IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Hi HeatherWhite,

Thanks for the info!
I called up Dr Kelly Loi this morning.. She advised me
Not to do HSG test this cycle coz I had intercourse 2 days ago. It can't be done coz Dr afraid you might get pregnant.
I will be doing HSG on my next cycle @ KK.

Hi everyone!
Day 5 of my jabs, am graduating to 2 jabs a day tomorrow. How fun! :p
Just saw the doctor today, have about 10-12 follicles, largest one about 11mm. He is quite pleased, he was worried that I was going to explode with follicles!

Hope for the best! I was really sleepy when I was in utrogestran and had skin reactions. Doc changed to Crinone for the next cycle. More expensive but more convenient!

Wow, this sounds promising! Ganie is right, you can trigger at night instead. What I used to do was take the vial to a 24 hour clinic and had the jab at 11pm. Then IUI scheduled at 11am 2 days later.
Ops, I almost forget we should not have any intercourse before the HSG test. Sorry, didn't point out to you. But who knows maybe you no need to go for any test next month? Try to BD more ok? Grab all our precious monthly hope. hehe...

Yes, you are right. We can only do our best to ensure things fall in place nicely. Even with prefect timing does not mean things will work out right. So we shall leave it to fate for the outcome.

You have 10-12 follicles?! So many! Do you feel anything like bloated stomach?! Happy to know you are coping well with the jabs there. Jiayou! hehe...
Ya, just to check, does most of the clinic have HCG jab or I need to call up the clinic to check before I go? Probably will go for the jab at night if my follicles grow properly into mature desired size. Fingers cross for this coming Friday scanning.
Hi heatherwhite
Last cycle I got the Pregynl from Gynae and bring to GP.
The GP doesn't look familiar with that jab. His nurse initially also tell me they dun have Pregynl.

So I think u better call clinic to chk.
Hi heatherwhite,

foodie is right. Pregynl has to be obtained from gynae. GP clinics don't carry stocks of that. The GP I went to wasn't even sure where to jab me altho the datasheet stated subcutaneous. He wanted to jab me on my arm, but I insisted buttock cos that was gynae's specific instruction.

what's the dosage you are on? That's alot of growing follicles on day 5. Got eat egg whites?

I am still in 2WW. The utrogestan makes me sleepy but no choice still gotta take it during daytime. What other side effects did you get from utrogestan? Bloating, water retention, cramps are common?
Hi gals,

Thanks for all the info and suggestions, really appreciate it. But bad news is, my follicles isn't growing. So no need to proceed anymore.
Sigh, super no mood now. Why things just can't work out as what I wish?
Hi HeatherWhite,

I understand ur situation. Take thing one at a time. What happened? Did the Dr advise you why this happened?

I guess is too late for this cycle, cos today is my CD17 already. I am quite sad over this, cos I tot I have two follicles, but end up none of them growing. Sigh, lesson learn, no need to plan and think so much. Cos we can nv anticipate what the outcome gonna turn up to be. Sigh, still worrying will ovulate on Sunday and so on... haiz... all these are extra tots.

Prof. Wong only say, this is normal. Sometime follicle just stop growing and didn't get into mature stage. He prescribe clomid to me on my next cycle. 50mg/day for 5days.

*hugs* Don't despair and look forward to next cycle.
Is this your first time on clomid? 50mg per day seems to be a modest dosage for a start.
hey ladies.... i stop my treatment for half a year and just did my 2nd IUI today... hv 2 follicles.... 1 is 20 mm and the other is 17 mm.... although good but swimmers not very good...finger cross now.... doc say go for IVF if this time fail but i really dun wish to go for it... pray hard...
baby dust to all...
Hi everyone, long time no see!

I'm not feeling too good, hence the silence. Second scan showed 20 follicles of varying sizes after stimming for 9 days and will trigger tonight. Been feeling quite terrible, nauseous and lack of appetite and fatigue and vomiting - signs of OHSS. ER scheduled for Tues, but if my OHSS gets worse, I may have to skip ET and go for FET next round.

Was on 250iu of Puregon. Yes, been eating so much egg whites that I am so sick of it! :p My main grouses were sleepiness and skin reactions when on utrogestran, skin turned red and itchy all over my legs and arms. How many more days do you have left for this 2WW?

Dear Heather,
Hang in there! Sometimes these things happen. A friend of mine had been seeing her gynae for monthly ovulation checks and one month, the doctor told her that her follicle had collapsed and there was no chance of ovulation. She was very sad and guess what? She conceived that month! Apparently the gynae said she could have produced another follicle. I guess what I am trying to say is that don't be despondent, it MAY just happen when you least expect it to.
Hi star
Sorry to hear that. Thinking positively is u are on leave so u have more time to rest.
I heard those who have OHSS has higher chance actually.
Are all these follicles mature?
Hang in there. Tmrw will be retrieved.
Gals, Happy post mother's day to all mummies and mummies to be here!

Thanks for your encouragement. But I am sure nothing will happen this month. Hehe... Cos HB and I didn't BD during that curious time leh. Is ok lar, can try again in 2-3 weeks time. This is how I encourage myself to move on.
Star, sorry I am quite new to some IVF terms, what is FET? I can imagine how uncomfortable you are with all the terrible symptoms. You too hang on there, hope things goes smoothly for you too. will keep my fingers crossed for you. Jia you!

Good luck to your IUI! Stay positive ya. According to Prof. Wong from NUH, he said there is no upper limit to IUI. He said we can try as many IUI as we want. But he recommend us to try at least 3 times of IUI before proceeding to IVF?! Anyway, I am also preparing myself for the IVF too. But need to sort up the time and financial issues first before I proceed.

Thanks for your encouragement too. How are you doing there? My turn to down with flu. Can't sleep well last night, having blocked nose and sore throat. Sob...

How are you there? Ending your 2ww? Keep us updates ya.

The exciting GE is over. Hehe... enjoyed your voting session? I was surprised by the Aljunied result!
Drink essence of chicken to boost your body system. Hope your ovaries can tahan until Tues.

Thanks I have recovered from the cold/flu and what not.

Today is the end of 2WW, but I havent tested yet. I am still on utrogestan. So if I'm not preg, AF should come 1-2 days later after I stop utrogestan, right? Planning to finish up my utrogestan pills, last dose is tomorrow morning and wait out a couple of days if AF reports. Don't want to waste money on HPT kit. More importantly, the slide down the roller coaster ride is not fun.

But now, I am as bloated as bloat can be.

Wow! I will keep my finger crossed for you too! Keep us update ok? Hehe, I have ordered those cheap online HPT kit. But no chance to use it yet! My AF is so puncture and those PMS symptoms don't even give me any space to dream wild. hehe...

Where you plan to go for your TCM treatment?
I read from different threads that dr tan at clementi has high success rate. So going to give it a try. See what he say.

Really?! I am with Dr. Tan too! Hehe... Good luck to you, he is a nice doctor. It is always recommend to see him with HB. In fact, I think he is famous for male's problem. But you need to bare with the chinese yucky medication taste. Best time is to see him after your AF for ladies. Cos he can help to do acupuncture and give pre-ovulation medication to help in our ovulation.
Hi heather

Ya I am going with HB. But it is Post ovulation in fact pre menstrual time this Friday haha.

I just go for first consultation first. The nurse ask me to bring all reports I have so far.

So are you still on his medication while having SO IUI now?
Yes, bring along all your test reports you have over the past years so that Dr. Tan will roughly know your condition. HB normally is requested to do another SA test again if it is done more than 3 months. According to Dr. Tan the SA valid only for 3 months.
Oh, he will not do acupuncture after we ovulate. Normally, he will prescribe you post-ovulation medicine (consist around 16 small sachets of different dosage of herbs) to be taken everyday. The function is to strengthen yr womb and help in holding your baby if you get conceived. Something like western approach after SO-IUI. But you decide yourself if you want to take the post ovulation medicine from him this time or not. If not, you can always get it from him your next cycle if you were seeing him.

I see both him and Prof. Wong on my last cycle for my first IUI. But I was on natural IUI so no issue for me to continue taking Dr. Tan chinese medicine throughout the cycle. This cycle have no time to go back Dr. Tan there. Sob... so coincident that my 2 follicles didn't grow well. Don't know if Dr. Tan's treatment really that powerful which help me in my ovulation all the while.
I will see him again after my next AF. I will consult him if it is ok to take both his medication and clomid or not.
Dr. Tan is a very patient doctor, you can feel free to tell him all your conditions, like IUI you have been through and so on. But to be frank, TCM needs time to see its effect. Unless you are those very lucky one. There were few examples of successful stories after seeing him for only few times. So hope you are the lucky one too!
Ohya, you may not like his clinic. Hehe... His clinic is small, and low in privacy as in you can hear what the conversation inside Dr. Tan's room while you are sitting outside waiting for your turn. hehe... I was so uncomfortable on my first time there. But I am used to it now. And feeling comfortable, cos all the patient there are having the same problems. So nothing to feel shameful about. hehe...
Hi heather

Thanks for the heads up info. Your last sentence is interesting
I dun think will take the post ovulation medi from him this round cos fr is already dpo 12. Too late for anything to happen unless I BFP which I dun think it will happen.

Thanks for the encouragement. No, not all follicles are mature so I don't think I will have 20 eggs. Possibly half. Yes, I am so very glad that I took leave, it's been quite hard. Good luck with Dr Tan! Let us know what he says.

I meant to make my own chicken essence but felt too sick to do that. Will probably buy Brand's. If you can tahan not testing, then don't! Fingers crossed that AF doesn't appear. Mine always arrives 2-3 days after my progesterone ran out.

FET is frozen egg transfer. So if no transfer this cycle, it will be frozen for next cycle. Cos apparently OHSS gets worse when you are pregnant and doc doesn't want to risk it.

It's Tuesday now! Doing your ER today!? Keep us update on your progress ya. Hope thing goes smoothly there. Jia you!
Yaya, thanks for your explanation. Do learn quite a lots of things from you gals here.

Hehe, yalor, I felt I am abnormal every time I went to see my previous gynea. All the ladies in the clinic are with big belly! I felt so sad and shameful to be infertile and envy all the ppl there with big belly. Why ppl can but I can't. I am quite negative that time.
But those days are over, I am happy that I manage to adjust my feelings. I am more positive. I accept what I am now. TTC journey is not an easy path for me, but I will do my best here.
Hi girls,

I gave in and tested neg last night. AF is starting to show up this morning.

I'm planning to try IVF next. Will go to polyclinic this Sat to get a referral letter.
Understood that if go through polyclinic, the consultations and series of blood tests will be subsidized but once embarked on ivf program, will be charged as private patient. Less than 2k cash outlay for 1st time IVF.
Hi Heather,

Been wanting to come here to update status..
This cycle is over, AF came on Sun. Was really sad on Sat as symtoms of AF already showing, cried a bit, whined a bit, felt really tired and hopeless. Was crying and texting my fren.. Sigh
But when AF came on Sun, i strangely felt quite positive. Feels like theres new hope with a new cycle.. haha..
I'll be going to see RE on wed, discuss options again. Its going to be a challenge this cycle as my DH will be away most of the time. But im determined to not let any cycle go just like that, will plan a schedule for him to go freeze spermies.

Im on utrogestan too, but since when i start feeling AF is coming, i stopped taking both this and progynova. Dunno, seems pointless to take when im shedding bloody lining... Oh, and we seem to be on the same cycle timing.

Hang in there ladies!

You are perfectly right! new cycle = new hope. I am waiting for my new cycle to jia you again!

How many IUI you tried before? But just follow what your hearts tell you to do. I am sure all of us will success in one day!
Hi ganie,
What's next for you?

My first IUI.....I thought just go straight to KKIVF cos puregon is very expensive if I continue seeing private gynae.

To complicate matters, hubby's sperm count was found to be on low side when doing sperm count for IUI. All along, we (me, hb and gynae) assumed problem was me and concentrated on treating me...now adding another spanner into the works.

I think it is normal for guys who has low sperm count. My HB morphology is only 2%. But is ok, hehe... cos all we need is one good sperm and one good egg. Stay positive ya.

It is good to switch to government hospital if you think the cost is an issue to you. My friend also took a letter from polyclinic and to KKH. The doctor actually suggest her to try SO-IUI first cos she also only went through one IUI only. But the choice is still on us if we determine to proceed with IVF directly. But too bad she last minute chicken out. Now she is doing TCM treatment instead.

Ohya, I understand from her that not all polyclinic see woman problems. So you better check before you go.

I have the same case as u. Doc checked me up and down. HB did SA test in health screening clinic verifying ok 1 yr ago. But recently went for SO iUi he failed morphology. Only 4%, we were both surprised so I told doc I want to rest for a month in the meantime HB fixing his Sperms with vitamins intake.

No point for me to keep on taking so much chemicals and damage my system since he cannot perform well and it takes time to recover

I don't know not all polyclinics see women problems. I had the impression 'no need to examine me, I just need your referral letter'.

By the way, what is your status now? Taking a break from western treatment and/or seeing TCM?

What supplements are your HB taking? I'm so relieved or rather my body is relieved after AF came. otherwise it had either been injecting or taking hormones until I bloat like a balloon.

But still BD during this time ok? Who knows maybe we can strike jackpot when we are less stressed up without the treatment, scans and hoping.
Hi Chomp Chomp,

Nothing much for me...waiting for AF to come so that I can arrange for HSG test @ KK.

Gg for IVF after that...hope my tubes doing just fine..heheh
*waves* hello Kate,
ouhz still nd to do HSG test (?)

Hub & me intends to go IVF only beginning of next yr. this yr wanna try via natural first...
wah coming june till next yr may can get 'dragon' year baby super shiok! hehe
Hi Chomp Chomp,

Me & hubby discussed abt gg for baby adoption for last option.
I guess it would be better for us to adopt 1st so I dun really think abt it & concertrate raising the child
with no stress I guess its easier for us to concieve.
Hi heather

Doc has prescribed some kind of orange juice taste liquid. L carcixxx. Dunno how to spell.
Then I am asking him to take vit e L-lecithin.

This fri likely to get some TCM medi.
Hi Kate,
Adoption? hmm am not sure abt that option.... cos i'm the conservative type - prefers to have my own blood (my own kids) if dun have, then its not meant to be.

Dun think of it kz Kate. Aniwaes you are still young 28, right?

Go for honeymoon again lahz Kate
De-stress ;) but dun go shopping till come back stress no money ~ heheh

Take step by step kz Kate ;)

Sekali this mth you 'tio' lei then can hooray leow!
Hi Chomp Chomp,

I still wanna have a child of my own but last option will be adoption.

My auntie tried to conceive 11 yrs...after adoption she got pregnant & now she got 2 daughters...
Hi Kate,
Yeap ~ she did.
After 12 yrs of marriage, she adopted one baby girl thru MCYS.

MCYS made for her the new one with her husband name in the Birth Cert (consider like her husband is the father of the daughter) ...

then after the baby girl turns 4 years old, my eldest sis got pregnant.

actuallie the same goes to my cousin. She's only 19yrs old when she got married. Then she 3 yrs no sign of pregnancy. She adopts a baby girl. And then when the baby girl turns 3mths, my cousin got pregnant.

But their case, am not sure if they have gone to Gynae for check up just like us (?)

I think you are too stress up?! I like Chomp chomp's suggestion. Maybe you should really take a break to de-stress yourself and also let you body take a rest? After all, you are still young! Time is not so critical for you yet.

I have never tot about adoption. I think at this point of time, before we have tried all methods, please don't think negatively ok? You will conceive one day!
youhooooo morning ladies!
i can smell the friday leow ;)

share with you ladies.
my SIL (my brother's wife) gv birth to bb girl this morning @ KK
*clap clap*

we BFP all the way aite!
Hi girls, how is everyone?

So sorry to hear that your AF arrived but great that you are so positive!

Do you mean L-Carnitine? yes, my doc did prescribe this for my husband too! It's this very sweet liquid right.

I did my ER on Tuesday, retrieved 16 follicles but only 9 fertilised. A little sad, was expecting more. Tomorrow is transfer and a bit sad cos my doc and I were holding out for day 5 instead of day 3. but what to do, i think quality not good enough and embryologist suggested day 3 better. sigh. Feel like giving up hope already.

The ER was okay, done under sedation. But I developed gastric pains and nausea from the medicine that I am taking now to curb OHSS, it took a lot of strength for me to get out of bed today to see the doctor. The things we do to have a baby!

Fingers crossed that my embies will stick, okay?
Hi star
Yes, the sweet liquid. Is it effective? How is your HB sperm any improvement?

Hang on there and I believe you will be brave to go through the last step ET.

Hi all

Just an update on my visit to dr s f Loh today.
He said he would recommend icsi for me instead of normal IVF. But in the meantime, I need to go for his sohonography first and also do hormone tests.

Appt is sept!!! So long... Thank goodness I see him now didn't drag further.
Kate: this for your post that trigger me to see him.

Btw, I told him about the clementi TCM doc. He said in Singapore only 2 TCM doc are good. Not the clementi one. Argh now confuse. Shld I still see the TCM doc at clementi?
