this month. Are you on clomid or natural this cycle?

I did my first IUI in NUH, we need to submit HB's semen to lab for washing early in the morning at around 8-8.30am. And was told to come back at around 10.30am for the IUI. It is a very simple and fast process, about 5 mins and was done! To me it is similar to the feeling of doing our pap smear test?
There is no bedrest for IUI in NUH, but I think you can request to lie on the bed but provided you are the last patient of the day. Maybe you can double check on this. According to Prof. Wong, we can go immediately to work as per usual, and no bed rest is required at all. But I still took one day MC and stay at home to rest lar. Hehe...
Hi HeatherWhite,

I'm on natural cycle...actually Prof never ask me to take any medicine or any jabs....not sure if that's OK or not too. Now I'm kinda worried that my IUI will be on a Sat coz my parents are in town so I wish to bring them around.

anyway...baby dust to you and me and everyone trying here....jia you :D

Prof. Wong normally will not prescribe patient with ovulation medicine if you are able to ovulate on your own. Did he ask you to go for any blood test or other test before he recommending you to try IUI?

Is this your first time doing follicle tracking? Prof. Wong will scan us until our follicle reached 18mm in size, so must depends on how fast your follicle grow. What is your normal cycle length?
FYI, I am surprised to find out that I ovulate later than what I thought normally after follicle tracking. I ovulated on CD19 for my first cycle with Prof. Wong. And I always thought my ovulation is on CD16.
Keep us update on your scan result ok. Don't worry so much on the timing, this is something we can't control too. Just stay relax and listen to what Prof. Wong suggest to you. Hehe...
Well, if it happens to falls on Sat. Er... you can ask your parents to shop around first and meet them for lunch after your IUI? I remember I finished my IUI before 12pm. But if you can, try to avoid too much walking after your IUI lar, although Prof. Wong didn't really mentioned that.
Hi all

I'm new here, i currently going thru the infertility assessment at NUH... so far, it seems that i'm ok but my hubby sperm count is relatively lower than average.

The NUH Dr actually suggested IUI & IVF..I actually cried at the clinic during my blood test as the nurse actually tried 2x before getting my blood samples. The last time I went few weeks ago, the staff nurse actually tried 2 times, and eventually asked me to go for lunch break b4 they tried on the 3rd attempt by their senior sister... I'm just so scared now when going to NUH.

Can any1 advise is IUI as scary as blood test..

before i went to Prof i was actually with Dr LC Cheng, there i did once follicle tracking and blood test but LC Cheng don't recommend i do IUI due to my DH low sperm count & motility. That's why we went to Prof for 2nd opinion. I did HSG and DH did another round of SA. The result is good but that was more than 3mths ago. So hopefully this round can do IUI. My cycle always very 'chun' between 28 - 30 max. But i can't recall when i ovulate too :p

Hopefully tomorrow i'll know...finger cross. Will update you all when i know the results.
** Jamie lim**

So far I have nice encounter with all the blood tests and scans @NUH. Except the HSG which was a little unbearable for few seconds and some discomfort during my first IUI.

I'm afraid of needles too. I usually look away when the nurse draw blood from me. For the sake of your future bb, must brave yourself k! jia you!

IUI is merely like a papsmear, not painful, can be rather fast too.

My last week IUI was on last Sat @@NUH, same as described by HeatherWhite. After the procedure, I ran straight to toilet as I have a very full bladder and can't hold my urine.

I'm not sure whether NUH will allow us to lie down for a while as that day after I came out, another woman was called in. My procedure was perform by Dr Stephen Chew (The senior consultant).

I have not met Prof PC Wong, is his charges different from others?
I took 2 cycles of clomid and tried naturally but to no avail ;(

In May 11, I never take clomid cause my menses only lasted 1 day (heavy flow) instead of the usual 3-4 days. I guess the clomid side effect kicks in by thinking my womb lining. I read that if the womb lining is thin, it's not easy for implantation.

This cycle we had our first IUI without clomid. I ovulated on my own!!! But after IUI, Dr Stephen Chew prescribed clomid to me as contingency, I think.

Should I take the clomid should my menses come? Pls advise.
I think six rounds is the maximum. Most doctors will tell you to switch to ivf after three failed rounds, if I am not wrong.

IUI is really quite painless as babyseetoh says. Just relax and it will make it easier for the doctor to thread the catheter through your cervix.

I know how you feel. I was v sad for myself when a friend announced her pregnancy. I know they have been trying for lesser time than I have and they planned for a 2011 baby and they were successful. Was happy for them but felt sorry for myself. But what to do!

My master is in tampines but I don't recommend him because he is very hard to reach. He's always flying in and out of the country and setting an appointment to see him is tough! He charged us $180 for personal ba zi consultation each followed by $688 for a 5-room flat consult. We've made a couple of changes that he recommended and I can feel the difference.
hi there, i am new to this thread. Going for my first SO-IUI this cycle.

what's the follicle size you all have when doing IUI? how many of them?

Today my CD12, just did my ovulation scan and doctor told that mucus is on the way and the egg only at size 9,10 and 12.
Star, melody
Thanks for the info. I first have to convince my DH to engage them. Will tell him this Sat.

Mine was 18-20 first round. 2nd round was 16.
2nd round cycle is lousy. Timing also not right.

My first IUI was also done by Dr. Stephen Chew as Prof. Wong was not around on my IUI day. Are you seeing him? What is the dose of clomid he prescribe to you?
FYI, I took 3 rounds of clomid last year under another gynea, and I stop for almost half and year cos I scared of the side effects. But now back to clomid cycle again. sigh... this is my second cycle of clomid already. I think Doctor will advise how we should proceed by looking at our progress. Most importantly, you must comfortable with what they suggested to you. Anyway, don't worry too much at this point. Who know? You might have already conceive. hehe... so stay happy ya.

Hi, I fully agreed as what the rest say, don't worry about IUI process, it is not scary at all, just like doing pap smear, whole process is about 5 minutes? You may want to consider to try on IUI first?

I think you should have back from Prof. Wong there. How? how's the size of follicles?

Hihi, ya, there is nothing we can do. Only can feel happy for them and sorry for ourselves. Hehe... But still hope we can be the one who spread the BFP news soon. Haiz... don't know when I can feel neutral to hear these good news.

Yes i'm back from seeing him. He never tell me how many follicles i've, but i heard he told the nurse the size is 18mm. I'm scheduled to do IUI on Sat..BINGO :p Yesterday evening i went back to the clinic for a jab, he said is to help the follicle to release the egg.

Will be a hectic day for us tomorrow...update you all after that ya....baby dust all!!!
rollybear, goody goody luck. I am seeing my IUI doctor tomorrow too. You ovulated today? my bigges follicles at size 12 on wed. Tomorrow morning go to check and hopefully could perform IUI else have to wait till Mon.

Yeah, happy to know your progress there. Tomorrow will be your big day! Stay relax ya.
Hehe...oh, you need to find program for your parents in the morning then. Remember try not to walk too much after IUI ya.
Feeling excited for you. Happy weekends to you.

Follicle will grow 2mm per day. If things go well your follicle will reach 18mm by tmr. Wish you luck too. Keep us updates ya.

My clomid dosage is only 50. 1st time only got one follicle, 2nd time I wasn't sure as I went for holiday and never do u/s scan therefore there wasn't any clomid prescription. But I ovulated myself on the subsequent month and get to do IUI in Jun.

Do u stick to one doc @NUH? Or how many doctors who perform IUI @NUH? Maybe I'll ask the nurses the next time I visit.

It's my CD20 but seems like a long-long time already. I truly wish all of us success in IUI.

Baby dust to all, always! ;)
